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Build it and They Will Come...So Come Already.

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Draconis The Lord Dragon

Feb 13, 1995, 11:13:20 AM2/13/95

Hail Brothers and Sisters,
You all started asking for an IRC channel and someone has built one. Now
lets make sure it is not done in vain and show some interest. After all
if the dragon keeping it going thinks nodragon wants to come around he
may close it up. For any who did not see the other posting, the channel
is: #afd.

My Breath is Fire.
My Blood is Water.
My Strength comes from the Earth.
I Ride the Wind.

The Dragon searches for his Phoenix.

Draconnis The Lord Dragon.

Sven Nielsen

Feb 13, 1995, 8:48:01 PM2/13/95
In article <>,

Draconis The Lord Dragon <> wrote:
> Hail Brothers and Sisters,
>You all started asking for an IRC channel and someone has built one. Now
>lets make sure it is not done in vain and show some interest. After all
>if the dragon keeping it going thinks nodragon wants to come around he
>may close it up. For any who did not see the other posting, the channel
>is: #afd.

Actually, Skant and Dragoneyes have stopped by the DALnet's a
start, if nothing else. :) I'm in there, so stop by and say hi...

type 'irc <>'
'telnet 12345'

Then, type /join #afd
and start talking. :)

P.S.: I think it's safe to flame again....*pats his now-back-to-normal-size-


--Dalvenjah FoxFire, the Teddy Dragon
dalvenjah on IRC, and founder of DALnet, the best IRC net on the planet!
/serv 7000 or telnet 12345 to try it out!
____ _ _ _ "I had the dagger in my hand, and he has
| _ \ __ _| |_ _____ _ _ (_)__ _| |_the indecency to start dying on his own!"
| |_) / _` | \ V / -_) ' \ | / _` | ' \ --Ambassador G'kar, Babylon 5
|____/\__,_|_|\_/\___|_||_|/ \__,_|_||_|

Jennifer Ann Petersen

Feb 15, 1995, 7:49:27 PM2/15/95
What is an IRC? And how does one use #afd? This dragon is
appearing computer illiterate, but would like to learn.
Targen bless!
Kiaran meh Ketaya

Sven Nielsen

Feb 16, 1995, 1:41:01 AM2/16/95
In article <>,
Wyrm <> wrote:
>Ok. I tried telnet 12345 and was connected immediately. Ok
>so far, but then a lot of text whizzed up the screen (including some non-
>ansi characters - faces &c) and suddenly stopped. The last lot of text
>was explaining about LONGNICKNAMES. After that there was nothing, no
>prompt, no response...I tried /join #afd but there was still nothing...
Ack! Hmm. *thinks* Are you running this under a terminal program? If so,
try changing the terminal emulation..if it's set for ANSI, try putting
it to VT-100 or VT-102. Vice versa if it's set for VT-100 or VT-102.

That's the only thing I can think of so there any chance you can
send me a screen dump of what happens...maybe capture it to a file and mail
it to me, or something?

This shouldn't happen with *too* many people, but the problem does crop up
every now and then...Good luck with it, and hope to see you there soon..

--Dalvenjah FoxFire, the Teddy Dragon
dalvenjah on IRC, and founder of DALnet, the best IRC net on the planet!
/serv 7000 or telnet 12345 to try it out!
____ _ _ _ "I had the dagger in my hand, and he has
| _ \ __ _| |_ _____ _ _ (_)__ _| |_the indecency to start dying on his own!"
| |_) / _` | \ V / -_) ' \ | / _` | ' \ --Ambassador G'kar, Babylon 5

|____/\__,_|_|\_/\___|_||_|/ \__,_|_||_| FoxFire -- -- (SN90)

Sven Nielsen

Feb 16, 1995, 1:47:37 AM2/16/95
In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.950215164825.20614I-100000@gladstone>,
Whew. Well, an IRC is a program that lets one talk to another person in
(more or less) real time by typing. It's sort of like the 'talk' program
in Unix, but IRC allows many more people to talk at the same time.

#afd is a "channel" on IRC. If you think of IRC as the phone system, you
can think of "channels" as party lines, or conference calls: a bunch of
people connect to the channel, and everything they say gets sent to the
other people on the channel. It's really pretty cool. :)

And in order to get to this, you've got two things you can do. From
your unix prompt, you can try typing "irc Kiaran".
Then, if that works, when it's done spitting stuff at you, you type
'/join #afd', and start typing if someone's there. To get out of it, you
type '/quit'.

If that doesn't work, you probably don't have an IRC client. Not to
worry, you can still get there. Type 'telnet 12345' at
the prompt, and you'll get to a telnet-IRC-client. This will let you
use the same commands as above, with one addition: type '/nick Kiaran'
to change your name to that, then type '/join #afd' to get to #afd.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any further problems..I'm hoping
*all* of us on the 'Group can get on at one time or another, so we can
at least meet a few of each other, if not all of each other. :)

* dalvenjah shudders at the grammar in that last paragraph...*

Sven Nielsen

Feb 21, 1995, 4:10:22 AM2/21/95
In article <3ib099$>,
Quentinus <> wrote:
>[IRC channel]
>I tried twice, but no-one was there :( [second time it actually worked, as well!
>:> ]
>What time are people likely to get there?

Hmm..I would say around 7-9 PM PST, or (yack!) 3 to 5 AM GMT. People stop
by during the day as well, though..I saw that Drax and Whelp had stopped by
at around noon or 1:PM, or 8: or 9: PM your time.

Eric Adkinson

Feb 22, 1995, 1:42:36 AM2/22/95
In <3ib099$> Quentinus
<> writes:

>[IRC channel]
>I tried twice, but no-one was there :( [second time it actually worked,
as well!
>:> ]
>What time are people likely to get there?

>'Cos I don't want to just go there and leave it running while I do
other things.
>The uni log #hours spent on telnet and fine you $$$ (well, pounds
actually, but
>there is no symbol) if it's more than a certain amount as they figure
you is
>playing muds.
>I can log on anonymously from a PC, but I can't do 2 things at once
that way,
>(If you give a time, GMT preferably - makes it easier for me, 'cos I'm
>GMT!... or at least state your timezone)
>Quentinus. Looking forward to a live snowball fight!.... After he gets
that warm
>bath, though...

I will usually be on between 10 pm and midnight PST, which is 7-9 am GMT
(I think).

Keep the snowballs back and give me the Carribean

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