As the subject says, what is the collective noun for dragons?
This question came to me when I read about the collection of dragon statues
that a friend of mine owns. What does one call a whole bunch of dragons?
Well, I didn’t know. So, here I am asking.
Oh, by the way... ::Holds up a bag.:: Would you like some Oreos?
Ted Schiller
Some how I don't think the human image of dragons has been as a community
oriented creature, although my vote would go for a pride or a weyr of dragons.
Seeker- A community minded dragon
"Never give up hope. It is one of the few things in this world that is truly
DC2.D(or human) Gm a L12m3t22w w- BF f+ s- Fr-- (U) df(We'll see...) i! h-- $ m
(o) e+! CA
-As the subject says, what is the collective noun for dragons?
The term "a dominance" was suggested a long time ago, which is why this
land is called The Dominance.
Same as 1997, so far
This is serious, Mum.
>Oh, by the way... ::Holds up a bag.:: Would you like some Oreos?
Yeah please <g>
>Ted Schiller
The "Esoremalf" Bek Kodosi,
DC.D/W f s-- h+++ MR w/g /- a++ $++ (m) (d) WL++* Fr-- L* BSmF e! g- i! U-
76.0% Draconity corrupt.
Depends what species of drak you mean.... Some call it a weyr, others a
Flight, others a Pack or a Wing..... Although I like what was suggested
here: a dominance of dragons.
>Oh, by the way... ::Holds up a bag.:: Would you like some Oreos?
Sure.... *accepts some Oreos, then pulls several pounds of various sugary
food from his pack* Help yourself......
~Orion Stormson,
dragon of many worlds
It depends on the social background. Where I come from, it's the 'clan', but
it could be the 'brigade', the 'darkness', the 'diversity', the 'thunder', the
'dominance', the whatever.
Marada Coeurfuege Shra'drakaii Dra'torrinah(Clan Nightwings) Colony name not needed in address.
"I trust you less than a forty-eight dollar motherboard."
DC.D f s+ h++ CR a- $ m** d+++ WL++* L20f E e++ g- i U+
> Hello,
> As the subject says, what is the collective noun for dragons?
Well, people (as human as they are) call them simply dragons, but I guess they
could also be considered draconians or maybe drakes.
> Oh, by the way... ::Holds up a bag.:: Would you like some Oreos?
Ah, yes cookies!!! *as I reach a talon into the bag to dig 1 out* *munch
munch gulp* hmm, not bad, think I'll have another.
DC2.D Gm CDJ:B a21 L35f17t w pFLW B- f+ r+++ s-- Fr- U- i h+ $ m o- e
I have always found 'flock' or 'herd' to be satisfactory, whenever the
occasion comes up. This isn't often, 'cause I'm the solitary type, but....
DC.C f s-- df+ h CO|K a- $++ m d++ WL+^ Fr--- L2m B- e? g- i++ U+
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
:thinks perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut until after reading what
others had to say.....
Syth, the ever-bashful
I can remember this topic coming up quite a few times in the past ..
tho' I dont think there's ever been a definiitive answer. Is there
anyhting in the faq? I can't recall ...
In the animal kingdom, I know the collective term that's chosen for a
particular species reflects it's social nature and/or behaviour, hence
lions gather in (small) prides - cuz they are proud critters, many
insects gather in swarms - cuz they, well, swarm. :)
As for dragons .. well, just like there are many different types of
dragons, making the definition of "what a dragon is" impossible, so too
the social nature and behaviour of dragons varies widely. Some are
hermits, some prefer crowds, some like human company, some like having
humans over as dinner .. and so forth.
Given how the collective term is devised, and the WIDE range of draconic
natures and social behaviour, I'd say it'd be next to impossible to come
up with a correct biological collective term.
That leaves terms based on historical meanings. By this, I mean terms
that have come to be associated with dragons, such as a Dominance. :)
While a "weyr" does have an attraction, the word is also used as a term
for a dragon's nest/home, so using it as a collective could be
Personally, I'd vote for "Dominance" .. one of the very few things that
most dragons have in common is that they are a dominant species, either
in the food chain, socially, intelluctally, in terms of life span, inate
power, charisma or whatever. Since dragons as a genus[*] pretty much
have only that characteristic in common and they are the ultimate
product of natural or unatural evolution (or creation), then Dominance
fits pretty well.
[* strictly speaking dragons are _not_ a species, since there's too much
variation, rather "dragon" refers either to a class or a genus]
Marayong <you cant chain a dragon>
We praise you, Lord, for the strange and the silly,
For supernovas and odd-shaped animals, the whimsical shape of a cloud,
and the toothless grin of a baby. For prisms, caves and sneezes.
You have brightened our days with the gifts of wonder and mirth. Through
the works of your hands, we are invited to giggle and gawk: to stand
wide-eyed and speechless before the dance of creation. - Nancy Summers
DC.D f++ s++ h++ CS a++++ $+ m** d+++ WL++* Fr++++ L^ BF i+!
>G'day ya'll,
>I can remember this topic coming up quite a few times in the past ..
>tho' I dont think there's ever been a definiitive answer. Is there
>anyhting in the faq? I can't recall ...
>In the animal kingdom, I know the collective term that's chosen for a
>particular species reflects it's social nature and/or behaviour, hence
>lions gather in (small) prides - cuz they are proud critters, many
>insects gather in swarms - cuz they, well, swarm. :)
Though as often as not that takes on kind of a poetic nature, hence a
surprise of unicorns and an exaltation of larks... *thoughtfullook*
>Marayong <you cant chain a dragon>
Dester'edra Cloudancer of Amoraegrarum Somniare
"Blessed are they that can laugh at themselves,
for they will never cease to be amused."
draconum(please, no unsolicited advertisements)
Pull obvious stuff from address to reply
I have never used a collective noun for dragons...Probably because were
solitary animals...
> >In the animal kingdom, I know the collective term that's chosen for a
> >particular species reflects it's social nature and/or behaviour,hence
> >lions gather in (small) prides - cuz they are proud critters, many
> >insects gather in swarms - cuz they, well, swarm. :)
> Though as often as not that takes on kind of a poetic nature, hence a
> surprise of unicorns and an exaltation of larks... *thoughtfullook*
Hmm.. not to say those ones aint poetic, cuz they are .. but they also
replfect character/social nature. Anyone meeting a unicorn is bound to
be surprised ... <grin> .. and larks are pretty cheerful and exuberant
critters, so an exaltation makes sense there.
Marayong <a collective?>
::How true. We void dragons are generally called legions, but since we're all
in the military, it was to be expected...::
> --
> Marada Coeurfuege Shra'drakaii Dra'torrinah(Clan Nightwings)
> Colony name not needed in address.
> "I trust you less than a forty-eight dollar motherboard."
DC.D F++ h++ Cdiamond a- $+ M** d++
WL+^* Fr-- L10m BZ e! i! U!
>I have never used a collective noun for dragons...Probably because were
>solitary animals...
We are? Always? Then why are we here? *confusedlook*
>-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
> Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Speak for yourself, I quite like to be around other Dragons. But then I
am half wolf, so I've got the instinct to stay in a Pack. BTW, a Pack is
always what I use for the collective noun
>-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
> Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Bek Kodosi
DC.D/W f s-- h+++ CMR/- a++ $++ (m) (d) WL++* Fr- L* BF/Sm e! g i! u-
76% Draconity Corrupt
Or a chaos of cats... ;)
"Actually, I think the term for a group of cats is a 'clowder.' Hang
on...." Ebony rummages in his satchel and pulls forth a book that bears the
title, _Terms of Venury_. "I've been collecting these for a while now.
Here's what I have so far:
An Ambush of Tigers
An Army of Ants
An Assemblance of Buffalo
A Barren of Mules
A Belfry of Bats
A Bevy (or Tress) of Otters
A Bouquet of Pheasants
A Building of Rooks
A Bury (or Warren) of Rabbits
A Business of Ferrets
A Cache of Lemurs
A Carafe of Dolphins
A Cast of Hawks
A Cete of Badgers
A Charm of Finches
A Chaste of Orangutans
A Chine of Skunks
A Clowder of Cats
A Colony of Rats
A Congregation of Plovers
A Covey (or Bevy) of Quail
A Crash of Rhinoceroses
A Crowd of Humans
A Descent of Woodpeckers
A Dissimulation (or Flock) of Birds
A Dormer of Turkeys
A Drift (or Drove) of Hogs
A Drove (or Herd) of Cattle
A Dule of Doves
An Exodus of Eagles
An Exultation of Larks
A Fall of Woodcocks
A Farrow of Pigs
A Fleet of Ostriches
A Flight of Swallows
A Flock of Sheep
A Gaggle (or Skein) of Geese
A Gang of Elk
A Harem of Seals
A Harras (or Herd) of Horses
A Herd of Deer
A Herd of Elephants
A Hive of Bees
A Host of Sparrows
A Hurtle of Sheep
A Husk of Hares
A Kennel of Dogs
A Kindle of Kittens
A Labor of Moles
A Leap (or Lepe) of Leopards
A Murder of Crows
A Murmuration of Starlings
A Muster of Peafowl
A Mustering of Storks
A Nest of Mice
An Ostentation of Peacocks
A Pace of Donkeys
A Paddling (or Tread) of Ducks
A Parliament of Owls
A Peep (or Flock) of Chickens
A Pit of Snakes
A Plague of Locusts
A Pod of Walruses
A Pod (or Herd or Gam) of Whales
A Pride of Lions
A Pursuit of Cheetahs
A Rafter of Flying Squirrels
A Rag of Colts
A Range of Coyotes
A Regal of Orca
A Ring (or Mob or Troop or Herd) of Kangaroos
A Rout (or Route or Pack) of Wolves
A School of Fish
A Shift of Chameleons
A Shrewdness of Apes
A Skulk of Foxes
A Sloth of Bears
A Sounder of Swine
A Spat of Alligators or Crocodiles
A Spring of Teal
A String of Ponies
A Theft of Squirrels
A Throng of Feral Dogs
A Tiding of Magpies
A Titter of Hyena
A Trip of Goats
A Troop of Monkeys
A Trot of Zebras
A Troupe of Baboons
A Trudge of Wolverines
An Unkindness of Ravens
A Venture of Vultures
A Walk of Snipe
A Watch of Nightingales
As you can see, some are quite easy to understand, and others are quite
puzzling. These terms, by the way, were originally used in hunting, for
game animal classification, which is what 'venury' is, I believe. Here's a
few others that don't aren't animals, but still fall into groupings:
A Giggle of Schoolgirls
A Flourish of Strumpets
A Grove of Trees
A Sheaf of Paper
A Sheaf of Straw
Any additions would be appreciated." Ebony closes the book and stows it
in the satchel again.
Draco Draconis Ebenium
aka Ebony the Black Dragon
How long did that take you to write up??
(I'd generally use "pack", but whatever... "Dominance" isn't bad.)
>DC.D F++ h++ Cdiamond a- $+ M** d++
>WL+^* Fr-- L10m BZ e! i! U!
>"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"-Jinnai, from El-Hazard
How does it go?
"Some might say he's a psychotic madman bent on world domination -
but *I* say that he's a tormented young man who needs my help!"
*Nice* series.
Andrew J. Shore, Contention-among-dragons.
[DC2.D CHshadesofB Gm a(d+/+++! h-) L* w pWLF BL
f++ r+ s+ Fr--* U+++! i+! h+ $ m- e++++]
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons - for you are crunchy, and taste good
with ketchup!" - Uni of Warwick lamppost.
I always used the word "lot". Why, there's a lot of dragons! See? It
works. :)
_ - ___ \ BluePard, Lone Loopy Lupine Leopard Mage
,-------/.)- ( ` \ Born wingless into interesting times
// \ ) )
.------/`> \ / Don't be ashamed of the past,
'- ( \ / it molds the present
`-....-' \ _/
''''`'|'\ / `- BluePard(at)
BP (
Odd, the version of "how animals got weird group names" was:
Bunch of rich folk: Hyuck! Let's call that buncha crows over thow a
"murder"! Then all das poor peeeple will think it's chic an; call 'em
that and sound stupid! Hyuck!
> >Marayong <you cant chain a dragon>
You can't? I've done dozens of drawings on the subject, it's quite
intriquing a matter as to how to confine the movement of something that
can be huge and thus kill you will the tiniest flick of its tail... plus
it seems good at evoking emotion, either of triumph for humanity at
caging the beast, or sadness for the wild, brave and indominable spirit
I even put it in a poem, it hit me so hard...
"I once drew a fallen dragon
In chains, a muzzle and bonds
Unable to twitch a toenail
Unknowing of its wrongs"
That's from the one about a real mythical creature being found on earth,
and the consequences...
> A Crowd of Humans
Used in hunting, hmm? I suppose this was used when da leopards were
hunting? :)
> A Leap (or Lepe) of Leopards
Boingy boingy boingy!
(obviously just fer classification terms :)
> As you can see, some are quite easy to understand, and others are quite
> puzzling. These terms, by the way, were originally used in hunting, for
> game animal classification,
"But it isn't always right. Two like me isn't a lot. And me after a big meal
alone is a lot of dragon.' ::laughs::
>Icewing wrote in message
> "Actually, I think the term for a group of cats is a 'clowder.' Hang
>on...." Ebony rummages in his satchel and pulls forth a book that bears the
>title, _Terms of Venury_. "I've been collecting these for a while now.
>Here's what I have so far:
> Any additions would be appreciated." Ebony closes the book and stows it
>in the satchel again.
Like I said, I believe unicorns are a surprise.
>Draco Draconis Ebenium
>aka Ebony the Black Dragon
> Hello,
> As the subject says, what is the collective noun for dragons?
> This question came to me when I read about the collection of dragon statues
> that a friend of mine owns. What does one call a whole bunch of dragons?
> Well, I didn’t know. So, here I am asking.
(Sadly sifts through 26 responses to see if anyone else has said it-- nope!)
It's a 'dryve' (or 'drive'), which comes from Middle English somehow.
This comes of Madeleine L'Engle's research, which is quite good in the
areas of words and languages. Less so, perhaps, in the hard sciences, but
you can't have everything. :)
I don't have any idea where 'dominance' came from, although it must have
come from somewhere. A 'weyr' is more of a geographical place-- like a
nest or a cave or something. The word was, to the best of my knowledge,
pretty much invented by Anne McCaffrey.
A 'wing' of dragons-- this I've heard here. Don't know its pedigree, but
it seems credible. Anyway, it's easy to make up more, especially since
collective nouns often don't make a lot of sense; abou thalf of them (I'd
say) became standard for purely prosodic reasons. Oh, well. Have fun!
> Oh, by the way... ::Holds up a bag.:: Would you like some Oreos?
> Ted Schiller
/\/ \/ \/\ --Greffindel the Plaid.
/ ( O O ) \ ten.ridi@dnefispi
/ #/\_/\_/\__\_
/ #( o \ :etisbew ym tisiV
|#\ --v-v-v-v | lmth.nogard\dnefispi~\ten.ridi.www\\:ptth
\#\==\ :ta yrteoP
\#\==\ lmth.renrocyrteop\yrteop\dnefispi~\...
.sig |#|==|
V2.1 |#|==| *please don't send me adverts, chain mail,
|#|==| or Internet Marketing Opportunities*
>A Flourish of Strumpets
?? Who would...? No, I don't want to know. ;)
>It's a 'dryve' (or 'drive'), which comes from Middle English somehow.
>This comes of Madeleine L'Engle's research, which is quite good in the
>areas of words and languages. Less so, perhaps, in the hard sciences, but
>you can't have everything. :)
Interesting... :)
>A 'wing' of dragons-- this I've heard here. Don't know its pedigree, but
>it seems credible. Anyway, it's easy to make up more, especially since
>collective nouns often don't make a lot of sense; abou thalf of them (I'd
>say) became standard for purely prosodic reasons. Oh, well. Have fun!
Would have thought that the "wing" came from McCaffrey as well. She
was (well, theoretically... this is how she described it) writing about
a bunch of *soldiers*... so her dragons come in wings - IIRC that's a
term that appeared in the air force?
Contention. (Why do dragons have long necks? So we can stick them out
further...) ;)
"Oh, all told, about four hours, over a long period of time. I started
with a brainstorm of names that I knew a couple of years ago. Then I asked
folks on for some others, which included a few that I left
off, due to their 'unofficial' nature. Things like 'A Collective of Borg'
and 'A Subset of Mathematicians.' I then realized that I had a book that
had a large list of the venury terms in the back of it, and began copying
them down. I've kept it on record ever since, just to have around. Now, if
you're asking how long it took me to transcribe them just then, well, that
took about five minutes, thanks to the great and powerful spells of Copy and
Paste, which can be found in the Edit sphere of Word magic."
Have you been assimilated, then, Marayong? ;=8)
-- Rai, a Star Trek fan
,^ ( ..) ~~ Samurai ~~
| \ \ DC.D f+s+h--CK^K a $-m-d++WL++Fr L12m BW e++g--i--!
\ `^--^
\ \ \ Please note Reply-To: header now set. Fish begone!
ksj ^--^ _________________________________________________________
>"Actually, I think the term for a group of cats is a 'clowder.' Hang
>on...." Ebony rummages in his satchel and pulls forth a book that
>bears the title, _Terms of Venury_. "I've been collecting these for
>a while now. Here's what I have so far:
[munch interesting -- and pretty extensive! -- list for length]
>A Sloth of Bears
I have this one listed as a sleuth of bears, but it could be an
alternative. Here are some more for the collection. :=8)
A bevy of roes
A brace (or leash) of bucks
A brood (or pack) of grouse
A clamour of rooks
A cry (or pack, or mute) of hounds
A bunch (or company, or knob) of widgeon (when in the water)
A chattering of choughs
A cloud (or swarm) of gnats
A colony of gulls (when breeding)
A covert of coots
A covey of partridges
A cowardice of curs
A desert of lapwings
A dopping of sheldrakes
A down of hares
A draught (or haul, catch, shoal, or run) of fish
A dryft of swine
A dule (or flight) of doves
A field of racehorses
A flight of widgeons (in the air) or dunlins
A flight (or bunch, knob, or rush) of pochards
A glean (or shoal) of herring
A grist (or swarm) of bees or flies
A herd of wolves
A hill of ruffs
A little of cubs, pigs, pups or whelps
A nest of rabbits
A nye (or nide) of pheasants
A plump of wildfowl
A pod of whiting
A richesse of martens
A run of poultry
A run of whales
A sedge (or siege) of herons or bitterns
A skein of geese (in flight)
A sord (or sute) of mallards or wildfowl
A stand (or wing) of plovers
A stud of horses
A team of ducks (in flight)
A tok of capercailzies
A troop of lions or kangaroos
A whisp of snipe
A yoke (or drove, team, or herd) of oxen
>As you can see, some are quite easy to understand, and others are
>quite puzzling. These terms, by the way, were originally used in
>hunting, for game animal classification, which is what 'venury'
>is, I believe. Here's a few others that don't aren't animals, but
>still fall into groupings:
>A Giggle of Schoolgirls
>A Flourish of Strumpets
>A Grove of Trees
>A Sheaf of Paper
>A Sheaf of Straw
I like the flourish. Very pictorial! *grin*
>Any additions would be appreciated." Ebony closes the book and stows
>it in the satchel again.
Hope I've offered some good'uns. ;=8)
>Draco Draconis Ebenium
>aka Ebony the Black Dragon
i kinda like a newsgroup of dragons, myself ;)
DC.D F++ h++ Cdiamond a- $+ M** d++
WL+^* Fr-- L10m BZ e! i! U!
"What! You dare taste Fujisawa's fist of justice!!"-just guess
You have to wonder where they'd fit the wires around the wings and tail.
>'A Subset of Mathematicians.'
<g> It's a "set". It might even be a "group", but I doubt we obey
all the axioms... :)
Oi! Careful whom ya munching on! :)
> Have you been assimilated, then, Marayong? ;=8)
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I!
Nope. I guess that proves it sicne an assimilated organism doesn't have
it's own individuality or a sense of "I".
> -- Rai, a Star Trek fan
Marayong <a Babylon5 fan!>
Huuurmph! The way these insidious rumours get around. <pout>
As for where the wires etc would go .. ya never saw a borgified dragon
on Star Trek did'ya? And why not? Because dragon's can't be borgified,
that's why. It's only the lesser minds which are susceptible to
borgification. If the borg tried to assimilate a dragon, they'd end up
being assimilated themselves .. as part of teh food chain. <burp>
Marayong <Me, myself and I>
Greffindel the Plaid wrote:
> It's a 'dryve' (or 'drive'), which comes from Middle English somehow.
> This comes of Madeleine L'Engle's research, which is quite good in the
> areas of words and languages.
Hmmm... interesting. I've never heard that one before. Was it something
that she came up with or something she found in her ME studies? Any
other ME scholars out there who could shed some light on this?
I did a web search and came up with a LOT of hits, but virtually all of
them have to do either with some music group (now defunct) by that name
and the manufacturer of a snow board, also by that name.
> I don't have any idea where 'dominance' came from, although it must
> have come from somewhere.
Ya staring at "it". No, not me, but it was devised here on afd many
years ago.
> > Oh, by the way... ::Holds up a bag.:: Would you like some Oreos?
No thanks. I dont like chocholate.
Marayong <what is this snow stuff?>
I did notice that.... and figured perhaps there was some bio incompatibility.
Or they just didn't want to bother with the costumes.
<<Marayong <a Babylon5 fan!>>>
I as well.
Sun, 27 Dec 1998 09:25:33 GMT: A chromatic dragon plucks "Re: What is the collective noun for dragons?" by Batty from the bitstream...
> (TedSchller) wrote:
> -Hello,
> -As the subject says, what is the collective noun for dragons?
> The term "a dominance" was suggested a long time ago, which is why this
> land is called The Dominance.
Yes. THat is pretty much the agreed upon term here. Now you too can amaze
your friends with your astuteness =)
_ _
Digital Dragon, Clan Stormchaser o--------------------o //___// | Team POV & *Amiga* | /____/ ( | A1200 50MHz 34Mb |/^ ^/(
ICQ: 21109302 IRC : Digi2 o--------------------/ ---- /;/ : Digi /_____////
Alfandria MUCK : Digi `v---v'//
"Dragons hold the true spirit of life." `===='~
DC.?(D,t) f++ s+ h-- Cg|b,t:b a+ $+ m d+++ WL++*/WL+^* Fr-- L z e+++ g i--
"Probably," says Ebony, as he pulls out his book and a quill pen.
>A bevy of roes
>A brace (or leash) of bucks
>A brood (or pack) of grouse
>A clamour of rooks
>A cry (or pack, or mute) of hounds
>A bunch (or company, or knob) of widgeon (when in the water)
Ebony pauses and pulls out his dictionary. "What are widgeon?" he asks
after searching. "Are they like pidgeons?"
>A chattering of choughs
"Found that one."
>A cloud (or swarm) of gnats
>A colony of gulls (when breeding)
>A covert of coots
>A covey of partridges
>A cowardice of curs
>A desert of lapwings
>A dopping of sheldrakes
"Found those two," he says, "Lots of birds in this list. I suppose it's
because they were frequently hunted."
>A down of hares
>A draught (or haul, catch, shoal, or run) of fish
>A dryft of swine
>A dule (or flight) of doves
>A field of racehorses
>A flight of widgeons (in the air) or dunlins
"Found dunlins, still can't find widgeons."
>A flight (or bunch, knob, or rush) of pochards
"More birds."
>A glean (or shoal) of herring
>A grist (or swarm) of bees or flies
>A herd of wolves
>A hill of ruffs
"Still more birds."
>A little of cubs, pigs, pups or whelps
>A nest of rabbits
>A nye (or nide) of pheasants
>A plump of wildfowl
>A pod of whiting
"Ah. Fish."
>A richesse of martens
>A run of poultry
>A run of whales
>A sedge (or siege) of herons or bitterns
>A skein of geese (in flight)
>A sord (or sute) of mallards or wildfowl
>A stand (or wing) of plovers
>A stud of horses
>A team of ducks (in flight)
>A tok of capercailzies
"Even still more birds."
>A troop of lions or kangaroos
>A whisp of snipe
>A yoke (or drove, team, or herd) of oxen
>I like the flourish. Very pictorial! *grin*
"So do I. Someone, as I said, suggested 'a subset of mathematicians.'
Someone else suggested 'a convention of Trekkies.' I like those as well."
>Hope I've offered some good'uns. ;=8)
"Thankee sai," says Ebony, blowing on the fresh ink. "Much obliged."
Draco Draconis Ebenium
aka Ebony the Black Dragon
(Keeper of Odd Lists)
Not quite, as I recall it, one particular borg, and then a while group
(collective??) of them became individually aware, and therefore capable of
using the concept of "myself."
>> -- Rai, a Star Trek fan
>Marayong <a Babylon5 fan!>
*idly wonders* Now, what would happen if a group of trekkies and a group of
Babylon 5 fans (whatever you'd call them) were both given a vewwy powerful
weapon in a big room with all of them mixed together? Hmmm. The
controversy continues. Who rules supreme?
The Lady Unicorn Tarpan (fan of neither show)
DC.U f--- s df+++ Cg^K a(u+++ h-) $--- WL++ Fr-^ e+++ i-- U-
(please remove the mystical beast to reply by email)
"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he
does to the web, he does to himself." ~Chief Seattle
Dang it. And I've always thought the correct C.N. is a "danger". . . . *sigh*
As you'll also recall, they also became far less effective when that happened--
and essentially just individuals who had bad run-ins with full towers. }:-)
>> How does it go?
>> "Some might say he's a psychotic madman bent on world domination -
>> but *I* say that he's a tormented young man who needs my help!"
>> -Fujisawa
>That sounds about right to me. Though my favorite parts is when Ifurita is
>fighting Kalia in El-Hazard 2, and after seeing all her special powers fail,
>Ifurita just gives the whelp an old fashioned beat down with her big stick
<g>. Yet to see the second series... (*sigh*... the joys of the
British Anime Market!)
>I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I!
>Nope. I guess that proves it sicne an assimilated organism doesn't have
>it's own individuality or a sense of "I".
Oh. I thought it was machine code... :P
>Like I said, I believe unicorns are a surprise.
I never expected the Unicorn Inquisition!
>Dester'edra Cloudancer of Amoraegrarum Somniare
>"Blessed are they that can laugh at themselves,
>for they will never cease to be amused."
>draconum(please, no unsolicited advertisements)
>Pull obvious stuff from address to reply
Wren Flametongue - Winged Draconid
DC2.D Gm CG:amber(hairK) a- L w- pFLW B- f
r+++! s Fr U i-! h--- $- m e---
Hey now! Since when have unicorns ever been known to gather in such numbers
to even be granted a collective noun! (Although a whole group of unicorns
would certainly be a surprise to me, indeed!)
As for the Unicorn Inquisition . . . welllll.
The Lady Unicorn Tarpan
The INQUISITION is rarely expected! :)
That's why they often come under the cover of darkness .. one day the
heretic is unhappily living in the hovel next to your lair and the next
day .. he's gone .. and no, you didn't feel like a snack during the
What? Not *that* INQUISITION? Ahh ... minor quibble. They are all part
of the same conspiracy. :)
> Since when have unicorns ever been known to gather in such numbers
> to even be granted a collective noun! (Although a whole group of
> unicorns would certainly be a surprise to me, indeed!)
Hmmm.. how about a virgin of unicorns? :)
Marayong <hmm.. did someone mention a free feed?>
Sighhh... always one in every crowd. :)
Well, the de-collectivised bunch of borg weren't really assimilated any
more so they dont count .. and that individual in question, he just
wasn't fully assimiliated.
Actuallu, I guess I should have just said:
Since there's just me. :)
> *idly wonders* Now, what would happen if a group of trekkies and a
> group of Babylon 5 fans (whatever you'd call them) ...
Lurkers. :)
> .. were both given a vewwy powerful weapon in a big room with all of
> them mixed together? Hmmm. The controversy continues. Who rules
> supreme?
A very puzzled looking vorlon would walk out of the empty room speaking
in html code. :)
Do you need Mozilla for that tag? }:-)
>A very puzzled looking vorlon would walk out of the empty room speaking
>in html code. :)
We'd all know he was puzzled, because normally, they speak 6502 assembler.
Her silhouette shines in the clouds, and she rises with the sun, to create
~Gilded Dawn~
DC2.D Gf CHA ^S wS a++ L60m15t30w w pWLF BF f+ r+ s+ Fr U i! h++ $ m e++
(while munching on an oreo) Mmph!! I malways mought it was a Wang Toodle of
mmm... oreos...
---I'm not a complete idiot; Some parts are missing.---
Verdulum (formely known as: Psychosis)
DC.D f+ s- h-- CS:B a- $+ (m) d? WL++* Fr^^^ L10m BI e* g--- i-! U-
d?... I'm not sure.. I used to know... e*... okay at magic, though my
sights are higher then my ability.. watch out!!!
50% dragon pure
I'm the Canadian dragon, eh?
> >That sounds about right to me. Though my favorite parts is when Ifurita is
> >fighting Kalia in El-Hazard 2, and after seeing all her special powers fail,
> >Ifurita just gives the whelp an old fashioned beat down with her big stick
> <g>. Yet to see the second series... (*sigh*... the joys of the
> British Anime Market!)
You didn't miss much. The animation was of a distinctly poorer quality, the
plot was much worse, and the above scene is more or less one of two
highlights of the series, the other highlight being the princess attempting
to use her resemblence to Makoto(sp?) to seduce Shayla-shayla(again, sp?).
All in all, El Hazard 2 is not a worthy sequal.
DC.D F++ h++ Cdiamond a- $+ M** d++
WL+^* Fr-- L10m BZ e! i! U!
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
It could happen, especially with a young, or sick dragon. The technology
involved is truly advanced though, simply because of the wings. the laminates
to replace the membranes between the underlying bone contructs, some really
cute, non-liner electronics to cover the intrfaces, major cortex surgery to
subdue that powerful ego in most dragon species, etc, etc. All in all, it
would be a really hideous thing, assuming they ever managed to subdue one
long enough to begin surgery.
>A little of cubs, pigs, pups or whelps
Make that litter, obviously. I have no idea where that typo came
from, peculiarly appropriate though it is. :=8)
,^ ( ..) ~~ Samurai ~~
| \ \ DC.D f+s+h--CK^K a $-m-d++WL++Fr L12m BW e++g--i--!
\ `^--^
\ \ \ Please note Reply-To: header now set. Fish begone!
ksj ^--^ _________________________________________________________
Hmmm... I would probably say a 'bevy' thats the generalized collective term
for something that doesn't have its own collective cats for
example, I'd say "Theres a bevy of cats in our yard"
Nope. You need Godzilla to run that code. :)
Marayong <well, he's almost a dragon ...>
Hmm.. I'd say it would depend on the species of dragon. Some dragons
incorporate an element of otherness into their mental and physical
structure, otherwise known as "magic" in one common hoomin language.
However, the Borg are a purely technologically oriented species. if they
did somehow capture a sick or young dragon and tried to borgify the poor
thing, then if the dragon had a "magical component" then the attempt
would fail. Either the dragon's mind could not be assimilated (even if
the body was borgified), or the attempt to assimilate the dragon would
either result in the collective dying or the dragon dying. Of course,
for those dragons who don't have a magical component to their
constitution, I guess being borgified does remain a potential danger.
> The technology involved is truly advanced though, simply because of
> the wings...
Since there are few places to fly inside a borg ship, I suspect they
would take the terrible alternative of amputation. Sicne the dragon
would then be part of the collective, it would not feel the loss. Of
course, that's all theoretical, given the above.
Chances are, if they did try it, it would annoy enuf dragons, if only
cuz they had the hide (ahh, sorry about that word...), and it's probable
that the Borg would soon become extinct. Very extinct. Extinct as in a
small herd of bleeding herbivors becomes extinct when they jump into a
lake containing millions of pirannah's (the carnivorors varieties,of
Marayong <who had found the taste of borg to be distasteful!>
Thank you. Now you can just rock me to sleep tonight.
[I have thought of this before-- and usually resolved it by citing bio
>I never expected the Unicorn Inquisition!
>Wren Flametongue - Winged
Nobody expects the Unicorn Inquistition!
Seeker- Whose done Monty Phython Movie Marathons; and lived to tell about it.
"Never give up hope. It is one of the few things in this world that is truly
DC2.D(or human) Gm a L12m3t22w w- BF f+ s- Fr-- (U) df(We'll see...) i! h-- $ m
(o) e+! CA
>> Hello,
>> As the subject says, what is the collective noun for dragons?
>(Sadly sifts through 26 responses to see if anyone else has said it
>-- nope!)
Someone did after my news server got your post, though!
>It's a 'dryve' (or 'drive'), which comes from Middle English somehow.
>A 'wing' of dragons-- this I've heard here. Don't know its pedigree,
>but it seems credible. Anyway, it's easy to make up more, especially
>since collective nouns often don't make a lot of sense; about half of
>them (I'd say) became standard for purely prosodic reasons.
*nod* There's certainly a lot of alliteration in the list.
>Oh, well. Have fun!
We do try, greff. :=8) And good to see you back, BTW!
>> Oh, by the way... ::Holds up a bag.:: Would you like some Oreos?
Thanks! *chomp*
It certainly seems there are a lot of collectives that have more than
one word to describe them. Where there are reasons (differences when
in flight and on the ground, for example) it's understandable, but one
has to wonder why such a diversity of descriptions arose. :=8)
>>A bevy of roes
>>A brace (or leash) of bucks
>>A brood (or pack) of grouse
>>A clamour of rooks
>>A cry (or pack, or mute) of hounds
>>A bunch (or company, or knob) of widgeon (when in the water)
>Ebony pauses and pulls out his dictionary. "What are widgeon?" he
>asks after searching. "Are they like pidgeons?"
Only in as much as they're birds. :=8) The widgeon (or wigeon) is a
type of migratory duck that winters in the UK.
>"Found those two," he says, "Lots of birds in this list. I suppose
>it's because they were frequently hunted."
I'd guess so. Though why one specific word wasn't used for all game
birds, as 'herd' seems to have been more most larger game animals, I'm
not at all sure.
>>A flight of widgeons (in the air) or dunlins
>"Found dunlins, still can't find widgeons."
I'd guess it's because they're not found in the States.
>>A herd of wolves
This was an interesting one. I'm sure many wolves would be mortified
to hear themselves grouped with the same noun as sheep. ;=8)
>"Even still more birds."
*G* A lot of them, aren't there?
>>A troop of lions or kangaroos
>>A whisp of snipe
>>A yoke (or drove, team, or herd) of oxen
>>I like the flourish. Very pictorial! *grin*
>"So do I. Someone, as I said, suggested 'a subset of
>mathematicians.' Someone else suggested 'a convention
>of Trekkies.' I like those as well."
Heh. Haven't heard that last one before, but it certainly makes
>>Hope I've offered some good'uns. ;=8)
>"Thankee sai," says Ebony, blowing on the fresh ink. "Much
>Draco Draconis Ebenium
>aka Ebony the Black Dragon
>(Keeper of Odd Lists)
*G* Evidently so!
>> >Have you been assimilated, then, Marayong? ;=8)
>> You have to wonder where they'd fit the wires around the wings and
>> tail.
>Huuurmph! The way these insidious rumours get around. <pout>
Well, if you're going to make open-ended statements like that, in a
newsgroup you _know_ is inhabited by folks who enjoy sci-fi ... ;=8)
>As for where the wires etc would go .. ya never saw a borgified
>dragon on Star Trek did'ya? And why not? Because dragon's can't
>be borgified, that's why. It's only the lesser minds which are
>susceptible to borgification. If the borg tried to assimilate a
>dragon, they'd end up being assimilated themselves .. as part of
>teh food chain. <burp>
Mmm -- Borg-onna-stick. Crunchy!
No need to worry -- I always carry round a raw carrot or something,
lest I'm struck by such an attack of the munchies. :=8)
>> Have you been assimilated, then, Marayong? ;=8)
>I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I!
*G* Clearly!
>I guess that proves it since an assimilated organism doesn't have
>it's own individuality or a sense of "I".
Unless you're really the disguised Borg Queen, of course. ;=8)
>> -- Rai, a Star Trek fan
>Marayong <a Babylon5 fan!>
'Twas good till the Shadows War, and then it all fell to bits, IMHO.
I'm sure others may disagree, though ... *grin*
I found a bit of it hard to buy.... but oh, those graphics!
Of course, when do the shadows get equal time for their view?
FoulDragon wrote:
> >'Twas good till the Shadows War, and then it all fell to bits, IMHO.
> >I'm sure others may disagree, though ... *grin*
> I found a bit of it hard to buy.... but oh, those graphics!
> Of course, when do the shadows get equal time for their view?
<mind the sopilers here!>
I saw like one episode at the end of the Shadow War, where the Captain
is on a ship and a Vorlon and a Shadow teleport in. He's supposed to
choose between them, and they state their case there (I think). He, of
course, rejects them both and goes on his own path to destiny. :)
Sparhawk, who gets annoyed at networks shuffling shows to the nights he
can't see them, them putting them back a few seasons later.
Be sure to respond to Sparhawk_YMBAW(at) or
your message will be lost in the DejaNews dungeon!
Wolves run in packs, while sheep (or ships, if you are not a Spanish-speaker
(J/K)), tend towards flocks, thank you....
Syth Ravenheart, the 250-pound, winged, black wolf. DC.?(C/W) f s-- df+ h
C(O|K/K) a- $+ m d WL(+^/++*) Fr- L2m B- e(?/+++) g- i++! U+ [NOTE: some
characteristics don't carry over from tiger-form to wolf-form, and vice
__,--' `-,_
_,_' adm
This was the 'Who are you? What do you want?' one, wasn't it?
FoulDragon wrote:
> >I saw like one episode at the end of the Shadow War, where the Captain
> >is on a ship and a Vorlon and a Shadow teleport in. He's supposed to
> >choose between them, and they state their case there (I think). He, of
> >course, rejects them both
> This was the 'Who are you? What do you want?' one, wasn't it?
I have absolutely no idea! It's been many years since I saw it, and I
wasn't paying all that much attention when i did.
Shades of "The Prisoner", man.
Sparhawk, not a number, but a free man!
> <mind the sopilers here!>
Just a note on this thread .. some countries are still in the middle of
the Shadow War, so spoiler alerts are very much needed!
Marayong <who thought the final episode sucked>
That's enuf empty lines. :)
FoulDragon wrote:
> >I saw like one episode at the end of the Shadow War, where the
> > Captain is on a ship and a Vorlon and a Shadow teleport in. He's
> > supposed to choose between them, and they state their case there (I
> > think). He, of course, rejects them both
> This was the 'Who are you? What do you want?' one, wasn't it?
Wasn't it "Get the hell out of our universe"? :)
Marayong <who loves the B5 one-liners>
And hail to ye, Greff. :)
--Sev, olde fruite lookin' in on the Dominance.
reply to ela...@ic.sunysb.NOSPAMedu
Remove the NOSPAM.
I've never personally encountered the Borg, but they seem to be a formidable
race, as well as a terrifically old one, and may have suprises up their
sleeve. They strike me as having begun as a hive minded race, and discovering
cybertech as an enhancement to an already powerful mind. They may be true, or
partial telepaths, or if they've mangaged to absorb a magical race in the
> Chances are, if they did try it, it would annoy enuf dragons, if only
> cuz they had the hide (ahh, sorry about that word...), and it's probable
> that the Borg would soon become extinct. Very extinct. Extinct as in a
> small herd of bleeding herbivors becomes extinct when they jump into a
> lake containing millions of pirannah's (the carnivorors varieties,of
> course).
Assuming the Borg didn't adapt fast enough. They are a truly heinous opponent,
and cannot be simply dismissed. Never underestimate the enemy. Trust me. I've
made that mistake, and almost paid with my life.
> Marayong <who had found the taste of borg to be distasteful!>
Crunchy, I'll bet.
DC.D F++ h++ Cdiamond a- $+ M d++
WL+^* Fr-- L10m BZ e! i! U!
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
> [I have thought of this before-- and usually resolved it by citing bio
> incompatibility.]
[The borg, of all people, would adapt. I would think that any dragons they
would have encountered would have died before submitting to Borgification.]
> --
> Marada Coeurfuege Shra'drakaii Dra'torrinah(Clan Nightwings)
> Colony name not needed in address.
> "I trust you less than a forty-eight dollar motherboard."
"You should look closer," replies Ebony. "It's on the list."
Draco Draconis Ebenium
aka Ebony the Black Dragon
(who also has a murder of crows, an unkindness (or death) of ravens, and a
parliament of owls)
"Actually, that was the episode in which Sheridan died, and returned
from the dead. The speaker is Lorien, the last of the First Ones."
>I have absolutely no idea! It's been many years since I saw it, and I
>wasn't paying all that much attention when i did.
>Shades of "The Prisoner", man.
"The interrogation episode ran very much along those lines. I was
surprised that a military man like Sheridan didn't resort to name, rank, and
serial number, though. Perhaps he found it irrelevant, since he was, by his
mutiny, no longer in the military."
Draco Draconis Ebenium
aka Ebony the Black Dragon
(a Bab5 fan from beginning to end ... not that that's come along yet, what
with "Crusade" coming)
"It was not the best episode, but it was the one that had to be done.
There is much left, but the center has moved away from Babylon 5. There
were good things there. The feelings the episode evoked in fans were real."
Draco Draconis Ebenium
aka Ebony the Black Dragon
(who knows who it was that, fittingly, turned out the lights in the last
> A hill of ruffs
> A tok of capercailzies
Sorry to show my ignorance here, but nowhere in my travels (which granted have not been as long or as far as others here) have I come across Ruffs or capercailzies. What are they?
>>A Flourish of Strumpets
But... nah forget it :-)
A flight of dragons would be a large group.
Hope this is of help.
The big I word? Explain? Immortality is the only guess, but that doesn't
sound the sort of thing that would evoke that reaction. It was meant as an
overblown expression of how that concept makes me uneasy, and once I get
uneasy, I stay that way for decades. And 280cm isn't big enough.
>[The borg, of all people, would adapt. I would think that any dragons they
>would have encountered would have died before submitting to Borgification.]
Almost certainly true, if they are all as proud as the Draconiati.
>On Wed, 30 Dec 1998 06:06:37 GMT,
>(nugator) spake thusly:
>>Like I said, I believe unicorns are a surprise.
>I never expected the Unicorn Inquisition!
"Nobody expects the Unicorn Inquisition! Our chief weap"on...
>Wren Flametongue - Winged Draconid
Dester'edra Cloudancer of Amoraegrarum Somniare
"Blessed are they that can laugh at themselves,
for they will never cease to be amused."
draconum(please, no unsolicited advertisements)
Pull obvious stuff from address to reply
Dunno... I thought it was 'carton' myself }:-) (FoulDragon) enscribed the following:
>>[The borg, of all people, would adapt. I would think that any dragons they
>>would have encountered would have died before submitting to Borgification.]
>Almost certainly true, if they are all as proud as the Draconiati.
Why assume Dragons would not be able to remain independant of the 'Borg'?
If Species 8249 (or whatever the number was) can defeat the 'Borg' then
other species should also be able to. Fictionally speaking! :8)
DC.D f++ s-- h++ CFire a+++++ $+ (m) d+++
WL++ Fr++++ L700f BF e+++ g-- i+! U+++
Dragon's, coming, out of the sea.
Shimmering silver head of wisdom looking at me.
Peter Gabriel - Genesis. wrote:
> In article <>,
> (FoulDragon) wrote:
> > >It could happen, especially with a young, or sick dragon. The technology
> > >involved is truly advanced though
> >
> > Thank you. Now you can just rock me to sleep tonight.
> What? Just because I'm tem times your age and the metabolic analyists tell me
> that thanks to the Avatar transformation I'm looking at the big I word? You're
> still big enough to take care of your self.
> > [I have thought of this before-- and usually resolved it by citing bio
> > incompatibility.]
> [The borg, of all people, would adapt. I would think that any dragons they
> would have encountered would have died before submitting to Borgification.]
I've got a file in my archives called borgdrgs.jpg by Lysozyme... lemme
find it on Yerf's archive.
There it is -->
Can't hardly take that as canon, though.
Sparhawk, spreading slowly through the newsgroup
Wyrm wrote:
> Greetings.
> (FoulDragon) enscribed the following:
> >>[The borg, of all people, would adapt. I would think that any dragons they
> >>would have encountered would have died before submitting to Borgification.]
> >Almost certainly true, if they are all as proud as the Draconiati.
> Why assume Dragons would not be able to remain independant of the 'Borg'?
> If Species 8249 (or whatever the number was) can defeat the 'Borg' then
> other species should also be able to. Fictionally speaking! :8)
Another vaugely relatyed question-- do you think the Borg would be able
to assimilate the Zerg from Starcraft?
Sparhawk, thinking they would
Ebony sighs. "Don't make me put the whole list up again. Wolves travel
in packs, routs, routes or herds, depending on your opinion."
>> A hill of ruffs
>> A tok of capercailzies
>Sorry to show my ignorance here, but nowhere in my travels (which granted
have not been as long or as far as others here) have I come across Ruffs or
capercailzies. What are they?
"Ruffs are sandpipers. Capercailzies are Eurasian grouse. Both are
types of birds. You know, there are things called dictionaries ... :)"
>>>A Flourish of Strumpets
>But... nah forget it :-)
"Eh? I suppose you might prefer a Parade of Streetwalkers, perhaps?"
They can be a pack too, but an alternative name for a group of wolves
is, I'm afraid to say, a herd.
>> A hill of ruffs
>> A tok of capercailzies
>Sorry to show my ignorance here, but nowhere in my travels (which
>granted have not been as long or as far as others here) have I
>come across Ruffs or capercailzies. What are they?
British birds. As Ebony pointed out, a lot of the collective nouns
were used by hunters, and birds were the prime prey of many.
>>>A Flourish of Strumpets
>But... nah forget it :-)
>FoulDragon wrote:
>> >I saw like one episode at the end of the Shadow War, where the Captain
>> >is on a ship and a Vorlon and a Shadow teleport in. He's supposed to
>> >choose between them, and they state their case there (I think). He, of
>> >course, rejects them both
>> This was the 'Who are you? What do you want?' one, wasn't it?
>I have absolutely no idea! It's been many years since I saw it, and I
>wasn't paying all that much attention when i did.
>Shades of "The Prisoner", man.
/me spots words in the bottom of his glass of beer, and has to buy
assorted drinks of high alcohol content and drink them one by one
until... you get the picture...
>Sparhawk, not a number, but a free man!
>Be sure to respond to Sparhawk_YMBAW(at) or
>your message will be lost in the DejaNews dungeon!
Wren Flametongue - Winged Draconid
DC2.D Gm CG:amber(hairK) a- L w- pFLW B- f
r+++! s Fr U i-! h--- $- m e---
> "The interrogation episode ran very much along those lines. I was
>surprised that a military man like Sheridan didn't resort to name, rank, and
>serial number, though. Perhaps he found it irrelevant, since he was, by his
>mutiny, no longer in the military."
Name rank and number is irrelevant, you will be interrogated...
>Draco Draconis Ebenium
>aka Ebony the Black Dragon
>(a Bab5 fan from beginning to end ... not that that's come along yet, what
>with "Crusade" coming)
Wren Flametongue - Winged Draconid
Uh... who? I dont think I remember...
*pulls out trusty dictionary*
Ruff: A European freshwater fish...
That's not it!
Ruff: A stiffly starched, frilled or pleated circular collar...
Ruff: The male of a Eurasian sandpiper, Philomachus pugnax, having
collarlike, erectile feathers around the neck during the breeding season.
The female is called a "reeve"
Capercailzies: A large grouse, Tetrao urogallus, of northern Europe, having
dark plumage and a fanlike tail.
HAH!! These things called dictionaries really DO have kewl stuffs in them!!
Whoda thunk it.
The Lady Unicorn Tarpan
DC.U f--- s df+++ Cg^K a(u+++ h-) $--- WL++ Fr-^ e+++ i-- U-
(please remove the mystical beast to reply by email)
"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he
does to the web, he does to himself." ~Chief Seattle
I once tried to draw one of those things--- and then added a dialog baloon
indicating his Intel Inside was a punishment for crimes against his people to
cover my tail. I binned it days ago tho.
Must be a /very/ obscure alternative... every wolf I've ever known ran in a
pack. ]:>
Must be a /very/ obscure alternative... every wolf I've ever known ran in a
pack. ]:>
Syth Ravenheart, the 250-pound, winged, black wolf. DC.?(C/W) f s-- df+ h
C(O|K/K) a- $+ m d WL(+^/++*) Fr- L2m B- e(?/+++) g- i++! U+ [NOTE: some
characteristics don't carry over from tiger-form to wolf-form, and vice
__,--' `-,_
_,_' adm