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OT - Sept. 11th?

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Sep 6, 2002, 6:50:51 PM9/6/02
I was just wondering how everyone is planning to commemorate the day, if at
all. Because of distance, I didn't have my family with me that day and was
forced to deal with much of the emotion (I went to NYC often while living in
PA) alone. I still feel as though it just happened and am unsure how to go
about the day. I'll probably try to avoid the tv, as the images are so
burned in my mind that I don't need to see them, but I feel that I should do
SOMEthing. We're wearing red, white, and blue at work, and I've heard the
country is supposed to drive with their headlights on all day. But on a
personal level, I'm unsure. I hate to think of being alone through it again.
What are you doing the 11th?


"Qui me amat, amat et canem meum." (Love me, love my dog.) -St. Bernard De
Clairvaux, "Sermo Primus" 1150)


Sep 6, 2002, 7:00:46 PM9/6/02
>Subject: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: "Tiffany"
>Date: 9/6/2002 5:50 PM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <fjae9.106$>

> I was just wondering how everyone is planning to commemorate the day, if at
>all. Because of distance, I didn't have my family with me that day and was
>forced to deal with much of the emotion (I went to NYC often while living in
>PA) alone. I still feel as though it just happened and am unsure how to go
>about the day. I'll probably try to avoid the tv, as the images are so
>burned in my mind that I don't need to see them, but I feel that I should do
>SOMEthing. We're wearing red, white, and blue at work, and I've heard the
>country is supposed to drive with their headlights on all day. But on a
>personal level, I'm unsure. I hate to think of being alone through it again.
>What are you doing the 11th?

I'm living my life on September 11th. All this incessant hand wringing, force
fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick. Newsweek
referred to it as "a bout of national scab ripping" and I agree. If we'd stop
wasting so much time on all these pointless observances maybe folks would have
time to actually change things for the better. I'm just sick to death of it.
I wish we could move on already.

Sep 6, 2002, 7:17:47 PM9/6/02
Tiffany wrote:
> I was just wondering how everyone is planning to commemorate the day, if at
> all.

Last year a joint resolution from Congress asked the President to issue
a proclamation designating Sept. 11 as Patriot Day. We're flying our
flag at half staff to honor those who died. I'll probably watch much of
the coverage on TV. I've taped many of the documentaries aired since
the attacks. I'll also say some prayers for the families left behind,
and for our country and the world. We all have a long road ahead, and
we must never forget what happened on that terrible day.

Below is the info on the proclamation.



White House - AP

Bush Proclaims Sept. 11 Patriot Day
Thu Sep 5, 9:50 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush issued a formal proclamation
designating Sept. 11 as Patriot Day in honor of those who perished in
the terrorist attacks.

"I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with
appropriate ceremonies and activities, including remembrance services
and candlelight vigils," the proclamation said.

Bush on Wednesday also asked state governors and government officials
nationwide to honor those who died in the terrorist attacks by flying
the flag at half-staff on Sept. 11. He encouraged all Americans to
display the flag at half-staff from their homes and observe a moment of
silence at 8:46 a.m. EDT, when the first of four hijacked planes crashed
into the World Trade Center in New York. A second plane hit the World
Trade Center a few minutes later, and a hijacked plane was flown into
the Pentagon ( news - web sites). A fourth hijacked commercial jet
crashed in western Pennsylvania.

A joint resolution of Congress last year asked the president to make
the designation.


Sep 6, 2002, 11:55:08 PM9/6/02
"Tiffany" <> wrote in message news:<fjae9.106$>...

>I hate to think of being alone through it again.
> What are you doing the 11th?
> Tiffany

Sept. 11th is my birthday so my husband, kids and I will make the best
of it and celebrate. Last year, for obvious reasons, our plans were

Life goes on...and all we can do is make the best of however much time
we have left on this earth.

Donna G

Gayle Charette

Sep 7, 2002, 12:15:15 AM9/7/02
"Tiffany" <> wrote in message

I don't have any specific plans except to go to the doctor's office to get
my checkup. I will have my husband put our flag out and fly it at half
staff. Since I am pretty much immobile for now, there is not much I can do.
I will say some prayers for those who perished in the tragedy and hope they
are all in a better place.

It is sad though that it took something like that to bring the country
together in patriotism. We should all continue to be united and fight
terrorism however we can and let them know that we will not take this
lightly and those who died in the tragedy did not do so in vain.

We should also be reminded that we should not take life for granted and tell
those we love that we love them every day. Life is too short for petty

Gayle C.

Marge M304

Sep 7, 2002, 12:46:23 AM9/7/02
>> I was just wondering how everyone is planning to commemorate the day, if
>at all.

At our elementary school, the teachers are wearing t-shirts we all purchased
commemorating the date; since I work with younger kids, we're doing general
topic discussions like talking about what a hero is to us, etc. Personally,
I'll probably tape some of the television coverage because I have been, like
Scooter; and I'll also spend some of the day in reflection and prayer.

Marge M


Sep 7, 2002, 3:55:33 AM9/7/02
Because I live so close to New York City I have quite a few friends who lost
family and or friends in the World Trade Towers so I will be helping them
with their grievances. It's not easy watching TV so I will probably tape
some of the remembrance shows to try to watch at another time.
I'm not trying to escape what happened last Sept 11th but I almost wish we
could skip that day this year. Thinking about it has already started to
bring back the fears of last year. Not just that day but the weeks that
followed. The planes. The silence of the skies and then the return of the
flights and the fears every time a plane would fly overhead. I live on the
flight path to Kennedy Airport & it was a very scary time.
I believe in forgiving those that have done wrong to us, so that their being
will not take control of our lives, but these terrorists must all be
overturned & can not be forgiven. They are the scum of the earth & should
never be allowed to do again what they did to this great country.
I know there are many here who come from New York City and the surrounding
area and Washington DC and Pennsylvania. So many thousands of people died
in our states almost a year ago & with the support of our fellow American's
and friends around the world we will come out of this on the good side and
make this world a better place for our children.

In honor

"Tiffany" <> wrote in message

angela bowers

Sep 6, 2002, 4:52:31 PM9/6/02
Dear God, I couldn't decide weather to dignify it's(Pat's) ignorance here,
but if it really is as hatful as it states here than, I guess I am wasting
my time,
If we don't learn from the past , we are sure to repeat it,,, when will
ignorant people like Pat learn that they are the minority! most of us
remember and grieve , in the hopes that we as a nation will not suffer such
a horrible blow once again ,and fall back to sleep! and allow somthing this
horrific to happen again, remember December 7th , remember September 11th
Remember the Holocost in hopes that it will not happen again! let the strong
and the majority rule,! let Pat the troll live under a rock or a bridge and
the rest of us will fight it's battles for her..
Remember Remember Remember ,,, please don't go back under your rocks and
hide, that is how Nations have been conquered ! by pretending it never
happend!un like Pat ignorant But-ler..If we stand tall and remember we won't
allow the sick horrible people of the world to ruin the world we know, as
for my extra two cents worth, Pat go live in Afganastan where you belong ,
you are a terrorist of the worst kind, you live for only you! selfish and
uncaring , thank God I don't believe their are many more like you in the
beautiful Country Im proud to call my home! America the home of the free,
and home of the brave!
Angie, glad to be on her soap box, in hopes that people will learn from the
past not hide from it like Pat...
God grant me the serenity to except Pat the loser of this earth and still be
able to pray that she is the way she is because somthing heavy fell on her
as a small troll.. perhaps its not her fault the way she is? perhaps she has
blood lines decending from Osama Bin Ladden... now that makes sense...
PButler111 wrote in message <>...


Sep 7, 2002, 6:50:43 AM9/7/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: (PButler111)
>Date: 9/6/2002 5:00 PM

>I'm living my life on September 11th. All this incessant hand wringing,
>force fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick. Newsweek
referred to it as "a bout of national scab ripping" and I agree. If we'd
>stop wasting so much time on all these pointless observances maybe folks would
>have time to actually change things for the better. I'm just sick to death of
>I wish we could move on already.

What a typical response from a narcisstic, self centered, egotistical
indivdual. Even the events of September 11th can't touch you Pat. How sad
your life must be.



Two thousand one, nine eleven, three thousand plus arrive in heaven. As they
pass through the gate, thousands more appear in wait. A bearded man with
stovepipe hat steps forward saying, "Lets sit, lets chat"
They settle down in seats of clouds, A man named Martin shouts out proud "I
have a dream!" and once he did the Newcomer said, "Your dream still lives."

Groups of soldiers in blue and gray, others in khaki, and green then say "We're
from Bull Run, Yorktown, the Maine" The Newcomer said, "You died not in vain."

From a man on sticks one could hear "The only thing we have to fear. The
Newcomer said, "We know the rest, trust us sir, we've passed that test."

"Courage doesn't hide in caves, you can't bury freedom in a grave," the
newcomers had heard this voice before, A distinct Yankees twang from
Hyannisport shores.

A silence fell within the mist, somehow the newcomer knew that this meant time
had come for her to say what was in the hearts of the three thousand plus that

"Back on Earth, we wrote reports, watched our children play in sports, worked
our gardens, sang our songs, went to church and clipped coupons, we smiled, we
laughed, we cried, we fought unlike you, great we're not"

The tall man in the stovepipe hat stood and said, "Don't talk like that! Look
at your country, look and see you died for freedom, just like me"

Then, before them all appeared a scene of rubbled streets and twisted beams
death, destruction, smoke and dust and people working just 'cause they must.
Hauling ash, lifting stones, knee deep in hell, but not alone. "Look! Blackman,
Whiteman, Brownman, Yellowman side by side helping their fellow man!"

So said Martin, as he watched the scene "Even from nightmares, can be born a

Down below, three firemen raised the colors high into ashen haze, the soldiers
above had seen it before on Iwo Jima back in '44

The man on sticks studied everything closely then shared his perceptions on
what he saw mostly "I see pain, I see tears, I see sorrow - but I don't see

"You left behind husbands and wives daughters and sons and so many lives are
suffering now because of this wrong but look very closely. You're not really

All of those people, even those who've never met you all of their lives,
they'll never forget you. Don't you see what has happened? Don't you see what
you've done? You've brought them together, together as one.

With that the man in the stovepipe hat said "Take my hand," and from there he
led three thousand plus heroes, newcomers to heaven on this day, two thousand
one, nine eleven
Author Unknown

Sep 7, 2002, 7:52:16 AM9/7/02

Angela Bowers wrote:

Angie, glad to be on her soap box, in hopes that people will learn from
the past not hide from it like Pat...

My reply:

Soap box, more like a "bully pulpit"! I don't like bullies, Angela.
Who are you to tell anyone (Patricia included) what to think or how to
feel regarding the events of Sept. 11?



Sep 7, 2002, 9:05:31 AM9/7/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>Date: 9/7/2002 5:52 AM

>Who are you to tell anyone (Patricia included) what to think or how to
>feel regarding the events of Sept. 11?

Dear John,

Didn't Patricia try to tell what her observations were of how others handled
9/11/02, or maybe better put, how they handle it now?

Patricia wrote:
>All this incessant hand wringing, force

fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick. If we'd stop

wasting so much time on all these pointless observances maybe folks would have
time to actually change things for the better.

My Response:
Patricia certainly has every right to talk about how she would spend her day,
but by saying that other people are "scab ripping" (Quoted from Newseek) is not
very respectful of those who were affected by the horrible event.



Sep 7, 2002, 9:11:49 AM9/7/02
>Sept. 11th is my birthday so my husband, kids and I will make the best
>of it and celebrate. Last year, for obvious reasons, our plans were

Happy Birthday, Donna! You're right, life goes on ... and there are happy
anniversaries throughout the history of the world that will be celebrated on
9/11 along with the sad.

I would also like to add this -- I am sick to death of having the anniversary
of 9/11 forced down my throat by every network trying to compete for the big
advertising bucks. Once again, the Media Gods have taken a tragic event and
turned it into a three-ring circus.

I think this week's cover of the Onion (I believe you can access it online at says it all ... the headline reads, "Who Will Bring Closure
To A Grieving Nation" and there's no story underneath ... just the corporate
logos for CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS and MTV.

I know this anniversary will be painful for many, but I think we should be
entitled to remember/grieve in our own personal ways, not collectively wallow
in it because the networks dictate we should (and then they can daydream about
their revenue while we sit sobbing on our sofas over yet one more victim's
family that hasn't already been interviewed a hundred times).

As for me, I will stop and remember. Then I will go back to work. And that
evening, in my Des Moines hotel room, I will try in vain to find some channel
on TV that's a "9-1-1 free zone".



Sep 7, 2002, 9:12:12 AM9/7/02

Replying to my own post, I meant 9/11/01. Apologies.


Barbara Ann

Sep 7, 2002, 9:11:25 AM9/7/02
I am going to try and spend it with the same people that I did last year,
the ones who mean the most to me and who shared my grief, horror, despair,
The friends who are near and dear to me now and who made me realize, along
with Sept. 11, how important and fragile life is and how much we should live
each and every day for we truly do not know what tomorrow will bring.
I think the one thing that is still with me from Sept. 11 is just how
precious life is, and how important the people we care about are..
One thing I think would be good for all to do is to tell the ones we love,
that we do, especially on that day.
I have a birthday on the 12th, so Donna, a happy birthday to you on the
11th, from one Sept. baby to another:), let's both hope that this birthday
for both of us can be filled with friends, family and happiness.

"I'm a dreamer on a rough road,
and I need to hear the music once again"

"Tiffany" <> wrote in message


Sep 7, 2002, 9:18:47 AM9/7/02
By the way Happy Birthday Donna!!!



Sep 7, 2002, 9:36:00 AM9/7/02
>I am going to try and spend it with the same people that I did last year,
>the ones who mean the most to me and who shared my grief, horror, despair,

Not meaning to be sarcastic at all, but why not spend every day out of the year
doing this?

>The friends who are near and dear to me now and who made me realize, along
>with Sept. 11, how important and fragile life is and how much we should live
>each and every day for we truly do not know what tomorrow will bring.

And I agree with what you said wholeheartedly.

But you could receive the same inspiration just by visiting your local hospital
or nursing home.

Life is brief, fragile and priceless, and I find it disturbing that Americans
need events like 9/11 and the ensuing media showcase to remind them of this.

I'm not trying to trivialize what happened on 9/11 at all, and there are
families of victims out there who are trying to deal with their grief and
trying to heal. I think the best way to honor our dead is to let this healing
take place by helping those who are hurting to look forward, not backward.

Sorry, I'll try to stay off the soapbox now. I know everyone has to deal with
this in their own way, so I apologize if I offended anyone. Thanks for letting
me vent.


Sep 7, 2002, 10:26:13 AM9/7/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: (DIVELPN)
>Date: 9/7/2002 8:05 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

Why not?


Sep 7, 2002, 10:26:35 AM9/7/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: (DIVELPN)
>Date: 9/7/2002 8:05 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>



Sep 7, 2002, 10:29:34 AM9/7/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th? Long, Poem Included
>From: (DIVELPN)
>Date: 9/7/2002 5:50 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

>>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>>From: (PButler111)
>>Date: 9/6/2002 5:00 PM
>>I'm living my life on September 11th. All this incessant hand wringing,
>>force fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick.
>referred to it as "a bout of national scab ripping" and I agree. If we'd
>>stop wasting so much time on all these pointless observances maybe folks
>>have time to actually change things for the better. I'm just sick to death
>>I wish we could move on already.
>What a typical response from a narcisstic, self centered, egotistical
>indivdual. Even the events of September 11th can't touch you Pat. How sad
>your life must be.

Aren't you the judgmental little thing? What leads you to the wildly illogical
conclusion that the events of last year didn't touch me? Because I'm against
reliving it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Talk about having a sad life! If
poking a stick into a still-raw wound is your way of having fun, I'll take my
life over yours any day of the week.

Michael and Sean

Sep 7, 2002, 11:14:06 AM9/7/02

"BMeskunas" <> wrote in message

Strange how you deeply offended me, and others, over your spiteful and
vicious homophobic remarks, but yet you cannot be bothered, or care enough
to apologize for those remarks.


Sep 7, 2002, 11:45:21 AM9/7/02
It's not bad enough we try to play "Who's the bigger Manilow fan" , now
we try to play who's been more affected by 9-11 and try to tell each
other how to handle it?

Come on now, we were ALL affected, and we will all handle it in our own
way. Patricia and Brenda both posted what makes sense to me. We don't
need countless media reminders, when none of us have forgotten a damn
thing. Especially the family's and friends of the victims.....
The last thing I need to see is yet more footage of desparate people
throwing themselves out of a burning tower, just to earn tv ratings..

Go on with your lives, move forward!!!

Sharon K

Sep 7, 2002, 2:52:29 PM9/7/02
>> I was just wondering how everyone is planning to commemorate the day, if
>at all.
Like any other day. I'm not planning on giving terrorists anymore reasons to
celebrate than they've already had during this past year. We should not
forget, but at the same time we need to stop dwelling on it. IMHO
Sharon K.
My Page:

Sharon K

Sep 7, 2002, 2:58:04 PM9/7/02
What are people going to call it once it'once wednesday has past? It's not the
only September 11th that has ever existed, there will be one next year
to...remember but move on.

Howard C

Sep 7, 2002, 3:07:51 PM9/7/02
On 06 Sep 2002 23:00:46 GMT, (PButler111) wrote:

>>'m living my life on September 11th. All this incessant hand wringing, force
>fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick. Newsweek
>referred to it as "a bout of national scab ripping" and I agree. If we'd stop
>wasting so much time on all these pointless observances maybe folks would have
>time to actually change things for the better. I'm just sick to death of it.
>I wish we could move on already.


Sep 7, 2002, 3:17:25 PM9/7/02
Sharon K wrote:
> >> I was just wondering how everyone is planning to commemorate the day, if
> >at all.

> Like any other day. I'm not planning on giving terrorists anymore reasons to
> celebrate than they've already had during this past year. We should not
> forget, but at the same time we need to stop dwelling on it. IMHO

I would imagine Sept. 11 will eventually become the same type of day as
Dec. 7. It's a time to take a few moments to remember, to say a prayer
(if you're so inclined), and pay respect to those who are gone forever.

The difference right now between 9/11 and 12/7, is 9/11 is so recent
that emotions are running very near the surface for lots of people. I
think everyone will do what they need to do that day, whether it's
totally ignoring it, or watching 24 hours of TV coverage. Most people,
I would guess, are somewhere between those two extremes.

I don't plan to spend the day reliving the horror. But I do plan to fly
my flag at half-staff, say a prayer or two, and basically pay my
respects. I've taped some of the documentaries as I want to keep some
of those visual memories, especially of the firemen and volunteers - and
some of the amazing survival stories. Plus, my husband draws buildings,
so we're both interested in the information about how the towers came
down. There has been some excellent coverage of the engineering of the

Is the coverage overdone? Of course. It's just like everything else in
this age of instant information and greed. But no one is right or wrong
in what they do that day. It's all up to the individual person whether
they participate in the hype, or turn off the TV - whether they spend
the day in tears, or go about their normal day with no thought of 9/11.


Sep 7, 2002, 3:19:19 PM9/7/02
Sharon K wrote:
> What are people going to call it once it'once wednesday has past? It's not the
> only September 11th that has ever existed, there will be one next year
> to...remember but move on.

December 7 (the day Pearl Harbor was bombed) is still December 7. So I
imagine Sept. 11 will still be Sept. 11.


Alric Knebel

Sep 7, 2002, 3:24:18 PM9/7/02

I agree with her. It's all very insincere and all it's really about is
stirring the wrong kind of patriotism. It's jingoistic, designed to
keep people angry, and in a warring frame of mind. You should be
insulted, the fact that our leaders see you as a monkey in a cage, full
of base, primitive, push-button emotions they can channel this way or
that, depending on what agenda they want you to get behind. If this is
not the case, why didn't we have memorial services for the victims of
the Oklahoma bomber, Timothy McVeigh? Let me tell you why: There was no
foreign enemy to keep you riled against.

People die every day of all sorts of accidents and mishaps and
hostilities. I'm not in the mood to hear all this bullshit anymore.
And I'm tired of hateful turds like you dictating to everyone else what
is or isn't a good American. Your idea of patriotism is hatefulness.
Shut up and move to another country so the rest of us can settle down
and enjoy life here without shitheads wagging their fingers at us.



Sep 7, 2002, 3:32:19 PM9/7/02
"Tiffany" <> wrote in

> I was just wondering how everyone is planning to commemorate the day,
> if at
> all.

We've invited the local Fire Dept to a big cook out at work to show our
thanks and support.


Sep 7, 2002, 3:42:32 PM9/7/02
"Michael and Sean" <> wrote in

> Strange how you deeply offended me, and others, over your spiteful and
> vicious homophobic remarks, but yet you cannot be bothered, or care
> enough to apologize for those remarks.
> sean

I get so sick of seeing the word homophobic thrown around so easily...I
swear...using your time someone Gay writes something I don't
agree with I might as well just consider them heterophobic..right?


Sep 7, 2002, 4:55:54 PM9/7/02
>Strange how you deeply offended me, and others, over your spiteful and
>vicious homophobic remarks, but yet you cannot be bothered, or care enough
>to apologize for those remarks.

Considering I never made any "spiteful and vicious homophobic remarks", I have
none to apologize for.

Michael and Sean

Sep 7, 2002, 5:19:24 PM9/7/02

"Reb" <> wrote in message
news:Xns92829FD03F...@ need to analyse things a bit deeper than kinder garten
then. If someone posts this...

> Why does every topic with you and Zippy and other perverts on this
> group have to always go back to where Barry inserts his penis?
> I agree. You are sorry.
> Brenda

ie..linking gay people and perverts in the same sentence...would you not
call it homophobic...
I have a thick skin, and I can let most things go by...but not ignorance.
Not from her......Not from you

Michael and Sean

Sep 7, 2002, 5:21:19 PM9/7/02

"BMeskunas" <> wrote in message

You have the writers gift for fiction, Brenda...I will give you that.

You linked gay people and perverts together in the same sentence.

It was spiteful and ignorant.
I also think it was vicious.

Sep 7, 2002, 5:24:15 PM9/7/02

Howard C wrote:


My reply:

I hope I'm in the Sears Tower the day they should ever strike it,
because then I wouldn't have to live another day in a world with people
like you. What an absolute disgrace.



Sep 7, 2002, 5:51:07 PM9/7/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: Reb
>Date: 9/7/2002 1:32 PM

>We've invited the local Fire Dept to a big cook out at work to show our
>thanks and support.

Reb, This is a very thoughtful gesture. Because of the fires here recently
the community had an appreciation dinner for our volunteer ambulance and fire
deptartments. A pat on the back, and a thank you goes farther than you can



Sep 7, 2002, 6:23:07 PM9/7/02
"Michael and Sean" <> wrote in news:aldqgs$oc4$1

> I have a thick skin, and I can let most things go by...but not ignorance.
> Not from her......Not from you
> sean

I'm sure most things whiz right by you. :)
You wouldn't know ignorance if it was staring you right in the
face..oh's a mirror..look and see.

Anthony J. Bertorelli

Sep 7, 2002, 7:06:16 PM9/7/02

"Michael and Sean" <> wrote in message

> need to analyse things a bit deeper than kinder garten
> then. If someone posts this...
> > Why does every topic with you and Zippy and other perverts on this
> > group have to always go back to where Barry inserts his penis?
> ie..linking gay people and perverts in the same sentence...would you not
> call it homophobic...
> I have a thick skin, and I can let most things go by...but not ignorance.
> Not from her......Not from you
> sean

I can see where you're coming from, but I think your logic is a bit flawed.
From Brenda's post, you concluded (I assume) that she was equating
homosexuality to sexual perversion. Yes, I *would* call this type of
generalization homophobic in nature. However, my interpretation of Brenda's
post was somewhat different than yours. I see nothing homophobic about
Brenda's post. I don't see any comparison at all between homosexuals and
perverts. The only comparison I see is between "you and Zippy" and "other
perverts." If Brenda had used words like "fag," or "queers," it would be
most definitely be a homophobic remark. She used the word "pervert." Which
is entirely different.

Just because someone calls you a pervert, it doesn't always mean it's a
homophobic remark. There are those that believe they're one in the same.
However, for most of us, they're separate entities. Sexual perversion is
merely the practice of or the desire for unusual sexual activities. Even
though these sexual activities may greatly deviate from what is accepted to
be normal, one's sexual preference has little or nothing to do with it. If
it is possible for a heterosexual to be a pervert, then it is equally
possible for a homosexual to be a pervert.

Michael and Sean

Sep 7, 2002, 7:13:16 PM9/7/02

"Reb" <> wrote in message

and your point is what exactly...

or don't civil rights matter...

would you rather I let ignorance and bigotry pass unattended?
Shall we let all things pass....

are you so vaccuous that nothing matters to you...

did "all the time" mean nothing to you....

JEEZ.......grow up and start to care



Sep 7, 2002, 9:01:23 PM9/7/02
"Michael and Sean" <> wrote in news:ale16c$g78$1

> and your point is what exactly...
> or don't civil rights matter...

it had nothing to do with civil rights.


Sep 7, 2002, 9:21:08 PM9/7/02
to (PButler111)
> I'm living my life on September 11th. All this incessant hand wringing, force

> fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick. Newsweek
> referred to it as "a bout of national scab ripping" and I agree. If we'd stop
> wasting so much time on all these pointless observances maybe folks would have
> time to actually change things for the better. I'm just sick to death of it.
> I wish we could move on already.

I would like to hear you say this statement to a family member of
someone who died on September 11th. It is quite obvious you did not
know or lose anyone that was at the WTC, how nice for you.

A woman that worked for my company was on one of the planes that
crashed into the trade center. My brother-in-law was in Tower 2 and
made it out. My neighbor was not so lucky. She was 31 and left
behind a 10 month old baby. Since none of this has touched you, than
why comment on it? To call someone's grief choreographed is really
quite callous. You are quick to tell others not to judge you, well,
who are you to judge the world? I know my neighbors do not feel these
observances are "pointless" and neither do the rest of us, who choose
to show compassion for others who are suffering and respect for those
who are lost.



Sep 7, 2002, 9:33:56 PM9/7/02
We have something unique in the school I am teaching at. In one spot in
each time zone around the world, a section of Mozart's Requiem will be
played. In Central Time Zone, it's at my school with our fantastic music
dept. and students playing. The rest of the day will be business as usual,
or as usual as it can be.. and for my own sanity, I'm going to avoid
watching t.v.

I have mixed feelings about the "closure" of 9/11. It was a significant and
life altering day ... we felt more vulnerable and even more unified. A year
later, I feel frustrated that a poll indicates that most in the Middle East
would rather believe a rumor (the so called "Big Lie") than face up to the
fact that Muslim extremists committed these horrific acts. What can and
what should we do given that kind of mindset and wiring?


"Tiffany" <> wrote in message

> I was just wondering how everyone is planning to commemorate the day, if

> all. Because of distance, I didn't have my family with me that day and was
> forced to deal with much of the emotion (I went to NYC often while living
> PA) alone. I still feel as though it just happened and am unsure how to go
> about the day. I'll probably try to avoid the tv, as the images are so
> burned in my mind that I don't need to see them, but I feel that I should
> SOMEthing. We're wearing red, white, and blue at work, and I've heard the
> country is supposed to drive with their headlights on all day. But on a
> personal level, I'm unsure. I hate to think of being alone through it
> What are you doing the 11th?
> Tiffany
> --
> "Qui me amat, amat et canem meum." (Love me, love my dog.) -St. Bernard De
> Clairvaux, "Sermo Primus" 1150)


Sep 7, 2002, 9:36:02 PM9/7/02
>From: "Michael and Sean"
>Date: 9/7/02 4:19 PM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <aldqgs$oc4$>

> need to analyse things a bit deeper than kinder garten
>then. If someone posts this...
>> Why does every topic with you and Zippy and other perverts on this
>> group have to always go back to where Barry inserts his penis?

>ie..linking gay people and perverts in the same sentence...would you not

>call it homophobic...
>I have a thick skin, and I can let most things go by...but not ignorance.
>Not from her......Not from you

Sean, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're making a total ass of

Nowhere in that sentence did I even come close to saying or even implying that
"the gays who post on this NG are perverts."

To me, anyone who is constantly obsessed about sex and has to talk about it all
the time -- whether that person be gay, straight or anything else -- is a

And yes, we happen to have a few here on the NG, both gay and straight, and
wearing a few other labels besides.

So before you start yammering about homophobia, maybe you should work on your
reading comprehension. You didn't read what I wrote. You tried to read
between the lines and you read the wrong message, but probably the message you
WANTED to read. Seems to me the discrimination here is coming from the other
direction, and I would be quite offended if I didn't stop and consider the
blind ignorance of the source.



Sep 7, 2002, 10:04:03 PM9/7/02
"Lynn" <> wrote in message news:<Lhie9.17141$>...
So many thousands of people died
> in our states almost a year ago & with the support of our fellow American's
> and friends around the world we will come out of this on the good side and
> make this world a better place for our children.
> Lynn

Lynn, I agree. As a mother of two children ages 8 and 11, the only
thing I want is for my children to grow up in a free country without

I was always taught to forgive evil people for doing evil things, but
I have to be honest...if the terrorists do strike us again on our soil
and more innocent lives are lost because of their so-called "holy
war", forgiveness goes right out the window and I'd support full
retaliation...go in there and level their country so the only thing it
will be good for is a parking lot. We have a right to defend
ourselves and fight back.

I apologize if I offend anyone.

Donna G


Sep 7, 2002, 10:15:11 PM9/7/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: (Maria)
>Date: 9/7/2002 8:21 PM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

This is the kind of mob mentality I'm talking about. Anyone who chooses not to
grind life to a halt and wallow ceaselessly and morbidly in past grief is,
according to you, unfeeling, uncaring, and unpatriotic. There is nothing about
what I said that makes anything "quite obvious" to you. You have no idea who I
lost or how I feel nor, I hasten to add, is it any of your fucking business.
What those who lost people choose to do *within the privacy of their own lives*
is completely up to them, and I have complete respect for people who grieve in
their own way, with their own, and not mugging for cameras. What I was "quite
obviously" talking about was the endless public handwringing and instant
replays going on in the media. No, I don't think it's right -- I think it's
disgusting and self-serving. No, I don't think public memorials choreographed
around TV timeouts are either necessary or respectful. Several years ago I
lost someone I loved very much to cancer. If I came to this newsgroup and told
you that, then went on to tell you that every single day someone was coming to
my house and saying things like, "Remember how happy you were just before you
found out? Then remember how horrible it was when you got the diagnosis? And
remember how weak he got? Remember him throwing up? Remember his hair falling
out? Remember how he cried in agony and writhed in pain? Look! I have some
pictures of him doing that -- see! Here's a bit of video of him hemoraghing
from the mouth... wait, I'll play that back for you in slow motion... Here's an
essay I wrote about it. Here's a picture of him just after he died, see?
Remember how much you cried? Remember how horrible it was those first few
months?" -- and they did this non-stop, every single day, what would you say?
Would you spit at me if I said STOP IT! Would you tell me I obviously didn't
really care about my friend if I didn't want to be reminded of the agony of his
illness and subsequent loss every single day? And, if not, how is it any
different? You seem to think you're mighty special because you have some
distant connections to people who were lost. Good for you! How exciting for
you! You have no idea who I lost or what I lost and -- once again -- it's
absolutely none of your business, nor would I be likely to share such things
with strangers on the internet. So you go ahead and wallow all you like if
that's what it takes to make you feel important. But in the wise words of my
dearly departed friend, "You have ten minutes to cry, then I expect you to get
off your ass and do something productive." You cry. I'm going to go do
something procutive. (You sanctimonious shit.)


Sep 7, 2002, 11:03:37 PM9/7/02
to (BMeskunas) wrote in

> To me, anyone who is constantly obsessed about sex and has to talk
> about it all the time -- whether that person be gay, straight or
> anything else -- is a pervert.
> And yes, we happen to have a few here on the NG, both gay and
> straight, and wearing a few other labels besides.
> caught me...My name is Reb...and I'm a Perv. :)


Sep 8, 2002, 1:37:48 AM9/8/02
Brenda wrote: "So before you start yammering about homophobia, maybe

you should work on your reading comprehension. You didn't read what I
wrote. You tried to read between the lines and you read the wrong
message, but probably the message you WANTED to read."

Actually Brenda, why don't you just take responsibility for what you
wrote instead of blaming the reader for a change?? You obviously did
imply that I was both gay and a pervert, when all I did was joke that
Barry was pretending to be straight. If anyone reads the original post
it was you who starting throwing Barry's penis into the equation. That's
what you always do. Someone will mention that Barry may be gay and
there's Brenda bitching about what Barry does with his penis. Those are
YOUR words, not mine. You're the only fucking pervert on this group who
constantly has to discuss his sex acts.
And if Sean and anyone else didn't read your statement correctly, it
couldn't possibly have been your misuse of punctuation, now could it

It's kinda like when I stated I was a "happily married man, with no
interest in Barry or any other man" and you insisted I must have been
straight to write that, or I wrote it incorrectly. Your serve bitch.



Sep 8, 2002, 2:10:27 AM9/8/02
>I'm living my life on September 11th. All this incessant hand wringing,
>fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick. Newsweek
>referred to it as "a bout of national scab ripping" and I agree. If we'd
>wasting so much time on all these pointless observances maybe folks would
>time to actually change things for the better. I'm just sick to death of it.
>I wish we could move on already.

Who the fuck are you to tell me or anyone else to move on from this? People
heal differently and that's not to mention all the people who are still feeling
the effects of the attacks like myself and millions of other New Yorkers.

My financial situation flows with the economy. No I don't have stocks or bonds
invested in the market, but let's just say that when those towers dropped and
the people died, the city went into debt. Well so did I. Maybe not at first,
but as the year rolled into the new budget and as the cut backs were made I
started to see my personal finances effected severely.
Frankly I can give a damn about money, but I do have to live. Now when the
hardcore numbers of how far off the budget was well that's how much deeper I
went into debt that quickly. The city made cut backs well so did I.

I am now trying to turn this trend around before I run completely dry. Now do
you want to try to tell us to get over it again? Or as a matter of fact do you
want to tell all of the New Yorkers who haven't gone to the site to put things
in perspective in their lives, to move on?

Who the fuck are you to tell all of those who tie what happened to their
religious beliefs to move on? It's not right. It's not fair. Tell yourself
that, but don't try to dictate what others should be doing with their lives in
relations to something like this.

Instead of telling others to move on, maybe you should try to be more helpful
by trying to reassure those who are really in pain. Remember you're no expert
in any of the different areas in which the people are still feeling the


Sep 8, 2002, 2:54:30 AM9/8/02

>But no one is right or wrong
>in what they do that day. It's all up to the individual person whether
>they participate in the hype, or turn off the TV - whether they spend
>the day in tears, or go about their normal day with no thought of 9/11.

That's the answer. Tiffany asked how we are going to commemerate the day, if
at all. Then, she explained what she will probably do and not do.

We should able to give our replies to her without someone telling us why we
are wrong to do it that way.

I do remember it vividly. I live in Bucks County, PA. My youngest was sent
home early from school. They literally closed down Philly after they tried to
get everyone who worked there out of there and on their way home. Then the
plane went down in PA. I didn't know what to expect next. My son, at 17, was
extremely upset. He called his brother and sister to talk to them.

Days later, as I read my local newspaper, I saw that many people from Bucks
County worked at the World Trade Center. A lot of people who live in BC work in
NYC and get there via Trenton NJ and take the train. I read about people who
made it out and those who didn't. I read about people who had to walk home and
how their families waited until they walked in the door late that night. One
pilot from a plane that hit the WTC lived in Bucks County and left a wife and
two daughters.

I will definitely commemorate that day. I am waiting to see what they have
locally here. I will watch some tv about it. I will see what is worth it to me
to watch. My church is having a prayer service. I might attend that. I will fly
my flag at half-staff.

I will remember those who died at the WTC, the Pentagon, PA, and their families
and friends. I hope to do so every year.

Unfortunately, people die everyday, and it grieves someone. When people die in
a scary, surprising, and senseless way, it usually affects a lot of people.

Since presently, we live in a free country, we should be able to commemorate
that day any respectful way we wish, or ignore it altogether. No one should put
someone else down for what they choose to do, or find some imaginary motive for



Sep 8, 2002, 3:18:35 AM9/8/02
In article <>, Alric Knebel
<> writes:

>And I'm tired of hateful turds like you dictating to everyone else what
>is or isn't a good American.

Aren't you doing the same thing by writing this:

>It's all very insincere and all it's really about is
stirring the wrong kind of patriotism.

Your idea of patriotism is hatefulness. <

Michael and Sean

Sep 8, 2002, 4:07:34 AM9/8/02

"Anthony J. Bertorelli" <> wrote in message

I agree with most of your post here...especially the last sentence...

thanks for responding


Sep 8, 2002, 4:57:52 AM9/8/02
Thank you so very much those of you who have posted here about how things
have been since last Sept 11th. Those of us who were so closely affected
can never explain to the rest of the country/the world what it was really
My friend escaped from one of the towers and was running through a building
when the first tower came down. He was knocked to the ground and started
chocking from the black cloud of dust. He thought he was about to breath
his very last breath when a hand grabbed his and pulled him to a place where
the air was breathable. It was very, very dark. A stranger had actually
pulled him into a vault at a bank and they had closed the door to keep out
the "chunks of dust" There were 4 of them in that vault and they didn't
know if they would be found. One of the last things my friend had seen was
people jumping out of windows 70-80 stories up. They had no light, no new
air to breath and that's how they stayed for almost 9 hours. They were
lucky. They were rescued.
This is not to be forgotten. My friend can not forget. He was a CEO but
now he can not work. He has a wife and a child but can not support them.
He's been dealing with this nightmare every day, every hour since this
happened. He's on medication, he's had numerous treatments but the
nightmare won't go away. He's one of the lucky ones. He is alive. He
would love to move on & get on with his life.
I've got plenty more stories like this. So do many people who live in the
states close to the Twin Towers.
This country will always be divided between those that experienced and those
that felt the effects. That day can never really be explained to the rest
of the country. What is important is that we are united in joining together
to deal with these twisted minded people. Get on with our lives. We would
all love to but first we have to mourn the lives lost and that includes
those that died.
I don't mean to insult anyone but walk in the shoes of those who were
directly effected by Sept 11th and then say your piece.
Now there's something more to this. As I'm writing I hear the planes flying
overhead. They are back. The jets are flying back over New York City, 24
hours a day. They are criss crossing the skies again. They are protecting
us and they are reminding us.
So come Sept 11th I hope we all do what we can to get through the day. If
it's right for you and doesn't hurt anyone else then go for it. Please take
a moment out though to give thanks for all the soldiers & people who are now
defending this country and fighting to keep the freedom alive.

"KarenHunter777" <> wrote in message

Michael and Sean

Sep 8, 2002, 4:59:54 AM9/8/02

"BMeskunas" <> wrote in message

You had 5 days in which to formulate a response and the best you could do
was this..

No wonder you are unpublished...this is complete crap.
You have to weasal your way out and you are so lilly livered that you cannot
even apologize. I bet you blame everyone else when you fart.


angela bowers

Sep 7, 2002, 5:52:49 PM9/7/02
I appreciate what u r saying , and God bless everyone there, but the entire
country was affected by the events of Sept 11th, I live in a town that is
very touristy,, the tourists stopped coming and most of us being so close to
N.Y. know somone effected , and we are human, and we feel for those even
more closely effected, so please don't think the world doesnt morn, because
of a few selfish close minded trolls ,,, I visited N.Y. City on July 31 and
Aug 1 I was moved, I felt I was standing on a battle ground, even more
sadly a battle ground of a battle lost,, I could feel the sorrow of the
City,,,, the world mourns the loss of many lives but the world also realizes
that they may knock the U.S. down, but we will get back up and we will stand
tall, the United States of America needs strong people to protect the weak
,, and we know whom the weak are! the ones with the mouths so quick to judge
and walk in others shoes,,, to Pat Buttler I once cried because I had no
shoes, until I saw a man that had no feet.. I know Pat ,you would make fun
of somone with no feet... but u r the minority, that is why terrorist lose
out in the long run just like u, because u r the minority
I am Proud to be an American my father fought for me to be born in this
Country. and I will fight to stay free, ignorance doesnt make me mad,, it
just makes me sad,, yes Pat u r sad , but I dont waste much time on being
sad for u , for u live in a world all your own and most people here are glad
u dont live in the real world with us.. stay under your bridge with the
other troll, your dear friend Osama Bin Laden

Lynn wrote in message <5iEe9.34331$>...

Sep 8, 2002, 5:44:39 AM9/8/02

Patricia Butler wrote:

I'm living my life on September 11th. All this incessant hand wringing,
force fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick.
Newsweek referred to it as "a bout of national scab ripping" and I
agree. If we'd stop wasting so much time on all these pointless
observances maybe folks would have time to actually change things for
the better. I'm just sick to death of it. I wish we could move on

My reply:

I was not the least bit offended by your comments, Patricia. I did
become aware, however, from reading the responses, how easily
misunderstood you seem to be. Nowhere in your remarks do you tell
anyone how they should think, feel or act regarding the first
anniversary of Sept. 11.
Clearly, your statement is peppered with the words "I", "I'm", and "me",
and the word "you" is nowhere to be found. If anything, you've given us
a differing, "politically incorrect" point-of-view that, in my opinon,
is worthy of consideration. You express your own intentions, and you
explain why you feel the way you do. Why others feel indicted by your
position is, sadly, beyond me.



Sep 8, 2002, 6:35:30 AM9/8/02
John, You might try reading PB's post again, because inless she has a mouse in
her pocket "WE" if referring to someone besides herself.


>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?

>Date: 9/8/2002 3:44 AM Mountain Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>


Sep 8, 2002, 6:39:29 AM9/8/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: (DIVELPN)
>Date: 9/8/2002 4:35 AM Mountain Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

OOOppps, correcting typos....

>John, You might try reading PB's post again, because unless she has a mouse
>her pocket "WE" is referring to someone besides herself.

Sep 8, 2002, 7:39:45 AM9/8/02

Carole wrote:

John, You might try reading PB's post again, because unless she has a
mouse in her pocket "WE" is referring to someone besides herself.

My reply:

Carole, her use of "we" refers to society as a whole, not you and me
specifically. It's a general statement. "If" we (society) did this,
instead, then "maybe" we'd be
better off. Maybe she's right, maybe she's wrong. She's thrown it out
there for our consideration, to give us something to think about. She
hasn't imposed anything upon anyone, and she certainly hasn't indicted
anyone in this group the way she's been indicted. For clarification,
I'm only referring to this thread and this topic.



Sep 8, 2002, 10:12:06 AM9/8/02
"Michael and Sean" <> wrote in

> You have to weasal your way out and you are so lilly livered that you
> cannot even apologize

what in the world makes you think she owes you an apology? YOU misread what
she wrote.


Sep 8, 2002, 10:17:41 AM9/8/02
to wrote in news:7191-3D7B1C07-190@storefull-

> I was not the least bit offended by your comments, Patricia.

Actually John, I agree with you here. Patricia only said that SHE wished we
would move on. she only stated her opinions and I don't really think she
deserved all the abuse...this time.


Sep 8, 2002, 10:22:23 AM9/8/02
to (PButler111) wrote in message news:<>...

> >Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
> >From: (Maria)
> >Date: 9/7/2002 8:21 PM Central Daylight Time
> >Message-id: <>
> >
> > (PButler111)
> >>
> >> I'm living my life on September 11th. All this incessant hand wringing,
> force
> >> fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick. Newsweek
> >> referred to it as "a bout of national scab ripping" and I agree. If we'd
> stop
> >> wasting so much time on all these pointless observances maybe folks would
> have
> >> time to actually change things for the better. I'm just sick to death of
> it.
> >> I wish we could move on already.
> >>

What does your friend dying of cancer have to do with this topic?
Absolutely nothing. You really need to stay on your medication. You
get way to worked up over these things.


Sep 8, 2002, 11:01:59 AM9/8/02

I am truly sorry for you loss. And I know you don't have to share it with
anyone, but each of us must handle grief in our own way. I lost my 27 year old
daughter less than six weeks ago, and it is very very hard to lose someone you
love. Thankfully we have her daughter to raise, and that keeps me busy.


Michael and Sean

Sep 8, 2002, 11:11:59 AM9/8/02

"Reb" <> wrote in message

I did not misread what she wrote. I may have misinterpreted, misunderstood,
apllied false logic, misalligned my sentiments etc about what she wrote, but
I didn,t misread what she wrote.

Geez...for someone who likes things soooo bloody exact, i'd have thought you
would have spotted that one ;)


Sep 8, 2002, 11:28:12 AM9/8/02
>You had 5 days in which to formulate a response and the best you could do
>was this..

Please don't flatter yourself ... I just read your post yesterday. I wouldn't
waste five days sweating over a reply to any post of yours.

>No wonder you are unpublished...this is complete crap.
>You have to weasal your way out and you are so lilly livered that you cannot
>even apologize.

And yet Anthony also pointed out that your reasoning was illogical, and you
agreed with him. Hmm, puzzling indeed! Then again, perhaps being biased
against me might have something to do with this interesting dichotomy in your

Oh, and since you've now declared yourself to be a writing critic, you might
want to buy a dictionary. If you're going to insult writers, you might at
least learn how to properly spell words like "weasel" and "lily-livered" ...
gives you a tad bit more credibility, babe.


Sep 8, 2002, 11:27:53 AM9/8/02
>What does your friend dying of cancer have to do with this topic?
>Absolutely nothing. You really need to stay on your medication. You
>get way to worked up over these things.

I always find it difficult to believe that an otherwise functioning human being
can really be this stupid. Are you, or is it an act? Just wondering.


Sep 8, 2002, 11:33:38 AM9/8/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: (KarenHunter777)
>Date: 9/8/2002 1:10 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

First of all, it sounds like you're mourning the loss of your money, full stop.
Secondly, in what way am I supposed to "reassure those who are really in
pain"? Say, "there, there"? Say, "it'll never happen again"? Say, "it'll all
be better tomorrow"? Huh? What's your brilliant reassurance? What do you
know that will make people feel better that isn't a lie? Or a guess? I meant
every word I said, none of which applied to what people do individually, in
private. Everything I said referred to public hoopla and media coverage. So
before you start throwing around all your sanctimonious "who the fuck are
you's" you should shut your mouth and read first.


Sep 8, 2002, 11:35:41 AM9/8/02
>This is not to be forgotten. My friend can not forget. He was a CEO but
>now he can not work. He has a wife and a child but can not support them.
>He's been dealing with this nightmare every day, every hour since this
>happened. He's on medication, he's had numerous treatments but the
>nightmare won't go away. He's one of the lucky ones. He is alive. He
>would love to move on & get on with his life.

And you think seeing it replayed on TV, radio, and print media 24/7 is going to
help him do this?


Sep 8, 2002, 11:37:28 AM9/8/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th? <---- What a sick bitch
>From: (Cathputer)
>Date: 9/8/2002 2:18 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

Really? He was replying, I believe, to the person who called me a "sick bitch"
(see subject line) and a cunt and other nasty things because I objected to the
saturation media coverage. You don't consider that to be "hatefulness"? Or is
it only "hatefulness" when someone is advocating something other that what you,
personally, believe?


Sep 8, 2002, 11:38:55 AM9/8/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: (DIVELPN)
>Date: 9/8/2002 5:35 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

>John, You might try reading PB's post again, because inless she has a mouse
>her pocket "WE" if referring to someone besides herself.

I'll check my birth certificate, but I'm pretty sure I'm just as much a part of
"we" as any other citizen of the country.


Sep 8, 2002, 11:39:02 AM9/8/02
>Actually Brenda, why don't you just take responsibility for what you
>wrote instead of blaming the reader for a change?? You obviously did
>imply that I was both gay and a pervert, when all I did was joke that
>Barry was pretending to be straight.

What I wrote is fine. I wouldn't change a word. I do believe this NG is
infested by a small band of perverts (if the constant obsessing about Barry's
sex life is any indication). I definitely include your pal Patsy in that
group, and I believe she's stated she's heterosexual ... so your logic about my
intent in writing what I did is totally flawed.

By the way, nobody has to "imply" that you're gay when you constantly remind us
of the fact (even though you started off as a heterosexual, but that's another

Trust me, everything in the world doesn't revolve around whether you happen to
be gay. This time, it's simply about your being an asshole.

Michael and Sean

Sep 8, 2002, 11:40:38 AM9/8/02

"BMeskunas" <> wrote in message

> Please don't flatter yourself ... I just read your post yesterday. I
> waste five days sweating over a reply to any post of yours.

Once again, showing your nasty side here, for no reason either.

> And yet Anthony also pointed out that your reasoning was illogical, and
> agreed with him. Hmm, puzzling indeed!

Can you read? I said I agreed with alot of what he said...Which i do. I am
not so far up my own ass as not to listen to what others have to say, and be
persuaded by their arguments. It is called being grown up.

>Then again, perhaps being biased
> against me might have something to do with this interesting dichotomy in
> reaction.

What have I ever siad prior to this little contretemp which makes you
certain that I am biased against you? I have always treated you with the
respect I have tried to show to all members of this board - and when I
don't, I uasually try to apologize either to the group, or individually.

> Oh, and since you've now declared yourself to be a writing critic, you
> want to buy a dictionary. If you're going to insult writers, you might at
> least learn how to properly spell words like "weasel" and "lily-livered"
> gives you a tad bit more credibility, babe.

I wasn't insulting a writer...I was describing your actions as I perceived
them to be.

As for my spelling, you actually sounded EXACTLY like someone on this board
who you say nit-picks other peoples' spellings to cause an argument. Now for
other peoples sake, we have had our row...lets call it a day


Sep 8, 2002, 11:39:19 AM9/8/02
No one said to forget about anything that happened. Only to move
on...... Even a psychiatrist would tell you that...
I have a lot of empathy for the pain Patricia went through with her
friend, as well as for anyone who lost someone on 9-11. We have all lost
dear friends and family member in some way or another. We mourn, and
life goes on.
We just don't always share every moment of this with our "net" friends.
I'd rather share my pain with my real life friends and family.

Michael and Sean

Sep 8, 2002, 11:45:18 AM9/8/02

"BMeskunas" <> wrote in message

Who else, apart from YOU Brenda, has written in a post on this board in the
last 18 months about Barry's penis...(me in this post does not count!!)



Sep 8, 2002, 11:58:52 AM9/8/02
>Who else, apart from YOU Brenda, has written in a post on this board in the
>last 18 months about Barry's penis...(me in this post does not count!!)

So much for your "calling it a day", Sean.

Anytime you wallow in the issue of someone's sexuality, whether you name the
body parts or not is irrelevant. Sugar-coated or not, there still seems to be
this sick fascination with Barry's sex life that some of you can't let go of
(or, in Zippy's case, he's fascinated with every celebrity's sex life -- now
it's Cyndi Lauper's!)

Now can we call it a day, or do you feel the need to get one last shot in?

Anthony J. Bertorelli

Sep 8, 2002, 12:06:38 PM9/8/02

"Maria" <> wrote in message:

> What does your friend dying of cancer have to do with this topic?
> Absolutely nothing. You really need to stay on your medication. You
> get way to worked up over these things.

A friend/loved one dying of cancer and a friend/loved one who died on Sept.
11 can be equally painful if one is reminded of that tragedy every
cottonpickin' day of the year.

Michael and Sean

Sep 8, 2002, 12:11:00 PM9/8/02

"BMeskunas" <> wrote in message

Well the 'lets call it a day' WAS, of course refering to the argument we
were having on a specific topic. I don't think you can bind my hands ad
infinitum not to cross your paths again, but you would know that being so
'specific' on the correct usage of the language.

I was merely pointing out, in this thread, that it has been ONLY YOU who
draw pictures in peoples mind (a good trait for a writer) regarding the sick
fascination with Barry's sex life. Or has there been others?

By the way, I never feel the need to 'get one last shot in' as you put it. I
simply respond to things on an ad hoc basis. (Is this language and spelling
ok?, Babe?)



Sep 8, 2002, 12:34:46 PM9/8/02
"Michael and Sean" <> wrote in

> I did not misread what she wrote. I may have misinterpreted,
> misunderstood, apllied false logic, misalligned my sentiments etc
> about what she wrote, but I didn,t misread what she wrote.

according to you also misread what she wrote ;)

mis斟ead Pronunciation Key (ms-rd)
tr.v. mis斟ead, (-rd) mis斟ead搏ng, mis斟eads
To read inaccurately.
To misinterpret or misunderstand: misread our friendly concern as prying.

Michael and Sean

Sep 8, 2002, 12:38:15 PM9/8/02

"Reb" <> wrote in message

> "Michael and Sean" <> wrote in
> news:alfpc0$ubf$
> > I did not misread what she wrote. I may have misinterpreted,
> > misunderstood, apllied false logic, misalligned my sentiments etc
> > about what she wrote, but I didn,t misread what she wrote.
> >
> according to you also misread what she wrote ;)
> mis·read Pronunciation Key (ms-rd)
> tr.v. mis·read, (-rd) mis·read·ing, mis·reads

> To read inaccurately.
> To misinterpret or misunderstand: misread our friendly concern as prying.

I stand corrected. :-)


Sep 8, 2002, 12:50:48 PM9/8/02
"Michael and Sean" <> wrote in news:alfudr$bg5$1

> I stand corrected. :-)
> sean

hey..don't feel bad..I had to look up the word to make sure it really meant
what I thought it did. lol

Sep 8, 2002, 12:51:13 PM9/8/02
You really don't take criticism of your writing very well, do you....



Sep 8, 2002, 2:20:27 PM9/8/02
to (DIVELPN) wrote in message news:<>...
> By the way Happy Birthday Donna!!!
> Carole

Thank you, Carole. :)

Donna G


Sep 8, 2002, 2:19:51 PM9/8/02
>Subject: Zippy ...
>From: (BMeskunas)
>Date: 9/8/2002 10:39 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

>>Actually Brenda, why don't you just take responsibility for what you
>>wrote instead of blaming the reader for a change?? You obviously did
>>imply that I was both gay and a pervert, when all I did was joke that
>>Barry was pretending to be straight.
>What I wrote is fine. I wouldn't change a word. I do believe this NG is
>infested by a small band of perverts (if the constant obsessing about Barry's
>sex life is any indication). I definitely include your pal Patsy in that
>group, and I believe she's stated she's heterosexual ... so your logic about
>intent in writing what I did is totally flawed.

That fact that you persist in your belief that being gay is all about a
person's sex life pretty much pegs you for what you are, Brenda.


Sep 8, 2002, 2:20:40 PM9/8/02
>Subject: Re: Zippy ...
>From: (BMeskunas)
>Date: 9/8/2002 10:58 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

>>Who else, apart from YOU Brenda, has written in a post on this board in the
>>last 18 months about Barry's penis...(me in this post does not count!!)
>So much for your "calling it a day", Sean.
>Anytime you wallow in the issue of someone's sexuality, whether you name the
>body parts or not is irrelevant. Sugar-coated or not, there still seems to
>this sick fascination with Barry's sex life that some of you can't let go of
>(or, in Zippy's case, he's fascinated with every celebrity's sex life -- now
>it's Cyndi Lauper's!)

I see you didn't answer his question, Brenda. The sad fact is that you're the
only one here who keeps talking about Barry's sex life. Just you.


Sep 8, 2002, 2:22:09 PM9/8/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: "Anthony J. Bertorelli"
>Date: 9/8/2002 11:06 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <hAKe9.180$>

Thank you. I didn't think it was that difficult an analogy to grasp. Happy I
wasn't wrong.


Sep 8, 2002, 4:32:42 PM9/8/02
>The sad fact is that you're the
>only one here who keeps talking about Barry's sex life. Just you.

And your constant references to Barry being gay mean he's just a happy guy,

Go cash a reality check.


Sep 8, 2002, 5:17:04 PM9/8/02
>Subject: Re: Zippy ...
>From: (BMeskunas)
>Date: 9/8/2002 3:32 PM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

As I -- and others -- have said, the fact that you insist on being gay being
simply a function of one's genitals pretty much pegs you for what you are.

Glenn B.

Sep 8, 2002, 11:06:50 PM9/8/02
I love that--"Go cash a reality check"--I'm laughing SO HARD!!!

Never heard that one before.


Sep 8, 2002, 11:34:44 PM9/8/02
The problem isn't with what Butler said. It's that she isn't respected person
around here.

While I agree somewhat to her opinons, we have offer compassion to the those
who have lost a loved one or who were deeply affected by the attacks.

The media does need to stop the madness though. Scaring people for no reason
and giving all these documentaries. Also, why in the hell are they editing the
twin towers out of certan movies! That is the most idiotic thing I've ever seen
in my life. That's fucking ridiculous. We can't act as if they never existed!
That's just plain dumb.

The other day I saw something on MTV with the narrorator saying, "How 9-11 has
affected the music industry..." Give me a mother fuckin break. That is the
biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. With the exception of Manilow of course,
we still have the same garbage polluting our air waves as we speak. Nothing has


Sep 8, 2002, 11:43:50 PM9/8/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: (DaniBoyBKNY)
>Date: 9/8/2002 10:34 PM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

Yeah, and there's absolutely nothing insane about saying that everyone in the
music business *except Barry Manilow* is exploiting the situation. Right.


Sep 9, 2002, 12:04:21 AM9/9/02
Apparently I didn't realize that I opened Pandora's box with this
question... I'm more upset by the turn this has taken at another opportunity
to bash one another. It DOES bother me to see "How the... (clergy,
musicians, school children, the lucky charms leprechan, etc.)" are affected.
We're all human, we've ALL been effected, and to argue who's been affected
the most or deepest is ludicrist. I don't agree with the media making
another crazy dime off of ratings with documentaries or the fact that it's
still 3 days away and the last 3 days have already started the whole
"America Remembers"... But it's a different world. I'm 21 and I've already
lived through 2 wars now and an attack rivaling Pearl Harbor. Things have
changed and will continue to do so. But please - to argue who is affected
more or worse is something to be ashamed of. Everyone's emotions and
reactions have validity in one form or another, let's respect that and offer
a shoulder to those who need it.


"DaniBoyBKNY" <> wrote in message


Sep 9, 2002, 12:06:28 AM9/9/02
>Yeah, and there's absolutely nothing insane about saying that everyone in the
>music business *except Barry Manilow* is exploiting the situation. Right.

Now that the fat lady has sung, I'll put her back in my killfile


Sep 9, 2002, 8:12:25 AM9/9/02
to (PButler111) wrote in message news:<>...

> >
> >What does your friend dying of cancer have to do with this topic?
> >Absolutely nothing. You really need to stay on your medication. You
> >get way to worked up over these things.
> I always find it difficult to believe that an otherwise functioning human being
> can really be this stupid. Are you, or is it an act? Just wondering.

And I find it amazing that no matter where your name is on any string
within this group you are always fighting with one or more people.
Why is it that a debate about a topic turns into name calling, by you?
I guess it is because you obviously do not have the vocabulary to
have an honest debate without fighting and getting defensive. Oh, I
know, you are saving all your big words for those "fabulous"
unauthorized bios you write. That being the case, I am quite done
with you.


Sep 9, 2002, 9:24:11 AM9/9/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: (Maria)
>Date: 9/9/2002 7:12 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

Of course you are. You got your ass kicked and instead of admitting you might
have made a mistake, you flounced. I'd rather write fabulous unauthorized bios
(by the way, I've only written one) than be a narrow-minded, mob-ruled, tunnel
visioned little Nazi like you.


Sep 9, 2002, 12:13:28 PM9/9/02
On 09 Sep 2002 13:24:11 GMT, (PButler111) wrote:

>. I'd rather write fabulous unauthorized bios
>(by the way, I've only written one) than be a narrow-minded, mob-ruled, tunnel
>visioned little Nazi like you.

But you're already a narrow-minded, mob-ruled, tunnel visioned but FAT
Nazi. But we love you anyway Butler. Come on people, lets all join in
and tell Pat how much we really love her!


Sep 9, 2002, 1:04:44 PM9/9/02
>Subject: Re: OT - Sept. 11th?
>From: Melee
>Date: 9/9/2002 11:13 AM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

And you know how much I weigh... how? You've seen me... when? My appearance
is your business... because?

april clary

Sep 9, 2002, 12:42:43 PM9/9/02
I have to work that day, but I am going to wear red, white, and blue to
commemorate the day. We lost alot of brothers and sisters that day, and
indeed, we should remember them. I work in a hospital so I am going to
spend my breaks in the chappel, so i can pray for the victims and their
families and for all of us who still try to deal with this terrible
tragedy. Life does go on, but for those of us who have a "heart", we
will always remember this day and we will always pray for those who did
not make it through. God Bless Us Everyone.


Sep 9, 2002, 4:05:42 PM9/9/02
to (PButler111) wrote in message news:<>...

> Of course you are. You got your ass kicked and instead of admitting you might
> have made a mistake, you flounced.

Not quite, my dear. But, if you'd like to think so, go right ahead.

I'd rather write fabulous unauthorized bios
> (by the way, I've only written one) than be a narrow-minded, mob-ruled, tunnel
> visioned little Nazi like you.

Have you ever thought of acting? You are quite the drama queen!!

Anthony J. Bertorelli

Sep 9, 2002, 4:28:50 PM9/9/02
Far be it for me to rant, but this Patricia bashing is getting quite old.

"Maria" <> wrote in message

Nothing V

Sep 9, 2002, 6:38:43 PM9/9/02
Alric Knebel wrote:

> Howard C wrote:
>> On 06 Sep 2002 23:00:46 GMT, (PButler111) wrote:
>>>> 'm living my life on September 11th. All this incessant hand
>>>> wringing, force
>>> fed faux patriotism and choreographed grief is making me sick. Newsweek
>>> referred to it as "a bout of national scab ripping" and I agree. If
>>> we'd stop
>>> wasting so much time on all these pointless observances maybe folks
>>> would have
>>> time to actually change things for the better. I'm just sick to
>>> death of it. I wish we could move on already.
> I agree with her. It's all very insincere and all it's really about is
> stirring the wrong kind of patriotism. It's jingoistic, designed to
> keep people angry, and in a warring frame of mind. You should be
> insulted, the fact that our leaders see you as a monkey in a cage, full
> of base, primitive, push-button emotions they can channel this way or
> that, depending on what agenda they want you to get behind. If this is
> not the case, why didn't we have memorial services for the victims of
> the Oklahoma bomber, Timothy McVeigh? Let me tell you why: There was no
> foreign enemy to keep you riled against.
> People die every day of all sorts of accidents and mishaps and
> hostilities. I'm not in the mood to hear all this bullshit anymore. And
> I'm tired of hateful turds like you dictating to everyone else what is
> or isn't a good American. Your idea of patriotism is hatefulness. Shut
> up and move to another country so the rest of us can settle down and
> enjoy life here without shitheads wagging their fingers at us.
> Alric

Nicely put, Alric.


Nothing V

As for believing things, I can believe anything,
provided that it is quite incredible.
--Oscar Wilde

Janet Erwin

Sep 9, 2002, 7:49:14 PM9/9/02

Nothing V wrote:

> Nicely put, Alric.

As much as it pains me to admit it, I agree with you, Alric AND PB.

Alert the media...

Alric Knebel

Sep 9, 2002, 8:33:48 PM9/9/02
Nothing V wrote:
> Nicely put, Alric.

Thank you, Nothing. By the way, I checked out from the library "The
Last Exit to Brooklyn." It's an inter-library lone thing, but I'm in
the middle of another novel right now by a writer named Elizabeth
Inness-Brown, called "Burning Maugerite." Then I'll start the other one.


april clary

Sep 9, 2002, 9:45:17 PM9/9/02
Well, Alfrica, if you agree with Patty cakes, then you should be in the
sears tower with her.

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