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Who met David Braben like me?

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Feb 26, 2022, 12:04:29 AM2/26/22
I met him in his Frontier's booth in E3 back in 2014. My online friend
told me to check out Elite Dangerous game with my first visit to E3.
Wow, it was worth it and even got to meet David Braben which was
unexpected. The game was pretty cool and pretty even though I never
played Elite before. :D

A weird week so far with skin cuts, wars, winter (ending soon), not that slammy but will be, etc.
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/\___/\ Ant(Dude) @ &
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Peter T.

Feb 28, 2022, 10:33:29 AM2/28/22
On 26-02-2022 06:04, Ant wrote:
> I met him in his Frontier's booth in E3 back in 2014. My online friend
> told me to check out Elite Dangerous game with my first visit to E3.
> Wow, it was worth it and even got to meet David Braben which was
> unexpected. The game was pretty cool and pretty even though I never
> played Elite before. :D

And Ian Bell? I guess he wasn't there. Or..? :)

Peter T.


Feb 28, 2022, 7:01:03 PM2/28/22
Nope. He wasn't. :(
Dang tech issues again like the 12 yrs. old PC losing its 115 SSD SSD & iPhone! BUSY & warmer weather again for the new week and before the short month ends!
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