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First of all, God knows everything.
Yahweh is intimately aware of the intricacies of every situation.
He knows.
But God works with humanity with legislation and politeness and courtesy.
Just because God does know in the end it does not mean he relates
to you or society with that knowledge. He has respect for our person.
Not for our status or name we might claim. But he has respect and concern
for our person - our being. He loves us. And God is a rulekeeper. He follows
the rules with humanity of knowledge he can legally and ethically know
in how he relates to us. He knows everything. Never misunderstand
that truth. But he does not relate to us with the knowledge of everything
he has knowledge of. Only those things HE has rights with us on, and
that works societally, institutionally and individually and those things
WE have rights with him on. So don't expect God to necessarily
relate to you with all the knowledge he has. One thing is true is that
YOU don't have the rights to know all the details of what God knows
about everything and everyone else. And God will not relate to you
with that knowledge either. God knows- but will only relate to us
with the interpersonal rights of knowledge we have betwixt us
and him.