From: calvin@RALF (Cal Schenkel)
Subject: Re: What *is* that tasty little sucker?
Date: 1996/12/20
Message-ID: <>#1/1
X-Deja-AN: 205042969
references: <>
<> <597f4u
$> <Pine.SOL.>
organization: Surf Network
*Note: In my post (below), I erroneously referred to Ed Caraeff as the
photographer of the Hot Rats cover photos. The Hot Rats cover photos
are by Andee Cohen Nathanson.
On Dec 20 1996, 3:00 am, calvin@RALF (Cal Schenkel) wrote:
> >--
> It's a BROWN SHOE.
> Not so much sinister, as one of those sensible kinds
> with a VERY corrugated sole. The photo is by yers truly
> from the first MOI Euro-tour. As well the two stage
> shots inside- (center right: rehearsal at Albert Hall)
> Four more photos from this tour turn up inside Hot Rats
> (see below). The shot of Don (l) is from Apostolic Studios.
> The assemblage on the cover of Burnt Weeny Sandwich was
> done in New York (early 1967) originally for Moop Records
> (an Eric Dolphy album that was never released) and used
> later by Frank for this album. The tray card inside shot
> -a previously unused promo-photo of the ever growing teen
> combo by Ed Caraeff (captured directly from the moldy
> contact sheet).
> Hot Rats photos: BTW the cover photo of Miss Christine was
> not taken at Harry Houdini's place (as mistakenly mentioned
> in an earlier post about the Log Cabin) but at a burnt out
> Bev' Hills mansion lilypond (also by Caraeff). Inside photos
> by CS: Top #1- FZ on stage, (probably) Amsterdam; 2,3-
> Apostolic Studios, NY; 4- on the ferry to Goteborg, Sweden;
> 5- FZ at home. Bottom left- FZ & Ian at Buckingham Palace;
> the live shot next to it is from (probably) Amsterdam; bottom
> #3 at FZ's Charles St. apt. in NY. The Beefheart photo, as
> well as the photos on Trout Mask (except cover) from the
> Magic Band residence/studio in Woodland Hills, 1968/9 -by
> Ed Caraeff. Large FZ photo by Bruce Linton. CS Ian Euro-photo,
> posterized by John Williams, who also co-designed this album
> package. Inlay card: neverseenbefore photo by CS of FZ &
> Miss Christine from a session at the Log Cabin, summer 68.
> --Calvin