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Monica Lewinsky: PATRIOT

مرّتا مشاهدة (2)
التخطي إلى أول رسالة غير مقروءة


غير مقروءة،
07‏/05‏/2000، 3:00:00 ص7‏/5‏/2000
Bill Clinton did not have "sexual relations" with "that" woman because there
was no activity that might have led to conception. Sodomy, maybe, but not
"sexual relations.
Some folks in this NG say naughty things about Our Only President and I, who
worship and admire Bill Gates, feel a need to SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT!


Captain Lethargy

غير مقروءة،
07‏/05‏/2000، 3:00:00 ص7‏/5‏/2000

First off, your trolling is obvious and simplistic, secondly Monica is a twenty
something little princess from California who was perfectly aware of what she
was doing at the time and is just as much at fault as bubba was, and to call
the slut a patriot is pretty damn funny....

Secondly, by saying that you worship Bill Gates shows how stupid you are, the
Man has never innovated anything and built his fortune on a house of cards
propagated by dubiously legal license fees and deceptive marketing, and if you
worhship that ass, it says an awful lot about your character...

James Williams

غير مقروءة،
05‏/06‏/2019، 2:52:44 ص5‏/6‏/2019
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