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There IS a 4 hour version of DUNE... I know it, because I've seen it!!!

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Jul 30, 2011, 9:13:51 PM7/30/11
I'm sure you guys get this all the time, but I'm going nuts with this.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist... I don't believe in Global Warming, I
believe in Evolution, and I don't think the 9/11 attacks was a
conspiracy. But I know FOR A FACT, that there is a 4 hour version of
DUNE. Back in 1994, I rented DUNE with a friend during one summer (my
sophmore year). We weren't looking for anything specific, but my
friend suggested it. We rented it from Blockbuster. It came on 2 VHS
tapes, which I thought was really weird. It was ridiculously long...
we rented it early in the afternoon, and it was dinner time by the
time we finished it.

My wife bought me the extended edition of Dune on DVD several years
ago... (maybe 3 or 4?) and only now did I just get around to watching
it. Actually, I stopped half-way thorugh because I realized it was
missing a ton of stuff.

Although the last time I saw that ridiculously long version was over
17 years ago, I can CLEARLY... CLEARLY remember several scenes that
are missing.

The first one is a scene from nearer the beginning. Right after Piter
(?) the guy with the crazy eye-brows on the Harkonen side delivers the
message, and they talk to Sting and that fat guy that's dressed like
him, a pansy guy in a white suit comes in with a rose. The guy has a
heart plug, and the evil Harkonen guy from Guard Dog Patrol (forget
his name) comes over, spends like 5 minutes talking about heart plugs
and how everyone has one, and then pulls the heart plug out and as the
blood spurts out, he smears it all over the guy's white shirt. Then he
jumps into the air, and flys around and goes under that oil / blood
bath thing.

The second scene is one right after Duke Leto Atradies has been
captured. Piter (? eye-brow guy from the harkonnens) is talking with
the guy from Guard Dog Patrol. The fat guy flys into the air, and then
drops spit from his mouth into the face of Duke Leto's concubine (the
benegeserit mother or whatever). At no time do I see this in the
extended cut, and you never see the spit. The fat harkonen guy then
goes on to say stuff like "a little spittle in the eye..." and rambles
on about it some more. I KNOW I'm not crazy, because I know that a few
moments later, you see Pita removing the spit from her eye. You can
see him doing this on the Extended Cut DVD at 1:35:45.

I also seem to recall that there is yet another scene (that I
remember) which is missing, which is where after coming out of the
crashed plane, they spend an inordinate amount of time messing with
the thumpers, talking about them, and screwing around with the
thumpers. I seem to recall like half of this is missing too.

In the one that I saw on tapes, I remember that it also had the
princess speaking in the beginning. I know that's on the normal one,
but the one I saw had the extra-long Prelude, PLUS the princess

Is there ANYWHERE that I can get THAT full version? Why is it so
difficult to find this one?


And I know I'm not crazy, I'm sure that I couldn't have been the ONLY
one who rented that movie at Blockbuster back then, and I'm sure that
one Blockbuster in Vienna Virginia back in 1994 was not the ONLY movie
rental place that got that 2-VHS copy...


Jul 31, 2011, 2:06:26 PM7/31/11

I know what you are talking about - I have seen it too. There is an
explanation .... From the Dune Wiki page ...

"Upon completion, the rough cut of Dune without post-production effects
ran over four hours long, but Lynch's intended cut of the film (as
reflected in the 7th and final draft of the script) was three hours long.

However, Universal Pictures and the film's financiers expected a
standard, two-hour cut of the film. To reduce the run time, producers
Dino De Laurentiis, Raffaella De Laurentiis, and director David Lynch
excised numerous scenes, filmed new scenes that simplified or
concentrated plot elements, and added voice-over narrations, plus a new
introduction by Virginia Madsen. Contrary to popular rumors, Lynch made
no other version of the movie besides the theatrical cut; no three to
six hour version ever reached the post-production stage. However,
several longer versions have been spliced together.[4] In fact, there
have been three versions of the film known to have been seen--the
137-minute theatrical release, a 190-minute syndicated television
version (re-edited without the participation and authority of director
Lynch), and a 180-minute cut pieced together by KTVU (an Oakland/San
Francisco station) which combines material from the previous two
versions. The latter two cuts credit "Allen Smithee" as director as
Lynch has disowned all alternate cuts other than the released version.
Although Universal has approached Lynch for a possible director's cut of
the film, Lynch has declined every offer and prefers not to discuss Dune
in interviews.[5]"


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Aug 2, 2011, 2:38:18 AM8/2/11
Hmm, odd, because all of those scenes are in the original theatrical release. Remember that the 2 hour version was made for TV, so maybe they were a bit softer in that one? It's definitely in the theatrical release, both Norwegian and Australian that I know of, but I've never seen the 2 hour one and can't truly compare.

As to global warming denying, well, let's hope you get the real message of Dune one day ...


Alex 'Miles' Johannesen

Jan 11, 2012, 12:56:15 AM1/11/12
you're not crazy. the local library had gotten a copy of the version you speak of (on projector film) and needless to say, it was the one of the most memorable days of my childhood. all i've been able to obtain is the regular theatrical edition, but i've been searching for an 'extended' copy ever since.


Jan 11, 2012, 5:31:04 AM1/11/12
I wonder how anyone can stand to watch the Dune movie even once. It doesn't matter how uncut or extended it gets, the basic issues persist (the stupid baron being the salient one for me).


Dec 1, 2012, 1:07:11 PM12/1/12
I know just what you mean. when i was a kid my dad rented a laserdisc copy of dune and it was the 4+ hour long version. its weird cause one of the only things i remember about that version at the age i was at then is a baby worm puking up the spice after drinking water in a tube container. i remember my dad had a bootleg device that let him record the laserdisc movies onto vhs. he recorded it on LP (long play) so he could fit it all on one vhs. my sister a few years later recorded my little pony over it to never be seen again. Im shocked theirs no place that sells the 4+ hour version of it anywhere. i wish i had kept that laserdisc, i cant imagin how much it would be worth. someday i know somehow their will be a copy out. to bad the world is ending in 20 days hahahaha jk.

May 4, 2014, 11:53:20 PM5/4/14
I'm watching it on BBC America right now.

Carlos (cmsahe)

May 5, 2014, 1:15:01 AM5/5/14
El sábado, 30 de julio de 2011 20:13:51 UTC-5, Todd82TA escribió:
> I'm sure you guys get this all the time, but I'm going nuts with this.
> I'm not a conspiracy theorist... I don't believe in Global Warming, I
> believe in Evolution, and I don't think the 9/11 attacks was a
> conspiracy. But I know FOR A FACT, that there is a 4 hour version of
> DUNE. Back in 1994, I rented DUNE with a friend during one summer (my
> sophmore year). We weren't looking for anything specific, but my
> friend suggested it. We rented it from Blockbuster. It came on 2 VHS
> tapes, which I thought was really weird. It was ridiculously long...
> we rented it early in the afternoon, and it was dinner time by the
> time we finished it.

Maybe you suffered of the Madela Effect, this is weird, I've experienced it many times, read about it:

Oct 5, 2014, 10:13:34 AM10/5/14
I saw the long version in wisconsin in the 80's on public broadcasting system via Madison, I quickly put a vhs tape in the recorder, and had it for years - not knowing that I wouldnt be able to buy the extended version, I got rid of it when I bought the movie - once I actually WATCHED the movie, I realized my mistake. I cant find the long version anywhere for sale, and the short version just clips to much out - this new one, well - its not the same. :P

Nov 10, 2014, 1:31:08 AM11/10/14
Frank Herbert's Dune

Jan 4, 2015, 12:16:52 AM1/4/15
I just purchased the extended version of Lynchs Dune on Amazon that runs 314 minutes.


Jan 6, 2015, 9:33:18 AM1/6/15
Five bucks says that's a box set with the 137-minute theatrical version and the 177-version of the Smithee cut. 137+177=314.

Jan 11, 2015, 3:34:33 AM1/11/15
They should make the jodorowsky version that would b something to see

Jan 11, 2015, 3:34:53 AM1/11/15

Jan 11, 2015, 3:34:54 AM1/11/15

Jan 11, 2015, 3:34:54 AM1/11/15

Jan 11, 2015, 3:34:54 AM1/11/15

Mar 27, 2015, 12:51:43 AM3/27/15
yes. you are crazy. only a complete lunatic doesn't believe the reality of global warming. your dune problems are really a minor issue, comparing to the urgent need to see a mental health professional.

May 10, 2015, 2:44:57 PM5/10/15
> yes. you are crazy. only a complete lunatic doesn't believe the reality of global warming. your dune problems are really a minor issue, comparing to the urgent need to see a mental health professional.<

Well if you believe in man made global warming I have half off carbon credits to sell for $1000.00 each to assuage your guilt. Once you purchase 10 carbon credits I will absolve you of your guilt.
By the way I am just as qualified if not more so than Al Gore to determine your guilt and subsequent forgiveness.
Waiting for your first check.

May 17, 2015, 1:17:50 AM5/17/15
You're not crazy but it's not a four hour version, either. There was a 180 minute version that was released to television and then there's the 137 minute theatrical verison.

Aug 4, 2015, 1:24:38 AM8/4/15
Possibly the 6 hour miniseries released in 2000

Nov 5, 2015, 12:09:43 AM11/5/15

I own the DVD that comes in a Tin case. One side has the theatrical version and the other side has the Extended Version that clocks in at 2hrs,

Nov 5, 2015, 12:12:24 AM11/5/15
On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 11:09:43 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> I own the DVD that comes in a Tin case. One side has the theatrical version and the other side has the Extended Version that clocks in at 2hrs,57min.

2hrs, 57min I meant

Dec 2, 2015, 4:46:31 PM12/2/15
I saw Dune in the theater and it was 4hrs long. Intermission between 2hr segments.

Dec 9, 2015, 3:20:22 PM12/9/15
Yes sir, you are correct. I used to have a long, long version on laserdisc a few years back, and it had scenes that I have not been able to find since. The disc set was from Japan, and when I purchased it in the early 90's there were copyright issues going on in the U.S. But try as I might, I have not been able to find that version again.

Mar 23, 2016, 6:33:28 AM3/23/16


Mar 29, 2016, 5:45:34 PM3/29/16
It appears that this video contained content from Universal Pictures, and
Universal Pictures has blocked it in the United States on copyright grounds.

May 24, 2016, 10:14:02 AM5/24/16
Dude, all those scenes you mentioned are in the normal version of Lynch's Dune. I know because I watched that when it was on TV. Now I am wondering if the british tv aired the longer version. It most certainly was not the directors cut or anything like that. Since then, being a fan and since the internet got invented, I have watched some extra scenes which were cut from the version I saw on tv. Certainly not 4 hours though. No mention of Jamis although his kids feature in the final battle between Maud'dib and Sting. No mention of Harah. No mention of the Bene Tleilaxu whatsoever and they form one of the major storylines in the later books of the series. So much was left out. They did get pugs in as an in-joke because of sligs (p~/sl~ ~ugs/~igs). Lots of veiled references.
Message has been deleted

Aug 2, 2016, 9:33:53 PM8/2/16
I saw that one as well, I'm always looking for the scene where Paul takes on the two boys, the sons of the man he killed when he and his mother first joined the Fremen.


Aug 12, 2016, 8:43:48 PM8/12/16
>> wrote in message

> I saw that one as well, I'm always looking for the scene where Paul takes
> on the two boys, the sons of the man he killed when he and his mother
> first joined the Fremen.

Yes, I believe I saw an extended version as well. I remember the scene you
are talking about, and also there is a scene in which the Reverend Gaius
Helen Mohiam is riding in a star ship and is sitting on a wooden thrown, and
there is also an additional scene where the Emperor asks Gaius to use
telepathy on the Guild Navigator, and she does!

Sep 11, 2016, 1:41:03 PM9/11/16
Hi! We have the Extended cut on VHS and we are looking to sell it. I think it's the four hour version. Are you interested in buying it?

Ed Stasiak

Sep 12, 2016, 12:29:09 AM9/12/16
> Hi! We have the Extended cut on VHS and we are looking to sell it.
> I think it's the four hour version. Are you interested in buying it?

Just post it, you greedy Harkonnen.

Oct 11, 2016, 6:41:33 PM10/11/16
you are wrong. there was a 4 hour long version but the only place you could see it was on the syfy channel years ago. it aired only once and was 4 hours long with no commercials. never in print.

Jan 9, 2017, 8:39:49 PM1/9/17
I saw it as well and can't find it!

Jan 14, 2017, 4:33:30 PM1/14/17
I rented a 2-VHS version of Dune on 2000 and Each VHS has beginning and ending credits. Maybe that's what causing some more confusion

Jan 24, 2017, 1:34:39 AM1/24/17
There was a 4-hour version on Vimeo, but it was homemade by a fan who got a bunch of versions and added in a lot of the deleted scenes, like the one where Paul announces he's marrying the Emperor's daughter, and then swears to Channi that she will receive only his name and not one soft word, touch, nor instant of desire.

It also has the extended Chrysknife scene where Shadout Mapes draws it and waits for Paul's mother to say the prophetic words, then draws it across herself because a knife like that can't be sheathed without drawing blood.

I had it bookmarked on Vimeo until some jerkoff reported it.

Feb 4, 2017, 6:59:26 PM2/4/17
I have a 2hr and 52min version of Dune...All they show on TV is a 2hr and 16min version.

May 7, 2017, 4:39:58 PM5/7/17
None of the current versions are the one he's talking about. The version I saw and have on a VCR tape somewhere is narrated by a man. Starts with drawings of the various houses and the take-over by the robot servants. There are scenes of making the water of life with the baby worm. A fight between Paul and Jarvis. Many more things that are not in the tin box.

May 19, 2017, 6:54:40 PM5/19/17
I have seen it also, on TV years ago. I am not sure if I had a tape or if it was broadcast TV. But I know I cannot find it on Blu-Ray.

Jun 4, 2017, 5:28:40 PM6/4/17
you arent alone in that. I saw that version re aired in 1996 on a disney channel preview weekend.

I will one day mash up a super edit between the versions.

Jun 5, 2017, 2:25:00 PM6/5/17
On Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 10:41:03 AM UTC-7, wrote:
> Hi! We have the Extended cut on VHS and we are looking to sell it. I think it's the four hour version. Are you interested in buying it?

hey is this still available?

Sep 24, 2017, 3:21:36 AM9/24/17
There are 3 versions. Theatrical, extended and directors cut. Each one has some scenes that the others don't. The directors cut is the one they don't play anymore, that one has an extended scene where they are actually teaching Paul to walk w/o rythem. You are not crazy. I haven't seen the directors cut since the early 90's, it's the longest version.

Dec 19, 2017, 2:07:50 PM12/19/17
I've seen it also. It was a 2 cassette vhs. I remember it well too because it was the only movie I ever watched it was over 4 hours

Dec 20, 2017, 5:16:46 AM12/20/17
On Tuesday, December 19, 2017 at 12:07:50 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> I've seen it also. It was a 2 cassette vhs. I remember it well too because it was the only movie I ever watched it was over 4 hours

me too , i remember a 2 tape set

Mar 10, 2018, 11:12:42 PM3/10/18
I just rewatched the extended version that Universal released in 2005. While I can appreciate the extra and extended scenes, I can honestly say that Universal and DeLarentis did not do this movie any favors in some of the editorial choices they made. The extended version is rife with redundancy and extraneous material that did more harm then good. Love the extra Gueney bit, I love paul’s knife fight with the Fremen, love the water of life but as the theatrical version goes a bit too quickly from Paul riding a worm to drinking the water of life.

May 6, 2018, 10:57:57 AM5/6/18
You aren't crazy. I saw it too. It spoke of how the Baron is actually the paternal grandfather of m'audib. And it showed m'audib & chani's twins being born, living & getting killed. And there are a few other scenes missing. I originally saw the two VHS tape version & I later bought the DVD, thinking it was the same thing. Im still a tad disappointed but uuum I don't think the movie houses really care.

Jun 4, 2018, 3:44:46 AM6/4/18
The dual vhs is still available to buy if you look on Amazon, or it might of been ebay,I can't remember but whoever is selling it the price is $60. As for the 3 hour cut, it's still around however the original creator of the cut, re-cut his cut to have it make more sense. I'm watching it right now after spending hours looking for it on the net after learning it was taken of vimeo. Can confirm most of the scenes OP described are there so far, the description of how everyone has heart plugs is not there, just got passed that part, but the rest of that scene is has described.There are one or two akward cuts. But it's probably the most complete version we will get outside of said VHS tapes,however,judging by the description of the extra stuff in those VHS tapes which seems to be written by the owner,most of those scenes are included in this online cut so it seems.*edit, it's on Amazon, but the tapes are 3 hours 10 min not 4hrs.

Jun 4, 2018, 4:59:50 AM6/4/18
Edit *2 the talk about the heart plug happens between a convo w/ thewfir and the baron. I can say with most confidence that every scene op described was in this cut.It seems to have been mixed with the content from the dual vhs release too.the cut is 3hrs4min.

Oct 11, 2018, 8:22:38 AM10/11/18
I realize that this is not the original that you were looking for, but it is a fan made edition that may well act as a replacement. It contains cuts from all thre editions, and has been edited to maintain a much clearer rendition of the story than any of the television edits.

I know the rendition that you are talking about, and remember watching it years ago. This is as close to a replacement as I could find.

Oct 12, 2018, 10:41:33 PM10/12/18
I remember watching a 4 hour version on the ceiling of my 9th grade astronomy class planetarium. Our teacher was wayy out there and he had a 4 hour laser disc version. I remember him bragging about it at the time, this was around 1994. It was so great watching a movie in class 12’ wide vs doing class work for the better part of a week.

Oct 17, 2018, 3:33:48 AM10/17/18
I just saw your post from may 2017 about the dune version with the drawings in the beginning. I have been looking for it for years and everybody tells me there is no such version. You wouldn't happen to know which version this was and if it is available anywhere?
Message has been deleted

May 23, 2019, 6:30:43 PM5/23/19
Am Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2018 09:33:48 UTC+2 schrieb
> I just saw your post from may 2017 about the dune version with the drawings in the beginning. I have been looking for it for years and everybody tells me there is no such version. You wouldn't happen to know which version this was and if it is available anywhere?

I got that fan edited version from the Internet which runs for 3 Hours (It features a lengthy explanation of the Dune Universe in the beginning with added Drawings), i think this "Fan cut" just incorporates deleted scenes, if you still would like to get this version, give me a reply and i will upload it to my GDrive.

May 24, 2019, 2:42:54 PM5/24/19
From what i found out, that cut should also be available on Youtube.

Aug 23, 2019, 10:10:37 PM8/23/19
The scene where paul meets chani and Stilgar it like 15 minutes he fights and is introduced to his kids and wife there is a water exchange scene his water is your water thing. I have seen this once on tv and once on tape. It was rumored that this cut was part of the negotiations over the mini series. The last time I saw it on tv was the lead up week on Syfy or FX before the mini series. I was so excited because they have all been the short ones. The whole time my friends and I kept saying this is the one that I remember. There was a dvd version it contained 4 dvds with 4 versions of it original theater, theater release, tv release, and extended TV release.
I know the movie reviewers had the original release because they complained about 3:30 run time

Sep 5, 2019, 11:38:08 AM9/5/19
I've seen this as well another scene that was cut from the theatrical version that I know I saw was him fighting/dueling the Fremen that he knocked over while running away. You seem them carrying his body later on in the theatrical version i saw the other day and I was like wtf what happened to the fight! Then they also cut the part about him being turned back into water and added to there reservoir.

Aug 8, 2020, 10:08:59 PM8/8/20
You are absolutely correct. I actually have the 4 hour version on VHS.

Aug 9, 2020, 5:06:05 PM8/9/20
I also am convinced to have had a 4 or 5hours long version on my computer. I was watching it on my computer and I remember seeing on the progress bar of the video that it was very long. Around 4 or 5h I don't remember. I was watching it with my girlfriend and she was bored around the first third, so we moved on. That computer died not long after and I never bothered to find that movie until years later on. Then, I could only find shorter versions. This is very frustrating.

Muhammed Wally

Mar 15, 2021, 8:41:35 PM3/15/21
I don't remember how long it was when I was a kid, but I definitely remember a scene I haven't seen since. When the Baron pulls out the guy's heart plug, he puts his face to the wound and drenches his face in the blood. Now all you see after the plug is pulled is a cut of the baron in the air with something drizzling on his head. I've been looking for this "real" cut ever since. I would accept my remembrance from years ago faulty if only once had I seen it, but it was a copy on VHS I watched MANY if not hundreds of times.

S D McDaniel

Apr 22, 2021, 11:05:43 AM4/22/21
On Sunday, July 31, 2011 at 2:06:26 PM UTC-4, riggor9999 wrote:
> I know what you are talking about - I have seen it too. There is an
> explanation .... From the Dune Wiki page ...
> "Upon completion, the rough cut of Dune without post-production effects
> ran over four hours long, but Lynch's intended cut of the film (as
> reflected in the 7th and final draft of the script) was three hours long.
> However, Universal Pictures and the film's financiers expected a
> standard, two-hour cut of the film. To reduce the run time, producers
> Dino De Laurentiis, Raffaella De Laurentiis, and director David Lynch
> excised numerous scenes, filmed new scenes that simplified or
> concentrated plot elements, and added voice-over narrations, plus a new
> introduction by Virginia Madsen. Contrary to popular rumors, Lynch made
> no other version of the movie besides the theatrical cut; no three to
> six hour version ever reached the post-production stage. However,
> several longer versions have been spliced together.[4] In fact, there
> have been three versions of the film known to have been seen--the
> 137-minute theatrical release, a 190-minute syndicated television
> version (re-edited without the participation and authority of director
> Lynch), and a 180-minute cut pieced together by KTVU (an Oakland/San
> Francisco station) which combines material from the previous two
> versions. The latter two cuts credit "Allen Smithee" as director as
> Lynch has disowned all alternate cuts other than the released version.
> Although Universal has approached Lynch for a possible director's cut of
> the film, Lynch has declined every offer and prefers not to discuss Dune
> in interviews.[5]"
> --
> to reply via email, remove "nospam" from the reply address

You are not crazy. I've seen it too. Back when it was on VHS. I even once saw it for sale on DVD... ONCE. I didn't have the money to purchase it at the time, so I saved up my money and when back, only to find it was gone. That was over 25 years ago, and I have been searching for the 4 hour version on vhs or dvd ever since. I'm still searching. And yes, I rented it, with my room mates, from Blockbuster back in the 90's.

Vinci Roxas

May 29, 2021, 12:47:06 PM5/29/21

Vinci Roxas

May 29, 2021, 12:47:53 PM5/29/21

J S Leo

May 27, 2023, 7:03:15 PM5/27/23
On Sunday, 11 September 2016 at 18:41:03 UTC+1, wrote:
> Hi! We have the Extended cut on VHS and we are looking to sell it. I think it's the four hour version. Are you interested in buying it?


J S Leo

May 27, 2023, 7:03:59 PM5/27/23
On Sunday, 9 August 2020 at 03:08:59 UTC+1, wrote:
> You are absolutely correct. I actually have the 4 hour version on VHS.

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