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Of concern for Wiccans ans Pagans

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Nov 24, 2013, 12:06:28 AM11/24/13
I totally agree with this video:

It's Time To Stand Up For Witches, Wiccans, Pagans


Nov 24, 2013, 5:30:15 AM11/24/13
GoddessGal AKA forevernitefan AKA (various)
AKA Maureen McAllister of Dardanelle Arkansas wrote:
Moe > I totally agree with this video:

Moe > It's Time To Stand Up For Witches, Wiccans, Pagans

Oh Maureen, you poor picked on little victim!

Did Glen the eBay seller FORCE you to run a
TEN YEAR campaign of stalking and harassment
against him for TEN YEARS after you got
your eBay refund?

Did BL FORCE you to run a campaign of
stalking and harassment against himself
Did BL FORCE you to recruit Kent to join
your insane obsessive hate campaign
against BL SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO in 1996?

Kent and you thought you had found an easy
target when you found me under attack from
gang stalkers and harassers. While that group
was whithering, Kent and you thought I was
an easy target to "join in" on stalking and
harassing. You lied, exaggerated, libeled
and posted profusely for 8+ years, ALA an
internet "Joe Job" attack or Goebbels like
propaganda campaign. Towards those efforts
your "good buddy" Kent posted 4412 posts
in one month alone, for example.

You are an Aspergers disability case,
a sociopath BY DEFINITION. You LIVE
for the internet and and you lack a
human self identity so you latch onto
whatever tear jerker crusade you think
might divert from your sociopathy.

What kind of advice would you have for
the 13 year old girl claiming to secretly
be a Wiccan, torn between Christianity
and Wicca, Maureen?

Would Wiccans and you take advantage
of the psychology of teenage rebellion
against her parents to encourage
a teen Wiccan like that?

Just curious.


Nov 24, 2013, 8:45:24 PM11/24/13
I am responding to your post because I wanted to let Kent see it.

Your various lies, deceptions and distortions about me I have dealt with YEARS ago. Your screwed up little mind, hampered by Aspergers, won't allow you to correct your many mistakes. I know you crave the attention I or Kent give you so you pull crap like this. Your attempt to distract from the real issue of Pagans having to stay hidden noted.

Not that you care, but in a number of places in America, Wiccans and other Pagans have to keep their religion secret from others. Whether it be their parents, their employer, their classmates or whatever other group they are part of or encounter. I know about that myself, particularly during the " Satanic Panic" years.

Gaggie, there are some things that are more important than you, so your little act here I have come to ignore as the babblings of someone who is mentally messed up, almost as bad as " Lady Azure".

To me, my civil rights, my right to even WEAR my pentagram openly, is far more important than playing your childish " game".

I don't want any more teenage Pagans committing suicide. THAT is more important to me, not your garbage.

Grow up.



Nov 25, 2013, 12:05:05 AM11/25/13
GoddessGal AKA forevernitefan AKA (various)
AKA Maureen McAllister of Dardanelle Arkansas wrote:
Moe > I totally agree with this video:

Moe > It's Time To Stand Up For Witches, Wiccans, Pagans

G > Oh Maureen, you poor picked on little victim!
G > Did Glen the eBay seller FORCE you to run a
G > TEN YEAR campaign of stalking and harassment
G > against him for TEN YEARS after you got
G > your eBay refund?
G > Did BL FORCE you to run a campaign of
G > stalking and harassment against himself
G > Did BL FORCE you to recruit Kent to join
G > your insane obsessive hate campaign
G > against BL SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO in 1996?
G > Kent and you thought you had found an easy
G > target when you found me under attack from
G > gang stalkers and harassers. While that group
G > was whithering, Kent and you thought I was
G > an easy target to "join in" on stalking and
G > harassing. You lied, exaggerated, libeled
G > and posted profusely for 8+ years, ALA an
G > internet "Joe Job" attack or Goebbels like
G > propaganda campaign. Towards those efforts
G > your "good buddy" Kent posted 4412 posts
G > in one month alone, for example.
G > You are an Aspergers disability case,
G > a sociopath BY DEFINITION. You LIVE
G > for the internet and and you lack a
G > human self identity so you latch onto
G > whatever tear jerker crusade you think
G > might divert from your sociopathy.
G > What kind of advice would you have for
G > the 13 year old girl claiming to secretly
G > be a Wiccan, torn between Christianity
G > and Wicca, Maureen?
G > Would Wiccans and you take advantage
G > of the psychology of teenage rebellion
G > against her parents to encourage
G > a teen Wiccan like that?
G > Just curious.

Moe > I am responding to your post because
Moe > I wanted to let Kent see it.
Moe > Your various lies, deceptions and
Moe > distortions about me I have dealt with
Moe > YEARS ago. Your screwed up little mind,
Moe > hampered by Aspergers, won't allow
Moe > you to correct your many mistakes.
Moe > I know you crave the attention I or
Moe > Kent give you so you pull crap like this.
Moe > Your attempt to distract from the real
Moe > issue of Pagans having to stay hidden noted.

You posted your poor little me victimology crap
into a usenet group you've used for DECADES as
part of your HATE campaign against one televangelist.

Seems like quite a brain fart, Maureen.

Moe > Not that you care, but in a number of places in America, Wiccans and other Pagans have to keep their religion secret from others.

More importantly, you think you've kept
your brain disorder a secret.
But it's fairly obvious, Maureen.

Moe > Whether it be their parents, their employer,
Moe > their classmates or whatever other group
Moe > they are part of or encounter. I know about
Moe > that myself, particularly during the
Moe > " Satanic Panic" years.

You're a sociopathic bullshitter with no life
and you're desperate to latch onto somebody
else's problems or beliefs in the hope that
you won't be so painfully aware of what an
absolute freak you really are.

Moe > Gaggie, there are some things that are more
Moe > important than you, so your little act here
Moe > I have come to ignore as the babblings of
Moe > someone who is mentally messed up, almost as
Moe > bad as " Lady Azure".
Moe > To me, my civil rights, my right to even
Moe > WEAR my pentagram openly, is far more
Moe > important than playing your childish " game".

I might feel sorry for you if you weren't an
obsessed demented stalker and harasser in your
TWENTY NINTH YEAR of running a hate campaign
against one televangelist, and to boot, you
haven't found anything damning on him in all that time.

Moe > I don't want any more teenage Pagans committing suicide.

So you tell them to listen to their parents, right?

Or do you tell 13 year olds that prancing around
naked in the woods celebrating the pagan rights
of spring by having random sex is just fine?

Moe > THAT is more important to me, not your garbage.
Moe > Grow up.

YOU brought this "issue" up here, where it does not belong.
You're kooky that way.



Nov 25, 2013, 1:12:21 AM11/25/13
On Sunday, November 24, 2013 11:05:05 PM UTC-6, Greegor wrote:
> GoddessGal AKA forevernitefan AKA (various)

Attempt to distract to discuss what you want noted.

" Victimology"? Tell that to Tempest Smith's parents, Gaggie.

Your ignorance of Wicca and Paganism noted.
> Seems like quite a brain fart, Maureen.

Brains cannot fart,

> Moe > Not that you care, but in a number of places in America, Wiccans and other Pagans have to keep their religion secret from others.
> More importantly, you think you've kept
> your brain disorder a secret.
> But it's fairly obvious, Maureen.

What are your qualifications to diagnose " brain disorders" Gaggie? Who certified you?

> Moe > Whether it be their parents, their employer,
> Moe > their classmates or whatever other group
> Moe > they are part of or encounter. I know about
> Moe > that myself, particularly during the
> Moe > " Satanic Panic" years.
> You're a sociopathic bullshitter with no life
> and you're desperate to latch onto somebody
> else's problems or beliefs in the hope that
> you won't be so painfully aware of what an
> absolute freak you really are.

Lies and distortions noted. Ad homs noted.
The topic is Wiccans and Pagans daring to come out of the broom closet.

I am a Pagan/ Wiccan, Greg. And I know what it's like to hide my religion.

> Moe > Gaggie, there are some things that are more
> Moe > important than you, so your little act here
> Moe > I have come to ignore as the babblings of
> Moe > someone who is mentally messed up, almost as
> Moe > bad as " Lady Azure".
> Moe > To me, my civil rights, my right to even
> Moe > WEAR my pentagram openly, is far more
> Moe > important than playing your childish " game".
> I might feel sorry for you if you weren't an
> obsessed demented stalker and harasser in your
> TWENTY NINTH YEAR of running a hate campaign
> against one televangelist, and to boot, you
> haven't found anything damning on him in all that time.

Says the self-described cyberstalker and a guy who deliberately tried training a seven year old girl to accept his intended sexual abuse of her. Fortunately CPS intervened.

Ironic you use the word " damning" in regards to this unnamed " televangelist" you claim I have a " hate campaign" about.

Your comments about me, considering what kind of pathetic person you are in the real world, has no merit. There is a lot of irony and projection on your response to me, more so because some of your own mental disfunctions you continue to display, including your own " hate campaign" bad cyberstalking of Kent Wills.

You project many of your own problems and faults upon me and claim I am things you do not know about me in real life. Your own cyberstalking on me is so bad it becomes at times amusing, particularly after I show where you erred, as in the chicken plant manager being my brother claim. You never admitted your mistake, OC.

If you've read my blog and here OC, you know I have many interests. I do find it telling of you to try to twist this discussion about Pagans and Wiccans daring to be public to your own hard on about me. Your monomania is not healthy, greg. If you wish to discuss serious topics, then do so. Your ad homs and robotic accusations make you far worse than what you accuse me of being.

I think because of your various mental and emotional problems, you are trapped in a form of hell of your own making. And this newsgroup is all important to you.

That's really sad.

Maybe you should get out of your apartment more often. Have you ever done volunteer work? Like organize the toys for the Christmas kids donations, or even help out at the food pantry or something? Maybe interacting with real people might help you out of your little hole.

I find that caring about others enriches one's own soul.


Ad homs noted.
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Nov 26, 2013, 12:15:54 PM11/26/13
G > You posted your poor little me victimology crap
G > into a usenet group you've used for DECADES as
G > part of your HATE campaign against one televangelist.

KBW > Who is this phantom televangelist, Greg?
KBW > You've been dishonestly claiming Moe, and
KBW > sometimes I, have a hate campaign against
KBW > this mythical person.

You've personally spent SEVENTEEN YEARS stalking
and harassing one televangelist, joining Maureen's
stalking and harassment campaign which is at
TWENTY NINE YEARS and counting, but now you
have the nerve to pretend that your longstanding
target is a mythical person?

Your level of dishonesty is rediculous, Kent.


Nov 26, 2013, 2:52:51 PM11/26/13
On Sunday, November 24, 2013 4:30:15 AM UTC-6, Greegor wrote:
> GoddessGal AKA forevernitefan AKA (various)
> AKA Maureen McAllister of Dardanelle Arkansas wrote:
> Moe > I totally agree with this video:

Another one?? Oh my. It must be really upset over BL's upcoming projects.

Now, Demons or DID?


Nov 26, 2013, 3:14:35 PM11/26/13
Bob. that isn't me. And to refer to her as " it"? (( blinks))

It's Time To Stand Up For Witches, Wiccans, Pagans

When I first saw the vid I almost mistook her for the British actress who was in the TV series The Avengers and who was with Vincent Price in the movie " Theater of Blood" or similar title ( about a Shakespearain thesbian who takes revenge on his critics).

The subject is how we Pagans need to come out of the broom closet and speak out.

Any comments on that, Bob?



Nov 26, 2013, 3:23:56 PM11/26/13
On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 11:15:54 AM UTC-6, Greegor wrote:
> G > You posted your poor little me victimology crap
> G > into a usenet group you've used for DECADES as
> G > part of your HATE campaign against one televangelist.
> KBW > Who is this phantom televangelist, Greg?
> KBW > You've been dishonestly claiming Moe, and
> KBW > sometimes I, have a hate campaign against
> KBW > this mythical person.
> You've personally spent SEVENTEEN YEARS stalking
> and harassing one televangelist, joining Maureen's
> stalking and harassment campaign which is at
> TWENTY NINE YEARS and counting,

Avoidance of answering the question noted.
Lies and distortions noted.

The point is, and Kent is trying to show you , but you as usual don't notice, is that the " televangelist" you claim Kent and i have "stalked and harassed" which you do not specifically name, cannot be Bobbie Larson, currently self-proclaimed " exorcist" for the simple reason that Larson never was a TELEvangelist.

He was a "traveling evangelist" and a Christian radio shock jock, an evangelical with a radio show ( technically not a real radio evangelist) but no matter how much McExorcist has tried since Talk-Back went off the air, he never could be called a TELEvangelist.

Since you refuse to name the televangelist you claim we " stalk and harass" ( and why you refuse to name him or her is puzzling), we must assume that the televangelist you claim exists does so only in your mind, disfunctional as it is.

> but now you
> have the nerve to pretend that your longstanding
> target is a mythical person?

You haven't said who the person's name is. Larson is no televangelist so he doesn't fit your claim.

> Your level of dishonesty is rediculous, Kent.

As " rediculous" as your lack of education, Greg.

I learned how to spell "ridiculous" way back in junior high school.



Nov 26, 2013, 3:28:05 PM11/26/13
On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 1:52:51 PM UTC-6, kensmithiscool wrote:
And Bob, the next time you pop in your " Marston Shores" sock, try NOT to post here at the same time you post your Tweets.

Twice is a coincidence. Four or more times its a pattern-- idiot.

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Nov 27, 2013, 1:17:40 AM11/27/13
Moe > The point is, and Kent is trying to show you , but you as usual don't notice, is that the " televangelist" you claim Kent and i have "stalked and harassed" which you do not specifically name, cannot be Bobbie Larson, currently self-proclaimed " exorcist" for the simple reason that Larson never was a TELEvangelist.
Ah, but Maureen, your hero, your idol, Kenneth Lawrence Smith of Genesee Village Road in Golden Colorado called BL "televangelist" over and over again in one legal pleading alone!

You knew this already, too, Maureen.
You tried this Aspie game of semantics before
until I pointed out that Smith called him
a "televangelist over and over again in his
legal pleadings! I even LINKED to Smith's
pleading which was online!

Why are you trying this FAILED semantics
game yet again? Did Smith take down
his pleadings? Is that why you thought
that trying this same worn out tactic
might work again??

I can't believe you would try the same
FAILED tactic yet again?

KentMoe, you two keep trying to use
sophistry and semantics tactics to try
to fend off something as public and obvious
as your own long standing history of
stalking and harassment of various people?

Weak sauce, really, Maureen!
Even if you tried to delete all of
your own many posts that document
your history of stalking and harassing
BL, Glen and myself, many of them
live on as quotes in contemporary
replies at those times.

I did ask you several times what
exactly "set you off" on BL and
precisely when that was.

Was your Mom a hardcore follower of BL, Maureen?


Nov 27, 2013, 1:20:10 AM11/27/13
Moe > I learned how to spell "ridiculous" way back in junior high school.

What kind of freak posts such spelling lames on usenet?
Oh yeah!


Nov 27, 2013, 2:41:11 AM11/27/13
So, in theory you think you've connected one
anonymous poster to another anonymous poster,
supposedly, is that right, Moe?



Nov 27, 2013, 3:38:57 PM11/27/13
On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 4:29:50 PM UTC-6, K Wills wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Nov 2013 11:52:51 -0800 (PST), kensmithiscool
" Upcoming projects"? Oh good, more failures to look forward to. ;->
> >
> It? Do you really see the girl in the video as an object and not
> a human being?

Probably. The video I have of BL during TB where his "guest" for his radio show was a male-to-female transgender ( or transsexual, I forget the proper term for a person who is in physical gender transition.) where BL acts quite offended at her very presence in his audio room, he repeatedly refers to her as " it'. The vid is disturbing in a number of areas. At one point you can see the poor lady was shaking in her seat in obvious fear of Larson. Which I don't blame her. His anger at her was almost pathological, near "gay bashing" thug level.

As for the woman in the Youtube video, it should be clear to any reasonable person she is a she and not a he or an " it".

> >Now, Demons or DID?
> I've asked much the same of you. Of course, under your marston
> nym, you did admit that you worship Satan and are possessed by demons,
> so I suppose I have my answer.
> --
> Heartbreak is a burden to us all. Pity the man with two.

Kent, did you like last weekend's BBC America Dr. Who marathon? I liked the movie depiction of how Dr. Who started, myself.



Nov 29, 2013, 11:50:11 AM11/29/13
You two really are freaks.

Does it really help to deny your Aspergers?

Maureen wants to "come out" and fly her freak flag,
but only when she finds it to be convenient.

Way to stand up for yourself, Maureen! LOL

marston shores

Nov 30, 2013, 4:41:15 PM11/30/13
K Wills wrote:
> Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson has a Garnishment order against
> him.

And what of your conviction for garage burglary and corrupting a minor,

marston shores

Nov 30, 2013, 4:42:37 PM11/30/13
GoddessGal wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 1:52:51 PM UTC-6, kensmithiscool wrote:
>> On Sunday, November 24, 2013 4:30:15 AM UTC-6, Greegor wrote:
>>> GoddessGal AKA forevernitefan AKA (various)
>>> AKA Maureen McAllister of Dardanelle Arkansas wrote:
>>> Moe > I totally agree with this video:
>> Another one?? Oh my. It must be really upset over BL's upcoming projects.
>> Now, Demons or DID?
> And Bob, the next time you pop in your " Marston Shores" sock, try NOT to post here at the same time you post your
> Tweets.

Aren't you being a bit paranoid, young lady?

> Twice is a coincidence. Four or more times its a pattern-- idiot.
> Moe

Or perhaps the pattern is your 29 years of stalking Bob, eh young lady?

marston shores

Nov 30, 2013, 4:43:23 PM11/30/13
GoddessGal wrote:
> I learned how to spell "ridiculous" way back in junior high school.
> Moe

And continue to answer to it yet, Maureen?

marston shores

Nov 30, 2013, 4:44:09 PM11/30/13
GoddessGal wrote:
> The subject is how we Pagans need to come out of the broom closet and speak out.
> Any comments on that, Bob?
> Moe

What would you have Bob say, young lady?

Is she also under the control of Jezebel as you are?

marston shores

Nov 30, 2013, 4:45:26 PM11/30/13
K Wills wrote:
> Why is it that you are the only person on Usenet to be aware of
> so many posts from me in one month?

He's not, fiend, google knows it too.

marston shores

Nov 30, 2013, 4:46:53 PM11/30/13
K Wills wrote:
> You've been dishonestly
> claiming Moe, and sometimes I, have a hate campaign against this
> mythical person.

Bob's not mythical, but your imaginary wife and son are.

marston shores

Nov 30, 2013, 4:48:05 PM11/30/13
GoddessGal wrote:
> I find that caring about others enriches one's own soul.
> Moe

Who are you caring about young lady, Frank?

marston shores

Nov 30, 2013, 4:49:14 PM11/30/13
GoddessGal wrote:
> I know you crave the attention I or Kent give you so you pull crap like this.

If you really "know" that, why are you two "giving" him what you claim
he needs?
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Dec 1, 2013, 4:27:03 PM12/1/13
On Saturday, November 30, 2013 3:42:37 PM UTC-6, marston shores wrote:
> GoddessGal wrote:
> > On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 1:52:51 PM UTC-6, kensmithiscool wrote:
> >> On Sunday, November 24, 2013 4:30:15 AM UTC-6, Greegor wrote:
> >>
> >>> GoddessGal AKA forevernitefan AKA (various)
> >>
> >>>
> >>
> >>> AKA Maureen McAllister of Dardanelle Arkansas wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>
> >>> Moe > I totally agree with this video:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Another one?? Oh my. It must be really upset over BL's upcoming projects.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Now, Demons or DID?
> >
> > And Bob, the next time you pop in your " Marston Shores" sock, try NOT to post here at the same time you post your
> > Tweets.
> Aren't you being a bit paranoid, young lady?

An observation is not paranoia, Bob.

> > Twice is a coincidence. Four or more times its a pattern-- idiot.
> >
> > Moe
> >
> Or perhaps the pattern is your 29 years of stalking Bob, eh young lady?

Are you saying, then, that YOUR posting here and doing your tweets at the same short time frame on four plus occasions is somehow caused by MY archival collecting of Bob Larson's various facts and failures?

Interesting claim. Not true, OC, but it makes you out to be some sort of slave to me. While I appreciate you inferring that I have some sort of power over you, Bob, the simple fact is that unless you have a serious case of Aspergers like gaggie does or some other mental illness or defect, you-- like me-- choose to respond to another, and conversely choose in what manner your responses contain.



Dec 1, 2013, 4:33:20 PM12/1/13
On Saturday, November 30, 2013 3:44:09 PM UTC-6, marston shores wrote:
> GoddessGal wrote:
> > The subject is how we Pagans need to come out of the broom closet and speak out.
> >
> > Any comments on that, Bob?
> >
> > Moe
> What would you have Bob say, young lady?

(( Smiles)) Apparently nothing. You can do the act all you want Bob, but as in your KSIC nym, its a bit feeble. Bob, claiming to be the " world's foremost authority on cults and the occult," ( according to him, but no one of legitimate credentials), the subject of Wiccans and Pagans should be something he might know a LITTLE about.

I admit I still chuckle at his " blog" post recently where he referred to Maddie O'Hair as a " jezebel."

> Is she also under the control of Jezebel as you are?

I get it Bob. You wanna screw your fantasy version of a female.

You're not my type.



Dec 1, 2013, 4:39:47 PM12/1/13
A Greegor claim.

For someone who is supposedly " mythical", Kent's wife sure looks REAL to me.

You seem to forget the white racist's death threats to Kent's family and the fact by even that jerk's admission the police came by his residence to talk to him about his threats. If Kent did not have a wife and kids, him issuing a police complaint about the death threats ( which BTW were aimed at his wife and kids, not at Kent) would be akin to filing a false police report.

Since the report is real and Kent's inept little cyberstalker Gaggie hasn't mouthed out about it ( not that he would be able to find a copy, he is that sloppy), then your convenient omission of such a fact is a Gaggie tactic and doesn't say much for you.



Dec 1, 2013, 4:51:10 PM12/1/13
On Saturday, November 30, 2013 5:43:56 PM UTC-6, K Wills wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:38:57 -0800 (PST), GoddessGal
> <> wrote:
> >> It? Do you really see the girl in the video as an object and not
> >> a human being?
> >
> > Probably. The video I have of BL during TB where his "guest" for
> >his radio show was a male-to-female transgender ( or transsexual, I
> >forget the proper term for a person who is in physical gender
> >transition.) where BL acts quite offended at her very presence in his
> >audio room, he repeatedly refers to her as " it'. The vid is
> >disturbing in a number of areas. At one point you can see the poor
> >lady was shaking in her seat in obvious fear of Larson. Which I don't
> >blame her. His anger at her was almost pathological, near "gay
> >bashing" thug level.
> Bob has proved over the years to be quite the bigot. And it's not
> a stretch for him to become a homophobe.

While I was referring to the transgender male-to-female example, I do know of various times during TB where he on the air exhibited homophobic behavior and emotions. There was one show where Bonnie Bell had on three transvestites ( males dressed as females) where he on the air claimed he was about to vomit at the mere presence of the trio, etc. My guess is that the trio were very feminine pretty. Larson saw them and reacted with lust, then found out they are really guys, not gals.

> >
> > As for the woman in the Youtube video, it should be clear to any
> >reasonable person she is a she and not a he or an " it".
> Bob, unless KSIC lied about being Bob Larson, has issues with
> females.

The " Jezebel" crap he keeps pulling, along with the "rape or incested" or other forms of abuse he claims his female prey have suffered is consistent with someone who cannot relate to females except as objects.

In KSIC's case, his various comments about me over the years, including claiming I masturbate to BL's photo, that you and I are lovers, where he specifically calls me s bitch and a hag, are consistent with someone who, as you say, has " issues with females".

> >> >Now, Demons or DID?
> >>
> >> I've asked much the same of you. Of course, under your marston
> >> nym, you did admit that you worship Satan and are possessed by demons,
> >> so I suppose I have my answer.
> >>
> >> Heartbreak is a burden to us all. Pity the man with two.
> >
> > Kent, did you like last weekend's BBC America Dr. Who marathon? I
> >liked the movie depiction of how Dr. Who started, myself.
> I didn't watch much of the marathon. Just bits and pieces of
> various episodes.
> I watched the 50th anniversary episode, of course.
> "No, sir. All 13!" :)

(( Smiles)) I didn't watch all of it but did record a few documentary-interviews.

> --
> "I'm looking for The Doctor."
> "Well, you've certainly come to the right place."


Dec 1, 2013, 4:58:56 PM12/1/13
On Saturday, November 30, 2013 5:45:18 PM UTC-6, K Wills wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:42:37 -0700, marston shores <> wrote:
> >>> Now, Demons or DID?
> >>
> >> And Bob, the next time you pop in your " Marston Shores" sock, try NOT to post here at the same time you post your
> >> Tweets.
> >
> >Aren't you being a bit paranoid, young lady?
> Where does Moe suggest that you are trying to "spy" on her or
> cause her any harm under either nym, Bob (unless you lied about being
> Bob Lar$on)?
> You're the one who asked about paranoia, so it befalls you to
> support your position. Unless, of course, your question was another
> formed by your demon of lying.

Bob spying on me would be a boring task, I would think. Well not during the holidays, but it would mostly be a snooze fest.

> >
> >> Twice is a coincidence. Four or more times its a pattern-- idiot.
> >>
> >
> >Or perhaps the pattern is your 29 years of stalking Bob, eh young lady?
> Or perhaps it's your both claiming to be Lar$on, your both being
> OBSESSED with Moe, your both using the same writing patterns, and so
> on.


> Why are you trying to pretend you aren't KSIC, as 100% of the
> evidence shows you are (you're free to counter it, if you can) and
> that under both nyms you are Bob Lar$on (unless you lied)?

Because if he ever was honest ( a condition Larson has not been in for quite some time) and quit hiding behind his KSIC and MS nyms, what he has posted over the years here would be an embarrassment to him, exposing his public facade and showing Larson as he really is.

> --
> "I'm a ten gov a day guy. It's all I know and it's all
> you need to know, gov!"
> -- Shouting George


Dec 1, 2013, 5:03:55 PM12/1/13
On Saturday, November 30, 2013 5:46:53 PM UTC-6, K Wills wrote:
> You're not a televangelist, Bob (unless you LIED when you claimed
> to be Bob).

Bob Larson as a televangelist is mythical.
The persona Larson exhibits in public ( except when his mask falls off) is a contrived role Larson plays to the public and to the media. It is not, IMO< the real him. Just as his wearing the garments of a Christian priest. wielding a gaudy cross made in China and holding a girlie teenager version of the Bible are props, not the real thing.


> You're still free to counter all the evidence that shows Lindsay
> is 100% real, unless your claim that she isn't is another of the tales
> from your demon of lying.
> I'm waiting.


Dec 2, 2013, 9:28:47 AM12/2/13
Among all of your many notes, Maureen,
do you have a note of when and why
exactly you began your TWENTY NINE YEAR
hate campaign against BL?

marston shores

Dec 2, 2013, 11:16:13 AM12/2/13
K Wills wrote:
>> Or perhaps the pattern is your 29 years of stalking Bob, eh young lady?
> Or perhaps it's your both claiming to be Lar$on, your both being
> OBSESSED with Moe, your both using the same writing patterns, and so
> on.
> Why are you trying to pretend you aren't KSIC, as 100% of the
> evidence shows you are (you're free to counter it, if you can) and
> that under both nyms you are Bob Lar$on (unless you lied)?

Fiend, this false accusation charade of yours has never worked, and
never will.

Perhaps if you went out and had a smoke in the red chair your mind
would clear.

marston shores

Dec 2, 2013, 11:16:58 AM12/2/13
> Yet no one is able to show this.

Of course they are, all it takes is an author search.

marston shores

Dec 2, 2013, 11:18:02 AM12/2/13
K Wills wrote:
> Again you PROVE you have a demon of lying.
> Greg's posts are blocked by many, possibly most, servers due to
> his years and years of abuse. As such, I can't give him any attention.
> Certainly not directly.

That's just not true, his posts come through just fine.

> Moe has been ignoring him for the most part.

That is another lie.

> Would you like to try and explain why your demon of lying thought
> this lie would escape unexposed?
You lie from awakening to sleeping.

marston shores

Dec 2, 2013, 11:18:24 AM12/2/13
K Wills wrote:
> Since I have neither,
That is another lie, as has been shown many times here.

marston shores

Dec 2, 2013, 11:18:46 AM12/2/13
K Wills wrote:
> You're not a televangelist, Bob (unless you LIED when you claimed
> to be Bob).
I made no such claim, liar.

marston shores

Dec 2, 2013, 11:20:38 AM12/2/13
GoddessGal wrote:
>> Or perhaps the pattern is your 29 years of stalking Bob, eh young lady?
> Are you saying, then, that YOUR posting here and doing your tweets at the same short time frame on four plus
> occasions is somehow caused by MY archival collecting of Bob Larson's various facts and failures?

No, I'm not.

I say you have been stalking Bob for 29 years.

marston shores

Dec 2, 2013, 11:22:38 AM12/2/13
GoddessGal wrote:
> On Saturday, November 30, 2013 3:44:09 PM UTC-6, marston shores wrote:
>> GoddessGal wrote:
>>> The subject is how we Pagans need to come out of the broom closet and speak out.
>>> Any comments on that, Bob?
>>> Moe
>> What would you have Bob say, young lady?
> (( Smiles)) Apparently nothing. You can do the act all you want Bob, but as in your KSIC nym, its a bit feeble.

I am not Bob, young lady.

> I admit I still chuckle at his " blog" post recently where he referred to Maddie O'Hair as a " jezebel."

That's jezebel in you laughing.

>> Is she also under the control of Jezebel as you are?
> I get it Bob.

I'm not Bob.

> You wanna screw your fantasy version of a female.
> You're not my type.

Nor will you ever be, demon-spawn.

marston shores

Dec 2, 2013, 11:24:23 AM12/2/13
GoddessGal wrote:
> Since the report is real and Kent's inept little cyberstalker Gaggie hasn't mouthed out about it
> ( not that he would be able to find a copy, he is that sloppy),

Why don't you post a link to it so we can all judge for ourselves?

marston shores

Dec 2, 2013, 11:25:08 AM12/2/13
GoddessGal wrote:
> Bob Larson as a televangelist is mythical.

No, he's very real and will cast out your demon if you give him a chance.


Dec 2, 2013, 3:31:43 PM12/2/13
Moe > For someone who is supposedly
Moe > "mythical", Kent's wife sure
Moe > looks REAL to me.

You already stated that you have never met her, Maureen.

He sent you a lifted JPEG, right?

Waz it the one he put online of
some woman's BACKSIDE?

And since you BELIEVE that he's not the
man who was supervised for awhile by
an Arkansas probation officer, you'd
accept a JPEG from Kent as PROOF
that his wife is not a figment of his
imagination, right?

You've ignored and bypassed all of the
court, appeal and corrections site info
on Kent and still hung onto your insane
self-serving denial.

You've been Kent's Siamese twin for
more than a decade, so why did you
bother to try to TESTIFY to this, Moe?

Why are you trying to vouch for your own stooge?

Did you think you could get away with that?


Dec 2, 2013, 4:14:48 PM12/2/13
On Monday, December 2, 2013 10:18:02 AM UTC-6, marston shores wrote:
> K Wills wrote:
> > On Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:49:14 -0700, marston shores <> wrote:
> >
> >> GoddessGal wrote:
> >>> I know you crave the attention I or Kent give you so you pull crap like this.
> >>
> >> If you really "know" that, why are you two "giving" him what you claim
> >> he needs?
> >
> > Again you PROVE you have a demon of lying.
> > Greg's posts are blocked by many, possibly most, servers due to
> > his years and years of abuse. As such, I can't give him any attention.
> > Certainly not directly.
> That's just not true, his posts come through just fine.

In Google, yes, but not in some other newsgroup reader services.
I use Google Groups, as does KSIC and apparenly you as well. Kent does not use Google Groups to read and post.

> > Moe has been ignoring him for the most part.
> That is another lie.

I'm curious. How would Kent's claim I am ignoring gaggie for the most part be a lie? The fact is when I use Google Groups and see the new posts, I do skip over Gaggie's posts, mainly because its the same boring ass nonsense that's not worth my time responding to.

I guess your demon of lying is popping up again.

> > Would you like to try and explain why your demon of lying thought
> > this lie would escape unexposed?
> >
> You lie from awakening to sleeping.

(( winces)) Ick! Bad word tenses.



Dec 2, 2013, 4:17:40 PM12/2/13
You " say" a lot of things Scrotius, that turn out to be empty.

Nice double standard you got there, BTW. Claim I stalk while give Greegor a pass for his repeated and ADMITTED cyberstalking.

Different weights and measures. If you are a Christian, you know how your god thinks of that.



Dec 2, 2013, 4:26:55 PM12/2/13
On Monday, December 2, 2013 10:22:38 AM UTC-6, marston shores wrote:
> GoddessGal wrote:
> > On Saturday, November 30, 2013 3:44:09 PM UTC-6, marston shores wrote:
> >> GoddessGal wrote:
> >>
> >>> The subject is how we Pagans need to come out of the broom closet and speak out.
> >>
> >>>
> >>
> >>> Any comments on that, Bob?
> >>
> >>>
> >>
> >>> Moe
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> What would you have Bob say, young lady?
> >
> > (( Smiles)) Apparently nothing. You can do the act all you want Bob, but as in your KSIC nym, its a bit feeble.
> I am not Bob, young lady.

(( Smirks)) Whatever....

> > I admit I still chuckle at his " blog" post recently where he referred to Maddie O'Hair as a " jezebel."
> That's jezebel in you laughing.

No, that's my very human amusement at Larson claiming Maddie was a Jezebel. If you actually look at the " deliverance ministry" claims about Jezebel, one of this mythic being's qualities is that she supposedly is a seductress.

Maddie was a con artist, had incredibly bad hygene and considerably worse manners by the time she was murdered, but a seductress she most certainly was not.

Gaggie type response BTW.

> >> Is she also under the control of Jezebel as you are?
> >
> > I get it Bob.
> I'm not Bob.

Prove it.
You can prove it by meeting with me in a voice or video chat room.

But then, you'll chicken out or skip over that-- as usual for you, coward.

> > You wanna screw your fantasy version of a female.
> >
> > You're not my type.
> Nor will you ever be, demon-spawn.

And yet you seem to seek my attention. I realize your childish insults in your " mind" are some sort of flirting come-on, but to me they are just the boring ass repetition ploys that gaggie tends to use. Your repertoire is quite limited, even Asperger limited.



Dec 2, 2013, 4:32:08 PM12/2/13
Really, are you that stupid or what?

The incident report is not online. You'll have to contact the police department and obtain the report-- pay for it, OC.

You know, Gaggie tried that act when the white supremacist racist received the personal police visit to his residence. Both I and Kent explained to Hanson how he could get a copy of the police report. Gaggie, coward that he is, didn't do it, OC. Gaggie then claimed that the police report did not exist-- except that the racist himself admitted he got a visit from the cops in regards to his threats against Kent's family.


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Dec 2, 2013, 7:33:21 PM12/2/13
KBW > That aside, Bob has never had enough TV
KBW > time to qualify as a televangelist. As
KBW > such, Greg the self confessed junkie
KBW > can't mean Bob Larson when he mentions
KRW > a televangelist.

Complain to Kenneth Lawrence Smith of Genesee
Village Road in Golden Colorado then!
He referred to BL as a "televangelist" over
and over again in his court pleadings.

You've tried this this same losing
argument over and over again here, Kent.

Have you even once asked Smith about
his word choice that you disagree with?


Dec 2, 2013, 7:41:49 PM12/2/13
Moe > You know, Gaggie tried that act when
Moe > the white supremacist racist received
Moe > the personal police visit

Nope, that took place years before I ever heard of Kent.
I was questioning the truthfulness much after the fact.

Moe > to his residence. Both I and Kent
Moe > explained to Hanson how he could
Moe > get a copy of the police report.
Moe > Gaggie, coward that he is, didn't do it,

Kent would not provide the date or
Police report number to be fact checked.

Moe > OC. Gaggie then claimed that the police
Moe > report did not exist-- except that the
Moe > racist himself admitted he got a visit
Moe > from the cops in regards to his threats
Moe > against Kent's family.

If somebody actually got a police visit
for that reason, do you think they would
publicly admit to that?

Or could it be that Kent was playing sock ID games?


Dec 2, 2013, 8:42:37 PM12/2/13
ms > Why don't you post a link to
ms > it so we can all judge for ourselves?

Kent would not post the Police report number or date.
Kent would not even post the person's middle name.

False accusations of racist death threats are
fully in keeping with my perceptions and
expectations of Kent Bradley Wills and
Maureen McAllister.


Dec 2, 2013, 11:10:08 PM12/2/13
Moe > For someone who is supposedly "mythical",
Moe > Kent's wife sure looks REAL to me.

KBW > She looks real to me as well. As do their children.
KBW > I suppose Kent could have hired a woman and
KBW > children to go with him all over the world so
KBW > that he could take pictures of them and put the
KBW > pictures on Facebook. Kent would have to be
KBW > very fortunate that the kids are always the
KBW > same and always available to travel when it's
KBW > convenient for Kent.

You got caught altering an aircraft
boarding pass, Kent.

You got caught using video of a boat
registered to someone else, Kent.

You used photos and video of your Mommy's
pool house and the terrace behind it, Kent.

KBW > And Greg the self confessed junkie
KBW > claimed to have gotten a copy of the
KBW > report. According to Google's archive,
KBW > Greg the self confessed junkie ran
KBW > away from the whole matter after
KBW > letting that be known.

Please post a LINK to where I claimed
that I had the report.

I never ran away from squat.

Moe > Since the report is real and Kent's
Moe > inept little cyberstalker Gaggie
Moe > hasn't mouthed out about it ( not
Moe > that he would be able to find a copy,

Without the date, department, exact name?

KBW > Greg the self confessed junkie
KBW > already claimed to have had a copy.

Link or LIE, Kent.

> he is that sloppy), then your convenient omission of such a fact is a
> Gaggie tactic and doesn't say much for you.

Kent posted his own Date Of Birth to
usenet long before I ever heard of him or you.

He left tracks when he deleted one of those.
His DOB post lives on quoted in responses
contemporary to when Kent posted it.

I proved Kent's ID "dead to rights" but
you have never acknowledged that I did.

Any observer knows that you don't WANT
to admit that your siamese twin is a
two time thieving felon who also got a
misdemeanor for using a teen as an
accomplice to the garage burglary.

But what you want or wish or what
is convenient FOR YOU should not
decide what is the truth, Maureen.

You tried very hard to support Kent's
lies about his identity, but what did
the effort in was Kent's own old posts.

Kent's attempt to destroy the evidence
really did not help your credibility

His attempts at deception were revealed, in fact.

At this point you are either dumb as a stump
or a shameless liar.


Dec 2, 2013, 11:16:28 PM12/2/13
KBW > As you know, Kent has two wooden rocking
KBW > chairs on his deck. And neither are red.

Kent got the street view of
the shack he lives in blurred after
years of being teased about the
red metal clamshell lawn chair on his
concrete front "stoop".

Kent lies about things the tax
assessor web site disprove.

He got caught doing that about the
apartment building in Ankeny, also.


Dec 2, 2013, 11:40:33 PM12/2/13
On Monday, December 2, 2013 5:16:04 PM UTC-6, Mike Fisher wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Nov 2013 17:46:53 -0600, K Wills wrote:
> > On Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:46:53 -0700, marston shores <> wrote:
> >
> >>K Wills wrote:
> >>> You've been dishonestly claiming Moe, and sometimes I, have a hate
> >>> campaign against this mythical person.
> >>
> >>Bob's not mythical, but your imaginary wife and son are.
> >
> > You're not a televangelist, Bob (unless you LIED when you claimed
> > to be Bob).
> Maybe he's looking at trying to steal from the gullible via TV now.

Technically BL never was a televangelist, though in his various broadcast attempts he has tried ( and failed) to use the media of TV broadcasts to benefit himself, both in ego and in finances. His current exploitation in using the " teenage exorcists" includes various attempts to get publicity by " major mainstream media." And yes he is trying to steal from the gullible via TV exposure. There's only so much his DWJD cronies can supply him on his various " conferences".

> > You're still free to counter all the evidence that shows Lindsay
> > is 100% real, unless your claim that she isn't is another of the tales
> > from your demon of lying.
> > I'm waiting.
> You'll be waiting a long time.

I find it interesting that Hanson claims that Lin does not exist yet wants to see the " bikini" photos that are OF Lin.

Two contradictory claims held by one person.



Dec 2, 2013, 11:45:37 PM12/2/13
On Monday, December 2, 2013 5:17:58 PM UTC-6, Mike Fisher wrote:
> On Sun, 01 Dec 2013 14:03:55 -0800, GoddessGal wrote:
> [snip]
> >> >> You've been dishonestly
> >> >> claiming Moe, and sometimes I, have a hate campaign against this
> >> >> mythical person.
> >> >
> >> >Bob's not mythical, but your imaginary wife and son are.
> >>
> >> You're not a televangelist, Bob (unless you LIED when you claimed
> >> to be Bob).
> >
> > Bob Larson as a televangelist is mythical.
> Exactly.
> > The persona Larson exhibits in public ( except when his mask falls off)
> > is a contrived role Larson plays to the public and to the media. It is
> > not, IMO< the real him. Just as his wearing the garments of a Christian
> > priest. wielding a gaudy cross made in China and holding a girlie
> > teenager version of the Bible are props, not the real thing.
> That aside, Bob has never had enough TV time to qualify as a
> televangelist. As such, Greg the self confessed junkie can't mean Bob
> Larson when he mentions a televangelist.

In spite of Larson's many efforts to set up various TV series, he has failed repeatedly. None of what he managed to get on the air ( even with limited run times) could be reasonably considered televangelism. The longest run one " BLP:SF" aired on Angel Network and was little more than an infomercials selling his various DVDs. Not even his UStream era could be considered televangelism.



Dec 2, 2013, 11:58:33 PM12/2/13
On Monday, December 2, 2013 5:52:19 PM UTC-6, Mike Fisher wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Nov 2013 17:43:56 -0600, K Wills wrote:
> [snip]
> >>> Heartbreak is a burden to us all. Pity the man with two.
> >>
> >> Kent, did you like last weekend's BBC America Dr. Who marathon? I
> >>liked the movie depiction of how Dr. Who started, myself.
> >
> > I didn't watch much of the marathon. Just bits and pieces of
> > various episodes.
> Don't you have them all on Blue Ray?

BBC America had a Dr. Who Marathon. Among the various eps were discussion interviews and overviews of the various Doctors. I'm not sure if any of them were put on DVD or Blu_ray. Kent would know, but for me it was more of a catch-up since I knew Tom Baker as the Doctor.

I'm not sure, but some of what was broadcasted looks new.

> > I watched the 50th anniversary episode, of course.
> > "No, sir. All 13!"
> Eh?

The various Doctor Who "rejuvenations". A nice way to get around the problem of different actors playing the Doctor. Actually interesting in a way, as each actor played a different slant on the same character.



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