Al Phi
Oh, no! I have recently been sucked into that place as well.
I may come and find you out, I am VincentTheDragon Wei.
DC2.D Gm L W- T- Phwalt Skh Cta,bta+ Bco/fl A Fr++ Nn
M O H--- Fo R+++! Ac+ J+ S? I---# V? Q? Tc++[Technition] E+
Visit my Blog/Lair @
Yahoo IM vincent_the_dragon
SeconLife VincentTheDragon Wei
Up the Irons!
Scouting- Because Character counts
Duke of Dutch Ovens [DoDo]
(currently offline)dutchovenfaq.htm
<'cause few know what a dutch oven is>
Priest in charge of the pastries
"The tears of a Dragon,
For you and for me."
-Bruce Dickinson
Yeah.. I'm still trying to learn building. Though it doesn't help a
whole lot if I can't afford land or anything. 'cept for avatar building
that is.
Al Phi
> I might be hanging around Second Life now, as Draconis Burns. It seems
> they don't require a bank/paypal/etc. info anymore, and I just tossed
> in all fake data. Cross fingers, for the client to run under Wine.
I suppose I should check my account..... I left almost L$1000 in my bank
account there, I wonder how much I have, or if my account is still
active..... My handle on there is FlameStryke Shackle.
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
"Windows XP crashes about 3 times a day..... If my computer's on, the
number rises exponentially." -- Flame Stryke
Yeah it's an interesting adventure if you know nothing (like me) about
this type of constructing of polys and such.
I don't see the need for land right now. I am just exploring myself
and chatting and such...mostly looking around and getting ideas.
found a few tutorials on youtube.
i am working with one of the 'cheap' avatars but have found some
inexpensive things in SLBoutique that i may try out in a while.
Dragon AV's seem to mostly be big expensive and quadruped and i want
something more anthro.
I need to set myself a reasonable budget or i'll spend too much :o
and I need to save up for a new computer mine is terrible out of date.
DC2.D Gm L W- T- Phwalt Skh Cta,bta+ Bco/fl A Fr++ Nn
M O H--- Fo R+++! Ac+ J+ S? I---# V? Q? Tc++[Technition] E+
Visit my Blog/Lair @ www.vincentthedragon.com
Updated twice weekly
Yahoo IM vincent_the_dragon
SeconLife VincentTheDragon Wei
Up the Irons!
I've got L$1045 too. From money trees, filling out "surveys", etc. I
haven't found an avatar I really like, I'm switching between a black
winged wolf and an angel dragon (which has huge wings and massive
Al Phi
Yep. First time I really had fun with 3d building. Maybe this will
help me understand Blender and game scripting.
> I don't see the need for land right now. I am just exploring myself
> and chatting and such...mostly looking around and getting ideas.
Basically all I'm doing. I haven't bought anything yet, since I am
still collecting freebies. And if you ever do decide to buy land,
learn how to code slots.
> found a few tutorials on youtube.
> i am working with one of the 'cheap' avatars but have found some
> inexpensive things in SLBoutique that i may try out in a while.
> Dragon AV's seem to mostly be big expensive and quadruped and i want
> something more anthro.
Most of them do seem to be huge, expensive, and quadruped. I actually
prefer quadruped to humanoid where it fits, but humanoid will do nicely
in a squeeze.
> I need to set myself a reasonable budget or i'll spend too much :o
> and I need to save up for a new computer mine is terrible out of date.
Just don't spend any money unless it is an absolute deal. Caveat
emptor: most stuff in SL looks like a really good deal.
I've gotten a little bit better at actual scripting myself. I learned
about the different channels, which you can use to make anything from
walkie talkies to a firebreath controller. Maybe even a shapeshifting
set of "clothing". I'll settle with something a bit more modest
first.. start building a "Wizard's wand" (a debugging tool you don't
actually finish working on)
Al Phi
I made an account there, but I'm not really interested in playing much
unless I can actually make my avatar look like a dragon, and I don't
know how.
Bearer of one Ponder Point
DC2.D~ Gf L12f15t30w W- T Phfltvw Sks,wh Cau Bzz A- Fr- Na Mr---Mv-
H++ $ F+Fo R+++ Ac+ J++ S++ U- I V+[weather magic] Q+[empathy] Tc E++
( O.o)
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his
way to world domination.
I think I will update my SL Dragons List. I have to check up with
Dafydd if there's new adds but who I have in my list at
seconddragons.blogspot.com is
* Centrifuge Xingjian
* Ceralor Akula
* Dafydd Perun
* Derako Carlos
* draco18s Magestic
* Dracodinas Unknown
* Flashdust Lamington
* Gelgisith Kivioq
* Gog Gremlin
* Helios Eusebio
* Isloetha Rothschild
* jrrdraco Oe
* Kaibo Bunnyhug
* Karnis Baphomet
* Killer Ingmann
* Luxatos Poindexter
* Malathar Xavier
* Nargus Asturias
* Ngarewyrd Darracq
* Odendo Brocco
* Psyra Extraordinaire
* Solanth Jetaime
* Tarra Drake
* Walksfar Murakami
Al Phi escreveu:
It's a gimped form of constructive solid geometry.
> found a few tutorials on youtube.
> i am working with one of the 'cheap' avatars but have found some
> inexpensive things in SLBoutique that i may try out in a while.
> Dragon AV's seem to mostly be big expensive and quadruped and i want
> something more anthro.
There are anthro dragon avatars out there, in fact, more than quad. They are
also cheaper, L$900 to L$1200.
There IS a linux client. Albeit, not as complete (it only recently got a
working crash reporter and I think its still missing sound).
Welcome to your Second Life. }:=3)
Draco18s--who can be found, quite easily, without clues.
Your account is never deleted. Either your SL account or your Ginko account.
>There are anthro dragon avatars out there, in fact, more than quad. They are
>also cheaper, L$900 to L$1200.
got any stor names or landmarks..its a big world.
I have found a few but they did not fit the style of /me/
>I've gotten a little bit better at actual scripting myself. I learned
>about the different channels, which you can use to make anything from
>walkie talkies to a firebreath controller. Maybe even a shapeshifting
>set of "clothing". I'll settle with something a bit more modest
>first.. start building a "Wizard's wand" (a debugging tool you don't
>actually finish working on)
I'm not quite ready for scripting yet, but i will be when i find the
right look for me. I would be curious to know if you found any useful
knowledge resources or tutorials for scripting
I'll stick with Furcadia, seen SL and there's nothing much there I cared
Good journeys,
Marrock Volsung
Bearer of two Ponder Points
"Fly with me," said the dragon, "live in the depths of the waters and
soar through the sky.
We are not toys for mortals, but spirits that ride the winds and blow
the clouds along." --Lu Kuei Meng
DC2.Dw Gm L42f W T25,000l Phvwalt Sks,wl
Cbk\gr-^,fgr--,ebk%,vgr--^>bk^,sgr-^,bgr--^&1bk^,wbk@gr-,cag^ Bac A++ Nm
O H $+ R+++! Ac+++ J S+++! U I++ V-- Q+++! Tc+ E---!#
>> > I might be hanging around Second Life now, as Draconis Burns. It
>> > seems they don't require a bank/paypal/etc. info anymore, and I
>> > just tossed in all fake data. Cross fingers, for the client to run
>> > under Wine.
>> I suppose I should check my account..... I left almost L$1000 in my
>> bank account there, I wonder how much I have, or if my account is
>> still active..... My handle on there is FlameStryke Shackle.
It was still active, strangely enough.....
> I've got L$1045 too. From money trees, filling out "surveys", etc. I
> haven't found an avatar I really like, I'm switching between a black
> winged wolf and an angel dragon (which has huge wings and massive
> emits)
Draco18s was kind enough to gift me with some money to buy an avatar. I'm
now an (almost) black dragon. I can smoke from nostrils (and the smoke
doesn't follow the nostril, like some do, once emitted it floats up and
dissipates from its starting location) and I can breathe fire, and I can
roar. Also, the wings extend when I fly and retract when I land.
It's a little odd, though, when I lie down on something, and my wings and
tail pass right through it.....
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
"That which does not kill me makes me stranger." -- Llewellyn
>> > I might be hanging around Second Life now, as Draconis Burns. It
>> > seems they don't require a bank/paypal/etc. info anymore, and I
>> > just tossed in all fake data. Cross fingers, for the client to run
>> > under Wine.
>> I suppose I should check my account..... I left almost L$1000 in my
>> bank account there, I wonder how much I have, or if my account is
>> still active..... My handle on there is FlameStryke Shackle.
> Your account is never deleted. Either your SL account or your Ginko
> account.
I think the Ginko account wasn't gaining interest for a bit, though, as I
should have had more in there from interest than I did.....
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
"The beauty of a pun is in the "Oy!" of the beholder." -- Herd Thinners
> found a few tutorials on youtube.
> i am working with one of the 'cheap' avatars but have found some
> inexpensive things in SLBoutique that i may try out in a while.
> Dragon AV's seem to mostly be big expensive and quadruped and i want
> something more anthro.
Talk to Draco18s online, if you can find him. Mine cost between L$2000 and
L$3000, I think, and it's biped.
> I need to set myself a reasonable budget or i'll spend too much :o
> and I need to save up for a new computer mine is terrible out of date.
I'm just using the free stuff. Find a Ginko ATM and open an account, then
even if you've registered too late for the free allowance, you'll still get
some money from interest. The interest rate is really low right now,
though. It's at about 1% or so.....
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
"The smallest interval of time known to man is that which occurs in
Manhattan between the traffic signal turning green and the taxi driver
behind you blowing his horn." -- Johnny Carson
>> I don't see the need for land right now. I am just exploring myself
>> and chatting and such...mostly looking around and getting ideas.
D'oh!! I forgot to add this part in..... In the West side of St. Martin,
there's a pool and a waterslide (that you can actually ride) as well as
places to float. It's really well done, with flowing water, and the like.
And if you go into Mouselook while on the slide, it's even more fun };=8Ş
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
"I'll just sit here and explode than, shall I?" -- John Cleese, Pluto Nash
>> I might be hanging around Second Life now, as Draconis Burns. It seems
>> they don't require a bank/paypal/etc. info anymore, and I just tossed
>> in all fake data. Cross fingers, for the client to run under Wine.
> I made an account there, but I'm not really interested in playing much
> unless I can actually make my avatar look like a dragon, and I don't
> know how.
I had the same problem. But I now have one, thanks to Draco18s. It's not
perfect, but it's better than nothing, and it is closer than my human host.
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
"Every program has at least one bug and can be shortened by at least one
instruction -- from which, by induction, one can deduce that every program
can be reduced to one instruction which doesn't work." -- Herd Thinners
> Now that we are on topic who else from here is on Second Life?
FlameStryke Shackle.
I guess I could have more than 2 friends..... I currently have only
Draco18s and Nargus.....
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+
$ Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand
of Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature
4x8 from Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady
Viriatha, Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker,
Borrower of the Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small
Statue of a Green Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper,
Employer of a miniature Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic
Ever-Bill from SeaKing, Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o,
Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep, First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the
Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos, Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from
"It appears to be a robotic arm." -- Data "How astute." -- Warf --
Star Trek: Nemesis
> I remember seeing some post from you somewhere, welcome to SL Al Phi,
> if you ever need help you can find people that can help at the Isle of
> Wyrms and the kin, you can also ask questions to me jrrdraco oe at the
> Help Island.
Only if you haven't left Help Island. Draco18s sent me a landmark that I
jumped to before I explored everywhere on Help Island, and now I can't go
back }:=8{
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
"I can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. You decide." -- Flame
How's the official wiki?
Number 2 on a google search for LSL. Or it would be if it wasn't down.
Mirror hosted here:
Actually, it probably will.
> > I don't see the need for land right now. I am just exploring myself
> > and chatting and such...mostly looking around and getting ideas.
> Basically all I'm doing. I haven't bought anything yet, since I am
> still collecting freebies. And if you ever do decide to buy land,
> learn how to code slots.
I did that without buying the land. }:=3)~
> > found a few tutorials on youtube.
> > i am working with one of the 'cheap' avatars but have found some
> > inexpensive things in SLBoutique that i may try out in a while.
> > Dragon AV's seem to mostly be big expensive and quadruped and i want
> > something more anthro.
> Most of them do seem to be huge, expensive, and quadruped. I actually
> prefer quadruped to humanoid where it fits, but humanoid will do nicely
> in a squeeze.
The quads are HUGE (and a lag-causer too). The wyrmling one I have is a good
15 feet long (not including the tail) and 10 feet high with a nice 20 foot or
so wingspan. The wyrm is probably one and a half to two times bigger.
> > I need to set myself a reasonable budget or i'll spend too much :o
> > and I need to save up for a new computer mine is terrible out of date.
> Just don't spend any money unless it is an absolute deal. Caveat
> emptor: most stuff in SL looks like a really good deal.
Indeed. The huge dragon avatar (above) is only $10 or $12.
> I've gotten a little bit better at actual scripting myself. I learned
> about the different channels, which you can use to make anything from
> walkie talkies to a firebreath controller. Maybe even a shapeshifting
> set of "clothing". I'll settle with something a bit more modest
> first.. start building a "Wizard's wand" (a debugging tool you don't
> actually finish working on)
Clothing can't be altered by scripting, sadly. And to do the same thing with
prims would be lag inducing, not to mention when you tell it to change it'd
take a whole second for everything to catch up, as each prim does its changes
instantly, but not in tandem.
Uh....Fox Valley's little mall area has one, I think. There's also some at
ExtroVirtual Island, I believe.
I think that was ExtroVirtual Island.
> > I need to set myself a reasonable budget or i'll spend too much :o
> > and I need to save up for a new computer mine is terrible out of date.
> I'm just using the free stuff. Find a Ginko ATM and open an account, then
> even if you've registered too late for the free allowance, you'll still get
> some money from interest. The interest rate is really low right now,
> though. It's at about 1% or so.....
0.1% daily. It's about 3 to 4% a month. It's been as high as 0.14% which is
about 4.5% a month.
Only because attachment prims are phantom. Just think of the physics errors
the engine would throw because someone's tail is inside the chair!
(And besides, animations can make you do all kinds of weird things.)
You can check the website, www.ginkofinancial.com
And in fucadia, I have to pay real monies to be a dragon. 9..9 And not the
piddling amounts it takes to be one in Second Life (as noted in an previous
post, it takes US$12 or so to buy the huge dragon avatar /for life/).
I had the same problem, I thought I would be able to return to Help
Island with a landmark.
Anyone that's interested in building stuff should go to the Ivory Tower
of Primitives (just search Ivory Tower). There's quite a lot of
interesting stuff there.
Al Phi
I just learned that, by reading the kitsune tail's scripts. Extremely
complex for some simple swishing motion. But color change is a little
Al Phi
And AFAIK, the avatar in furcadia is a lot less customizable.
Al Phi
In Furcadia you can create patches that would let you be anything you
want, one place I visit has a decent quadrupedal dragon avatar as part
of it's patch.
Currently you're limited to a 256 color palette, but with the upcoming
update that is being expanded to 32-bit color, allowing for greatly
improved customization.
>> It's a little odd, though, when I lie down on something, and my wings
>> and tail pass right through it.....
> Only because attachment prims are phantom. Just think of the physics
> errors the engine would throw because someone's tail is inside the
> chair! (And besides, animations can make you do all kinds of weird
> things.)
Yes, but it's still nice to see..... Now, if only I had a holodeck where I
could cover myself in my avatar, even if it was just to look in the mirror
or take a picture or something.....
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
for Sheer Idiot's Monopurpose Programming Language Environment. This
language, developed at the Hanover College for Technological Misfits, was
designed to make it impossible to write code with errors in it. The
statements are, therefore, confined to BEGIN, END and STOP. No matter how
you arrange the statements, you can't make a syntax error. Programs written
in SIMPLE do nothing useful. Thus they achieve the results of programs
written in other languages without the tedious, frustrating process of
testing and debugging. -- Herd Thinners
>> > Your account is never deleted. Either your SL account or your
>> > Ginko account.
>> I think the Ginko account wasn't gaining interest for a bit, though,
>> as I should have had more in there from interest than I did.....
> You can check the website, www.ginkofinancial.com
I'm not that worried. Perhaps I was mistaken.....
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
Color, yes. As long as you aren't changing the actual texture it'll look ok
(when it changes texture it turns grey until your client downloads it, for
someone else, they'll see grey until their client downloads it).
That would be cool.
One thing I want to try sometime is that kind of picture that you can take
that shows your aura (supposedly). I wonder if wings would show...
Maybe. It was probably the fluctuations in interest rate. I've been keeping
mediocre track with an excel spreadsheet.
Oddly you can get a landmark for help island AT help island, but once you
leave it doesn't work. }X=3D
Yes, but you're only what you want to be in your area. If you want to be a
dragon EVERYWHERE it costs lots of moolah.
Still, it's not that great. The way it is right now it has color swatches.
Parts of the av are a particular color and all you can do is change the color,
not the shape. What if I don't want those silly lines/stripes/whatever they
are on the wings? I'm SOL because I can't change that, all I can do is make
them the same color.
>Anyone that's interested in building stuff should go to the Ivory Tower
>of Primitives (just search Ivory Tower). There's quite a lot of
>interesting stuff there.
How did i not find that place in the first place?
Oh, i know. you have just uncovered Vincents major character flaw. he
never reads the directions, he just takes things apart until he
figures out how they work. I don't know why i do that...
bought a PHP scripting book, read the first chapter then just started
dissembling various codes until i figured out stuff...
It makes me a good service technician, but bad at learning stuff
Ah well, thus is life.
I went to Ivory, going back as soon as i fire this thing off. Thanks
for the heads up on that place. I think i am going to print out all
the note cards and keep them close when i start fiddling with stuff.
DC2.D Gm L W- T- Phwalt Skh Cta,bta+ Bco/fl A Fr++ Nn
M O H--- Fo R+++! Ac+ J+ S? I---# V? Q? Tc++[Technition] E+
Visit my Blog/Lair @ www.vincentthedragon.com
Updated twice weekly
Yahoo IM vincent_the_dragon
SeconLife VincentTheDragon Wei
Up the Irons!
Duke of Dutch Ovens [DoDo]
(currently offline)dutchovenfaq.htm
<'cause few know what a dutch oven is>
Priest in charge of the pastries
"The tears of a Dragon,
For you and for me."
-Bruce Dickinson
>> Yes, but it's still nice to see..... Now, if only I had a holodeck
>> where I could cover myself in my avatar, even if it was just to look
>> in the mirror or take a picture or something.....
> That would be cool.
> One thing I want to try sometime is that kind of picture that you can
> take that shows your aura (supposedly). I wonder if wings would
> show...
Never heard of that. That would be cool..... A sure way to show those
semi-believers that I'm telling the truth. Of course, the non-believers
will never believe anyway, whatever proof you give them.....
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
Newton's Law of Gravitation: What goes up must come down. But don't expect
it to come down where you can find it. Murphy's Law applies to Newton's.
-- Herd Thinners
>> > Only if you haven't left Help Island. Draco18s sent me a landmark
>> > that I jumped to before I explored everywhere on Help Island, and
>> > now I can't go back }:=8{
>> I had the same problem, I thought I would be able to return to Help
>> Island with a landmark.
> Oddly you can get a landmark for help island AT help island, but once
> you leave it doesn't work. }X=3D
I know. Sad, really. Although, I guess them showing you how to use
landmarks while still on Help Island is somewhat useful.....
Lord Flame Stryke
DC2.D~ Gm L120f60t180w W T Phawlt Sks Cbk,ere' Bfl A+++! Fr++ Nm M+ O H+ $
Fc~ R+++! Ac+++ J+ S++ U! I# V+++! Q Tc++ E++
Draco nigrum, oculi rubere, suppositus, magus.
Holder of the Scroll of Nobility from Lady Viriatha, Keeper of the Wand of
Sparklies in its case from Hex, Wielder of the Lady Viri Signature 4x8 from
Ysable, Eater of the Mint Cheesecake from Whisper, Mate to Lady Viriatha,
Owner of Flame Stryke's Windex® Factory, Lord Balloonmaker, Borrower of the
Ebony Wood Fife from Luxatos, Accepter of the Small Statue of a Green
Dragon Covered in Ice Cream Toppings from Juniper, Employer of a miniature
Jester doll from SeaKing, Bearer of the Magic Ever-Bill from SeaKing,
Carrier of the gold piece from whisper: o, Builder of Dragon Fyre Keep,
First Dragon of Realism, Giver of the Pickaxe of Icebreaking to Kalos,
Winner of the *shiny* riddle award from Pegasus
"Sense is not cognition but sensation." -- Douglas Robinson
That's just it, when they do the planned update you'll be able to
customize the avatar like never before.
If you tried it a long time ago you should come back again, the update
in due in the next few months and the previews look really good.