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the new thing

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Charles Ulrich

May 30, 2011, 5:04:21 PM5/30/11
In "This Ain't CNN", when the aptly-named Mike Rapaport says,

> N.W.A., rap, hip-hop, the new thing, "Yo MTV Raps"

is he actually referring to "The New Thing" by Taking Your Business

It was released on a 12" record circa 1988 on the Bad Boys label, which
was based in Brooklyn. So it's chronologically and geographically

Rapaport was in the piano in 1991. He's from New York (as you may have
guessed from his accent), and most of the hip hop acts he mentions were
from the New York metropolitan area--although N.W.A. were from Compton,

Video for "The New Thing":<>

12" record:



May 31, 2011, 9:40:36 PM5/31/11
> <>
> --Charles

"Yo MTV Raps" was The New Thing in 1988. It would still be new in
1991, to those who live in a piano.

He mentions hip hop acts. It doesn't follow that he would throw a hip
hop song title in the mix, especially not an obscure one. My take on
your question, is; no he is not referring to this Taking Your
Business, song.

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