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Unwanted gifts?

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Steve Criddle

Jun 16, 2012, 3:56:53 AM6/16/12
Hello fellow AFBANs. I have a question for you. I wanted to ask this
somewhere where it's unlikely to be seen by people that it concerns.

Over the years, I've been given a few unwanted gifts by various
people. Birthday, Christmas, that sort of thing. I know they mean
well and probably genuinely thought I'd like what they have given me,
but they just got it wrong. I don't like to appear ungrateful.

Now we're trying to clear space in the house (it's a small house and
it's got way too much "stuff" in it). I have no problem getting rid
of things I bought myself and no longer have any use for, but those
unwanted gifts leave me feeling a little awkward. And I know in the
future I'm liable to be given more of them.

So how long is it reasonable to keep hold of such things before
getting rid of them? It would seem rude to be eBaying things on
Boxing Day, but there's also not much point keeping things for years
(as I have done) if I know I'm never going to use the thing, or read
the book, or whatever.

Is it reasonable to eBay such things (which also runs the risk of the
gift-giver seeing it)? Or is a charity shop more reasonable because
I'm not profiting in any way (and a worthy cause is).

RFC 4078

Anne Magee

Jun 18, 2012, 9:58:59 AM6/18/12
I strongly suspect will forget what they gave you after a couple of
years, possibly less. And, unless it's something they made with their
own fair hands, they aren't likely to recognize it if they see it for
sale on eBay or Kijiji or craigslist or whatever. Especially if you use
a screen name and not your real name.

I mean, say I give you a copy of "Ken Butler: Does He Really Exist" for
Christmas then later see a copy for sale, how would I know it was yours?
Billions of people have the book, not just you.

Anne, one-finger typist on phone girl

Jun 18, 2012, 9:43:57 PM6/18/12
I'm with Anen. Added note : re-gifting is seriously more dangerous
than eBaying.

AlanB, giftless girl

Steve Criddle

Jun 20, 2012, 5:40:47 AM6/20/12
I believe it was who once wrote:

~ I'm with Anen. Added note : re-gifting is seriously more dangerous
~ than eBaying.

I hadn't even contemplated re-gifting. That seems guaranteed to
backfire at some point.

RFC 4078
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