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1960's Zappa Trivia Wanted

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Brian Redman

Mar 9, 1993, 3:28:23 PM3/9/93

In `68 or `69 (memory's pretty fuzzy from dem old days) I saw
Frank at the Kerrisdale Arena (a rather sorry 5000 seat skating
rink in Vancouver next to my old high school) on his first return
to Canada after a bad experience in Montreal some years earlier.
(Perhaps some of my francophone compatriots can recall the details:
something about being thrown out of a restaurant and being
generally misunderstood on stage, and I don't think it was just
a language barrier thing :^) )

Anyway, after a really rollicking version of King Kong featuring
Frank and two others on drums playing at once, he got a thunderous
standing ovation, and when the noise died down, he walked to the
mike and in a voice that seemed mixed with equal amounts of wonder
and gratitude said "That...that's an unprecedented response to
the kind of bullshit that we play" Of course, we cheered even louder
and went home very happy.

Ah, memories!

{OQ} Live long in phosphor

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