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When Christ asserts, Satan crumbles!!

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Raymond Karczewski

Sep 18, 2010, 11:39:55 PM9/18/10
When Christ asserts, Satan crumbles!!

Mister Ed mis...@ed.wilburrrr wrote;

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

me: > Subject: Re: Attention Convicted Felon Raymond Karczewski:
So-called sovereign citizens getting jugged!!! --- Hell, isn't it?

me: > When Kazoo was sentenced for his felony convictions, he was
required to sign documents promising not to attempt filing any more of
his frivilous documents without going through an attorney, he posted a
kooky meltdown of a bitch about it, too!

rk: I DID NOT sign any such documents. The events you describe NEVER
occured. By the way, Since in the last 8 years, the STATE OF OREGON,
and COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE courts and prosecutor have REFUSED to answer
the question of JURISDICTION. With your claims of superior
information of conviction, perhaps you will PROVE the existence of the
Felony Convictions and their followup DISPOSITION as APPLIED to this
Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, natural Man, and not the
Fictional (non-living) government created corporate "person."

rk: You can see how quickly the STATE OF OREGON and COUNTY OF
JOSEPHINE FOLDED when their illusory BLUFF was called by a simple man
of Truth. When Christ asserts, Satan crumbles..

me: > I guess that's also why you cannot produce the filing number of
Postie's non-existent lien.... because that number would quickly be
traced to the real lien someone else filed.

rk: I can present the number of the File sent to me by the Arkansas
Secretary of States Office ANYTIME I WANT. However you're damn silly
to think that some cowardly, anonymous disinfo agent has the capacity
to taunt me with such bogus challenges. You're playing the Childish
Game of CHICKEN. That pretty much demonstrates the level of the
Intellectual level you are operating on. I do what I do to see you
cowardly yahoos squirm over your carefully calculated but failed
discrediting campaigns heavily launched throughout the past 15 years,
( such as The Who's Who issue, Law School Issue, Postman's liens,
etc.) These are all campaigns where you retreated, Licking your
wounds, with your tails between your legs. Such is the nature of the

me: .> Back when he first made the claim, several people called the
ARSoS and they had no such lien on file.

missing from such generic one-liner, unsubstantiated claims.

me: .> If Kazoo had a valid claim on anyone or anything, his
residential address would not be a parking lot.

rk: See what I mean about UNSUBSTANTATED ONE LINERS. Nothing more
than automated gibberish.

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©
"No other man in the recorded History of mankind
including JESUS CHRIST has directly revealed to
the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©

Mister Ed

Sep 19, 2010, 10:58:05 AM9/19/10
Roymond Richard Kazynski, A Living Mohammad wrote:

> Raymond Karczewski started claiming to be Christ again with:
>> rk: When Christ asserts
> I see you have stopped calling yourself "A" Christ and are now referring
> to yourself as Christ again. I bet you were hoping you could shift in an
> oh-so subtle manner back to calling yourself Jesus Christ again, huh?

Or Jesus of Nazareth reincarnated ;-)

>> rk: Satan crumbles!!
> There is no such thing as Satan. Satan is a fictional bogeyman invented
> to keep naughty kooks like you out of trouble.... only it doesn't work.
> You see, this is why you are a kook. You believe in things that are not
> real and it is starting to become apparent you believe the voices howling
> inside your pointy head are real.

One of a legion of reasons why he is a kook.

>> me: > Subject: Re: Attention Convicted Felon Raymond Karczewski:
>> So-called sovereign citizens getting jugged!!! --- Hell, isn't it?
>> me: > When Kazoo was sentenced for his felony convictions, he was
>> required to sign documents promising not to attempt filing any more of
>> his frivilous documents without going through an attorney, he posted a
>> kooky meltdown of a bitch about it, too!
>> rk: I DID NOT sign any such documents.

> Of course you signed documents, you confessed to this on your website
> using your nicotine addicted wife as an excuse.

The same wife he left behind to fend for herself while he waged a war on
driver's licenses with the county government.

>> The events you describe NEVER occured. By the way, Since in the last 8
>> years, the STATE OF OREGON, and COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE courts and
>> prosecutor have REFUSED to answer the question of JURISDICTION.

> Yet they asserted it, just like they continue to assert it every time you
> get pulled over riding the felonious moped and have to spend a chunk of
> your government handout to get it out of the impound.

They prove it every month when he signs that handout which is matched to
his NUMBER OF THE BEAST, Social Security Number, and posted to him by
the very same government he tells others to BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT.
That's good, old-fashioned, bRay Kazoo hypocrisy in action

>> With your claims of superior information of conviction, perhaps you
>> will PROVE the existence of the Felony Convictions and their followup

>> DISPOSITION as APPLIED to this - "kook"
> Anyone can obtain that information on the second floor of the JoCo
> courthouse. Your multiple felony convictions are a matter of public
> record. Hell, isn't it?

And confessed on his webshite..... which he has scoured to try to find
and eliminate but has failed due to his inability to divinely discern
where it is buried amongst the rubble he calls ruminations.

>> rk: You can see how quickly the STATE OF OREGON and COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE
>> FOLDED when their illusory BLUFF was called by a simple man of Truth.

> So how much of the millions "Christ" <snicker> claims the state owes him,
> has "Christ" <snicker> collected?
> <crickets>
> <more crickets>
> <even more crickets>

Expect this to be studiously ignored, after all, had the government ever
folded on Kazoo, his pockets would be lined with plenty of the folded
green stuff...... and he would NOT be living at a parking lot.

>> me: > I guess that's also why you cannot produce the filing number of
>> Postie's non-existent lien.... because that number would quickly be
>> traced to the real lien someone else filed.
>> rk: I can present the number of the File sent to me by the Arkansas
>> Secretary of States Office ANYTIME I WANT.

> Liar.

You got that right.

>> me: .> Back when he first made the claim, several people called the
>> ARSoS and they had no such lien on file.
>> missing from such generic one-liner, unsubstantiated claims.

> You first, Brother Kazoo. Provide the detail of the filing number on
> Postie's non-existent lien.

He cannot. The number he posts will within a minutes of the start of
the next business day for the Arkansas government be traced to the real
filer of the real lien which will not be anything remotely resembling
what Kazoo claims.

>> me: .> If Kazoo had a valid claim on anyone or anything, his
>> residential address would not be a parking lot.
>> rk: See what I mean about UNSUBSTANTATED ONE LINERS.

> You live at the Shady Acres parking lot and there isn't a damn thing you
> can do to change that unless you have that battered old bus towed to some
> other parking lot. Hell, isn't it?

One of the locals did indeed describe him as a, and I quote
"scraggly haired sasquatch", too.

Raymond Karczewski

Sep 19, 2010, 3:43:03 PM9/19/10
Re: Homeless fool claiming to be Christ again -- Re: When Christ
asserts, Satan crumbles!!

Roymond Richard Kazynski, A Living Mohammad wrote:

Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:

rrk: > Raymond Karczewski started claiming to be Christ again with:

rk: >> When Christ asserts

rrk: > I see you have stopped calling yourself "A" Christ and are now

referring to yourself as Christ again. I bet you were hoping you
could shift in an oh-so subtle manner back to calling yourself Jesus
Christ again, huh?

rk: Christ is a state of Consciousness.

rrk: > Here's something for your aging mind to ponder, Brother
Kazoo. There was no person named Jesus Christ. "Christ" was not
Jesus of Nazareth's last name, it is a title which means "messenger" -
something that you are NOT.

rk: As previously indicated, language is a flawed means of
communication. Speaking to a predominantly Christian Nation, I used
the appropriate language so as to be understood by non-discriminating,
blind believers.You can play with words all you want but it does not
mitigate understanding at the Spirit Level of Words which is True

rk: >> Satan crumbles!!

rrk: > There is no such thing as Satan. Satan is a fictional

bogeyman invented to keep naughty kooks like you out of trouble....
only it doesn't work.

rk: As are ALL Letter of the Word Concepts and Ideas which control
minds via Illusion. It is at the Spirit Level of the Word that Truth
is communicated. A realm which the profane cannot access.

me: > When Kazoo was sentenced for his felony convictions, he was
required to sign documents promising not to attempt filing any more
of his frivilous documents without going through an attorney, he
posted a kooky meltdown of a bitch about it, too!

rk: >> I DID NOT sign any such documents.

rrk: > Of course you signed documents, you confessed to this on

your website using your nicotine addicted wife as an excuse.

rk: All you need do now is lend specifics to the above statement
with particular attention to whether such documents appeared pretrial
or post trial. Here's a hint, the language you refer to is contained
within the Pretrial Plea Bargain offered by the State,. (which was

rk: >> The events you describe NEVER occured. By the way, Since in

the last 8 years, the STATE OF OREGON, and COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE courts
and prosecutor have REFUSED to answer the question of JURISDICTION.

rrk: > Yet they asserted it, just like they continue to assert it

every time you get pulled over riding the felonious moped and have to
spend a chunk of your government handout to get it out of the impound.

rk: That's what happens when a Nation is asleep to the Tyranny of its
Police and Courts and does NOTHING about their ENSLAVED plight.
Its call piracy on the highway, grand theft, and robbery. Crimes
committed by the very people who are put into office to Protect and
Defend the American People against Crime.

rk: >> With your claims of superior information of conviction,

perhaps you will PROVE the existence of the Felony Convictions and
their followup DISPOSITION as APPLIED to this - "kook"

rrk: > Anyone can obtain that information on the second floor of
the JoCo courthouse.

rk: Apparently YOU Can't. Otherwise you would have already posted
such findings.

rrk: > Your multiple felony convictions are a matter of public

record. Hell, isn't it?

rk: Were you not talking out of your backside, you would know that in
God's Law, Common Law, Constitutional Law, the law upon which I stand
and am protected, , if there is no Living, Breathing Flesh and Blood
VICTIM filing a complaint of HARM/INFRINGMENT OF RIGHTS by Affidavit,
THERE IS NO CRIME. As such, secondary, fictional Corporate
Legislative Rules which masquerade as law but are nothing more than
colour of law victimless statutory corporate rules designed to rule
corporate subjects, are just so much NULL and VOID nonsense which
apply only to the government created JURISTIC PERSON (strawman).
Hence they are NOT CRIMES in LAW.

rk: That is why, although the fictional juristic was convicted by
both trials, I, this Living Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient,
Natural Man am free, NOT IN PRISON, and have no charges hanging over
my head. It is for this same reason that William Kinney III, being
presently falsely imprisoned/prosecuted by the Portland Oregon courts
shall be set free

CREATOR, a Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural
Man/Woman unless consented to, or agreed upon by the latter. Millions
and Millions of Americans have been hoodwinked by such Lawyer
chicanery and now SIT IT PRISON because of their IGNORANCE.

rk: >> You can see how quickly the STATE OF OREGON and COUNTY OF
JOSEPHINE FOLDED when their illusory BLUFF was called by a simple man
of Truth.

rrk: > So how much of the millions "Christ" <snicker> claims the

state owes him, has "Christ" <snicker> collected?

rrk: > <crickets>

<more crickets>
<even more crickets>

rk: Speaking of "crickets", you display that you have the patience of
a gnat. Christ Consciousness is Timeless. I assure you, the STATE OF
OREGON and COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE is not as COCKY as you, a cowardly,
anonymous, word-twisting, government employed disinformation agent

me: >>> I guess that's also why you cannot produce the filing

number of Postie's non-existent lien because that number would

quickly be traced to the real lien someone else filed.

rk: >> I can present the number of the File sent to me by the
Arkansas Secretary of States Office ANYTIME I WANT.

rrk: Liar.

rk: Now there you go again, another baseless , unsubstantive claim.
Where is the evidence that I have lied. Where is your testimony that
you personally checked with the Arkansas SOS office and are speaking
from FIRST HAND (non-hearsay) INFORMATION. Why do you believe in
Internet HEARSAY testimony of unspecified investigators, yet attack
the first hand testimony of one who can and will swear under oath as
to his veritas?.

me: .>>> Back when he first made the claim, several people called the
ARSoS and they had no such lien on file.

are missing from such generic one-liner, unsubstantiated claims.

rrk: > You first, Brother Kazoo. Provide the detail of the filing

number on Postie's non-existent lien.

rk: What a simple verbal deflection, a meaningless satanic ploy used
to project onto another that which one is guilty of. You're the one
making the assertion that I am a Liar. The burden of Proof is on you,
is it not? Otherwise this satanic game can be played for eternity.
See my article on "Saturday Night Live"...Who's the Dummy? at

me: .>>> If Kazoo had a valid claim on anyone or anything, his
residential address would not be a parking lot.

rk: >> See what I mean about UNSUBSTANTATED ONE LINERS.

me: > You live at the Shady Acres parking lot and there isn't a damn

thing you can do to change that unless you have that battered old bus
towed to some other parking lot. Hell, isn't it?

rk: Are they now naming parking lots? SHADY ACRES is a RV Park

Raymond Ronald KarczewskiŠ

"No other man in the recorded History of mankind
including JESUS CHRIST has directly revealed to
the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind

Raymond Ronald KarczewskiŠ

Edgar Wolphe

Sep 20, 2010, 1:01:56 PM9/20/10
Furiously scratching in the sand, (Raymond
Karczewski) wrote:

> When Christ asserts, Satan crumbles!!
> Mister Ed   mis...@ed.wilburrrr  wrote;

> Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:  
> me:   >  Subject: Re: Attention Convicted Felon Raymond Karczewski:
> So-called sovereign citizens getting jugged!!! --- Hell, isn't it?
> me:  >   When Kazoo was sentenced for his felony convictions, he was
> required to sign documents promising not to attempt filing any more of
> his frivilous documents without going through an attorney, he posted a
> kooky meltdown of a bitch about it, too!
> rk:  I DID NOT sign any such documents.  

Not QUITE true!

Judge Coon offered to release Ray from jail prior to his trial ON THE
SIGNATURE, an agreement between Raymond Ronald Karczewksi and the
State of Oregon. Note that there was none of the "All Caps" Bullshit

"Judge Coon offered to release me on the condition that I obey ALL
LAWS and appear before him on November 12th.

Judge Coon called a recess to allow me to confer with my wife
Anita, who was suffering from Ill health and had received Emergency
Room treatment just prior to my arrest on September 5th, 2002. It was
after such conference with Anita that I decided to accept the release

You can look it up here, Ray.

Now, there is no doubt that Ray will contend that he compromised his
sovereign standing only because of Anita's condition, but for Ray to
continue to bleat that he never SIGNED ANY AGREEMENTS with the State
of Oregon and its courts is a FLAT OUT LIE!

Note that Ray, and not his all caps twin SKIPPY, agreed to OBEY ALL
OREGON LAWS. So here we have Ray conceding that the courts of Oregon

And we are still waiting for Ray to publicly post the number of
Postie's lien. The fact that he "won't" means only one thing- he
ain't got a number! Ray's claim otherwise is just another FLAT OUT


No one in history, since the beginning of recorded time, has
written directly, based on first hand understanding, as I have,
including Jesus of Nazareth.
--Raymond Ronald Karczewski

Jeff Rubard

Oct 4, 2010, 5:33:30 PM10/4/10
On Sep 19, 7:58 am, Mister Ed <mis...@ed.wilburrrr> wrote:
> Roymond Richard Kazynski, A Living Mohammad wrote:
> > Raymond Karczewski started claiming to be Christ again with:
> >> rk: When Christ asserts
> > I see you have stopped calling yourself "A" Christ and are now referring
> > to yourself as Christ again.  I bet you were hoping you could shift in an
> > oh-so subtle manner back to calling yourself Jesus Christ again, huh?
> Or Jesus of Nazareth reincarnated ;-)

Um, not Jesus?
Pretty very probably.

Thanks for being a grown-up.

Jeff Rubard

Oct 4, 2010, 5:34:38 PM10/4/10

I'm 31 myself --
and feelin' fine about comin' down off the "man-lovin".

What's your excuse, little boy?
Contemporary Americans are not Jesus.

It's an, uh, important point.

Jeff Rubard

Oct 4, 2010, 5:37:16 PM10/4/10

By the way, the Bill of Rights amendments help everybody.
So, um, genius --

Why so many useless and stupid lies?
"2 + 2 = 4" is no surprise.

Name's Jeffrey D. Rubard,
and I'm not a "Jeffery" --

Or gay.
Can't have it that way.

Jeffrey Rubard

Dec 25, 2021, 6:51:52 AM12/25/21
2021 Close-Out Sale: Mr. Karczewski?

Jeffrey Rubard

Dec 27, 2021, 1:54:55 AM12/27/21
How was Christmas, Raymond?

Jeffrey Rubard

Dec 28, 2021, 5:13:07 PM12/28/21
It was okay? As a living Christ you liked Christmas?

Jeffrey Rubard

Dec 31, 2021, 1:01:00 AM12/31/21
(Stay classy, Ray.)

Jeffrey Rubard

Dec 31, 2021, 5:55:18 PM12/31/21
...and all the best to you in the New Year, companero.

Jeffrey Rubard

Jan 1, 2022, 8:24:33 PM1/1/22
How's 2022 treating you so far?


Jan 6, 2022, 6:56:33 PM1/6/22
If you scroll back in the archives, you'll find a link to Ray's (real) obit.

Jeffrey Rubard

Jan 7, 2022, 11:49:46 PM1/7/22
Yeah, but, um, dude, you may have 'skipped a beat' in the honest
interpretation of Mr. Karczewski. In at least the German language,
the word *Christ* does not refer to "The Nazarene", but rather to a
follower or devotee of him: a "Christian", in our parlance. That was
in all probability a pidgin "intonation" of principles, not a Messiah
complex. (Were you smart enough to see that before? Many
would be.)

PS: That means that Nietzsche's book *Der Antichrist* is really
instructions on how to be "Un-Christian", not a guide to the
Rapture. However, "Anglos" knew well enough how to be
un-Christian a long time ago...

Jeffrey Rubard

Jan 10, 2022, 12:17:46 AM1/10/22
(Gone but not forgotten by those who knew him, obviously.)

Jeffrey Rubard

Jan 10, 2022, 9:21:57 PM1/10/22
No, really. "They forgot to ask you" type stuff.

Jeffrey Rubard

Jan 12, 2022, 12:28:44 AM1/12/22
Me, I'm neither Christ nor a Christian. But "think on it" some more
about people like Ray.


Feb 21, 2022, 6:36:49 PM2/21/22
On 1/11/2022 10:28 PM, Jeffrey Rubard wrote:

> Me, I'm neither Christ nor a Christian. But "think on it" some more
> about people like Ray.

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Jeffrey Rubard

Feb 22, 2022, 5:20:30 PM2/22/22
Oooh. ("This is..." "You know what this is." "I, um, don't have Internet...")

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