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Frank Zappa Double Feature at the Aero in Santa Monica, August 27, 2009 7:30 PM

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26. aug. 2009, 03:22:1626.08.2009
From -

Frank Zappa Double Feature at the Aero

Event Date: August 27, 2009 7:30 PM

1328 Montana Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 260-1528

The Aero presents an exciting Frank Zappa double feature event that
includes 200 Hotels (1971) and Baby Snakes (1979). Both films exemplify
the distinct Zappa style that the Aero describes as that of a "mad
scientist constantly pushing the boundaries of music, film, and video."
Witness the madman's experiment at this free event. Visit the site
for more info.

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From -

Thursday, August 27 � 7:30 PM

Frank Zappa Double Feature:

New 35mm Print! 200 MOTELS, 1971, MGM Repertory, 98 min. Dir. Tony
Palmer & Frank Zappa. "Touring can make you crazy, that's what 200
Motels is all about."- Frank Zappa. Frank Zappa was a mad scientist
constantly pushing the boundaries of music, film, and video. 200 MOTELS
is no exception; Zappa combined The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra with
The Mothers of Invention and filmed the bulk of the soundtrack live.
Zappa's favorite topics -- groupies, mundane Americana and inside jokes
-- are the themes of this film. Musical interludes provide a
transcending break, where things like place, time and plot are
forgotten. With Theodore Bikel, Keith Moon and Ringo Starr as Frank
Zappa. Trailer <>

BABY SNAKES, 1979, Intercontinental Absurdities, 164 min. Dir. Frank
Zappa. In 1977, Frank Zappa gave a major concert in New York that gave
full rein to the astonishing range of his talents as a composer,
musician, band-leader, conductor, satirist and ringmaster. Orchestrating
the band, the event and the audience � the concert was a triumphant
celebration of the breadth of his uniquely idiosyncratic vision. Zappa
filmed the concert and spent the next two years editing, polishing and
adding sequences to the film including ground-breaking claymation. As
usual, Zappa was far ahead of his time � and the film did not enjoy wide
distribution on release.
Trailer <>

"Think with your dipstick, Jimmy."

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