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The meaning of the name Conan

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Mar 17, 2001, 11:27:53 PM3/17/01
I was doing research on the meaning and origin of a supposed Irish based
name. Anyway while doing research I checked Conan's because I have nothing
better to do. That and my mom harass me that if someday I
have children, Conan is a good name for a boy.

This is what I found:

Celtic Male Names of Cornwall

Conan: (KAH-nan) from Celtic kuno "great, high." Name of a legendary Cornish
king and a real 18th C. bishop of Cornwall. Kenan (KEN-an).

Namely Yours
Search: Conan

Origin: Irish Meaning: Hound
Origin: Celtic Meaning: Wise

While "wise, great and high" are wonderful meanings for a name (although
"high" could have a bad connotation by today's contemporary slang), and
derived from a king and bishop, but "HOUND"?!! Sheesh! I wonder how the name
Conan got associated with hound?

*Uses psychic abilities to sense impending Triumph jokes and a future son
that will be harassed a lot*
This post sponsored by Guinness - Extra Stout
Be responsible or be f**ked up; it's your choice.

Mistress of Late Night

Mar 18, 2001, 1:58:56 AM3/18/01
>Conan: (KAH-nan) from Celtic kuno "great, high." Name of a legendary Cornish
>king and a real 18th C. bishop of Cornwall. Kenan (KEN-an).

***Hey! Ummm...My name is actually of Nordic origin. It means "Skilled Archer".
Hmmm...maybe that's why I have good aim. I guess the French adapted 'Yves'
later on. Anyways, I just find it weird that my bestfriends name (Yvette) is
the female equivalent of my name. So, what does everybody's name mean?

*Luv, Yves*
"Want to put my tender heart in a blender..Watch it spin round to a beautiful
oblivion..Rendezvous then I'm through with you"--Inside Out.


Mar 18, 2001, 8:54:57 AM3/18/01
>So, what does everybody's name mean?

Yves-my name is of Cornish descent,by way of Welsh. I've seen two
meanings-"white wave" and "fair lady/fair,beautiful." It is derived from the
Welsh Gwynyfar (Guinevere),and Jennifer is the Cornish adaptation. Jennifer was
popular in Cornwall over 100 years before it became so popular in the U.S.

Mia McLeod

Mar 18, 2001, 12:54:55 PM3/18/01
My name is a form of Miriam, Hebrew for "wished-for child". I researched it and
each language has their own variation.

Conan's LN Leprechaun
~My life is a TV Variety show. It has its own theme song. The people I
encounter each day are the guests and the people I don't like, I make fun of.~

Mia McLeod

Mar 18, 2001, 1:06:08 PM3/18/01
Oh and the feminine version of "Conan" is Kyna. I'm sorry. I love names.

mmmm andy daly

Mar 18, 2001, 3:49:37 PM3/18/01
<< So, what does everybody's name mean? >>

Melody.... it's kind of obvious.
Music and such. Good stuff.

-Mel <^:?
"In 1985, Harvard seniors getting ready to graduate were asked
where they'd be in 10 years. With no one thinking anything of it,
Conan O'Brien said: Hosting my own show on television.

He made it in eight."


Mar 18, 2001, 5:23:42 PM3/18/01
More fun with names.
Kabalarian Philosophy (
or you can use the search box at the near end of the page at
Namely-Yours (
under Kabalarian Search: The Personality behind the name.
"[This site does] not to provide you with the formal meaning of your
name...instead it uses a mathmatical formula and provides you with a
description of the personality behind the name."
Try it with your name.

Search: Conan

Your first name of Conan makes you a quick thinker, both philosophical and
creative. You appreciate music, art, and drama and, if given training, could
excel in those fields. Self-consciousness may prevent you from feeling at
ease in positions of impromptu expression. Desiring to be free from detail
and monotony, you find it difficult to finish what you start if it does not
hold your interest. You enjoy reading and the beauties of nature,
experiencing peace and relaxation in outdoor activities. A very individual,
independent person, you live within your own thoughts. With acquaintances
and strangers, you tend to be reticent and reserved. Your friends never know
whether they will find you friendly and charming or lost in introspection.
When unhappy or disappointed, you can be moody and temperamental, feeling
misunderstood and unappreciated. You will go out of your way to help others,
and find it difficult to say "no" and mean it. Others impose on your
generosity at times. You enjoy sweets and starchy foods. Over-indulgence
could cause a weak back, skin conditions or arthritis later in life. The
heart and lungs could also be affected at stressful times.



Mar 18, 2001, 7:37:13 PM3/18/01
Mia McLeod <conans...@aol.comeondown> wrote in message

> Oh and the feminine version of "Conan" is Kyna. I'm sorry. I love names.

I didn't know that. Thanks! Kyna is a beautiful and unique name for a girl.

I looked it up and found...
Parent Soup

KYNA: Irish Gaelic for "intelligence" and a feminine version of Conan.
You'll never find preprinted balloons or key chains with this one. Dare to
be different. Relatives: Kyne, Cyna, Cyne.

Definitely a great name to consider. :)



Mar 18, 2001, 8:36:20 PM3/18/01
>Self-consciousness may prevent you from feeling at
>ease in positions of impromptu expression.

So much for that.


Mar 18, 2001, 9:00:14 PM3/18/01
>KYNA: Irish Gaelic for "intelligence" and a feminine version of Conan.
>You'll never find preprinted balloons or key chains with this one. Dare to
>be different. Relatives: Kyne, Cyna, Cyne.
>Definitely a great name to consider. :)

Hard "K" names and Irish names are wildly popular for little girls-while it's
not popular,it does sound trendy. There are so many names that sound like
Kayla,Kylie,Kyla etc that it sounds like a name that will date the child. The
Irish name craze is settling down in some parts (but not,I imagine,in less
urban areas)-Asian/Pacific Islander names (for girls,at least),very underused
Biblical names (Tzipporah/Zipporah,for example),and Israeli names are probably
the next big thing.

Sigh. It's not as easy to name children as it used to be.


Mar 18, 2001, 9:00:20 PM3/18/01

Jessica, Hebrew, Rich

Wow- I did not know that- You know this is weird, I'm always the one with
money. As i type this i have $100 in my pokit, wich is alot for a 15 year

I didn't think that Jessica was a Hebrew name.....

Thanks for that site!!
The one that can't spell

Visit my new and improved web page!!

this email does not work

Mar 18, 2001, 9:30:31 PM3/18/01
Yves asked:

>So, what does everybody's name mean?

Mine means "I'm gonna haul your ass to court and take you for everything you


-Sheattle Sue, CIW [sheattle(at)aol(dot)com] All email blocked from
Sign Letterman's birthday card:


Mar 18, 2001, 9:38:21 PM3/18/01
> Mine means "I'm gonna haul your ass to court and take you for everything
> got."
> --Sue

Thats really really really funny Sue! I'll be laughing at that for weeks!


Mar 18, 2001, 11:22:49 PM3/18/01
BRIAN (m) The meaning of this name is not known for certain but there are
several theories including: "hill" from Celtic bruaich; "high" or "noble"
from Celtic brigh; or "strong" from Celtic bri. Brian Boru was an Irish king
who thwarted Viking attempts to conquer Ireland in the 11th century. He was
victorious in the Battle of Clontraf, but he himself was slain.


Strong seems to be the most common, brave and courageous are sometimes
thrown in.

Combined with my last name, LeFort, my name mean Strong the Strong

I always thought Margan would be a good name if have a daughter, so that I
play off the Arthurian character's name.

-FlyinPig (saved the other Brian's from having to post)


Mar 19, 2001, 12:18:36 AM3/19/01
I looked up the name Conan on the aol parenting thing and they actually
mentioned our Conan! here's what I found:

CONAN. In the first edition (1988) of Beyond Jennifer & Jason, this name was
pretty much a no-no, being so closely associated with the Barbarian. In the
intervening years, the memory of Schwarzenegger’s character has faded and
Conan’s image has softened, partly due to the amiable persona of late-night
host Conan O’Brien, and also because of the acceptance of lesser-known Irish
names in general. Conan, which means "intelligence" or "wisdom" in Gaelic, was
the name of an illustrious seventh-century Irish saint.

I am definatly gonna name my son Conan. I know Conan is always trying to pitch
that name to celebs on the show and to his friends, so when I have a son, I'm
gonna name him Conan, it is a cute name.

This is the meaning of my name:
LYNN. Lynn came to life in the forties as a spin-off from the wildly popular
Linda, and enjoyed some independent notoriety as one of the most common of
mid-century middle names — along with Ann, Marie, and Lee. With the fad for
that kind of follow-the-dots middle name now long gone, Lynn is left with
nowhere to go. LYNETTE, which enjoyed some low-level long-ago popularity as a
Lynn/Linda adjunct, is actually an unrelated variation on a Welsh name.

It's a pretty boring name, eh?


"Lets face it; I'm one sexy bitch!"~Dave Foley

Mistress of Late Night

Mar 19, 2001, 1:41:47 AM3/19/01
Sue Wrote:
>Mine means "I'm gonna haul your ass to court and take you for everything you

***LOL! oh man that was a doozy!


Mar 19, 2001, 8:38:31 PM3/19/01
> I am definatly gonna name my son Conan. I know Conan is always trying to
> that name to celebs on the show and to his friends, so when I have a son,
> gonna name him Conan, it is a cute name.

I'm totally naming my kid Conan! If the show is still on by the time my kid
can watch LN, I'll be like
"Hey look I named you after that guy!" and my son will be like "Him?"


Mar 19, 2001, 8:53:18 PM3/19/01
Your first name of Dag has made you a friendly, approachable, and generous
person. Generally you are good-natured, though at times you can be blunt and
sarcastic.[Yeah, right. Blow me.]

As you are naturally talkative... [Me?]

There are artistic, creative abilities in this name that you could express
through music or singing, or, in a practical way, through sewing or interior
decorating. [I've always wanted to be Martha Stewart for a living.]
You enjoy freedom from monotony and are stimulated by unexpected opportunities
for meeting people, entertaining, or pursuing activities of a carefree nature.
[That's right-- I'm a skank.]
In your work, you find it difficult to be neat and orderly. You rarely plan
things ahead of time, or follow a routine. Emotion and feeling, the desire to
be carefree, friendly, and happy, are the driving forces in your being, rather
than shrewdness, ambition, and material success.

You could experience headaches, or problems with your teeth, ears, eyes, or
sinuses. [Really bad eyes... everything else seems okay, though]

Health weaknesses relative to the functioning of the liver could appear.
[Yeah... gotta cut back on the drinking, I knew that...]

So my personality profile for my nickname was about a million times more
accurate than the one for my birth name... way to call it, mom and dad.



Mar 19, 2001, 11:28:06 PM3/19/01
Reminds me of "kynecologist"...
You don't want your kid to be walking around the schoolyard with a name that
rhymes with "gyne"...


Mar 20, 2001, 12:02:03 AM3/20/01
JigAndReal <> wrote in message

Yeah, unfortunately a friend pointed out that the name is too easy to make
fun of.
Kyna = "Kind of" in it's sound and can lead to teases such as
Kyna dumb; Kyna smelly; Kyna hairy; Kyna ugly; etc...
Maybe Captain/Doctor PUNishment could be hired to protect such a child.

Also since Conan can have the meaning of "Hound" I really hope on that note
the female version of Conan (Kyna) doesn't mean "Female Hound = Bitch". Does
anybody know for an absolute fact that Kyna doesn't meaning that in anyway?
No one would want to accidentally name a child "Bitch". That would be so
sad. :(



Mar 20, 2001, 12:52:19 AM3/20/01
Jmslsu01 <> wrote in message

> >KYNA: Irish Gaelic for "intelligence" and a feminine version of Conan.

> Hard "K" names and Irish names are wildly popular for little girls-while
> it's not popular,it does sound trendy. There are so many names that sound
> like Kayla,Kylie,Kyla etc that it sounds like a name that will date the
> child.

Most names tend to be a part of a trend so the child will most likely be
dated no matter what. For example, a lot of girls born in early 90's are
named Ariel. Besides age will date the person despite the name. ;)

> The Irish name craze is settling down in some parts (but not,I imagine,in

> lessurban areas)-Asian/Pacific Islander names (for girls,at least),very

> underused Biblical names (Tzipporah/Zipporah,for example),and Israeli
> names are probably the next big thing.

How about Japanese based names...
I'm totally in love with the name Sakura but I feel that it is too heavily
associated with street fighting and card collecting. ;) Aozora is another
name I adore.

Zipporah, Oh no. IMHO sounds too much like the lighter. The poor child could
be teased as Zippo, Zipper, Hippo, Hippo Ha, Hippo Rah.

> Sigh. It's not as easy to name children as it used to be.

So true. A lot of it has to do with originality. I know people that have
resorted to using a common name and "misspelling" it order to give the child
somewhat of an original name. For example Kim changed to Kym.


Message has been deleted

Mia McLeod

Mar 20, 2001, 8:15:12 PM3/20/01
I was debating whether it was pronounced Kyna (rhyming with gyne) or Keena.
Maybe it could be pronounced as Keena. I don't know.

mmmm andy daly

Mar 20, 2001, 9:50:49 PM3/20/01
<< Yeah, unfortunately a friend pointed out that the name is too easy to make
fun of.
Kyna = "Kind of" in it's sound and can lead to teases such as
Kyna dumb; Kyna smelly; Kyna hairy; Kyna ugly; etc...
Maybe Captain/Doctor PUNishment could be hired to protect such a child. >>

Well, with any name comes childish twists:

"huh huh... i'm gonna beat up Co-NAN. Where's ya sword?"

That's right, kiddies. All through elementery school, yours truely
was called "Smell." and for no reason! I didn't smell.... except like
flowers and sweet girly goodness.


Mar 20, 2001, 10:03:43 PM3/20/01

> That's right, kiddies. All through elementery school, yours truely
> was called "Smell." and for no reason! I didn't smell.... except like
> flowers and sweet girly goodness.

That's where Jessy's get off easy. The only thing that rhymes with Jessy is
messy and people calling you messy isn't that taunting, its just stupid.
Unfortunately for me the kids found other ways to get to me, one day they
where calling me some thing dumb (like but face or something) and I said
"sticks and stones may brake my bones but names will never hurt me!" and you
know what those little dicks did to me next? Through sticks and stones at
me! I hate childhood!

Feb 21, 2015, 3:29:59 PM2/21/15
It is Pronounced K-eye-na.. which is my name :) I've never seen it associated with hound but, I can be quite a bitch sometimes lol. As for the teasing... yeah it happens. When the child is old enough to understand just tell then them it's no different then any other bullying and what to do about it. My name is Kyna Dunn so you can only imagine what I got and I made it through school. I'm 22 now and everyone loves my name. No one else has ever heard it. I say if you wanna name your kid Kyna, go for it.. but I may be a little bias. Lol
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