High in the night sky, another dragon wheels on silent wings. The
eyes of a dragon are far better than those of any bird, and a snow white
dragon is easy to see, if you're high enough and in the right place. The
black and red head nods to itself, and the great wings angle into a
long, slow spiral descent towards the white dragon.
Coming in, the red and black form notices the stillness of the white
shape, and carefully, quietly, stalls the wings just above the ground to
avoid startling or awakening the little dragon, who seems to be sleeping.
Settling down in clear view from Snow, he shakes his head and mutters
something very quietly, and a small globe of pale blue light winks into
being over his head, between the two long brow horns, shedding enough
light to make it clear that he is there. Then Nightfire awaits the dawn,
or the awakening of the little white.
Nightfire Blackwing
Baxil, on one of his nightly adventures, has decided to take a
walk through the forest. "Flying is grand," he thinks to himself, "but
every so often, nothing can beat the sight of moonlight filtering through
the tree branches..."
Whistling Mahler's 3rd softly to himself (okay, so it's human
music, that's allowed), Baxil starts wandering aimlessly...Soon, he is
lost deep within the woods. "That's okay," he thinks. "I'll be able to
get back to the Dominance simply by flying above treeline." He glances
up at the sliver of moon above, and his eyes wander to the stars as he
"There's Draco," he thinks as he identifies the constellation
with which he gained familiarity on Earth...And there's..."
"WHOOOAH!" he yells as he trips over a large shape in the
shadows, one he would have undoubtedly noticed had he not been
stargazing. With a large *whumpf* he lands on the ground ungracefully,
sprawled against something....moving?
With a sudden start he scrambles away further into the darkness.
He turns around with sudden urgency and finds himself staring into the
eyes of.....a sad and scared-looking white. With a sudden start (yet
again) he realizes it's a she. With a sudden start (cubed!) he blushes
furiously and starts stammering.
"Sorry....I'm really sorry...uhhh...Jyhanhen's Tooth...I didn't
mean to...I mean...ahhh..."
Baxil gulps, rearranges his thoughts, and tries to say something
coherent. "Uhmmmmmmm, ..... ... hi," he finally manages.
The white looks at him with a mixture of fear, curiosity, and
hope. Another dragon? Here in this strange land? Perhaps...
"My name's Baxil," he finally manages, twiddling his tail
nervously. "Didn't mean to disturb your sleep. Just walking through the
forest...I guess I'll be on my way now...sorry...ummm..." he stammers,
still blushing hard enough to show red through his green scales.
Then he realizs that he dosn't recognize the white. "Yeah...You
know, you don't look familiar...welcome to the Dominance." He grins, and
tries not to think about what a stupid way to greet new dragons that was...
Baxil (who is is NO way the official Welcome Dragon)
-Tad L. Ramspott
uramst00 @ mcl.ucsb.edu
Brevity is the soul of wit -- so I changed my macros into micros.
Suddenly, a swirling portal opens nearby. The head of a huge red dragon is
soon protruding from it. "A newbie? Oh, boy!," he says grinning evily.
"Let the fun begin." <chuckle> He steps the rest of the way through the
portal and adds his presence to the vigil over the little dragon. "When the
newcomer awakes, we should take her to the party and introduce her to
everyone. What do you think, Nightfire? Shadowmuse?"
Dogarin, the Ancient One, now in dragon form
"Yeah...You know, you don't look familiar...welcome to the
Dominance." He grins, and tries not to think about what a stupid way to
greet new dragons that was...
Baxil (not in any way shape or form the official welcome dragon)
>: Settling down in clear view from Snow, he shakes his head and mutters
>: something very quietly, and a small globe of pale blue light winks into
>: being over his head, between the two long brow horns, shedding enough
>: light to make it clear that he is there. Then Nightfire awaits the dawn,
>: or the awakening of the little white.
>Seeing Nightfire sitting, staring at a small white lump, Shadowmuse steps
>over and says hello. Oooh, another newcomer to play with. Cool!
>Shadowmuse just puts her friendliest smile on her blue and black-scaled
>face and sits down beside Nightfire to wait.
Flying low over the ground, looking for new threads is Govorotan. He
is shockingly new here, and can't find one to his liking yet."hey
there's one! And small enough to be easy to handle, too."
::he teleports into the new thread::
"Yike, who turned out the lights?! Oh there's one" he says as he
spots of a glowing ball of light.He wheels down in ever tightening
circles untill he comes to rest besides the three other dragons in the
thread. There is a white one, now sleeping, with a tear on one
cheek. There is a black and blue(?) dragon and a red and black one.
Looking at his golden scales, he mumbles to himself:"I'm gonna stick
out like a sore claw here..." He lands next to the two that are
awake. Apparently the two others have taken upon themselves welcome
duty(who *IS* the official wolcome dwaggin, anyways?) Well, Govorotan
would like another as new as himself to talk to, so they can share.
He lays down, resting his head on his fore claws to await the
awakening of the new dragon.
Beman family/E-Mail: bema...@gold.tc.umn.edu
We don't have any really witty quotes, but suggestions are welcome
I think it would be a wonderful idea, since I had to meet everyone just
by wandering around. But Dogarin, be NICE! There's no need to scare her.
"Don't worry about him," Shadowmuse whispers in the direction of the
white. "He's just playing." [I HOPE]
-Shadowmuse, mate of the mighty Drache
That was after you landed on *ME* and bounced off, Shadowmuse laughs. Hi
: "Sorry....I'm really sorry...uhhh...Jyhanhen's Tooth...I didn't
: mean to...I mean...ahhh..."
: Baxil gulps, rearranges his thoughts, and tries to say something
: coherent. "Uhmmmmmmm, ..... ... hi," he finally manages.
You need to get a grip. Don't worry about him, he's harmless.
Probably thinks you're cute. >;)
: "My name's Baxil," he finally manages, twiddling his tail
: nervously. "Didn't mean to disturb your sleep. Just walking through the
: forest...I guess I'll be on my way now...sorry...ummm..." he stammers,
: still blushing hard enough to show red through his green scales.
: Then he realizs that he dosn't recognize the white. "Yeah...You
: know, you don't look familiar...welcome to the Dominance." He grins, and
: tries not to think about what a stupid way to greet new dragons that was...
That's okay, you were only trying to help. I'm sure she's perfectly nice
and will forgive you.
"If she wants to, certainly. But we don't want to scare her off,
Dogarin, so sit down and don't loom so much."
: <SNIPY-Like THiNgY>
: > "My name's Baxil," he finally manages, twiddling his tail
: >nervously. "Didn't mean to disturb your sleep. Just walking through the
: >forest...I guess I'll be on my way now...sorry...ummm..." he stammers,
: >still blushing hard enough to show red through his green scales.
: > "Yeah...You know, you don't look familiar...welcome to the
: >Dominance." He grins, and tries not to think about what a stupid way to
: >greet new dragons that was...
: <SNIP For reason of TeXt-MaX SiZe>
: *POPS! in as he likes to do. And lands on his bottom...in the snow...next to
: a Snow...White like snow.* Heh, Weird *He waves to Baxil iRCly-like.*
: HEwwo, Baxil *He looks to what's next to him...Snow* OOOOO! Pretty Snow!
: *He Huggles Snow* Hi *He smiles innicently.* How you doing? How are you?
: Why do you look unhappy? Why you crying? Do you want another huggle?
: *Smiles at Baxil* "Where we off to now?" *He looks down at the sleeping
: dragoness, then looks up to Baxil* "She's a pretty white." *Looks at his
: white hide, then sits down* "So... Baxil, Hewwo. I hope to see you more
: offen on iRC. In fact, I hope I see alot more dragons there, heh. *He looks
: at the two other dragons staring at Snow, and says quietly,* "We wait"
Baxil looks around.. notices a total of about five other dragons
staring at him and the white.. "Oh boy," he grimaces," This is going to
be all over the tabloids tomorrow..."
He overhears someone talking to the newcomer.. >"He probably
thinks you're cute" (sorry, couldn't quote this w/o posting another
followup)... covers his eyes, grimaces, walks over to a nearby tree...
<SMACK> <smack> <Smack>
"Why are you thudding your head against a tree?" someone asks
from behind him.
Figuring that after all that's happened tonight nothing else
could possibly hurt his reputation, Baxil answers, "Checking to see if
there are any coconuts in the tree..."
And stands there looking reasonably foolish.. <<as always>>
Baxil (clumsy, bashful, but overall, a nice dwagin)
-Tad L. Ramspott
ddragon @ itp.ucsb.edu
uramst00 @ mcl.ucsb.edu
Underestimate belief at your own risk...
"That's why I put the light up, so she'd see that I wasn't trying to
surprise her or anything. Hopefully she won't be scared of us, she is a
dragon after all."
"Heh, that might have done it, yes. Crashes tend to attract dragons,
as do dragon tears."
"Not bad at all, you?"
"True, she does look a little chilly. But there's a better way than
flaming, I know I wouldn't want to wake up with a strange dragon blowing
fire towards me. This should work nicely...."
Nightfire mutters something, and twists his head to the left. About
Snow, a web of faintly glowing lines appears, and the air around the
little white becomes a warm blanket of air.
> "Hi DJ," Shadowmuse says softly, so as not to wake the little one.
> (Little one? Who am I kidding, I'm only 8' long myself!) "How ya been?"
> Shadowmuse watches as Nightfire warms the air around the group and the
> white snuggles closer and sighs happily. Perhaps dreaming of her many
> new friends that await her?
*DJonahh's eyes twinkle, as nightfire's spell warms the air about the dragons.*
"Y'know - she looks so peaceful lying there...Wonder if she'll ever wake up..?
If I was as comfy as she looks, I don't think I'd want to wake up to quickly.."
*Djonahh smiles at shadowmuse and takes note of Nightfire's kindness as he
watches the white eagerly..*
/^\ /^\
/ \ ) ( / \
/ \ )\(-+-)/( / \
/ )-/ 0:0 \-( \
/ ____ )--\~-~/--( ____ \
(/) +*****\/\/****(o:o)****\/\/****+ (\)
/ /)* \-/ *(\ \
(/ * d...@sklee.demon.co.uk * \)
* "Is that paint on your sleeve*
* Spock..?"- *
* "Negative Jim. Vulcans show*
* no emulsion.." *
"I think Dogarin is fairly new, Velvet, I don't recall having seen
him around much before, oh, about 3 weeks ago... Between you and
Shadowmuse, I think we have the female presence here." <draconic grin>
Shadowmuse pokes Dogarin, Nightwing and Djonnah. "Look, she's awake and
scared. I'm the least threatening of the 4 of us, shall I go over and
greet her?" Shadowmuse calls out to the white as she slowly walks closer,
"Hello there! Glad to see you're finally awake. We were worried about
you! They call me Shadowmuse, and the others are Djonnah, Dogarin,
Nightwing and Lady Velvet. Welcome to the Dominance."
"Come on over guys, she knows we're harmless." and hapless, she thinks
to herself.
-Shadowmuse, mate of the mighty drache Jester
> Drachene (rogg...@river.it.gvsu.edu) wrote:
> > : Hmmm, have I truly been gone so long? I remember not, Dogarin? Are you
> > : new? (Within the last month...maybe a little longer)
> > : I think I'll try to stay long enough to welcome this little white, so a
> > : gentle female presence will be here while you loom.
> >
> > Hey, I'm here too! Shadowmuse yips.
*Lifting her head from the snow, Velvet looks at Shadowmuse*
I saw you dear, but you weren't looming like Dogarin and also, I know you so
had no reason to introduce myself...sorry for leaving you out.
*cuddling around the little dragon Velvet puts her head back down*
> "Yes you are, but I think Velvet either didn't see you (with myself
> and Dogarin around, you could be out of sight without thinking about it),
> or she couldn't tell immediately. She might not have met you before, and
> it's sometimes difficult to tell from a quick glance....."
> Nightfire
Thanks, but I just wasn't thinking properly.
Lady Velvet
Nightfire, when you're only 8' tall, anything 20' and over is huge.
-Shadowmuse the short
"Just as well, how many classrooms are there that she fits into?"
<draconic grin>
"Hmmmm, you have a point. But in that case, what's 'Thysta, at over
"Targaff <giggle,smrf,giggle) THAT'S why Firefang and I are your bodyguards!!
Myrnnh mate o' Firefang
: Nightfire
Yeah, it would be easier not to blush at all... but think of
those poor souls among us who are forced by circumstance to... why, once
I blushed so hard red started showing through my scales... my nice, green
scales... Do you have any idea what an icky muddly brown THAT turned
out? (No offense to any brown dragons out there, you realize.) And how
hard it is to get the color out afterwards?
At least I guess it was better than the time I got scared in
#afd...my scales were white for a good hour! (But let's not go into THAT...)
Baxil (the dragon-turned-sometimes-involuntary-chameleon)
/ i\__
|\ / x___T Claws on the keyboard,
| \ / | | ___ Hot cup of cider at the ready,
| \ / \ \ | |\_. Friends talking on the screen,
| \ / \ \ | | _| Life is good today as always!
| \/ \ \ __ ( ) |_|/
| X \ | // \ )( __/_\__ -=- From _Song of Thideras_ -=-
| / \|// /\\\ __ | | (translated from the original
| / \/ / ooo c|| | | medieval Esperanto)
| / \ / ===__\/____________
| Baxil, 40' snout-to-tail, Green,
| Fire Mage, Student of Life.
ddragon @ itp.ucsb.edu / uramst00 @ mcl.ucsb.edu
"Don't worry, you don't want to know and he's going to wish he hadn't
said it." Says the blue one.
-Shadowmuse, plotting revenge!
(Hmmmm, j-e-l-l-o!)
<Nightfire does his innocent impression, it mostly looks silly on a
75' dragon.>
"Me? Comment on such a thing? Well..... it was quite an interesting
sight...." <draconic grin>
"Mmmmmm, not that this isn't an interesting sight...." <draconic
"I did? When did I do that? I don't remember anything that I did
that would cause that......"
definitely mystified
Myrnnh <giggling helplessly now> turns to her mate. "Targaff doth...<hiccup,giggle>
bounce on a pogo stick til his eyes do spin. Tis his way to get his eyes to whirl...
like mine. Only...only...the stick doth make him dizzy instead!" She wipes her
streaming eyes. "I am sorry for laughing, my small friend. Thee were just so comical!
>>> "So Targaff who do you need
>>>bodyguarding from?" He asks with a smile and glances around
>>>for a likely suspect.
>>*sheepish look* Um... myself, mainly. And pogo sitcks :) Vicious
>>Targaff <Insert something amusing and appropriate here>
>Myrnnh <giggling helplessly now> turns to her mate. "Targaff
>bounce on a pogo stick til his eyes do spin. Tis his way to get his
eyes to whirl...
>like mine. Only...only...the stick doth make him dizzy instead!" She
wipes her
>streaming eyes. "I am sorry for laughing, my small friend. Thee were
just so comical!
*Targaff shrugs helplessly* It's not my fault!!! So I have, um... an
aversion to pogo sticks. But they're great fun!!! :) No-one else seems
to want a go tho' :(
Targaff the it's -snowing-in-the-uk,-dwagins Dragon