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Question on "Beast Wars: Transformers"

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Jul 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/10/97

Aaron F Johnson wrote:
> Most definitely. The animators have done a passable job on the
>animal movements, and the writers have managed to put some thought into
>the characters' behavior. One character, Inferno, impressed me with the
>writers' considerations towards his behavior. Inferno is a fire ant,
>because of the ant mindset, addresses Megatron (his commander) as "the
>Queen" or "the Royalty." He also will have nothing to do with Tarantulus
>or Black Arachnea (the two spider transformers), because of the "natural"
>enmity between their "species." I like the series. I just wish there
>more of it.

You seem to be in luck then. The first season of the show with
26 episodes is currently in heavy rotation on YTV, the syndicated
Power Block package, and various international markets. The
second season of 13 episodes is schedule to start airing in October.

James B. Littlejohn

Jul 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/10/97

In <5q339o$> (Aaron F
Johnson) writes:
>Julian Ho ( wrote:
>> I know this may sound like I'm in the wrong newsgroup but I have a
>> that's been bugging me for a while : Do you consider "Beast Wars" as
>> or at least semi-furry?
>> What do you think ?
>> Cheers !

> Most definitely. The animators have done a passable job on the
>animal movements, and the writers have managed to put some thought
>the characters' behavior. One character, Inferno, impressed me with
>writers' considerations towards his behavior. Inferno is a fire ant,
>because of the ant mindset, addresses Megatron (his commander) as "the
>Queen" or "the Royalty." He also will have nothing to do with
>or Black Arachnea (the two spider transformers), because of the
>enmity between their "species." I like the series. I just wish there
>more of it.
Being a scalie I personaly like Dinobot Myself. It's nice to see a
reptile as a main charecter portrayed as one of the good guys.


Jason Nyte

Jul 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/12/97

EllisBB <> wrote in article

> You seem to be in luck then. The first season of the show with
> 26 episodes is currently in heavy rotation on YTV, the syndicated
> Power Block package, and various international markets. The
> second season of 13 episodes is schedule to start airing in October.

oh man, I REALLY hate to be the one to break this to you, but....
based on the last episode I saw and the toys I've seen lately...
The Transformers will once again be vehicles (I think to be called "Machine

> >
> >Julian Ho ( wrote:
> Being a scalie I personaly like Dinobot Myself. It's nice to see a
> reptile as a main charecter portrayed as one of the good guys.
> James.

There were 5 Dinobot's in the original.

James B. Littlejohn

Jul 13, 1997, 3:00:00 AM7/13/97

In <01bc8eb9$e1293780$214837ce@pbcustomer> "Jason Nyte"

<> writes:
>> >
>> >Julian Ho ( wrote:
>> Being a scalie I personaly like Dinobot Myself. It's nice to see a
>> reptile as a main charecter portrayed as one of the good guys.
>> James.
>There were 5 Dinobot's in the original.
Thats true and in the ones after optims died there was Sky Linx wich
was part dinobot and even tho I liked them better than the rest of the
transformers I still like the Beast wars Dinobot the best, Maybe it's
because he's modeled after a raptor, I always did like raptors.


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