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Love Bumps And Love Patches Of The Mouth, Lips, Cheeks, Breasts, Back, Bumbies, Legs, Groins, And Other Places In Women And Men, Bumby Fucking Men And Women And Throat Toggling (Stuffing Dicks Down Throats) Men And Women For Love Parties, Ascension and Descension Parties And Pre-Producing Baby Making Practice Parties For The Vernacular Clubs and Religio Clubs - Updated 04-02-06 Rev. x

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John Francis Ayres

Apr 3, 2006, 4:30:07 AM4/3/06
Info for the Lay Person and others who will be throat dicking men and
women, and bumbey fucking men and women and vagicating women for
pre-producing baby making love parties, and for the same in Ascension
Halls and Descenision Halls, for the Vernacular Clubs and Religio
Clubs. I don't belong to either of these, and never will, so it's up
to you folks to learn the basics. My job is GOD, and I oversee all of
you nimwitted women and men, all of my moronic children, who don't
even know women have dicks and testes, and that men have love bumps in
their buttholes and that women can permanently inflate their buttholes
with a little practice with butt fucking, just as men can, and so can
baby girls and baby boys, and in so doing, they can get the love bumps
and patches in their buttholes and mouths pumping juices into their
brains enabling the both of them to skyrocket to kittying heaven and
bliss, and so can any male who is brave enough to be willing to
experience bumby fucking and mouth and throat toggling and then
experience kittying heaven, as well, you sissy nimwitted, prudish,
prurients, or women who act like leotard dressed men thinking they are
women, or some such nonsense, as do many gay men, running around in
leotards, think about themselves. A prurient is an ass kissing tit
licking dick sucking woman who doesn't know that she is a superiour
being, much less does she know she is a gifted and gorgeous being
surpassing all creatures in my creation.

There will be no more private sex allowed beween a woman and a man, as
private sex is selfish and self indulgent sex, and it shuts out from
your lives, both from the lives of women and from the lives of men,
all of the other women and men, girls and boys, and all of the people
around you who admire and love all of you. Women and men will be, more
and more, having sex for hours and days on end, in large groups with a
majority of women in them. Why a majority of women? Because I'm asking
a majority of men to leave my universe while I fix it up, as I've made
previously known in articles dealing with the 87 / 13 ratio of female
to male energies that are needed to balance out my universe and regain
an equilibrium here for me to pull off my religious and vernacular
agrarian revolution, until later on, when women are fully established
in my universe as the leaders for us all, which is way down the line,
and even after that, we will bring men back very very slowly, once we
have a perfectly stablized universe, and women who are stronger and
more developed as capable human beings, and who have more brainal
energies avaiable to them, which they do not have available to them
now, and then after that, with their active participation in all walks
of society, with my religion we will maintain a perfectly stablized
and harmonious universe into which we can introduce men, again, as the
perfect slaves and servants to women, but women will have to be
extremely strong, and they will have to be able to keep men in their
place, so they may need to have a fewer more in number than men, after
all. We'll worry about that, later, but for the forseen future, it
will be a woman dominated universe for a long time to come, and maybe
for an extremely long time, until men are shriveled to the capacity of
a snail, and are only willing to follow women, and that's all. We will
destroy the male dominating ego, completely, through our activities,
and we will descend males regularly, and those who don't play along we
will vaporize and start all over with, to manufacture, again. I did it
once, and I can do it again, so either they play along, or they don't
play at all. We will do everything possible to train men, and make
them permanently subservient to women, and this is a tireless
occupation, so you women are going to have to learn the business of
all of this that we will be learning, and it will be up to you, and
the wonderful men who will assist you, to maintain the curriculum, and
if you fall behind, you will end up with demerits, and my kids are
watching, all the time, and you will be unseated and then cast out and
trashed on humiliation TV. We will keep this up for the rest of
infinity, and those of you women who go soft, will suddenly find your
asses canned and in the infirmary, the hospital, recovering from
humiliation TV. Until you get your life back on track, and that
shouldn't take too much effort, you will be fairly isolated and in an
outcast group all of your own, until you get back in with the swing of
things and then learn to take dominion and control over males, once

I'm not included, in that group, the "male" group, since I'm the band
leader and conductor, and without me leading it all, it won't be
possible to see it all the way through for the rest of eternity,
though I'm not getting off to such a great start here, and I am in an
infirmed capacity, which will take me a few centuries to come out of,
I will be leading this religous and secular agrarian revolution for
the rest of my life, despite my kids wishing to give me a thumbs down
or a no go sign. Well, be that as it may, and though my kids lack
confidence in me, and though I am a nimwitted and mentally challenged
individual, with no memory to speak of, and partly, largely, brain
dead, I will give it my best, and yes, I am GOD, and I will do what I
set out to do, a long time ago, and I will accomplish it, with the
help of my wonderful religion, that will beat the pants off of every
other religion I taught, previously, and I taught quite a few of them,
in fact, all of them, except for the minor offshoots, that later
developed on their own as a sampling from this religion of mine and as
a sampling from that religion of mine, plus a lot of pure garbage
human beings brought into the picture from who knows where, such as L.
Ron Hubbard, Mr. Dyslexic of the Year Award Goes to him, and he is
rejuvenating himself, as well, hiding out from all of his former
supporters, after he trashed them for every penny he could get out of

Women must learn to be agressive and strident, that is domineering and
always on top of things and events keeping control of all of the
situations under their gifted leadership capabilities, and passive
women will not be the leaders in our world, but the agressive women
who care about everyone in the group will be the leaders in our world
and in my univere, and they will lead everyone regarding everything
and anything concerning all of this, and women will be in complete
charge of everything that has to do with sex, baby making, love, and
sexual exhanges. Men are the slaves, butlers, subordinates, and
assistants of women, and women are the superiours, organizers, leaders
and determine who is in the right and who is in the wrong, and their
decision is the only decision that is going to count, and they are
going to take charge of everything and they are going to take it upon
themselves to make certain that everyone is taken care of, sexually,
in love, baby making, and otherwise, and they will abandon the
passive, sexually primitive, e.g., "I'll follow you honey, anywhere,
just say, jump and I'll jump for you a million miles as I'm all yours
and always will be" self limiting, selfish and self indulgent and
narrow approach to sex between men and women, and they will exhert
their influence, and receive the support of all women, and all women
will listen and carry out the tasks they are assigned, in the
heirarchy of womenhood leadership, and men, as the assistants to
women, will listen and obey, otherwise, women and men who do not
listen and obey will be penalized as demerits will be recorded by my
children, and in time, privileges will be lost in the family setting,
by both women and men, and women and men who do not conform or live up
to the new codes and standards will be mercilously dealt with through
humiliation punishment, in accordance with our rules, codes, moral
standards, and regulations, admonishments, and greivance tolerance
settling, that is, the settling of grievances by hearing in a
courtroom or in a privately and publicly, by the local administrative
directors, who are all women, in a sanctioned setting in the home,
when homes become very large approaching a few thousand people or
more, and women will be the judges, and the arbitrators, and no men
will have a say in anything, except to plead guilty, but sometimes
with extenuating circumstances, and all perpetrators of violations of
our codes will face humiliation punishments, or worse, depending on
the actual behavior, in our society. Men who strike women, or try to
subdue women, which means to sexually overpower them, and have it
their way, acting as if they were the ones in charge, and that the
women are mere play toys or Barbie Dolls or pump up sex doll toys,
just there to expel their pent up sexual tensions into, that is spew
their liquids at and then arrogantly demean, and as if the men were
somehow superiour to the women they are acting upon and injuring
mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and by sheer force of
strength, physically, will be severely punished, and even sent to
jail, and kept in jail, and then subjected to severe courses of
humiliation training on public television, where night after night,
they are forced to eat fake dog shit, that for all practical purposes,
looks and smells, and tastes like real dog shit. They'll be
blindfolded, bound and chained, and then tortured by such realistic
humiliation treatment as people look on and heckle and jeer at them,
and spectators will walk up, both women and men, and pee on them and
in their faces, down their throats, then shit on them and in their
mouths, and puke and barf and spit on them, wiping the human feces
into their faces, ears, mouths, and butt holes, and coating their
dicks and scrotums in human fecal matter, and worse, forcing reptiles
up the rectums of men, and letting the reptiles play around in the
rectums of men until the men begin to vomit or by training parrots to
latch onto the dicks of and then just stay firmly in the beaks of
while they claw away at their testes trying to get a better position
to sit up on, as they hang from their undersides. Whereas women who
start a frackus with women will also be treated to humiliation
treatment, of various kinds, but there are many mitigating or also
extenuating circumstances, and punishments will probably never reach
the level of the punishments men will be receiveing. In any event,
humiliation training and punishment will be the way we will punish
these persons who act in a contrary manner to our religious and
vernacular or secular movement. Women who start a frackus with men,
may or may not be at fault, but it is generally not allowed to frackus
with others, regardless of the reason for it, and a peaceful mediation
is preferred and should be worked out, and as this wasn't possible,
then both parties will be subject to some form of humiliation
treatment, either together, or separately. Men who start a frackus
with other men, will also be dealt with, and all the facts of all of
the cases, regardless of who is frackusing with who, will be recorded
by my kids, and we'll arrive at just and suitable punishments for
those who need to be punished, and at times, it will be both sides who
receive the humiliation treatment punishment, and with men as well,
they will be forced to undergo it together, or sometimes, depending on
the gravity of the offense, separately.

Severely impaired persons who can not participate in society due to
mental or emotional karmatic issues and who would be too dangerous a
risk to allow to remain free and in public where they would pose a
threat to others, will be locked up and treated for their mental or
emotional affliction, and there are lots of treatments that we will be
employing, and once they are cured, or treated sufficiently to allow
them to once again participate in society, they will be released on
parole or probabition, and we will follow up on them, and see how they
are doing, and if there are troubles, we will monitor them more
closely, and we will do everything we can to integrate them into our
society and take care of their welfare until the karmatic markups of
their lives are erased, entirely. Now and again, they may get out of
hand, or slip away from their regimen of prescribed treatments, at
which point they will be visited and asked to return to prison life,
and then brought back in and then treated until their condition
stablizes, and my children will be keeping track of all of their
movements and actions so we won't have to worry about them getting too
far out of line before we bring them back in for extended medical or
other needed and available treatments that will help them in their
efforts to normalize themselves. The nitwitish idea that women are the
puppy dog slaves of men will one day perish and succumb, and with that
and with the human propensity to be selfish and greedy, and that will
be punished on Nitwit Humiliation TV, and after all of this
selfishness and greedyness, and nitwitishness has succumbed, some time
from now, so will privately organized, self indulgent and self
lucrative sex, which is looking out only for oneself and forgetting
about all others, and from that time on, for every one, there will be
only group oriented group positative, potentiated, and potentive sex,
which is sex for the sake of and for the mental, emotional, physical,
spiritual well being of everyone in the cluster family, or group, as
well as for the mental, emotional, spiritual and positative health and
elative, or truly happy and gloriously refreshing, well being of all
persons whom they come into contact with, in their day to day lives,
as they learn to share the joys and benefits of sex with everyone they
come into contact with, and it is of course, regardless of age and
without age discrimination. Group positative sex is a whole area of
study in itself, and I can't begin to kid you that I recall enough of
it to discuss with you in a serious manner, but there is a difference
with group positative sex, versus personal and privately oriented
selfish and self vindicative sex, which means, for the sake of
yourself and your health, primarily, and for all intents and purposes,
wholly and totally, and excluding all others, including the person
with whom you are even busy making love to, and that seems to be the
main focus of sex, commonly, if not entirely, and so we will be
getting out of that and into group potentive and positative sex, more
and more, and we'll learn more about all of these areas of self
expression, legitimate behaviour, and wrongful behavior, and the
potentive sex which is the legitimate giving of love and of yourself
to others, and we will also study self potentiated sex which is the
giving of yourself to your loved ones, freely and without reserve, and
then also we will study the subject of sex for sex's concern,
rastitative sex, that foists the erroneous idea of the benefits of sex
for oneself, and at the same time, the hidden truth of the denial of
the rights of others, and reflexive sex, which is the forcing of your
self sexually on others, making them your personal slave and prisoner,
for a period of time, anyway, and, daily, day after day, making that
slave syndrome permanent in the mind of the person, usually a woman,
and particularly with members of the opposite sex, but not exclusively
so, as in jails, we see this same type of behavior, and this is a
favorite past time of men, and in jails, of some women, as well, and
it is similar to treating women as not worth the air inside of an
upturned shot glass phenomena, or mental mind set, and as if they were
mere pieces of fresh liver, or empty minded feeble minded donkies with
large vaginas or goats with normal sized vaginas, and with a
willingness to allow a chauvinistic male - which is a male who
believes that he is king of his universe, and that all others around
him are here to serve him, including men - to press his dick inside of
it, or fuck it. Such behavior, that is, to treat women with such a
contemptuous attitude is against Gurkian Law, and all violators will
be severely punished with humiliation treatment, nitwit humiliation
treatment (for women), or worse, mental reprogramming and breaking for
serious offenders, as mentioned before with regards to the Cheyene
Missile Complex discussions, and that too, will be broadcast live and
on Dimwit TV. Men are the only people shown live on TV as the object
of our breaking activities, as professional women and men break these
men of their bad habits of disrespecting women. We can also call this
Pidgeon Toer Correctional TV. We also have Dimwitted TV - for women
breaking. Women who don't treat other women with respect, we
professionally break of their bad habits, as professionally trained
and educated women and men, who are trained in the sciences and
applications of women breaking, will do the work for me. These women
who are the offenders are often called, pidgeon-holer's, hence,
Pidgeon Holer Correctional TV.

I should deal more with this area of study, now, but my memories are
not up to it, yet, so sorry. That men and women don't know much of
anything about their own bodies, and you need someone like me, this
nearly completely brain dead individual, ignorant ignoramus, and
designer of you all, to come out and tell you what you've all
forgotten and haven't got a clue about is a bit surprising, but then,
it is due to our karmatic markups that we have forgotten all that we
once knew, and all that we once practiced, and it ain't going to get
any better unless we start praying in my religion, if I need to spell
it out to you.

I'm sure that little rant will win me lots of friends, but it's the
truth, that women and men don't know much of anything about their own
bodies and what to do with them, and it is time to wake up to the
truth of it, and then make the changes neccessary to rectify the
situation. Only by actively taking part in my religous revolutionary
movement in either the Vernacular Clubs, or in the Religio Clubs will
women and men be able to abandon all the tripe and slipshot, or
garboruse, or non-sensical balloney that Miss. Mulligan, the PTA
parent of the month, and catechezim school teacher who never had a
dick up between her legs, except maybe a dog's dick, in her life, and
then she goes and adopts all the children she has, and just gets
little Janey, the six year old to suck her titty off, along with the
little baby boys she adopted, and doesn't know a thing about life, but
preaches this garbage and that garbage to everyone till they are so
fucked up in the head, and this is not a local or isolated phenomena,
they don't know a dick from a vagina, from a butthole, from a titty,
meaning they haven't got a clue what these baby making equipments are
used for, or how to best use them, and that's the state of things,
today, and love it or hate it, we are stuck with our dimly lit
ignorance about just about every thing, and whether we are able to
pull it together or not, depends solely on whether or not you join my
Vernacular Clubs or Religio Clubs, and get my computer software and
OS's on your computers, and get cooking, or moveing, at least, for any
time soon or in the near future. If you don't get cracking, you're
just going to be wasting your time, licking Charley's dick, and
thinking you are a slave to Charley, when the whole time, you are the
superiour being, bimble head, and Charley is the inferiour being, and
that's what I'm trying to clue all of you women, and men, into,
really, here, and still none of you are doing much to help yourselves
out of your predicaments, except oohh and aahh and say, my gosh,
what's up? Is it true? Or what? Well, it's time you women and men got
started finding out the truth, and so get with it, and that's an
order. No offense to those of you who are doing the most you can to
get things moving. That's just a tiny kick in the bunbun for those
women who are lolly gagging around, doing nothing but pinching their
tittys, and licking men's dicks, as usual, thinking they are men's
slaves, and that they are nothing better than that. We have to put a
stop to that and all other such behaviour, as soon as possible, and so
the harsh words, above.

Love Bumps and Love Patches of the Mouth in Women and in Men

Most women, almost 100% of them, except for some who have undergone
genetic mutations, and have lost them to some extent in their female
mouths, have love bumps and love patches that become actively
stimulated and aroused when a dick is placed inside the mouth, or when
even a dildoe, a rubbery and worm and juicy kind, is placed in the
mouth. The love patches and love bumps are there for nourishment time,
primairly, for when the male is flushing in waiste into the mouth and
into the pouches that hold and ferment sperm, waiste, high potency
male ejaculate, female ejaculate, and semisole, high potency female

The love bumps are also on the lips and on the tip of the female
toung, and in her throat, and in her esophagus, and when a female
places her vaginal dick tube up against the lips of a female, the
female can then pucker it, and tickle it and then the female will
start to orgasm and she will ejacualte, as well. As the female who is
flushing her female ejaculate into the mouth of the woman, it enters
and it folds or slides and slinks down into the pouches under the
tounge, and in the throat, and with a good high powered injection, now
and then, it will flush up into the nasal cavity and the pouches there
will also open up and absorb or let travel inwardly, the creosole, a
high powered female ejaculate, like semisole, but more high powered
then semisole as it is laden with high levels and concentrations of
aphrodisical hormonal buggy juices and chemicals, that will make the
woman start to fall into an erotic love orgiastic frenzy.

Creosole is very potent for knocking women for a loop, and it is also
good for knocking men for a loop, as it will have the same effects on
men as it has on women.

The female places her ejaculate tube and ejaculator sphincter buttons
around the opening of the mouth of the woman or man, as he can drink
and absorb the juices into the love pouches, and feeding fermenting
stations, and the juices will find their way into his pouches for
storing the juices and for fermenting them for miss jr. baby to come,
or for mr. jr. baby to come, and for the rest of the family to enjoy
as well, who are participating in the cluster family pre-birthing
activities, and birthing activities, and raising of the little baby
activities, or in the pre-cluster family practice sessions, that
should be going on first, for several trillion zillion quadra zillion
plus years or so until women get their health back up to a level where
they can have a healthy and a normal pregnancy without morning
sickness or upchucking when ever the stomach folds start to pinge,
that is stretch and then close in on themselves in a reflex motion,
which is part of the feeding of baby rythm that nobody is aware of.

The pinging motions help to eject fermented waiste and creosole, etc.,
so that the baby will have some healty and nourishing food handy for
him or her to eat after reaching in and grabbing it, in the clean,
healthy, sanitary, and hormonally rich ferment tube or rectal tract.
Pinging also ejects or causes to secrete hormonal buggies and other
chemical buggy juices that will help to keep the mother healthy and
happy, but since no one is using the pouches in the way that they were
designed to be used, women just upchuck when they pinge, rather than
feel orgastic, which would be the normal case.

The woman with the mouth open, or the man with the mouth open, is
waiting for the creosole or semisole, or just crepe, that's the normal
ejaculate of a female, except it is not normal ejaculate, it is still
better than normal ejactulate and normal ejaculate is hebridies,
that's one word for it, and there are a few others up there in my
scrambled memory sockets, and drivels, and link washers, and socket
busters, and other places where memories are stored. The hebridies,
let's start with that, gets flushed or ejaculated in through the
woman's lips and as it does, the woman's lips begin to quiver, as
there are chemical juices in the female drool, and yes, there is
female drool in a healthy woman, just as there is male drool in a
healthy male from the male's dickus spout, and in the female dick
drool of the female body, there are chemical buggies that are present
and they agitate the lips and microscopic terminus buttons, and they
are very tiny little light bulb circuit types of agitator buttons, and
as they are activated by the chemicals in the drool, the woman's
nervous system, and her breast, begin to gyrate, and drool from her
nipples will start to pump out, and her own ejaculator tube will start
to drool, and she may even flush, or ejaculate, big time, so somebody
better be ready and waiting down there so as to not miss any of the
good juices coming out of the woman's body. The good juices and other
stuff that our body produces is called spilage, and I once spelled it,
spielage, or something like that, but it is okay to spell it as
spilage, or maybe with two 'll', I'm not too sure.

So, also, the drool of titty juices should not go to waste and someone
had better drink that as well, and so none of these liquids should go
to waste, and soon or a later, with a little practice and team work,
we will be sure to get all of these juices that our body produces that
are good for us, back into someone's body, or at least onto the dermal
surfaces of everyone all at one time, or there abouts.

The male's titty juices will be activated in the same way, as he has
his mouth open, and as he is suctioning in the hebridies, and other
chemical buggies that are coming in, and he has his little light bulb
circuits activated, as well, as they are in the folds of his lips, and
in the surfaces of his lips, and they are very tiny, but they are
activated by the hebridies, and crepe, and creosole, and semisole, and
just plain old ordinary run of the mill, vaginal drool, and even by
the titty drool, and he starts to light up like a christmass tree, and
he will start drooling, as well, and then he will ejaculate, as well,
and so somebody must be waiting and ready, and in a good location to
catch it all, and then also his titties, once he and the preproducing
orgiastic leveling out party of members, that's the group who is
leveling out together, leveling out means, to take the steps
neccessary to prepare oneselves for bringing an infant into the world.

Well, as these female drool juices and hebridies make it into the
mouths of the women and men, the juices start to activate more than
the little transitorized light bulb circuits in the lips and in the
mouth, but they start to activate all kinds of switchs and bells and
whistles, and in time, after several years of these activities
together, in groups of 8 to 15 to 38 to 45 or even 85 or 90 or 115 or
120 or 130 or 180, or even more people in the leveling out crew, well,
people and their health gets better and better and they start to bond
more and more with each other, and in small villages in the jungles,
you may have upwards of 60 to 300 or 800 or even more people in olden
times, but in modern times, it is probably more like 10 to 15 to 80 or
so at best, and they know all about all of these little secrets, at
least many of them, not the transistor circuits and so forth, but the
general way to approach having children.

In fact, though many men don't like the idea of it, men have drool too
that activates the woman's light bulb circuits, and it also activates
the light bulb circuits in other men, and so men can enjoy sharing
their drool and ejaculate with other men in the leveling out parties
and groups, and it is perfectly natural to participate, and the tribes
people know it, and if you refuse to participate in a tribal setting,
you will have your head speared off of your torso, as it is very
important to the tribes people to have children and healthy ones at

So, men are going to have to get used to these ideas of putting their
dicks inside of other men's mouths, and not panicing, and little boys,
will be doing the same things, and little girls will be doing the same
things, and everyone will be butt naked, just as GOD, that's me, had
planned it all to be done in that manner, and there are no age limits
to any of this, and there are no gender stipulations such as women
will do this, but men will not do this, as that is a lot of hog wash,
and women and men will equally share in the burden and joy of
pre-producing baby come into the world soon, would you honey,
activities, and other love making activities aimed at bringing babies
into the world, and then, later on, women and men will equally
participate in their own activities that will raise women to higher
and higher levels of ascension, and lower men to lower and lower
levels of descension, and eventually we'll get it all worked out and
figured out, and so there is going to be a huge sexual revolution, but
it is not the one on one type of promiscuity sexual revolution of the
70's, 80's, or 90's and what have you, but it is a sexual revolution
that is for the bringing into the world, and into my universe, babies
in a healthy and dignified and chaste manner, and dignified does not
mean wearing your tuxedo, or ball room gown dress, but it means the
way it is supposed to be done by all normal and naturally thinking
human beings doing things in accordance with the way they were
designed to be done.

Chaste means loving and respecting and bonding with each other in an
inclusive, i.e., the group of members, and only the group of members,
though there is no law about not being able to add others to the
group, later on, so long as they are striving to become permanent
members of this group, and not members of every group out there,
though there will be some groups that will fold in with other groups,
and suddenly, you'll have twice or three times as many members in the
group as you started out with, and sometimes, more, promiscuous love
and exhultative design fashion, and promiscuous means, a normal and
healthy amount and types of sexual contact and exchange that will
result in a healthy and sexually alluring, and romantic love making
group of people, exhultative means loving it cause you are frolicking
and having such a wonderfully orgasmic time at it, and design fashion,
means, the way it is designed to be done in the manner of and for the
sake of having children in these large love making groups.

No one is going to be pairing up with individuals, any more, and there
will only be group sex allowed in the future, except for when of
course, it is a one on one activity, but the activty will be done in
group settings, such as in religious prayer parlour meeting halls, and
in homes with lots of men and women and boys and girls living in them,
together, with everyone engaging in the sexual game play and love
making activities, something like in a Roman or Greecian orgiastic
love making display, but for the sake of raising healthy and
considerate persons who love each other, and are not jealous or rude
to each other, and who are willing to share one and each other with
all of the members of the love making group with no peckering or
quibbling about this or that trifeling matter of this nit picky
matter, and so on, and the end results are always, making children for
your groups to become ever more larger, and ever more productive,
though that won't be happening too much for zillions of years to come
as most women if not all, are too sickly to even think of having
children, at present, and a good measure of that is the salient
content of the juices that each of you excrete and ejaculate, and
salient content means the amount of healthy thriving vivacious and
wonderful and splendid for your health, little good critters with lots
of vivacity to them, and who taste absolutely delicious. When the male
and female ejaculate begins to taste like sherry wine, or trubadore
red greecian wine, then you know you are getting there, and not until
your juices start to frazzel your brain and body, and get you gyrating
immediately upon tasting them, will you be healthy enough to be making
babies, so you've got a long time to wait, and if you notice even the
Amazonian jungle folks are barfing up in the morning and at all hours
of the night, and day, and upchucking when they are pinging, and so
forth, and that is an indicator that even though they know how it is
basically done, they are not healthy enough to be doing it, for real.
Well, they can do it, but the results will be mixed, and a dead fetus
here and a dead fetus there, won't matter all that much, it is just a
little body carcass, but after seven or eight of them, they begin to
wonder what is going on, and the truth of the matter is they are just
not healthy enough to be having babies.

And on that note, these people in the jungles, when they have a dead
fetus carcass in their midst, it is to them, spilage, and they munch
it up because it is full of useful chemicals that the female body went
to the trouble of producing, and so they have a rule that nothing goes
to waste, and that is the rule of the settlement clubs, the
pre-producing families of 3 or 10 or 15 or 30 or more people, who are
into this way of life for good, from now on, and there will be dead
baby body carcasses, and they had better not be taken out to the trash
can and dumped, to be taken to the garbage dump, but they had better
be pounded up and tenderized, every last bone it the carcass body must
be pulverized and minced to bits, and minced means smashed to dust, or
there abouts, and after you tenderize it and smash every bone and
every tooth, and every ligament, and every muscle and sinew, and the
eyeballs, and gums, and intestines, etc. you thow it in a container of
condensed drinking alchohol, such as Sherry, or Vermouth, or Gin or
Vodka or Whiskey, and so forth, about 15 to 20 times the normal
strength of 80 proof alchohol, which you will arrive at by evaporating
the water buggies out of it, and the drinking alchohol will become the
fermentation lab for the love bunnies in the former baby carcass which
is human spilage, just like titty juice is and just like hebridies is,
and just like sperm bunnies are, and just like vaginal drool, or dick
drool is, and just like even mouth spittle is, and even just as the
perspiration is, and just as the tummy button jam is and other body
waxes and jams, such as the behind the ear jam, or the between the
toes jam, and they are all laden with lots of good and yummy chemicial
bunnies, and after you ferment the baby carcass with all of its
chemical bunnies in it, then after about 80 years or so, and after
mixing in berries, and raw sugar, and human body sweat and drippings
yeast ferments, as I described earlier, in an earlier paper on
collecting yeasts, or fermentation buggies for fermenting sugars and
juices, you begin to imbibe the liquids, only, and you continue to add
high concentrations of drinking alchohol, though you can bring the
proof level down a little, after 80 years or so, to about 2/3rds, or
to 1/3, or even down to 1/4 of the proof you had originally evaporated
the drinking alchohol out to, and the baby chemical buggies will
provide you with exhorbitant intoxicants, and love juices galore, that
will get you intoxicated, and up for more dick and vagina fun than you
could ever have dreamed of, and other fun as well, such as bun bun and
dick, or female dick sucking contests, and all sorts of things, as it
becomes extremely potent as an aphrodisiac stew, and the love bunnies
in there are good for you, and also you will have an incredibly high
potency regenerative stew that will regress your age of the amoebes in
your bodies to that of three year olds or 6 month olds, in no time

Now how come all this wisdom has been lost to women and men? I don't
know, but I think it has to do with our karmatic markups, and so if we
are going to get our lives together, we had better start praying in
accordance with my teachings for making a mandala and praying to it,
in group love making sessions to power us all up, and to make the love
making prayer session all that more wonderful and effective for
erasing karmatic markups. As more and more people get clued into this
fact that my religion of praying Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo to the
Gurkian Mandala of the Creator, John Francis Ayres, as I've already
explained about, then your lives will get more and more blessed, and
you will begin to live once again, as pure and humble and
sophisticated human beings, that means, with women leading the way,
which they will be doing, once we get our new civilization booted up
here, as in computer lingo, and get our floppy disks in gear. We have
got a long ways to go, before we will have everything worked out the
way we want them to be worked out, but it all begins with the practice
of my religion, and it isn't going to happen any other way, because my
religion will form the foundation to it all, the transformation from a
warring energies male dominated world and universe to a peaceful and
tranquil love energies woman led universe which will provide the
foundation for our transcention to a universe in harmony with GOd, me,
and my alter ego, GOD, or my sublime and pure and holy self. Well, it
will be awhile before we reach that level, and there will be many pots
and pans and dishes thrown at me, in the years to come by the women
who want this movement to succeed, and for other reasons, unrelated to
that, such as my laziness, and ineptitude, not to mention, my weak
minded, brain dead, self enunciating, that's saying that I'm cooler
than you are, sort of an arrogant type of attitude for me, yes,
indeed, and for other reasons, too, such as I didn't pick up my
clothes in my bed room, again, and I need to take a bath more often,
and I have to do the dishes, also, now and then. Well, we see that
there are many problems for me, and I'm GOd, so how about for the rest
of us, and you are all my children, well, it's more or less the same
thing, there are going to be lots of pans being thrown at us guys, and
even at some ladies, and it is not going to be as peaceful a
transition and a tranquil transition as we would like it to be, but
that's because of all of our karmatic markups, and we have to get into
the prayer rooms to do something about them. We can go and see shrink
after shrink, and counselor after counselor, but they don't know
jack's shit about what we are doing, and they will just be pocketing
the money, and so shrinks will one day be an outlawed profession,
except for baby and child care nursing discussions, and lovemaking,
demonstrations, and such encouraging talks as that, as we won't need
shrinks for anything other than those things, once we get the bad
kritter poplulations under control, and we begin to come out of our
morbid defense system stages of suffering. Morbid defense systems
means the stages that we are in as we are struggling to survive the
onslaught of bad kritters in our bodies chewing up our nerve fibers
and making us feel and act nutty or goofey, and just plain darn lousy,
as we are being electrocuted, every 10, to 100, 200, or 300
microseconds, or so, by these little electrocuting buggies that are
every where in our bodies and doing all kinds of mayhem, and creating
all kinds of foul situtations, as this brain part after that brain
part collapses and gives in and stops functioning. Well, it's a wonder
we are even alive, to tell you the truth, but anyhow, there isn't much
modern psychiatry can do for us, except prescribe pain killers and
other analgesics, and stimulants, and sedatives to help us make the
most of our days, and there are so many harmful medications out on the
market, as it is, they, many of them, make our bodies even worse off
than they would have been had we not taken these so-called modern
remedies for this, that, and the other, and there is no use in these
medicine, really, as they are completely lacking any scientifically
sound basis in medical health, except for a few of them, and I happen
to be lucky enough to have one of them, and they are the benzo
diazepene groups of meds, and they are about the only ones that are of
any use in modern medicine, and there are also hypnotics, and other
tranquilizers, and sleep aids, hepravil, a French pharmacetical
company puts that out, but you can't get it over here in the states,
and well, there are a number of useful stimulants, for the most part,
not avaiable in the U.S., but I'll cut that short, and leave it at
that, for now. Well, we have to revamp the entire pharmaceutical
industry, and then rethink everything, in line with our discovery of
these tiny kritters at the basis of all of our problems, and then try
to make recovery as pleasant as possible, regardless if it is going to
take three to fifty three centuries to accomplish, or more, up to one
million centuries, or even more, in some cases, and medicine has got a
long ways to go and so does society if we are going to understand
these issues so that we will be able to treat and cure an ageless
society of people who are going to be regenerating their bodis, and
living forever, from now on.

That's sort of the gist of it, but we are getting started, now, to
some extent, and only with people praying in my religion will we be
able to transition to the type of society we need to have to deal with
all of these issues that are and will be before us, more and more,
from now on.

There will be no more retirement, if everyone is healthy and enjoys
working and looks thirteen to eighteen years old, or so, and is
healthy as can be, and young in health, body, spirit, and mind, and
what do we need babies for, except for the ones who will be helping me
in my religous revolution, when women are not even healthy enough to
even think about haveing them. Well, it may sound contradictory here,
but I have it all worked out, and there will be baby making going on
for some time to come, but by a certain point in time, that will
gradually ease off, and we will be happy with who we have out here,
and with what we are doing, and we will be happy just settling into a
life of pre-producing love making practice, and every thing else that
I have been talking about, especially, ascending women, and descending
men. Once that begins to take root, we will be directing our energies
towards different goals, and then we will start to see whole new
worlds and a new type of civilization begin to blossom throughout my
universe. Well, we can't expect the transition to come any time soon,
but it will be here within about three, four, five, or six centuries,
to ten to fifteen to thirty eight to eighty three centuries, and then
even more, as in some places it will arrive sooner, and in other
places it will arrive later. Well, the time to get started with all of
this is now, so just sit down and start to think of the challenges to
come, and if you are fortunate enough to have my Operating System's
and software and program disks on your computers, then you can begin
by reading all of the topics in line with developing a one world
universal government throughout my entire universe, here. Once you get
ahold of the basics, then you can start to see what I propose as the
basis for our one nation one planet planetary government, uniting us
in time with every other planetary government and galactic goverment,
and every other variation of government, in size and scale, that there
is out there. Once you see we are definately not alone, and we are all
going to be uniting with each other, then you will see the need for
getting ourselves up off the floor, so to speak, and to work on this
project of mine, as I'm not going to be doing to much for the next
millenia or ten or more, except writing papers, and remebering stuff
about who I am, and then, practicing my religion, either by myself or
with others who wish to practice my religion with me, and with the
added energies that I will be able to borrow from my descipleship, I
will be able to wake up all that many more children, across the
universe - and this is not the only planet I am waking up children on,
but on every planet out there, where people will be transitioning with
us into our new universal civilization - and then we will really start
to have a riotous time.

Well, I started out this paper to talk about all the love bumps and
love patches in the mouth, throat, gullet even, that's where the love
juices are stored, and they get activated once they open up and begin
to store creosole, and to an extent, hebridies, and also to store
sperm, to an extent, and also very much more so, to store waiste, or
driftwood stage no. one two three and four and above, and driftwood is
better than normal spermy liquids from the female dickus attached to
the male body, but that's not of any major concern, it is just that
when we develope higher potencies of love juices in our tummies and
tulip areas, that's where most women producse their love juices, and
tulip areas refers to those little flowery like thingies, that are not
fallopian tubes, but I've already explained what they are, and they
are just injector station tubes, and they are there to help the
ovaries get inseminated, and on their first stage or so of the voyage
to the womb. Fallopian tubes are very tiny, and they hang around with
the ovaries, themselves. They are microscopic, and don't ask me where
modern day scientists got off calling these injector tubes, fallopian
tubes, but history has a way of repeating itself, and so they got off
track, which isn't unusual, and then they misnamed them. Oh well.

Well, back to the main topic, except there is no point in talking
about it, now, as I think you've got the drift of it, that there are
love bumps and love patches in all sorts of places, and transistors
and other micro miniatrue circuitry embedded in the body and brain and
dermal layers of every human being, inside and out, and lots of other
things are hidden here and there, as well, and it is all there to help
us make babies, and to enable us to help each other for the rest of
infinity to ascend women and descend men, and keep descending men, and
keep ascending women, and there won't be any end of it in sight. Well,
there are a few more things I could have said on this topic area, such
as this that and the other, but I think I'll wait till another day.

Women's mouths are loaded with love bumps, and love patches, and so
are their throats, and so are men's mouths and throats, and even in
their nasal cavities, not to mention in their rumpuses, of both women
and men. So men and women had better get used to the idea of getting
bumby fucked, regularly, at these ascension and descension parties,
throat toggled, that is having a dick jammed down your throat till you
can hardly breath, and that will bring about a lot of light bulb
circuitry going on and signalling to the brain that we are in the
middle of an enormous sex party for making babies, and besides the
effect that will have on most women and men to rupture their love
juices pouches and spew their ejaculate every which way - like fire
hoses out of control, especially after we up the output to these
hoses, otherwise called dicks in the male an in the female, though in
women, there are lots more names for them, such as little julies, or
willy willies, or bumpety anne's, or pea shooters, or "fire hoses"
that help to put out the flames of passionate and burning 3 alarm fire
love making, etc., and there are alot more names for these heretofore
unmentioned in the medical texts, willy hoses - what that will also do
for the woman and what that will do for the men, are different, and
the effects of it will be that given all the right conditions that
need to be met, men are helped to descend, and women are helped to
ascend, both from anal rump bumping, and from mouth toggling, in the
male and in the female. Now there may not be a whole lot of normal
males out there who wish to be rump bumbby fucked, or throat toggled,
but there will be some, and the women can strap on dildoes and work on
them, also, as well as having the few men who are handy work on them,
and then you can get little jr, who is now about 5 years old to strap
on a young boy size 3 1/2 dildoe belt, that's just the right size for
rump bumbey fucking the old man, and you can get little five year old
Shirley to do the same, and get her mother, Evelyn to do, likewise,
along with her mother father, and grandparents, etc., and that's
probably how we will get started, so there are some more excercises
you can practice in the love making and prayer parlors and love making
and prayer meeting halls that begin to spring up, here and there, over
the next thirty to eighty years and then two to ten to fifteen to
thirty centuries, or more, and by then, we'll have more and more
explained for everyone.

Dictionary Time - These terms are used for Ceremonial Usage in
Ceremonies for Ascension Activities and for Descension Activities, and
for other Ceremonial Activities. I explained a few of them.

Straight Dicking:

"Rectinate" dicking in the rectum
"Vaginate" dicking in the vagina
"Orgasiminate" - the word for causing the person to orgasm, e.g.,
Sarah why don't you orgasiminate Fred. (Notes: Sarah is hermaphroditic
and Fred is hermaphroditic, and both have male dicks, big floppy ones,
female dicks, sort of little hidden ones but they are not that little
actually, but they are hidden so you don't see how big they are, and
they extend about 8 inches into the underlayering of the groin,
vaginas, and of course, rectums)

Dicking with a Dildoe Strapped on:

"Recticate" dildoeing in the rectum
"Vagicate" dildoeing in the vagina

Orgasmicate is used in the same way as above, i.e., Zelda, why don't
you orgasimicate Fred. (Notes: Zelda does not have a male dick, the
big and floppy kind, or her male dick is now lifeless, and
deflatulated cause she used it too much, and now it is all tired and
worn out, and punctured, that's a joke, and out of pep and won't stand

orthinate to pump a dick in to the mouth of a female and to pump a
dick into the vagina of the same female, both at the same time

orthicate to pump a dildoe into the mouth of a female and to pump a
dildoe into the vagina of the same female, both at the same time. This
is done in a ceremony, not the ascension ceremony, but the ascensional
deliminatical(sp?) and in the ascensional deliminaticonal(sp?)
ceremony, which are both very similar, though I may have the spelling
off, a bit, but different in outcomes, but they are nevertheless also
similar to the ascension ceremony, but the outcome is that it raises
the female's feelings of exhuberation and elation, and her feelings of
clearly being superiour to the male, and brain chemicals come out to
make all of this happen in her brain, and at the same time, it lowers
the feelings in males, who are pumping, of their sense of superiourity
over the female, and reduces them/men to tearful toy like boys who
realize they are there to serve women, the superiour beings in my
universe, and the longer you have men do this ceremonial task, the
better it is, of course for the males who are involved, as they will
start to generate the brain chemicals they need to begin to feel
elated and then begin to cherish the female more and more and realize
more and more after breaking down and crying for hours on end, that
the woman is superiour to men, and that men are inferiour to women.
You won't know what it is like till you give it a try.

orthonate to pump a dick into the mouth of a male and to pump a dick
into the mouth of another male, both at the same time, with two males
strapped back to back, and making each one pump one one way, then the
other the other way, and taking turns, and pumping back and forth this
way, into two males and their mouths, for as long as they can, and
then switching out with other males doing it, for as long as they can,
and then continueing to do this for as long as you can, 24 hours a
day, for weeks on end, and then having some other people pumping into
the butt holes of the same males who are getting it in the mouths, and
keep it up, from both ends, 24 hours a day, for weeks on end, and this
is part of a declencsion ceremony, which is a ceremony to break males
of their maleism, and reduce them to men who love and cherish women.

orthocate to pump a dick into the mouth of a female and into the mouth
of a male at the same time, by using two males, but one male is
strapped to the back of the other male, and one male pumps into the
mouth of a male and one male pumps into the mouth of a female. This is
used in a declension ceremony too, and it helps to lower the maleism
in the male, and it raises the femalism in the female, and it raises
the feeling of superiority in the female, and it lowers the feeling of
superiority in the male, and it raises the males feelings of
inferiourity to the female in this declensional ceremonial activity.

valvinate to pump a dick in to the mouth of a male or into the mouth
of a female for ceremonial usage

valvicate to pump a dildoe in to the mouth of a male or into the mouth
of a female also for ceremonial usage

More about all of these things, and all of the ceremonies for
straightening out men, and for clearing the minds of women and for
helping women recover from the catastrophic decline of the past, can
be learned by way of my Operating Systems and the Software and Program
Disks that accompany them. There is much useful info in the Program
Disks, and I advise you all to find friends who have these software
packages, etc.

John Francis Ayres
And Children

Updated: Love Buttons, Dick Pimbels, Busty Bwimbels - Titty Love
Pimples, and Love Pimples And Pimbles And Every Type Of Love Buttons,
Patches and Layers, And Love Making Panic Buttons, and Love Making
Pimble Creams, Emmolients, And Other Things That Will Help Us Go YOW,
As We Go Bump, Bump, Bump, And Then Scream Yeeeeyaaahhhhh With
Orgasmic Delight In The Crystal Clear Light Of A Typical Orgiastical
Night - Updated - 04-02-06 Rev. a

Women and men put out fumes and gasses out of all of their pores, and
potfieldes, which are tiny outlets to allow gasses to excape from the
body, and there are many sizes of outlets and inlets that allow gasses
to exfume from the body and that allow certain substances, or buggies
of different kinds ususally in the gaseous mixture of the atmosphere
around us, to enter our body, and it sounds peculiar that our bodies,
our dermal layers would have tiny inlets that allow for mixtures of
buggie gasses, and crawly buggie substances or crawly chemical buggies
to enter into our body, but they do crawl into our body, and some of
them slide into our inlets, and some of them are pushed into our
dermal inlets, and dermal is not used to speak of some of these
inlets, such as the welner inlets, normally, but sometimes it is, when
talking about some of the inlets, usually not welner inlets, but
cummington inlets are often referred to as dermal inlets, and
wetherington inlets or supwholes, tiny little ingramets, or supwholes
that are a little tinier than normal sized lamgremets, but there are
many sizes to inlets, regardless of what they are called, by the folks
who are concerned with the molecular cosmatalogical sciences, the
study of cosms and who or what lives in them, but into and out of
inlets and other types of holes and porous tissue inlets and outlets
come and go many chemical buggies, and they dribble out onto our skin,
and they multiply and mix with other chemical buggies on our skin
surfaces, and after mixing and eating, and peeing and pooping and
vomiting and sneezing and lactating and salivating, and excreting many
chemical buggies out of their own weird and peculiar looking boddies,
and there are many wierd and peculiar looking chemical buggies that
come slithering and sliding and trudging and caporting, that's sort of
a trot like a horse, but it is a lop sided trot, because the number of
feet supporting it is not normally four, but typically 8 to 15 or even
up to fifty or one hundred or a even a few thousand, and there are
many funny looking little buggies with multiple appendages or
appertubances that are used for balancing them selves, like feet and
arms, and several will protrude from their body, and they'll almost
cartweel along, or you would think they would, from the looks of them,
but they generally walk, though it may be on five or more feet or
appendages that function as feet and hands, and arms and as supports,
but also can function as eyes, or ears, or a combination of them, and
they come in all different kinds of sizes, and all different kinds of
configurations, but anyway, these funny and some scary looking ones,
are all over us, and we don't have the slightest clue about their
existence, but they are peeing, and poooping, and fucking and
ejaculating and salivating, and burping and passing or fuming gasses
out of their bodies, and they are not only on our skin surfaces, but
they are in every immaginable place, nook and cranny in our mico
miniature cosmatological region in our bodies, and a region is an area
where it has its own natural landscapes, and its own little pools of
liquids, and its own resources, and its own gaseous atmospheres, and
they live in these areas in side of our body, and we don't know a
thing about them, but they are all in there, and slighering and
sliding, and wrankleing, or climbing about on feet that are just a few
mico inches, i.e., very tiny, but for them a foot or two, above the
earth, the surfaces that they live on, and they have little feet, or
footsies, and they go walking or wrankleing along on these tiny
footsies, and they have little short legs, that bend in more than one
or two places, and they are ambi-nexilus, or they have the ability to
bend their leges or support structures in many ways, and nexilus
refers to the lower appendages that support the main body, and they go
slithering, or sliding, or galavanting, or ambi-nexiling along, and
they are very funny looking, and they poop and pee and upchuch and
make a mess of things in there

ambi nexilichotic, or diaphramgatically different from other animals
who are ambi nexilichotic, and daphramgatically refers to the
breathing aparatuses that are employed by these little buggies and
buggerwholies, and spinderliolicuses, spindialieococasus, and
spinderliocoxicasiouses, and samlisonolicaticuses, and many other
little buggies that have funny long and peculiar sounding names, that
are in and on our bodies, and they are constantly vermenting, or
passing out of their bodies substances that are filled with other
buggies and buggie juices that are partially fermented, and that help
clean up the environment around them, and that help make their life
environment a pleasant place to live and habitate, and they are
sub-molecular geniuses, I like to call them, because they are so tiny,
they are beyond the normal or usual level of functionality of human
made optical equipment that would let them see way down into the tiny
cosms of their homes and environments, and I just say sub-molecular
because most people think that the molecular world starts up at a
higher level of densities and pressures and atmospheric conditons, but
it doesn't, the sub molecular world is a fictious world, that doesn't
exist, there are, you could say, molecular worlds, but sub-molecular
worlds doesn't really say or mean anything in my sciences, and it is
just a fictious notion that I made up to describe the tiny little
worlds of little buggies, but that is not fictious, but the notion
that things are smaller than molecules is partly fictious, but not
really when we understand the truth to how my universe is built, and
the truth to who lives in it, so as a joke I call the worlds of the
little buggies and critters and animals, sub molecular worlds, just to
make kids laugh, when they understand everything about my sciences.

And these kiddies fume and fart and belch and pee and tingle, whihch
is a tiny leakage hole out of their bodies that they eject liquids or
buggie ejectile liquids, that they like to eject to make their living
environment more appealing and useful to them, since the liquids will
help to disolve the subsances and buggies that are tinier then they
are, and after they disolve them, they suck them up into their
proboscobosicuses, or the apperturbances on their fronts and on their
tails, and on their arms and feet that allow them to suction in the
liquified food particles of dead or deceased and dissolved liquidy
buggies, and the place is in an awful mess, but these buggies are
happy and they belch, with delight, and they say, I'm feeling good,
and where is some more of that food for my tummy,

16 wweks to 5 or 6 months after gay men are in a group of women
leading the group in all of the activities centered around baby making

Toady eyed is a teary eye ball of some plankton species that drool
liquids out of their eye balls and eye sockets and other eye
appendages, and they drool these liquids and they look like they are
tearing or crying, and we say, I feel all toady eyed to say I feel
teary eyed, and it's a funny way of saying I feel good and happy, and
I'm so happy I feal teary eyed.

Cambriots are tiny little ligaments that are made up of tiny little
organisms that are Amoebic in densities, and these Cambriots are alive
and normally healthy, and they join together with one after another,
and they make up bridges and tunnel support strutures, and vacantes,
or atmospherically different tubes or openings, or caves or tunnel
systems, and lots of little organisms life within these tunnel

Do you remember the movie, Alien, when they were walking inside of
that large animal, with all of the internal ribs, well that is what a
lot of places inside the human body look like to these spindly little
creatures that go scobbling about in bands of tens or more, as they go
scurrying about looking for food clusters of tinier thriving other
organisms that are usually friendly, and that's just a small glimpse
into what the inside of our bodies look like to these spindly and
slithering and scobboling little creatures, and scobboling is carrying
a foot or more in the one's mouth, and using the other feet like
appendages to manage the terrain, and the foots in the mouth(s) are
being suctioned out for the littler parasitical creatures that the
scobboling kiddie or scoborwoley, doesn't like in its flakey like
shinglish over carriages of protective clothing, it's skin surfaces,
and that protetive clothing is used to trap food, and to help moisten
the little buggies that get into the cracks and crevices between the
skin overlays, and once they get in there, they get trapped in gooey
and pasty liquids, and then they start to dissolve like the little
venus fly trap does to flies, and the vaginal secretions also disolve
flys and other insects that get trapped inside the vagina, and land in
the soupy liquids inside, and the secretions inside of the vagina are
there to help protect the female from invasions of these critter and
kritter kinds, that she doesn't need in her vagina, as the ones she
needs in there live comfortably in there, and they don't have to worry
about getting disolved, or radiated to peices, that is slowly digested
by the buggies and buggurelillies and sphydlyococoses and other tiny
little creatures and animals inside of a woman's vagina, and radiated
means taken apart bit by bit, by means of the natural processes of
digestion, that decrete the body parts and solvetize them into a
solution, for absorbtion through little inlets and compterlets, and
lesterlets, and other tiny holes that allow for the sovetized
solutions to precate in through the inlets and other holes that allow
for the solutions to travel inwards toward the transfer alleys and
transfer bays, and transfer thouroughfares, or highways, and transfer
alley ways, that we have in our dermal layers, and that allow for the
immediate roller coaster like ride through these aquaduct like
transfer mechanisms, and designing them all was quite a job, but when
you get the hang of it, after a while, you can apply your knowledge to
just about any type of similarly designed critter oor kritter, big or
small, tiny or tall, and I guess I did a good job at it, cause your
bodies are still working a-okay, and they will continue to work for
you, for some time to come, and they are never going to need any thing
else added on, right now, anyway, but later on, we are going to change
a lot of things about our bodies and brains, to make our sexual and
religious revolution a more wonderful and provocative, wonderfully
splendid, sexual and religous energetical and concretionatory - built
upwardsly one layer over another layer, with one level of successes
followed by the next, until we get to the higher levels where at we
will begin to make some major changes in the human bodies to make life
and loveing and child birthing and nurturing for the female, and for
the male, a more erotic and supplementary, or adding on new things to
make the old things work and conform to the new designs even better so
that we will be able to make more use of what we now have, and then
add to that, and make an even more efficient bio system for us to live
in, with more ejaculatory capabilities, and with more orgamic
lightening like disruptions, or minor orgasmic explenditures, or
eruptions, filled with dynamic energies that overwhelm our nerval
systems, and cause us to orgasmicate and orgasmitate, and kitty like
you wouldn't believe, and more of an ecstatic experience both for the
female and for the male, as well, and for the babies, also -
revolution, that means, that we will do all we can for uplifting the
human bio system, or body, to its fullest potentials, little by
little. How will we change thing? Well, I'll discuss that another

The fumes and gasses that women and men put out, help us to normalize
our brains, and they help us to begin to act like women and men as we
were meant to act, and after being subjected to these fumes and gasses
for months and years on end, and with an overwhelming number of female
gasses and fumes, and energies, men are going to start acting like
men, and women are going to start transforming themselves into the
dynamic and powerful leaders they are inherently, and as they do, they
will uplift all of our society and civilization through out my
universe, and in all of my children's universes, and they have got
more than we do, and they have a lot more fun, too, than we do, cause
they don't have the miserable karmatic markups that we do, at least
most of them don't, and though there are some naughty children, among
my sweet and adorable children, who I always refer to, at the end of
my messages, they really aren't all that naughty, cause they still
manage to get along with each other, for the most part, and though
there may be one or two or more incapsulated in a makeshift prison
cell, becuase he or she was a little too naugty, and started causeing
trouble for others, well are penal systems of judges and lawyers, who
are not defense lawyers, but prosecuting lawyers, only, we settle on
the punishments for them, and they do community activistic work, and
clean up the communities they live in, and sometimes they even
experience humiliation punishments, which help to humilize them, and
make them more respectful towards their friends, who they live with,
and have lived with, since I created these guys and girls, which was a
long time ago. We have a lot to learn about our bodies and about who
lives in our universes, cause they are all here with us, at least many
of them, and though some are outside of our universe, they are still
within my home, which is a very large place and I just call my living

Well, the more we learn about my and our universes, but don't go
thinking you can buy one of them, cause I'm sorry, they are not for
sale at any price, and isn't it funny how all these people running
around to work and back to home to sleep or eat, isn't it funny that
they think they can buy land that doesn't belong to any of them. It's
so funny, and I can't stop laughing, and anyway, that's how stupid we
are, as we think we can buy and own title to "property" when none of
it belongs to any of us, and even our bodies don't belong to us, cause
they are all my property, and I made them all, and I designed them
all, and I'm the caretaker of them all, and I just let you use them,
and I have got so many bodies that I let you use. When you die, you
get a new body instantly, and some of your other bodies inside of our
fleshy body, that the teachers and scientists don't know much about,
go along with the new body that I have my children roll out for you to
live in. My kids are always so hard at work for me, and they are
always switching this thing, and that thing, and keeping track of
Matilda and her little brother and how many times Matilda swipes him
on the head, and how many times she makes him cry, and how many times
William, or Little Billy, as she calls him, bites her back and makes
her go, ouch, with a biting and stabbing pain to her rumpy or to her
lumpy, that's her tittie that Billy likes to bite, when Matilda is
coming out of the shower, and he is a real scallywag, that guy is, he
sneaks into bed with her and sticks his dickey up Matilda's rumpy, and
she likes the feeling of it, and she wakes up and just pretends she's
sleeping as Billy bumbey fucks her, and she loves it, and Billy laughs
and giggles, and they love each other, most of the time, and Billy
likes to sneak around and surprise her, and then bumbey fuck her as
she is walking from the kitchen to the dining room or bathroom with no
underware on, and with her rectum greased up for Billy to bumbey fuck
her, cause she knows he is going to do it, every day, and every chance
he gets, cause he's been doing it ever since he was less than two
years old, and he's a smart one, but she's pretty smart, too, and
Matilda's and Billy's mommy and daddy bumbey fuck each other, all the
time, and they laugh at Billy adn Matilda when they see them bumbey
fucking, and they say, You two out to go up to your room if you want
to do that, you little rascals, you, and they all laugh, and then
daddy comes over and helps Billy push and pull into Mattie's bumbey
hole, and they make it a big game, and Mommy comes over and helps
Mattie stay still as Billy and his Dad are busy pushing Billy's peter
pecker into Mattie's bumbey hole, and after Billy finishes, then it's
daddy's turn, and they all have a laugh, and Billy likes to drink
Mommy's liquids from her vagina and from her titties, and so they just
do this every day, or at least when they have the time to do it, and
they all love playing around and bumbey fucking, or turpeting, each
other, and drinking the liquids of Daddy and Billy and Mattie and
Martha, who is Matties little sister, and of Beggy, who is a little
baby girl, about 2 ro 3 months old, and they are one happy family, and
Billy brings over his frinds and they all have lots of fun, and Daddy
and Mommy bring over the parents of Billy's and Mattie's and Martha,
and Julius, Billy's step brother, and they all have lots of fun
creseting each other, or fucking and sucking the dicks and vaginas and
tities of each other, and pinching and prodding the bumbey holes of
everybody, and so they are an orgasmic family with lots of orgasmic
frinds and neighbors.

Well, that's nice, but we want people to pray Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo,
while they are bumbey fucking each other, and billeting, or sticking
their dicks in the mouths of Daddy, and Billy, and into the mouths of
the other men, and boys, and baby boys, and into the mouths of the
girls and ladies, and women, and baby girls, and everyone will have so
much more fun if they are doing that and throat togging each other,
and then switching, now and then, and bumbey fucking with their dogs,
when they train them, and other animals, to raise their sexual levels
even higher, and with a good managerie or stable of pets, so long as
they don't pee and poop all over the place, so you have to walk your
dogs, and make sure they drink lots of club soda and wine, and that
will keep them from peeing on the legs of men and women in the prayer
hall, but we need more discussion on that one, but I'll let you know
more, later, anyway, we can use our little animals in our little pet
zoo, and we can train them to fuck us in the bumbey holes, and in the
mouths, and we can train them to billet us, and let us billet them,
and billeting is basically inserting dicks into the oral cavity and
into the rectums and into the vaginas of women and men and boys and
girls, and baby boys and baby girls, and also into our pets bumbey
holes, and vaginal entry holes, and mouths, of snostrels.

Well, the more we get used to the idea of billeting with animals, not
to mention with our little brothers and sisters and older brothers and
sisters, and cousins of all ages, and mommy and daddy, and gran-mama,
and gran-papa, and every one else including Aunt Harriet, and Uncle
George, and all of the neighbor's relatives and loved ones, well the
more we get used to the notions of all of us doing these wonderful and
pleasant activities, and orgasmic as all get out activities that we
can really begin to appreciate as we begin to understand our ever
increasing maximum tolerance levels for all of these sexual sports and
sexcapades in the home and at the office and at school, well, when we
do, we will all begin to wonder if there isn't more to it, than just
all of these wonderful activities, and yes, there is, there is lots of
ascension and descension techniques and activities and lots of other
activities that are similar to those, such as billeting goats with men
tied to each other, back to back, and forcing them to do this, daily,
for up to 3 to 8 hours or more, a day, and after 3 to 8 to 15 to 30 or
more days, about 558 or so, the men will start to fall in love with
the women, not the goats, and they will begin to cherish women more
and more, as the women assist the goats, and all of those potent fumes
and other gasses from the vaginas of the ladies and girls, and
grandmothers and aunties, and female cousins, and female friends, and
all of those other gases and fumes and posims, they are clouds of
vaporous fumes that come out of our skin outlets and carry lots of
sweet smelling and potently toxic love making chemical buggies, that
make us go nutty with love, and they give us a hard dick, and a hard
durament, that's the cuddly poo whiskerish little filament and pussy
hair, peach fuzzy like filaments all over the throttle of a woman in
her vagina, that stands erect like a man's dick, when she gets a hard
on, and starts feeling like fucking someone. It is hidden inside of
the vagina in a place where no one usually sticks his or her tounge
into, unless it is really long, but it is a hard surface area in the
lower part of the vagina, and it's been so long since I touched a
woman's hard dick, in there, it's hard for me to remember, but it is
hard, and it is in the lower area of the vagina, and it is erect just
like a man's dick, and that means she is so horny she can't stop for a
moment until she creams and ejaculates, and then orgasms until her
eyeballs pop out of their sockets. Well, anyway, the throttle is a
lovely piece of equipment, and yes, the tounge of a person can reach
down in there, and carress it, if you know where to insert your
tounge, and if you have a long and strong tounge, some people do, I
don't, but that's cause of my geneitic make up, and I don't really
mind, but anyway, the ladies will love it if you tounge their
throttle, and if you get really good at it, they will begin to
mini-orgasm and convulse and spasm, and they won't be able to sit
down, as their bodies will jerk upwards, and they won't be able to
stand the pleasure of your carressing and tounging their throttle or
female hard dick. Isn't it funny, that in a woman, she has a hard dick
in one place, and she has a pea shooter ejaculator tube in another.
Why didn't I just combine them? Well, we want the pea shooter where it
is so that it will help to wet the scrotum, the testes sack, or the
nut sack, of men, and the faces of women and men, and the throats of
women and men, and the butt hole and sphincter love ring of the
butthole, both of men's and of women's, and we can't have it dangling
around as it might get bumped and bruised, and you don't want the
women angry at me, so I hid it there, between the vaginal cleavage, or
vaginal fold, behind the pee tube, 3 to 5 to 10 to 15 or even 30 or
even 40 or even 50 or so, millimeters, depending on the women, and
depending on how large her duramentalicus lapideremilica and blah blah
blah, these science words, they are so long, I should just say, the
back end gate of the lady's boobey toobeys, which means the lower
extremity to the torso, below the pelvis and moderately below the
hips, or somewhere in between the upper level or ridge of the hip
ligatures, and the lower level or ridge of the hip ligatures, that
hold the hip bones and pelvis bones in place, and it's that lower
extremity that is where she has her boobey tooobey, vaginal sack, or
bumbey bussiey, that is the love button and cushiony love sack that is
at the base of her groin, between her thighs, that holds all of the
many love makeing and wonderful tools - and other gizmos in there, and
helps to keep all of her baby making equipment in fine tune = purring
like a well tuned race car engine, reving her up, every day + with her
main set of brains in her skull or head and in synch with her
orgasming nerval systems, and other nerval systems, and other things
as well, such as glandular pots, and the ejector tubes, that no one
knows anything about, that are attached and work in synch with the
capacitor rings and capacitor tubes """ that are everywhere up and
down throughout her baby making equipment inside to help keep it all
healthy, moiste, and filled with helpful and healthy happy buggies and
animals and critters of all kinds to keep a healthy environment for
baby to live in while he or she is gestating, which is like a long
poker game, by himself or herself """ as I've discussed before, and it
is a very peculiar peice of equipment, as there is a tiny bunch of
brains in there, that she uses to synchronize her main brains in her
head with her baby making utilities and equipments and parts, that is
a very complicated piece of machinery with lots of parts that have to
stay in rythm with each other, so there is a need for a separate set
of brains in her bumbey bussiey - that is in that area, though there
are lots of other love making tools and bumps and patches and
sphincter rings, and love switches, and dings, and pots, and all kinds
of secret doorways each one with their own doorbell, and their own
distinctive ring, that is, the throbbing and orgasmiatic wonder and
excitement that she feels, they are all distinct, to a degree, and
when she starts to learn more about them, she will agree that they all
feel different, the orgasmiaticism side of it, anyway, and you lick
her hard dick, and that's one distinctive ring, for sure, and you
pucker her love juices tubey, and that's another distinctive ring, and
you pucker her anal sphincter love ring and that's all kinds of
different and distinctive rings, and you suction and pucker, and
tounger, and toungeler, and tucker - that's ticking at it repeatedly
with the tip of your tounge building up the energie loops and schizms,
those are the semi-circular rings of love energies building up around
her boodey toobey's between her legs, and around her tuubies, that's
her booby tittie baby feeding bottles attached to her chest - her
boobey spincter love rings, and there are lots of them up and around
there, and all over her body, and they all have distinctive rings, and
she will agree after a few centuries of experimenting, that it is
true, and that she loves this one, or that one the most, and men have
them, too, and they are also distinctive, and they all ring
differently, and after he and others experiments with his for a few
dozen centuries, he might begin to notice the difference, cause his
brain isn't as well synched up with his love buttons as hers are, and
anyway, we'll learn lots more on all of that, another time.

So, I am GOD, and I am going to make a wonderful universe for us all,
and we need to start praying to my mandala while we make love to each
other, and when we are doing that, our Universe will start to hummm
and glisten with all kinds of orgasmiatic energies and people moaning
and hiccupping, and groaning cause they can't believe how wonderful
praying and making love is at the same time.

So, next time you Samandrals, that's your code name, as that was your
family name on another planet when you and all of your neighbors and
loved ones where all in your same love makeing nest, or family home,
for Matilda and Billy and your Daddy and Mommy, and Bessy, your young
cousin of 3 years old, and the rest of you are making love with each
other, think about trying to pray to my mandala that I've explained
about, while you're making love with each other and your neighbors and
friends, and relatives who are always coming to visit you, and see if
your love making sessions and prayer party sessions aren't more
exotic, wonderfully more powerful, and erotic, and then when you
discover that they are, then just keep at it, and you'll make my
universe glisten and gleam, and hummmms and prummms, and preeephs, and
prooophs, and we'll have a harmonic concordance yet, once it all gets
started up here, and running for awhile, while we do some retuneing
work on it, with lots of praying and saying, Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo,
daily, for some years to come, a whole lot of them, I'm sure, and
eventually with a lot of very happy folks making love to each other
from morning till night, after a while, and after we build up our love
making tolerances, and then go for ever higher and grander levels up
up and above those levels we've reached already.

So, why did I put the hard dick of a woman inside of her vagina or
love box? Well, it had to go somewhere, and so it is in the best place
available for making her go, oooohhh and aaaaauuuuhhhh and
ooooooooohhhhh and aaaaaahhhhhh and then make her scream with orgasmic
delight. Well, as far as I'm concerned, it's in the right place, but
whether or not your tounge can reach it, is your problem, and not
mine, cause you have the karmatic markups to have the genetic
alterations to your body and tounge, just like I do, and whether or
not she'll like that, I don't know, but I'm not going to be tounging
women, ofen, I don't think, as that's not in my prayer repertoir, and
I may use my tounge for this and that, now and then, but who knows,
maybe after a long time, I will erase my karmatic markups for having a
timple tounge, a dimpey and small little tounge that is not very
useful for sex and love making, but then, I'm not a sex making guy,
anymore, as I'm a priest, and I'm a prayer making, guy, now, and I
don't think that haveing a small timple tounge will be too much of a
handicap. Anyway, in time, a long time, I will be erasing lots of
karmatic markups in me and with the help of my parishioners throughout
my universe, we will be erasing a lot of karmatic markups for
everyone, including all of my children, and they're helping us, too,
to erase all of our karmatic markups, and they're having a great time,
right now, and every day, as they do the love and prayer excercises in
their living room converted to prayer rooms, and in their community
prayer halls, cause they are way ahead of us, already, and they've
really got their karmic stuff together, and so we will all be humminng
and tunnninng and who knows what else, and if Miss. Margarette will
hurry up and get the school kids organized, and get them making love
with each other, and with the local sheriffs, and the police ladies
and police guys, who are not dyslexic, except for maybe a few, if they
will behave themselves, and chuck their old buddies, and the things
they used to do to people, and start praying, as well, to help us all
get all of this mess behind us, and the teachers, and the judges, and
the principals, all of them from all of the different schools in Las
Vegas Town, and with all of these people having fun, making love, and
pushing buttons, and getting distinctive rings from everyone, well,
add that to some praying, and then we've got a winning combination,
here, as my universe will begin to really hummmm and chime. Well, it
is certainly pretty to listen to the chiming of my universe, but that
won't be happening, for most, anytime soon, as that only happens now
and then and it is a signal that is all is getting better, and so when
you guys and girls and boys and men and women and ladies and everyone
begin to practice my sexcapadial advice and instructions to you all,
and get into the doing the activities that I'm explaining about, then
maybe within a few quadra million trillion zeniths, you'll start to
hear my universe not only chime, but it will also vweeeep, and hummm
and begin to ring like you've never heard it, before, and that's
called a harmonial convergence, or harmonial concordial convergence,
and when you hear that, you'll know we are headed in the right
direction, and it will be very low in loudness, but it will be
unmistakeable and different from anything you've ever heard, before.
So, let's get with it, and get going, and do the excercises and the
prayers in our prayer rooms and prayer halls, and prayer parlors, as
I'm trying to explain to you all, that all we have to do is make
others feel good, sexually, and morally, and emotionally, and
spiritually, and physically, and mentally, as well, and when you touch
and carress each other, and make love, and massage each other while
doing your prayers, you will over heat your circuitry, almost, and
you'll be passing out from overwhelming energies throttling, or
upswitching, that is, powering up and overdriving your brain and
imploding energies into your brain, and imploding does not mean
backfiring and exploding inwardly, it means, driving inwardsly
energies that will pack in there, and then when you are filled up with
them, you will pass out in an orgasmcally overheated and over
accelerated mode, and when you wake up, you'll be all wet around the
loins, and titties, and mouth from salivating while you were orgasming
half awake. That's called a love making samadhi, and you'll love
making that samdhi, as your toesies and tootsies and crowsies, that's
your bun bun hole sphincter ring love making and panic buttons in your
sphincter ring going off from digital over stimulation, and you'll be
cumming and cheering, not the loud cheering, but the low, in the deep
recesses of your lungs, you'll be panting deeply, and that's cheering,
and you'll soon be on the carpet, half passed out and throttling, or
feeling the panic buttons going off everywhere in your bun bun
sphincter love making rings and in lots of other sphincter love making
rings all over your body. These panic buttons go off when your body
starts to chime, and when the distinctive rings go off more and more
and then overwhelming you, all over your body, they start going off,
and then the real panic buttons go off and you start ejaculating and
deep heaving, or very deeply breathing and hoofing, or inhaling air
deeply as if some one had been sitting on your tummy for the last half
hour, and you'll be nearly passing out, and gidgeting, that is,
feeling all of the orgasmic sensations all over your body, and the
love making sphincter ring fire alarm bells and panic buttons and
chimes will be all ringing and then you'll just pass out cause you
won't be able to take it anymore, and then, you'll be convulsing and
spasming in sheer orasmic and splendorific health, and no one should
touch you, as you are doing fine, no matter if you look like you are
keeled over and looking like a pretzel on its side.

Nobody should touch you, cause your body has to overdrive itself till
all of the orgasming chemcial bunnies are all burned off, or cinched,
that is chemically exhasted by the energetical lamperoons that go
zinging down your nerval system shaving off all of those chemical
bunnies and putting your nerval system back the way it was, but in a
healthier configuration as you've succsessfully zinged off enough of
the troughpht and sludge of krimpleton kratoons, those are snipeish
buggies and kritters that leave sludgy deposits of pee and poop and
vomit all over your nerval system tissues and other ligatures and
thingy-me-bobbies all up and down and around and in and out and down
and back up, throughout every length of your inner space environment,
or bio body, that's the incinerator we call our human body. We've got
lots of things giving off energies and other things going on inside of
us to keep us all tuned up and warm, but my brain hurts already and I
need to rest so I'll talk about that, another day. When I get back, on
the key board, that is, I'll have a few more words, to say, then.

John Francis Ayres
And Smiling Happy Children Filled With Love And Joy, Everywhere

Spillages Part I, Or Something Like That, With All Kinds Of Goofy
Stuff Yet To Come - To Be Revised, And Made More Lucid And Coherent,
Later - Updated: 04-02-06 Rev.x


Spillages are the needed chemcal buggies and chemical buggie juices
produced within and on - and even around in the atmospheres of the
body - the body and efused, leaked out and pressurized outwardsly to
spill out into the surrounding environment and into the atmosphere
around the human body, or ejaculated from the Dick and the Trotty, or
Vaginal Pea Shooter, or Ejaculatory Tube, and to some degree, in the
mouth and in the nostrils, we have tiny ejaculator ribbons, that spew
liquids out, when we spasm, and sneeze, for example, or dripped or
salivated leaked or wept, as in weeping or crying, or pushed out from
the body's production factories inside of the body, as well as on and
in the dermal layers of the flesh of the body, and even from the scalp
and from the hair follicles of the body, which also weep gasses and
liquids, as well, from the production plants that are embedded in
them. Spillage is useful overflows of active chemical buggies
producing the spillage for our health. Cummy juices are a form of
spillage, as I have already explained. Saliva, and the salivate from
the mouth, and the spittle from under the tounge, and from the inside
of the cheeks in the mouth, and the juices from the vaginal folds, or
labia, and the juices from the dermal layers of the scrotum, and in
the atmospheres around the skin layers of the scrotum, and from the
dermal layers of the shaft of the penis, and from the dermal layers
from every part of our body, is all useful to us. The production
factories are very small, but they are producing spillage, around the

We have atmospheres all around our body, and we are pressurizing out
all kinds of human spillage, that mixes with the atmospheres around
our body, and we can go into a stinky man's or woman's apartment, such
as mine, to find out just what a stinky atmosphere smells like. I know
two women like me, who have stinky atmospherical conditions, and they
really stink, and I really stink, so we are even there. As for large
and overweight people, they have stinky atmospheres, and every one is
familiar with that, and it's a point problem for them, I suppose to be
reminded of it, but all humans have atmospheres, and we need look no
further than our feet or our underarms, or our groin, or our butt hole
area, to smell a stinky atmosphere, though butt hole areas are not
that bad, usually, as far as I can tell, but underarms can get pretty
bad, and if you don't take a bath for a few weeks, you can start to
smell pretty awful, I suppose is the word, and we have self defense
mechanisms in us to prevent us from choking on it all, and that is to
breath in the fermented and spoiled odors of our own body, for a brief
period of time, and then our brain locks up, and we do not receive the
olefactory sense nerves, and their impulses, that pick up and transfer
the signal that something smells rotten on the skin surfaces and in
the atmospheres around the person or people in question. This is how,
tribal people are able to go for long periods of time, without
bathing, and to them, there aren't any bad odors in the air, and to
the bum on the street, the guy who was a wall street stock exchange
cashier, and then quit, and drank and trashed his life, and now lives
in a tent, with holes in his socks, and twisted and knotty and stinky
hair that just about makes anyone vomit except for him, well, these
guys are extreme cases, but it is just about the same, he doesn't
smell anything cause his nose has closed up the circuitry.

So we know we know that we have atmospheres and that's not hard to
see, but even for a normal person, who doesn't have any accumulation
of filth and grunge that is disgusting, or other body waste problems,
such as the overweight persons have, as they do not have a healhy
bunch of critters in their pots and sinks and inlets and other
portholes, and the kritters that they do have, are passing out all
kinds of stinky odors, and so that's why they have the odor problem.
If they use more lime in their diet, and drink more vinegar, with
lime, and with seltzer water, and carbonated tonic water, or club
soda, and if they drink more juices from cellery and carrots, and
artichokes, and from dipsy weavers or, or fish food, that is, sea
weed, and cabbage, and raw or partially cooked parsnips, and radishes,
as many raw red ones as possible, and the juices, if they have access
to a juicer, from other raw turnips, the purple and white can be
drunken with carrot juice and cellery juice, without too much
difficulty, and with watermellon juice and pine apple slush, or
crushed and primmed, or mushed up and then fermented slightly, vanilla
extract or with crushed and mushed up vanilla bean bits that are
fermented in with cabbage juices and turnip juices, and the other
juices, and with nuts and sunflower seeds crushed and fermented in as
well, plus a very tiny bit of fermented with gin milk, that's about
one part gin to 9 parts milk, and then with frizzelment and ferment
buggies in it from molasses, and with wine and a llttle raw sugar and
raw molasses, and crushed and grated and fermented rose petals and
geranium petals and nice smelling flower petals, and then mix it all
together, and the bad kritters will begin to go down in numbers, and
good critters will increase and heavy people will begin to smell like
roses. They will not believe how good they smell, and even people
without body odor problems will smell better after a regular routine
diet including the above. Add fermented limes grated up and mixed with
gin, or even plain limes and lemons and orange peels and orange pulp
fermented with the mass of vegetable, vanilla bean, flower petal, raw
sugar, gin, bees wax and bee pollen, and tulip pollen, and tulip pulp
juices, fermented prior to adding it to the mix, by mixing it with
gin, the whole tulip stem, and grateing it up, and mixing it with raw
sugar to frizzel it, and dandelion stem pulp and flowers and pollens
will also help, and Chanell No. 5, if mixed in, in tiny amounts, a
drop or two, per 9 gallons of ferment mash, or some other nice
smelling, natural flower petal juices and other natural substances
based perfumes and colognes, a few drops per 9 to 13 to 50 gallons of
mash, and when you ingest the fermented mix, you will all begin to
smell like roses, and other flowers, and this is not a joke, cause the
same buggies that exhaust perfumy odors, also get into the portholes
and pots, and dips, and sinks and exhaust ports, and soon start to
exhaust all kinds of perfumey odors, just like that, and then no one
has to buy cologne any more, and every one can start pressing their
own flower petals, or whatever, and you will all begin to smell like
walking tulips, as you begin to have better and healthier critters in
your portholes and then pressurized and exhausted out into your
atmospheres around you, and your underarms will stop smelling stinky,
almost just like that, and your former grungy body odors will pretty
much disappear for a long time, and there are other things we can do
to enhance the nice and good smelling critter populations in our
portholes, and exhaust ports, and we'll learn about them some other

Now that we understand that we have atmospheres and how we create
them, or can help to create them, we must also realize that there are
lots of other buggies exhausting other olefactory and even
hallucinogenic fumes into the atmospheres around us, 24 hours a day,
and though the amounts of hallucinogens may vary from day to day, or
even minute to minute, and from week to week, we are affected by them
and we begin to see our love mates in ways that only our brains and
eyes and noses help us to, and we fall in love, with a dazzeling,
hallucinatory image in our brains of Mrs. Wonderful, or Mr. Handsome
Butt, or Mr. Handome Loins, or Mrs. Astonishing, Pretty and Dazzeling
Toothed, Red Haired, Wendy Twoshoes, a part shoshone indian girl, the
little poster girl for Wendy's Hamburgers.

So, atmospheres and the exhausted chemical buggies in the areas around
our body, can have a profound affect on our brain. And in our
ceremonial activies, or our ascension parties and in our descension
parties, and other parties, and in all of our activies for my
Religious and Vernacular Agrarian Revolution, we depend a lot on the
human spillage from all of these chemical buggies to make it all work
for us, and to successfully ascend females, and to successfully
descend males. This is the way it is going to work, and there is no
other way for it to ever work, and I'm the only guy with the keys to
the chemical vaults, and nothing is going to change, no matter what
people may say, and so we might as well give in, and say, I give up,
and then, let's grit our teeth, and jump in the cold pool of water,
and find out how wonderful it can be, as we know they can't do it
without us, but we'll love doing it with them, these wonderful,
superiour females pulling us inferiour but much needed assistants
around by our dickuses, daily. I'm all for it, but I'm the band
leader, and I can't get involved in this argument, if there is one,
and I don't know why there would be, but if there is, well, I can't
say much about it, and I can only get all of you headed in the right
direction for making it a success for all of you, and after that, it's
up to the ladies and gentlemen in the religio club and in the prayer
parlours and prayer halls, and it is up to the ladies and gentlemen in
the vernacular clubs and in the pavilions and clubhouse activity
meeting rooms and festivity halls, to make it all work for all of you,
and, also, for me. Well, this is the plan, so we'll see how well it is
going to work. Some people might feel upset, that men are no longer
needed in politics, and in government leadership positions, and I'm
just going to have to say, sorry, Charlie, but that's the way it goes.
In any case, in the long run, we will need all of these wonderful
women to keep my universe going steadily forever, over wave after wave
of torrential backlash and buckets of who knows what, in my face, but
it will be a nasty trip for me, for a while, anyway, but for you
people who are involving yourselves in the activities, you won't be
sorry for even a minute.

So, what next? Well, we need to get on with this, so I'll skip all of
the other stuff, for now. We ingest or inhale or transfer from the
body of the others, to ours, the human spillage that their body
produces and then transfers to our body, or to the body of the other
person or persons, we transfer our spillage that we produce in all of
the dermal layers of our body and in the hair follicles, and in the
internal and external pots and sinks and other cubby holes, we often
call glandualar systems, where the chemical buggies are busy at work,
producing these juices, fumes, gasses and toilleurents, which are
substances that are partially absorbed by our body when they are
placed on our body by transference from the other body to our body by
touching, rubbing, massaging, not only with our hands, but with, for
instance, our bun bun tissue layers, to the bun bun tissue layers of
the other person, and from the arms to the arms of the other person,
and from our legs to the legs of the other person and from the torso,
and from the neck, and from the face, and from the brow, and from the
scalp, and from every matching area of our body to the same matching
area of the body of the person of the opposite sex, to begin with.
That's the dermal layers and sink pots, etc., spillage over transfer
processes at work.

We have lots of other types of spillage that we want to transfer to
our body parts in different areas. Spittle or saliva and salivate, the
uncontrollable secretion of juices from our mouths due to constant
production of salivate by the chemical buggies in our mouth and tummy
and rectum and gastro intestinal tract, can and should be not only
exhanged by mouth to mouth but by mouth to all other parts of the body
of female to male and also female to female, and from male to male and
male to female. Cummy juices from women and from men is the same
thing, from the male to the male and to the female to any part of
their body. That's unheard of, for the most part, but it is true.

Self deliverance, that is, from oneself to oneself, is equally as
important, and saliva and salivate from the mouth to every part of
your own body, and cummy juices from your dick or from your female
ejaculate tube to every part of your own body. Vaginal juices in women
from their vagina by hand, usually, but not only, especially when we
are healthy, and also from women's feet to every part of the body they
can reach with their feet or with their hands, or even with their
mouths and toungs. We needn't all become yogi contortionists, but it
will help women to deliver the juices from their vagina to many other
parts of their body, in a healthful manner, and the excercises for
advanced yogic excercises do include the seeping in, or slurping up of
salivary juices from the vaginal crevice by way of their feet or by
way of their elbows, or by way of their heel to chin, to other parts
of their body that they can reach with their chin, and this is a funny
excercise, but it is done, and can be done, and is for advanced
students of yogic and other forms of dharmic, or embracing of the ways
of life and energies, energy and muscle control routines. Men can also
become contortionists, and have fun, too, but that is all for later
on. Right now, we have to learn the basics.

We can also transfer or exilliorate, that is transfer by touching,
male body chemical buggies from our body to a male's body, or female
body chemical buggies from our body to a female's body, but in the
case of members of the same sex, it is not to matching parts of the
body, but to dissimilar parts of the persons body. Arms to chests or
legs, and legs to chests and arms, or face, and feet to stomach or
face, or back, and butt tissue spillage to face tissues or scalp or
back or chest, or legs and so forth. In the case of men, from dick to
dick is not good, but from dick to rectum or dick to scrotum or groin
or inner thighs, or dick to lips, tounge, or mouth and so forth is all
very useful. In the case of women, we have a little bit of a different
situation, in that the female is set up to be able to touch vagina to
vagina, for the sake of transferring into a vagina, female hebridies
for fermenting in the vaginal tube that grows longer with the
pre-producing ferment mixes, as I've explained, so women can touch
their vagina to a vagina, but it is for injecting hebridies, or happy
juice, into another woman's vagina. I've explained that technique,
elsewhere, so you can look and read what that is all about, if you
will. She can also inject her happy juice into the rectum of a female,
and into the mouth of a female, and into the rectum of a male, and
into the mouth of a male. A woman can also transfer her happy juice
into a cooperating female animal's vaginal tube for fermenting in the
same way as human women ferment happy juice in the vagina, and into
the female animal's rectum, as well, and believe it or not, female
animals have basically the same equipment, there, and they also
respond in the same way, though it is not usually the case that
animals do this, they can do it, and the reason why they can do it, is
because they share mechanical equipment components in common with
human beings. How they got that way is another story, but that I'll
leave for part two of creating my universe, which you can read about
on my software program disks with the Operating System's that I've
been talking about. In any case, quadra peds generally can and in many
cases do function the same way as bi pedal humans, anatomically.

Lips to lips is not useful and should be avoided with same sex
persons, including women, who often think nothing of kissing other
women on the lips. We must begin to change our social habits, and not
hand to hand, handshaking, for men, but hand to arm, for example, or
even hand to dick, or hand to rectum. Not lips to lips, for women
kissing women, but lips to vagina, or lips to butt hole, or lips to
breasts. When we meet with members of the opposite sex, we want to
exchange one to one with the memebers of the opposite sex for best
results for exchange of spillage.

Well, that's not a whole lot on the subject, and it's a start, and
there is a lot more to be said, but I'm busy, so for now, I'm just
going to wrap that up, and post it and think about it, and work on it
again, later.

John Francis Ayres
And Children

Bimbel Fucking - Durament Licking - And Other New, Previously In Vegas
Anyway, And Unusal Issues For Us To Learn About And Put Into Practice
For A New And Wonderfully Modern, Adanced Beyond All Previous
Civiliztions, Universal Civilization With Us All For Infinity, Or, How
To Make Women Masters Of Our Universe.

To Be Updated: 04-02-06 Rev.x



Bimbel fucking is fucking a man in the rectum with a dildoe and making
him ejaculate after exciting all or most of his sex love buttons and
patches in his rectum and in his sphincter ring and in his rectal
crevice with digital massage technique. You also want to use the
dildoe on his mouth and throttle him, and this applies to little guys,
children, and little baby boys, who will be creaming all over the
place. Bimbel fucking is good for bringing out the good chemical
buggies that will help men to understand that women are superiour
beings, and as you bimbel fuck men and boys and baby boys, you also
want to dildoe your self so that you can dildoe the both of you at the
same time, and the gasses and exhaled fumes and chemical buggy fumes
and posims, will reach up from your vagina, or bumbey bussiey, that is
the love button and cushiony love sack of the lavendourish love
brimbel. That's another name for the vagina love sack, which keeps
most of the major techical equipment of the female brain in a bag
between her legs.

You can also bimbel fuck, once they are hydrogenated, that is, filled
up with fermenting foods that make their tummys feel good, and make
them smell sweet, but since they are so stinky, we probably haven't
got a chance in a thousand or more, of using any for this for the
next, fifty million years, or more, as they are just too sickly and
internally polluted - it sure ain't like it used to be in the good old
days, is it - pigs and donkeys and goats, and lemurs, once well
trained, and with a little training, dogs and even lamas and
Argentinian mini horses, and so forth, and they will all assist in the
efumation or exhausting of fumes, except the ponies who have lots of
hay in their stomaches will not do and will ruin the process. You need
them all to take an enema, or feed them something to flush them out,
such as a laxative for horses, and then feed them a mix of fermented
rot, or apples and peaches and pears that are highly alchoholic in
content for 9 to 15 years to 30 years, and then the ponies and other
animals can participate in these ceremonies and activties as well. And
baby and mommy and daddy and every one has to have their butts lubed,
or, i.e., their GIT's, Gastro Intestinal Tracts emptied and fumigated
with fresh raw fermenting fruits, and you can whip up something easily
in a blender or grater with a little carrot juice, brocolli, and
cellery, and gin or ale, and keep a tub of it in the refrigerator, and
feed your self with it, and make sure there is lots of raw sugar
assisting the frizzeling and fermenting processes, and you just eat it
up, and make new stuff, and keep it revolving with low concentrations
of alchohol in it to keep the bacteria down, and you should wash out
the bucket every 3 to 4 or 5, days or so, and adding citrus fruits and
pineapple to the mix will be useful and tasty and fermented cooked or
hard boiled eggs, well fermented in gin, for up to 8.5 years, will
also help the GIT, and cooked meats also fermented similarly, will
also help. We do not want rot or decaying food particles in our tummy,
and we want only well cooked and then fermented meats and fish, and
poultry, fermented in exactly the same way as the berries and peas,
etc., with lots of gin and vinegar and salts from various fermented
spices herbs, and oregano and thistle and thyme and rosemary and dill
and fennel and cumin seed are all good for that, and ferment the
spices first, frizzel them, and then frizzel the fermenting meats in a
cold storage room, at 32 or 33 degrees or there abouts. Alchohol
buggies will not freeze, too well, though the will slow down, just as
any warm blooded animal, and ferment bugs are generally almost 100% or
more, warm blodded animals, so they will slow down a little. You don't
have to worry about the meet being frozen or this or that, as it will
ferment, regardless of the coolness of the cold storage room, and it
will taste very delicious after about 35 years to 348 or so years, in
this cold storage treatment ferment process, and the longer the
better, and that goes for eggs, and tofu, etc., as well. The more
fermented the foods are in our tummy, the better will be our tummy
health, and the odors will also be okay, so don't use any animals in
this trick or techique until they are all eating only fermented

After bimble fucking your self and your male companions, and doing it
all by your self, only with the help of women, and no male is allowed
to interfere or touch even his own dick, and is to lie there,
completely passively, and at the mercy of mama, and elder sister, and
grandma, and Auntie Kate, and Julius, the hermaproditic female looking
neighbor, okay she is in on it, even though she is a male in a woman's
body, they are all in charge, and you men and boys and even you baby
boys had better understand that, and if you need some type of help
understanding it, you can be repeatedly pinched or gouged, that is
taking your finger nail and poking a guy in the base of the dick, or
in his throat, below the jaw, preferably, and after a few gouges, if
they don't do exactly as you women tell them to do, and you can gang
up on them, then you can kick them out and make them sleep out doors
all night butt naked, regardless of the current laws on the subject
and just give Officer McMurphy a call and tell him that you just
kicked the old man out and he is out back butt naked being tortured
for the night, and Officer McMurphy won't even bother to send a
dispatch unit to investigate, even after the neighbors complain,
except maybe to give old Bob, the bad, Dad, a few words of
encouragement, and then a few words of reproach, and tell him to get
in there the next moring and listen to the women, as that's your job
from now on. And Zelda, that's Officer Zelda will then nudge Offcier
MrMurphy back to the car and say, we've got more important business at
the office, I want you to sniff out some new odors I have for you, and
your brain, there, buddy, so you're comming with me. Roger that one?,
and Officer McMurphy will reply, Yes, Mamm. I'm right with you on that
one. And then everyone will be happy and back at the station house,
we'll have all the men line up for the nightly inhalation of the
durament fumes and all the other fumes, to help keep the men's and
women's health going up and going stronger day by day.

Well, it looks as though we are going to have to put our own health
insurance plans into effect to get us back into good shape there, so
we will also need some men to sniff out, and so Bob McMurphy, Officer
McMurpy's brother in law, can come in from his job after he's
finished, and then offer up his cleaned out rectum for sniffing while
he and Zelda, or Maggy, the typist, or Sarah, all volunteer their
genitalia and rectums and tummys, and arm pits, and boobies and the
moist under the boobie and other booby fumes that will be effused
intot he atmosphere, along with scalp odors, and pelvic odors, and
rectal crevice odors, and all the odors of the female body, and get
them all in sync, and rotate from one position to the next in synch,
and then at the same time, have the men on the counter doing likewise,
rotating in synch, and have others massaging this, and massaging that,
and deep breathing and tounging this, and deep breathing and tounging
that, and before long, everyone will begin to tune up their immune
systems and their genitalia, with the help of the cummy juices, which
will become tastier and tastier as you continue from week to week,
will also improve your health, as well, and make for a more nourishing
and enjoyable office life. After five to eight years of this, you will
all be feeling higher levels of stamina, and you'll all be packing
hard dicks, more of the time, than not, and you'll have to figure out
what to do about them, but whatever you do, do it in groups, so that
every one can share and partake in the enjoyment of a healthy office
life, together. Mr. Bush may not be able to help us much, just as
Hillary was not able, too, with our insurance plans, anyway, so we
will have to do our best until we can oust these fake governmental
wanna be leaders who are just shamming us, that is snookering us and
pulling the wool over our eyes, and stealing our tax dollars, at least
your tax dollars, since I don't pay taxes. So just enjoy what you can
and get your health up, and do the weekend thing with Sylvia and
Buster on the table in the Kitchen with all the women ganging up on
you men, and you'll soon be breaking down crying and ejaculating while
you're crying, and feeding Sylvia, and Buster, Sylvia's little boy
baby, and he can drink the men's liquids as well, and everyone will
benefit and everyone will begin to respect and cherish women more and
more, until we can overthow this non sense government sham of ours on
this planet with these dyslexics in cohoots with each other, stealing
your tax dollars to fund their, apparently more devious than I
suspected, plot to take over everything and every body, as Timothy
Dalton was alluding, too, the other night. Well, so much for Nero
wannabes, and so much for our lousy, non governing goverment, and that
means totally inept government persons, who just clown around and make
believe and put on a show for us, every day in their lame
parliamentary and congressional walk around show and tell, juvenile
talent show clowning around on the house and senate floors. They
aren't doing anything except performing a song and dance routine, to
make us think they are busy, and that they are "earning" their salary.
It's just a lot of horse manure, that they are trying to feed us, and
we are on to them and we are not going to let them get away with it,


"... a hard durament, that's the cuddly poo whiskerish little filament
and pussy hair, peach fuzzy like filaments all over the throttle of a
woman in her vagina, that stands erect like a man's dick, when she
gets a hard on, and starts feeling like fucking someone. It is hidden
inside of the vagina in a place where no one usually sticks his or her
tounge into, unless it is really long, but it is a hard surface area
in the lower part of the vagina, and it's been so long since I touched
a woman's hard dick, in there, it's hard for me to remember, but it is
hard, and it is in the lower area of the vagina, and it is erect just
like a man's dick, and that means she is so horny she can't stop for a
moment until she creams and ejaculates, and then orgasms until her
eyeballs pop out of their sockets. Well, anyway, the throttle is a
lovely piece of equipment, and yes, the tounge of a person can reach
down in there, and carress it, if you know where to insert your
tounge, and if you have a long and strong tounge, some people do, I
don't, but that's cause of my geneitic make up, and I don't really
mind, but anyway, the ladies will love it if you tounge their
throttle, and if you get really good at it, they will begin to
mini-orgasm and convulse and spasm, and they won't be able to sit
down, as their bodies will jerk upwards, and they won't be able to
stand or tolerate the pleasures of your carressing and tounging their
throttle or female hard dick"

Tounging the durament, or hard dick of a woman, also known as the
"throttle", is an activity we can enjoy and use in our religous
ceremonial prayer sessions, and in our phileament enjetical ceremonies
in my vernacular movement, and after a man continues to tounge a
woman's durament for up to 30 days to 800 days to 12,000 days, or
longer, non-stop, day and night, and then rotating with tounging her
sphincter hole and love rings in her rectum, and then rotating and
tounging her vaginal crevice, the lower area, just at the lower tip of
her vaginal cleavage that opens to expose her pee tube, and her
ejaculatory tube behind it, and then rotating and carressing her love
rings and love buttons on her inner thighs, and then her breast
pimbels, the love buttons of her titties, on the tip of her nipples,
and in the areas around her nipples, and then switching back, and then
rotating to the neck, and shoulder love bumps, and then the crevice
anal crevice love bumps, and then the juicy love bumps in her
sphincter rings, and then her toes and the love bumps in her toes, and
then the love bumps and patches in her nose, and in her lips, and on
her tounge, and as he does this, he will inhale so many fumes and
gasses, and it all begins with the durament, and then goes generally
in that order, and you work each one for up to 5 minutes to 13 minutes
to 30 minutes, to 50 minutes to 80 minutes, or so, trying to keep each
one worked for approximately the same amount of time, as that will
help the male inhale the fumes from all of the areas of her body,
equally, and that will have an effect on his brain, and on his body
and on his dick and on his internal systems in his rectum, and he
should of course, as well as the women, maintain a clean and clutter
free rectal cavity, and upper and lower Gastro Intestinal Tract so
that the aromas can exhale freely from the rectal cavity, as it
fluctures and puncturates, that is breaths in and out, as it does do
that, but we aren't aware of that, too much, but it does flucture, or
inhale, and it does puncturate and that is exhale, and it goes very
slowly, and stays in sync with the locomotive movements of the GIT as
it undulates and moves pushing the food particles down the intestinal
tract and out the rear door. Your rectum and inestines do breath, and
you need to keep them completely free of waste, especially rotting and
decaying waste, and fermenting waste is not too bad for this
excercise, but it is better to keep the GIT completely or as near
completely empty as possible.

Men start it with women, and women start it with men, and then men
switch with women, and men do that to men, and women do that to women,
and then they switch it again, and men do that to women, and women do
that to men, and after about 8 to 15 to 30 to 40 to 50 to 80 or 90 or
150 months, or up to 800 years, or so, men and women will begin to
crevitate, and that is, they will feel a strong urge to make normal
love with members of the opposite sex, and they will also enjoy making
love with members of their own sex, so long as it is the giving love,
of doing to the other, and not the mutually reciprocating love making
style of giving and receiveing that is the type of love making context
of homosexual lovers, and of heterosexual lovers, and this is not a
love making event for heterosexual lovers, or homosexual lovers, or
anything like that, it is a contest to see who can make love to the
other for the longest period of time before passing out and orgasming
wildly from all of the inhaling of fumes and gasses, and all that does
to a man and a woman, and it is also caused by the exhaling of fumes
from all of the body pores and sockets, or sinkpads and lucrids, and
other irrigation ditches and outlets and other types of fume and
exhaust emitting portals, including the rectum, and all of the portals
in the rectilius ligatures of the rectal sphincter ligatures of the
love rings, and from all of the other areas, especially from the
durament and from the male scrotum. Each of these exhale gasses and
fumes, and around the durament and around the scrotum, and along the
lower crevise, and along the rectal crevice, and so forth, there are
lots of gasses and buggies farting and exhaling, and the longer you
keep it up, the more they produce, and the more they produce the more
you inhale, as you keep on going, and eventually, you'll all be
passing out and orgasming like you wouldn't believe, and if you can
imagine a spastic goat who has just eaten too much marijuana and opium
laced hashish to kill a small sized elephant or a billy goat, than you
can imagine what you'll be looking like, as you spasm about, after
overdosing on the fumes that are there for your inhaling.

These excercises are best done with a minimum of two women and two
men, though it can be done with only one woman and one man, it is not
as effective as it could be, otherwise. We have one woman as the
passive woman, and one man as the passive man. One active man works
the passive woman's body, from position a, to b to c to d to e, and
then back again, while the one active woman works the passive man's
body from position a to b to c to d to e, and then back again. We are
grooming out human spillage in the form of gasess and fumes that when
concentrated in high enough levels, will allow our bodies to become
normalized and once again become healthy, after years of this
activity. It doesn't come over night, but it comes through repeated
practice, and effots to do these excercises, just as you excercise and
do calisthenics, or practice martial arts, or yoga, or swimming,
ballet, jazz dancing, aerobic dancing, or any excercize, it takes
practice and efforts to maximise the levels of performance and
achievment and reach and derive the higher health benefits of the

We need the juices of men and women in our diets. And in these
excercises, we are inhaling the human spillage of women and of men,
and with that, we will be able to effectively transform our ways of
thinking about men and women, and we will slowly and gradually,
transform our civilization to one that respects and adores women and
worships them, from the shitty ass stink hole civilization we find
ourselves in, today.

These excercises should be done in the same room with the others who
are doing it, at the same time, to maximize the odors and gasses that
will be exhaled and effused outwardsly into the surrounding
atmosphere, and the windows should be closed and sealed, and there
should be no air conditioning, but there can be a radiant underlayment
cooling system, such as in cold water piping in the pannels of the
walls in through the marble or stone floors, and through the ceiling
and roofing materials to keep the building or home cool, in hot
weather conditons, and you need to bring in fresh air for everyone to
breath, periodically, but you can let the gasses build up to very high
concentration levels with enough fresh air in there for fifty or more
people to breath, and it should be done in very large groups of fifty
or more people, up to a few tens of thousands, or more, and we can
calculate it out and figure the volume capacity of the interiour of
the facility, and you need about 3.8 times the amount of air normally
found in a cubical room for one person, to live in and sustain his
life for up to fifty eight days, to 134 to 139 days, or even slightly
more, up to 348 days, or up to 845 days, and that's a lot of air, for
a person to breath, and that's fairly large facility for every one to
be in, and you have to keep the windows completely sealed and all air
transport systems shut off, and you can use rebreathing apratus which
will purify the air, and not remove the exhaled particles from the
colon and from the other orifices, and that is a simple technology
that we will have avaiable to us, in time, and when we do, we will be
able to have fifty people or more in a 900 foot by 900 foot by 49 foot
high ceiling in a prayer facility with the rebreathing equipments and
technologies going 24 hours a day, and they can stay in there
indefinitely, except they need to shower and shave, and so forth,
periodically, so they have to leave through a sealed entry and exit
port hole, an inner chamber between outer areas, and two or three
inner chambers are better than one to help seal in the wonderful toxic
fumes and gasses that you do not want to allow to escape, as they will
seep out, as layers upon layers are built up towards the ceiling, and
when you open a door you let it all seep out and the levels fall from
the ceiling to the floor with fifty people going in and out, for rest
breaks and food and hygenic breaks, and sleep breaks, and so you want
to make it so you have every thing you need inside the cubical area,
and off to the sides of it, such as bathrooms and showers and tubs and
jacuzzis, etc. and massage tables, and dining facilities, and sleeping
facilities, and so forth, and you want everone in there for as long as
possible to allow everyone to gain the maximum tolerance levels for
inhaling these wonderful chemical buggie gasses in the atmosphere, and
you will all start to drip and ooozze liquids from your dicks and
vaginas and from your rectums and you will begin to salivate and
lactate and even men will begin to oozze lactate juices after 3 to 8
years of this, and then you will all be having such a wonderful time,
orgasming and passing out, and waking and eating and doing the
excercises and then sleeping and orgasming while you sleep as you
overdose on the fumes that are being emitted by others, and you'll all
have a wonderful time doing it all year round, and you better believe
it we are going to change our governments and make one government
otherwise you'll never know how wonderful all of this is, and so plans
for dismantiling the government had better get started here and across
the oceans, and I'm not kidding, and no one else is either, and so we
will see a change and it is just how well are they going to be able to
deal with it and make the changes we need, is the question.

This is all done for the purpose, primarily, of upgrading our body's
health and improving our immune system's capabilities and a quick way
of regaining our good health that we have lost from being out of
practice with real love making for our entire lives.

Our juices will all come alive and taste better, after a very short
time, and our immune systems will work better, and we will be able to
fight off bad kritter contagions that are wiping out everyone, from
one end of the planet and universe to the other end, and we all have
to do it if we want to regain our good health, and even those kritters
that are destroying our bodies so unrelentingly will be thrashed back
and we will regain good health as we practice these excercises, and as
we take our regenerative formulas and regenerate our amoebic kiddies,
then we will begin to regain our good health and the damage to our
bodies can begin to halt, and then we can start to repair our bodies
over time.

It is for our health, most importantly, now, but it is also for our
ongoing health, both emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual, and
energetical, that is for receiving the life extenuating, or life
prolonging energies that we need and can rev up and increase not only
in ourselves but in others as well, and as we are all orgasming, and
giving off megavolts of energies with each passing day or two to
fifteen or so, about 35 days for one megavolt of energy produced and
emitted, we are energizing ourselves and we are flushing out the
"warring" male energies and flusing in new and healthful energies, and
these excercises will help this process, as well, and it will help us
produce more energies all the way around and we will become so filled
with energies, we won't get too tired anymore, and with our proper
health care and nutrition, and with proper dietary habits, we will
become very healthy, and we will no longer need to even take
medications after a while as our immune systems will kick in and
defeat all of the miserable little kritters in our bodies and our
cancer tumors will disappear, as they are overewhelmed by the positive
energie charges that aide our immune systems to defeat them and they
will be virtually toasted over night. This is a process of recovery
from our low level of poor health and it will kick start us in the
right direction and keep us going, for centuries and then for millenia
and trillions of years and so forth while we are erasing our karmatic
markups day and night and it will help us to fight off the karmatic
issues that we have in our lives that would create problems in our
health, especially when these energies are coupled with religous
prayer practice as I've discussed already.

We can do these excercises in the prayer rooms, everywhere and that is
where we will gain the most benefit as we exchange massive amounts of
energies with each other, and as we pray in our minds, while we are
cognitively capable of praying, as we will have the tendency to pass
out, every now and then, and we do not have to wait for the
rebreathing equipments and other technologies, as breathing these
gasses and fumes in close proximity to their emmision points will help
us, all by itself, and so we can all get started with these
excercises, and don't worry too much about letting the air to escape
if you don't have that many people comeing in and out, and just keep
the front doors sealed down at the bottom of the door, and the windows
sealed, and so forth, and keep as much of the atmosphere in as you
can, and when it gets stuffy and place lots of plants in the house as
well as that will help, potted plants are fine, and an arboretum with
grass and bushes within a closed area will help, along with free
flowing well water and spring water, comeing up and then flowing back
down and around in a system you can build into your green house glass
plated arboretum, attached to the back or front of the house, or side,
or whatever, and you can open up the windows in upper floor rooms to
bring in fresh air for everyone, and there won't be any problem at all
because the buggies do not fly upwards to escape from upstairs but
they seep downwards so, as long as you have all of the bottom door
seals, and joint seals, tightly closed and taped over, and enter and
exit through the arboretum, which will make a good refueling area for
healthy outdoor ions, or electrical energy charges from naturally
growing plants, and shrubs, and trees and algea, which you also need
on a daily basis, for a few hours or so every day, and it is good to
sleep in these arboretums for the maximum benefit, and so you get the
idea and we can get started in small groups of 3 to 8 people or more,
preferrably as many pair offs as possible, that is, as many couples of
men to women as possible, and the over leaguers, the people who are
left out, can sit in and take turns with the others, and do it that
way, as described, not sex with a person, but making love to "TO" the
other person, while the other person passively sits there and creams
and exhudes gasses and emits energy charges. This is very important,
and if you are both moving around, doing this and that, you're going
to waste your time as you won't get much accomplished with this

You can do that in the prayer rooms and in your homes, go right ahead,
but you won't get the overwhelming charges and pluses of these
excercises as you will if you carry them out as I've described.

These excercises, if conducted as I've outlined, will also assist the
men to realize the overwhelming truth to the reality that women are
superiour, and though they are not so pronounced at first as with the
other ceremonial activties of ascension and descension, you will
upgrade your mind and mental imaging and understanding of the fact
that women are wonderful and holy and pure beings, and that men are
here to assist them. In a religious prayer room context this will add
lightening bolts of energies to your prayer ceremonies, and you'll
come out of them with lightening flashes sparking and thrasting from
your temporal lobes, and many other brainal parts. Mix that in with
all of the excercises you will be doing, in addition to this one,
which you can break from, after about eight to fifteen days, and then
getting back into them within about 9 to 15 to 30 days, or so, you
will be raising your health tolerances and your immune systems will go
into overdrive and begin to rev up and thrash those bad kritters where
they stand. Vary your program, and keep to it as strictly as you can,
given the constraints of the societies we live within, and you will,
little by little, begin to benefit, more and more, as we continue day
after day, even if just for short periods of time, such as 30 to 50
minutes, only, each day. A little inhalation of these wonderful gasses
is better than none, and you have to remember to do it with both males
and females participating in the same room, and even if it is only for
a few tens of minutes, to one or two or three hours, if possible, or
more, when you have the time, on weekends, Friday nights, and so
forth, and what not, not to mention Sundays - ha, ha. No church for
you, this weekend mr. Pastor. You're staying home with the wife and
kids, buddy, and you're calling all of your flock over to your home,
or make it in the newly to be remodeled church assembly room, with
everyone in attendance, and don't forget to clean out your bun bun
holes and remind everyone of the same - then you can all begin to
benefit from all of the excercises and my religion is at the base and
foundation to this entire movement, so let's start thinking about
praying Nam Myeo Ho Ren Ge Kyeo to my mandala that you will make in
the manner as I've explained, before. As you do, you will charge up
our relgious and vernacular agrarian revolutionary movement, and we
will be on our way to a better world, and to a better universe for
everyone who lives in it, and for everyone who will be with us, in it,
in the future.

That dreary eyed and blister brained presidents and dictators of the
dyslexic kinds rule this planet in a mock and sham governmental
scheme, is not too much of a problem, so long as we stick to the
tenants and religous duties of my religous and vernacular or secular
revolutionary movement, and we will win the day, as we've already won
the initial battles, and we are gaining steam. Let's all keep up the
hard work, and beat everyone else to the prayer rooms for daily prayer
worship everywhere we are in our universe.

Good Luck and Happy Landing.

John Francis Ayres
And Smiling Orgastically Happy And Lovingly Tender Children Making
Splendorifical Love And Wonderment, Day And Night.

The Gurkian Way Foundation Ministry, 5540 West Harmon Ave. Apt. #2004,
Las Vegas, Nv. 89103, Tel: (702) 894-9518, john_ayrs @,
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