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14 Nukat In Urdu

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Lavonia Rullman

Dec 9, 2023, 8:30:53 PM12/9/23
14 Nukat in Urdu: The Fourteen Points of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the founder of Pakistan and the leader of the All-India Muslim League. He presented his famous Fourteen Points in 1929 as a set of constitutional reforms and safeguards for the rights and interests of the Muslims in British India. These points were based on the principles of federalism, provincial autonomy, minority representation, and religious freedom. They were also a response to the Nehru Report of 1928, which proposed a unitary form of government for India and ignored the demands of the Muslims.

14 nukat in urdu

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In this article, we will discuss the 14 nukat in Urdu, or the 14 points of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and their significance for the history and politics of Pakistan.

Hindustan ka aain wafaqi tarz ka hoga. (The constitution of India shall be federal in nature.)
Quaid-e-Azam wanted a federal system of government for India, where the provinces would have a large degree of autonomy and self-government. He opposed the centralization of power in Delhi and advocated for a loose federation of states with equal rights and status.

Tamam soboon ko yaksan khud-mukhtari di jae. (All provinces shall have equal autonomy.)
Quaid-e-Azam demanded that all provinces should have equal rights and powers to legislate on matters concerning their internal affairs. He rejected the idea of giving special privileges or concessions to any province or region based on population, geography, or culture.

Tamam majlis qanoon saz aur degar muntakib adaron ko es tarha se tashkeel diya jae ga ke her soboon mein aqliyaton ko moassar numaendagi hasil ho. Lekin us ke sath sath ksi bhi aksaryat ko aqliyat mein na badla jae. (All legislative and other elected bodies shall be constituted in such a way that minorities in every province shall have effective representation. But at the same time, no majority shall be converted into a minority.)
Quaid-e-Azam wanted to ensure that minorities in every province would have adequate representation and protection in the legislative and other elected bodies. He also wanted to prevent any majority community from dominating or oppressing any minority community by changing the boundaries or demographics of any province.

Markazi qanoon saz adare mein muslims ko kam as kam aik tehai numaendagi di jae. (Muslims shall have at least one-third representation in the central legislature.)
Quaid-e-Azam demanded that Muslims should have at least one-third representation in the central legislature, which would reflect their proportion in the total population of India. He argued that this would ensure that Muslims would have a voice and a stake in the affairs of the country.

India ke mukhtalif firqon ki numaendagi judagana tariqa intakhab ke zariye ho gi. Han agar koi firqa khud es haq se dast-bardar hona chahe tou ho sakta hai. (The representation of different communities in India shall be by separate electorates. However, if any community wishes to relinquish this right, it may do so.)
Quaid-e-Azam insisted that different communities in India should have separate electorates, which would allow them to elect their own representatives according to their own preferences and interests. He believed that this would safeguard their identity and rights from being diluted or compromised by the majority community. However, he also gave the option for any community to voluntarily give up this right if they wished to do so.

Hindustani soboon mein koi aesi tabdili na ki jae jis ka asar musalman aksaryat ke soboon Punjab, Bengal aru sarhad per ho. (No change shall be made in the boundaries of any province that would affect the Muslim majority provinces of Punjab, Bengal, and Sindh.)


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