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Gail raising money for a film?

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Mar 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/15/99

Some guy in the FuseNet mailing list posted a message
that claimed that the Zappas are trying to raise money
to make a Zappa biographical film. They guy's note is
included here in its entirety. I thought it would be
interesting to get some affz reactions. Here's my reply.

"Dennis Glynn" <> wrote:
> A friend of mine is associated with the Zappa family. He tells
> me they are working on a movie about Zappa - his life story. In
> true Zappa fashion, they are not interested in financial support
> from corporate entities - they want to control the project
> themselves, with the help of a few select indiv iduals..
> In short, they are seeking contributors to the project.

I don't think I believe this. Why does someone who landed
a $44,000,000.00 windfall in the last few years need to
solicit contributions? Did Gail squander too much of the
FZ fortune on the DNC?

> In short, they are seeking contributors to the project. E-mail
> me directly, and I will e-mail you a 2 page prospectus in MS
> Word 7 format which goes into more detail about the structure
> of the project, the players, etc.

> What makes this interesting is the fact that they own the rights
> to ALL Zappa's stuff - music, video, etc. - so no one else can
> produce a film like this. So if you, or someone you know has too
> much money and wants to be a part of music history, let me know.

Too much money? How about Helluva lot more
money than I'll ever see.

> Wow - sounds like a typical internet scam - Frank's probably
> twirling... nah - its for a good cause!

It has been my experience that when someone feels the
need to tell you something is not a scam, it's a scam.

Posted via Talkway -
Surf Usenet at home, on the road, and by email -- always at Talkway.

Charles Ulrich

Mar 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/15/99
In article <K%9H2.981$>,
"chickyraptor" <> wrote:

> Some guy in the FuseNet mailing list posted a message
> that claimed that the Zappas are trying to raise money
> to make a Zappa biographical film. They guy's note is
> included here in its entirety. I thought it would be
> interesting to get some affz reactions. Here's my reply.
> "Dennis Glynn" <> wrote:
> > A friend of mine is associated with the Zappa family. He tells
> > me they are working on a movie about Zappa - his life story. In
> > true Zappa fashion, they are not interested in financial support
> > from corporate entities - they want to control the project
> > themselves, with the help of a few select indiv iduals..
> > In short, they are seeking contributors to the project.
> I don't think I believe this. Why does someone who landed
> a $44,000,000.00 windfall in the last few years need to
> solicit contributions? Did Gail squander too much of the
> FZ fortune on the DNC?

Ryko did not pay the ZFT $44,000,000. That's the figure associated with
their restructuring of their finances, whatever the hell that means. But
it was a smaller sum went to the ZFT.


Bill Lantz

Mar 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/16/99
to (Charles Ulrich) wrote:

I subscribe to Fusenet and emailed the guy for details. Here is what I
was sent:


Legacy of a Cultural Guerrilla

A Theatrical Feature Film

" Frank Zappa - who else had the greatest influence on my life? I
listened to his music, I dissected the lyrics and it transformed me."

Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons

"Frank Zappa was one of the gods of the Czech underground…, I thought
of him as a friend. Whenever I feel like escaping from the world of
the Presidency, I think of him."

Vaclav Havel, playwright and President, Czechoslovakia

"He was Mt. Olympus, and we were mere mortals. He's an archetype. He
put on the red shoes. He did it 18 hours a day every day. He rode the
wave. Frank was a strong, uncompromising guy Who believed in artistic
principles. He will be the only guy mentioned 200 years from now when
people discuss the great music of our era."

Terry Bozzio, musician and former band member


Frank Zappa is an American original - a musician, composer, lyricist,
guitarist, bandleader, an antic, often angry and perversely humorous
synthesizer of musical idioms. He was grounded in the avant-garde
classical music but was best known for his innovative and iconoclastic
contributions to progressive rock.

With his band, the Mothers of Invention, Frank Zappa fused a dadaist
form of political theatre with an electronic fusion of rock'n'roll,
with elements drawn from jazz, big-band suites, blues and other
sources, including serious experimental orchestral work of composers
such as Edgard Varese, Anton Webern, and Igor Stravinsky.

What other musician has collaborated with Pierre Boulez and written a
hit song about Valley Girls?

As John Corbett of DownBeat wrote, "Zappa was a rock star but he was
the new breed of post-60's ecumenialist Robin Hoodz who stole from the
rich-jazz, vanguard Dadaist- and gave to the poor, pop and rock."
More than that Zappa was an outspoken political critic, subversive,
sexual satirist, and comedian, with political concerns that took him
to the halls of Congress to testify against music censorship and
oppose Tipper Gore, and to the streets of the Velvet Revolution to
advise President Vaclav Havel about culture and trade.

The feature documentary film, Frank Zappa: The Man and his Music, will
begin with Frank's early years growing up in the 40's in the
California desert town of Lancaster and show how the largely
self-taught musician grew to influence music of all sorts, from
political rock to electric jazz to orchestral compositions.

A legendary workaholic and demanding musician, Zappa produced a
prodigious volume of 60 albums, movies, and a publishing empire in an
intense 25-year period.

The film shows how, throughout his life, Zappa's outrageous social
commentary had its impact on the counterculture of American and
revolutions abroad. The film is a richly entertaining mixture of
music, politics, sex, social change, and the force of one musical
genius, Frank Zappa.


Sanders and Mock Productions is a Santa Monica-based production
company that has produced Academy and Emmy Award-winning films. The
projects of the company range from theatrical documentary films and
television series to feature films. The company is headed by Freida
Lee Mock and Terry Sanders, who have received three Academy awards,
ten Academy Award nominations, four primetime Emmy Awards, and six
primetime Emmy award nominations.

Freida Lee Mock's most recent film is the Academy Award winning
feature documentary Maya Lyn: A Strong Clear Vision, about the young
designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Last year she and Sanders
received an Academy Award nomination for Never Give Up: The 20th
Century Odyssey of Herbert Zipper, about the holocaust survivor and
music educator.


As DownBeat magazine said, Zappa's enormous musical output will keep
him in the public ear and eye for years to come.

National and international theatre distribution of Frank Zappa: The
Man and his Music is initially planned for 1999, followed by
television broadcasts in the U.S. and Europe, particularly in Germany,
England, Czechoslovakia, and France where his fans and followers are
legion. Home video distribution follows, with additional venues in
cable, and special exhibition in the non-theatrical markets of
universities, schools, and libraries. A companion multimedia package
of CD-ROM, special issue records, and a collectors book will be
included in the distribution plan.


Chris Conybeare, Executive, International Sales and Development
625 Iolani avenue, Suite 504, Honolulu, HI 96813
TEL: (808) 523-5771/ FAX: (808) 523-5771


1333 Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90401
TEL: (310) 393-7592, (310) 459-2116 / FAX: (310) 394-1260
sandmock @

"We are 4,928 octaves below the big note" - FZ

<*/*> NINJA <*/*>

Mar 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/16/99

lets see if this is as anymore likely than

the roxy video

interested in trading zappa

or buying something from my collection

email me for the current list

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