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The Son of Man demands Mr. bush's immediate arrest or execution! - Wow eh?!

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Will you stand Up for your own living rights as an equal? Or slave as a nazi for bush, who demands to commit criminal offense in Your Name?

Jan 13, 2003, 3:13:51 PM1/13/03
"easyrunner" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Yes and Adolf Hitler made many improvements in Germany before he started
> gassing people and invading neighboring countries. You were saying...?

Okay, bush isn't exactly like hitler. Mr. bush has no knowledge of
economics, and unlike hitler, is a staunch public advocate of death
squads against all families including the targeting of the murder of
good police officers trying to do Our jobs. Pure evil nazi filth
exceeding hitler that bush demon spews openly in contempt for the
American flag, Justice and God
also. Just look at how many Americans he murdered in New York City,
without the slightest remorse for his actions, then went on to murder
or incarcerate more than a 100,000 of those not guilty of his
unsubstantiated accusation as the Nations being pirated under criminal
dictatorship, as now fully documented by the FBI, and the CIA, CLEARLY
outlining the demon bush as traitor to all Peoples, not just Iraq, but
also including his wife, his closest enemies, himself, and me as the
Son of Man also..


Anyway I've tried a new approach, this time as a Believer,
what do you think of the following paper?


One More Thing

So, that demon bush, the American cop killer and his
cohorts, are continuing to work destroying Humanity's
gains in civility, by evilly dividing Our humanity with
their blatantly open criminal intent to murder untold
millions as US innocent, and as of yet, have not been
executed by American Patriots for mass murder of God's
Family in New York City. Traitors to US all on 9/11
without contention, for Our truth speaks as Ourselves,
and witnessing just CNN's silence on General Ahmad,
speaks volumes on their contempt for US as worthy of
Justice. Refusing to do what is good for Humanity by
offering the central facts as publicly recognized by Our
Police Agencies to be actually documented. According to
the FBI: the vacationing General Ahmad financed the
alleged 9/11 mastermind, Atta, and also developed the
criminal war strategy against Afghanistan with the bush
administration, to boost the heroin trade, and save
Enron to commit further frauds against American soldier
families, while murdering over a hundred thousand
American flag wavers, and then leaving US for further
ruin with plans to continue on against 59 more countries
in the same deceitful illegal manner against all
Churches, as an evil nothing short of eternally crowning
Our Mr. bush Jr., the super evil anti-Christ, the most
hated and despised parasitic murderer in the entire
annals of Humanity's History. Cool eh? Kill bush now!

The bushmob have done nothing short of confessing to the
entire terror event, but for jokes on our strained
credulity to publicly press for further stalls. With
the rights of kissinger left to be a public
investigation official? (Gee, thanks for highlighting
your partner like that for US bush, you nazi dumfuk.)
Mr. bush Jr.'s america destroys themselves without Love
for wisdom, or respect for intelligence as a Peace plan
initiative. We publicly witness the blind and tormented
dying bushmob slave whore charade, of contempt for
living free in Our names. The two evil doers, bush and
sadistic nazi rotten rumsfeld, are known publicly as
documented, to continue leveraging the ignorance of the
CNN ready to be broadcasted repeatedly, tranced dimwit
marines, the true dumfuks of this world as weak and
pathetic cowards to themselves as their own brothers
they watch murdered for bush helplessly, communicated in
CNN's un-American false image as the evil bush nation
hiding in falsehoods as death squad recruiters against
the practically defenseless as unarmed children, nazi
vermin criminals, being unbiased as Blitzer about
protecting your freedom Patriot, to lose your real life
savings reader, truly too weak and stupid to stand up in
protection for the flag as the living American Dream for
anyone. Because witness again, CNN keeps not saying
Justice is important as principle to hold our
reflections.(CrossFire is getting better though.)
Fortified behind locked doors in their bombed out
bunkers, Blitzer and Hemmer sit rooted for the evil side
to lose further to themselves by continuing to not
respond to our communication know how. America, the
People, rarely gain press time coverage as should be top
priority always, while being paraded publicly as sold
out as not deliberated, corporately represented as
privately principled to stay ignorant of Justice to
protect living personally, as actually worth something
to the bottom line. Yours. Brought down Hell bound as
cheated by corporate news america's valueless interest
in the price of your living to continue on our behalves.
What does CNN think of 2% Social Security? cheating a
Soldier's Grandmother to pay tithes to the bush demon as
criminal dictator?, american nazi death squads?, insider
stock trades?, arming bush's heroin partners?, rotten
rumsfeld and bush murdering devout corporate cultists
like a would be, still silent Hemmer?, no opinion? Or
the working for the People in our names OFFICIALLY, as
the FBI and CIA officers actually involved in uncovering
the evil bushmob deeds, like the warrant sabotage,
Odigo, stolen passports of alive so called highjackers
as once American trained as still Saudi pilots, or
Anthrax made to look Muslimized, is not failure to
connect the dots ever, or insufficient funding then is
not less payment for our law enforcement now to nab the
prime suspects. As Mueller, or mueller has not publicly
commented of, but to say, he hasn't seen or heard
anything of this police work, leaving the FBI
unrepresented publicly as a threat by himself as a
terrorist supporter, an devout member of the bushmob
cartel. Why?, we must investigate Mueller if we should
have him arrested for publicly obstructing the FBI
asking the important questions. IT IS THE FBI, not
ATTA. Or how about the dumb ass Ashcroft assault
against every American to save his embarrassment of
being completely unqualified and never elected?, no
concern to mention on this either? Who suffers for
CNN's refusal to demand Enron give back the billions
that were criminally stolen from all American Families
still sitting in the Cayman Islands? My God.

Somebody call the cops.. again!

I have personally spoken to hundreds, and written
thousands regarding bush's guilt, and we can't seem to
find any fault with what I am saying... How about You?
Check out usenet group, "" on the
internet to see for US all, what questions if any are
asked. Know also, CBC and CNN management staff will not
contribute their disagreement as none present, but for
continuing disregard for Your interests during Our news
cast of the facts. THINK. I tell gun clubs, police
officers, Biker gangs, and the general public to kill
bush today for 9/11 and his death squads, against the
helpless and undefended while arming heroin dealers and
selling terrorist handbooks, with all the evidence one
would need or asks for, and CNN with CBC corporate
management does not, to my knowledge, call Our Police
agencies to complain about my free speech capabilities,
or will allow US public discussions with Our History as
documented. Why? Those nazi bastards, Walter Issacson,
Robert Habinovitch, and the two Coast to Coast godless
vermin parasites know personally, they propagandize our
communities with deceit to keep us divided as the
plundered and murdered for the private banker buildings
who sell weapons in bush's name to kill the innocent as
ourselves unheard from. I can barely survive watching
US ignore them as King to this World, my sweetie baby
sugar dumpling, but, I think it's time to let Arron
Brown in on a little secret... Johnny wants a word with
his living responsibility to Americans on Patriotism.
Instead of what we currently witness, a reluctance to
not relentlessly pursue the truth to provide US the
facts, (Look, it's true, Johnny has an ass.) but a
censorship of control to falsely prop up the unelected
nazi war mongering criminal, Our Mr. bush Jr., a
terrorist of tyranny through criminal impropriety in
violation with the American Constitution as a death
bringer heroin dealer, at a seating that truly holds no
vacancy, nor a Buddha, but a deception to plainly hide,
the actual, got to be for real, super evil anti-Christ
of all religion ever mentioned. Wow eh, even gentle
jolly Buddha wants bush squashed! Seriously, please
kill the bush demon to save US as victims friend.
Justice must prevail as is truth eternal, that of what
will be as God is.. just how many more as Humanity will
be sacrificed in cowardice for the evil bush demon,
before an American Patriot kills the mortal nazi
dictator for treason as an American cop killer, and
betrayer to all of our Humanities? Don't let tomorrow's
news story be about Your murder as another, no longer
heard from bush victim. For, my reason is as evidenced
to actually be known, easily, while the CNN corporate
cult product lies to themselves as Our public fact
finders to leverage more ignorance than is found now..
as Our public voice to suffer by criminal dictates to
destroy God as life giver. Fuk you america.

Heaven is on the Horizon.

We can teach ourselves as the uninformed by CNN
standards to misinform and ignore. CNN's continuing
silence on Ahmad, bush and rotten rumsfeld, only
supports further our claim in their contempt for
American Soldiers, and Our Families as not represented
as worthy business investment. God, don't you just love
me? Hemmer?

Mr. bush's publicized war strategy of no evidence
requirement to hold American convictions for murdering
Ourselves is evil all around everywhere, as understood
without question to every honest Cop, the most serious
of all criminal behaviors, of which, they carry guns for
in just this sort of political development to halt
reoccurrences. But bush, the anti-Christ, as america,
says no for ALL Americans, they can no longer hold onto
Justice as their own with him in their charging everyone
as the enemy bush refraction. Just like, "bomb
wherever" tommy franks would do with his own American
family death squaded, like he did intentionally to our
children, as his contempt for America will never stifle
our voice with his silence regarding our aimed veracity
to seek out and destroy the evil nazi bushmob fuks
individually with God as Justice Supreme. The True
American Way, for, the rare and few Marines, the one or
two, are with US loyally to know so. See, there was a
time when the Marines were taught diligently, so much so
it was proudly ingrained as the moral fiber of their
character, that an American Soldier's responsibility to
America was to defend the Constitution as the Freedom to
be America, with their lives if need be to protect their
soul brothers as family, for the greater good by God,
(just like the Taliban Rule Man) while today, Ashcroft,
albeit muted, murmurs as rotten rumsfeld chuckles,
Americans must instead as slaves give their lives
unthinkingly as cowardly evil war criminals to protect
the unelected bush mobster from criminal arrest for mass
murders in New York City, and stealing that 50 billion,
seeing that that stupid Justice thing in the American
Constitution and Bill of Rights idea has now got to go
instead of evil bush as demon traitor war monger,
terrorist recruiting false god anti-Christ, but that
aside... There is a guide book for leadership in the
American Marines entitled, "Guidebook for MARINES", and
inside, it contains 14 principles to strive for as an
American Soldier wanting to be a True Patriot as leader
of Soldiers prepared to die for love of country, and our
fellow man as friend or stranger, and here they are:

Integrity, Knowledge, Courage, decisiveness,
Dependability, Initiative, Tact, Justice, Enthusiasm,
Bearing, Endurance, Unselfishness, Loyalty, and

For integrity it states:

"1. Integrity. The stakes of combat are too high to
gamble leadership on a dishonest man. Would you accept
a report from a patrol leader who had been known to lie?
Of course you wouldn't. All your statements, official
or unofficial, are concidered by your men to be plain,
unadorned fact. Make sure they are. When you give your
word, keep it. There are people depending on you to
come through with the goods."

Now, I could go on further about what kind of lifeless
degenerate a lawless cowardly mute soldier in bush's
nazi death squads would have to be, to serve under bush
as slave and traitor to home and family, as against God,
the Flag, and all that we represent as equals through
Justice, but I won't.

Mr. bush's america is uncontrollable by anyone. CNN
figures if they never mention US, we'll never know who
was invited as participators. (Example: CIA officers
have had to PUBLICLY contact British News Services as
the CIA, (Never done that I know of likewise before),
regarding American interests in apprehending the TRUE
9/11 culprits ignored by american corporate dictates,
and tenant also. One should remember, bush and rumsfeld
would want to secretly murder any persons involved in
9/11 to clean up the huge crime scene, and tenant, is no
brave and True Christ like figure as a living person, so
what can we expect in all reality? Tenant will pay
dearly if the evidence further indicates, as his
continuing silence does label him already a willing
traitor to all America, as too, his personal meeting
with 9/11's Ahmad just prior seems suspicious also as
not mentioned by himself in defense, along with his
refusal to disclose the insider stock trades while
leaving the fine CIA officers personally involved in the
dark, as abandoned American Patriots, armed and ready to
defend America as they should immediately for
themselves, by executing bush and rumsfeld as terrorist
cop killer, drug running freedom haters.)

America's false deity, the super evil anti-Christ, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., doesn't think for me to be sacrificed
without opinion by John, for I am free to act for my own
beliefs as understanding, as I live in defense for
living as all things created I am of honestly, simply
amazing God is. However, I, as any truly living person
would, can't help hate Our Mr. bush Jr. to death for
what he and rotten rumsfeld is criminally doing, and
further proposing against Our living in my name as
unheard from dying without cause as murdered, but for
bush's criminal contempt for my Awesomeness to beg once
again friends, someone out there please, for the Love of
Yourself and God, help US destroy Our Mr. bush Jr.
quickly before he kills more as Ourselves unrepresented
by corporate values in our commitments to freedom for
living through Justice for all persons. Our Mr. bush
Jr. has indiscriminately murdered more than 100,000
innocent souls with only a contemptuous smirk to his
credit, while fully committed to more robbing and heroin
dealing by blaming Laden for whatever without any
evidence. Leaving Our true willingness silenced by
corporate demands to propagandize and censor our truths,
allowing bush, the dumfuk traitor, to continue
demonizing America into a hell hole of ignorance through
his hatred for life, Science and Nature. CNN's silence
for America regarding the bushmob publicly stealing from
their Own Family their freedom of Rights to be living,
while committing Americans to a dictatorial crime ridden
government, that bush and rumsfeld proclaim, is no
longer applicable to the Law of any Land, is an
abomination against Christ as living is Ourselves Being.
America isn't America anymore, it's the bushmobbed
universe of injustice and blind self hatred against all
of Humanity, committed to leave none to survive but as
slaves to be terrorized for the dummy bush demon as
their false deity, a traitor in my midst, disguised to
no one but himself as personally expendable. Again,
where are the American Patriots we all hear so much
about in the big screen to take down the seriously
anti-American demon bush monster cop killer heroin
pusher for treason, as all understood widely now
factually with evidence and everything? Kill the war
criminal evil doers, bush and rumsfeld today and be
loved by yourself to be of Human Nature, or hunker to
hell as a coward and betrayer to yourself and your own
family, while watching the bushmob openly rob and murder
further from our World, and on all of which we stand
strong united. Justice for You.

This living plan of mine empowers others to learn their
Rights as eternally established to be Kings and Queens
on equal footing to be as all in all of gods forever
dreaming, while demon bush intends the destruction of
individual freedoms while robbing and murdering
Americans from the inside, like sharon with US Jews
does, as underrepresented, a condemning onslaught on
Your better Judgement as reasoned on anything factual
they figure blindly to be spinable, without your word
contested. Your God Given Living Rights my friend.
Without a rule of Law principled in the fashion of
Justice for all to be sought as measured, bush's nazi
amerika will continue to suffer ourselves needlessly for
their corporatized self contempt in Our living Humanity
as censored, without a thought for Justice, or the
American Bill of Rights as God acting out eternally for
prophets to wonder endlessly. See, I came up with this
wacky Idea one day to make all my equal as self created
to be so normally, in this Universe as we exist for
Happiness ultimately as eternal, so, You or i will work
this challenge to speak out for ourselves as Creation
about bush's america, and it's responsibility as
publicly advertised, to gather the facts on who suffers
for bush's criminal misdeeds, and overall ignorance on
everything. Mr. bush's irresponsible tax scam for
example, is to put America's public money into the hands
of private bankers, as the extremely rich already, while
taking money away from those who spend the highest
percentage of their paycheck on basic necessities as a
gambled to be advertised, "stimulation package". HOW?
The HOW is never explained with understanding as clearly
regressive like the bush rule is, because.. Who spends
MORE in taxes as investment at the grocery store to pay
the cashier for his babysitter: 20,000 volunteer
Janitors all named Rich, who ride the bus for
convenience, or a mechanical billionaire private bank
machine operator, who doesn't earn any nation's moola by
working something for it?, and couldn't eat 20,000 cans
of re-fried beans at one cruise lining to timbucks three
without losing themselves, havening his tax manner over
take in YOUR luxury. See, when America prints more
money at the Treasury to give Greenspan to loan BACK to
the Government illogically, the dollar value falls for
everyone as investor, inflation, let alone the incurred
bogus debt owed with real sweat as labor. Clearly, to
every informed citizen not as democratic. Of course,
National corporate news America, is genuinely not trying
as capable by themselves to commit The living interest
in Government as ourselves with oversight to manage US
fiscally responsible, (like CNN regarding Justice and
the Congress, or no Chomsky ever, E. Ann Clark as
geneticist, or just research for experts as example),
so, we do indeed, live in trying times due to ignorance
as corporate america's disrespect for wisdom saught as
yearning. It's like private bankers don't want the
public to think about what we are doing as worthwhile
knowing, eh? Or, I'm the only one on this planet who
can almost read my own writing as the, one of a kind,
good boy God freak. Anyway, the bushmobster scam leaves
less finite wealth for all as taxable exchanges, while
suggesting disposing of what dwindling national resource
can be obtained, be given to create further debt by
devolving into a military apparatus to make more
enemies. Our Mr. bush Jr. is just plain stupid as
destructive to everyone, but especially Americans to not
stand up in defense of Ourselves. (Officially, rotten
rumsfeld's criminal plan, "P2OG", is to encourage
terrorist acts against Your Family, but you guessed it,
not up to CNN's standard to report US as viable news
material.) It's like saying fewer people educated, will
keep us stupid enough as a Nation to blame the weak and
poor as ourselves deprived till death as murdered, and,
bush says makes sense secretly, as the all knowing for
the blind and ignorant to faith in without thinking
about what money is either. Our Governments should
always be working to make the poor richer as a
successful representation of our will as the public to
improving our living condition, but the dumb and
ignorant, talentless and monosyllabic, believe, someone
else must be cheated and devalued, divided and murdered,
in their universe for them to succeed without effort, or
skill whatsoever.. Especially defense. Have you ever
heard of the rock solid certainty of Universal "inverse
variation" constants? (Canadian High School.) This is
why in America, in a time where the nation was more
literate as informed, Corporations were taxed at 85% and
were happy about it for themselves as American citizens.
It's understanding also, most as almost all of the most
wealthy multi-nationals competing from military
dictatorships against American minimums, run in
continuous private bank debt, (your savings and pension
as leveraged weaker being the entire Nations) but gross
billions in profits. 99.9% of every private bank
building in the Western World is mortgaged, not however
in Iraq, or the Muslim World where interest is not
charged on good standing loans made in Our names.
(Sideline: Now recollect bush's puppet forcing
Afghanistan to borrow from the World Bank for terrorist
handbooks and heroin junkets, but not food, shelter or
clothing, while spending in addition, 4-5 billion a
month in godless bushfuked american Patriot Dollars,
American Celeb Dollars, American TAX PAYER Dollars, to
run deaths squads with tommy franks against teachers and
children.) It's a strange idea to the dying to be
corporately driven without thinking because, you
wouldn't automatically think it could be more profitable
to stay in cheaper as serviceable debt being a brick
building, but it is by private banker swindle with
National inflation succeeding personal interest rates.
We lose personal wealth to the pirate banker fees
without even privately using their/OUR National currency
services, because truly, we can't go somewheres else.
As of course in america, an Enron can always be pulled,
where it goes bankrupt as a toxic non-living entity, but
leave richer as crooks than they did before calling an
end to paybacks, with the People stuck to take the loss
together for sure as the victims. While bush, says
corporating America, his america, should learn for next
time, maybe, while the CRIMINALLY STOLEN money is still
siting in the Cayman Islands!!! See the Depression, a
Canadian High Schooler, or watch bush act in direct
opposition to his word almost consistently as American
death harborer terrorist psychopath. Then ask yourself,
why can none of our defenses be publicly discussed as
important deliberations?

Love Justice by allowing others to read this paper, to
judge the truth for themselves as worth something for
all persons, and I will be truly grateful you cared to
believe in a better future, for together, we could find
a new hope for freedom, as happiness and prosperity for
Yourself included. We only need believe in ourselves as
unstoppablly stupid, and the Universe is ours as God is
now testifier.

I am my word,
and make believe King to this world I call home,

Yours forever,

Johnny Wizard - Lord and Saviour


This article appears in the Oct. 26, 2001 issue of
Executive Intelligence Review.

`Wolfowitz Cabal' Is an Enemy Within U.S.

by Michele Steinberg

On Oct. 14, the London Observer published one of the
now familiar--and totally false--propaganda scare
stories, entitled "Iraq 'Behind U.S. Anthrax
Outbreaks.' " The story gave credence to the ravings of
"American hawks" who say there is "a growing mass of
evidence that [Iraqi President] Saddam Hussein was
involved, possibly indirectly, with the Sept. 11
suicide hijacks." If confirmed, said the Observer, "the
pressure now building ... for an attack [on Iraq] may
be irresistible." One of these "hawks," an unnamed U.S.
"administration official," told the Observer that
British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a "faithful ally"
in the war against terrorism and that "if it means we
are embarking on the next Hundred Years' War, then
that's what we are doing" (emphasis added).

The "next Hundred Year's War"? Who are the U.S.
maniacs who use such language, and are they not as
dangerous as Osama bin Laden's jihad?

Here we will name the names of the fanatics in this
anti-Iraq grouping who have become known as the
"Wolfowitz cabal," named after Assistant Secretary of
Defense Paul Wolfowitz. According to the New York
Times, which published a leak about their activities on
Oct. 12, this grouping wants an immediate war with
Iraq, believing that the targetting of Afghanistan,
already an impoverished wasteland, falls far short of
the global war that they are hoping for. But Iraq is
just another stepping stone to turning the
anti-terrorist "war" into a full-blown "Clash of
Civilizations," where the Islamic religion would become
the "enemy image" in a "new Cold War."

The "Clash of Civilizations" theory, developed by
Harvard professor-turned President Jimmy Carter's
National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and his
protégés, including Harvard Prof. Samuel Huntington,
defined the Arab and Islamic world as an "arc of crisis"
from the Middle East to the Islamic countries of Central
Asia in the then-Soviet Union. Brzezinski wanted to use
the "Islamic card" against the Soviet Union, and in so
doing, began the policy of promoting Islamic
fundamentalists against moderate and pro-Western Arab
and Islamic governments. After the end of the Cold War,
the Brzezinski/Huntington crowd updated their "arc of
crisis," declaring that the Islamic religion is the
enemy, in a new war in which religions, rather than
political systems, inevitably battle each other.
However, trained by British and U.S. special
intelligence services and the CIA, and armed by Israeli
military networks, the very terrorist drug-runners in
the Islamic world who were launched by Brzezinski and
"adopted" by the Iran-Contra networks run by Lt. Col.
Oliver North, under the elder George Bush's Executive
Order 12333, have become the main suspects in terrorist
attacks against the United States.

A Network Throughout the Government

The adherents of the so-called "Wolfowitz cabal,"
pushing the "Clash of Civilizations" theory, are nothing
less than "an enemy within" the United States, a network
that cuts across the Defense Department, the State
Department, the White House, and the National Security
Council. This report is not a "good guys" versus "bad
guys" description of the Bush Administration; rather it
is a warning that this cabal is a close-knit rogue
network that is trying to hijack U.S. policy, and turn
the current Afghanistan mess into a global war. The
cabal bears a dangerous resemblance to the "secret
parallel government" of North and Gen. Richard Secord's
"Project Democracy" operation that ran Iran-Contra. In
fact, some of the cabal members now in the Bush
Administration are convicted criminals as a result of
their activity in North's "Enterprise"!

On Oct. 12, the New York Times revealed deep divisions
in the Bush Administration, describing how the cabal
plots policy behind the back of Cabinet officials, such
as Secretary of State Colin Powell, in the name of the
U.S. government. The group wants to obliterate Iraq,
put Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat and
the Palestinian Authority on the terrorism list (if not
the obituary list), and declare war on nation-states.

The Times revealed that a key section of the "Wolfowitz
cabal," is the 18-member Defense Policy Board, which met
for more than 19 hours on Sept. 19-20 to "make the
case" against Saddam Hussein. The meeting pushed for a
renewed war against Iraq as soon as the war against
Afghanistan had concluded its initial phase. It
discussed overthrowing Saddam Hussein, partitioning Iraq
into mini-states led by U.S.-funded dissidents who would
steal the proceeds from the Basra oil revenues for their
quisling government. The meeting discussed how to
manipulate information so as to pin the Sept. 11
attacks on the United States on Saddam Hussein.

According to the Times, Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld attended the meetings for only "part" of both
days, and on Sept. 22, President George Bush rejected
the Policy Board's recommendation to declare war against
Iraq. But to the "Wolfowitz cabal," Bush's decision
didn't really matter--senior members of the Policy Board
had been selected for their broad international
connections, especially to the United Kingdom and
Israel, allowing them to force changes in U.S. policy
through an "outside-inside" operation. If unable to
change policy through advising, the network could also
run covert operations as a "government within a
government," as they had maneuvered during Iran-Contra.

The chairman of the Defense Policy Board is Richard
Perle, the former Reagan Assistant Secretary of Defense
for International Security Affairs, now based at the
neo-conservative American Enterprise Institute.

Perle, nicknamed "The Prince of Darkness" because of his
nuclear Armageddon views during the Cold War, is, more
importantly, an asset of Conrad Black's Hollinger
International, Inc., which grew out of British Empire
Security Coordinator William Stephenson's efforts to
secure arms for Britain during World War II. At
present, Hollinger owns the British Tory Party-linked
Telegraph PLC, whose International Advisory Board is
headed by former British Prime Minister, now Lady
Margaret Thatcher. Hollinger also owns the Jerusalem
Post, another war-mongering press outlet.

The "heavy hitters" on the Defense Policy Board are the
worst of the Anglo-American-Israeli geopolitical
fanatics from the last several decades, including:
former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, who is
also a member of Hollinger's International Advisory
Board; former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; former
Clinton Administration Director of Central Intelligence
R. James Woolsey; former Deputy Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff Adm. David E. Jeremiah; former Vice
President Dan Quayle; former Defense and Energy
Secretary James R. Schlesinger; and former President
Carter's Defense Secretary Harold Brown.

Though Perle was only recently appointed to head the
Defense Policy Board, he and Wolfowitz have been
collaborators for more than two decades, as
agents-of-influence of the right-wing Israeli war
faction. In 1985, when it was clear that Jonathan Jay
Pollard, an American convicted that year of spying for
Israel, could not have been working alone in stealing
such high-level U.S. secrets for Israel to sell to the
Soviet Union, top-level intelligence officials told EIR
that an entire "X Committee" of high-level U.S.
officials, was being investigated. Wolfowitz and Perle
were on the list of "X Committee" suspects, and Israeli
spying against the United States was so thick that
investigators told EIR they had found "not moles, but
entire molehills." Pollard and his Israeli defenders
later claimed that Pollard "had to" spy against the
United States because the Americans were soft on Iraq
and other Arab countries.

The "Wolfowitz cabal" is deterimined to push the United
States in the direction of the most dangerous Israeli
right-wing policy, including a possible Israeli nuclear
attack on an Arab state. They are implementers of the
very "breakaway ally" scenario about which 2004
Democratic Party Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon
LaRouche warned in his statement of Oct. 12 (see

Plan B: Wagging the Dog

The "Wolfowitz cabal" is out to destroy any potential
for a Middle East peace, and simultaneously is
determined to crush Eurasian economic development
centered around cooperation among Europe, Russia, and
China. After being rebuffed after the marathon Defense
Policy Board meetings, the Wolfowitz cabal set various
operations in motion to plant propaganda stories,
falsify reports of U.S. policy, and carry out other
maneuvers, whereby the tail would "wag the dog."
Unapproved statements are made by cabal members,
interviews misrepresenting U.S. policy are planted
around the globe, and intelligence reports are altered
or manufactured to further the policy goals.

The pattern is becoming crystal clear.

In the first such instance, shortly after the attacks of
Sept. 11, Wolfowitz declared that the United States
will "end states harboring terrorism," and insisted that
under the principle of self-defense, the United States
could act alone, without the United Nations, or
cooperation from any other country. He wanted to
establish the "doctrine" that the United States would
hit a country "anywhere, anytime" based on secret
evidence. But, Wolfowitz was forced to retract his
statements, in a visible rift with the White House.
Some days later, NATO allies at its Brussels
headquarters snubbed Wolfowitz, and refused to formalize
cooperation with the United States under NATO agreements
at a meeting where Wolfowitz represented the Bush

In the same vein, on Oct. 7, the day the Afghanistan
bombings began, the cabal again attempted to provoke a
rift between the United States and members of the UN
Security Council, especially Russia and China, by
altering the text of a letter from U.S. Ambassador to
the UN John D. Negroponte. (Not coincidentally,
Negroponte was a notorious insider in the Iran-Contra
operation, who was accused of collaborating with
narcotics-linked military death squads in Honduras in
the 1980s.) The changes in the letter were made without
notifying Negroponte's boss, Secretary of State Powell.

In the letter, Negroponte echoed Wolfowitz's so-called
gaffe, writing, "We may find that our self-defense
requires further action with respect to other
organizations and states" (emphasis added). The
statement implicitly targetted Iraq, Syria, and Sudan,
all countries which are on the State Department's list
of countries that support terrorism. The statement
violated promises the United States had made, that it
would limit "coalition" action to redressing the attack
of Sept. 11. Upon learning of the statement, from the
press, Powell reportedly "hit the roof." The insertion
was drafted by Stephen J. Hadley, who is the Deputy
Adviser to the National Security Council. The stunt may
have been planned at the Defense Policy Board meetings.

Then there's the case of former CIA director R. James
Woolsey, whose defined role is as the Policy Board
member who is most public in demanding the overthrow of
Saddam Hussein. The Knight-Ridder newspaper chain
reported on Oct. 11, that Woolsey had been authorized
the prior month to fly to London on a U.S. government
plane, accompanied by Justice and Defense Department
officials, on a secret mission to gather evidence
linking Saddam Hussein to the Sept. 11 attack. In a
Sept. 18 press conference by Defense Week, Woolsey
called for creating a "no-fly and no-drive zone" in the
north and south of Iraq, so that the Kurds and the
Shi'ites, respectively, could better fight Saddam. "The
watchword of the day," Woolsey said, is, "It's the
Regimes, Stupid!"

Since the Oct. 5 death from anthrax of Bob Stevens, the
Sun tabloid photo editor, from anthrax, Woolsey has been
the world's leading finger-pointer at Saddam as being
behind the anthrax attack. His so-called evidence is
dated, prejudiced, and completely unreliable.

It was no accident that Woolsey role-played a prominent
character--CIA Director--in the New York Council on
Foreign Relations 1999-2000 scenario the previous year,
"The Next Financial Crisis: Warning Signs, Damage
Control, and Impact," that acted out a virtual coup
d'état coming on the heels of a combined financial
crisis and terrorist attack. In the CFR war-game, the
U.S. President would be taken out of the picture,
leaving the country under the control of a crisis
management dictatorship.

Also dispatched to London to propagandize for a "rolling
war" that would attack Afghanistan, then Iraq, then
country after country until revenge is exacted, was
fellow Policy Board member Newt Gingrich. Talking to
the London Times, owned by top British-Israeli
propagandist Rupert Murdoch, Gingrich said that the
United States is "at war" with "organized, systematic
extensions of terror, supported by nation-states." He
said that targetting the Afghan Taliban without
defeating Iraq would be "like defeating Imperial Japan
and leaving the Nazis alone." Gingrich threatened that
countries judged not cooperative against terrorism would
face the consequences: "The U.S. and the coalition
forces will assist your own people in removing you."

Setting the pace for his team, Perle was the joint
initiator with neo-con William Kristol of the Rupert
Murdoch-funded Weekly Standard, of an open letter to
President Bush, that, while ostensibly supporting the
President in the war against terrorism, was, in fact, an
ultimatum to support a "Clash of Civilizations" Thirty
Years' War in the Middle East. Among the non-negotiable
demands set forth in that letter was the overthrow of
Saddam Hussein, "even if evidence does not link Iraq
directly to the [Sept. 11] attack."

There is no doubt that the Wolfowitz/Perle duo is at the
heart of the network that can use Israel in the
"breakaway ally scenario." Indeed, Wolfowitz is one of
great hopes of right-wing extremists in Israel,
including among the radical settlers movement, who are
demanding the assassination of Arafat and the expulsion
of all Palestinians from the Occupied Territories (see
coverage in International). But, Wolfowitz and Perle
are not "Israeli agents." Rather, they are
second-generation operatives both mentored by the RAND
Corp.'s Albert Wohlstetter, a former Trotskyite
communist turned nuclear strategist. Nor are the cabal
war-mongers Seven Days in May militarists.

A key member of the cabal is Richard Armitage, the
number-two man in the U.S. State Department, who was
investigated in the Iran-Contra scandal, and who is a
longtime collaborator of Wolfowitz in the targetting of
Iraq. The cabal also has high-level operatives at the
National Security Council (NSC):

Gen. Wayne Downing, former Commander in Chief of the
Special Operations Command, was just appointed as
Director of Combatting Terrorism for the Homeland
Defense Board, headed by former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom
Ridge. In 1997-98, Downing drew up a military plan to
overthrow Saddam, by assassination, if necessary. The
plan hinged on heavily arming dissident gangs of Iraqi
Shi'ites in the south of Iraq, and Kurdish fighters in
the north. Invasion by U.S. Special Forces ground
troops was not ruled out. The promoter of the
neo-Conservative yahoos in Congress and the think-tanks
was Wolfowitz, then head of the Paul Nitze School of
Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins
University. Unable to ram this plan through the Clinton
Administration, Wolfowitz shopped the plan to Perle, an
expert in "chain-letter" pressure politics, who garnered
signatures. Now at the NSC, Downing has the ready-made
plan to hit Iraq.

Richard Clarke, Adviser to the President for Cyberspace
Warfare. Clarke, who was originally with the State
Department during the elder Bush's Administration, was
demoted for covering up Israeli violations of the Arms
Exporting laws. In August 1998, Clarke was one of the
key figures who planted false information about Sudan's
involvement in the East Africa U.S. Embassy bombings,
which led to U.S. cruise missile attacks on a Sudanese
pharmaceutical company in Khartoum. Clarke shopped in
disinformation from British-Israeli covert operations
stringer Yosef Bodansky that targetted Sudan.

Elliott Abrams, NSC staff. Abrams, who was convicted in
the Iran-Contra scandal, was quietly placed on the NSC
as a specialist in "religion and human rights." He is a
longtime member of the right-wing Zionist networks that
infiltrated the U.S. security establishment. He worked
closely with Secord and North in Central America, also
providing a link to the Israeli gun-running networks
that delivered arms to Khomeini's Iran.


Oct. 8, 2002, 10:47AM

Some administration officials expressing misgivings on Iraq

Knight-Ridder Tribune News

WASHINGTON -- While President Bush marshals
congressional and international support for invading
Iraq, a growing number of military officers,
intelligence professionals and diplomats in his own
government privately have deep misgivings about the
administration's double-time march toward war.

These officials charge that administration hawks have
exaggerated evidence of the threat that Iraqi leader
Saddam Hussein poses -- including distorting his links
to the al-Qaida terrorist network -- have overstated the
amount of international support for attacking Iraq and
have downplayed the potential repercussions of a new war
in the Middle East.

They charge that the administration squelches dissenting
views and that intelligence analysts are under intense
pressure to produce reports supporting the White House's
argument that Saddam poses such an immediate threat to
the United States that pre-emptive military action is

"Analysts at the working level in the intelligence
community are feeling very strong pressure from the
Pentagon to cook the intelligence books," said one
official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

A dozen other officials echoed his views in interviews.

No one who was interviewed disagreed.

They cited recent suggestions by Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld and National Security Adviser
Condoleezza Rice that Saddam and Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaida network are working together.

Rumsfeld said on Sept. 26 that the U.S. government has
"bulletproof" confirmation of links between Iraq and
al-Qaida members, including "solid evidence" that
members of the terrorist network maintain a presence in

The facts are much less conclusive. Officials said
Rumsfeld's statement was based in part on intercepted
telephone calls, in which an al-Qaida member who
apparently was passing through Baghdad was overheard
calling friends or relatives, intelligence officials
said. The intercepts provide no evidence that the
suspected terrorist was working with the Iraqi regime or
that he was working on a terrorist operation while he
was in Iraq, they said.

Rumsfeld also suggested that the Iraqi regime has
offered safe haven to bin Laden and Taliban leader
Mullah Mohammed Omar.

While technically true, that also is misleading.
Intelligence reports said the Iraqi ambassador to
Turkey, a longtime Iraqi intelligence officer, made the
offer during a visit to Afghanistan in late 1998, after
the United States attacked al-Qaida training camps with
cruise missiles to retaliate for the bombings of the
U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. But officials
said the same intelligence reports said bin Laden
rejected the offer because he didn't want Saddam to
control his group.

In fact, the officials said, there's no ironclad
evidence that the Iraqi regime and the terrorist network
are working together or that Saddam has ever
contemplated giving chemical or biological weapons to
al-Qaida, with whom he has deep ideological differences.

None of the dissenting officials, who work in a number
of different agencies, would agree to speak publicly,
out of fear of retribution. But many of them have long
experience in the Middle East and South Asia, and all
spoke in similar terms about their unease with the way
U.S. political leaders are dealing with Iraq.

All agreed that Saddam is a threat who eventually must
be dealt with, and none flatly opposes military action.
But, they say, the U.S. government has no dramatic new
knowledge about the Iraqi leader that justifies Bush's
urgent call to arms.

"I've seen nothing that's compelling," said one military
officer who has access to intelligence reports.

Some lawmakers have voiced similar concerns after
receiving CIA briefings.


'Fight Smart' Update - 15 Dec 2002

Don't Take the Bait - Fight Smart
Who is the enemy?


Kissinger Clients
Lead To Enron, Cheney and 911
911 Cover-Up Wobbles

High Priest of Deception Forced to Bail Out


"Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has
resigned as chairman of a commission investigating
events leading up to the 11 September 2001 attacks on
the United States. Mr Kissinger, who had been in the
job for just 16 days, had been criticised for refusing
to release the names of clients at his consulting firm.
His resignation throws the inquiry into turmoil. It
comes hard on the heels of the announcement earlier this
week that the commission's vice chairman, George
Mitchell, was quitting. The BBC's Tom Carver in
Washington says the episode is enormously embarrassing
for Mr Bush, adding questions will be asked about why
possible conflicts of interest were not raised before Mr
Kissinger's appointment." Kissinger quits as 9/11
inquiry chief BBC Online, 14 December 2002

"In naming Henry Kissinger to direct a comprehensive
examination of the government's failure to prevent the
Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush has selected a
consummate Washington insider....his affinity for power
and the commercial interests he has cultivated since
leaving government may make him less than the staunchly
independent figure that is needed for this critical
post. Indeed, it is tempting to wonder if the choice of
Mr. Kissinger is not a clever maneuver by the White
House to contain an investigation it long opposed." The
Kissinger Commission New York Times, 29 Nov 2002

"...follow all facts, wherever they lead...."
George W. Bush, 27 Nov 2002

Old Pals in the White House Cabinet Room, 17 June 1976
Bush Senior (left middle), Cheney (centre, with hair!),
Kissinger (right, sitting)


Some two weeks ago or so much of the 'thinking' world
was stunned to hear that President Bush had appointed
Henry Kissinger as Chairman of the 'independent'
commission of inquiry into the 911 attacks on the US.
It is well known in political and academic circles that
Kissinger is a past master of secrecy and deception,
even if the impression of him held by a sometimes poorly
informed general public is commonly an honourable one.

The Bush administration had long delayed agreeing to
legislation on the 911 inquiry until it could be sure of
finding a chairman whom it could rely upon not to dig
too deep. But now Kissinger has himself suddenly
resigned, throwing the Bush 911 cover-up strategy into
disarray - at least for the moment.

Right from the minute he was appointed to lead the
Commission, fierce public pressure built up on Kissinger
to declare his conflicts of interest, and in particular
to disclose the clients of his private consulting firm
'Kissinger Associates'.

Rather than concede to this Kissinger has now decided to
resign his post, despite the major embarrassment this
causes to both himself and the White House. Such has
been the brazen arrogance of the Bush administration
since 911 that clearly neither Kissinger nor the White
House had anticipated the intense public pressure that
would arise for the disclosure of his business

Given the highly damaging nature of the resignation it
is difficult not to conclude that such disclosure must
have had the potential to lead to even worse, and
therefore immense, embarrassment. And indeed this seems
more than likely. In particular disclosure would almost
certainly have placed further public attention on
Kissinger's role as an adviser to US oil company Unocal
and its relationship with the Taliban in Afghanistan
(more details below).

But this would not have simply been a personal
embarrassment to Kissinger. The Unocal trail leads
directly to Enron and then on towards Vice President
Dick Cheney.

Former federal war crimes prosecutor John Loftus already
claims knowledge of paperwork confirming secret dealings
between Enron and the Taliban. According to Loftus an
al-Qaeda document on this subject was discovered in 1998
by FBI counter-terrorism chief, John O'Neil, following
the US embassy bombings in Africa.

The real dynamite, however, is that Loftus also claims
that Cheney instructed the FBI in January 2001 to
back-off investigations of al-Qaeda in order to protect
Enron's interest in the development of a gas pipeline
through Afghanistan. That pipeline was originally due
to be built by Unocal, with no less than Henry Kissinger
himself hired by them to advise on the project.

O'Neil resigned from the FBI in the summer of 2001 in
protest at the attempts by the Bush administration to
obstruct him in his pursuit of al-Qaeda - and the rest,
as they say, is history. Or not quite.

Although O'Neil took a job at the World Trade Centre
following his resignation and was killed in the attacks
on 911, Loftus says that fellow FBI agent Robert Wright
has compiled his own findings on the Enron block.
Wright has, however, been prevented by his superiors
from publishing them.

Nonetheless Wright told the press earlier this year
about other aspects of FBI efforts to stifle terrorist
investigations. The FBI continues to illegally refuse
the release of his 500 page manuscript, 'Fatal Betrayals
of the Intelligence Mission', that he submitted for
prepublication review in October 2001. In fact, the FBI
has even refused to turn the manuscript over to Sen.
Richard C. Shelby, Vice Chairman of the Joint
Intelligence Commitee, charged with investigating the
FBI's intelligence failures. Wright has now launched a
lawsuit against the FBI.

So with a variety of time bombs apparently ticking away
in the background, and with Kissinger no longer in a
position to neutralise them on behalf of the White
House, what is the Bush administration now going to do
about the 911 Commission? It's too late to stop the
inquiry because it's already on the statute books. The
legislation was finally signed by Bush in November once
Kissinger had been secured for the job. Now Kissinger
is suddenly gone and so too is the Commission's vice

Is Bush's luck in fact starting to run out, or will
Cheney be able to retrieve the situation for him?

The replacement that has already been secured for the
Vice Chair of the Commission - Lee Hamilton - is a
Democrat previously accused of participating in inquiry
cover-ups of alleged wrongdoings by Bush's father during
the Reagan era (ominously the official records of
previous Presidents have now been subjected to an
Executive Order by Bush junior restricting public access
to them).

The earlier Bush related inquiries in which Hamilton was
involved concern the 'October Surprise' and
'Iran-Contra' scandals. And Cheney was in there too -
according to the reporter who broke parts of the
Iran-Contra story through Newsweek and Associated Press.
In a more recent analysis entitled 'Covering Up
Iran-Contra' (Consortium News, 5 November 2000 ) he
comments on Hamilton's and Cheney's role in that
investigation as follows:

"A senior committee source said one of Cheney's top
priorities was to block Democrats from deposing Vice
President Bush about his Iran-contra knowledge.......
Despite surrendering to Cheney's demands time and again,
Hamilton failed, in the end, to get a single House
Republican to sign the final report. Only three
moderate Republicans on the Senate side - Warren Rudman,
William Cohen and Paul Trible - agreed to sign the
report, after extracting more concessions. Cheney and
the other Republicans submitted a minority report that
denied that any significant wrongdoing had occurred....
The watered-down Iran-contra majority report essentially
let Vice President Bush off the hook. Bush's political
career was saved..... [and in] 1989, Cheney became
Bush's defense secretary."

In the case of the 'October Surprise' hearings, one
senior White House correspondent pointed out at the time
that "Hamilton held a press conference to clear Bush
before the investigation into the deal between the
Reagan-Bush candidates for presidential office and the
Iranians, had even started."

Despite his Democrat background Hamilton's closeness to
the Bush Administration is clear. A PTI newswire 21
December 2000 states: "According to Republican sources,
former Democratic Congressman Lee Hamilton's nomination
as either Ambassador to the UN or as CIA director is
also being considered (by the new Bush Administration)".
Hamilton also holds Central Intelligence Agency and
Defense Intelligence Agency awards.

The key issue now for the 911 commission is who will be
appointed to replace Kissinger, and will Kissinger,
Cheney and Bush themselves be subpoenaed to give

On the face of it things may not be too hopeful.
According to an ABC News news report before the
Kissinger resignation "President Bush does not envision
testifying before an independent commission
investigating the Sept. 11 attacks .... The bill being
signed by Bush, in most cases, requires six of 10 panel
members to approve subpoenas, meaning at least one GOP
[i.e Republican] panelist would have to side with
Democrats to compel Bush's testimony. The White House
withheld its support of the bill until it could ensure
subpoena powers were limited."

How this situation is justified when President Clinton
was forced into giving evidence on the Lewinsky saga - a
matter of infinitely trivial importance by comparison -
is beyond imagination. A dozing or pathetically servile
American press has yet to forcefully raise this simple

However, a week (or a fortnight in this case) is a long
time in politics, especially as the anti-war movement in
the US now seems to be growing fast. Nonetheless there
is a danger that the Kissinger 911 fiasco could cause
panic to set in at the White House, making the media
diversion that would be caused by a war with Iraq (not
to mention the likely ensuing chaos in the Middle East)
an even more appealing option for the lunatic Bush team.

Or are the wheels about to come off their wagon before
they get the chance? Events can overtake even the most
cunning, and much may be yet in store.

As John Loftus neatly puts it: "... the information
provided by European intelligence sources prior to 9/11
was so extensive, that it is no longer possible for
either CIA or the FBI to assert a defense of
incompetence... If Congress ever combines its Enron
investigation with 9/11, Cheney's whole house of cards
will collapse."




Mr. Bush's new criminal edict now states Americans can
rise up for America to kill him as a terrorist and be
thought Just and God Worthy. I Agree with bush finally.

Our Mr. Bush Jr., that evil nazi fuck, that American
cop killer, now figures to ask all CIA officers, to kill
him and rumsfeld as documented proven terrorists, and
they will not face prosecution by US people to do so.
Wow, what leadership! Exactly what I've been telling
you. See, bush figures every CIA officer, somewhere
around 20,000, is a heroin cocaine dealer, who was in on
9/11 to kill their own Families as disrespected. Sorry
to say Mr. bush, you evil demon of hatred for God as
ignorance and stupidity, that call is not completely
your own as satan. Clinton told US, as does rumsfeld
openly, you had no public evidence against Laden to hold
Our position while ignoring the evidence and closing
investigations, nor against the People of Iraq who have
suffered from crimes against humanity perpetrated by
bush's dad. No, bush as the anti-Christ, the lame brain
deceiver of darkness and death, misery and suffering,
the Earth's evilest criminal, has, as confessed, no
God's truth that would stand in a Public court of Law as
Justice, nor likely against most of the other
individuals, bush has named without evidence as
Humanity's enemy, to advocate his demise as traitor to
(oops,) forgotten American Constitutional values. See,
Justice stands strong for good reason, Indivisable, and
the Living Universe is of intelligence known to be so.
While the anti-Christ's closed private crime circle is
comprised to be publicly known factually, of some of the
world's biggest known war criminals, drug dealers and
pension shysters, practically none elected, who figure,
Americans won't ever be bright enough to save themselves
as worthy of discussion, if they can't read or write, or
think at all for themselves but for on Bright
Commercials. I didn't see my name there on BUSH'S worst
enemies of Humanity list, established again, without
public evidence. THINK! I'd execute bush and rumsfeld
for escaping arrest for killing US people without a
second hesitation but for the overall ignorance of
corporatized Americans, who put their real Freedom to
understand their own soul convictions as individuals
entrusted blindly to bush without question or
explanation, (to ANYONE) mindless slaves in blinded
faith to a false ungodly deity, a demon that demands
Americans be forbidden to demand right turns on the
journey to their willed sacrifice as cowards, demanding
as bush does for his private america, Humanity also by
criminal threat be deprived Justice (truth, Godhood),
for themselves included, under himself as a thieving
dictator anti-American war monger. Mr. bush Jr. never
mentions US, nor do most corporate news services...
Why? Because what I state is true, and they lie for
bush to rob and kill US all as ignored to die
undeserving. Mr. bush has now publicly threatened to
use landmines and nukes against Humanity, if without
evidence he should decide privately in secret the
indiscriminate killing of People would be a good thing
as himself against Americans, because he personally was
involved in 9/11! Think American nazi bush pukes! Mr.
bush Jr. is a sociopathic monster. Mr. bush Jr.
murdered American Police officers, and robbed from their
grandparents OPENLY, 50 billion, therefor, as bush
advocates, should more innocent Americans be murdered
for it? Yet still, corporate america states america is
not worth knowing of, as the Living to survive by
knowledge, or agreed measurement of devaluing assets.
Some people might wonder, like unthinking bushwhore
slave puppets, why is it that the RCMP, the Secret
Service, nor the FBI makes no public complaints against
myself, nor foolishly attempt to criminally arrest me
for standing on indivisible Justice?, even after
speaking with me personally to clarify Our positions as
documented? I'll tell you, as I tell any soldier brave
enough to listen without running away as cowards, or a
challenge to the death in a fight against God as the bad
guys. The evidence on Our Mr. Bush and rotten rumsfeld
is true whether I articulate it as my own opinion or
not. The American flag waving Taliban were in support
of the arrest of the actual perpetrators of 9/11, while
rumsfeld advocates the incarceration and torture of
completely innocent individuals, as not charged for any
criminal offence, that he has actually stated, he would
never wish released as possibly farmers with beards or
Freedom Fighters, while purposefully with franks,
funding heroin dealers for Enron with American blood
monied weapon manufactures. Gee, I wonder where that
could lead... Just more dead American Soldiers, right?
Who cares, right? Our Mr. bush Jr., the terrorist hand
book salesman, who wants to send american nazi soldiers
in hand to hand combat as criminals against two billion
God loving People in sixty countries? That of course is
not including China, yet. American Patriots must decide
individually, death and suffering, tyranny and
enslavment, or, we destroy demon traitor American cop
killer bush, rumsfeld, tommy franks, and Jew hater ariel
sharon for purposefully murdering US as the innocent to
steal our worths. What shall it be? A nation without
protectors run as slaves to be continually devalued, or
a Nation committed to freedom, and justice for US all?
We also need to be campaining to have blair immediately
arrested for being an accessory to murder in Britain,
what with the bombing of People to make it look like the
IRA did it, that blair has personally threatened all of
Britian to not talk freely about! (How deceptively evil
is that?) Then finally, get rid of the corruption of
elections in America by going back to paper ballots?

What do you think?

Mr. Bush and rotten rumsfeld don't want American
soldiers to go after the true evil doers by ACTUALLY
understanding so, because the evidence dictates, bush
and rumsfeld would be dead before daybreak as they
should be, for actually, factually, robbing and
murdering American Patriots, willingly, while
purposefully, attempting to war Our World to murder
millions more for their hatred towards God as America
like Jew hater ariel sharon does almost daily, while
ashcroft says as the top anti-Cop, he'll figure Justice
betterer secretly, as a total incompetent. Bill of
Rights be damned under the bushmob, and we can be sure,
CBC rarely, or CNN's Blitzer, or Hemmer, aren't gonna
speak up for YOU right?, Loser? The corporate news
channels continue to broadcast, that we, as Humanity,
have no interest in Justice for Ourselves, or killing
criminal war monger bush immediately to stop further
bloodshed of ourselves as the understood as communicated
innocent and unrepresented by corporate mandate to
remain unbiased, albeit, but for gods eternal, suffering
for nothing. Hemmer and Blitzer, the now open to all
nazi fascists, (I've contacted them both regarding the
facts), know full well, bush and rumsfeld are mass
murderers, terrorists who perpetrated 9/11 willingly,
planned with general Ahmad, (who funded Atta), a demon
plan to invade Afghanistan for refusing to side for
Enron's interest, an evil plan to not follow the
criminal evidence, thereby an unsubstantiated verdict on
behalf of "US" as the victimized, left unjustified,
confessed to as fully implemented by the WhiteHouse, NO
EVIDENCE as a pre-requisit, developed prior to 9/11 to
COMMIT MURDER to steal our Value. Prior to 9/11. Our
Mr. bush Jr. didn't offer any evidence, nor did he
want any to arrest bin Laden as his terrorist war
EVIL INCARNATE! See, your either with US, or your with
bush, the terrorist of terrorists. Read that last bit
again please. As well, being terrorist harborers and
funders like Britain's blair is also, but look friends..
Hemmer speaks nothing for the AMERICAN FBI investigators
involved, nor Soldiers, who he knows, will be sacrificed
easily as evil nazi vermin against all Life and Freedom,
like he would watch saying nadda in contempt for himself
secretly, but shhh... We'll never know if CNN doesn't
say so. CNN refuses to do the job for America, but to
let be further plundered as not financially viable.
What is the value of your life, corporate american? I
mean, in relation to all things as yourself honestly in
bush's world? American Patriot, it is you my friend who
are on the cross to suffer really, dying far from Jesus
in cowardice for unjust bush and sharon is why I can do
no more for US, but blab as this does by fax, phone, and
in living person. You must also rise for yourself, your
Family, your friends, Your Freedom, to gain respect from
yourself everlasting worthwhile being, or die an
unthinking bush slave as coward and betrayer to yourself
honestly. Tip: Call the talk shows to publicly be hung
up on being truthful, for, we aren't as stupid as we
appear you know.

Please, don't let bush murder more like would be
Ourselves, unfactored as not worthy of your attention to
consider an equal, as God would without doubt see US die
helplessly without yourself to be awake and dreaming of
a better world for all eternally grateful.

I'm counting on you to believe in Humanity also.

Johnny Wizard


Holy Jesus Man!

Have you heard the Revelations from India's government
to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle
terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's,
General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal
confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it
was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist
plan existing as once top secret presidential documents,
and, that this same general, was also responsible for,
according to several members of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, developing the said war strategy of invading
Afghanistan on behalf of the evil bushmob, with the very
anti-human premise, of blaming bin Laden for a crime
without any evidence to substantiate our public
accusation, to murder more than a hundred thousand,
plus! A crime, 9/11, I will remind you, that for when
the evil plan was devised, hadn't even yet taken place.
But was threatened would happen, if the Taliban didn't
side for Enron's interests in serving for Ken Lay, one
of bush's many bum buddies. (They apparently do that
sort of thing on a regular basis, with all the members
in their secret meetings of the 'only Boners'
fraternity.) It doesn't take much either to understand
why rotten rumsfeld, corporate america's sweetheart,
(you know, the sadistic nazi war criminal who gets off
on murdering or torturing innocent people), told US he
wanted to have arrested those at the WhiteHouse and the
Pentagon, or even in the Military, who would dare as
Americans, to inform Americans what he and bush were
truly doing in their names.

Destroy the unelected unarrested heroin pushing American
cop killer war criminal, the demon we all know so well
as corporate america's false deity, the super evil doer
anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr. Now Patriot Soldier, and
be loved by all as Savior. Or not, and be a thoughtless
degenerate, a cowardly regressing nazi bush slave, who
would sacrifice your own family as yourself truly,
because JESUS CHRIST, life is living to survive for
Justice, as God is warranted to be as ourselves, with
equal rights to being as is of US all included. Mr.
ashcroft tells Americans he is purposefully destroying
their freedoms as legal due process because he, as an
idiot, and a traitor, has to fight ourselves as a
terrorist blindly in Our names without American Justice,
but never explains his action, is asked to, nor could
he. As ashcroft, like most in the bushmob are, is
founded completely unqualified. Why doesn't ashcroft
move to have bush and rumsfeld arrested or executed
immediately by following the criminal leads for 9/11 on
behalf of Americans as an American?, what with all the
ample evidence documented as factual and everything?
Instead, decides too, like the demon bush demands in
attempt to sway his capture, that evidence will no
longer be mandatory for him to decide who should be
stolen from, as the left dead to be robbed as forgotten
by Justice denied to all as Godly. American soldiers
are truly as represented, weak, slow, and painfully
pathetic cowards, refusing to protect their own families
as a national defense measure, instead, as nazi dumfuk
bush slaves, willingly support the murder of would be
themselves as criminals, truly against US all as the

Mr. bush was quoted once again defending his
irrationality as criminal murder rampages against the
innocent as ourselves like he did in New York City with
rumsfeld, by stating,

"Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say
something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an

The evil anti-Christ figures he'll just continue to rob
and murder American Patriots while destroying freedom as
Justice for US all, and simply escape Your wrath by
corporate america making no fuss to speak in Our defense
as the still living to be underestimated as equals.

Destroy Our Mr. bush Jr. now, and be loved by all as
God would!

From: British News
July 17, 2002
Britain backs US plan for attack on Iraq
By Philip Webster, Political Editor

(Quoting the terrorist supporter blair, Philip was),

``To be TRUTHFUL about it, there was no way we could
have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a
campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on
September 11.'' ...

Oh, so there was a criminal intent known also by
yourself then blair to prop up heroin pushers to save
Enron's impending criminal bankruptcy?

We have repeatedly witnessed, CNN and CBC refusing to
represent our Democracies, our FBI officers, like airing
Coleen Rowley, General Ahmad, or the sabotaging of the
Moussouie investigation by ashcroft, or the CIA,
regarding the insider stock trades, or dealing heroin.
The innocence of the Taliban for 9/11, and the barbarity
of the Northern Alliance as heroin pusher slave owners.
No, every single american according to CNN being
unbiased, does not want bush the anit-Christ arrested
immediately for killing Americans in New York City to
steal our worths and freedoms as worthy of defence
matters by their own measure as corporate cultists. As
I told you, Bill Hemmer and several other celebs at CNN,
now are fully aware of bush and rumsfeld being the true
purpetrators of 9/11, yet, Bill continues to play evil
against US all, figuring nobody ever will know without
CNN coverage on his contempt for American Patriots he
asks to have sacrificed for as bushwhores like himself
and Blitzer. CNN refuses to protect Americans as equals
commited to Justice for US all.

It was just reported by Chris Marden on the 27 November
2002, that bush's top whore richard pearl, has advised
Britsh MPs, that bush secretly as the anti-Christ has no
intention of allowing the Iraqi inspection process to
succeed, and instead, is commited to murder ourselves
either way.

Again, bush and blair, like CNN, have no evidence to
substantiate their allegations against Saddam, and have
stated because they have no evidence, they therefor as
demons, can murder anyone on the face of this planet to
steal our lives in OUR names as US innocent. Mr. blair
and the bushmob have recently stated, that they have no
evidence that Saddam has any WMDs, nor, is any threat to
OUR WORLD community, and because of that, if the
inspectors find no weapons, and Saddam insists it is
because he doesn't have any, this, accordingly, would
give these criminal master minds a cause to murder
hundreds of thousands of innocent people, if not
millions, and steal all the assets of the Iraqi people,
while destabilizing our entire endangered species. They
are mass murderers, threatening humanity to recommit
more murder as TERRORISTS! Never while I stand ALIVE
evil nazi dumb fucks. KILL BUSH NOW! Hey, have you
heard about rotten rumsfeld's P2OG? "O", as in Oh
rumsfeld is truly an evil fuck! Apparently, rumsfeld
wants to provoke terrorist activity to murder ourselves
as innocent cilivilians, as an opportunity to invade any
country he wants to rob and plunder further. Also, most
importantly, according to the official documents, rotten
rumsfeld figures it would be important when he and his
mobsters commit these crimes, it be understood, that
nobody be able to trace it to himself, or his partners
in crime, so they figure, the criminal acts should be
carried out through his department at the pentagon,
then, get this, he won't therefor be accountable, or
scrutinized by the American people through corporate
news channels. The offical pentagon report details

You see the American cop killer unelected bush or blair,
tommy franks the death squad recruiter child killer,
unelected rumsfeld or unelected cheney, unelected
poindexter or unelected ashcroft, you kill them
instantly for attempting to escape the criminal arrests
of those responsible for mass murder of Americans in New
York City. You either shoot them dead on the spot, or
tear them to pieces with your bare hands God lovers. No
legitimate judge, jury, or police officer, would do
anything but commend you for saving OUR lives. The
bushmob our threatening our entire humanity with
criminal murders to rob from ourselves deliberately.
Counting on american nazi troops to mindlessly slave to
their orders, soldiers so unbelievably dumb, weak, and
cowardly to allow the bushmob to rob not only from their
own parents and children, but even themselves as they
fall dead as cowards, before they even dare to publicly
ask questions about what the fuck they're actually
doing, that frankly, leaves me even beginning to have my
own doubts.


Mr. blair, you evil nazi fuck, you do not have OUR
consent to commit murder in our names against ourselves
as the innocent in Afghanistan, Iraq, or in Britain.
Especially now, what with your ties now made public to
terrorist acts through the IRA against innocent
civilians to steal our values, that you have threatened
US Brits to not learn of as having already. (Shayler.)
Mr. blair evil nazi fuck, WE DEMAND AS THE BELIEVERS IN

Americans, the world over are known as cowards, dumb,
and willing victims for bush sacrifice as lifeless
degenerates, but the Brits, well, you got a another
thing coming!

Johnny Wizard has decided to stay for snacks.

Some quotes from:

Americans Against World Empire, Americans Against Bombing

"Moslems don't hate us because we are "good" or "free."
They hate us because we have been killing them, a
million dead in Iraq, and humiliating them," Editors

"Bush, himself the most intellectually backward American
president of my political lifetime, is surrounded by
advisers whose bellicosity is exceeded only by their
political, military and diplomatic illiteracy," Gerald
Kaufman Former Labor Party Shadow Foreign
Secretary,Balt. Sun 8/23

`You know what I believe, and you know I can't do
anything about it with the crazies in this
administration.' Colin Powell's Eyebrows NY Times

"Americans will also have to accept that their
triumphalism and disdain for international law are
creating enemies everywhere, not just among Muslims,"
How Islam Lost its Way, WASH. POST 12/30

"Nevertheless, the president continues to divide
humanity into the moral equivalent of shirts and skins.
"Our responsibility to history," he said, "is already
clear: to answer these attacks and rid the world of
evil." Not only is this a ludicrous principle on which
to base a foreign policy but also an equally ludicrous
interpretation of the world's major religions. Mr.
Bush should pull out his trusty Bible and brush up on
what it says about original sin," Arianna 12/6/01

The Most Dangerous Man on Earth ---Today the world faces
a single man armed with weapons of mass destruction,
manifesting an aggressive, bullying attitude, who may
well plunge the world into chaos and bloodshed if he
miscalculates. This person, belligerent, arrogant and
sure of himself, truly is the most dangerous person on

"In 1960, when I came out of prison as an ex-convict, I
had more freedom under parolee supervision than there's
available to an average citizen in America right now...
God almighty, what have we done to each other?" Merle

"The Sudanese rebels had...Israeli support." Wall Street
Journal 9/17

"well-funded, semi-autonomous, unconventional centers of
U.S. foreign policy." America's Pro-Consuls

"Average annual cost per military service member,
including training, pay and benefits is now $98,425," NY
TIMES 4/19/02 according to study by Stephen Daggett,
military analyst at the Congressional Research Service

"Now, in the views of many scholars, Bush has restored
the ``Imperial Presidency,'' a term Arthur Schlesinger
Jr. used to describe Richard M. Nixon's administration
in 1973.

``The power President Bush is wielding today is truly
breathtaking,'' said Tim Lynch, director of the Project
on Criminal Justice at the libertarian Cato Institute.
``A single individual is going to decide whether the war
is expanded to Iraq. A single individual is going to
decide how much privacy American citizens are going to
retain.'' Wash. Post 11/22

"We do not agree that if Iraq complies with its
obligations concerning weapons of mass destruction,
sanctions should be lifted." --Madeleine Albright from
an essay by John Pilger (The Guardian 03/04/2000) This
never countermanded by Bush.

"'Smart Sanctions' make no provison for paying salaries
of civl servants in Iraq. Therefore, regardless of how
much medicine, chalk and chlorine arrives in Iraq,
doctors, nurses, teachers, water and sanitation
engineers will remain underpaid and desperate to find
the income to support their families The Iraqis' meager
income is already less than a quarter of pre-Guilf War
levels." ECONOMIST 1/26/02

At the other pole is Donald "Rumsfeld's Pentagon,
increasingly seen by some as an asylum where a coterie
of vengeful Cold War unilateralist relics plot a return
to a forceful, Reaganesque Pax Americana, broadening the
war to encompass military action against Iraq, Syria,
and Lebanon--essentially fusing Israel's national
security agenda with that of the United States. No fans
of multilateralism or diplomatic initiatives, this
crew--despite its majority's lack of uniform service or
time spent in combat zones--is particularly bellicose,
and contemptuous of Powell and his belief in conflict
limitation," Saddam in the Cross Hairs

"Making truth the first casualty of our war against
terrorism carries a price. Other nations and peoples
are more resentful of pious hypocrisy than of
Realpolitik bluntness." Bruce Fein, 10/9, WASHINGTON

``Who has reason to hate this country? Only a few
hundred million people -- Arabs, Muslims, Serbs, and
numerous others whose countries have been hit by U.S.
bombers. Imagine hating a country so much that you were
willing to cross an ocean and carry out an elaborate
revenge against its people, killing yourself in the
process. This is something far more than the sort of
ideological anti-Americanism that leads student mobs to
throw stones at U.S. embassies abroad; that's kid
stuff. This is an obsessive, fanatical, soul-consuming
hatred,'' Joseph Sobran column

Scott Ritter, the former UNSCOM inspector who dealt with
the Iraqis many times, recently told CNN on 2/18/01 "In
terms of large-scale weapons of mass destruction
programs, these had been fundamentally destroyed or
dismantled by the weapons inspectors as early as 1996,
so by 1998 we had under control the situation on the
ground." Saddam, says Ritter, poses no immediate threat.
Again confirmed Yahoo 4/11/02

Some 7,000 Jewish settlers in Gaza (mostly American
immigrants) take up 40% of the land, with 1.3 million
Palestinians crammed into the rest, WALL STREET JOURNAL

"The West Bank is not a political battle at all. It is
a contest over whether or not the word of God is
true....Israel has a right to the land," U.S. Senator
James Inhofe, Republican leader in Senate, 12/4/01

How Cheap it is to "Buy" Congress --Enron gave donations
of about $500,000 per election, Israeli Lobby gives 2

"Palestinians recognized Israel's right to exist, in
return for a future state in Gaza & the West Bank in the
Oslo accords," signed in 1993. Wall Street Journal,

"There is now one commissioned officer for every five
enlisted, it was one to six just 10 years ago, and one
to ten in WWII," Carlton Meyer

"Washington's turning a blind eye to Turkish human
rights abuses, and its sponsorship of the expansion of
Turkish influence in the region, have probably done more
than anything else to convince Russians that American
rhetoric about human rights is hypocritical, and that
the United States is implacably hostile to Russian
interests ....unnecessary and frivilous
provocations...." Anatole Lieven, NATIONAL INTEREST
winter 1999

"The Russian Defense Budget is $4 Billion, the
American--$284 Billion" NEW YORK TIMES 1/16/2000; "Rus.
attack Submarine fleet down from 200 to 20," WASH. POST
8/16/2000; Rus. surface fleet now 35 ships, English
Navy has 34, Since end of cold war Rus have cut their
fleets by 80%, LONDON TIMES, 10/20/00) Anatol Lieven
reports that the total Russian budget for 2001 is $42
Billion (NYT 4/13/01)

"The plight of the Russian military also raised
questions about the justification of U.S. military's
enormous budget, according to retired U.S. General
William Odom, a former director of the National Security
Agency, "It does raise the question of why we need 10
carrier battle groups and close to 100 attack
submarines," he said. The U.S. budget for 1999 was
almost $280 billion while the Kremlin Russian budget was
just a fraction of that, at an estimated $5.6 billion.

Under an agreement ratified by Kyrgyzstan, it would earn
US$7,000 for each takeoff or landing of a U.S. Air
Force plane.......some thirty to forty
U.S.fighter-bombers and several transport planes are to
be stationed at the airbase at Manas. JAMESTOWN MONITOR

"In another action, Ashcroft moved to inhibit press
freedom, a First Amendment right, by encouraging federal
agencies to use the pretense of national security to
hide public records that the press is ordinarily
entitled to receive under the Freedom of Information
Act. The law was passed during the Cold War to
encourage an open government. Last month Ashcroft
issued a memo to federal agencies telling officials that
if they decide to deny requests for information filed
under the FOIA, they "can rest assured that the
Department of Justice will defend your decisions ... ."
Helen Thomas

"U.S. military has established 'zones of exclusion'
near sensitive U.S. military installations and during
major exercises in which international airspace laws are
declared invalid. The Gulf of Sidra conflicts with
Libya in the 1980s occurred whenever the U.S. 6th Fleet
established a huge "zone of exclusion" just off the
Libyan coast..... In one incident, a hotdog Navy F-14
pilot shot down two Libyan Su-22s which were cruising
off the coast. The Navy concocted a phony "dogfight"
story...... For the past ten years, the USA has mocked
international law by unilaterally imposing "no-fly
zones" over most of Iraq and parts of the Balkans,"
Carlton Meyer

"Here we are, the most powerful nation in the world, the
sole surviving superpower, and around the globe our
military folks are hunkered down like inmates in
maximum- security prisons. In dozens of other overseas
hot spots, our soldiers live in virtual barbwire-
enclosed fortresses and call themselves POPs --
prisoners of peace," Col. David Hackworth

And 500,000 Iraqi children died, after PR atrocity lies
(Hill & Knowlton) that 20 babies were thrown out of
incubators by Iraqi soldiers. (ed.)

Rus. Military Spending $6+ Billion; China Military
Budget $17 Billion; Bush 6/01 wants $329 Billion

"There is virtually no situation anywhere in the world
that can't be made worse by U.S. intervention,"
Stromberg's Law (THE COSTS OF WAR, Transaction
Publishers, l997)

"The U.S. has perverted the U.N. weapons process by
using it as a tool to justify military actions, falsely
so. ... The U.S. was using the inspection process as
a trigger for war." --Scott Ritter, former head of the
U.N. arms inspection team in Iraq, on the NBC TODAY
SHOW, December 17, 1998.

Johnny Wizard

Kill bush Now!
Ask any public american bush supporter, why do they
mindlessly as slaves without thought to question,
advocate as terrorists, the planned for murder of those
known by all to be innocent? As yourself, publicly
accused in our names without evidence, as done so by the
bushmob is still, and will be for always, the high crime
of murder in the first degree. A crime well
established, as again, I am filing as voiced publicly,
against the perpetrator war criminal bush Jr., and
rotten rumsfeld, as pirates of my freedom to live for
such willingly. I demand their immediate arrest or
execution as confessed guilty for 9/11. An american
soldier to not do so, is no American Patriot, but a nazi
coward, and a traitor against all the nation as America
for the People enshrined by the Constitution, as equals
under God, innocent until proven otherwise.
Do you think I'm going to go silent?, while the bushmob
murders innocent people in humanity's name to steal
freedom's won value?, as garnered only through Justice
ever fought for? Do you think US for a fool maybe
corporate devolving human haters? Mr. bush and
rumsfeld, who with General Ahmad, were the central
perpetrators of 9/11, as the actual evidence is
concretely established by the FBI and MSNBC with
presidential directive documents, with no contention
offered from anyone, for as vile evil is deceived,
they've already confessed to the deed as guilty of,
against the American people as it's Justice system is of
ourselves truly living.
But yes, american soldiers are too weak minded to pay
attention as even alive apparently, according to almost
all American corporate news broadcasts, as worth
consideration whatsoever. I'd have to agree, on general
terms, americans soldiers represented, are cowardly nazi
dumb fuck scums. Read posts at us.military by signed so
as bush whores. Barely literate, who spout endlessly
about how good it feels to drop bombs on US as the
innocent and practically defenseless, while cowering in
fear from those who suggest their job is to protect
America as the equal rights through law instills, not
for the evil, unelected anti-Christ, American cop
killer, Our Mr. Bush Jr. to steal further from the
American ideal.
We witness in silence to watch their OWN protectors run
away to be cowards to drop bombs on ourselves in
Afghanistan, so the bushmob can sell heroin and leave
the Afghans unprotected, and so further too, rifle all
our savings as won for already battles. A criminal is
only to be, as known so by evidence. Those to hide the
identity of bush's america war reason as good cause, is
a deceived nation murdering innocent people to steal our
purpose as themselves, unworthy. Like evil tommy franks
the terrorist does, murdering people indiscriminately as
the unrepresented by corporate outrage, to be denied
justice for yourself too american dimwit. Or rumsfeld,
who after implementing the strategy to murder good
police officers, offered a reward to kill Omar the Just,
because Omar publicly suggested arresting the terrorists
by following the actual ample evidence as the true
American belief system lost to the evil dictates of
Un-American rumsfeld's illegitimacy, unchallenged by
corporate standards. All of America's intellectuals are
forbidden from public acknowledgement through corporate
cult standards, though, like Chomsky, sell millions of
books almost yearly to US masses. Fuck, I'd destroy
American traitor, American cop killer bush, rumsfeld, or
death squad leader tommy franks in a heart beat, how
about you American Patriot Soldier? Evidence these
three sadistic nazi demon child killers demand we no
longer follow, to arrest the true criminals, for 9/11 as
example, which would be naturally, the bushmob
themselves, headed by the royal dumb fuk, america's
false deity, the anti-Christ, Our Mr. Bush Jr., the
evilest thing that has ever existed in the entire
history of humanity. The american corporate news
entertainers, do everything they can, to rob from the
great American people, their life savings and living
standards, by actively working to watch the bushmob
destroy the American Constitution through ample
corporate media access, er, coverage to not be so
concerned with those freedom living matters for our
entertainment value. Ask a dumb fuk nazi bush
supporter, what a regressive tax is, and they'll go
mindlessly blank, while advocating the robbery of their
Own grand parents with VLTs, as their very own family
being cheated, and mislead, which is why, they are so
stuck ignorantly evil, and dumb as themselves TRULY,
honest to God, whoreshiping to bush as their all knowing
false god unthinkingly. Americans are truly dumb son.
(2% Social Security are what Americans are getting back
in themselves as investment, but the nazi bush
supporters don't want Americans to publicly figure the
simple math, but instead, to get access to CNN almost
daily need only advocate further shysting, as americans,
on the whole, are genuinely stupid to be conned
generally as a nation that, in total, holds the highest
rates of illiteracy, innumeracy, incarceration, and just
overall, dumb fuckedness.) Mr. rumsfeld tells american
nazi soldiers he wishes to torture and imprison
completely innocent individuals as would be their own
brothers and sisters, as denying us all legal due
process, while purposefully, publicly advocating more
terrorism to benefit the coffers at the Pentagon, and do
American soldiers not just shoot him, and bush dead
immediately as war criminal mad men on the loose
re-offending? No. Not present anywhere as Brave
Americans ready for sacrifice apparently. Too fucking
stoopid to tink about duh American flag as worth
protecting as their own brethren still living. We hear
corporate america go on about how important it is to
murder established as innocent people for no reason but
to put more money in bush and rumsfeld's thieving
pockets, while managing CNN for less
responsibility,(Less investment for the time spent, or..
more money for the buck right?) all over the arguments
that terrorist threats exist secretly that no one
actually knows about, while I, Johnny Wizard, tell NRA
members publicly, and American soldiers to destroy bush
and rumsfeld immediately to many thousands the world
over, relying only on the facts clearly documented.
Yet, corporate america makes no mention about the
importance of practicing the tenants of law to apprehend
the two demon fascists, while instead, tells US those
that hate bush with a vengeance, just live in some cave
hidden away unknown somewhere secretly, and do so
because... We hate freedom under bush as dictator. Mr.
Bush, you demon nazi freedom hater, you and me, a fight
to the end, bare hands, televised, world wide, then
rumsfeld, ashcroft, and finally tommy franks and his
wimp ass slave boys. The evidence for 9/11 I stand
with, is irrespective of my opinion. The bushmob
actually killed Americans in New York city, and no one
can actually find disagreement with the documented to be
true facts, not the FBI, the CIA, the RCMP, nor, the
Secret Service. Nor any of the many police officers I
have spoken honestly with. But they, as the corporate
cult cogs down at corporate news command, continue to
lie as the American public to be drawn cowardly conning,
uninterested in arresting or immediately executing bush
and rumsfeld as mass murderers, instead, to continue to
murder and rob from those they believe are weak as
underrepresented by corporate control without themselves
as US being. Ever. Bill Hemmer knows bush killed all
those many, like himself in New York City, and he speaks
nothing in his defense as a victim to his own shallow
existence, as nor does he speak in defense of soldiers
sacrificed to be as easily propagandized to become
traitors to their own family and neighbors. Well, I,
for one, am willing to mark down cowardly american
soldiers for what they truly are individually, and will
continue to Fight as I have, as a true American Patriot,
until, those left standing for Freedom, are those who
uphold the Amercan principles as law in the American
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, to garner true
happiness for the American Nation of Human beings the
Universe over. Think NRA member. I'll post this to
practically every American military usenet group, and
not one American Soldier will articulate a disagreement
with our findings as documented, however, CNN will
continue to broadcast, that WE, the God Loving, the Just
Living, the Atheists, are a poor minority worth
sacrifice in the millions for demon bush as the unheard
publicly from on the importance of your Justice to be
so. That they, the corporate cultists, wish YOUR
unquestioning faith and dying obedience for bush to
suffer and die undeserving for, is as they witness our
world to be what they see to be themselves. Practicing
their machinations as corporate agenda. Unthinking...
Kill bush now!
Johnny Wizard
Is Enron Behind The War In Afghanistan?
Look, American soldier..
You now should know, bush and rumsfeld murdered
Americans in New York City, and as consequence, have no
interest in acknowledging as pursued the criminal
investigations. CNN holds no responsibility, as we
witness repeatedly, to American soldiers, but to harbor
those who pirate our rights to openly steal real lives.
If bush makes no mention of himself stealing 50 billion
dollars, murdering American police officers, sabotaging
the weapons inspections process, funding israeli
atrocities against the God loving, and warring our world
as the anti-Christ by running death squads against the
innocent, well, CNN, the american success, sure ain't
gonna be speaking out for your stolen freedoms poor
dying comrades. For what benefit in market share would
there be to work for your living, dirt bagged? CNN is
so colorfully excited about selling the glossy bush war
to kill the poor stupid people, but for what american
fascist weak binded bushmobbed soldier without
principles? Again, how stupidly dunce does a poor
cowardly american soldier have to be to not believe?
Nobody but a cult corporatized illiterate fascist nazi
vermin parasite, just like Jew hater ariel sharon would
support the murder of American soldiers for a criminal
conflict that doesn't serve to protect. But if it, as
bush nazi evil does with little struggle over the masses
complaining, and america marches off to criminally war
the third world as the bad guys, our World, indeed this
Universe will then know the absolute true cowardice of
american soldiers, as premised upon the weakness of
america's army to not uphold America's own rule of Law
for freedom as themselves included. It only takes One
Soldier to turn this tide to destroy bush Jr. and
rotten rumsfeld, and that Soldier is where in America
partner? Who American soldier, do you think bush as
traitor does steal from as the duped General public as
corporately represented to be painfully unawares? Do
american soldiers have to convince themselves their
families are not worth fighting for, and instead, lay
their lives down in sacrifice to the bush demon who
would also steal from their graves as the lifeless to
speak out for themselves ever? Ever? Did you know
American Soldier, the Pentagon, after receiving
complaints from surviving soldier families, (some of
like the over a thousand documented American troops
slaughtered in Afghanistan) that taps wasn't being
played because of so little real talent present in
american military affairs, and that now, when a cowardly
American nazi soldier dies for the bushmob, the mock
national guard will hold a horn to his lips and act out
the part to your grieving as stolen from family, while
secretly pressing a hidden button, that will play a
cheaper recording? But shhhh...
The fact that you don't see this post, or others nearly
like it at american military internet sites, exemplifies
their fear and weakness to stand as a force worth
reconing with. (Look, we destroy bush and rumsfeld,
stop funding the drug trade and sharon, and begin the
public trials, all in three simple steps.) No, to be an
american soldier in bush's america today, you have to
hide from your cowardice like the 9/11 evidence, and be
something corporate news america is not. Involved.
Just go ahead and die for nothing american soldier, but
for to be unaccounted as hidden without value, while the
bushmob robs from your grand parents as unprotected.
Tis' true it does further seem, american soldiers, on
general terms, are super dumb ass nazi scums, who hold
little of no conviction to protect the America I
remember. Why? Because the unelected war criminal,
American traitor, mass murderer, cop killer bush is
still spewing his blind hatred for the progress of our
civilizations, instilled through law as a function to
gain justice for people, People who are suffering and
dying for bush's contempt of our American dream.
Destroy traitor bush and rumsfeld for escaping to
recommit murder today, and be actually caring for your
world tomorrow, or not, and deem yourself unworthy by
your own admission to play fair as the eternal standing
proud, strong, and forever free.
Free to be living justly for yourself
truly as caring to know this as everything.
Now, how about the Koran?

Johnny Wizard
Christ I'm Actually Rising!
Destroy the traitors to our humanity, the unelected
lawless dictator Mr. bush, and rotten rumsfeld the
sadistic savage now American Patriot Soldiers. Stand up
for your country, and live for your family. The
corporate TV news professionals show you, as an American
Soldier a concern for your life as unworthy of
discussion, actively censoring the political reality on
bush's america, while encouraging soldiers to commit
crimes against our being, by keeping us all uninformed
as the sacrificial sheeple. The bushmob have actively
worked to not arrest themselves for 9/11, and in so
doing, are purposefully ignoring the public evidence
that is freely available. Mr. Tenant and Mueller would
have you believe the officers of America, who have
completed the criminal investigations outlining the cop
killer bush, are unworthy as American Patriots serving
the cause for freedom and liberty to not be publicly
acknowledged, while blaming Laden for every terrorist
crime that happens before an police investigation even
begins! See? Evil deceived. What do you think? Is
not a list of all supporters of the bushmob in Congress,
who voted to dismantle the Constitution, and wage a
criminal war, as without just cause to murder Soldier
families for stolen Human values, a good list to be
broadcast? Or shall we sit in doubt while these
talentless demon monsters murder millions of US as
innocent cowards? Who isn't a freedom fighting al-Qaida
member according to the evil tommy franks dum fuk's
conclusion? How stupid can an American Soldier be, to
be asked by rumsfeld and CNN, to destroy their own
principles, and to sacrifice their lives for such
cowardice in whoreship to the evil dictates of the
anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.? And, to the still
groggy, without the payoffs of corporate america's holy
Larry King even!, or the anti-Semitic fascist Saturday
Night Live troop to boot your stupid carcass to the
front line as entertainment? BA HA HA HA (like SNL's
new, it's all so hilarious audience, paid for likely
because the degrading intolerant bigoted news crew, have
so little real talent performing to the robbed and dying
to be devalued and murdered by their inaction to even
joke about it. Why? No money in contributing to the
poor stupid people without TV contracts, or TVs,
electricity, or running water now that the clouds are
being privatized.) $155,000 is the base pay of bush's
now anti-American criminal congressmen, and that's
before corporate bribes, oops, I mean corporate BRIBES
to urge YOUR "willed" sacrifice in corporate america's
"democracy", now that bush's america is convinced
evidence is no longer a requirement to convince US, who
is truly an evil doer, or who actually wins elections on
behalf of the People. You ask yourself, again, who are
you dying for American Patriot Soldier? Know that this
paper, like all the rest, will reach the CNN and Coast
to Coast network staff under one name or another, and
yet, they'll continue to turn against the interests of
American soldiers by not addressing our present top
priority concerns regarding the facts on your schedule
for departure. Only broadcasting the popular, bush
contempt for all American lives as too much trouble, as
unworthy the free time to openly discuss things before
"they" die, all those nasty evil powerless People. I
dare you American, to be a Soldier and email this to
your brothers and sisters, to convince them with tough
Love, how you wouldn't want to see them die unjustly for
Mr. bush Jr., Art Bell, or even me as the Wizard. Or
spew instead, how you would as a traitor to yourself,
your family, your country, and God too, sacrifice your
worthless self as unfactored, but for to be a pitiful
coward, falling to die by your own sword on stupid evil
bush's corporate command over your rights to be
represented fairly. Be your own Savior!
Big G is cool, or not. You decide Holy.
The truly most as the living god King of all as Creator,
your servant and trying to be friend, a wizard and Thor,
the Secret Flower and Odin, Allah, Omega, Adam, Alpha,
Krishna, Shiva, Mithra, Mahdi, Anu and Yahweh. And even
a blade of grass, a snake and a elephant, a lion, rat,
monkey, giraffe, spider, shark, wolf, and bat, Lucifer
Morningstar, Jesus Christ, Oberon, an all mighty nobody
kinda even all ready.
P.S. Don't miss the awesome magic Johnny Wizard papers,
"Let Love Rule", or "Strange is Strange", slowly now
disappearing from your nearest search engine dealer!
Get your free copy now, before they're all gone to the
slave owners who truly have know power anyway...
Johnny Wizard
George Bush Plans High Crimes and Misdemeanors:
Why We Are Marching on October 26th
By Carl Messineo and Mara Verheyden-Hilliard
The authors, attorneys and co-founders of the
Partnership for Civil Justice ~ LDEF, are members of the
national steering committee of the A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act
Now to Stop War & End Racism) Coalition
George W. Bush has declared his intention to wage a
"preemptive" war against Iraq and is now seeking to
strong-arm the international community, the U.N., and
the Congress into support and submission. As members of
Congress rush to show their obedience and member states
of the U.N. line up to receive the anticipated spoils
of war, the administration is now waging a campaign to
convince the people of the United States to fall into
step and finance with money and blood this war brought
for conquest on behalf of the corporate and oil
interests that make up Bush's true constituency.
Bush's preemptive war is a war of aggression. The U.S.
policy supporting the war is not the rule of law, but
the rule of force.
But no U.N. resolution and no Congressional resolution
can legalize an illegal war. With pen to paper and
votes of support, they can only commit to wilful
ratification, complicity and responsibility for illegal
acts by endorsing a criminal enterprise.
A war of aggression violates the United States
Constitution, the United Nations Charter, and the
principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal. It violates the
collective law of humanity that recognizes the
immeasurable harm and unconscionable human suffering
when a country engages in wars of aggression to advance
its government's perceived national interests.
The National Security Strategy: Blueprint for Global
On September 20, 2002, the Bush Administration issued
its blueprint for global domination and ceaseless
military interventions, in its comprehensive policy
statement entitled "The National Security Strategy of
the United States."
The National Security Strategy sets forth the U.S.
military-industrial complex's ambition for the U.S. to
remain the world's superpower with global political,
economic and military dominance. The stated policy of
the U.S. is "dissuading military competition"1 and
preventing any other world entity or union of states
"from pursuing a military build-up in hopes of
surpassing, or equaling, the power of the United
The strategic plan elevates free trade and free markets
to be "a moral principle. . . real freedom"3 and
endorses a comprehensive global conquest strategy
utilizing the World Trade Organization, the Free Trade
Act of the Americas, the International Monetary Fund,
the World Bank, among other mechanisms.
The Washington Post reports that the National Security
Strategy gives the United States "a nearly messianic
role" in its quest for global dominance.4
The National Security Strategy confirms and elaborates
what was reflected in the January 2002 Nuclear Posture
Review, that the Bush Administration maintains a policy
of preemptive warfare contemplating the use of
non-conventional weapons of mass destruction as a first
strike measure.5
Turning Logic on Its Head
Bush's preemptive war policy is a war without just
cause. Under international law and centuries of common
legal usage, a preemptive war may be justified as an act
of self defense only where there exists a genuine and
imminent threat of physical attack.
Bush's preemptive war against Iraq doesn't even purport
to preempt a physical attack. It purports to preempt a
threat that is neither issued nor posed. Iraq is not
issuing threats of attack against the United States. It
is only the United States which threatens war.
It is not a war for disarmament. It is the U.S. which
has stockpiled nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
It is the U.S. which is directly threatening to use
these weapons against another country. It is the U.S.
which has bombed Iraq relentlessly for more than ten
years, killing scores of innocent civilians.
The Bush Administration turns logic on its head,
twisting reality in order to create the pretext for its
war of aggression. The Administration claims that the
necessary prerequisite of an imminent threat of attack
can be found in the fact that there is no evidence of an
imminent threat, and therefore the threat is even more
sinister as a hidden threat. The lack of a threat
becomes the threat, which becomes cause for war.
By the U.S. Government's own claims, it destroyed 80%
of Iraq's weapons capability in the earlier Gulf War,
and subsequently destroyed 90% of the remaining capacity
through the weapons inspections process. There has been
no evidence that Iraq is capable of an attack on the
U.S., let alone possessing the intention of carrying out
such an attack.
Bush's Proposed War and Current Threats Violate the U.S.
Constitution, the U.N. Charter and International Law
Bush's preemptive war policy and proposed attack on Iraq
cannot be justified under any form of established law.
The preemptive war policy and Bush's threatened new
military assault on Iraq violates U.S. domestic law and
international law. The warmongering, preparations for
war, and threats of violence coming from Bush, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Rice and other White House and Pentagon hawks,
are in and of themselves violations of international law
and constitute crimes against peace.
Article VI of the U.S. Constitution establishes that
ratified treaties, such as the U.N. Charter, are the
"supreme law of the land."
The Article 1 of the U.N. Charter establishes
"The purposes of the United Nations are. . . To
maintain international peace and sovereignty, and to
that end: to take effective collective measures for the
prevention and removals of threats to the peace, and for
the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches
of the peace and to bring about by peaceful means, and
in conformity with the principles of justice and
international law, adjustment or settlement of
international disputes or situations which might lead to
a breach of the peace. . . ."
Article 2 states that all member states "shall act in
accordance with the following Principles"
"...All members shall settle their international
disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that
international peace and security, and justice, are not
"All members shall refrain in their international
relations from the threat or use of force against the
territorial integrity or political independence of any
state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the
Purposes of the United Nations...."
Under this framework, acts of aggression, such as Bush's
threatened attack, are to be suppressed and force is
used only as a last and unavoidable resort.
The U.N. Charter was enacted in 1945 in the aftermath
of the devastation and suffering of World War II. The
Charter was enacted to bring an end to acts of
aggression, "to save succeeding generations from the
scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought
untold sorrow to mankind."
Disputes which might lead to a breach of the peace are
required to be resolved by peaceful means.
Chapter VI of the U.N. Charter, "Pacific Settlement of
Disputes," requires countries to "first of all, seek a
resolution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation,
conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort
to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful
means of their own choice."
No Resolution by the U.N. Security Council can Legalize
a Preemptive War or First Strike Plan
Bush has asked the U.N. Security Council to support
execution of Bush's policy of a potentially nuclear
"preemptive" war, as if that Council could endorse a war
of aggression. The Security Council lacks the legal
authority to grant such permission. The Security
Council, by affirmative vote or by acquiescence to U.S.
policy, cannot abrogate its own mandate. No collective
action by the fifteen permanent and temporary members of
the Security Council can lawfully violate the Charter
which is the sole source of their collective authority.
This is made clear in the U.N. Charter itself, which
provides in Article 24, that "In discharging these
duties the Security Council shall act in accordance with
the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations."
While there are, of course, procedures by which
collective use of force may be authorized by the
Security Council to maintain or restore international
peace and security (Articles 41 and 42) those procedures
may not be used to endorse aggression in violation of
the primary purposes of the U.N. Charter. Article 51
of the U.N. Charter acknowledges the right to
self-defense "if an armed attack occurs against a Member
of the United Nations until the Security Council has
taken measures necessary to maintain international peace
and security." None of the provisions allow for
authorization for Bush's war plans and first strike
strategies. Any resolution authorizing a preemptive war
of aggression is ultra vires, or null and void as beyond
the authority of the Council to enact.
The very issuance of the Bush doctrine of preemptive
warfare and also the threat to wage war against Iraq
are, each, a violation of international law as a crime
against peace, which is defined in the Nuremberg Charter
as the "Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a
war of aggression or a war in violation of international
treaties, agreements or assurances."
Responsibility for War Crimes
Neither Congress nor the President has the right to
engage the U.S. in a war of aggression and any vote of
endorsement, far from legalizing or legitimizing global
war plans, serves only as ratification of war crimes.
Under the principles of universal accountability
established at Nuremberg, "The fact that a person who
committed an act which constitutes a crime under
international law acted as Head of State or responsible
Government official does not relieve him from
responsibility under international law."6
The execution of economic sanctions by the Bush I, Bush
II and Clinton Administrations, which has caused the
deaths of over one million people, primarily children
and their grandparents, is likewise sanctionable as a
crime against humanity under the Nuremberg Charter and
under the International Criminal Court Statute as "the
intentional infliction of conditions of life,. . .
the deprivation of access of food to medicine,
calculated to bring about the destruction of a part of a
The Bush Administration has rejected the International
Criminal Court treaty signed by over 130 countries.
This rejection is an admission of the administration's
consciousness of guilt and of criminal intentions. The
Bush administration acts with a conscious disregard of
humanitarian laws and a stated intention to avoid
accountability for their crimes under international law
prohibiting crimes against the peace, war crimes and
crimes against humanity. The National Security Strategy
promulgated by the Bush administration states that the
United States "will take the actions necessary to ensure
that our efforts to meet our global security commitments
and protect Americans are not impaired by the potential
for investigations, inquiry or prosecution by the
International Criminal Court (ICC), whose jurisdiction
does not extend to Americans and which we do not
Endless War, Aggression and Terror
Once this policy of preemptive wars of aggression is
invoked by the Bush Administration to justify unprovoked
attacks against the centers of population in Iraq, the
doctrine will be used by the hawks in the administration
time and time again, and will also be adopted by nations
and individuals internationally as a justification for
the preemptive use of catastrophic violence against
centers of population worldwide. The legitimization of
preemptive wars of aggression will be used to justify
attacks against U.S. centers of population, and will
bring greater violent retribution upon the cities and
people of the United States for actions that the
government is taking in their names, without their
informed consent.
The risk of suffering harm because of this doctrine is,
of course, not distributed equally among all residents
of the United States. Those who will lose their lives
fighting in wars of aggression will be the young,
disproportionately persons of color, and those who must
enlist in the U.S. military because of bleak economic
opportunity. Those who derive their wealth and security
from the transactions of war, from increased oil profits
caused by global instability or conquest of oil rich
regions, and from the constant re-building and re-arming
necessary to conduct endless wars against countless
peoples premised on imperceptible threats - - they will
have the means to acquire seclusion, protection and
greater safety.
Preemptive war will not stop with Iraq. Constant
military interventions worldwide are necessary to
enforce Bush's stated policy of global economic,
political and military domination. Just four days after
the September 11th attacks, the CIA presented its
"Worldwide Attack Matrix" identifying scores of
countries that the CIA wanted permission to attack.
Bush approved the CIA wish list, and authorized
immediate covert and lethal CIA operations in over sixty
Taking to the Streets
As the U.S. moves at breakneck pace in execution of its
stated policy of global domination and over military
interventions, the need for the people to take action is
Congress will not stop this policy of aggressive warfare
and global domination. Many in Congress are well served
with the tithing of the war profiteers and their
corporate sponsors who see U.S. military domination as
a way to enforce their interests, to exploit human labor
at starvation wages overseas and to drive down wages
domestically, to mine vast sources of environmental
resources globally, and to impose and expand the reach
of their "free" markets.
The U.S. Constitutional framework provides that,
regardless of who temporarily holds office, all power
remains in the hands of the people. It is time now for
the people to take the reins of power back from those
who have stated their intention to act in violation of
all laws that humankind has struggled to create to end
global conflagration and prohibit wars of aggression.
When law will not restrain the government, the people
must. We must take to the streets in mass numbers in
organized and spontaneous acts of resistance. The
message must be clearly conveyed that if the Bush
administration refuses to be accountable to U.S.
domestic law, to the U.N. Charter, to international
law, to all known standards of just conduct, then the
people of conscience within the United States will rise
up to demand accountability. And the message must be
sent that the people of the U.S. will not allow the
Bush administration to spend the blood of the people of
the United States and the people of Iraq who are not our
enemies, in a needless war for oil.
September, 2002
The authors, Carl Messineo and Mara Verheyden-Hilliard,
constitutional law and human rights lawyers, are the
co-founders of the Partnership for Civil Justice Legal
Defense and Education Fund, a public interest legal
organization in Washington, D.C., and authors of the
forthcoming book "Empire at Home: George W. Bush and
John Ashcroft v. the Bill of Rights"

Free to be living justly for yourself
truly as caring to know this as everything
What a horrible day as history. We witness the likes of
The happen to be "wealthy" as extremely disturbing
american, Bill Hemmer or Blitzer, or CBC's corporately
managed professional news teams, who would as they have
done, propagandize our communities with intentional
deceit to not cover, the top priority established facts
on our actual murders, and happily watch US fall further
robbed, as Mr. bush Jr. victims, while feigning a just
representation on behalf of our civilization. Look,
phone them yourself. These corporate cultists do not
offer any counter to the facts that stand before US all,
but for to practice censorship against Humanities
interest in nabbing the prime 9/11 suspects. There is
no dispute found with those who are aware of the
evidence that directly implicates bush Jr. And rumsfeld
for our murders on 9/11. But Bill doesn't want to
actually work for the People to protect the interests of
Americans as police officers, such as those directly
involved in the criminal investigations, and instead,
sides to leave yourself in the dark on bush Jr.'s true
nature, as the super evil anti-Christ, actively,
actually, really, no doubt about it, trying to further
destroy the American dream as no longer Our own as
equals committed to freedom through representation.
Destroy bush today and be loved by all as Saviour.
Johnny Wizard Reveals
Bush did 9/11
A war plan to kill the people of Afghanistan for Enron's power plant
in India was on the White House desk on the seventh of September. A
plan to blame bin Laden for a crime without providing any evidence.
Then 9/11. None of the ample evidence implicated Laden, like none of
the suspects were from Afghanistan, so why not seek the true culprits
responsible? FBI officers have claimed publicly that warrant requests
were sabotaged by someone at headquarters just prior to 9/11. The CIA
has publicly claimed stock options were played on the loss of the two
airline companies as insider trading. FBI officers claim Mr. Atta
received $100,000 in terrorist funding by General Amed, who was
meeting with the Bush administration a week prior and after 9/11. Then
rumsfeld and bush stood against our humanity without reason to steal
our lives, playing out an evil never before shown to sway their
capture as traitors to the American dream. I demand my voice be heard
through our corporate news services, to accept any debate from those
who fight to keep us ignorant on our ability to freely communicate.

The difficult struggles of equal representation are systemic to the
entire body politic. Equal rights for all, is understood to best serve
every individual. The reasons stand in a mutual agreement, when
understood. The truth of living is of living as truth is. We exist.
Those in positions against the betterment of the whole, are honestly
shown to be by illustration. By CNN ignoring everyone, setting no
priorities on behalf of the dying humans, censoring basic facts known
by everyone else, makes US as the living, speak louder in the balance.
For you alone as creation looking for comfort as of being a part of
perception, as shared with all love, can bring to understand Justice
to be a human thing. My struggle to be heard is to be alive for my
love as God to do what I can as a man capable of understanding such
wonders as basic simple things.
> > > Here is the original post regarding the Tribunals:
> > > And this one is a shortened version, three paragraphs with Jeff, on
> > > the discussion so far with many military usenet sites on the charges
> How can one argue against what is documented as proven fact?
> Do fascists fear intelligence?
Again, we witness no counter argument for bush and rumsfeld's treason
against all the American people. They both have struggled diliberately
to hide the culprits responsible for 9/11, blamed a nation of millions
without evidence to murder for Enron, have attacked the American
Constitution, stolen billions from cowardly Americans silenced by the
corporate agenda through frauds blatant...
And, they both need to immediately be tried for war crimes, or taken
out by loyal American Patriots who will stand up for freedom to be
"Peace Now" wrote in message

Time to tell
Last night broadcasted nationally in Canada on CBC's
Counterspin, discussing among other things, bush's
ignorance as american barbarity in Latin America, and
Cuba's revolution for independence:
"We have not discussed the real interest behind all
these things. Somebody is profiting from the massacre,
exclusion, and impoverishment of most of Latin
America.... ..They're profit interests mostly in the
u.s., and elites throughout Latin America with specific
expressions in each country. We can discuss examples of
dictators, or pseudo democracies. The winners are
corporate interests that are extracting and exploiting,
the losers are the people of our continents that are
increasingly murdered or massacred if they fight for
their rights. Let's wake up."
The mindless cult members of Corporate America refuse
to allow discussions on why some people would commit war
acts of defence against terrorist states. Of course, it
is often because someone feels their rights are denied,
or are stolen from. Why can not their positions be
looked at, and remedied if true? Because bush and
rumsfeld the terrorists, like sharon, need to continue
killing and robbing US innocent people to steal American
values. Why is that? Because generally, American
soldiers are represented by the corporate agenda as
cowardly, illiterate, and refuse to protect the
Constitution as The People, Justice for US all. Knowing
we all witness first hand, that the super evil villians
bush and rumsfeld, do not wish Americans to learn who
murdered those good people in New York city like police
officers, which should to a proud and brave American
soldier, give good reason to demand we be met with
debate from corporate America in defense of ourselves to
be true, or the immediate call as Patriots, for the
arrest or execution of bush and rumsfeld, traitors
charged for treason of the highest degree ever.
(Wow! What an entrance! It's like I'm really playing
Jesus! Gee, I hope I can score at least a supper out of
this deal..)
quoting from this very document:
"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."
What do you say?
"Why then does the Administration remain steadfast in
its opposition to an investigation into the biggest
terrorism attack upon our nation"?
Rep. Cynthia McKinney
We see corporate America refusing to report on their
criminal behaviors against all American interests. We
hear now how the mysterious cheney is sure that
terrorists unknown to the Mueller's FBI who speaks with
the CIA's Tenet everyday, will be likely terrorizing
more American civilians, like the same way in New York
City, but maybe worst "without a doubt" with him in
charge understanding squat. Is that pipsqueak cheney
maybe threatening US then I'm asking every clear
thinking American soldier, and NRA member to pay
attention to the facts made public already by Mueller
and the DEA? Mueller now back tracking on his comments
of bush and rumsfeld, by publicly saying only a week or
two ago, there indeed was no evidence whatsoever to
implicate Afghanistan for 9/11, now says suicide
bombers, like sharon committed to the Jews in Israel is
highly plausible, now that cowardly America is publicly
open about committing injustice against US as innocent,
while everyday OUR world witnesses bush and rumsfeld the
terrorists, continue to escape their rightful arrest or
execution for 9/11, to commit further injustice against
US all. We can all understand the general ignorance in
America due to CNN's continuous propaganda, with America
having the worst managed health care and school system
of the developed world, but cheney is suppose to know
bush and rumsfeld is known as likely responsible, while
he states further terrorist actions against Americans
are probable. Hmmm. That isn't fear cheney's
expressing as his own, but a threat I would suppose.
What do you think? Remember: evil is dumb. Maybe we
should be strongly investigating cheney's involvement in
9/11 as well. Did you know Tom Delay the repuglican
nazi, is attempting to pass a law in america that states
nations who attempt to bring those individuals
responsible for crimes against humanity through Justice
in a public court room of law in every nation on our
planet, will be threatened by every American citizen
demonized the world over now, if Tom isn't stopped for
questioning as a traitor by CNN censors? Who will
ultimately suffer for American cowardice to protect
themselves as equals? Israel the terror nation funded
by the American tax payer, murders and steals from
innocent civilians, US people, as criminals. What can't
you figure nazi slave dying corporate sell outs to
yourselves losing? (One out of seven Americans are
functionally illiterate, and American soldiers have yet
to be smart enough to execute cop killer rumsfeld as a
traitor to America. Why? Too cowardly and stupid to
stand on their own as real American.) Bin Laden is not
so bright unfortunately when he equates the Israeli
Government as that of the Jews. The Israeli Likud
government holds no practicing Jew, in fact, they often
have them, (like school kids I swear), arrested for
testifying to the teachings of the old testament, like,
don't murder and steal from good people as criminals.
The false claims act was removed so rumsfeld and his
band of nazis can continue making false claims through
the Pentagon, fraud, pocket the tax payer money for
themselves, and escape criminal prosecution, because the
FBI can no longer do so, in the new lawless bushmob
dictatorship of cowards, murderers, traitors, and
cheats. Where are the Americans, or are they only found
in myth?
Quoting a paper from by Jason Vest available
also at
From the Irv Rubin Bust To The Stern Gang
-The Rich History Of Jewish Terrorism
and another from,
available also at
Mossad Agents Arrested
In Attempt To Bomb Mexican Congress
[The American Jewish Committee recently stated]
"categorically condemns in the strongest possible terms
the alleged JDL plot," and went so far as to follow up
with a personal letter to Republican representative
Issa, decrying "such wanton lawlessness," which is "so
clearly contrary to the fundamental tenets of our faith,
and to the basic principles of justice and liberty that
brought our parents and grandparents to America's shores
and that form the bedrock of our national values."
Then, as we all should be made aware by CNN, the
American tax payer funded evil nazi Israeli mossad got
caught attempting to blow up the Mexican Congress, and
blame it on the Unionists, of which, a top ariel sharon
envoy, flew to Mexico City specially to plead for the
terrorists release, so to commit terrorist crimes
Justice, freedom and liberty destroy ignorance as
injustice, slavery and oppression, like it or not, here
come's Johnny with no lawyer. If a murderer is on the
loose recommitting, do we not use the required force to
stop the transgressor from re-offending? The media is
our messenger. Anyway, (Jeepers, I sure can go on eh?)
as I was saying, Myers later in another committee
addressing the timeline specifically, stated something
Oh, I don't know any longer, now that the professional
news corporations are dictating our existence without my
records, and our democratic governmental testimonies,
left me thinking to not bring anything with me as
required this time, sorry, no, actually, I forgot why I
came here today. Is it over now?

Johnny Wizard


Jan 13, 2003, 9:09:55 PM1/13/03
So just how much is the Democratic Party paying you, or are you just an
average idiot?

Oh, and for the record Mr. Sockpuppet, Hitler was an impotent homosexual.

"Will you stand Up for your own living rights as an equal? Or slave as a
nazi for bush, who demands to commit criminal offense in Your Name?"
<> wrote in message

Our Mr. bush Jr., the American cop killer, is the anti-Christ! Wow eh?

Jan 14, 2003, 11:30:33 AM1/14/03
"The Ruzicka Family" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Bush isn't evil. He's just an arrogant, pompous, self-righteous, pinhead.

We don't buy corporate America's assault with ignorance however.
Just look at all the posts. It is the
corporate, time bitten media whores, the irrational cultists, that won't
allow open, honest discussion of the facts as publicly recognized,
that leaves US compelled to scream for Justice above the censorship
parading as Our apathy.


Quotes From: "George Bush Plans High Crimes and

Misdemeanors: Why We Are Marching on October 26th"

''Bush's preemptive war policy is a war without just

cause. Under international law and centuries of common
legal usage, a preemptive war may be justified as an act
of self defense only where there exists a genuine and
imminent threat of physical attack.''

''Bush's preemptive war against Iraq doesn't even
purport to preempt a physical attack. It purports to
preempt a threat that is neither issued nor posed. Iraq
is not issuing threats of attack against the United
States. It is only the United States which threatens


By publicly encouraging attacks against the American
People, bush works to kill ourselves, on hopes to then
maybe?, get what he's purposing we are publicly pushing
for as? Blind, dumb, and criminally negligent; we all
are then agreed? To have no publicly known reason to
perpetrate war crimes against everyone to steal and
murder for Our Mr.bush Jr.?... Corporate america's
false deity super evil anti-Christ? The terrorist of
terrorists? The demon who marked evil on the map with
an "Oh", for Ohpression by slaying everyone as the
innocent and God loving in Our names silenced?

It isn't Our position as humanity, to grant bush free
criminal reign over our rights as slaves to judge
plainly still living. Americans do learn a great deal
from Sitcoms thank you very much, and fuck you bush, we
can count too. 2 infinity with everything minimum, and
too, where indivisible Justice is of truly being Human
to reason as the Living Universe IS. Oh, but no, here
comes Our Mr. bush Jr. again, the party pooper, who
publicly only confesses as pure evil nazi vermin, to
want to kill ourselves by actually factually, robbing
from, then murdering everybody as his enemy illegally,
as is irrationally, and alas, you is truly alone to die
also, for CNN, as most others, have no cause to make on
Our cult mentality. We are all together as One God,
despite corporate news censorship ignoring our calls for
Justice, because, WE are living as agreed, whole
heartedly, to be worthy of fairness officially. As a
democratic political lobby too. God hater nazi sharon
the terrorist, really publicly supports the murder of
ourselves being not guilty of anything, he states over
and over again to rob and murder from your family to be
only his private jewish thing. The Universe, could be,
something amazing at a real world level of
sustainability, as there is space to consider so
factually as Existence is believing. Currently however,
the corporate breakdown is not watching US performing
live as recorded, because they victimize US always. War
is the breakdown of communications, but, bush, the
unelected American cop killer, he isn't listening to any
questions not being stated by Hemmer absent American
appeals to be heard as silently victimized, because...
CNN doesn't want to embarrass US maybe? All the robbing
and killing bush and sharon does continually then?,
intentional? Dead people don't say much for your world,
eh american neighbor? Eh?




Johnny Wizard is Mainstream!

The nazi fuck bush, the unelected American cop killer,
has still to be questioned by american corporate
dictates, why, General Ahmad, is not a wanted man by
American Patriot flag waving standards being coporatized
as not worthy thinking as. Our entire World can easily
witness, no American soldier has publicly stood up
verbally against my calls for bush and rumsfeld's
immediate arrest or execution for 9/11. Sure Blitzer,
and Bill Hemmer froth secretly in contempt for all the
American People, at the opportunity to sit secure well
blocking US interests at CNN headquarters, to watch in
glorious minute by minute coverage, scores of
unrepresented by corporate cult standard Humans, be
criminally murdered by their evil anti-American
propaganda by the will of now more than 2 billion people
the bushmob has declared as his personal enemy (60
countries), just like what Blitzer and Bill have done
unbiasedly regarding Afghanistan's heroin pushers, the
deliberate bombing of the Taliban's girl schools, and
the running of death squads by wimp ass coward and
traitor to EVERY soldier the world over, tommy franks,
largely as he has, against the understood by all to be
innocent, unarmed and practically defenseless. With
bush's america, showing no interest in preventing the
further degradation of the living standards of US People
in Afghanistan, (who were already at the brink of
starvation), but for to steal the resources of an
impoverished nation, and too, as they have, already
indebted to the World Bank by purchasing millions of
unused american minted terrorist handbooks from the
eighties, while spending 4-5 billion dollars a month to
continue killing US innocent people to steal even
further American values, like "we" don't even exist
anywhere. More wealth wasted than would be needed to
feed and house the entire population, while forming a
just police force accountable to a rule of conduct. But
no, according to the election rigging repuglicans, (ES&S
search "Dozens of Documented Reports") there is no money
to steal if they don't murder, torture, and rob from our
communities to destroy our belief in Humanity. Again, I
will remind you reader, and NRA card caring member if
your joining ME late, I have personally contacted Bill
Hemmer, and Bliter's secret "War Room" in Atlanta, as
well as contacting Walter Issacson (CEO of CNN), and Sid
Beddington (super dumbass CNN producer) with the
following facts, that they have refused to allow
Americans to openly consider in bush's criminal american
dictatorship. Our Mr. bush Jr. and rumsfeld, had a
plan revealed by MSNBC to invade Afghanistan, on the
premise of not following the criminal evidence for a
undisclosed crime, while planning to blame bin Laden for
it without producing any evidence, a crime that hadn't
even yet taken place when the plans were officially
drawn up and dated with General Ahmad, plans to
specifically attack the Taliban for not siding with
Enron we learned from Niaz, The Working Group, India,
cheney and Ken. Also, the Taliban, had offered Laden
for arrest during Clinton's tenure, but Clinton
admitted, they could not actually find any evidence to
stand the scrutiny of the public, nor justify the
reasons for Laden's blind vilification through corporate
controls. (It has been alleged it was Barbara Bodine
HERSELF who sent the Cole into Yemen against the voiced
concern of all involved military commanders, then
insured the criminal investigations into her matters
would be halted, as example.) So, clearly, a brand new
crime would have to be devised secretly. (Note:
without 9/11, how would it look killing indiscriminately
severely poor Afghan families not tied in anyway
whatsoever to flying American planes into American
buildings by a German, Mr. Atta, who was funded by the
General, salaried by the 30 billion plus Tenant?) That's
right. This same General Ahmad, from the ISI, not only
put together the 9/11 cover up plan together with the
bushmob in Washington according to several members of
the Senate Intelligence Committee, but also was
according to the fine FBI officers involved in the
criminal investigation, the prime terrorist funder, to
our Mr. Atta. ( Also, if this
doesn't already clearly paint a clear picture of
betrayal by CNN ignoring the American People, consider
this also: The bushmob insisted this same General be
the war criminal to go to the Taliban personally, to
tell US, no evidence would be offered against Laden, nor
public trial offered, against what would be to all
Americans who actually believe in the Constitution, and
the Bill of Rights, (or the Taliban leadership who
really believe in God while mistaking like everybody
else does), not guilty of the accusation based only as
blind speculation. The very same General who devised
the plot we're telling you, as documented, and confessed
to MSNBC by the White House ALREADY. What an
"embarrassment" the ISI blushed! So, what did bush,
america's false deity then state as traitor to ALL
humans while closing investigations? "We don't need any
evidence, we know he's guilty.", right on que. Mr.
bush, the demon plays that cheat against Humanity over
and over again now, like he figures someday it'll really
work for me, (never mind G), cause he figures no truth
exists actually in his dark evil world of betrayal
against himself as US all included. His wicked dumb
evil, that costs the lives and hardships of REAL
Americans, only succeeds, because corporate dictates
demand no discussions on anything politically factual.
(At least not for longer than two or three minutes, with
nobody respected as invited for being knowledgeable, or
knowing basic high school maths either.) It's the term
"we", bush and rumsfeld uses routinely, without
substantiated fact to honestly hold our conclusion, as
their criminal justification to willingly murder US
people as unheard of. He figures as the anti-Christ,
because he stole the title of President, he therefor
inherited all knowing wisdom like dark magic by openly
fooling himself, as all of humanity witnesses repeatedly
his falsehoods on our truer Nature. Not as a Jesus the
Creator might, to play the crazy, laugh at strangeness,
or sing almost lyrically to life for the joy of it, but
as a talentless demon monster to rob and murder from
ourselves as the established innocent factually, and
left unprotected because the Living eternal Universe can
be feared for nothing I suppose. If bush is not
following the criminal leads, nor the relevant public
information easily available for all to peruse, how can
he disagree with everyone without public answers to
disprove our existence? "Secretly", he and rotten
rumsfeld continue to state to the six billion plus of
US, even so though, it doesn't therefor make the
recorded History, or the actual evidence of reality go
away somewheres else, such as some of the great work the
FBI, or the CIA has done being directly involved, again
doesn't just vanish as not presidentially viable.(The
highest office in America, should be citizen.) Or, make
WMD just appear out of nowhere either, if Iraq don't
actually have any. You'd figure, as Mike said better at, but I can't recall specifically,
if bush has secret evidence to substantiate his
allegations against the Iraqi people, and thinks his
knowledge, being better than all US rest put together,
shows a threat to the American People, wouldn't he
therefor make it known to all, to protect ourselves
truly as concerned? Like Johnny would? Instead of, as
he is, using the bluff to excuse the potential MURDER of
untold thousands if not millions to also steal from for
himself, like the election, and that 50 billion?
Remember: bush killed New Yorkers to steal American
lives, and publicly showed Our world no interest in
arresting himself, the true evil doer for the 9/11 money
maker. No purpose in life, but to make others suffer
and die, is the bushmob mantra. (Even if weapons do
show up, staged, or otherwise, it is still no reason to
kill Iraqis to steal their resources, to leave US people
there, under a criminal dictatorship for a planned
thirty years of massive American casualties after
American casualties, so the bushmob can steal even more
from our grand parents left unprotected without police
protection here at home left alone.) Particularly, if
the public evidence we conclude as documented FACT
stands directly in opposition to bush's dark secret
fantasy of Universal criminal tyranny he spews daily as
lies against GOD in Our public air space. A planned
criminal tyranny of evilness, that has been released to
US publicly through one real American after another,
ignored overtime by the CNN celebs, yet, still happening
as Our high priority issues. I'm beginning to have a
difficult time keeping up with the truth that leaks from
the bushmobbed syndicate like a sieve practically
everyday too. Have you heard of,
"RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf" on CNN? Or, how about
"11-14-02_Chin-4.pdf"? (Don't miss that one.) I
haven't, but can't really stand watching them pretending
we can't see anything at all either. So, these terror
plans.. When the nazi bushmob was caught without them,
(as they were top secret presidential documents
entrusted to the witch condoleeza), could do nothing but
confess they were fully implemented. Why? Because they
walk through the entire scenario that bush puppeted the
months before to armed Soldiers. (God wins every time.)
Mr. bush and General Ahmad's plan, is to continue to
wage an unending war against humanity, (60 nations) as
the "way" of escaping public Wrath, Your Wrath American
Soldier, for something, that, again, for 9/11, hadn't
yet happened, but bush and rumsfeld prepared for to
close investigations on. Mr. rumsfeld was reported
( to have been told by his own
Secretary, in case he had forgotten his top job
responsibility while sitting behind his desk fidgeting,
he was, as rotten rumsfeld, required to be at NMCC
immediately. He didn't go after then either. The only
possible place the terrorist plan could have been
carried through to stand down the Air-Force. (Let those
under him take the bullet if push comes to shove.
American traitor rotten rumsfeld thinks of everything
too eh?) His public excuse I'm sure it would be, he was
concerned about the death of US People while sitting
there doing nothing. The same rotten rumsfeld, who
tells US openly in Our public arena while almost
cackling, he wishes to murder and torture completely
innocent people that Americans should be forbidden to
learn of in a open as the Public court room of Our peers
through America's once respected, if sadly, mostly
mythologized fair Justice system, now headed by
ashcroft, a total incompetent, who wishes not to
apprehend terrorists by tracking the criminals, but to
destroy what little freedom is left for America by
advocating, in public, the persecution of US innocent
persons instead. Really. Again, listen up Ashcroft,
last time: bush and rumsfeld's plan, that the White
House confessed to as fully implemented, demands by
excuse after excuse, that the actual evidence trail not
be followed, and that legitimate FBI, and CIA officers
(Rowley, and the insider trades for example.) are to be
continually ignored. Just as CNN has done staying
unbiased. Allowing bush and rotten rumsfeld to kill
innocent People deliberately, stealing America's Freedom
through injustice to themselves. First degree murders.
See, the nazi bush slaves go on and on how great it it
to be murdering innocent populations far away as
terrorists to steal and plunder, but, for who would be
there as themselves close up and personal (gods WE are)
to question their own demise by someone who thought
without thinking likewise? (God is Not.) This is why I
ask an American Soldier somewhere to stand as One single
person for America, a Family Man, and take out the
re-offending mass murderer, unelected dictator, Our Mr.
bush Jr., by thinking like a Soldier is really
Universal. And, if his successor, should do the same
secretly, publicly advocating wars, death squads, or
torture against Ourselves as the innocent to steal from,
WE do the same again, until, CNN finally opens up
communications to the American People as warranted to be

Sure, only Jews in Kenya, like with Odigo, seemed to be
warned to stay clear from an impending terrorist act,
and sharon played a personal role as documented several
months ago to attempt the blowing up the Mexican
Congress and blame it on the Unionists, or bin Laden, oh
ya and also, I shouldn't forget, apparently, the rocket
launcher was painted blue lying in a field untouched
when the mossad in Kenya pointed it out to reporters
they brought to witness the whole story by-line, but
that doesn't therefor, make the likud party, or
especially ariel sharon Jewish. For ariel knows when he
steals or kills others as innocent being himself openly
a terrorist, is ariel knowing, real Jews would be
murdered too, by someone like himself, albeit, in secret
avoiding the trying but divided coppers, that he murders
also. But, hey, that's where he gets all the repuglican
money he doesn't earn but steals over the lives of Jews
he watches fall dead as unfigured. Mr. sharon, will
tell us how disgruntled he is to see only Jews die by
terrorism, then goes out as a PUBLIC FIGURE, and commits
the same, but far more hanious acts against G as a
pirating criminal National icon. So, sharon, what is it
that so upsets you to see US Jews die then you nazi
parasite, you cancer tumor, you disingenuous harbinger
of suffering to God as Humanity? It is only his private
show without questions for comment, as he can not answer
publicly without being dishonest about his criminality.
Murder is murder, and sharon, the bigoted-racist
murderer, the terrorist supporter and perpetrator, has
stolen the rights of the Children of Israel to live in
peace by good will, and Justice for everyone counted.
Jews are Palestinian. See, being Jewish is a religion,
and the ancient Palestine, is of a label for comprising
every understanding to this, that can not be completely
understood symbolicly as contained to be definitive.
Also, like America is truly melting, and murder
accomplice negroponte, can not face for personal
weakness, ineptness, and hatred for all of Humanity, so
advocates huge oppression against all America as real
People corrupted by a government of injustice, and
contempt for themselves unheard from. (Jesus, just try
to get together two people who agree on everything.
Justice however, should be a no-brainer for everyone,
but CNN say's nothing in Our defense as equals, and
would, as they do, watch You be robbed and murdered, and
not raise a word.) Also, just for double, the oldest
practicing Jews we know of through recorded history,
(the almost censored "Dead Sea Scrolls" included), are
dark skinned, and live in Ethiopia, and the likud party,
like so many other "settlers", are mostly filtered
christian Kaisers, who migrated from Russia on the
promise they would receive stolen property, (sure, I'm
jewish!) (search "ILA" and the "JNF") like farms,
houses, and Our children's toys. (FrontLine's one time
broadcast) See, If sharon didn't steal and murder,
repuglicans would have no excuse to receive kick backs
to plunder even further, from the great stupid American
People. Which is why a bush supporter is so deeply
ignorant on just about everything like Speilberg is
regarding the Holocaust, and like too many american
soldiers, who we can be sure, would die in sacrifice
from cowardice before bravery as evil under the
anti-Christ, dictating war crimes against US all as
Humanity unrepresented. Until Now. For, Christians
have no protection from anti-discrimination laws in
Israel, nor do Atheists either apparently. How spooky
dumb is that? Legitimizing hitler they are politically.
Jews are this, jews are that, and all of everyone else,
is something unquantifiable, unknowable, and all around
unloved and disrespected everywhere as G-D is
forgiveness to be abused on Christmas, according to the
deliberate practices of sharon singularly, as a bigoted
nazi murderer, and the written words of the banned in
Canada talmud also.) No bullshit. Clearly to all, very
anti-American. Biggest secret going! Why? Americans
are largely illiterate, drugged, and all around dumb.
Now, where is CNN, or Our beloved "wealthy" celebs, who
advocate blind obedience as slaves to the anti-Christ,
to discourse me a liar truly as Jesus? Nowhere? You
are still waiting People, while American families
continue to be robbed and left for dead by inaction
through corporate american standards. For, what can
only one God do I ask yourself really?

If a thing is done wrong often enough, it becomes right.
-Richard A. Leahy

Johnny Wizard


Holy Jesus Man!


Some quotes from:

Johnny Wizard

Free to be living justly for yourself

truly as caring to know this as everything

Evil Republicans
Evil GOP Bastards
Too Stupid to be President
Republicans Suck
Republicans Suck(2)
The Republican Menace
We Are All Targets Now

Mr. bush isn't America, America is America

Jan 14, 2003, 1:28:41 PM1/14/03
to (Will you stand Up for your own living rights as an equal? Or slave as a nazi for bush, who demands to commit criminal offense in Your Name?) wrote in message news:<>...

> "easyrunner" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > Yes and Adolf Hitler made many improvements in Germany before he started
> > gassing people and invading neighboring countries. You were saying...?
> v2
> Okay, bush isn't exactly like hitler. Mr. bush has no knowledge of
> economics, and unlike hitler, is a staunch public advocate of death
> squads against all families including the targeting of the murder of
> good police officers trying to do Our jobs. Pure evil nazi filth
> exceeding hitler that bush demon spews openly in contempt for the
> American flag, Justice and God
> also. Just look at how many Americans he murdered in New York City,
> without the slightest remorse for his actions, then went on to murder
> or incarcerate more than a 100,000 of those not guilty of his
> unsubstantiated accusation as the Nations being pirated under criminal
> dictatorship, as now fully documented by the FBI, and the CIA, CLEARLY
> outlining the demon bush as traitor to all Peoples, not just Iraq, but
> also including his wife, his closest enemies, himself, and me as the
> Son of Man also..

We just don't buy corporate America's assault with ignorance, as
clearly, not of Our own. Just look at all the PUBLIC posts through
google groups. It is the

corporate, time bitten media whores, the irrational cultists, that
allow open, honest discussion of the facts as publicly recognized,
that leaves US compelled to scream for Justice above the censorship
parading as Our apathy.


From below: In It for US

"Your either with US as equals under a rule of law as
Universal Justice, or your a mindless slave whore
Sacrificing your soul for bush, the anti-Christ, who
will as he continues, stealing and murdering from our
families without any good reason, or provocations as
evil incarnate he is to US all."

(Just another of those Youisms from Johnny, the Lord.)

Then, a little later, some scribbles on the nazi
terrorist Jew hater, that super evil mass murdering
lifeless lump of waste byproduct, the leach whom we all
know so well truly as a parasite of life's will to steal
ourselves from God as plundered, the stenching, blood
soaked monster, henry kissing.. er.. ariel sharon:

"How can killing, torturing, and [then] destroying the
homes of [US] innocent civilians be considered anything
but, terrorism?" Hey, what do you say in stopping them
hurting US, by destroying them both American Patriot?,
as we now let ourselves sort it out in the here after?
Eh? Wake up friend...

Then even further, don't miss, the highly anticipated,
"Corporate Street Gangs - Monsanto" that lists the
ACTUAL individual people never mentioned by CNN, who
perpetrate those hanious crimes against the American
Public, and who have so far, escaped incarceration as
multi-millionaire corporate successes.

Again, none of any words world wide bare contention
against the facts we've brought to our attention. The
traitors to America, Our Mr. bush Jr. and rotten
rumsfeld don't mention the willingness of American
Soldiers to apprehend general Ahmad as the principle
terrorist funder of Atta, because this general is also
responsible for developing the bushmob strategy of
killing Americans in New York City from Washington. A
strategy of blaming bin Laden without any evidence to
bomb Afghanistan for Enron. (The Dahbol Working Group.)
Then closing criminal investigations, as it's not
important to know who personally was responsible for the
insider trades, or the contacting of only Odigo. Never
mentioned by CNN as top priority to American soldier
concerns, who are expected by Blitzer and Hemmer to
throw away their lives in sacrifice unthinking to bush,
america's false deity, super evil anti-Christ. While
bush and cheney threaten to murder more dumb Americans
who would dare to articulate the demand for Justice as
our own, like Laden has, while demanding American
Patriots cower in fear of the sadistic savage mass
murdering death squad leader, tommy franks, or the
anti-Christ going out to kill their family too as not
represented by corporate policy, while American soldier
families are continually disrespected as unworthy.
(Generally, they are pretty damn stoopid, but certainly,
if they're not knowingly committing first degree murders
for the anti-Christ as pure nazi filth, they should be
allowed to learn, instead of having their own undefended
families robbed then slaughtered for American traitor,
nazi puke terrorist, tommy franks, or for Monsanto's
rotten rumsfeld. Do you notice corporate America
continues to show outdated footage of those two demons
standing near smiling armed American soldiers, who as a
mass of dumfuks, aren't intelligent enough to destroy
them instantly as established ememies of America as
terrorists? Well, that is going to change. I have yet
to find ANY American Soldier who is literate, who
disagrees WE have some very important questions that
need immediate answers before the bushmob murders more
Americans in Our name. See for yourself through Google
if you don't believe in Christ as the Redeemer.

As for the doubting American Soldier, LOOK, CNN will
continue as cult members in their dying madness of just
even lamer excuses, to convince US, we are alone in our
concerns for Freedom as Justice instills for US all.
This moment of History requires you to stand strong for
only yourself to be represented truly among the stars.
Evil stupid people can't make heads or tails of this,
but, as evil bush does truly from his dark shallow
existence, will continue by open piracy, to publicly
advocate in Our names the further robbing and murder of
your own family American Patriot, so too, will more
american nazi dumfuks die to the tune of their own
cowardice to protect themselves as garnered fairly.
This is why rotten rumsfeld forbids the death tally of
American soldiers to be made public to the ready for
enlistment as the too dumb to know better. Life is
life, and sorry to say american dumfuks, Christ on the
cross is you too as a true dying American Patriot, and
your already politically sitting in the bush slave whore
position of hatred and injustice against Humanity and
myself honestly as.. THE SON OF MAN! (The for real, no
illusion, god of God's life/death trade barter, with a
score to settle on behalf of the infinite Universe and
True brave Soldiers everywhere. KILL AMERICAN COP
there to Washington as a simple man, and destroy the cop
killing demon monsters bush, rumsfeld, cheney, and
franks with my bare hands in love as the timid Jesus of
folklore, while salivating, how is that going to look to
the perishioners, who, God love'em, just wouldn't
understand the finer art of akeido, huh?

CNN is not interested in working for American interests
by asking why, as there is little of any money in just
doing good for your neighbor, like saving a living, as
we would wish to be helped for ourselves, if we were
bound just the same to be equals at being. Mr. Blitzer
and Bill Hemmer, as americans, wouldn't give a dollar of
your time, to speak on human rights to be of their own
concern, (they're already rich by theft without talent
as dying our death by murder as not spoken for really.
Just like how they refuse to report on the blatant
criminal lottery operations that steal from EVERYONE.)
or to save the life of an innocent poor victim, if it
meant they would therefor, be compelled to honestly
report on their false deity bush, corporate america's
super evil criminal to ourselves as Humanity, the
unelected dictator, American cop killing anti-Christ in
person!, that they so leave to see Americans sacrificed
as ignored to be robbed from, as their profit margin
increases, from their, holyier than thou pulpits,
leaving You all to get robbed and murdered by dumb nazi
scum like reject tommy franks, the terrorizing death
squad leader, woman and child killer. We're sure CNN,
as others would say, as they do regarding sharon's
murder rampages against the innocent as God, nothing.
Do less for America, The dying from stupidity People,
and get payed more in collateral damages paid for by
doubting Patriots, now mostly too slow to stand for the
American flag in protection for their own living as lost
to the wind without freedom to guide their own
convictions. Mr. bush, tommy, rumsfeld, cheney and
blair give no evidence to back an american soldier's
reason, but for to show themselves as the criminals who
openly harbor terrorist activity against our
communities, and WE, as Humanity, according to CNN, are
expected to go out and kill our family and friends in
cowardice, instead of standing up to destroy the evil
demon bush instead, to save our own selves as worth

God, or no God, I hate that murderer bush as much as any
real man would to care for his own life as family.

Johnny Wizard


HTTX 2.0b

Title: Material Breach: US Crimes in Iraq

Published on Saturday, November 30, 2002 by
Material Breach: US Crimes in Iraq
by Heather Wokusch

D-Day of December 8th quietly approaches - the day Iraq
must provide the UN Security Council with a complete
accounting of its weapons programs, plus its civilian
chemical/biological/nuclear production and research
activities. Even though UN weapons inspectors have
criticized the December 8th deadline as unrealizable,
the consequences for missing it will be catastrophic:
Iraq will be in "material breach" of UN resolution 1441,
and therefore subject to swift and decisive military

But at this point, UN 1441 seems little more than a
whitewash pretext for a US-led attack on Iraq. With US
warplanes patrolling Iraq's no-fly zone, bombing raids
against Iraq ongoing, multiple aircraft carriers on
alert and 60,000 US troops currently in or around the
Persian Gulf, it's clear the war has already begun,
"material breach" or not. When it's convenient for the
Bush administration, Iraq will be found to have violated
some aspect of the UN resolution, and the current
buildup and covert military activity will explode into
an all-out attack.

The justification (that Iraq's Hussein violates
international law with his weapons of mass destruction
and is thus a menace to world peace) seems a bit ironic
in light of US actions in Iraq these past eleven years.

Case in point. Article 54 of the Geneva Conventions
clearly states that destroying or rendering useless
items essential to the survival of civilian populations
is illegal under international law and a war crime.
Hard then to explain the 1991 US bombing of electrical
grids that powered 1,410 water-treatment plants for
Iraq's 22 million people. An excerpt from a 1998 US Air
Force document, entitled "Strategic Attack," chillingly
explains: "The electrical attacks proved extremely
effective ... The loss of electricity shut down the
capital's water treatment plants and led to a public
health crisis from raw sewage dumped in the Tigris
River." A second US Defense Intelligence Agency
document, 1991's "Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities,"
predicted how sanctions would then be used to prevent
Iraq from getting the equipment and chemicals necessary
for water purification, which would result in "a
shortage of pure drinking water for much of the
population" leading to "increased incidences, if not
epidemics, of disease."

So basically, in defiance of international law, the
United States knowingly destroyed Iraq's water supply,
then for the past eleven years has prevented the
contaminated drinking water from being treated, even
though it was obvious those most affected would be
millions of citizens doomed to preventable disease and
death. If that's not a material breach, what is?

Then there's the depleted uranium (DU) weaponry the
United States and its allies used on Iraq during the
Gulf War, despite foreknowledge its radioactivity would
make food and water in the bombed regions unsafe for
consumption on an indefinite basis (DU remains
radioactive for 4.5 billion years). Add in the fact
that trails of carcinogenic dust left in a DU bomb's
wake spread in the wind to be absorbed by plants and
animals, thereby devastating a region's food chain. Of
course, humans inhale and absorb DU dust as well, which
has most likely led not only to dramatically elevated
levels of birth defects and cancer cases among Iraqi
civilians, but also to a wide litany of suffering among
Gulf War vets; a recent study, for example, found that
even nine years after the war, veterans afflicted with
Gulf War Syndrome ailments still had DU traces in their
urine. This while there has yet to be any US
governmental study on the effects of DU inhalation...

We can expect DU to be used in the next attack on Iraq
too, in spite of the inhumane risks to civilians and
military personnel alike. According to a Defense
Department report, "the US Military Services use DU
munitions because of DU's superior lethality" adding,
"Gulf War exposures to depleted uranium (DU) have not to
date produced any observable adverse health effects
attributable to DU's chemical toxicity or low-level
radiation." With more than one out of six American Gulf
War vets having reported health problems since their
service, and over 9,000 having died since the war ended,
not to mention the marked increase in Iraqi birth
defects and cancer cases in DU-bombed regions, denial
like that is nothing short of material breach, an
affront to both human rights and common sense.

And what if the December 8th deadline is met, and no
weapons of mass destruction are found by U.N. weapons
inspectors inside Iraq? Says US Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld: "What it would prove would be that the
inspection process had been successfully defeated by the
Iraqis. There's no question but that the Iraqi regime
is clever, they've spent a lot of time hiding things,
dispersing things, tunneling underground." So it would
appear regardless of how the inspections turn out, the
Iraqis will be attacked anyway.

In facing a no-win situation, Hussein could seem like a
martyr to others in the region; he could also see little
option but to unleash whatever destructive powers he has
left. Backing someone like him into a corner is foreign
policy at its most disastrous, a dangerous development
for the entire region and very bad news for the
unfortunate service men and women thrown into that

It's clear that Saddam Hussein is a loathsome ogre who
has shown criminal disregard for his population. What's
also clear though is that the US record in the region is
disgraceful if not downright criminal. Consider that
for the two years following Hussein's infamous 1988 gas
attack on the Kurds at Halabja (an attack in which
US-built helicopters were apparently among those
dropping the bombs) the US government seemed quite
uninterested in his possession of chemical weapons, or
any other weapons for that matter. Remember too, that a
1992 Senate committee report entitled "US Chemical and
Biological Warfare-Related Dual-Use Exports to Iraq,"
demonstrated that Hussein bought technology and
materials necessary to create nuclear, biological and
chemical weapons from none other than the States and
Britain - and continued to make purchases even after the
attack at Halabja. Factor in the water supply
degradation, DU toxicity and debilitating sanctions and
it's hard to imagine the average Iraqi embracing
American forces as welcome liberators.

The bottom line is that the US has some questions to
answer about its past conduct in Iraq, questions that
can't be answered by another full-scale war.

Heather Wokusch is a free-lance writer. She can be
contacted via her web site at

© Copyrighted 1997-2002


HTTX 2.0b

Title: The journalism and films of John Pilger

For 40 years, Australian governments have colluded with
state terrorism in Indonesia. Now, the Bali outrage
allows John Howard to distract attention from his
hypocrisy : John Pilger :17 Oct 2002

The Australian prime minister, John Howard, says the
atrocity on the island of Bali is "proof" that "the war
against terrorism must go on with unrelenting vigour and
with an unconditional commitment". What he means is
that he will continue to perform his holier-than-Blair
role as George W Bush's most devoted, if not universally
recognised, foreign gang member.

The Australian military is, in effect, an extension of
the Pentagon. Australian ships operate with the
American fleet in the Gulf, enforcing an embargo against
Iraq which, according to the United Nations Children's
Fund, has led to the unnecessary deaths of more than
600,000 Iraqi children. In Indonesia, Australians,
together with their American counterparts, have secretly
resumed training the Indonesian military, which, in the
world cup of terrorism, is the undisputed champion.

Al-Qaeda has been fingered in Washington for the Bali
outrage. The script is unchanged. To Bush, Blair and
Howard, the Bali bombing will be simply further
justification for attacking Iraq.

How truly bizarre the American enterprise of world
conquest has become. First, there was the bombing of
Afghanistan, the equivalent of bombing Sicily in order
to eradicate the Mafia. "Terrorism" is the enemy; or as
Python's Terry Jones remarked, "They're bombing an
abstract noun!" What is clear is that the more bellicose
Bush and Blair and Howard become, the more they place
the citizens of their own countries at risk.

Like a mouse perpetually roaring, Howard's warmongering
has endangered every young Australian backpacking in
those countries where his and Bush's provocations are
welcomed by extreme groups. Since he became prime
minister in 1996, Howard has renewed Australia's
reputation in Asia for European exclusivity.

This is tragic, for it is not long since Australia
emerged from the cultural isolation of its notorious
"white Australia policy" and appeared to express the
confidence of the ethnically diverse society it had
become. Embracing Asia became politically fashionable,
and the old colonial fear of the Asian hordes falling
down on Australia, as by the force of gravity, was
rejected by many Australians, especially the young.

Howard's openly racist policies have again begun to
isolate Australia. He has deployed Australian troops
against helpless, mostly Muslim,asylum-seekers on the
high seas - more than 350 people went to their deaths in
a leaking boat last year even though, as it has now been
revealed, Australian military intelligence knew they
were in great peril. He has imprisoned many of those
who have reached Australia (mostly from Iraq and
Afghanistan, the countries he claims to be "liberating")
in desert concentration camps in conditions which,
reported a United Nations inspector, were among the
worst he had seen in more than 40 inspections around the

Seldom a day passes when Howard and his inept foreign
minister, Alexander Downer, do not utter vacuities about
"the war on terror". The truth is that, for almost 40
years, Australian governments have played a significant
role in colluding with state terrorism in neighbouring
Indonesia. In 1965, the then prime minister Harold Holt
joked about the mass murder that accompanied the seizure
of power by General Suharto, the west's man. "With
500,000 to a million communist sympathisers knocked
off," he said, "I think it's safe to assume a
reorientation has taken place."

During the long years of Suharto's dictatorship, which
was shored up by western capital, governments and the
World Bank, state terrorism on a breathtaking scale was
ignored. Australian prime ministers were far too busy
lauding the "investment partnership" in resource-rich
Indonesia. Suharto's annexation of East Timor, which
cost the lives of a third of the population, was
described by the foreign minister Gareth Evans as
"irreversible". As Evans succinctly put it, there were
"zillions" of dollars to be made from the oil and gas
reserves in the Timor Sea.

Such lethal hypocrisy was acknowledged by Australia's
political and media elite only in the final spasms of
the Suharto dictatorship. In 1998, the World Bank's
"model pupil" finally collapsed beneath the weight of
its corruption after short-term capital fled Indonesia,
leaving 70 million people in abject poverty. Given the
pressures on this sprawling, ethnically complex country,
it is hardly surprising that extreme groups have found
fertile ground, whatever their aims. To lump them in
with the "global terror" of al-Qaeda serves to suppress,
once again, the part that rapacious western interests
have played.

Today, largely unreported, the Indonesian military, with
the tacit approval of the United States, Britain and
Australia, is terrorising the populations of Aceh and
West Papua. Most of the "human rights violations" in
these provinces - the euphemism for state terrorism -
have been part and parcel of "protecting" the American
Exxon oil holdings in Aceh as well as the vast Freeport
copper and gold mines and BP holdings in West Papua.
Those who need a link between the march of multinational
capital and state terrorism need look no further.

One of the sacred taboos for western journalists and
broadcasters is the terrorism of their own governments.
Only when they recognise this and its pivotal role in
the fate of much of humanity will they be able to report
honestly the lesser terrorism of non-state groups.

Research by Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan covering
the period since 1965 points to the killing of several
thousand people by non-state terrorists, such as
al-Qaeda, compared with 2.5 million civilians killed by
state-sponsored terrorism. These include the violence
of the South African apartheid regime, the Suharto
regime in Indonesia, the "Contras" in Nicaragua and
other American-backed terrorist states. This is a
conservative figure, for it predates the deaths caused
by the Anglo-American-driven sanctions against civilians
in Iraq. As Neil Sammonds has pointed out: "When US
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said in May 1996
that the killing of half a million Iraqi children was 'a
price worth paying' to keep pressure on Baghdad, she was
acting well within any reasonable definition of

Those who committed the disgusting mass murder in Bali
need to be caught and their organisation broken. But
this is unlikely to happen while state terrorism is in
the ascendancy, and goes unacknowledged as the most
virulent menace of all - and as, in many cases, the root
of non-state atrocities. A piratical assault on Iraq
will be an act of terrorism by state extremists in
Washington. It will also be the catalyst for years of
recruitment of those willing to murder westerners in
skyscrapers and nightclubs.

St Augustine tells the story of a conversation between
Alexander the Great and a pirate he captured. "How dare
you molest the seas?" asks Alexander. "How dare you
molest the whole world?" the pirate replies. "Because I
do it with a little ship only, I am called a thief.
You, doing it with a great navy, are called an emperor."


HTTX 2.0b

Title: t r u t h o u t - Kissinger in His Own Chilling Words

(*Editors Note |The selection of Henry Kissinger by the
Bush Administration to oversee the investigation of the
events leading up to the September 11th. attacks has
done little to allay concerns about what the
Administration knew prior to the attacks. To the
contrary Kissinger with all his baggage appears to
represent an almost desperate desire on the part of the
Bush Administration to keep the events leading up to the
attacks hidden from public view. Remember as you do the
math; this a man who cannot travel freely in Europe and
many other parts of the world for fear of being detained
by local authorities. Kissinger is a very risky
appointment. One cannot help but wonder what would
prompt the Bush Administration to take so great a risk.
-- ma)

t r u t h o u t | Quotation Compilation
Quotes from Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

Sunday, 1 December, 2002

Famous Quotes by Henry Kissinger

"The US must carry out some act somewhere in the world
which shows its determination to continue to be a world
power." -- Henry Kissinger, post-Vietnam blues, as
quoted in The Washington Post, April 1975

"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops
entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will
be grateful. This is especially true if they were told
there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or
promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is
then that all peoples of the world will plead with world
leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing
every man fears is the unknown. When presented with
this scenario, individual rights will be willingly
relinquished for the guarantee of their well being
granted to them by their world government." -- Henry
Kissinger speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992
Bilderburgers meeting. Unbeknownst to Kissinger, his
speech was taped by a Swiss delegate to the meeting.

"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country
go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people.
The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters
to be left to decide for themselves." -- Henry
Kissinger, Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, about
Chile prior to the CIA overthrow of the democratically
elected government of socialist President Salvadore
Allende in 1973

"Why should we flagellate ourselves for what the
Cambodians did to each other?" -- Henry Kissinger - who
(with Richard Nixon) was responsible for the massive
bombing of Cambodia in 1973, which killed three-quarters
of a million peasants and disrupted Cambodian society,
setting the stage for Pol Pot to come to power and
ultimately kill another one-and-a-half million people

"Covert action should not be confused with missionary
work." -- Henry Kissinger, commenting on the US sellout
of the Kurds in Iraq in 1975

"The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional
takes a little longer." --Henry Kissinger

© : t r u t h o u t 2002


Henry Kissinger - Bloody
Hands Full of Gold
By Cheryl Seal

c. 2002 The News Insider & Cheryl Seal

It has become the joke of the day that the Bush Administration is
stuffed full of "political dinosaurs" from the Cold War era who want
rattle their sabers and make one last stand like geriatric John

They are everywhere, both in front of the curtain -Cheney, Rumsfeld,
Powell, et al.- and behind it -Bush, Sr., James Baker, Henry
and God only knows who else. However, what these men truly represent
no joke at all.

Behind the smokescreen of patriotism, national security and ideology,
they are driven by just one motive: greed. Every single one of these
players is a politician for reasons of expediency (power can buy more
power). First and foremost, they are corporate tycoons whose primary
goal is to advance the cause of corporations. Each one is worth
and each one is now in a position to engineer policies that will
they will ultimately be worth millions more.

These policies are now in the process of being pushed forward, and
so far being met with an astonishing lack of resistance. This may be
because many Americans, including some Congress members, are too young
to recall the true nature of the Cold War era. It may also be that
have simply failed to make themselves sufficiently informed on the
nation's political history. It is impossible to believe that anyone
armed with the facts would fail to see the ugly template that is now
being forced down over the face of the nation.

This article presents a chunk of political history that we hope will
serve as a cautionary tale. It clearly exemplifies what the "political
dinosaurs" now in charge of our nation are all about, how they
in the past, and how they still hope to operate. The main figure,
Kissinger, personifies to a T the snake-like combination of
unscrupulousness and superficial charm that characterizes all of these
players, from Bush, Sr. to G.W. The setting, Indonesia, personifies
areas of Earth where any natural resources may be left for a greedy
to exploit in the name of "patriotism" and "national security," be it
Africa, the Amazon, Ukraine, or northern Alaska.

An Opportunist's Dream Come True

Indonesia has long been a dream come true for opportunists (until this
century they were called "explorers"). With its 17,000 islands
across the equator in the South Pacific atop a zone of tectonic
upheaval, it is a land of incredible biodiversity and dramatic
landscapes. Among its main islands are Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Timor
(East and West), and Bali (of "South Pacific" fame). Its forests and
mountains are treasure chests of exotic plants and animals, while its
human population is just as diverse -as recently as the 1980s, an
estimated 250 different languages were spoken there.

The first westerners to exploit the region were the Portuguese
the Dutch had a smaller settlement earlier). In the 17th century, the
Portuguese began to "mine" the forests for spices while dominating the
natives with a heavy hand. These fragrant exports earned the region
name of "the Spice Islands." Since then, this land, whose native
inhabitants in some regions have lineages extending back as much as
million years, has been the focus of a greedy tug-of-war between
different foreign powers and between these powers and the Indonesian
native peoples. Gold aside, no Indonesian resources have been at the
center of more collective strife, bloodshed, and environmental damage
than oil and natural gas.

After World War II, Indonesia made a determined stand for its
By 1950, they had thrown off domination by the Japanese (who had
commandeered the oil and liquid natural gas supplies during the war),
then pushed away the control of the British and Indian armies, and,
finally, the Dutch. The new Indonesian leader Sukarno (not to be
confused with the later brutal dictator Suharto) eventually became the
country's first president. Sukarno was a visionary who pursued an
he called "Pancasilo," a state of Indonesian unity in which ethnic and
religious tolerance would prevail. It was a dream that was doomed to
failure; halfway round the globe, forces were massing that would
ultimately topple Sukarno and his government.

In the United States, after World War II, the age of the automobile
dawned. Americans in geometrically growing numbers were heading off to
"See the USA in their [great big gas-guzzling] Chevrolets". They came
home from their cruises to modern oil-heated homes in proliferating
suburbs. Existing US sources, already heavily exploited, soon could
match the demand for abundant, cheap fuel and so the oil companies
looked elsewhere, to places such as Indonesia. At the same time,
oil-rich Southeast Asia was struggling for autonomy, urged on by the
growing Asian communist party, which wanted to distribute Asian wealth
more evenly and shake off western control. For western oil and mineral
companies, an independent Asia was a major impediment to the
exploitation of Indonesia's resources. To address this "impediment,"
early as 1953, the US National Security Council had adopted a policy
"appropriate action in collaboration with friendly countries to
permanent communist control of Indonesia." However, the only real
to the US that communism in Southeast Asia posed at that time was as a
hindrance to corporations hoping to tap into cheap labor, land, and
natural resources.

The history of Indonesia from 1957 on is the history of the struggle
corporations, aided and abetted by the CIA and the corrupt puppet
governments they helped to set up, to maintain control over
resources. In 1957, the Indonesian state company Pertamina was created
under Sukarno for the purpose of developing and controlling oil and
natural gas for the advancement of Indonesia. This development was
viewed with alarm by US petroleum companies, who themselves wanted
control over the country's oil and gas resources. Until the mid-1960s,
most of Pertamina's business partners were Chinese, not American.

In 1958, the CIA began to secretly finance, as well as create,
factions aligned against Sukarno. The agency also funneled money to a
handful of corrupt, ambitious generals. Thus "fed," these generals
quickly began to grow in power and influence, both in the government
in business wheeling and dealing. Meanwhile, Sukarno was in the midst
his "Guided Democracy Movement." Although he himself identified most
closely with the communist group called the PKI, there were at that
three important political parties in Indonesia -the PKI, the
nationalistic PNI and the conservative Muslims. This represented a
greater democratic diversity than could be found in America at that

By 1964, Sukarno had grown completely disgusted by American efforts to
buy influence in Indonesia and announced that he would no longer
any aid from the US. That was when the CIA, now operating chiefly
through the ambitious, greedy general Suharto, began to push forward
with a relentless, carefully orchestrated plan to topple Sukarno.

The Corporate Takeover of Indonesia

In the US a Harvard professor named Henry Kissinger was steadily
scooping up experience in international affairs and high-level
wheeling and dealing -a combination that was to later prove deadly for
the people of Indonesia. From 1954 to 1969, Kissinger had his fingers
a number of juicy pies. From 1954 until 1971 he was a professor at
Harvard University -though it is hard to see how he found time to
and was in the college's Department of Government and its Center for
International Affairs From 1955-56, he served as Study Director of
Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy for the Council of Foreign
From 1956-58 he was Director of the Special Studies Project for the
Rockefeller Brothers and was also Director of the Harvard Defense
Studies Program from 1958 to 1971.

By the time Kissinger embarked on his career as a master "diplomat"
(i.e. corporate intriguer), he was extremely well versed in espionage
tactics. From 1943 (the year he came to the US from Nazi Germany) to
1946, he served in the US Army Counter-Intelligence Corps and from
to 1949 was a Captain in the Military Intelligence Reserve. After the
war he was Director of the Psychological Strategy Board and of the
Operations Research Office. In the late 1950s, his influence in
Washington really began to send out tentacles. . Between 1959-68,
Kissinger was, at different or overlapping times, a consultant to: the
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, the Department of State, the
Rand Corporation, the National Security Council, and the Weapons
Evaluation Group of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Through this spider's web of connections, Kissinger was privy to a
bonanza of inside international information, both political and
corporate and was fast becoming especially well groomed in those
pertaining to Southeast Asia. By 1965, it is obvious Kissinger was
this information to speculate for personal gain in Indonesia. It is
obvious that by 1965 many top corporate execs in the US mining,
oil, and gas industries who had staked out potential claims in
Indonesia, somehow knew that Sukarno was going to be muscled out and
were circling like sharks.

In 1965, Freeport Sulfur, a company based in New Orleans, cut a
deal with the Indonesian government, through Suharto (who by now had
immense power in the government) to create a copper-gold mine in West
Papua. Who was the deal broker, making sure Freeport got in on the
"ground floor"? There is little doubt this middle man was Henry
Kissinger. At the same time, Mobile Oil Indonesia was also entering
contracts with Pertamina. It has been alleged that Kissinger also
as a deal broker in this alliance. Over a dozen other oil companies
waiting for their chance to pounce.

All that was needed to complete the scheme was to get rid of Sukarno.
engineer a coup, the CIA took a page from Hitler and the 1950s GOP and
turned the PKI into the "monster under the bed." The agency composed
printed lurid, and largely false propaganda about the communist
and disseminated it throughout Indonesia. Some of the literature
for all Muslims to declare a religious Jihad against the PKI -even
asserting that it was "God's will" that all communists be killed. The
coup engineers targeted young Muslim men 19-20 years of age, whom they
whipped into a fear-filled, religious frenzy, then armed with weapons
supplied by the US

What was most despicable about this plot was that until the party
to be persecuted in 1965, the PKI had maintained a strict policy of
remaining within the law, conducting only legal protests and remaining
unarmed, so as not to provoke the Indonesian military. The "crime" the
PKI had committed in the eyes of corrupt generals and their western
landowning allies was to urge poor peasants to demand more rights and
just compensation from wealthy landowners. The PKI also demanded that
the big landowners cease violating the ancient Indonesian rules of
sharing. The peasants' land was being used to grow sugar and rubber
the rice that was vital to the survival of the poor. In some areas,
PKI created "armies" of farmers, who took over tracts of land and
planted rice. Many of these farmers had been left without any access
land at all due to the eruption of the Ganungagung volcano.

In 1966, having set the stage by spreading suspicion, anger and fear
against the communists, the CIA and Suharto went into the next act of
what was to become known as the Untung Coup. Six generals still
considered loyal to Sukarno were brutally murdered by Suharto and his
cohorts. The communists were then framed for the crime, thereby
providing Suharto with the excuse he needed to unleash a wholesale
"purge" of the PKI. Hitler did much the same thing in Germany in the
1930s -he framed a young Dutch man who belonged to the communist party
for blowing up the Reichstag, and thus was able to declare outright
on all communists, which constituted the only faction in Germany that
had posed a serious roadblock to his complete domination.

The largely unarmed PKI members were hunted down and slaughtered in
of the most appalling bloodbaths of the 20th century. The poor farmers
who had taken a few acres of land were shot down by landowners like
turkeys in a shoot. Entire families in which a single member was
suspected of being a communist were murdered, including children, some
while they slept. Between 1965-1966 an estimated 500,000 to one
men, women, and children were massacred -most with weapons supplied by
the US. "Time" magazine reported during this period that "travelers
[some] areas tell of small rivers and streams that have been literally
clogged with bodies." However, "Time," like all media in the US in
pre-Vietnam War era (the US presence in Vietnam was still a "police
action" then) was still well-indoctrinated by the anti-communist,
pro-corporate dogma created by the GOP in the 1950s and sustained by
CIA and a cluster of powerful insiders through the decades ever since.
In the July 15, 1966 issue of "Time," the bloody Untung Coup was
as "the West's best news in years."

In the final step of the coup, Suharto deposed Sukarno. What followed
was a feeding frenzy by Suharto, his henchmen and US corporations.
a warlord, Suharto appropriated the best of everything he could for
himself and his family -oil wells, timberlands, and sugar plantations.
Thousands of acres of land were seized by companies with the blessings
of Suharto. Tens of thousands of native people were killed, displaced,
or "disappeared" to make way for mining, logging, and drilling
operations. Suharto and the other corrupt officers of the Indonesian
military were involved in every imaginable money-generating scheme,
including smuggling -"a range of activities limited only by the
imaginations of the military commanders." In 1966, Suharto declared
himself committed to aiding the West in its exploitation of Indonesia.
In 1967, the "Foreign Investment Law" was passed, which officially
Indonesia's doors wide open to foreign exploitation. In 1967, guess
western company was the first to be licensed under this new, corrupt
bloodstained regime: The Freeport gold operation.

A Feudal Regime Where Enough is Never Enough

While the US companies ripped billions of dollars out of the
landscape, over 60% of the nation lived below the poverty line, many
the point of starvation. Yet, the Suharto government would always
to a handful of new schools as proof of his compassion for his
Even in 2001, Freeport-McMoRan offers a slick propaganda brochure that
shows scrubbed natives in front of a single school, and describes a
smorgasbord of corporate largesse, which doesn't really exist. The few
crusts thrown to the Indonesian natives by Freeport have been in spite
of the company; most real advances in the treatment of natives has
occurred between 1999-2001 and then only because of the growing public

As always, when it comes to corporate greed, enough is never enough.
1974, the US had lost Vietnam and, under Suharto's rule, there were
constant outbreaks of rebellion in Indonesia. Nowhere was the push for
independence more well-organized and persistent than in East Timor.
progressive governor there decided to allow the formation of multiple
political parties, which in turn lead to an intensified push for
independence from the oppression of Suharto and from foreign
The prospect of East Timorese autonomy dismayed Suharto because he and
his friends had very valuable holdings in the region, including three
oil wells. If the push for independence succeeded, he might lose his
"investments". Worse yet, the push for independence could easily
into nearby West Papua, threatening Suharto's other interests and
Kissinger's gold mine (in which Suharto had a hefty share).

Evidence examined recently by researchers, including investigative
reporter Christopher Hitchens strongly indicates that in 1975,
helped orchestrate a surprise invasion of East Timor by the Indonesian
military. . Beyond any likely coincidence, Kissinger and Gerald Ford
were visiting Suharto on December 6, 1975, the night before the
(although Ford may have been Kissinger's dupe, used as a legitimizing
"front" -or even fall guy). The next day, just an hour or so after Air
Force One had cleared Indonesian air space, carrying Kissinger and
back to the US, the attack on East Timor was launched and the region
soon declared Indonesia's 27th province. In the process, over 200,000
East Timorese people were slaughtered outright; tens of thousands more
died of starvation and disease later.

For the next two decades, for the oil and mining industries in
Indonesia, and for Henry Kissinger, it was to be business as usual.

The Rape and Murder of Irian Jaya

Henry Kissinger has one sweet deal in the Freeport-McMoran Copper and
Gold Co (FCX on the NYSE). Not only does he make well over $500,000 a
year just for sitting on the board of directors, his "consulting"
Kissinger & Associates (Now Mclarty & Kissinger) rakes in
$300,000-500,000 per year as the company advisors, making sure no
environmental regulations can ever be enforced and no poor native
can ever win a settlement for having their land poisoned. But best of
all for him, he is also the majority stockholder in a company with
reserves estimated at $60 billion, making it the single largest gold
deposit in the world and third largest open-pit copper mine. That is,
was the majority stockholder as of a few months ago -he may now be
unloading certain damning assets as fast as he can dump them in the
of the growing international scrutiny by a list of countries he has
harmed in the past 40 years. To also throw the public off the scent,
January 2001, he named Roy J. Stapleton, a former US ambassador to
Singapore as "managing director" (i.e. head lobbyist) of Kissinger &
Associates. This accomplished two strategic things for Kissinger: it
his name off the "masthead" as legal rep. for FCX, and it will help
carry on his own tradition of using inside government information to
insure he gains an unfair advantage as a lobbyist

Yep, Kissinger's got a pretty good deal all right. Especially when you
consider that FCX has never had to pay much of anything to anybody but
handful of stakeholders, which includes Kissinger, good ole boy
Moffett (who came on board as CEO in 1981) and their golf-playing pal
Suharto (although I imagine his grip on the club might be a bit
slippery, what with all that blood on them from the over one million
men, women and children he has been responsible for slaughtering. If
want to get a feeling for just what sort of person "Jim-Bob" is, check
out this link.

-but take your airbag along. Under Suharto's odious Contract of Work,
slapped together in 1967, Suharto handed 100,000 hectares of land in
southern area of West Papua, also called Irian Jaya, to FCX for its
mine. Neither FCX nor Suharto cared that this was not their land to
carve up, but belonged to the Amaungme and Komoro people, whose
go back as much as one million years, according to some
The corporation simply seized the land and booted off the natives. An
estimated 2,000 people were shoved into concentration camp-like
"settlements" over the next few years so their land could be turned
a giant gold mine, waste pits, processing buildings, airfields, roads,
etc. (In FCX's website, they claim no more than 1,000 people lived in
the mine region at the start, but the statistics indicate this is a
minimizing lie).

As the years went by, FCX gobbled up more and more forestland. Today,
the operation consumes a monstrous 5.75 million acres. Instead of a
thousand natives scattered throughout the forest, able to sustain
themselves off their land, FCX actually boasts in its website that
Jaya is now "home" to 100,000 people from all over the Indonesian
region. It doesn't add that most of them were displaced by other
corporate or military operations or that they now live in congested,
filthy shantytowns on the edge of the mining operation. The website
these people were drawn by the economic opportunity offered by the
What economic opportunity? There are only 7,000 or so jobs associated
with the mining operation; most of which are filled by imported
The few jobs held by natives are unskilled.

But any protests by native peoples against the FCX "improvements" to
Irian Jaya have been handled brutally. Thanks to Suharto and the
supply of US weapons, FCX has been well-protected from uprisings. In
fact, Irian Jaya is the most militarized zone in all of Indonesia,
a greater, more heavily armed military presence than even East Timor.
There have been numerous human rights reports of atrocities by FCX's
"security forces." Natives have been shot along the road as if they
objects for target practice, pulled off buses and murdered, others
been tortured, some have had their villages torched, yet others report
being held kidnapped and held prisoner in FCX packing crates. In one
particularly horrendous instance, when natives blew up a slurry pipe
carrying contaminated mine wastes, the military retaliated and
slaughtered an estimated 900 people.

There is no doubt at all that Kissinger is completely aware of these
atrocities. But then, according to a growing body of evidence, he was
also aware of the atrocities in Chile, Cambodia, Argentina, and
elsewhere -not only aware but, in some cases, was actively involved in
helping orchestrate them. In any case, there is no doubt he has been
fully aware of the routine, environmentally devastating practices
on at the mine.

Freeport-McMoran, which derives its name from its relationship with
Tinto, a British/Australian mining conglomerate that owns a 12% share
the operation, is outrageously wasteful by American standards (which
themselves leave something to be desired). For every 300,000 tons of
ore, only 0.42 parts per million in gold is extracted. This means that
to get at the tiny fraction of gold, the mountain must, literally, be
chewed to pieces. By 1996, nearly 400 feet had been ripped off the top
of Puncuk Jaya Mountain, a mountain that was not only sacred to local
natives, but also the highest peak between the Andes and the

Today, the rubble from FCX's vast giant Grasberg Mine is dumped into
neighboring valleys. In the next few decades, the company expects to
blast and bulldoze THREE BILLION TONS of rock, which will form vast
mounds of dangerous, slide-prone rubble. Although it is illegal to
tailings- slurry of crushed ore, water, cyanide, arsenic, and other
toxic chemicals used in ore processing - into American rivers, in
Indonesia it is a routine practice. That's because Kissinger and
are calling all the shots -they share equal billing at the FCX
each being both CEO and chairman of the board of directors. Every
millions of tons of tailings are dumped into the Ajkwa River.

The accumulated waste has blocked and flooded the river several times,
contaminating (cumulatively) over 100 square kilometers of once
productive land. The contamination is, for all intents and purposes
it may take hundreds of years to abate naturally) permanent. A recent
study of abandoned gold and copper mines in the American west shows
land flooded by water laced by tailings is still contaminated decades
after the end of mining operations. Some patches have become
while waters in some areas downstream of the origin of contamination
still barren. The toxics accumulate in tissues of animals, so the
contamination level of fish and birds can gradually climb instead of

The Freeport-McMoran operation has now thoroughly contaminated the
region's watershed, an area that is home to the Lorentz Reserve, a
region rich in wetlands that contains one of just three equatorial
glacier zones left on Earth. As far as 80 miles downstream from the
mine, villagers have had to be relocated because of the danger that
dam holding back the huge, noxious lake of tailings might break. Some
people have refused to leave. Said one elderly native: "God gave this
land. I will not be moved from it. If I go, what is there for my

The water in the Ajkwa river, which is the lifeblood of Irian Jaya, is
now unfit to drink along much of its length. Native people, especially
the elderly, who do not understand why they can no longer drink the
water or eat the fish from their father's and father's father's river,
stubbornly persist. As a result, many have been poisoned and many have
died from what the Indonesian medical personnel now call "mystery
diseases." Much like Gulf War Syndrome (which is believed to be caused
by a mix of toxic chemicals), natives with "mystery diseases" develop
strange skin lesions and rashes, chronic nausea, and may cough up
The natives have said that the sweet potatoes and taro they
traditionally eat now have ominous discolorations, while the skin of
wild pigs that serve as meat appears diseased. To avoid being
natives must travel sometimes many miles to commercial markets and
purchase food they once hunted and gathered for free, thus fueling
poverty even more.

Perhaps the harshest plight of all is that of the "relocated." These
once free, proud people of the forest are forced to live in squalid,
crowded shantytown settlements, little better than concentration
There, they are plagued by high rates of malaria, cholera, tetanus,
sexually-transmitted diseases, and malnutrition. Infant mortality is
high -twenty percent of infants do not survive- while the average life
expectancy of adults is about 50 years (FCX's "brochure" touts an
increase in life expectancy in recent years, but, tellingly, fails to
mention just what it is). Yet, West Papua's central highlands have
ONE 70-bed hospital to serve 400,000 people. Despite the health risks
posed by poverty coupled with a toxic environment, the Amaungme and
Komaro people who chose to remain in their forest land near the mine
have no access to any government medical care.

At the FCX website, there is a very long (too long -methinks they doth
protest too much) section on how great things are going for the
how wonderful the environmental standards of the company are, how much
the company has done for the natives. However, you will also notice
the "good example" being held up is not Freeport-McMoRan, but the
Indonesian government's smaller operation called Freeport-PI. But even
the Freeport-PI accomplishments are somewhat pitiful. For example, we
are supposed to be impressed that a whole $166 million was spent over
11-year period on at least 100,000 people? That's less than $200 per
year per person. Meanwhile, Jim-Bob and HK probably hauled home at
$166 million between them from FCX during the same time!

The standard of life for the natives has little hope of improving.
Freeport-McMoran's labor practices systematically exclude natives,
despite what their rosy little brochure would have you believe. Of
17,000 workers (in 2000), just 100 or so were local natives, who were
paid 70 cents per hour. FCX claims that as of 2001, just over 1,500
are now held by natives -however, it doesn't specify if those are
natives or just natives of Indonesia (i.e., workers imported from
centers like Jakarta). The 1% fund the company set up for local
has caused more problems and conflicts than it has helped
-intentionally, say some human rights observers. Those overseeing the
distribution of the funds are often corrupt; little of the money
actually ever reaches those it was intended to help, and payments from
FCX have been called arbitrary at best.

FCX's approach to environmental outrages has consisted of liberal
of whitewash. For example, FCX tried to make a $248,000 grant to HAMAK
(Foundation for Human Rights Anti-Violence), an organization directed
Ms. Josepha Alomung, an activist who won the Goldman environmental
in 2001. But Alomung was angered by the grant and refused to accept
First of all, she had never applied for the grant, so it was obvious
that FCX was trying to grab some "gain by association" it did not
deserve through deceitful means. Even more glaringly, Alomung said she
would never accept cash from an outfit whose activities ran so
completely counter to her principles. Yet, in their website, FCX
that Ms. Alomung has been written them a letter of appreciation!

To date, FCX has never spent a dime on cleaning up the past
wrought by the mine -which is the equivalent in its extent of several
the largest "superfund sites" in the US. The local people receive what
amounts to $300 a piece per year compensation from profits -a gesture
even more pitiful than Bush's $300 per head tax rebate. Meanwhile good
ole boy turned gold baron Jim Bob Moffett once scoffed at the idea
the monster mine was poisoning the river -dumping tailings into the
Ajkwa's waters was no big deal said Jim-Bob: "It's the equivalent of
pissing in the Arafua Sea." But Jim Bob's pampered, self-aggrandizing
view of reality, spouted fromthe comfort of his stateside mansion,
worth the breath it's printed on.

The evidence of Freeport-McMoran's gross environmental negligence and
human rights abuses had grown so overwhelming by the mid-1990s, that
Overseas Private Investment Corps. (OPIC) canceled the company's $100
million insurance policy in 1995, citing severe environmental
According to the OPIC report, FCX had "created and continues to pose
unreasonable or major environmental, health, or safety hazards to the
rivers that are being impacted by the tailings, the surrounding
terrestrial ecosystem, and the local inhabitants." But like all
robber barons, Kissinger and Jim-Bob went on a vicious offensive to
protect their ill-gotten gains. Immediately following the cancellation
announcement, FCX brought out its big guns: money. Millions and
of dollars were spent buying up magazine ads, TV time, and on
charitable donations. In short, they poured money into everything
righting their wrongs. The company bought an entire half hour
infomercial, which aired in Austin and New Orleans. In an incredible
slap in the public's face, the Public Broadcasting System station
WLAE-TV in Texas aired the slot as an "educational special" at NO
CHARGE! Warm-fuzzy full-page ads ran in Newsweek and US News & World

When journalists started writing articles or airing stories critical
Freeport-McMoran, it simply bought most of them off (a black eye to
field of honest environmental journalism). Among the sellouts: Bill
Collier, formerly of the "Austin American-Statesman," who became FCX's
Austin spokesman, and WWL's Garland Robinette, who took a cushy job in
FCX's PR department. It must be noted that one journalist who wrote
the "Austin Chronicle," Robert Bryce, not only turned down a lucrative
bribe job from FCX, he went onto to write more hard-hitting FCX
including an extremely thorough investigative report in "Mother Jones"

Kissinger & Co. also scrambled to call in every favor and twist every
arm they had access to. When Suharto tried to pressure Bill Clinton
intervening on FCX's behalf against OPIC, Clinton, to his great
refused. A former CIA chief, with access to all sorts of ammunition it
should have been unthinkable to use, was called into help fight OPIC.
Swiss bankers, international insurers, and environmental regulators
flown into Irian Jaya all-expenses paid and given free luxury
vacation-like visits and carefully choreographed tours of selected
of the mine complex. In the end, it is not too surprising (though
incredibly disappointing to those who believe in justice) that
Kissinger's clout once more prevailed and the mine's insurance

So, in the wake of such a close call and a growing public spotlight on
FCX, did the company make sweeping remedial changes in the way it
handled environmental and human rights issues? Hardly. Instead, in
the company asked permission to expand the operation to TWICE the size
it was at the time. One of the last things done by Suharto (who owned
substantial share in the mine) before he was forced to resign by a
nation burned out by his corruption, was to approve the expansion.
approval was granted following a cozy little private conference
him and Jim-Bob Moffett. Once Suharto was gone, the company had a
time completing their outrageous request due to the resistance of the
minister in charge of mining, Kuntoro, and the Indonesian
intelligentsia, who were outraged by the flagrant concessions and
benefits already showered on FCX by Suharto.

However, good ole Jim-Bob just waited until the hopelessly weak new
leader Habibie was installed in office, then started wheeling and
dealing full force. Habibie, a pushover from day one, caved in
By now, Kuntoro was being pressured relentlessly by western
used to being given special above-the-law treatment by their "buddy"
Suharto. Kuntoro was finally forced to agree to the expansion, but
demanded that the mine clean up its environmental act and pay a higher
royalty rate to the government. Unfortunately, most environmentalists
say any environmental standards imposed on FCX remained on paper only.

The next "crisis" for FCX came when Habibie was ousted and replaced by
Wahid, whom many Indonesians hoped would nationalize operations such
FCX, demoting such western gold and oil barons to the "paying guest"
status which should have been theirs from the start. But Wahid, just
like Habibie, proved to have feet of clay when pressured by Jim-Bob
Kissinger. In early 2000, shortly after Wahid took over, Kissinger
to Indonesia and began a process of combined intimidation and
bribery aimed at extracting a promise from Wahid that he would not
nationalize FCX.

Rather than act in Indonesia's best interests and demand that
completely overhaul FCX's environmental and labor practices, in
February, 2000, the corrupt Wahid made Kissinger an advisor on foreign
affairs! Not only that, but he apparently gave FCX more concessions
ever. In its blurb on the NY Stock Exchange site, FCX boasts that the
cost of producing gold and copper at FCX is just about the cheapest in
the world (of course it is! They have no overhead, no fines, minimal
taxes, pay less than $1.00 per hour for laboring jobs and never really
paid for their land). It also boasts that production is at an all time
high (we can just picture the devastation this is translating into!),
while the costs of production and delivery are "lower than ever" (this
hardly sounds promising for the local economy and workers!). It is
noted in the blurb that the company was "relieved of" its $6 million
year commitment to West Papua. This sounds suspiciously as if Wahid
absolved the corporation of fulfilling their obligation to return some
of its profits to the people of West Papua. In any case, the company's
revenues between January and July of this year were an astounding $985
million -almost one billion dollars.

The graph for FCX stock closely mirrors the course of US and
political events -proving that the company's wealth is based heavily
political favor. Last summer, with the unsympathetic Clinton still in
office and Wahid's reign weakening, the stock was hovering at a lowish
point. Then, toward December 1, when it became apparent Bush would
succeed in stealing the White House, the stock steadily climbs again,
only to fall again in late May and June when Wahid toppled from power.
By the way, in 1999-2000, FCX made election donations in the US
amounting to over $262,000, an estimated 2/3 of which went to the GOP.
(Much of the money spent on the Democratic Party over the years has
done with an eye to insuring that FCX's close ally (and bad apple
Democrat) John Breaux of Louisiana would keep winning his senate seat,
which, of course, he has.) It should also be pointed out that within
days of Bush's inauguration, Kissinger was dining with the new White
House resident and Cheney at the home of former CIA "mockingbird"
Katharine Graham. It should also be noted that well-grounded rumors
allege that one of the names topping Cheney's secret energy task force
list is Henry Kissinger. No wonder the White House wants to keep it

Now that Wahid is gone and Sukarno's daughter, Megawati, has been made
president of Indonesia, it will be very interesting to see what sort
intimidation, calling in of favors, bribes and pressures Kissinger and
good ole Jim-Bob try to unleash and how dedicated to the welfare of
people and her father's memory Megawatti will prove to be.


"The Mining Menace of Freeport-McMoRan" by Pratap Chatterje, "The
Multinational Monitor," April 1996

"Freeport Obtains Indonesian Approval to Expand World's Largest Gold
Mine," Mike Head, World Socialist Website, February 20, 1999

"Former Secretary of State Kissinger Remembers," East Timor Action
Network (Etan); Site provides large excerpt from "The Case Against
Kissinger" by investigative reporter Christopher Hitchens

"Realpolitik, " Robert Bryce, "Austin Chronicle," May 19, 2000

Statement by John Rumbiak, the West Papua Institute for Human Rights
Study and Advocacy (submitted at the annual general meeting of
Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Cold, Inc.) May 3, 2001

Drillbits and Tailings, March 17, 2000 News update

"Spinning Gold," by Robert Bryce, "Mother Jones Magazine", Sept/Oct

"Gus Dur: Don't Sell Papua's Future to Henry Kissinger," Statement by
Emmy Hafild, Exec. Director of WALHI-Indonesia Forum for Environment,
Friends of the Earth Indonesia

"Old State, New Society: Indonesia's New Order in Comparative
Perspective," Benedict R. O'G. Anderson, "Journal of Asian Studies,"
May, 1983

"Generals and Business in Indonesia," Harold Crouch, "Pacific
Winter 1975/76

"People Were Shot, Bleeding, and Lying on the Ground," Mike Head,
Socialist Web Site," Nov. 28, 1998

"We Saw Terrible Slum-Like Conditions and a Very Strong Army
Mike Head, World Socialist Website, Dec. 1 1998

"US Mine Gouges For Gold," Danny Kennedy, "Earth Island Institute
Journal," Spring 1997

"Lawsuit in New Orleans," Statement of Lawsuit of Irian Jaya natives
versus FCX

"Election Donations of Freeport, 1999-2000"

"Statement of John Rumbiak"

CorporateWatch: Statements by Jim-Bob Moffett

Photo of Gouged Out Mountain at FCX Mine in Irian Jaya

Copyright © 2002 by the News Insider and Cheryl Seal


In It for US

Your either with US as equals under a rule of law as
Universal Justice, or your a mindless slave whore
sacrificing your soul for bush, the anti-Christ, who
will as he continues, stealing and murdering from our
families without any good reason, or provocations as
evil incarnate he is to US all. A murdering nazi demon
of evilness never before known. As he as shown, he
would steal from every American, Justice, Freedom, and
Liberty, while only saying, no he's not, as who knows
how many are illegally arrested as disappeared, and he
funnels billions of real American worker tax dollars
into criminal thefts through the Pentagon. The False
Claims Act. Like he has polluted ourselves in Texas, as
he directly supported the murder of tens of thousands in
Afghanistan without evidence, stolen tens of billions
from Americans for himself, and fought against smart and
healthy universal heath care as educated, and continues
to support the legal inaction against Enron, who fleeced
any American pensions they could get a hold on, of which
the biggest criminal in the Enron debacle, outside of
Ken Lay is Thomas White, who he has made no indications
of arresting, or even firing, as the Secretary of the
Army. Mr. bush gave his buddy Krongard the right to
murder any law abiding American citizen as soldier, and
escape criminal conviction, a traitor to America is our
Mr. bush jr., Constitutionally, plain and simple. A
nazi warmonger, who wishes to murder millions with
nuclear weapons, a savage, a monster. A demon who has
placed in his secret administration, those responsible
for the death squads of Nicaragua, and the shipments of
cocaine into America, to increase crime against every
community, while his supporters support the school of
the Americas, by removing free speech from those who
wish to point to those repuglicans ultimately
responsible for harboring real terrorism, (Mr. bush
Sr.) according to Sergeant Chuck Couglin of the Milwaukee
Sheriff's Department. He has also said he wishes no
interest in stopping his increase in the heroin trade.
He, as pure evil, who holds practically no deception to
ourselves if you'd only listen, has destabilized the
world in his commitment to the destruction of our legal
due process, by suggesting his entourage, can not be
found guilty of any crimes against our humanity, of
which they spout like rumsfeld in silence to torture,
and murder those known by all to have committed no
offense, through now military dictatorship, of which,
true Americans will not allow him to take US further, I
will not stand for it, nor should you as a Patriot
soldier protecting the flag. I demand again, the
immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld for crimes against
humanity, in New York City and Afghanistan, or their
rightful execution by all free thinkers in America who
own firearms, and can read of our stories not present by
the corporate establishment. Mr. bush and rumsfeld
expect every single human on our planet to relinquish
our rights as living human beings. Mr. bush had no
qualms about doing business with the Taliban in August,
if they would only, by bribe, collectively sacrifice
their interests in serving for their country, as bush
has done to America for his entire career degenerating.
Mr. rumsfeld asked our living World for the murder of
"Omar the Just", for the only reason of requesting
evidence. Bin Laden, as we all remember, offered his
arrest to authorities upon the showing of any evidence,
for a crime he stated was no part of, including all the
other baseless claims made by the Clinton
administration, who too, could not arrest Bin Laden then
either, when he sat in jail for 47 days uncharged
waiting. Which is how we know again, Mr. bush is
directly involved in NYC, as would too, as have to be,
rumsfeld to let the towers fall, but too stupid evil
they both are, to not know the wise intentions of
America's founding fathers, or myself as the Messiah,
Johnny Wizard. For as we knew, all the planted evidence
and otherwise, that was publicly available, pointed only
to bush and rumsfeld for not seeking who was
responsible, only to leave blame quickly as not
possible, on a Nation accused without evidence, that had
a month prior been planned to rob and murder from for
Enron was desperate to hide their crimes against every
American dollar. All documented. Kill bush and
rumsfeld on site American soldier, and be loved by all
as Savior.

Holy Jesus Man!

steal our worths and freedoms as worthy of defense

matters by their own measure as corporate cultists. As
I told you, Bill Hemmer and several other celebs at CNN,
now are fully aware of bush and rumsfeld being the true

perpetrators of 9/11, yet, Bill continues to play evil

against US all, figuring nobody ever will know without
CNN coverage on his contempt for American Patriots he
asks to have sacrificed for as bushwhores like himself
and Blitzer. CNN refuses to protect Americans as equals

committed to Justice for US all.

It was just reported by Chris Marden on the 27 November
2002, that bush's top whore richard pearl, has advised
Britsh MPs, that bush secretly as the anti-Christ has no
intention of allowing the Iraqi inspection process to

succeed, and instead, is committed to murder ourselves
either way.

Again, bush and blair, like CNN, have no evidence to
substantiate their allegations against Saddam, and have
stated because they have no evidence, they therefor as
demons, can murder anyone on the face of this planet to
steal our lives in OUR names as US innocent. Mr. blair
and the bushmob have recently stated, that they have no
evidence that Saddam has any WMDs, nor, is any threat to
OUR WORLD community, and because of that, if the
inspectors find no weapons, and Saddam insists it is
because he doesn't have any, this, accordingly, would
give these criminal master minds a cause to murder
hundreds of thousands of innocent people, if not
millions, and steal all the assets of the Iraqi people,
while destabilizing our entire endangered species. They
are mass murderers, threatening humanity to recommit
more murder as TERRORISTS! Never while I stand ALIVE
evil nazi dumb fucks. KILL BUSH NOW! Hey, have you
heard about rotten rumsfeld's P2OG? "O", as in Oh
rumsfeld is truly an evil fuck! Apparently, rumsfeld
wants to provoke terrorist activity to murder ourselves

as innocent civilians, as an opportunity to invade any


Some quotes from:

(This paper was not written by me, Johnny.)

Corporate Street Gangs -- Monsanto

Almost everyone is well aware of the street gangs that
plague the inner-cities of the United States and some
other countries. The members of these gangs often act
without conscience, hurting and sometimes killing others
in order to obtain what they want -- usually money. Of
course, the majority of people residing in inner cities
are wonderful, caring human beings.

Not unexpectedly, there are similar people at all levels
of society. It is incredibly naive, after all, to
expect that all of the dishonest and dangerous people
are the "disadvantaged" in inner-cities. While most
people throughout society are honest and caring people,
there are similar "gangs" whose members operate with
little or no conscience at all levels of society,
including in the corporate world.

The individuals who run Monsanto Chemical Corporation
are one such gang that, in my opinion, knowingly causes
death, pain and suffering with absolutely no regard for
the consequences. Of course, most people who work for
Monsanto are probably honest and caring people. The
same goes for most people who help run companies.
However, the people who run Monsanto are a perfect study
of a Corporate Street Gang that runs wild, causing pain
and suffering throughout the world. This "street gang"
is far more dangerous than any one inner-city street
gang could ever be.

A few of Monsanto's many toxic products include:

1. Aspartame

Monsanto is now proliferating this slow poison in the
food supply throughout the world, speading the pain and
suffering that it has already caused in the U.S.
population to other unsuspecting populations. Nearly 1
million people in the U.S. are *aware* that is has
caused them health problems (based on adverse reaction
reports divided by estimated reporting rate). And
probably many, many times that figure are experiencing
the cumulative toxicity from aspartame and are not yet
aware of it. All of this has happened even though this
slow poison has been used in the U.S. in significant
amounts for less than 10 years. The prospects of
long-term aspartame use may bring us brain cancer and
other illnesses seen in lifetime pre-approval studies.

Along with the spread of aspartame is the spread of
dishonest information. They have been caught giving out
inaccurate information to honest scientists and news
organizations. Since they are already adding a slow
poison to the food supply, one can imagine that, for
them, lying to honest people is relatively easy.
Dishonest and inaccurate information is also spread
through PR organizations that they help fund such as the
International Food Information Council (IFIC), American
Dietetics Association (ADA), and a number of other
organizations that give out inaccurate information just
as if it had come directly from Monsanto (and it
probably does).

Other victims of Monsanto's push of aspartame on the
world population include:

-- The scientific community and scientific ethics. Many
of the studies associated with the manufacturer of
aspartame boardered on fraud (and the FDA, at one time,
urged prosecution). They flooded the scientific
community with countless studies that sound convincing
in abstract form, but prove worthless (at best) when
analyzed carefully. The scientific community (and tens
of thousands of honest physicians) were conned, the
scientific method was seriously damaged, and
Monsanto-funded studies helped proliferate "research"
where scientific ethics means nothing and the correct
results mean everything.

-- The FDA. After many officials at the FDA and other
key government agencies were offered jobs with companies
related to the aspartame industry (including the US
prosecutor investigating them for fraud being hired by
their law firm, and the FDA Commissioner being hired as
a consultant for their PR firm), the FDA became little
more than a cheerleader for the aspartame manufacturer
on this issue. Instead of being objective, the FDA
refused funding of legitimate research and instead
funded useless research. FDA representatives published
articles that totally ignored independent research and
relied only on industry-funded research. The FDA banned
safer sweeteners that are used throughout the world in
order to help keep the aspartame market alive. The
integrity of the FDA -- at least what it had left -- has
been severely damaged by this fiasco. Every day that
aspartame stays on the market is more proof that the FDA
is simply acting as a Monsanto subsidiary on this issue.

-- US and State Congressional "Representatives." The
manufacturer and their owners gave large sums of money
to the campaigns of "representatives" in order to assure
a proper outcome of state and US hearings. This
manufactuer hanky-panky led to a secret hearing in
Arizona leading to a law disallowing safety hearings of
aspartame. On the Federal level, the manufacturer's
money, in my opinion, helped get the votes of key
representatives which prevented a law requiring
independent, NIH-funded testing and better labeling. On
an international level, the manufacturer was caught
paying government officials to obtain the approval for
sale of their products. An offer of big money to a
Canadian official to obtain approval for one of their
new toxic products is proof that it is "business as
usual" for Monsanto.

All of this amounts to an abuse of government by the
aspartame manufacturer. This contributes to government
officials and representatives (at least some of them)
becoming little more than indentured servants for
special interest groups -- in this case Monsanto.

Please see the aspartame web page form more general and
scientific information:

2. Toxic Carpeting

This is another case where Monsanto has abused the
scientific method, helped destroy the impartiality of
another government agency (the EPA), and continued to
throw money at government officials to prevent *real*
action from being taken regarding what has already by
proven by *indpendent* researchers to be seriously
dangerous levels of toxic emissions coming from their
carpeting for years after installation. This has also
led to large numbers of people (especially young
children) suffering from moderate to serious health
damage. Since the damage of often slow and silent (like
aspartame), many people are not aware that they or their
children are suffering gradual neurological and/or
immunological damage.

When independent researchers discovered the danger of
toxic carpeting from Monsanto (and Dupont), Monsanto was
not satisfied with looking at the situation in a
scientific way. They drafted a memo which showed they
planed to deal with the situation by discrediting one of
the independent researchers. After that memo became
public, Monsanto and the industry PR group, the Carpet &
Rug Institute (CRI), claimed that they decided not to
pursue that course of action. Unfortunately, it is
perfectly clear from reading the blatently inaccurate
information currently pumped out by the CRI, that that
is exactly the action which Monsanto is taking.

Please see the toxic carpeting web page for more information:

3. rBGH

Another dangerous Monsanto fiasco. (Monsanto has a long
history of creating dangerous chemicals -- Agent Orange
ingredients, PCB's, etc.) A number of prominent
researchers have analyzed pre-approval and post-approval
data on this issue and have found that milk from the use
of this "product" may significantly speed the growth of
cancer in humans - particularly breast cancer. Even a
prominent cancer researcher has recently expressed
serious concern about this issue.

Instead of calling for several years of truly
independent research to resolve this issue, Monsanto is
more than willing to sacrifice future generations to
significant increases in cancer deaths (especially
breast cancer deaths) in order to make money. Monsanto
is doing everything it can, in an underhanded way to
force this toxic product on society. This includes:

-- Threatening dairies that want to label their milk as
"rBGH-free" with major lawsuits, even though milk
produced with the use of rBGH has been recently proven
to be significantly different than normal milk, the
dairies are intimidated. Consumers are not able to tell
the difference without labeling.

-- Offering at least one government official a huge sum
of money to obtain approval for this toxic product.
They were caught because the government official was
honest and reported the attempted payoff. One can only
wonder how many times such payoffs were not caught.

-- Encouraging the passage of laws that make it illegal
to say negative things about this and other toxic
products (called "Food Disparagement Laws"). This law
has been passed in several states in the U.S. by
corporate indentured servants (i.e., government
representatives). Even though this law is clearly
unconstitutional, it has an effect of intimidating media
outlets and other organizations that might otherwise
speak out.

This is another typical case where Monsanto has abused
the scientific method. In addition, they refuse to
release key research which is suspected to confirm some
of the many dangers of rBGH use. There is a suit in
U.S. Federal Court at this time trying to get the
release of these scientific documents.

More independent and scientific information on rBGH can be found

4. Other Monsanto Toxic Products

There are many other product sold by Monsanto that are
contributing to pain and suffering around the world.
For example, there have been a number of people online
whose health has been severely damaged by Monsanto's
toxic herbicide, "Roundup." Monsanto has created
genetically engineered soybeans, cotton, potatoes,
canola, corn, and sugar beets that can withstand the
heavy use of Roundup. This will cause greater use of
Roundup and lead to additional health damage. In
addition, ingestion of these crops may lead to an
increased ingestion of traces of Roundup. Since these
more dangerous "Roundup Toxic Crops" will be mixed with
normal crops, according to reports, it will be difficult
for consumers to tell the difference. The best bet is
to eat certified organic foods or get a guarantee from
your store that Roundup was not used on *any* percentage
of their crops.


Some people may make the following points about Monsanto's "business

1. Monsanto's record of preventing release of toxic substances into
the environment has improved.

That may be true. However, Monsanto is now putting
toxic products directly into the food supply (e.g.,
aspartame, rBGH) and the home (toxic carpeting)! Most
people were far better off having a significant indirect
exposure from the environment as opposed to what is
happening now -- people unknowingly becoming miniature
toxic waste dumps for Monsanto's toxic products. Also,
one has to keep in mind that much of their
"environmental cleaup" is hype and PR as opposed to
substance. If they simply stop selling their toxic
products (starting with those mentioned above) and clean
up the PCB's from the environment they will be making a
real *first step* towards corporate ethics. Until then,
they are simply spreading the toxic waste, pain, and
suffering in a different way.

2. Monsanto gives money to organizations in order to help people.

If a major cocaine dealer gave a percentage of his
income to non-profit organizations, it would still be
obvious to everyone that this person is still producing
his money from the pain and suffering of his customers.
Monsanto is a similar situation in that it makes money
by selling products that destroy people's health over a
lifetime (or sooner). It easily causes many times more
suffering with the sale of its products than it
donations could ever help. In fact, some of Monsanto's
"donations" seem to be more of an attempt to buy a good
word about its toxic products.


Here are the people who are currently most responsible
for Monsanto-caused pain and suffering throughout the
world -- the Monsanto Board of Directors taken from the
1995 Monsanto Annual Report. Being somewhat religous, I
believe that God will eventually forgive them for all of
the pain and suffering that they are causing.
(Although, if there is a "Hell," these individuals may
probably deserve a free pass to get in.) It is
unfortunate that "pain and suffering" is the legacy that
this people choose to leave in this world.

Please write them and "thank" them for the pain and
suffering they have and are inflicting upon the world

Robert B. Shapiro, CEO
Monsanto Chemical Corporation
St. Louis, Missouri

Joan T. Bok
Westborough, Massachuseets
(CEO New England Electric System)

Robert M. Heyssel, M.D.
Seaford, Delaware
(President emeritus of Johns Hopkins Health System in Baltimore,

Gwendolyn S. King
Philadelpha, Pennsylvania
(Senior VP of PECO Engergy Co.)

Philip Leder, M.D.
Boston, Massachusetts
(Chairman of Dept. of Genetics, Harvard Medical School)

Howard M. Love
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
(CEO National Intergroup Inc.)

Richard J. Mahoney
Monsanto Chemical Corporation
St. Louis, Missouri

Frank A. Metz, Jr.
Sloatsburg, New York

Buck Mickel
Greenville, South Carolina
(CEO RSI Holdings Inc)

Jacobus F.M. Peters
Wassenaar, The Netherlands
(Retired CEO of AEGON N.V)

Nicholas L. Reding
Monsanto Chemical Corporation
Sl. Louis, Missouri

John S. Reed
New York City, New York
(CEO Citicorp and Citibank N.A.)

William D. Ruckelshaus
Seattle, Washington
(Chairman of Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc.)

John B. Slaughter, Ph.D.
Los Angeles, California
(President of Occidental College)


Other notable persons who helped cause or perpetuate the aspartame
fiasco include:

Donald Rumsfeld
Former CEO of G.D. Searle
Used political clout to help get aspartame approved despite so many
prominent, independent scientists urging that it not be approved.

David Kessler
FDA Commissioner
Responsible for banning the safe sweetener, stevia. He continues to
play down and ignore the evidence of aspartame's toxicity.

Arthur Hull Hayes
Former FDA Commissioner
Responsible for approval of aspartame not long before becomming a
consultant for the manufacturer's public relations (PR) firm.

Samuel Skinner
Former US Attorney
Despite being urged by the FDA to pursue prosecution of the
manufacturer on charges of fraud related to aspartame research, Mr.
Skinner negotiated and took a job with the manufacturer's law firm
during the fraud investigation!

Keywords: street gangs, crime, ethics, pain, suffering,
food supply, aspartame, nutrasweet, rbgh, rbst, toxic
carpeting, FDA, EPA, Monsanto, stock, stockholders,
investment, corruption


A Better Way
Like the bushmob
partner's theft of billions through Enron, of which in
Congressional hearings, nobody wanted to know the
pension money is still sitting in the Cayman Islands,
ready to be returned to the helpless victims, like an
American soldier's family being deemed by Congress, as
unimportant to their standard of living. No care right
nazi soldier? Just murder innocent third worlders to
tell your mother how much you care so for her? While
the war criminals, working for Dutch shell, heroin
dealers, and the monsters from Iran-contra, rumsfeld and
tommy, the nazi fucks, search the third world for people
who speak outrage against corporate America funding our
deaths by murder through censorship. While I sit here
writing as Johnny, waiting for a corporate professional
to deem me worth topicing on as unstoppable sweet
goodness. Look, read of our no counter opinion critics
in google 'groups', who publicly call themselves morons
or traitors willingly. Spooky dumb I'll tell ya.
We are all the Palestinians being counted
without value by corporate dictates ignoring the human

The Truth is Marching On
We continue to witness the American corporate news
degenerates refusing to report on the 200 missiles fired
into Jenin, the attack on hospitals, police, education
and health organizations, along with ambulances. While
now getting us ready to except nazi sharon's evilness
like he's something close to human. Arafat in Arabic
and English has explained with intelligent reason, using
terror tactics against innocent Jews, suits not the
means of US being murdered as civilians with nazi
gestapo excuses, perpetrated everyday against our
interest by America's corporate elites, who are only so,
by robbing and killing ourselves through censorship.
While sharon's anti-Semite parasitic disease forbids all
Christians from owning property, of whom as Americans,
fund to murder and steal from us as believers. The
recent corporate approved news story is that sharon nazi
soldiers, who after slaughtering hundreds of innocent
civilians state, there only sorry for killing a woman
and her two children mistaken for terrorists. But what
of the hundreds of other murder victims, and the
destruction of government facilities and media outlets?
While all the while stealing and pillaging from a people
deprived of Justice? No comment, no coverage, no
excuses, sharon must diet! Mr. bush, the anti-Christ,
has murdered thousands of New Yorkers, and has stolen
billions from every American with criminal frauds going
undetested by corporate standards. Mr. Dick Armey, as
the official leader of the repuglican party, is a bigot
as is a functional illiterate, and also supports
genocide apparently of us Catholics, Muslims, Jews, and
Atheists he wishes to see deprived human rights he
vocalized. True, America has the lowest literacy rate
of all developed countries, but Christ can't repuglicans
at least find a traitor to our humanity capable of
pretending to be otherwise? Nope, impossible. CNN
demands WE, as humanity, have no rights to know who was
responsible for the terrorist acts in New York City, to
further sacrifice our lives for their pay bonuses from
the traitors in the bushmob and Ted Turner, to steal
further from YOUR life and family, while propagandizing
our world with their terrorist propaganda, like Bin was
threatening to nuke America, while they sit smiling,
advocating the murder of those who the entire world
understands with the facts as innocent of the crime they
accuse ourselves of unbiasedly, as never heard from to
speak in defense for ourselves. Email this document to
your favorite corporate news office to confirm for
yourself why they refuse to ever interview, or hire our
world's most popular prolific political writers. Mr.
rumsfeld the evil traitor nazi bigot fuck, advocates the
murder of those known by all to be innocent, the
Taliban, who only several months previous to 9/11 were
given 47 million for farmers, and praised for opening
girl schools, doing our world so well in only five years
regarding heroin, and moving their nation towards a
better future for women, albeit slowly in their state of
starvation, while also being open to communications,
communications that is obvious to everyone, what the
bushmob with CNN destest as a method of our self
awareness, and potentials for a better future for us
all. Like those who demand I be forbidden to defend
myself with written word, because I'm so brilliantly
alive, by exposing the evil of which is Mr. bush alone,
depraved. Just as Art Bell will censor any true
American who talks on protecting American values like to
protect Americans from being robbed and murdered from.
Bigotry reins in corporate news America, while they
watch the Constitution and the Bill of Rights go
undefended by themselves without care to represent the
interests of America being discounted as valued
investment. No one has disagreed with our wanting for
Justice, though the corporate cultists suggest we have
no rights to defend ourselves, call them up and ask them
to be ourselves, CJOB for example as the advertised
corporate voice of Winnipeg. Not one god has disagreed
with my stance on the immediate arrest or execution of
bush, rumsfeld, or sharon, but for in mindless ignorance
holding opinions based in bigoted propaganda, as not
documented or recorded substantiated facts. Only the
nazi ariel sharon believes in murdering innocent people
as a terrorist he admits to us all publicly, while
Arafat sees the flaw in reason as not suiting to fit for
any peace for our communities. How can killing,
torturing, and destroying the homes of innocent
civilians be considered anything but, terrorism? More
than 300 buildings and 2000 homes? The death count
could be thousands. Mr. bush, the anti-Christ himself,
stated he personally as evil personified didn't need
evidence to know Bin was guilty, and therefor bush could
murder tens of thousands in Afghanistan for a crime he
and rumsfeld are responsible for, to steal from us all,
the right to freedom, justice, and liberty. But I am
not a coward as a True Patriot to my Humanity Mr. bush,
and we'll destroy you myself for being a demon of hatred
against our God of love, peace, and understanding. Mr.
Mueller, the head of the FBI, who meets everyday with
George Tenet, the head of the CIA, stated recently after
reviewing his quoted statements stated, actually they as
officers of our laws have no evidence whatsoever
connecting anyone but the bushmob to the terrorist acts
in New York City, testifiable through the public
information given by ourselves, the DEA, the CIA, and
the FBI in our fields, of which Mr. Mueller seems
completely absent minded of publicly speaking anyway.
Look see for yourself.

''In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single
piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in
the treasure trove of information that has turned up in
Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect
of the Sept. 11 plot,''

Gee Mr. Mueller haven't you heard of Mike Vreeland with
court documents dated and everything? The 61 page DEA
report talking about film taken of the Sears tower? Or
how about Odigo? Maybe writing done by myself, Johnny
Wizard, the Son of Man, two weeks prior? How about the
film footage the Japanese have regarding an American
missile? Have you seen it? Our RCMP have. How about
the ten or so FBI officers now testifing against your
athourity to act on behalf of America, due to their
attempts to warn Americans before hand, to only do
silenced by the bushmob with threats of incarcerations?
Is not the stealing of evidence by bush and two bogus
FBI badge carriers worthy of your attention? What about
the 'put options'? Who shot down flight 93? There can
not be five terrorists aboard flight eleven, indicating
the tampering of evidence by the two bushmob
investigators day one into the investigations. How did
Atta miracle sprint back and forth from one side of the
Airport to the other, (to check his packed bag of party
crackers), without being captured on the cameras, even
for a flight he wouldn't have boarded without his
passport? Are these not aspects of imformation
regarding the Sept. 11 plot? What about eight or more
of your suspects being alive and well? As pilots? Who
came up with your bullshit story Mr. Mueller? How is
it possible to believe bush the war monger's position
against Bin without evidence then, doesn't implicate
himself and rumsfeld directly as nazi vermin, the most
horrendous evil the world has ever witnessed my friends?
Hmmm... Kill the terrorist traitors, bush and rumsfeld
American Patriot Soldiers. Every country but
corporatized America, including every human rights group
condemns Mr. sharon as a nazi demon, while bush and his
degenerates talk as if there is an argument to be made
politely, but so only when we, as civilized are silenced
from communicating as if never heard from. Look, all
the evidence is in, bush and rumsfeld killed Americans
in New York City to impede the impending criminal
bankruptcy of Enron, who in August, had Ken Lay frantic
and the bushmob threatening to bomb Afghanistan if the
Taliban rufused to except repuglican bribes, desperate
to give access to run the generators at the bushmob's
Enron power plant in India through Unocal, worthless
otherwise, and without war would have rightly condemned
the bushmob as thieves to every American pension holder
and otherwise. American news agencies do everything
they can as traitors to American values by silencing any
concern that brings reason to our interests, fearing
their exposure to be what they is, cowards as nazi
sympathizers like Art Bell while leaving us all to die
as murdered by the extremely weak and pathetic bush,
rumsfeld and sharons with nuclear weapons, the demon
monsters, that we must squash as gnats as the living
people of this world who hold justice to be of
ourselves. I will not sacrifice my soul, this planet,
our universe, so bush can steal my life and destroy our
worlds in his own contempt for living as himself, pure
evil scum. A sell out of evilness against our humanity
never before seen in our history is the anti-Christ, our
Mr. bush jr.. Mr. bush the terrorist, tells us he
wants to kill innocent people while he steals our money,
while advocating the support to those who deal cocaine
and heroin, and who finance death squads. Kill the
traitors bush, rumsfeld, and sharon for mass murders in
New York City, Afghanistan, and Palestine American
Patriot Soldier, baker, Police officer, truck driver,
biker, janitor, and Insurance salesman, as US, the tax
CNN now tells us, without any room for question, nor
discussion, the sooty fires at the WTC towers reached
2000 degrees? Place an iron nail above a unsmoldering
soot free, oxygen a plenty, Roman candle for some time,
(tricky), and see, wow, like magic, the steel doesn't
melt even placed directly in the white zone for hours on
end. CNN is refusing to stand with our widely
understood science, and the FBI in our made public
investigations regarding the anthrax from Fort Detrick,
and Dr. Philip Zack, (not Muslim), who was caught on
video tape entering the only secured storage facility of
our world for the Anthrax strain. Anthrax, that Barbera
Hatch Rosenberg, of the Federation of American
Scientists, who through genetic analysis confirmed, was
the Ames strain, identical to the stocks of where Dr.
Zack was caught lurking red handed. But no, CBS is able
to report that nothing of this is going on presently.
We all know bush and rumsfeld hold no responsibility to
ourselves as humanity to find the true culprits for
9/11, because their both evil murdering nazi facists as
traitors to us all, unAmerican, ungodly and scumballs.
Mr. bush the anti-American dictator, has criminally
stolen over 60 billion American worker tax dollars so
far, (and like Enron), from every soldier's grandmother,
and sees no other purpose in his hellish dark shallow
existence, but to see more suffer for his contempt for
ourselves living to be free of his tyranny. Explaining
why they neither, bush nor rumsfeld, address my made
public, world wide military allegations of their
murdering criminal actions, of which to the common man
they are both to be found guilty of, and as they both
continue to do not so in their own defense of which they
have none, goes for to show further, they rob and kill
US humans by ignoring our strengths and convictions,
like WE don't truly exist, to hide their lies as being
cowards, and pathetically weak as individuals, traitors,
who will be brought down by the full extent of the rage
in which we possess against themselves as guilty of
continuing crimes against our freedom to remain

Kill bush Now!

Kill bush now!

Johnny Wizard

Look, American soldier..


Johnny Wizard

Johnny Wizard


votes of support, they can only commit to willful

Responsibility for War Crimes

Taking to the Streets

September, 2002


Evil Republicans

> Johnny Wizard

John Griffin

Jan 15, 2003, 12:04:21 AM1/15/03
An ignorant, cowardly moron hiding behind the idiotic anonym (Mr. bush isn't America, America is America) wrote

> [ noxious gas cloud snipped ]

Will some sympathetic reader please throw this poorly trained
chimp a banana?! (You'll have to peel it for him.)

I can't help hate that bush as much as any real man would

Jan 16, 2003, 11:47:24 AM1/16/03
"Shephed" <> wrote in message news:<TjKU9.118030$>...

> So just how much is the Democratic Party paying you, or are you just an
> average idiot?
> Oh, and for the record Mr. Sockpuppet, Hitler was an impotent homosexual.
Also, hitler didn't need cue cards to speak bush lingo, but how do you
know the bush demon is impotent?

> > > So, you know cop killer bush has no evidence to back up
> > > his allegations against Iraq,
> >
> > How do you 'know' this
> snpd
> No, (snp...pardon) it is you, who have not been provided by bush, a
> reason to justify your blind hatred for the innocent as a diciple of
> the anti-Christ. It is bush who has not provided the reason for
> murdering Americans in New York City with General Ahmad as
> Presidentially documented according to the FBI, but for evil intent to
> steal Your equal rights to life as true freedom being American.
> Read this next paper, "NEWSFLASH", to more fully explain your
> reasoning, and "Holy Jesus Man", to outline the evidence publicly
> available.

> --
> > Free to be living justly for yourself
> > truly as caring to know this as everything

> > snpd

Oops. I meant to read, "All Wrapped Up", (a few lines down), to get
the run on the available public evidence detailing the evil demon
bush for treason as murder of Our Police Officers. The short version
of the facts are found in "I Think I Love you too Much".


Is Enron Behind The War In Afghanistan?

Look, American soldier..

You now should know, bush and rumsfeld murdered
Americans in New York City, and as consequence, have no
interest in acknowledging as pursued the criminal
investigations. CNN holds no responsibility, as we
witness repeatedly, to American soldiers, but to harbor
those who pirate our rights to openly steal real lives.
If bush makes no mention of himself stealing 50 billion
dollars, murdering American police officers, sabotaging
the weapons inspections process, funding israeli
atrocities against the God loving, and warring our world
as the anti-Christ by running death squads against the
innocent, well, CNN, the american success, sure ain't

gonna be speaking out for your stolen freedoms dying
comrads. For what benefit in market share would there

be to work for your living, dirt bagged? CNN is so
colorfully excited about selling the glossy bush war to
kill the poor stupid people, but for what american
fascist weak binded bushmobbed soldier without
principles? Again, how stupidly dunce does a poor
cowardly american soldier have to be to not believe?
Nobody but a cult corporatized illiterate fascist nazi
vermin parasite, just like Jew hater ariel sharon would
support the murder of American soldiers for a criminal
conflict that doesn't serve to protect. But if it, as
bush nazi evil does with little struggle over the masses
complaining, and america marches off to criminally war
the third world as the bad guys, our World, indeed this
Universe will then know the absolute true cowardice of
american soldiers, as premised upon the weakness of
america's army to not uphold America's own rule of Law
for freedom as themselves included. It only takes One

Soldier to turn this tide to destroy bush Jr., and that

Soldier is where in America partner? Who American
soldier, do you think bush as traitor does steal from as
the duped General public as corporately represented to

be unawares? Do american soldiers have to convince

gain justice for people. People who are suffering and
dying for bush's contempt for the American dream.

Destroy traitor bush and rumsfeld for escaping to
recommit murder today, and be actually caring for your
world tomorrow, or not, and deem yourself unworthy by
your own admission to play fair as the eternal standing

proud, strong, and free.


Johnny Wizard

Larry King even!, or the anti-semitic fascist Saturday

Night Live troop to boot your stupid carcass to the
front line as entertainment? BA HA HA HA (like SNL's

new, it's all so hillarious audience, paid for likely

because the degrading intolerant bigoted news crew, have
so little real talent performing to the robbed and dying
to be devalued and murdered by their inaction to even
joke about it. Why? No money in contributing to the
poor stupid people without TV contracts, or TVs,

electicity, or running water now that the clouds are

represented fairly. Be your own Saviour!

Johnny Wizard



My Divine Right

Destroy bush and rumsfeld now American Patriot soldiers,
fire fighters, and NRA members. We all notice CNN and
CBC management refuse to allow open discussions on the
documented facts outlining the cop killers, bush and
rumsfeld treasonous behavior against the great American
people, deliberately forestalling their criminal arrests
for the mass murders of US as innocent in America. (Or
even the recent broken elections in Florida.) Again, I
repeat, I've spoken to corporate cult Americans, Leon
Harris, Bill Hemmer, Daryn Kagan, Sid Beddington, and
Walter Issacson, just to name a few at CNN. All
forementioned cowards, who would watch Americans be
robbed and murdered, and do nothing to protect
ourselves, are personally aware the bushmob was warned
of the terrorist plot specifically, the fact that Laden
investigations were blocked by the WhiteHouse, while the
bushmob in Enron interests, developed a war plan with
General Ahmad to invade Afghanistan, for an oil pipe line
on a premise of blaming Laden for whatever without
evidence as US innocent, a documented truth that existed
also just prior to 9/11, a strategy confessed to fully
implemented, demanding the bushmob not follow the
criminal leads, that point to themselves as traitors.
Like the bad bush act on 9/11. ( No
arguments are given against what I have spoken on, nor
am I even being adressed by our corporate standards as
inter-nationally responsible. Why? Largely, because, we
are adressing what is as documented to be true,
irrespective of ourselves as opinion, Justice infinite
as indivisable, like the stars in the sky, while the
corporate news machine is refusing to be our own as
legit. Mr. bush, the anti-Christ, and rumsfeld did
9/11 to kill ourselves to steal Constitutional American
values, with their silence only further implicating
themselves to the doubters. Neat eh? (I'm also playing
the Creator, who just wants to be at peace with
ourselves as equals.) As for Iraq, it was the American
administration that removed the inspectors from doing
their, going very successful job, not Saddam, while the
corporate media continues to allow cheney, the evil nazi
fascist bassturd, to keep intentionally lying to American
soldiers regarding the facts, like US Air Force
Response, so the bush regime can throw away their lives
as worthless, without meaning. (Agreed, on general
terms, American soldiers are deeply ignorant and
cowardly as cheney continually attests, but they are
still preparing for death, and I understand many can
read human, and haven't been hiding in a undisclosed
location without a television, or newspaper these last
few months.) The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing
and Urban Affairs, found corporate America sold Iraq
anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs and
botulism, right up until March 1992, on hopes
apparently, to risk further American soldier
causalities, who were at that present time engaged in
battle with poisoning themselves mostly. 250,000 troops
are planned to criminally invade YOUR humanity, against
now near SIXTY countries, representing around
2,083,093,468 people and counting, (that also includes
freedom fighters, bikers, the Mob, and Jack), US,
clearly aware of bush and tommy franks nazi plans, like
in Afghanistan. To kill indiscriminately, while running
death squads murdering innocent families, including your
children. As for Saddam gassing the two guerilla groups
called Kurds, who were fighting to murder in a war on
behalf of Iran in 1988, labeled by American murdering
nazi savage bush, Saddam's "own people", here is what
the most definitive document on the issue states. It's
a 1990 Pentagon report, published just prior to the
invasion of Kuwait. Its authors are Stephen C.
Pelletiere, Douglas V. Johnson II, and Leif R.
Rosenberger, of the Strategic Studies Institute of the
U.S. War College at Carlisle, Pennsylvania.


Iraqi Power and U.S. Security in the Middle East

Excerpt, Chapter 5


Having looked at all of the evidence that was available to us, we
find it impossible to confirm the State Department's claim that gas
was used in this instance. To begin with there were never any victims
produced. International relief organizations who examined the Kurds
-- in Turkey where they had gone for asylum -- failed to discover
any. Nor were there ever any found inside Iraq. The claim rests
solely on testimony of the Kurds who had crossed the border into
Turkey, where they were interviewed by staffers of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.

We would have expected, in a matter as serious as this, that the
Congress would have exercised some care. However, passage of the
sanctions measure through the Congress was unusually swift -- at
least in the Senate where a unanimous vote was secured within 24
hours. Further, the proposed sanctions were quite draconian (and will
be discussed in detail below). Fortunately for the future of
Iraqi-U.S. ties, the sanctions measure failed to pass on a
bureaucratic technicality (it was attached as a rider to a bill that
died before adjournment).

It appears that in seeking to punish Iraq, the Congress was
influenced by another incident that occurred five months earlier in
another Iraqi-Kurdish city, Halabjah. In March 1988, the Kurds at
Halabjah were bombarded with chemical weapons, producing a great many
deaths. Photographs of the Kurdish victims were widely disseminated
in the international media. Iraq was blamed for the Halabjah attack,
even though it was subsequently brought out that Iran too had used
chemicals in this operation, and it seemed likely that it was the
Iranian bombardment that had actually killed the Kurds.

From another American government report:

"Blood agents [i.e., cyanogen chloride] were allegedly
responsible for the most infamous use of chemicals in
the war--the killing of Kurds at Halabjah. Since the
Iraqis have no history of using these two agents--and
the Iranians do--we conclude that the Iranians
perpetrated this attack."


The New York Times reported on corporate America's war
project SHAD, where during the Vietnam war, 4000 U.S.
sailors were gassed deliberately by Republicans with
gruesome biological toxins, including sarin.

As for proving that something is not secretly hidden by
a nation as millions.. practically impossible! You
can't ever conclusively prove that something isn't
secretly hidden from perception by variables
admittingly, unknowable. (For whom would be there to
secretly watch the watchers?) When, and under what
madness of bush tyranny as enslavement of our human
species, would anyone be able to try standing up in Iraq
or elsewheres and state, there is no Anthrax anywhere
hidden secretly to kill bush, the false deity super evil
anti-Christ with? Never I declare as the Son of Man,
will evil bush escape the wrath of our fury as this
Universe is, however, it is the supporters of bush's
irrationality with our poltical will unchallenged by
corporate standards, as these nazi monster, lawless
American cop killers wish to use to terrorize 60 nations
of almost 2 billion innocents without any evidence with.
With an intent to use a paultry 250,000 criminal nazi
soldiers mindlessly stupid on drugs probably, while
corporate America won't give anyone two minutes
nationally to speak on the clear strong factual evidence
implicating bush and rumsfeld for murdering over 3,000
AMERICAN flag wavers in Yew York City? Destroy American
traitor bush now!!! The sanctions against the poorest
of poor in Iraq are also irrational. The Republicans
state the innocent people of Iraq must be denied food
and medicine to starve and die because, they are
practically politically powerless to change their state
to be attacked as the unrepresented, while stating
Saddam, if he could, wouldn't help them survive as a
nation as the Republican justification to terrorize
millions, while cheney skirts U.N. sanctions to sell
Saddam whatever supplies privately in secret? So the
suffering of Iraqis, is rightly attributed on American
terrorist activity by all Iraqis, as the direct cause,
working directly against the Republicans publicly stated
purpose to commit such criminal intent. Example: If a
well spoken father who may not like the policies of
Saddam should go to the hospital with his child, he is
told the bush clan wish his family death and suffering
by American will for being born to our world in Iraq as
human. The oil for food program however, is
intelligently based, but it's purpose is defeated with
the Republican atrocities to blindly murder US with.
The demands for the betterment of the Iraq people
through national oil sales, would make sense, if they
weren't directly suffering under assault by the same
terrorist network cancer cell that denies themselves
inalienable rights to life as our own. Like
pathetically weak as unrepresented American cowardly
soldiers, who were provided no evidence to back up the
evil bushmob's criminal allegations, then went murdering
tens of thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan on
the brink of starvation, instead of killing the
documented child killer, heroin pusher, tommy franks, or
bush and rumsfeld for 9/11 in America. Just on bush's
behavior on the day in question, being left unreported
by CNN dictates, should say much to everyone.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Richard Myers
told reporters at the National Press Club about Iraq's
enormous unknown stockpiles of !secret! corporate
american warfare weapons, "It does not take a lot of
space for some of this work to go on. It can be done in
a very, very small location," he said. "The fact that
you can put it on wheels makes it a lot easier to hide
from people who might be looking for it. So, yes we
have evidence." Evidence of what? Nations with trucks
should be nuked? Richard Myers is a nazi warmongering
irrational fukhead, who wishes the murder of countless
thousands, if not millions in AMERICA, who should be
fired today. You see the nazi bassturd, you fire him, do
you hear me People? AMERICA? Johnny...? Mr. Myers, your


While we now learn from public disclosures on Connie
Chung, apparently, George Tenant, had only 3 CIA officers
investigating Laden just prior to 9/11. While I
remember last year it was alledged on PBS, the CIA had
taxed the American public nearly 10 billion on those
investigations regarding Laden over the previous year,
but, hmmm, bush forbade police agencies, the pursuit of
such investigations with his secret W199i directive.
Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden
inquiry was frustrated"

George Tenant must be questioned on these matters, and
his relationship to General Ahmad, then arrested
regarding his inaction on the insider stock traders for
9/11. If neither happen in a timely fashion, he too,
will be destroyed by US American Patriots for treason.


Excerpt From:

NY Newsday
U.S. Hypocritical on Human-Rights Abuses
by Marie Cocco

America's new business partner, Uzbekistan's president
is brutal, and very bad.

The State Department human rights report says the former
Soviet republic now "is an authoritarian state with
limited civil rights ... Both police and the
National Security Services routinely tortured, beat and
otherwise mistreated detainees to obtain confessions ...
Police also used suffocation, electric shock, rape
and other sexual abuse. Neither the severity nor
frequency of torture appeared to have decreased during
the year."

What increased was American aid. It tripled to $160
million, the payoff for allowing U.S. military staging
areas for the war in neighboring Afghanistan. President
Islam Karimov was welcomed to the White House. In July,
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill traveled to Tashkent and
praised Karimov's "efficient leadership."

Bush has singled out one despot for removal.

He says he has many reasons for invading Iraq. Without
a look at some secret new evidence the administration
may or may not have about Saddam Hussein's arsenal, it
is not possible to find truth. That is how the White
House wants it.
From a smart thinking, great commenting archive
sifting site somewhere titled,

Print Think

Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President
By Neil Mackay, Sunday Herald

A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President
Bush and
his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure
change' even before he took power in January 2001.

The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a
Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice- president),
Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy),
George W
Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff).
document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces
Resources For A New Century, was written in September 2000 by the
neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century

The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the
region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power.


The PNAC report also:


- hints that, despite threatening war against Iraq for developing
weapons of
mass destruction, the US may consider developing biological weapons --
the nation has banned -- in decades to come. It says: 'New methods of
-- electronic, 'non-lethal', biological -- will be more widely
available ...
combat likely will take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace,
perhaps the world of microbes ... advanced forms of biological warfare
can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from
realm of terror to a politically useful tool'


Now, as for the corporate world telling US, we believe
Laden is guity without evidence: A reasonable person
doesn't have the justification to believe the
unsubstantiated verdict. This is why the fascists at
CNN propagandized, TERRORIZED, the American public by
falsely alledging that Laden threatened to nuke America,
or that he stated to murder any or all Americans like a
bush would. Laden, like Saddam, or Arafat never was
actually quoted to be that ignorantly stupid as a leader
trying to communicate to the People, but for by CNN, and the
sharon types regarding "Palestinians", as a lie to
themselves to excuse their responsibility to ourselves
as the humans. But EVEN IF TRUE, wouldn't make Laden
responsible for every wrong doings the bushmob was
actually responsible for, like robbing all Americans of
their livelyhoods, unreported by CNN of course, to leave
ourselves to fall victim by the bush regime as shysters
pirating America, by shredding the Holy Constitution.
However, Laden has skated near with the label "Jew", to
be of the criminal, intolerant, offensive, fascist,
bigoted jewish Israeli government, that imprisons or
murders real Jews for being JUST that. Rabbi Hillel
would be jailed by sharon in the israel of today. Wise
Muhammad teachings cover this dumb Jew Christian thing
well, as us all suffering by the illiterate evil
dumbfuks who ignore ourselves, to steal our established
values, while CNN, like Art Bell, forbids debate on
their irrational falsehoods, refusing to protect the
FBI, or the American flag through practicing censorship,
while advocating murder, as Art Bell, the traitor, does
almost daily, while hanging up every human caller.
Next, CNN will be blaming ALL the poor and starving in
the third world, for secret Pentagon frauds through
the removal of the False Claims Act. As, the American nation
contributes the least to the world in aid, in relation
to the GNP. (The give and take.) 5 billion a month to
not feed, but murder innocent people in Afghanistan?
Destroy bush now, and be loved by all as God.

Public rebutals regarding my supreme stupidity are found
in alt.sercurity.terrorism.

Thanks friend,

Johnny Wizard

Man, Mr. bush Jr. sure is wicked evil eh?

Look, Americans... You, as a individual, to escape the
wrath of hell, must find strength within yourselves to
protect America from Mr. bush's further criminal acts,
otherwise bush will easily have you all wiped out
really, as unworthy to join the Universal Nations peace
process. Murdering those understood to be innocent
without reason but for to rob from is just wrong, and
abdicating your rights as a living American to not
demand Justice for your own self as the nation, will
surely have all Americans pay the consequences for truly
being so. God, who is kidding who? You, as an
American, must find the will to preserve your own nation
from further bushmob atrocities, and not standing up
like corporate america portrays continually, while bush
tells us he is going to pirate American rights to
further rob and murder for the likes of Enron or
rumsfeld for decades, should to a real American, find
them looking for the quickest way to Washington. CNN is
not reporting on the reality of bush's crime wave, nor
is showing little responsibility to represent soldiers
lives as being risked for as worthless for the
anti-Christ. Again, the public evidence freely
available for 9/11 demands bush and rumsfeld be
immediately executed for escaping public trial, as the
prime suspects for the WTC terrorist act, and guilty as
war criminals completely for blaming Afghanistan without
evidence to substantiate their accusation. The Taliban
rule of Justice for Freedom, was, and is, the American
ideal. They though had some bad laws, that they were
communicative regarding, and had brought much needed as
good stability to the People, who would have told you,
like the State Department, but CNN's Walter Isaccson
forbids the truth to be broadcast. Destroy bush today
American Patriot Soldier, and be loved by your commrads
bush would see fall dead for dummy cowardice.


White House 'exaggerating Iraqi threat'

Bush's televised address attacked by US intelligence

Julian Borger in Washington
Wednesday October 9, 2002
The Guardian

President Bush's case against Saddam Hussein, outlined
in a televised address to the nation on Monday night,
relied on a slanted and sometimes entirely false reading
of the available US intelligence, government officials
and analysts claimed yesterday.

Officials in the CIA, FBI and energy department are
being put under intense pressure to produce reports
which back the administration's line, the Guardian has
learned. In response, some are complying, some are
resisting and some are choosing to remain silent.

"Basically, cooked information is working its way into
high-level pronouncements and there's a lot of
unhappiness about it in intelligence, especially among
analysts at the CIA," said Vincent Cannistraro, the
CIA's former head of counter-intelligence.

In his address, the president reassured Americans that
military action was not "imminent or unavoidable", but
he made the most detailed case to date for the use of
force, should it become necessary.

But some of the key allegations against the Iraqi regime
were not supported by intelligence currently available
to the administration. Mr Bush repeated a claim already
made by senior members of his administration that Iraq
has attempted to import hardened aluminium tubes "for
gas centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium for
nuclear weapons". The tubes were also mentioned by Tony
Blair in his dossier of evidence presented to parliament
last month.

However, US government experts on nuclear weapons and
centrifuges have suggested that they were more likely to
be used for making conventional weapons.

"I would just say there is not much support for that
[nuclear] theory around here," said a department of
energy specialist.

David Albright, a physicist and former UN weapons
inspector who was consulted on the purpose of the
aluminium tubes, said it was far from clear that the
tubes were intended for a uranium centrifuge.

Mr Albright, who heads the Institute for Science and
International Security, a Washington thinktank, said:
"There's a catfight going on about this right now. On
one side you have most of the experts on gas
centrifuges. On the other you have one guy sitting in
the CIA."

Mr Albright said sceptics at the energy department's
Lawrence Livermore national laboratory in California had
been ordered to keep their doubts to themselves. He
quoted a colleague at the laboratory as saying: "The
administration can say what it wants and we are expected
to remain silent."

There is already considerable scepticism among US
intelligence officials about Mr Bush's claims of links
between Iraq and al-Qaida. In his speech on Monday, Mr
Bush referred to a "very senior al-Qaida leader who
received medical treatment in Baghdad this year".

An intelligence source said the man the president was
referring to was Abu Musab Zarqawi, who was arrested in
Jordan in 2001 for his part in the "millennium plot" to
bomb tourist sites there. He was subsequently released
and eventually made his way to Iraq in search of
treatment. However, intercepted telephone calls did not
mention any cooperation with the Iraqi government.

There is also profound scepticism among US intelligence
experts about the president's claim that "Iraq has
trained al-Qaida members in bomb-making and poisons and
deadly gases".

Bob Baer, a former CIA agent who tracked al-Qaida's
rise, said that there were contacts between Osama bin
Laden and the Iraqi government in Sudan in the early
1990s and in 1998: "But there is no evidence that a
strategic partnership came out of it. I'm unaware of
any evidence of Saddam pursuing terrorism against the
United States."

A source familiar with the September 11 investigation
said: "The FBI has been pounded on to make this link."

In making his case on Monday, Mr Bush made a startling
claim that the Iraqi regime was developing drones, or
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which "could be used to
disperse chemical or biological weapons across broad

"We're concerned that Iraq is exploring ways of using
these UAVs for missions targeting the United States," he

US military experts confirmed that Iraq had been
converting eastern European trainer jets, known as
L-29s, into drones, but said that with a maximum range
of a few hundred miles they were no threat to targets in
the US.

"It doesn't make any sense to me if he meant United
States territory," said Stephen Baker, a retired US navy
rear admiral who assesses Iraqi military capabilities at
the Washington-based Centre for Defence Information.

Mr Cannistraro said the flow of intelligence to the top
levels of the administration had been deliberately
skewed by hawks at the Pentagon.

"CIA assessments are being put aside by the defence
department in favour of intelligence they are getting
from various Iraqi exiles," he said. "Machiavelli
warned princes against listening to exiles. Well, that
is what is happening now."


Johnny Is Marching Home

So, you know cop killer bush has no evidence to back up
his allegations against Iraq, while Saddam repeatedly
offers Americans to come look anywhere, and nazi bush
refuses the offer, instead lies to all Americans through
corporate control as US being worthless without meaning,
without soul as himself, lacking purpose but for
destruction of our Humanity as unworthy to hear from.
Mr. bush tells US secretly, he wishes to sacrifice at
minimum, hundreds of thousands of American soldiers in a
criminal war against our dying Planet, 60 countries,
without following evidence to substantiate his claimed
to be therefor super evil allegations, nor, will he
practice legal due process as a terrorist in Our names
by flying the American flag as a true Patriot would.
Destroy nazi bush and rumsfeld the traitors today, and
be loved by every American principle of Freedom, as
Justice for US all. Or be a lifeless coward to watch
the bushmob steal not only from our dumb dorky soldiers
to be wasted as sadistic murdering tommy frank savages,
to be not defenders of the faith or the hopes for a
better future, but also from our murdered sons and
daughters, who could have, at one day, understood the
principles of Freedom and Justice, present in the
forgotten American Constitution as worth fighting for to
be protected as ourselves always. Mr. bush the demon,
is not my false deity, as he is irrationally insisted by
the American corporate cult product schedule to be so.
CBC and CNN we all witness as Humanity daily, refuse to
ever cover the corporately mandated bushmob atrocities,
as documented facts that steal real lives. Our Mr.
bush Jr. has shown little of no concern for the living
people in Afghanistan left alone without an American
commitment to protect our lives, or feed their families,
now prepared to waste hundreds of billions against the
starving in Iraq over something planned close to thirty
years by criminal occupation. Their strategy, like in
Afghanistan, is to put worthless nazi slave soldiers on
the front oil pipe lines only, while murdering students
and teachers who would have suggested clean hydrogen is
practically free nazi dum fuk scums. You think if
Saddam was murdered, the rest of our Humanity the whole
world over, would allow like a cowardly corporate
american slave whore, Mr. bush, rumsfeld, and tommy
franks, to give all of the Iraqi resources, to the
murderous criminal thieving intolerant evil fascist
israeli government of nazi bigot human haters, without
objections from G of all beings? Holy Jewish Jihad
Jesus! We notice the corporate news agenda to rob from
US all, our commitment to human rights, is to never
inform our communities as publicly aware, that nazi
amerika, blocks food and medicine from ALL the Iraqi
people, but yet will afford our time to propagandize our
community with bushmob lies, left uncorrected. Has
Ramsey Clark ever been offered as a legitimate voice of
opposition, to clarify our positions? Does Ramsey Clark
speak untruths, like bush does to kill and plunder the
American People? You'd imagine, if CNN was truly
American, they would tell Americans importantly, bush
has no evidence to conclude OUR position, and murdered
thousands in New York City, while Saddam offers the
World to witness the falsehoods of the bushmob to come
see for ourselves, or just simply give some attention to
bush's true evilness he spouts as his own. The bushmob
is tirelessly working to undermine the UN peace effort,
by trying to suggest, if the World community should get
the weapon inspectors in before mindless nazi forces get
there to blindly murder and terrorize further, untold
thousands in Iraq, slave boy Powell wants inspectors to
include armed nazi soldiers, planes ready to bomb
civilian targets, and openly, secret spies to be
criminals! Something any legitimate inspector would
appose as a ridiculous proposal, undermining of the
peace initiative to be a Just cause, and the UN as an
INTERNATIONAL BODY. And, as so should, motivate wimp
ass Kofi to vocally detest on behalf of US people he
claims to represent as a living person. Europe reports
as human, while CNN as traitors to all of Humanity
refuse to offer the facts. CNN sees no responsibility
to protect America, or our soldiers as worthy the effort
to address their real concerns regarding Our... Godly
is Justice Freedom thing, or this all powerful Mr.
Wizard person even. LOOK, THINK... I'm telling people
around the world, Mr. bush and rumsfeld are documented
to have murdered Americans at 9/11 to thwart Enron's
impending CRIMINAL bankruptcy, while, I've repeatedly
demanded their immediate arrest or execution by the
lovers of Humanity, and don't you think that would make
for a legitimate National news story? ("The Dabhol
Working Group", cheney's secret energy meetings with
Enron, public threats against God as Justice through the
Taliban, BND, September 9 war plan, Ahmad and Ahmed,
and, AMERICAN FBI and CIA investigations.) Why not?
Because I am relying on the evidence like a Police
Officer does, as it is related to Justice indivisible as
ourselves, THE ACTUAL FACTS JACK, and CNN doesn't truly
want American soldiers to know who's dying for who.
Myself, as the dreamy Saviour, am open for dialog,
discussions with what we can measure and what we can
not, debate to put to shame any even on the Nature of
truth and deception, God, and this Universe, something
CNN refuses to all American Patriots as worthy of
deliberation. Like with economics, or basic high school
maths. I've personally contacted the CEOs of both, CBC,
and CNN, who have decided with intent to ignore Our
concerns. Look, one of the first things bush did when
he stole the Presidency, was steal fifty billion
American tax dollars from our grandmothers, and don't
you think that would make for your National news
interest?, as a soldier worth giving your life away to
bush for? You know, Mr. bush, the super evil, false
deity, anti-Christ of biblical folklore? So
unbelievably vile and putrid, the Son of Man as God's
only true born Son, has to come down here to defend
myself as all of Creation exists for this day. Mr.
bush's american whores would work to decimate the
Constitution and sacrifice humanity as Jesus on the
cross, and ask US why?, without listening? CNN won't
allow amerika to be America, but for to be
misrepresented as slaves to die by corporate command,
through the evil practices of the unholy and criminal
dictates of Our Mr. bush Jr., traitor to US all. The
Messiah asks the American people to stand up for
themselves as a nation of individuals, to demand equal
access to our rights for freedom, by reaching out to our
neighbors as soldiers and police officers, to break
through Our international media controls at CNN
headquarters, that silence our concerns as the living to
be justly represented. We demand the immediate firing
of Water Issacson, and Sid Beddington, and Johnny wants
Our voices heard now on our Public airwaves! A word of
wisdom: I wouldn't tick off our King like this for much
longer bushmobsters, you don't want to see the Family,
US, losing our patience by getting really wrangled up
with little corporate america's false deity of hatred
towards the makeitwithart living John man. Johnny'd
rather have American men find courage somewhere to stand
up for themselves against being robbed of their
generosity, but Jesus Christ all mighty, if there is no
real Manly men in corporate america, we'll just have to
come down daring to make all doze men look like the weak
twerpy cowards they are to be deprived so sleepy, as too
afraid of their own little shadows to protect the once
great American dream for Humanity. I thought I knew
America, my father thought he knew America, and bush,
the treasonous unelected fascist nazi mass murdering
savage criminal, he don't know the America we believed
we are of once.

Again, I can not stress enough to the truly proud and
strong American People in the NRA, bush's criminal evil,
and those who support him factually against Justice and
Freedom in Congress and the Senate through the prepared
before hand, unread Patriot Act, and for approving an
unrepresentative blatant criminal war as clearly the
evil doers, is really happening. CNN refuses to report
in American survival interests, while we now know, bush
and rumsfeld hold little reservation murdering American
citizens or soldiers, Police Officers, Fire Fighters, if
it then means they can steal further our life's purpose,
and pursuit of happiness by fair play as Justice
instills for all. Mr. bush openly lies as a demon to
our world deliberately while smirking, counting on CNN
at the National level, not correcting his treason
against the entire human race, leaving US isolated as
individuals, with potential doubt always ever present.
But, we can indeed measure, and verify irrespective of
bias or ideology. A fence that is seven feet tall, is a
fence seven feet tall. And, when demon bush advocates
the murder of innocent people to steal our life savings
while destroying the living economy, people do actually
suffer and die. Forget about my fanciful dreams to be a
party King, and think about your own future and family
as we exist in reality, dying unjustly at the hands of
the anti-Christ through corporate cult america that
sacrifices themselves even included as unworthly to
what? They glorify dumminess, as an attribute for
success, sacrificing our dying freedoms to be heard as
the still barely living with concerns. Gee, and you
wonder why they take half of life's investment to
bankers as sacrifice for nothing...

I beg you, to forward this paper to all you know who
should consider this for themselves.

The war criminals, Mr. bush, rumsfeld, and tommy
franks, must be arrested or executed by True American
Patriots immediately. The three traitors to humanity,
that not only have advocated in your name, the murder of
US as innocent people, but have also perpetrated the
criminal acts. Leaving US to judge themselves, as they
have judged, to be treated as they wish to continue
treating Ourselves, or Just you alone, with Rights
granted by living as freedom to be so. God or no God.
Mr. bush, rumsfeld, and tommy franks will immediately
be arrested, or executed by True American Patriots to
stop further bloodshed of our Humanity, as their real
destruction of the American Dream for all as evidenced
to be criminals under the Constitution, is found to be
evidenced by all who understand so.

Glory be to God in the highest order, and if I should
die tomorrow, I'll know I fought to the best of my love
for living in a world where accidents do happen. If my
life should grow unable to win our wager, and I lose all
my fortune to the anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr., my
wanting for a better world will have never diminished.
I'll know that I accepted to do what I could to the best
of my giving. I can only hope these words, were enough
thought as worthy of sharing to others, who believe in
themselves to read this far in agreement with me.. I
make a pretty damn good King eh?

Without risk, we would have nothing to be thankful for.
Do not be afraid of living for freedom my friends, for
most FBI officers support freedom for America, and so
too do soldiers. Those who don't are generally weak,
stupid, incompetent, and very very slow without Love in
their hearts, or the will to be brave. Mr. bush and
rumsfeld don't want to arrest the true culprits by
following the available criminal leads for 9/11, and it
doesn't take much figuring to understand why. We are
all angered by Mr. bush Jr., and the contempt he and
rumsfeld has shown for all those fallen murdered in
America and Afghanistan.

And, just recently in Indonesia, a claim that al-Qaeda
would attack a civilian target like the bushmob does
advocate as practiced, and Laden repeatedly condemns, is
again, with not even a thread of evidence offered on CBC
to conclude such a statement that was made officially,
shows a contempt for the rules of Justice to be
practiced rightly by the ruler, and likely, staging the
criminal investigation to go nowhere. Or, conversely,
this sniper killing civilians in America, being a
reflection of the Nation's true american bushmobster
will to innocent good people going unreported
elsewheres. The sniper is only a small taste my friends
of bush's america as God is my witness. Mr. bush,
america's false deity that corporate america puts all of
every America's blind faith into as slaves without
rights through Justice, had no interest in arresting
himself and rumsfeld for 9/11, instead, with corporate
america backing bush's further criminal intentions,
dropped over 4000 bombs on Afghanistan, including a 14
ton bomb on Kabal. (The brave Taliban, we remember,
were supporting the arrest of the actual culprits
responsible. A no no to the bushmob circle.) Or like
tommy's death squads against Afghan children for Enron,
Afghans, who bush and rumsfeld murdered close to


without CNN daily coverage, as blamed for 9/11 without
following the evidence and closing investigations,
practicing a war planned terrorist strategy existing at
the WhiteHouse it did, two days prior without able
excuse anywhere to be found. A junta dictatorship of
pure evilness. How stupid and cowardly does an American
soldier have to be, before they stand up as one in
defense for their own family? Like the Taliban would

Look at the American military usenet groups to read for
yourself regarding Our Mr. bush Jr., little of no
disagreement is found with what I have written so far.
Sure, corporate america will continue to try, by
illusion, to have US all believe we are the minority to
stand with conviction to protect ourselves as Humanity.
However, the free communications that our internet
provides, clearly indicate our truer positions as not
entirely devoted to self destruction by ignorance, and
criminal behavior against ourselves by dictatorship
under the anti-Christ. Help destroy bush, and be loved
by all as yourself to be cared for as heard from. As
King, I am so much looking forward to retiring as soon
as humanly possible, counting on yourself eventually to
believe also, for a real better future by only simply
trying to win the day for everyone.

Can somebody please help ourselves for living's sake?

Johnny Wizard


Bonus Track

Did you know, factually, no bull, the national debt
accrued through the dilution as willed from Currency, is
what is owed to the Nation, not the bankers? The
creation of government debt is done by the willed
devaluation of your earnings. See, it is a loan made in
our names to the banker for ourselves. The public loan
is actually made, when the banker is granted as doing so
privately. It is not the magician banker who we must
pay for nothing, it is the banker who owes the nation as
the loan was to begin with to be legitimized by any
national policy. Wealth taken as not earned, comes from
those who work honestly getting jipped. So, I propose a
private banker swindle tax, to cover the administrative
costs of running openly public funded gambling
enterprises, with 100% cash payouts to actually thwart
our falling economies, then, maybe the corporate news
industry will see a responsibility to measure how much a
lottery official pays themselves secretly with our
banked interests accruing. Our governments should be
providing what services we want, and are willing to pay
for. Stealing from the desperately poor to pay even
more as servitude to our further ineptness, is not only
firmly established as illegal, but also makes no sense
to most anyone I'd bet. Example: VLT's payout 96% as
advertized, well not truly, the math as counted says 30%
before expenses, but who of the general corporate TV
intellect, has our time to figure it honestly? See, it
is easy to understand a criminal offence is taking
place, but because the corporate mandate is to keep the
public more ignorant than Our Mr. bush Jr. on
everything as a monetarily rewarding experience, (Larry
King is a millionaire) the corporate cult products
refuse to practice the interests of Justice for our
values to protect our living standards. Accordingly,
bush murdered all those New Yorkers for whatever ill
reason (who really cares) as the anti-Christ, and
corporations refuse to follow the story as evidenced
impartially. Too much work for no pay, but the expense
is risked by the loss of investment in Humanity to be
defended. This is why CNN won't even defend their
fellow corporate cult members who lost their human lives
at the World Trade Center. Who really cares?, for the
value of innocent life?, Your Mr. bush Jr.???

Johnny Wizard


Up to You

Look, american service personnel aren't even American
enough to publicly defend their treasonous behavior
against the good old red, white, and blue. Why?
Cowards. We all know the bushmob has tirelessly worked
to steal American service personnel's pensions, savings,
and lives as worthless of protection, while counting on
every American Soldier as Police officer, to not arrest
the bushmob ourselves for 9/11 in New York, and the war
crimes committed against the innocent in Afghanistan.
Mr. tommy franks, the heroin pusher, tells dumfuk
soldiers to kill innocent humans, and American soldiers
aren't there anywhere to protect themselves? Sadistic
nazi war criminal rumsfeld tells us all openly, he
wishes to persecute those he knows to be innocent as a
true nazi did. With all the blessings of sharon
naturally. Why do American soldiers not protect
America? Or know the Constitution as Holy? Too weak,
stupid and cowardly I told you Johnny. They sit
terrified, unwilling to stand for their country, while
demon bush and rumsfeld decimate my economy with a
regressive tax swindle, and in addition, criminal thefts
through the Pentagon and Social Security, while publicly
planning to war two billion people of


for no good reason but for sacrifice to corporate
america's false deity, the anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush
Jr.. While we now all also know, to not only rob, but
murder thousands of Americans too, as fair play by the
bush backed terrorist protocol, exposes Our Mr. bush
Jr. as the most heinously evil demon humanity has ever
witnessed factually. All evidenced and everything. So,
will Americans live up to protecting their dying rights,
or will bush, the anti-Christ, succeed to further steal
our God sworn, Patriotic duty to protect our own
humanity? Will bush succeed in destroying civilization,
or will we succeed in destroying pathetic criminal
pirate nazi traitor bush, by the will of our own
survival to continue as the People?

The godless corporations refuse me to speak publicly in
our defence naturally, and people generally, seem to
concur as stupidity, to sacrifice their own families
purposefully for the banker buildings, while putting
their religious faith into corporate dictates for
slavery. I am not myself to be G in all worlds, nor, am
I all dreams to be so undesirably. I am just a super
human being as space time continuum, day tripping all
alone, wondering about prospects for a world in which I
can live with. I love life, and our ailing planet, but
maybe, I did get this story line wrong somewhere, and
got taken away too far in fantasy. Maybe, bush's
humanity as it exists here in reality, is a nightmare
not worth saving for yourself being.. CNN and CBC do
work against our communities, documented everyday, by
their continual refusal to cover our top priority
issues. Corporate radio programs primarily, but not
always, insist on only hiring semi-literate ignorant
bigot whores as fascist degenerates, who insist on
disallowing open communications, or learning to learn
with the community, while advocating the murders of
American service personnel and innocent civilians, as a
patriotic duty to not live up to our personal
responsibilities as a member of society. It is all up
to ourselves to fight for peace, or be slaughtered on
Coast to Coast's alter of apathy to not care so for
living justly. We are not at war with ourselves, or a
third of humanity as cheney and bush repeatedly claim,
but with the warmongers, who wish US all harm, to steal
our human values of love and understanding, good will,
and compassion. With evil bush, cheney and rumsfeld
figuring, there is no way for US all to stand up for
yourself, under the banner of Justice as freedom for
all. Well, I say, nuts. If God can do it, and I can do
it, so can you true! Help yourself up please won't you
do it as us living already? Or, maybe for beer?

Please do not allow the bushmob to murder millions. The
fears to stand proud as Americans, are the fears to
stand proud with Love as ourselves being the Universe.
Boo! That wasn't so scary, was it? Again, traitors
bush and rumsfeld must be immediately arrested for 9/11,
and tommy franks, for war crimes in Afghanistan. Like

Always forever, the one and only,

Johnny Wizard


All at Once

Nobody would want our lives or freedom stolen, by simply
living to not deprive those same rights from any other.

So, Mr. bush Jr. tells you, we're either with us, or
with the terrorists. Hmmm. As a member of the general
public, bush, as himself, has no more rights to speak
openly as the person I am, and therefor, I will except
his proposal on equal grounds to communicate freely.
So, I'm either with yourself as a would be, could be
anyone is, or your factually documented as an
unbelievably super evil, anti-American mass murdering
fascist dictator, war criminal terrorist recruiter, as
the, golly gee, actual, must be for real, warmongering
anti-Christ from this Book by John then eh?... No?
You, what do you figure Mr. bush Jr.? Can you hear
humanity calling you out to publicly explain your vast
stupidity? Politics has it as our mutual understanding,
loyalty to life through law as living is civilization.
Law, as is the only true measurement of freedom for
ourselves to know so. Are you alone on this too? Ha,
er... um, anyway..

Nobody would want our lives or freedom stolen, simply by
living to not deprive those same rights from others. So
we form Governments, and have loyal police officers to
practice our will as ruled out to the best of our

We need a new national news format to make for this
information age approaching, that sets a high priority
on ourselves as concerned about where we are going. The
Constitution is not just a jumble of tossed blurbs,
telling of a day when people didn't care for living as
America in spirit also, the Constitutional rights of
Justice stand strong through good reason, and are easily
defended up at the national news desk, we're sure to say
eventually, if we only had the show for something.
While we wait, corporate america prepares to never have
Chomsky aired, or legitimate critics as the voices for
freedom by representation, to gain ourselves progress as
we would normally on Watt's happinin for real man. You
know, the awesome power of communication, and Chomsky,
being a best seller over and over like that, or Ron Paul
being a Republican citizen, committed to working for
Americans as a true Patriot would under the flag? The
Constitutional rights of Justice stand strong through
good reason. Ashcroft is truly incompetent. His
failure to grasp why a democracy would choose to treat
all people fairly, as duly protected with a system of
laws practiced to find governing with, leaves us instead
as, the ancient bushmob vision of injustice against
ourselves that he fails to confess as us innocent until
understood otherwise. The crusades were a lesson we
never want to be learning over, with Our Mr. bush Jr.
at our wills demanding a crashed course we've done and
learned from already. I think Ashcroft's personal turn
to criminality for America, has to do with sabotaging
that FBI investigation, and the fair play consequence of
us People arriving to communicate him to justice on
behalf of the Nations with questions that need immediate
answers. Sabotaging the FBI was not due from
insufficient funding, or failure to connect the dots
ever as investigators.

Nobody would want our lives or freedom stolen, by simply
living to not deprive those same rights from any other.
Right? Save America for your own sake Americans! The
strength is within ourselves to make this a better world
for living.

As you are,

Johnny Wizard.



Is It Not True?
Questions On Iraq From A GOP Congressman

Ron Paul is an M.D. and a Republican Member of Congress
from Texas

Editor's Note: Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul read the
following to the House of Representatives, September 10,

Soon we hope to have hearings on the pending war with
Iraq. Here are some questions I would like answered by
those who are urging us to start this war:

1. Is it not true that the reason we did not bomb the
Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War was because
we knew they could retaliate?

2. Is it not also true that we are willing to bomb Iraq
now because we know it cannot retaliate -- which just
confirms that there is no real threat?

3. Is it not true that there are those who argue that
even with inspections we cannot be sure that Hussein
might be hiding weapons, and at the same time imply that
we can be more sure that weapons exist in the absence of

4. Is it not true that the U.N.'s International Atomic
Energy Agency was able to complete its yearly
verification mission to Iraq just this year with Iraqi

5. Is it not true that the intelligence community has
been unable to develop a case tying Iraq to global
terrorism at all, much less the attacks on the United
States last year? Does anyone remember that 15 of the
19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and that none came
from Iraq?

6. Was former CIA counter-terrorism chief Vincent
Cannistraro wrong when he recently said there is no
confirmed evidence of Iraq's links to terrorism?

7. Is it not true that the CIA has concluded there is
no evidence that a Prague meeting between 9/11 hijacker
Atta and Iraqi intelligence took place?

8. Is it not true that northern Iraq, where the
administration claimed Al Qaeda were hiding out, is in
the control of our "allies," the Kurds?

9. Is it not true that the vast majority of Al Qaeda
leaders who escaped appear to have safely made their way
to Pakistan, another of our so-called allies?

10. Has anyone noticed that Afghanistan is rapidly
sinking into total chaos, with bombings and
assassinations becoming daily occurrences; and that
according to a recent U.N. report the Al Qaeda "is, by
all accounts, alive and well and poised to strike again,
how, when, and where it chooses?"

11. Why are we taking precious military and
intelligence resources away from tracking down those who
did attack the United States -- and who may again attack
the United States -- and using them to invade countries
that have not attacked the United States?

12. Would an attack on Iraq not just confirm the Arab
world's worst suspicions about the United States? And
isn't this what bin Laden wanted?

13. How can Hussein be compared to Hitler when he has
no navy or air force, and now has an army one-fifth the
size of 12 years ago, which even then proved totally
inept at defending the country?

14. Is it not true that the constitutional power to
declare war is exclusively that of the Congress? Should
presidents, contrary to the Constitution, allow Congress
to concur only when pressured by public opinion? Are
presidents permitted to rely on the United Nations for
permission to go to war?

15. Are you aware of a Pentagon report studying charges
that thousands of Kurds in one village were gassed by
the Iraqis, which found no conclusive evidence that Iraq
was responsible, that Iran occupied the very city
involved, and that evidence indicated the type of gas
used was more likely controlled by Iran not Iraq?

16. Is it not true that anywhere between 100,000 and
300,000 U.S. soldiers have suffered from Persian Gulf
War syndrome from the first Gulf War, and that thousands
may have died?

17. Are we prepared for possibly thousands of American
casualties in a war against a country that does not have
the capacity to attack the United States?

18. Are we willing to bear the economic burden of a 100
billion dollar war against Iraq, with oil prices
expected to skyrocket and further rattle an already
shaky American economy? How about an estimated 30 years
occupation of Iraq that some have deemed necessary to
"build democracy" there?

19. Iraq's alleged violations of U.N. resolutions are
given as reason to initiate an attack, yet is it not
true that hundreds of U.N. resolutions have been
ignored by various countries without penalty?

20. Did former President Bush not cite the U.N.
resolution of 1990 as the reason he could not march into
Baghdad, while supporters of a new attack assert that it
is the very reason we can march into Baghdad?

21. Is it not true that, contrary to current claims,
the no-fly zones were set up by Britain and the United
States without specific approval from the United

22. If we claim membership in the international
community and conform to its rules only when it pleases
us, does this not serve to undermine our position,
directing animosity toward us by both friend and foe?

23. How can our declared goal of bringing democracy to
Iraq be believable when we prop up dictators throughout
the Middle East and support military tyrants like
Musharaf in Pakistan, who overthrew a democratically
elected president?

24. Are you familiar with the 1994 Senate Hearings that
revealed the United States. knowingly supplied chemical
and biological materials to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq
war and as late as 1992 -- including after the alleged
Iraqi gas attack on a Kurdish village?

25. Did we not assist Saddam Hussein's rise to power by
supporting and encouraging his invasion of Iran? Is it
honest to criticize Saddam now for his invasion of Iran,
which at the time we actively supported?

26. Is it not true that preventive war is synonymous
with an act of aggression, and has never been considered
a moral or legitimate U.S. policy?

27. Why do the oil company executives strongly support
this war if oil is not the real reason we plan to take
over Iraq?

28. Why is it that those who never wore a uniform and
are confident that they won't have to personally fight
this war are more anxious for this war than our

29. What is the moral argument for attacking a nation
that has not initiated aggression against us, and could
not if it wanted?

30. Where does the Constitution grant us permission to
wage war for any reason other than self-defense?

31. Is it not true that a war against Iraq rejects the
sentiments of the time-honored Treaty of Westphalia,
nearly 400 years ago, that countries should never go
into another for the purpose of regime change?

32. Is it not true that the more civilized a society
is, the less likely disagreements will be settled by

33. Is it not true that since World War II, Congress
has not declared war and -- not coincidentally -- we
have not since then had a clear-cut victory?

34. Is it not true that Pakistan, especially through
its intelligence services, was an active supporter and
key organizer of the Taliban?

35. Why don't those who want war bring a formal
declaration of war resolution to the floor of Congress?

Published: Sep 17 2002


No Telling

Destroy bush and rumsfeld now! Look, the terrorist
network runs out of CNN and CBC, both willingly advocate
criminal intentions against our community interests, by
censorship and dissin' information. (Video Lottery
Terminals eat at our souls, and destroy our economy.
100% payouts must be demanded, anything less, is a
perpetration that does not stand up to sound fiscal
management.) The management of the networks, Walter
Issacson and Sid Beddington of CNN, Israel Cinman,
Robert Habinovitch, and David Cochten of CBC, are all our
humanity's enemy, as the true harborers of terrorist
activity, evil scum to US all. These monsters refuse to
allow reporters open public discussions on the true
current political state of OUR affairs, protecting their
false deity, the anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr. from
immediate arrest or execution, for perpetrating 9/11,
now getting away with open deceit as unchallenged with
OUR facts, perverting America's democracy into in junta
dictatorship. CBC and CNN play our nations as unworthy
of deliberation, while censoring OUR ELECTED officials.
Like the recent Florida election. Or those in the
American government, responsible for managing to barely
protect Social Security, that bush has now illegally had
removed from their jurisdiction, while silently telling
all Americans, he'll manage to rob from us in secret
without telling anyone. Arron Brown, like Larry King,
feels the Social Security of our soldiers is unimportant
as newsworthy, nor their lives as worth protecting. Or
how about when bush stole 50 billion tax dollars from
American families, and stated, he wasn't accountable to
the people as a legitimate leader? No fukin kidding!
Unaccountable to no one evil nazi murderer bush thinks
America will not stand up for ourselves without godless
national news coverage, nor will American men be brave
enough to stand strong to protect their own bereaving
families. Again, the bushmob not only threatened
directly the Taliban with war in July 2001, for not
siding for Enron's interests, but was also caught with
the 9/11 war strategy fully developed two days prior to
the event in question. Why would Laden, or the Taliban
give bush a justification to follow through on his evil
nazi threat? How could the irrational, illogical,
lawless criminal dumfuk bush, have attacked the students
of Afghanistan, then let tommy franks run death squads
to murder defenseless children, without 9/11 I ask you?
Gee, the Taliban sided for the better pipe line contract
for the interest of their nation, and turned down bribes
to sell out their brethren, therefor, the bushmob as
Enron can steal and murder anyone they want to because,
Americans refuse to uphold their own Constitution, of
which, true American Patriot Soldiers it was rumored at
one time, used to actually give pledge to with their
lives if necessary in protection, while crying through a
salute to the flag, that bush and ashcroft now spit on
deliberately, challenging US to come down there
ourselves personally, because Americans, are so
unbelievably cowardly! Again, the pension money stolen
from American families through Enron is sitting in the
Cayman Islands, and the biggest crook of them all is
Thomas White, bush's Secretary of the Army. (Thomas, as
Secretary, does the financial paper work for the US Army,
in case you didn't know.)

As for evil dumfuk rumsfeld's statement to justify our
unjustified incriminations, "The absence of evidence is
not evidence of absence.", no it's not, nor is it
impossible that every real man alive will destroy
rumsfeld ourselves, before he continues to murder us all
irrationally for possiblilities we could maybe might do.
Mr. rumsfeld tells us he would without reason to claim
so, steal and murder from ourselves as established
innocent, of which he himself, would even contend as the
criminal! To have rotten rumsfeld tell us he has a
belief in our names to persecute innocent people,
because he can't substantiate any evidence factually,
gives himself no honest justification to hold such a
position against our better interests. So goes to show,
rumsfeld, the nazi, is a war criminal! Then, of course, there
was the statements rotten rumsfeld made, that enrages
every loyal member of the NRA when communicated clearly,
where rotten rumsfeld stated, that of the Taliban
prisoners held illegally at Guantanamo Bay, that even if
they were honestly tried, and found innocent in an
American court of Law as judged by our peers publicly,
rumsfeld would still fight our humanity as a terrorist,
and refuse their release as farmers with beards, or
protectors of our communities. Or like ashcroft said
about terrorists not deserving the same Constitutional
Justice protections as everyone else, like facing their
accusation in a public court of law to defend themselves
against alegations made in our names. What is it then
nazi bassturds, is ashcroft saying people in other
nations should be terrorized, or is he saying american
criminals are getting away unaprehended?

Destroy rumsfeld now American Patriots!

To persecute our humanity for no other reason, but for
rumsfeld's paranoia with what is possible, or fear of
reprisals for 9/11 by real American Patriot Soldiers,
would mark himself openly as a terrorist to everyone,
threatening US all with murder for crimes he says he has
no evidence to back up as alleged. Mr. rumsfeld, like
ashcroft and bush, is a traitor to the Constitution of
America, and every living soul in this Universe! While
WE know, he didn't go to the NMCC on 9/11, where he
knew, and was reminded, he was supposed to be. While WE
know, there was no public evidence linking Laden or
the Taliban secretly either according to the British
Parliment, at the time he ordered the blanket killing of
Afghans, (who as a Nation, like "Omar the Just" were in
support of following the criminal leads to arrest the
true evil doers, (true American Justice!)), as the
reason offered to stop all investigations by hiding most
of all the evidence that would jeopardize his, and
bush's security as demons of pure nazi filth, traitors
to US all as the living to be humans. Like the eight
black boxes, cockpit recordings, testimony from the ATC,
FAA, NORAD, the Air Force, Building Seven, the FBI
(Rowley and General Ahmad) and the CIA (Insider trading
on the airline companies testified to not be connected
to Laden). Or like flight manifests, with the alleged
high-jackers who boarded without tickets, using stolen
names of people either still alive, or mostly from Saudi
Arabia. Gee, why would, would be terrorists steal
passports they didn't need, of American trained Saudi
national pilots, if they didn't want to be discovered as
American trained Saudi national pilots? Why plan to
high-jack planes from faraway Boston? Why did the
Ladens fly out of America at bush's request right after
9/11 from Boston too? Hmmmm. How is it possible for a
terrorist to board a commercial plane without purchasing
a ticket? AND, how would the two fbi officers (James
Woods), and three cia officers responsible for 9/11
investigations, be able to conclude the false names
of the suspects, if they weren't on the manifest?
Destroy bush now and be loved by all as God!

Yours truly,

Johnny Wizard


All Wrapped Up

CBC as managed has deliberately with intent, worked to
misinform and propagandize our community on what is as,
documented provable fact, regarding Mr. bush's
complicity to the murder of US as the innocent in New
York City. CBC has refused to live up to our
responsibility to protect our democracy, and in silence,
has pirated our names to murder those understood to be
innocent of the accused offence. CBC has refused to
allow ourselves as the public to understand, Mr. bush
forbade the FBI from pursuing bin Laden investigations,
just prior to 9/11 with secret Presidential directive
W199I (199I WF213589), which had John O'Neil, the
anti-terrorism head for the FBI publicly protest by
resigning over. This W199I directive was put into place
after the administration had been warned by the BND, and
several other legitimate intelligence agencies, of an
impending terrorist plot involving the high-jacking of
American airplanes to be used as weapons and flown into
land marks. In addition to these unreported top
priority political issues that stand to be true as
documented factually, the bush administration had also
secretly put together a sinister war strategy, that was
revealed to ourselves as the public, by Canada's own Jim
Miklaszewski at MSNBC, to have existed without any doubt
as Presidential Directive documents, two days prior to
9/11 at the WhiteHouse. A planned strategy to invade
specifically Afghanistan, by blaming bin Laden for a
crime, but providing no evidence to back up the
allegations. That's right. The super evil criminal
bush dictatorship had a plan in place to not follow the
actual evidence to arrest the true culprits for a crime
that hadn't even yet taken place, but that they were
prepared for to close investigations on, as an
opportunity to invade specifically Afghanistan, propping
up the Northern Alliance who still practice the
barbarity of sharia law, with the bush bonuses of
selling heroin to our world, and most importantly,
building a liquefied natural gas pipe line for bush and
his Enron friends, to rob even more further from us all.
Legitimate FBI officers unrepresented by Mueller claim
General Amad was the principle terrorist funder of
Muhammad Atta, responsible for a wire transfer of
$100,000, who, incidentally was in unusual meetings, the
General was, with the bush administration a week prior
to 9/11, who also not only participated in meetings with
several top officials in the Senate Intelligence
Committee, but also, was reported to participate in
building the war strategy of invading Afghanistan, as
the reported desperate excuse offered for the General
being there just prior to 9/11, and also, was personally
responsible for negotiating the non-surrender of bin
Laden, of which the ISI claimed, the General advised the
Taliban not to do so because, no evidence would be
offered, nor public trial for an offence bin claimed he
played no part of.

We are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just
the deceived disguised. Boo!

The case is wrapped up, and bush and rumsfeld need to be
immediately arrested for 9/11, for murdering countless
thousands for stolen gain, at the losses to our
humanity, that show through every putrid utterance of
scum bucket bush, as contempt for our living as humanity
through Law. Where a person accused of a criminal
offence without any evidence is clearly innocent. For
why I ask you reader, would any unjustified leader of US
people blame someone for a crime who wasn't linked to
the offense, while working to close investigations, and
not follow through with the ample clues to capture the
true evil doers? Just how cowardly stupid can soldier
families be taken without conviction as themselves worth
fighting for?

Justice for all, and glory be to godly.

Johnny Wizard


Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum


Posted By: Rosalinda
Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2002, 11:50 a.m.

[source: CNN, Sept. 9]

OTHER LEAKY EXCUSES. In an interview iwth CNN today, former UN
Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter ridiculed the latest concoctions
of the Mega crowd to justify an attack on Iraq. Excerpts follow:

PAULA ZAHN (CNN): I want to have, hear your reaction to the
whole range of Bush Administration officials yesterday who said
.. that Saddam Hussein has been trying to obtain materials to
build nuclear weapons, particularly trying to buy thousands of
aluminum pipes that could be used in the manufacture of a
centrifuge and ultimately used to manufacture weapons.
What do you make of that?

RITTER: What an absurd statement. Thousands of aluminum
pipes, and we're going to go to war over thousands of aluminum
pipes? Even the IISS report that you cite says that if Iraq was
to have trying to do uranium enrichment, it would take them many
years before they could do it. This is patently ridiculous. These
are aluminum pipes coming in for civilian use. They are not being
transferred to a covert nuclear processing plant or any covert
nuclear activity whatsoever.

But the best way to figure this out is to send the weapons
inspectors in. If they, if the United States has this evidence
that Iraq has these pipes, why not, heck, give me the data. I'll
come to Iraq, hunt it down and we'll bring it to a close. That
would save us going to war, killing thousands of people and
destroying our reputation in the international community.
We cannot go to war because Vice President Cheney's worried
about some aluminum pipes. This is ridiculous....

ZAHN: Let's talk more about what some say is the only
independent voice in this whole argument, and that is the
International Institute for Strategic Studies.... In this report,
it suggests ... that Iraq could make a nuclear weapon in months
if it had foreign help.

Let me read to you what the conclusion was, that, "War
sanctions and inspections have reversed and retarded but not
eliminated Iraq's nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and
long range missile capabilities, nor removed Baghdad's enduring
interest in developing these capabilities."

RITTER: Paula, what do we have here? Rhetoric? Where's the
facts? "Enduring interest" in weapons capability? What does that
mean? What evidence do they cite for this "enduring interest"?
You know, ballistic missiles. They say he has 12. What, did they
grow? Where are they? They didn't have 12 when I was a weapons

Chemical weapons? Biological weapons? They talk about bulk
agent in terms of Iraq's biological weapons program. What bulk
agent? Where did they make it? A bulk agent has a three-year
lifetime in terms of storage in ideal conditions. The last time
Iraq was known to have produced bulk agent was in 1990. That
stuff, even if they held onto it, is no longer viable. So to have
bulk agent today, Iraq would have had to reconstitute a
manufacturing base in biological weapons. Where is it?

This report is absurd. It has zero factual basis. It's all
rhetoric. It's all speculative and, frankly speaking, it's
meaningless without, you know, with the sad exception that hawks
in the Bush administration are going to point to this as
justification for war....

ZAHN: What makes you think that if UN weapons inspectors
went in now, after not being on the ground for four years, it
would be any different than the last time around, when Richard
Butler, who was the chief UN weapon inspector, said the Iraqis
often moved stuff when they knew you guys were going to be on the

RITTER: I had been there since 1991 working under Ralph
Ekeus, when the vast majority of the actual disarmament took
place. By the time Richard Butler came, we had already destroyed
Iraq's weapons programs. We were hunting down for, you know,
missing items, you know, a piece of metal here, some documents

And, yes, Iraq could have moved them, but this does not
constitute a weapons program. It's illegal, and this is what
inspectors need to do, come back here, finish the job so that
Iraq can get on with rebuilding its economy, etc. But, you know,
Richard Butler knows for darned sure that the Iraqis were not
moving weapons from his weapons inspectors.

The weapons inspectors were trying to get into some of the
most sensitive facilities in Iraq that dealt with presidential
security. I was the guy leading these inspections and Richard
knows that he allowed the United States to use my inspections to
spy on Iraq, which is why they don't trust the inspection

So let's not bring up Richard Butler. Frankly speaking, he
has no credibility on this issue.

ZAHN: I still don't understand why you think the inspections
will be any different this time around. The administration seems
convinced that if Iraq had nothing to hide, they wouldn't have
broken all these UN regulations and they would have allowed
inspectors in over the last four years.

RITTER: Come on, Paula, let's be fair. The administration
knows that the Central Intelligence Agency used the weapons
inspection program as a Trojan horse to insert intelligence
collection capabilities to go after Saddam Hussein....

You know, I know that inspections did work. We achieved a 90
to 95 percent level of verified, absolutely certain
accountability for Iraq's weapons program, including all the
factories and associated production equipment. This is why I'm
just amazed when I hear reports coming from the IISS that Iraq
suddenly has the capability. Where did it come from? Did they
suddenly grow factories? ...

... Let's get the inspectors back in, let's get them to
find out what the ultimate disposition of these weapons programs
are and if Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction program, thank
goodness, we just diffused a war. And I think that's a good thing
worth trying to do.


From the well recomended document:

US Intelligence and the Terrorists: Pre-9-11

... June 6, 2001. German intelligence warned CIA.

(A) The German intelligence agency, the BND, warned both
the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists were
``planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as
weapons to attack important symbols of American and
Israeli culture.'' This intelligence reportedly came
from Echelon, a high-tech electronic surveillance system
used by the intelligence agencies of several nations to
glean through electronic communications for certain
keywords. It was first reported by the German daily
newspaper, Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung on September
13. Its sources were reportedly from the BND itself.
(Gembeimdienste 6-6-2001; Stafford 9-13-2001; Ruppert
11-2-2001; Ruppert 11-27-2001; Ruppert 4-22-2002; Martin
1-5-2002; Martin 1-16-2002; Thomas 5-21-2002)

According to Gordon Thomas (5-21-2002) of Global -
Intel, the original source of information actually came
from Israeli Mossad agents operating in the U.S. who
had infiltrated al Qaeda. According to his account the
Mossad also informed British and Russian intelligence
about the attacks, who then in turn notified the CIA.
Thomas's sources are allegedly informants within the
Mossad itself.

As of April 22, 2002, no challenges to this information
has been reported. ...


Also, it has also been alledged that the German
embassador Ischinger, On Monday 6, August, 2001, had met
bush personally, and during that meeting, the Bundesamt
fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service]
and BND [Bundesnachreichtendienst, German foreign secret
service] finding was once again reiterated in person.


! ! ! ! N E W S F L A S H ! ! ! !

September 12, 2002 NewsNight with Arron Brown
Mr. Butler, did not refute, with his repeated
opportunity, Ritter's documented as fact, with the paper
work to prove it, allegations of american corruption
succeeding, in fact, repeatedly, Butler refused to
answer the direct question, on wether, he, Mr. Butler,
abdicated his responsibility to our world community, and
sided instead to bow as a fascist coward to CRIMINAL
american sabotage regarding the U.N. resolution
inspection's process.

Gee, no wonder Saddam has concerns for his people...

A worthwhile note also, is during CNN new briefs on
Saddam's recent comments, never once was it said, that
Saddam alleges to our world, bush murdered New Yorkers
for financial gain, as he did factually claim, and I do
too, as the evidence is unmistakable. Mr. bush, the
super evil anti-Christ, and too, Mr. rumsfeld, the
sadistic nazi dumbfuk, must be immediately arrested, or
executed by Patriot American Believers, so we may begin
to get this PUBLIC court case regarding the facts on the
mass murder of AMERICANS under way. I wanna lead the
prosecutor's team!!! (I am now officially excepting
book offers.)


Here To Tell It Like We Is

So, the bush regime knows that Saddam has no nukes, but
as any person could, maybe at sometime in the future
would target general populations, of which Saddam has
stated to be rationally stupid, immoral and evil. A
tactic that bush, as america, says without pause to
reflect, would do so in our stolen names is plausible
with him in power as a degenerate. The bush regime also
thinks Saddam does indeed have biological weapons, and
has so for decades but never used them, as the only
affordable balance to the militarization of the region.
Namely, to counter the Israeli government's corrupt
political position of American funded bigotry and
lawless behavior, on claims God gave them a right as
criminals apparently, to deprive Christians a right to
live justly, to own property, or use public roads even,
and that most of Iraq should too, be stolen by force
like hitler did, as hitler did measure also, all Jews,
by the same level of intolerance, ignorance and
barbarity sharon does of US as Palestinians, you know,
Catholics, Muslims, Jews and Atheists, absent love for
ourselves as understanding, godly, and principally
innocent until proven otherwise. Mr. sharon is not
Jewish, nor is anyone else allowed to practice as such
in the Likud party. But anyway, Saddam is no Saint,
however, no evidence exists that Saddam has ever used
bio warfare weapons on his own people, while Our Mr.
bush Jr., is documented factually, as a murdering demon
of evilness clearly paraded before ourselves by
corporate command, as a supposed representation of OUR
civilization's true will. As Our Mr. bush Jr. works
diligently to destroy our lives through fraudulent
means, counting on US not trying to save Ourselves by
following the truth to set US free. A Republican who
without laughing, demanded law enforcement agencies not
follow the ample criminal evidence to arrest the true
perpetrators of 9/11, but instead, urged the closing of
investigations, while top secretly, implicated bin Laden
without evidence he couldn't divulge, of which the
British government ended up doing so for the love of our
selves, comprising of only, general maybe if's, of which
only could, can, and does, jeopardize bush, cheney and
rumsfeld by taking such a secret, now public position
against our interests to kill us as the innocent with.
Which is truly why bush rumsfeld and cheney are
warmongering as despicable savages. 5 billion dollars
in humanitarian aid is being blocked by the bush regime
to enter Iraq, like food and medicine. The bush regime
demands children be starved and not receive treatments
for ailments, such as aspirin for headaches, or as
cancer from the devastation the families of Iraq are
still suffering through, since the last time a bush's
american criminal military force dumped tons of
radioactive waste in the region, while murdering
indiscriminately ourselves as anyone, because
principally, toxic American soldiers, like the American
people, hold the title of the highest illiteracy levels
of the developing world, which brings them as
consequence, the worst health care providers to
themselves as discounted, corporately mandated as
unworthy to understand their own behaviors, so they can
be even further rooked as shysters. Over two million
people have died directly because of American aggression
against the practically defenseless in Iraq, who the
bush regime even claims, have little of no power to
change the political landscape, based in loose tribal
ethics as protections, that has been as such, for
approximately 4000 years. And as American traitor war
criminal rumsfeld proclaimed, since american aggression
has continued against Iraq over the last twelve years,
so too, has their economy been devastated, and as
consequence, the attraction to keep the more literate as
wealth driven from remaining, has waned. But what can
bush offer Iraq, indeed to our world my friends? Just
murder US people for stolen cash profit, is clearly his
only motivation, as a tyrant dictator far worse than
Saddam has ever been. Mr. bush indicates he knows
nothing of economics, or the important function of law
to protect our societies, so what if he should kill
Saddam, and maybe a million Iraqi people, then what? He
hasn't thought that far, and clearly, due to his
evilness we witness daily, couldn't care less. CNN and
other corporate professionals refuse to tell the blood
sucking, carcinogenic, corporate American real fast news
blips, of causes they as a nation in total celebrated
televised ignorance, have committed against the Iraqi
struggling to survive People, and indeed around our
world likewise. As was the bush regime's unreported
support of the overthrow of democratically elected
Chavez in Venezuela, who incidentally, as one of the
very few, holds a perfect human rights record, unlike
America, who is the only nation, the World Court has
convicted by factual documented evidence, to be a
terrorist state. There is no record of Saddam murdering
millions of Iraqis, while targeting innocent children,
but there is to the illegitimate bush family, and nazi
soldier tommy franks intentions, the most despicable
savage to ever don an American uniform, who would now
have us all believe, such a evil strategy of criminal
wrong doing, is the only option, to better the lives of
those who barely survive from American oppression in
Iraq as it is. What form of governance would bush be
suggesting? Would it be like bush squandering almost 7
trillion dollars in bad business decisions for our
futures as he has set forth for America already? Or
maybe something like the new criminal heroin pushers in
Afghanistan as foreigners? Costing the American nation,
who holds the title of highest rates of human
depravation in the industialized world, and highest
percentage of imprisoned per populace in all recorded
history, 5 billion dollars every month to prop up sales
in narcotics, and terrorist handbooks? Where political
opponents who criticize the Karazi regime are murdered,
for factually claiming the political aims of Karazi are
not representing US people as the children? Or as evil
bush, who would boldly lie to the face of God, that
there were no girl schools in Afghanistan under the
Taliban, while secretly thanking sadistic scum bag
American traitor, mass murdering savage, wimp ass drug
dealing coward tommy franks, for specifically targeting
those very schools, women reporters, Mosques, red cross
units, literate tribal leaders, men with beards, and
children, while labelling all of Our humanity who would
fight against injustice his enemy? Or that bush would
dare still attempt to get away undamaged by the real men
of this world, to spout his venom hatred for humanity to
what must be drugged out to be so cowardly American
soldiers, by lying to US as the demon of pure evilness
we all witnessed, that heroin cultivation wasn't
factually outlawed by the Taliban officially following
Allah, leaving no position as God's will to back track
politically on later? American military analysts,
including the CIA and former secretary of Defense,
William Cohen, claim Iraq is no threat to it's
neighbors, as so too, does no nation in the region
support bush's warmongering. In Congressional hearings
last week, former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter
courageously stated what many Americans believe, but
rarely if never mentioned by corporate news standards as
the will of the people, "A handful of ideologues have
hijacked the national security policy of the United
States for their own ambitions." Ritter insisted Iraq
was no threat to the U.S. or the Mideast, and later
offered that cheney be forced by Americans on mass, to
offer evidence to his bogus, make believe accusations,
that he wishes to use to actually murder thousands, if
not millions of US REAL PEOPLE. Our axis of evil, bush
rumsfeld and cheney, do not want renewed inspections of
Iraq, they only want war to murder ourselves, and to
create instability in our world through fear to prevent
their rightful capture for 9/11, while we all are
expected to sit back as corporate standard fascist
cowards, to pretend bush was actually elected as
President in America, because actual poll counts were
forbidden to be publicized, therefor, he may have won
our approval to use nukes against anyone for whatever.
With CNN, the Commie Nazi Network, telling us we as the
civilized are also convicted to poll, that evidence is
no longer a requirement to convince US who is criminally
insane, in this nightmare of criminal bush family
evilness, hell bent on destroying your world, and
everything WE, as The People, have struggled so hard to
protect. It would seem any world threat of terrorism,
would be surely from a nation like bush's America. A
cowardly nation that demands we as humanity, be deprived
the guiding principles of Justice like they in weakness
had abdicated as no longer their own as unfairly
represented, leaving as slaves the bush regime to rob us
all of our Freedoms, as a rule of Law instills such as
in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights,
and the American Constitution. All now trashed by
Ashcroft, as clear criminal intent to obstruct Justice
as the American dream for everyone.

E-mail this to somebody for Christ states,

yours truly,

Johnny Wizard


From below:

"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."


I think I love you too much

Wow, your amazing! So, what your saying is bush the
nazi tyrant, the unelected mass murdering fascist
dictator, has no interest following the ample criminal
leads, because they lead to him, rumsfeld, and cheney
likely too, right? And, when that evil monster told us
instead he would rely on secret evidence, but couldn't
tell us why, as too the FBI or CIA, it turned out to be
nothing but another wicked evil deception against the
great American people, Tony Blair, bin Laden, and law
enforcement officers everywhere, to even further give
him cause to close investigations into 9/11 as Reuters
told us, and rob directly from American soldier
families, their lives, pensions, life savings, and blind
faith, in bush, the false diety, super evil anti-Christ.

Johnny Wizard is my Hero.


Weak Pathetic Coward Nazi bassturds

American soldiers are weak pathetic coward nazi
bassturds. The recorded evidence stands before all of
our humanity, while CNN silently pleads ignorance on
what is clearly established as documented fact,
regarding Mr. bush and rumsfelds' complicity to
murdering thousands of American citizens, stealing from
all Americans the principles of which the American flag
once represented, now unprotected by corporate dictates.
Encouraging American soldiers to further sacrifice their
dying rights, to murder potentially hundreds of
thousands more for bushs' nazi conquests against
ourselves further unprotected by nazi traitors at
blitzer's war room. ("War Room" is the term used by
nazi CNN nosearch big pay do squat staff who routinely
work to keep America uninformed with their secret from
no one, refusals to protect Americans for the bush
regime, like in the case of "The False Claims Act", or
evidence requirement to convince US who is evil.) You do
five minutes research on the Anthrax suspect, and you
come up with Dr. Phillip Zack, but what does CNN do to
protect the American people? Nothing but mention
Hatfill, not even still a suspect according to REAL FBI
sources, who, you'll notice, Mueller or Ashcroft never
if ever mentions, like point number six of Coleen Rowley
in Time regarding treason at the highest level. Mr.
tommy franks, the nazi traitor heroin pusher, runs death
squads in Afghanistan, executing countless children as
our own, but what does CNN say on behalf of our

Nothing, but to refuse a voice to those they know
murdrered in their names as nazi facists, refusing to
allow open honest discussions on the true political
state of the Union. Publicly advocating to be
accessories to the murder of ourselves, refusing to make
any attempt to stop bush from continuing to murder their
our own families, and stealing from our nations the
concept of Justice for ourselves, (Never mind America's
own life savings STILL sitting in the Cayman Islands.
(Thomas White.)) while advocating even more murders and
thefts against the innocent, because soldiers are too
weak as colateral damaged disfunctional illiterates, to
stand up proud for the American people as equals. Under
the Bill of Rights, as justice for US all, truly brave
and strong, as the saviours of ourselves to be free as
individuals, humanity, WE will never surrender as slaves
to the false diety, anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr.. The
lawless nazi facists mass murdering tyrants, Mr. bush,
bogus cheney, and rumsfeld, are the ememies of America
as the free world, who as WE, will no longer except
lying down to the continuing corporate silence of
surrender, to take us as dead and forgotten, as not
worth our time of day, to stand for yourself, as a
living breathing human.

Johnny has spoken to several hundred at CBC and CNN
including the CEO's of both, regarding the evidence that
no one has yet, suggested they find any contention with.
Destroy bush and rumsfeld American Patriot Soldiers, and
be loved by all as family.

Destroying the evil doers


What do you know?

Hi everyone, so, what do we know? Mr. bush made plans
to attack Afghanistan just prior to 9/11, for not
signing a contract with CentGas, which would have given
Enron access to LNG. For without, they as members of
the bushmob, would face their impending criminal
bankruptcy, revealing they were stealing from any as all
Americans, their life savings. Without the illegal war
against the struggling to be better Taliban, the bushmob
would have been exposed without fear by America, and
soon, we would have all faced a bright new day
understanding further, the importance of Justice for
humanity as ourselves deserving not to be robbed from.

None of the evidence indicated Afghanistan, and by bush
running without judgement with his plan made prior,
showed a willingness to not apprehend the true culprits,
while warmongering a fury in bigoted corporate America,
to attack our humanity without thinking, or
understanding the reasons why the American Constitution
holds still respect, for it's wisdom granting
protections to the people as we are, individuals with
rights to be represented as equals under the law, in
defence against the evils of humanity, of which, our Mr.
bush willingly as a demon, works to destroy US as the
too weak and cowardly as terrified to know better to
speak up for themselves rightly.

Americans, like our corporate news
services in Canada also, are expected to not report the
murder of ourselves in Afghanistan, excusing their
contempt for themselves as God, to name ourselves,
demonized willingly trying to take you to sacifice your
rights as censored for bush to steal from our families
escaping prosecution. I call news agencies, who as
individuals, see no responsibility to ourselves as
community. I recieve only refusals as excuses to deny
ourselves equal access. Why? They, like deer caught in
the headlights, or swimming in the, it feels so good to
be taken banker advertising, leave us to only death to
others they see not as themselves, be it thousands or
millions, than allow me to enter as simply a concerned
man named John to speak factually as documented, calling
for the immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld the
murderers, to escape further bloodshed. Or, I'm
baselessly insulted without argument, ouch, or dismissed
as alarmist for screaming for the stopping of the murder
of US as really dying, while my, how am I going to
survive job prospects go vanishing, because of my
excellent research abilities on behalf of the humans.

CBC in Washington just refuses to report as Canadians.


How do American soldiers feel
about sacrificing their lives to sell heroin, and steal
oil, to likely pollute the region as Dutch shell would
as they do murder civilian protestors with Tony in
Britian harboring them? Killing for the World Bank who
will pocket the paid expenses while indebting the
impoverished nation? As death squads against freedom as
cowards? You'd think if they were going to kill anyone
in Afghanistan, it would be the terrorist leader, heroin
pusher, tommy franks and his northern alliance business
partner mercenaries, like the brave Taliban would have
to protect us innocent all over the world, no? The
truth is in while the cowards pretend. You know Dad,
I'm beginning to suspect american nazis on our planet,
don't actually know us too well as the humans yet...

Wide Open

All American people, police officers and soldiers hear
this out please. Mr. Mueller has shown no commitment
to represent the FBI. He has made no responsible public
mention of the investigations regarding General Ahmed,
and his connection to Mr. Atta, nor Odigo's two hour
warning. He has not mentioned the investigations
regarding the Israeli spy ring done by the FBI, and it
has been only FOX News, the DEA, and their spokesperson
Rogenc Waite, who have been able to get around Mr.
Mueller's contemptuous silence for America, while
bushmobster Susan Dryden, states we are all an urban
myth. The FAA, NORAD (Canada's arm), Mike Vreeland, the
CIA even, and several responsible military and civilian
air traffic controllers, and a great many others
disagree with CNN's refusal to mention our public
statements against bush and rumsfeld's contentions.
Never mind Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik who was
handed Atta's passport by someone not named yet, of
which Kerik stated "Apparently, it must have fallen into
the air just as the crash occurred, surviving the almost
1000 degree heat of the fire, then came across a strong
wind to blow it several blocks away." With loose papers
between the pages of the passport even surviving the
gusts. Now we witness the corporate cultists, desperate
to contain us with the magic bullet theorists, we're
expected to believe 2000 degrees actually is the only
way possible, as impossible to prove scientifically.
Also remember, the buildings weight were bore by
interconnecting columns of steel through a central core
design named "tube within a tube", not like a simple
toothpick project laid out by fancy computer grapics,
that neglect the actual blue print designs, as thought
through since before the Roman Empire. If still so
though, how then can the desperate doubters explain
building Seven, or maybe Six, not struck by planes, but
fell just the same without melted bricks?, of glass? As
also reported, Atta actually taking the time to pack,
yes that's right, pack his suicide letter is too stupid
for even the average American intellect. Nevermind the
sneaky suspected terrorists arguing over a parking space
restricted at the airport yelling. Or, Mr. Mueller's
ATM picture of a 'highjacker' who was already dead while
the picture was supposedly taken. Hmmm... dead men as
the terrorists named Mohammad or something like that..
Jesus! Then finding out according to James Woods, the
double agent actor, bush's Mueller had secretly, only
two officers responsible for following more than 30,000
selective as important leads over a crime of such
magnitude. Bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing
bing bing bing bing bing.. Hey... Did you hear that?
We see the weakness of the many stuck as bushmobsters,
like possibly completely innocent Myers, and his
inability as cowardice to speak out regarding his
political position as responsible to America, likewise
as so many others, showing no concern for the nation as
US people. Typical of a usual ignorant fascist right
winger sellout like bush has been his entire career to
his barely living self of evilness never before
witnessed. And, I could go on for twenty more pages on
the motives, Enron, and the proven to be criminals at
the Pentagon, with the official corporate news story
failing the simplest of scrutinies.

Reminder: first tower was struck at 8:45, second, 9:03.

Airports were closed at 9:17, but the soon to be shot
down flight 93 calls in at 9:50 apparently according to
rumsfeld, asking for permission to do a u-turn, fly east
an hour and a half, to land in WASHINGTON? (two planes
don't seem to have highjackers on them, and I guess the
plan got messed with the remotes somehow.) While the Bin
Laden family is preparing to leave America at bush's
request, to escape any questioning, regarding the soon
to be blamed Holy man Bin Laden, without evidence by the
Washington Post in the late edition of Sept. 11th, by
the surprisingly thoughtful monster henry kissinger,
while CNN reports a story unbiasedly in the forth party
apparently, (heard it from a friend who heard it from a
friend...) of a call just received to their private
newsroom from somebody somewhere to whomever, about
friendly, er.. no mean Muslims on board, pre-activating
pay phone services without doing so, or so we can only
guess, a falsehood truly painful to relay completely.
Mr. bush and rumsfeld killed those good Americans in
New York, and must not under any circumstances be
allowed to continue as escaped leaving the scene, to
repeat offend against ourselves, who under these
circumstances, must not be taken as granted by Chris at
MSNBC. I have repeatedly offered my position of
responsible debate with any corporate cultists, that
refuse to represent our democracies being toppled into
lawless dictatorship. Why does corporate America refuse
to report on elected Congressman Kucinich? Again, Mr.
bush and rumsfeld need to be immediately arrested or
executed as traitors by the brave and true, strong and
righteous. We need to seize all available evidence that
Mr. Mueller has stolen, like airport video tapes, as
well as recordings done from within the airliners. Or
provide me, Mr. death, to testify to the recorded
gruesomeness as unbearable. Anyone in the bushmob who
stands in our way to do so, must as will be also found
guilty of treason by all the loyal American people. I
call on all police agencies, ball clubs, loggers, swank
hotel clerks and the PTA, to pull together under this
banner, and make the world something better for
everyone, before getting back to wrestling amongst
ourselves over what have you. Mr. bush's evil is very
real, in this time I, as a strange voice from the
wilderness, who does not make your decisions to do the
right things for yourself, plead for you to do so as you
should. Get off your ass. I mean, who and for what are
our soldiers still killing people for in Afghanistan?
The heroin dealing puppet government of foreigners with
the World Bank are in place losers, and do I understand
they have already spent near a 100 million dollars of
ours on things like 3 million school text books for
practical terrorism from the eighties, while leaving so
called heroin addict alliance forces happy to oblige
without 'official' pay checks. CBC in Canada shamed the
world by running a propaganda piece on school funding,
but neglected to mention the 'new' books, just like the
'old' books came from the bushmobsters again, also with
CBC 'pretending' to not know that the Taliban had begun
girl schools in Afghanistan, a story that had already
been almost correctly covered by the Washington Post,
amazingly about a month ago, albeit, without the girl
schools element, but Jeeze, the truth seems to be
finding it's way, despite the tommy franks grouped with
the northern alliance targeting youths who can read as
the enemy Taliban right? Mr. bush displays a hatred
expressed against our entire human race as himself, to
kill us all truly as his position, that he in self
contempt, refuses to acknowledge, while we further fall
dying unjustly, for who I ask you? Mr. bush has
actually publicly positioned himself to state he does
not support effective treatments for cancer. Why?
Because there is no money or ours as tax payers to steal
from. Deception is an element of all living truth, and
evil secretly is just being openly stupid like bush is,
(you can't pretend insight as wisdom truly), leaving the
biggest secret being, here is but only one, you too, as
we all share nothing as no secret in silence as a
reflection of all living dreams. GOD IS AMAZING. There
is no spoken answer to the question of a mystery asking
as forever endlessly, as life could be unbelievably
fantastic at a level of real world sustainability, but
you know what my friends? Nobody at corporate mind
control seems to care, but only to say how wrong we all
are on everything, by people who do not know any better
for trying to do nothing. Do not know any better. No
argument, no science, no reason, just almost as robots
working for the death machines in cowardice and self
loathing against ourselves not represented. I, as the
make believe Creator, attempting to represent freedom of
will eternal, can't help hate and despise bush, your
false deity as much as any real man would, I'm sorry.
News corporations refuse me a voice as the publics, and
have so for years to also our acclaimed scientists,
political writers, mathematicians and historians, while
Mr. bush as the super dumb anti-Christ of evil
incarnate, demands openly in OUR public arena, I not be
allowed to live my life in unity, as an individual god
seeking a potential Heaven for myself singularly, doing
my own thing naturally. Mr. bush demands by threat of
murder, I relinquish my equal rights, to become his
willing slave. Mr. bush demands I not be permitted to
protect myself in a true democracy as Justice for all.
(Mr. bush, you either understand us as fairly to be
equals with justice as anyone, or your threatening our
freedoms as a criminal terrorist without room for
argument.) Mr. bush demands I fear his murder rampages
against the innocent, as would be myself, still living
to say, NEVER! Never would I lie to myself like a
cowardly American soldier to bomb innocent villagers to
waste billions, before killing tommy franks for ordering
me to do so. Never would I lie to myself like a
cowardly American soldier to bomb innocent people in
Bagdad to kill people, before killing tommy franks,
cheney, bush, rumsfeld, or even Mr. Powell if need be.
Don't like Saddam? Well, talk to him openly about
freedom for ourselves then. Talk to the people of Iraq,
and on what we together, can do to make life better.
What is it about the functioning government in Cuba,
that could be made better as measured? Why not?
Because then it would be understood, bush is a savage
criminal, and incompetent as wrong and seriously evil to
all of US. As he clearly knows nothing about Justice
and freedom, or economics as he currently is destroying
the economy of America, while cashing in our real lives
creating hardship, as only ideology. I mean, removing
the cash from our streets, while stealing billions for
himself as a degenerate man! (Our wealth is not
infinite, nor do the hungry, have magically, meals
mysteriously appear in front of them.) He wasn't
elected, falling short by more than 600,000 votes before
demanding the halt to counting, and is a nazi murdering
traitor who speaks only of his stupidity, while robbing
America as our world, of Justice to be free and living


Thank you for everything,

Johnny wizard



It's Nothing - Mr. bush and rumsfeld are traitors to
every American, as they are both guilty of war crimes
against humanity. Where are the American soldiers to
arrest or kill them both as murderers trying to escape
the wrath of the American Constitution's protection of
the masses under Justice, that they are attempting to
destroy as ignored against the interests of mankind?
Again, bush had no evidence against Bin, for a crime he
demands we not know the perpetrator of, by attempting to
stop, or not address the criminal investigations
completed already. With the corporated cultists cashing
out hard working American tax payers by labeling us all,
as not caring to be biased. Telling our soldiers to
attack without thinking, the third world Taliban
government for asking about evidence as a true American,
Allah, Christ, or Buddha would, ending the heroin trade,
and attempting with communications, something better for
the people of Afghanistan. Mr. Mueller has informed
us, as one more informed than any other who meets with
George Tenet every day, the only evidence we have
implicates bush and rumsfeld for 9/11, and soldiers have
yet to stand for America to destroy bush and rumsfeld,
the murdering bassturds desecrating our judicial process.
Why? Nazi cowards, not willing to protect the American
flag, while watching their own families be robbed of
their life savings and pensions through Enron, and open
Pentagon frauds, while bush, the anti-Christ, hopes
soldiers will learn from the bankruptcy, for next time,
while we, as humanity, watch the Republican Congress
today, allow the thieves to escape, with, MAYBE, a fine,
while walking away with billions stashed away secretly
in the Cayman Islands, or left responsible for secret
Army financing, like Thomas White, as their two timing
Secretary. It's too bad we can't separate American
soldiers, by who wish to uphold the American
Constitution as Justice for all, and those sadistic
savages like rumsfeld who enjoy murdering innocent
people while stealing from everyone our humanity, then
we would have a real war of good as powerful, against
the extremely weak and pathetic illiterate nazi cult
scum, eh? I mean, if you actually knew who the soldiers
were as responsible for bombing villages in Afghanistan,
and red cross units, literate tribal leaders, or having
40,000 surrendered given to be murdered, wouldn't you as
a real American Patriot Soldier, just kill tommy franks,
bush and rumsfeld the nazis without thinking twice? I
mean, to be humane or godly? See my friends? We will
see again, no traitor to America offer an actual public
argument to their position of ourselves to not
communicate freely with our facts, but will without
reason, demand we not be able to truly, like CNN, MSNBC,
CBS, Art Bell, and the like, while attacking
ourselves personally for demanding we no longer be
murdered for the evil bushmob, who ignore our concerns
as legitimate under universal law actually existing, as
not heard from really dying, deprived equal say as the
Bill of Rights still demands. See? American illiterate
evil nazi scum, think the all mighty as this Creation
will be made only to suffer and die as murdered by the
weak, dispossessed and cowardly, so sharon the bigot
racist parasite can rob and murder innocent persons as
Catholics, Muslims, Atheists and Jews forever and ever,
financed by corporated nazi cult Americans left in the
dark until their bitter enlightenment, about who lives
the airwave as true to be ourselves. Justice infinite
as indivisible shall prevail as a Heaven or Hell, you
decide. I am calling for the immediate imprisonment or
death sentence, to the proven to be world terrorists
without given argument against, who admittingly have
committed the deliberate mass murders of US as innocent,
sharon, bush, rumsfeld, and tommy franks. Forty dollars
for bush and rumsfeld, ten for tommy franks, and the
Jews of God's creation will wake I'm sure, to deal with
the nazi bigot ariel sharon, without further going
payment. They advocate as demons, enemies of US all,
the murder of innocent people, of which we must no
longer allow. I'm available for debate or interview, of
which news corporations refuse to grant. Just as they
do on every other serious life affirming issues. Our
nations greatest, most popular scientific and political
writers are barely, if never even acknowledged. Many
have read my words, yet next to none argue in
disagreement, but for insult lacking reason. Why?
Because some people are just stupid, and as in open
polite discourse are exposed to be carbon copy right
wingers suffering under suggestion to do nothing to help
themselves. Like, how does someone argue burned jet
fuel smoldering, could reach a temperature of 2000
degrees Celsius, in an area of standard building
construction not melting before steel would? Or,
because someone commits a crime in New York, or did
years ago because they were beaten down as deprived
human rights and had all their property stolen, sharon
can then excuse himself to murder anybody else he
wishes, maybe hundreds or thousands more to steal their
lives and prosperity? How does Mr. bush Jr., the
anti-Christ, get away saying we're all against him
discarding the rule of law to find ourselves not to be
equals under God with his tyranny of injustice and
slavery, that he expects every nation to suffer under in
fear while he attempts to plunder and murder everyone as
evil incarnate? Digesting fluoride for no other known
or unknown reason to science kills us, and nobody else
says different, so why must CNN insist we keep doing it
by not covering the facts documented for decades? I
say, who cares why right wingers want to destroy our
eternal Universe as themselves unworthy, let's just stop
doing it today okay? because it makes us look really
really stupid to the other civilizations of our Universe
that don't practice censorship of our advancements in
science as know how. What an embarrassment. Why as so
does CNN refuse all the other crimes committed by
Republicans to go unheeded as recognized? Like the
denial of equal rights to non-jews in Palestine? I
don't know, let us just work to make our world a better
place for all. I want my own show.


In It for US

wish to point to those Republicans ultimately
responsible for harbouring real terrorism, (Mr. bush
Sr.) according to Sergant Chuck Couglin of the Milwaukee

rumsfeld on site American soldier, and be loved by all
as Saviour.


A Better Way


Mr. Mueller, the head of the FBI, who meets everyday
with George Tenet, the head of the CIA, stated recently
after reviewing his quoted statements stated, actually
they as officers of our laws have no evidence whatsoever
connecting anyone but the bushmob to the terrorist acts
in New York City, testifiable through the public
information given by ourselves, the DEA, the CIA, and
the FBI in our fields, of which Mr. Mueller seems
completely absent minded of publicly speaking anyway.
Look see for yourself.

''In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single
piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in
the treasure trove of information that has turned up in
Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect
of the Sept. 11 plot,''


The Messiah vs. sharon, bush, and rumsfeld


Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as

worthless without meaning. I have spoken to the Secret
Service in person, and all who read this can be assured,
so has mr bush scumball jr. by the date this is posted,
and as he continues to pretend to not have, only further
shows his contempt for your life and Justice for our
communities. For bush's contempt for the American
constitution as Justice and freedom is ungodly to every
proud American police officer and citizen the world
over. Mr. bush must be arrested for his terrorist
crimes in New York City immediately, for the evidence of
his and rumsfeld's criminal behavior is overwhelmingly
censored by CNN and the other corporate cult cogs, who
refuse to protect Americans as ourselves, the dying
community falling unheard from. The patriot act will be
rescinded, unless anyone can actually provide a counter
argument as to it's purpose other than to destroy our
freedoms, while the bushmob continues to rifle our
pocket books.


Who is Who?


Freedom is only garnered through Justice for all equally.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" wrote
Samuel Johnson, and he wasn't just mixing words.
Patriotism is not about mindlessly as cult slaves
obeying bush the unellected nazi fascist criminal
dictator, it is about protecting freedom for all as
democracy demands by law. Ours. Mr. bush has said
that if we, as Nations, don't agree with himself as
world dictator, removing the guiding principles of
constitutional Justice as freedom for all instills,
while actively destroying America and murdering innocent
people for no crimes who struggle now only to survive
from his criminal tirades, advocating torture while
declaring wars against anyone poor and unrepresented,
with a complete disrespect for all human life, and our
courts of Law, has clearly stuck himself to be our enemy
everywhere, as being evil personified, which
inextricably demands his immediate incarceration for the
crimes he is committing against ourselves as a true
terrorist without question, no? The bushmob desecrate
the ideals of freedom, Justice and democracy garnered by
truth as our own being to be individuals, and is exalted
by CNN claiming to be representing ourselves while
watching us be robbed and murdered as stolen from
openly. Mr. Turner, you have terribly disappointed our
world in this great time of need for ourselves as

Again, all relevant evidence, circumstantial and
otherwise, regarding the WTC terrorist act, points to
the bushmob, and rumsfeld especially. (snpd) Flight 11,
all ticket sales are accounted. How did terrorists
board without purchasing tickets? No, the airline
industry did not take the names off the lists on Sept.
11, as too on the 12th they confirmed so with a small
correction, but if they had, how then would, or could,
the desperate doubter explain strange flight 77 from the
same company, which does leave room for terrorists to be
on board with the given total. Oh... I think I know.
Two flights had duped terrorists hired by the bush
wrecked state department, explaining the State
Department connected money transfer discovered by the
good FBI to the head terrorist, Germany's Mr. Atta,
unreported by the Commi Nazi Network of course, showing
a belief on Atta's part, that he would not die with the
top secret arrangement he had made with the bushmob
privately, explaining why the bushmob had his passport
in their possession secretly, and why Atta couldn't have
checked in with baggage. (Ya right, he's gonna pack a
jet fuel consumption calculator and a video titled, "How
to fly a jumbo jet airliner in twenty minutes for
dummies" left behind of all places in baggage,
explaining the secret bushmob audio tape still to be
never released where Atta is heard mumbling, "Jeeze,
where's my lucky shirt?" and, "Does anybody here know
who's flying this thing?") The $100,000 didn't go far,
and Atta clearly wasn't a devote Muslim, as in the bar
he drank vodkas and flashed a huge wad of hundreds and
fifties to the manager, and everyone else in yelling
distance, bragging how much the bushmob had paid him
stupidly to do so, for a flight he couldn't possibly
have boarded as a viable pilot or passenger. Also, why
need carry his passport loosely as needing to remain
unnoticed, if he didn't buy a ticket, nor planned to
travel anywheres, if he somehow magically just appeared
on the plane in mid-flight after an all night bender
with hookers? Also, none of the four flights easily
indicated that they had been highjacked, while the
transponders were all turned off by code from inside the
locked cockpits, at roughly the same time as if by
automation, with flights not changing their flight
course for as long as fifteen minutes, like no passenger
ticketed terrorists aboard flight 11, ("Hey Atta! check
out the view!", or "You left the manual where?", or
"Gee, thank God you have the final draft, suicide letter
still with you for when we burst into a fireball."), as
too, the 200 mile precisely aligned trajectories,
without HUD, do attest something not quite normal,
according to experts in the Air Force with thousands of
hours flight experience and some chaos theorized war
gameroom background, and elsewhere, who know of bowling
a perfect game while blindfolded, using a checker.
Flight 77. The planted terrorists failed to highjack
due to the fact, the plane was returned to control of
the real pilot who managed to use communications after a
fifteen minute fight for something. Conversations that
the bushmob confiscated. For after 77 changed course in
the dramatic after some struggle for the controls, it
then returned to it's original flight path, and okayed,
but, not for long, for now they knew inside information.
"No, I wanna fly this plane according to procedure while
you guys fight a fair three round fight." or "You say
planes have actually flown into the WTC towers?" or
"Let's just pretend we're the real pilots, and maybe no
one will notice?" But shut off transponder only then?
was it on again, or had it never been off before? If
the terrorists were subdued, or gave up by showing their
red bomb boxes only contained confetti, how do they so
quickly take the pilots place, (who had just been last
near for calls after returning to normal), to push the
codes? This is why the bushmob took the tape. CNN
tells us rumsfeld says the FAA didn't contact NORAD
until 9:25, while at the same time, CNN also tells us
controllers who handled 77, knew it had been highjacked
at 8:46. Also, explaining the now no longer strangeness
of why bush desperately ran to confiscate those airline
videotapes of the passengers boarding flight, not
thinking to know we now know who they all were. (Maybe
things didn't go exactly according to his evil nazi
plan?) Truly brave American soldiers would arrest bush
and rumsfeld by the end of a loaded ready to fire rifle,
and any other who stand to stop us from viewing our
evidence available. Why, that's called obstructing
Johnny Wizard. Also, consider this, the thought to
necessitate the order of the terrorists to force
passengers to use cell phones as secretly planned, two
flights, (Time magazine Sept. 24 - Flight 93 "We've
been highjacked. They're being nice.") but make no
declarations on behalf of themselves leaving no point
for departure? With a communication plan not controlled
from the air perchance? Ah, but not on flight 11 or 175
where terrorists weren't present, as again, every
passenger accounted, but no calls? Only one not talked
about, because it doesn't fit with the bushmob lies.
Flight attendant Sweeny was reported as the only one I
am aware of to make a cell phone call over the entire
hour on flight 11, or 175, to the ATC at Boston, giving
seat numbers to highjackers that were not on board as
registered ticket holders, (so how did she?) nor even
sitting where Meuller lies, who in so doing, disputes
she made the call to know factually. Makes no sense to
me also, and CNN, we can be sure, will do nothing for
the Americans who lost their lives over the senseless
ignorance of their corporate cult status, that
perpetrates this form of dim-wittedness without helping
you by interviewing anybody involved in the
investigations, to rather let the bushmob continue
dictating unchallenged to murder more of us, for staying
unawares of our silent screaming. hmm... Any unboarded
tickets? Apparently so, for it was reported all
purchased tickets were used but one. Another koinkydink
regarding the hooting and hollaring, drinking and
carousing in the strip bar the night before of the
bushmob barkers, is that nobody would PURPOSEFULLY give
their lives in a collective criminal operation for CASH
payments through the State Department as to go gone dead
broke next day, against living life's costly riches
freely would they? Did Atta from Germany even attempt
to give the 100k to his wife and children for safe
keeping? Bingo. Also it has recently been revealed by
India's officials, and Pakistan's Foreign Secretary,
Niaz Naik, that the bushmob had contacted their
governments in AUGUST as himself typically idiotic, as
privately to public representatives in a unreported
meeting in Berlin to state, he, as the anti-Christ,
would slaughter the innocent people of Afghanistan's
government, who had ended the heroin trade and were
protecting the country while progressing towards equal
rights for women,( We will sue CNN for every dollar
Turner has.) making illegal, slaves and murder, by
forming national laws that five years previous didn't
exist, also making it safe to travel, and started
opening schools for girls while being starved for doing
so good for everyone. Why would bush the demon attempt
to do so? To shore up corporate banker support for
Enron, who had placed a 3 billion dollar investment in
Dhabol Power Company, and needed liquefied natural gas
in a big hurry, what with Qatar drying up, and the
tripling in price of naphtha. Stuck no longer able to
garner partnership with the present pipe deal contract
offer for Afghanistan agreed to as well by tribal
leaders who Tommy murdered, as too, India's insistence
in not being ripped off any longer, by a company the
entire nation learned easily to hate over the past
decade, and the laundered employee pension money
unretractable in the Cayman Islands proved to be of
little use apparently, and of course most importantly,
also the secretly known to fellow shyster cheney,
impending criminal bankruptcy, and we must also not
forget bush had excepted 2 million dollars in bribes
from Ken Lay, who had his own late night office suite at
the White House for their private encounters, so it has
been kinda reported, but difficult to believe bush
manages to whore so much, but understandable, what with
the way he walks so funny. See, the Taliban had
excepted a deal from Bridas, a pipeline offer to help
rebuild the nation, while the bushmob just threatened to
murder all their families for Enron's conspiracy tied to
the Republican nazi regime. Enron could never obtain
investors desperately needed, to attempt with capital,
to hide their crimes against all the American people,
without a binding contract, investors such as from the
multi-billionaires in the post WWII charity
organization, World Bank, of which as unocal, being
typical Republican, only offered bribes to officials
from Afghanistan to hurt their nation they, as the
Taliban, truly believed in working for. As a another
example where these nazi vermin relate their uselessness
against us all from, Mr. phil gramm lobbied for slave
labour at 10 cents an hour for America, while sneaking
in a bill for California to have their electricity price
quadrupled, for his relatively paultry personal check of
one hundred thousand, while California citizens payed
billions and billions as stolen from without police
protection, as companies fell going bankrupt due to
gramm's assault, leaving many out of work to get
swindled even further by Republican corruptions that run
rampant through the entire state in other places,
without me there to bask on the beaches to give an
occasional cameo appearance, while flexing my muscles to
the tune of some free beer, a place to crash, and maybe
pretzels, hint hint. Achem. On the morning of the fast
paced Sept 11th, bush was aware of something special in
NYC that he would comment on as asked SPECIFICALLY he
stated while leaving his hotel room, on his way
unswavered directly to hear about goats from school
children by nine, as it was reported his comment to be
so nationally, on ABC News with Peter Jennings reporting
on the terrorist highjackings. While we now know
according to the FAA's official report, that at 8:20,
officials were made aware of the unprecedented emergency
while channelling through authorities, (the bushmob as
rotten rumsfeld through CNN speaks nothing about it
saying, all the FAA employees are lying, and don't keep
watch professionally) and according to the criminal
indictment against the bushmob filed by Ilarion Bykov
and Jared Israel available at,
the Secret Service are kept more informed than anyone
concerned with bush's safety, so, you'd figure, would
have made bush aware of all four flights, since he was
already familiar with one important thing going on in
NYC, that he would talk to the media about directly
later as massed for it, right? (Perhaps someone should
ask Andy?) Bush was also reported to receive a call in
his motorcade about the horrific event, with him also
confirming to witness the tragedy of flailing bodies
from the epicenter of disaster, you know, the WTC
towers, commercial airlines thing?, school television
sets we presume existed that he left only a moment to
thought, as he then quickly entered smiling
nonchalantly, a different world stage, the class room
unshaken, without thought to think he may have been
confused earlier to then attempt seeking clarity, no, he
sat for 25 minutes unalarmed, chit chatting like nothing
was happening, just as we rehearse, and as disturbingly
deceived evil as ever to be believed, as anti-Christ he
is it would seem to be. He later after tinking tried as
dumb as he is, to deflect his gruesome macabre conduct,
by suggesting he had learned only of the doom just prior
to entering the classroom, where he immediately without
thought, quickly attributed the disasters to pilot error
while making a funny, while completely dismissing his
concern as not even present for the loss of innocent
American lives, bankers even, (then, before, and now
he'd even tell you unblinking, "What?"), just like the
tens of thousands as children in Afghanistan, and the
terrorist crimes he advocates in Palestine, as he then
pressed on to more urgent matters regarding his press op
cover up. Did you see his media reaction in front of
the classroom, when he heard the news for the forth time
officially that morning, as again, he even admitted to
actually visually witnessing some of the devastation
before that moment, and that only then, had it become a
serious matter to change, or not change his demeanor?
Stuck he was then, with no mind to ruse, er.. time to
snooze, Arg! What was the cue? Errrch... If he moves
with priority interest as concerned openly honest public
figure, as he knows a legitimate President would have
been to first learn of such carnage, THE MONTH BEFORE IN
AUGUST, why not previous before he left his Hotel room
with a television? Outside the Hotel? In the
motorcade? With school staff as you'd figure would have
been present too laughing, no? Instead he stayed as he
had been to give no orders publicly, nor attempt to make
public inqiries, but to listen with such unbelievable
absolute devotion, equating a beautiful child's story,
as if it were Jesus from the heavens himself, speaking
directly on the living Nature of our Universe... Okay,
maybe we won't be able to convict him on that, but, if
that isn't worth enough salt to be considered
newsworthy, how about when bush said he didn't hear of
the towers until he was at the school building, nixing
the recorded comment reported on by John Cochrane of ABC
News with Peter Jennings, that bush made a noise saying
that he was importantly aware of something in NYC to
speak directly on later? Or how about at the memorial,
when he publicly stated it would take two whole hours to
read the names of those he would without thinking,
murder as innocent for Enron he told India and Pakistan
in August similarly, so he would just read the titles of
companies to say Grace, then would press on to more
urgent matters.

"Crime is terribly revealing. Try and vary your methods
as you will, your tastes, your habits, your attitude of
mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions." -

Agatha Christie


March 11, 2002 Too many loose ends... By Barrie Zwicker

... Yet at 6:30 the evening of September 11th NBC
Nightly News, along with many outlets, reported: "It
was after the attack on the Pentagon that the Air Force
then decided to scramble F-16s out of the DC National
Guard Andrews Air Force Base to fly ... a protective
cover over Washington, D.C." ...


quote from U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark in a
public letter to Kofi and company

September 20, 2002

"A military attack on Iraq is obviously criminal;
completely inconsistent with urgent needs of the Peoples
of the United Nations; unjustifiable on any legal or
moral ground; irrational in light of the known facts;
out of proportion to other existing threats of war and
violence; and a dangerous adventure risking continuing
conflict throughout the region and far beyond for years
to come. The most careful analysis must be made as to
why the world is subjected to such threats of violence
by its only superpower, which could so safely and
importantly lead us on the road to peace, and how the UN
can avoid the human tragedy of yet another major assault
on Iraq and the powerful stimulus for retaliatory
terrorism it would create."


(BIG snp)

Get the full text! Amaze your friends! Or find "The
Trial and Conviction of Our Mr. bush Jr." or any of the
other 70 or so papers I've created for free consumption!


Johnny Wizard

Dies Irae

Jan 16, 2003, 12:31:11 PM1/16/03
<snip snip snip snip snip times 100>

liberals don't care about you either, stop trying to act like one

Dies Irae

Jan 16, 2003, 8:06:36 PM1/16/03
> Don't feed the troll.

no one trolls properly on this NG, i'm not worried about it

In this woken dream as you are alive still sleeping

Jan 20, 2003, 4:07:34 PM1/20/03
"Shephed" <> wrote in message news:<TjKU9.118030$>...
> So just how much is the Democratic Party paying you, or are you just an
> average idiot?
> Oh, and for the record Mr. Sockpuppet, Hitler was an impotent homosexual.


Who's the Fool?

Our Mr. bush Jr. demands that he dictate who of US are
evil without evidence?, You, a criminal being without
public charges?, enslaved in the fear bush demands you
bow to as a slave to himself being satan? I mean..
come on! Let's get real...

America's criminal plan boasts being irrationally
proposed to terrorize our planet to fight injustice
under bush's personal terms as a reject. Mr. bush and
rotten rumsfeld ask Saddam to provide evidence that he
isn't secretly, to have weapons hidden unaware. Huh?
What does bush want? What could Iraq do in any context
to please? See, if bush has no evidence to factually
establish his accusation on behalf of ourselves, he
would be denying Humanity equal rights as the law agrees
upon for our judgments to measure. Even if Blix
starting blatantly blushing about something he said he
didn't see, killing innocent People still would not
change the terrorist threat as alleged. If Saddam, and
the rest of US are a secret threat unknown, how then,
will that threat be defeated by stealing Iraqi oil
reserves? If a single rocket launcher can take out a
jet liner, and a bio-warfare lab can fit in a mid-sized
truck, how then will setting up military dictatorships
absent Justice for US people as wanting, stop someone
from attacking the wrong People again in bush's new
global tyranny?

We, as Humanity are not at war with ourselves against a
third of Humanity as bush, rumsfeld, and ariel sharon
keep telling US unquestioned, we are at war with the war
mongering first degree murderers, who wish us further
hardships and more bloodshed to steal our lives as
worthless, without meaning, nor any God anywhere
apparently. Corporate america demands our reflection be
of blind faith in bush's criminality as a false deity to
sacrifice our rights without opinion?! Jesus
kerwillickers man, a fact is a fact Jack! Our Mr. bush
wins the title of anti-Christ by his own free will from
my conclusion as whomever, because bush manages to do as
he does, without consulting US on our established public
outrage with his flagrant disregard for our protection
through laws as measured. Scientifically,
mathematically, documented as recorded even completely
confessed to by the WhiteHouse already, truth to all as
witnessed factually. Just like we were in the Stone
Age, Mesopotamia, Rome, or downtown Los Angeles the
other day by loyal officers committed to the cause. A
cause that is life regardless of how many corporations
don't know of what is contained as the Constitution
breathing. There is no room for debate, for we all
honestly agree, bush and rumsfeld do not want to have
actually arrested, the culprits responsible for
murdering Americans during 9/11. General Ahmad funded
Atta, worked with the bushmob strategy in development
from the WhiteHouse, and also, negotiated the threats
with the Taliban on the premise of criminal wrong doing
against Allah, planned again, prior to 9/11 and
confessed to as fully implemented by official bush
reaction to the MSNBC's Revelation of,.. Top Secret
Presidential Directive documents, originating from
Condolezza's office all planned before hand as
deliberated. (secret meeting) To invade Afghanistan. A
public threat that was made earlier for cheney's Enron
at official multi-national gatherings regarding a pipe
line project worth billions going to the highest bidder.
Not Enron. Enron, who was facing their massive CRIMINAL
conspiracy of fraud against ALL American People as wage
earners. I say end bush and rumsfeld, and for Tenant
and Mueller, for just now, need to be quarantined for
public trial regarding their belief system. Mr. bush
really isn't America, America is America. People, as
American, actually like the idea of apprehending the
true 9/11 culprits. Thank you already very much for
your input on the subject of Ourselves Mr. bush Jr.
For why must we sacrifice ourselves under CNN's tyranny
of censorship on our abilities, while in so doing,
betray American soldiers and FBI officers as not worth
the effort as materially relevant to our story agended?
The official bush plot line of suffering God with
injustice and slavery through ignorance of you being
unfactored is silly stupid., without living
representation? Who does CNN talk to, as included to be
of themselves? Communication technology is what we're
living here, and Justice is Our name. The principles of
Justice are as simple as living to survive as a species,
learning, one decision can have an ever better result in
relation to another as civilizations even. A good way
can have a better way and divine wisdom exists
everywhere as all things being. As I outlawed in my
paper titled "Valhalla", it wouldn't matter if even
99.9% of victimized Americans polled by CNN corporate
america standards, actually, felt committed to end it
all in sacrifice as cowards to bush as an American war
criminal, they'd still be them. US as god's is only
truly known power striving as of your own too as always,
when recognizing equal rights for all serves all things
best. Balanced as the relation is as just being. No
life is separate from existence eternal. (Photon split)
By not following crime scene evidence, how do we suppose
we arrest ourselves then from being crime ridden?

These simple principles that enshrine all things in
absolute wonder as eternity, are all anyone would need
to exercise their Holy sacred "god-dumb", to effect
positive change as a being progressing from some vantage
through towards further achievements in uncovering
mistakes. To know less about everything then when you
still began. (These considerations are ultimately of
illusion also.) With being of reality facing a real
world sustainability struggle, like a body does, is to
be concerned of Your living also, and so too being, is
to care for others as would be of yourself understood by
communication for comfort through Freedom as Justice for
all as God is deserving our praise. Justice is critical
for freedom to flourish throughout Nature as Creation's
Creations Creating. (You know, killing innocent people
to steal our money is just wrong all over, ask
whomever.) Or not, and go extinct from failure to listen
of indifference on the sacrifice of good citizens for
bush as tyrant dictator, heroin pushing death squad
runner, super evil war criminal. It's like this just
can't be real. Have you ever felt like this was
somebody else's bad dream too? I live loyal for being
Universal, [I am but a desperate servant to serve for
something greater than this hell hole we invented not
knowing] while anti-American bushwhored soldiers are
cowards, who would now expect to further watch their own
family robbed then murdered by bush continuing, while as
traitors to the Constitution, blame more of the CLAIMED
INNOCENT with death squads and bombing runs for further
bush takes as leader to none, but talentless savages
rarely present in the few Soldiers I know of. How
enslaved does bush take every Soldier Brave for? See?,
that is a wager I wouldn't bet continually over and over
like that, because it make's US look real bad as bush
Jr.'s.. Now bush and rumfeld, with the most pugnacious
audacity as contempt for every American Soldier's mind,
dare as demons, to want sucker slap US again by
suggesting the MURDER of millions more in sixty
countries?, as the helplessly made unaware without any
communication skills whatsoever?, to survive? Still?

Created through US as this Universe communicates is
simply amazing, leaving nothing as absolute, but this
life we all share as Universal. Your biggest certainty
ever as never cast out of, is you are of the timeless
Universe also, [Soul if you will], and now it means
without me here today as consciously aware of all things
grey, a call for your own will to help US alone to be a
Savior for your own rights as being stupid like me also.
I should now retire later. You can save Humanity for
yourself really by coming down to reality. Don't ask me
why, but, you are of Humanity also.

Gee, I hope we survive from the bushmob as the human
species, for and then we can truly say, wow, we are
really something as God thanks you for being just you!
What an honor. Justice will prevail for ourselves as
the worthy to demand it for Atheists. By God, we must,
they are the most cleverests. As anyone would but be
too stupid to ever rationally understand this actually.
Big Bang? Ba ha ha.. ermm.(I could be wrong on that.)
Maybe however, you are conversational also?

In this woken dream as you are alive still sleeping,

Johnny Wizard

Example: If you paid me a dollar for this paper, we
could really go somewhere as investors. Hint hint.

All Wrapped Up

Johnny Wizard


[source: CNN, Sept. 9]


Also, it has also been aledged that the German

embassador Ischinger, On Monday 6, August, 2001, had met
bush personally, and during that meeting, the Bundesamt
fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service]
and BND [Bundesnachreichtendienst, German foreign secret
service] finding was once again reiterated in person.


! ! ! ! N E W S F L A S H ! ! ! !

September 12, 2002 NewsNight with Arron Brown

Scott Ritter - "The job is to disarm Iraq, not to
penetrate Iraq to take advantage of the unique access
enjoyed by the inspectors to go after Saddam. The
United States took advantage of the information we
collected, and also used the weapon inspections as a
Trojan horse, inserting a signals intelligence operation
which was used to collect information about the security
of Saddam in a manner that was totally inappropriate,
and had nothing to do with disarming."

Richard Butler - "I was in meetings with United States
officials. This isn't some great Revelation. Where I
rejected what they proposed, on this ground, That my
mandate was to seek to disarm Iraq. And were our
program, to be used for other purposes, to seek to
change the government in Iraq, or national purposes, the
interests of the United States, then THAT WOULD HAVE

Scott Ritter - "On seven separate occasions from
November 1997 to August 1998, with inspection proposals
signed by Richard Butler, authorized to proceed in Iraq,
the United States intervened to manipulate these
inspections, stop them all together, to alter their
timing, Richard Butler succeeded to this"

Mr. Butler, did not refute, with his repeated
opportunity, Ritter's documented as fact, with the paper
work to prove it, allegations of american corruption
succeeding, in fact, repeatedly, Butler refused to

answer the direct question, on weather, he, Mr. Butler,

abdicated his responsibility to our world community, and
sided instead to bow as a fascist coward to CRIMINAL
american sabotage regarding the U.N. resolution
inspection's process.

Gee, no wonder Saddam has concerns for his people...

A worthwhile note also, is during CNN new briefs on
Saddam's recent comments, never once was it said, that
Saddam alleges to our world, bush murdered New Yorkers
for financial gain, as he did factually claim, and I do
too, as the evidence is unmistakable. Mr. bush, the
super evil anti-Christ, and too, Mr. rumsfeld, the
sadistic nazi dumbfuk, must be immediately arrested, or
executed by Patriot American Believers, so we may begin
to get this PUBLIC court case regarding the facts on the
mass murder of AMERICANS under way. I wanna lead the
prosecutor's team!!! (I am now officially excepting
book offers.)


Johnny Wizard Here To Tell It Like We Is

following the truth to set US free. A repuglican who

in narcotics, and terrorist handbooks. Where political

yours truly,

Johnny Wizard


From below:

"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."


I think I love you too much

Wow, your amazing! So, what your saying is bush the
nazi tyrant, the unelected mass murdering fascist
dictator, has no interest following the ample criminal
leads, because they lead to him, rumsfeld, and cheney
likely too, right? And, when that evil monster told us
instead he would rely on secret evidence, but couldn't
tell us why, as too the FBI or CIA, it turned out to be
nothing but another wicked evil deception against the
great American people, Tony Blair, bin Laden, and law
enforcement officers everywhere, to even further give
him cause to close investigations into 9/11 as Reuters
told us, and rob directly from American soldier
families, their lives, pensions, life savings, and blind
faith, in bush, the false diety, super evil anti-Christ.

Johnny Wizard is my Hero.


Weak Pathetic Coward Nazi Bastards

American soldiers are weak pathetic coward nazi

bastards. The recorded evidence stands before all of

Destroy bush and rumsfeld American Patriot Soldiers, and
be loved by all as family.

---- Destroying the evil doers

I am reaching out to you regarding an extremely serious
life and death, Heven or Hell kind of development, that
I can only encourage you to investigate on your own to
form your own conclusions, but firstly some background.
As you should already be aware, NBC was recently
provided top secret, presidential directive, war
strategy documents, outlining a plan to invade
Afghanistan, with a pre-requisite strategy, of blaming
Bin Laden for a crime, but providing no evidence,
existing as these documents did, two days prior to 9/11.
When NBC contacted the WhiteHouse regarding these
revelations, not only were they compelled to admit the
paper work was legitimate, but, what can only best be
described as pure evil stupidity disguised to nobody,
confessed to fully implementing. That's right.
Confessed to implementing a strategy that demands the
bush regime not follow the actual criminal leads, to
arrest the true perpetrators, for a crime that hadn't
even yet taken place, but that bush was prepared for, to
gain access into Afghanistan for bush and his Enron
friends to rob even more futher from US all. (According
to the FBI and the CIA, al-Qaeda is headquartered in
Saudi Arabia.) In addition to this, if you remember when
bush told us he wasn't going to rely on the criminal
evidence persay, but knew top secretly better than
everybody else does, that for sure Bin Laden was guilty,
while working to close 9/11 investigations and seizing
as much evidence from law enforcement as possible?
Well, the British government, God love'em, has now made
those documents public, and guess what? There is no
evidence present in those papers, and the only security
they seem to jeopardize, is that of our Mr. bush Jr.'s.
Also, the FBI now inform us, that bush passed secret
directive, W199I, just prior to 9/11 forbidding law
enforcement officers from pursuing Bin Laden and
al-Qeida investigations, of which John O'Neil, head of
investigations for the FBI resigned in disgust over,
while also being informed by the BND (Germany's CIA),
that on June, 6th, 2001, they contacted the bush regime
stating that they were highly aware of a mossad al-Qeida
terrorist plot, to highjack American airliners to be
flown into land marks. You know... Satan forbid, bush
would of been compelled to actually have to arrest Bin
for a criminal offence, (as we do remember the Taliban
offered.) thwarting his intentions, of watching
Americans been murdered in the thousands, so he could
then gain access into Afghanistan, prop up the northern
alliance, who still practice Sharia law, with the bush
bonuses of selling heroin, and most importantly,
building this bush Enron LNG pipeline to rob even more
further from US all. All these points stand as
documented facts, not opinion, speculation, conjecture
or theory. However, CNN's blitzer, the nazi
sympathizing fascist coward, refuses to inform Americans
about the bush regime stealing their livelihoods, while
propagandizing the American public, that they instead,
should as cowards, watch the bush regime murder millions
more in their own names, while stealing pensions and
life savings from their own families without legal
representation. I call upon all peoples, to recognize
CNN's refusal to live up to their responsibilities to
protect the American flag, and upon all it represents,
Freedom, as is, Justice for US all. Where a person
accused of a criminal offence without evidence, is
clearly innocent, and where real soldiers, would now
fully support following the criminal leads, of which
there is plenty, to arrest to true perpetrators, of the
9/11 attack upon our better judgement. How did al-Qaeda
sabotage the moussaoui warrant? Mr. bush and rumsfeld
must immediately be arrested, to face trial for crimes
against our humanity, taken down by true American
Patriots, committed to democracy, and the protection of
ourselves slaughtered by CNN as worthless on their
alters of apathy, and misgivings about our winning this
war for everyone.

I have personally contacted Daryn Kagan, Bill Hemmer,
Sofia Choi, Arch Kennedy, Robin Meade, Paul C.
Chambers, as well as several hundred others at CNN
regarding the previous facts, over the last several
days. So now when you hear them demon speak for their
false deity, the anti-Christ, our Mr. bush Jr., in
support of the further murder of those they understand
clearly to be innocent of the accused offence, while
remaining unbiased, in support of not apprehending Mr.
bush Jr. for murdering some many American citizens,
know then, who are true American Patriot flag wavers,
and who would watch US be robbed and murdered by the
bush regime, and not raise objections on behalf of US
humans, left unrepresented as unworthy of protection.告onid=25&subsectionid=354

---- What do you know?

Hi everyone, so, what do we know? Mr. bush made plans
to attack Afghanistan just prior to 9/11, for not

signing a contract with Unocal, which would have given

Enron access to LNG. For without, they as members of
the bushmob, would face their impending criminal
bankruptcy, revealing they were stealing from any as all
Americans, their life savings. Without the illegal war
against the struggling to be better Taliban, the bushmob
would have been exposed without fear by America, and
soon, we would have all faced a bright new day
understanding further, the importance of Justice for
humanity as ourselves deserving not to be robbed from.

None of the evidence indicated Afghanistan, and by bush
running without judgement with his plan made prior,
showed a willingness to not apprehend the true culprits,
while warmongering a fury in bigoted corporate America,
to attack our humanity without thinking, or
understanding the reasons why the American Constitution
holds still respect, for it's wisdom granting
protections to the people as we are, individuals with
rights to be represented as equals under the law, in
defence against the evils of humanity, of which, our Mr.
bush willingly as a demon, works to destroy US as the
too weak and cowardly as terrified to know better to
speak up for themselves rightly.

We now have learned just recently by NBC, there was a
thought out, secretly planned arangement two days prior
to 9/11 regarding the Taliban being asked to hand over
Bin without any evidence, knowing full well, that under
such an agreement, the Taliban, believing in God and
finding a Justice system through communicating, as they
had during the Clinton Administration, would refuse
rightly again, outlining the anti-Christ's entry to
commit crimes against our humanity, with a plan that
didn't need ajusting to falsely implicate the innocent
of our world as Bin still is. Then Mr. rumsfeld. Mr.
rumsfeld, the murdering nazi savage, on the one hand,
told us the Taliban would execute their own men for
leaving the fight to protect our world from heroin, and
on the other hand, says they need with everyone else to
be murdered without any questions asked. Ever I guess
rumsfeld the dumbfuck figured. (Forgive my language Mr.
Brown, but I'm supposed to set a few bad examples.) As
an evil bush mobster, he's incompetent, like really
dumb, and a mass murdering savage criminal, unable to
cover his treason against the American people in New
York City, now trying to bribe America's commanding
officers to sell out American interests like tommy
franks. We are all wondering just what are the
percentages in the American forces regarding the
protection of America, the Nation? Or will they be like
the northern alliance still as ignorant and evil to rob
and murder further from our humanity, Justice, freedom,
and liberty? Americans, like our corporate news

services in Canada also, are expected to not report the
murder of ourselves in Afghanistan, excusing their
contempt for themselves as God, to name ourselves,
demonized willingly trying to take you to sacifice your
rights as censored for bush to steal from our families
escaping prosecution. I call news agencies, who as
individuals, see no responsibility to ourselves as
community. I recieve only refusals as excuses to deny
ourselves equal access. Why? They, like deer caught in
the headlights, or swimming in the, it feels so good to
be taken banker advertising, leave us to only death to
others they see not as themselves, be it thousands or
millions, than allow me to enter as simply a concerned
man named John to speak factually as documented, calling
for the immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld the
murderers, to escape further bloodshed. Or, I'm
baselessly insulted without argument, ouch, or dismissed
as alarmist for screaming for the stopping of the murder
of US as really dying, while my, how am I going to
survive job prospects go vanishing, because of my
excellent research abilities on behalf of the humans.

CBC in Washington just refuses to report as Canadians.

Figuring what? If they just leave me to go it alone,
It'll be left looking only stupid? Mankind? Those that
struggle to stop me from speaking truly, do so almost
always without stated reason, while advocating, you, my
reader, to sit back and watch others sitting back like
would be yourself without thinking, to be robbed your
freedoms as earnings by the bushmob shysters. Check out
the advertised to be a public bulletin board at, post something critical of the nazi, our Mr.
bush jr., if there is something not yet removed by the
censor, to witness for yourself, what it means as
american, to sacrifice your soul for evil. The
corporate cult professionals expect us general masses to
be sacrificed for bush, the evil anti-Christ. This is
why again, I call on the rare truly brave and strong
soldiers in America, for America, The People, in this
trying time, to take down bush and rumsfeld who are
escaping the criminal arrests as our top suspects for
9/11, otherwise, as they are, they will continue in
corporate bred fear against ourselves destroying
American values like legal due process, indeed our
world's freedoms, while advocating huge thefts and wars
against us as innocent paying, or disspossesed as
unrepresented by the corporate establishment of
ignorance and greed. How do American soldiers feel

Wide Open


Thank you for everything,

Johnny wizard




American Corporate Bleeds the humans!

Mr. tommy franks was asked, "At the end of a month,
now, what can we show that says, `Hey, we're winning?'",
tommy franks the nazi heroin pusher replied, "Our job
has to do with terrorist organizations.." Right. Our
humanity will not rest until tommy franks the terrorist
leader stands open public trial as fair in a real
Democracy for crimes against humanity, or his death
sentence committed to by every real American Patriot who
believes in Justice, as freedom for US humans. If Bin
was the wanted culprit, why didn't bush's Pentagon of
criminals and fraud artists just arrest him? Mr. tommy
franks targets almost entirely civilian targets like
reporters, tribal leaders, teachers and students, while
calling us all al-Qaida. (Peter Jennings recently
discussing the UN report of the nazi forces intent to
continue murdering intelligent young students, (Taliban
is Arabic for student) committed by the druggie northern
alliance as their nospeak procedures, while being
thanked by Mr. franks as the nazi sadistic savage he is
cloaked in corporate censorship. Like bush's business
partners have done in other countries around the world,
seeking out the literate as educated to be murdered, so
the rest will be compelled like they do mindlessly in
America, to give as beaten slaves to bush the evil
anti-Christ, their false deity, who is openly robbing
ALL Americans to actual gravely death in his evilness as
opportunity, leveraging the moment with a huge America
pays, cash grab tax give away, while corporate news
machines don't say it's unpatriotic to question the
American interests being lost to the extremely weak
murdering bushmob dictatorship of liars and cheats, as
treasonists without argument, again. Al-Qaida is the
group of which the American repuglicans have stated no
actual criminal evidence against to convict in a actual
Court of defence as our own. The al-Qaida, who's public
political stance is almost entirely focused on
documented as proven criminal repuglican nazi terrorist
atrocities against innocent civilians never granted
corporate interviews, while CNN now reports they, the
al-Qaida, not only committed a terrorist act in the
Philippines against civilians, but would actually take
credit for something they have repeatedly condemned as
seriously dumb and evil against God, like repuglicans
advocate straight faced as normal everyday, praising
Israel's condemnation of US Christians not allowed to
own property, nor equal representation in their bogus
law rooms. (Or praising China's human right oppressors,
while sanctioning Cuba for doing more for human rights
than any other nation, and having a better educational
and health care system than corporate America has ever
dreamed of publicly.) A few years back, a nazi Isaeli
soldier strangled to death three Lebanon Jews, plead
guilty, and served two months behind a locked door. As
well, nazi Israeli soldiers have been ordered to break
the bones of youths who throw rocks at invading tanks,
of which in Canada, we've witnessed on actual film. And
too, the criminal theft of everything you own by simply
not being classified jewish, is a terrorist horror that
happens almost daily, that CNN refuses to acknowledge to
happen as the cause to begin with. (Frontline however,
did do a documentary that I believe has never been
re-aired to my knowledge.) What would it be to ban Jews
from owning anything as earned, and to criminalize them
for Just being so stupid? To see what CNN censors
yourself in Canada, would easily compel you to have
arrested, the nazi Israeli leadership and maybe Ted
Turner as the criminals they are to themselves clearly
funded by repuglicans. Explaining hitlers too easy rise
to power, against those known at the time to have
committed the biblical sin of charging interest against
Christ's better judgement, showing no interest in
themselves as living community! Nazis. I've written
about easily defending effective approaches to cancer
treatments, progressive tax systems, and free trade that
isn't paid in hidden corporate criminal us human
subsidies, and do the corporate news profesionals think
we're newsworthy to make of ourselves a better world for
anyone? Mr. franks knows practically first hand there
is no evidence for 9/11 to the Taliban or Bin according
to Mr. Mueller who meets daily with George Tenet, and
that rumsfeld and bush killed Americans in New York
City, according to everyone familiar with the facts gone
unreported as not important to working harder, American
civilians who pay and pay and pay with their lives
falling silenced. Mr. franks the anti-American traitor
does nothing to protect American interests as soldiers
families, while murdering, what must now total near
100,000 men women and children on the brink of
starvation. Who again, have committed no crimes by just
being born to survive. But, if they would be like bush,
rumsfeld, sharon, and tommy franks, their surviving
relatives would take it out on the easy prey, likewise
guilty American civilians and police officers who have
been robbed and deprived of Constitutional Justice,
Freedom as Liberty in corporate America, and would cheer
only witnessed on extremely wealthy corporate owned
private news channels, damn right! Right? Right
unheard 200,000 marching protestors? VLT petition
signers demanding 100% payouts? Right book wormers?
Right freedom fighters? Again, why am I not addressed
by OUR corporate news media, but only to profess to my
truthfulness as ourselves as one concerned legitimately
without contention practically through usenet? This
paper too, I assure you, I have mailed to,

It's Nothing Mr. bush and rumsfeld are traitors to

every American, as they are both guilty of war crimes
against humanity. Where are the American soldiers to
arrest or kill them both as murderers trying to escape
the wrath of the American Constitution's protection of
the masses under Justice, that they are attempting to
destroy as ignored against the interests of mankind?
Again, bush had no evidence against Bin, for a crime he
demands we not know the perpetrator of, by attempting to
stop, or not address the criminal investigations
completed already. With the corporated cultists cashing
out hard working American tax payers by labeling us all,
as not caring to be biased. Telling our soldiers to
attack without thinking, the third world Taliban
government for asking about evidence as a true American,
Allah, Christ, or Buddha would, ending the heroin trade,
and attempting with communications, something better for
the people of Afghanistan. Mr. Mueller has informed
us, as one more informed than any other who meets with
George Tenet every day, the only evidence we have
implicates bush and rumsfeld for 9/11, and soldiers have
yet to stand for America to destroy bush and rumsfeld,

the murdering bastards desecrating our judicial process.

Why? Nazi cowards, not willing to protect the American
flag, while watching their own families be robbed of
their life savings and pensions through Enron, and open
Pentagon frauds, while bush, the anti-Christ, hopes
soldiers will learn from the bankruptcy, for next time,

while we, as humanity, watch the repuglican Congress

lives and prosperity? How does Mr. bush jr., the

anti-Christ, get away saying we're all against him
discarding the rule of law to find ourselves not to be
equals under God with his tyranny of injustice and
slavery, that he expects every nation to suffer under in
fear while he attempts to plunder and murder everyone as
evil incarnate? Digesting fluoride for no other known
or unknown reason to science kills us, and nobody else
says different, so why must CNN insist we keep doing it
by not covering the facts documented for decades? I
say, who cares why right wingers want to destroy our
eternal Universe as themselves unworthy, let's just stop
doing it today okay? because it makes us look really
really stupid to the other civilizations of our Universe
that don't practice censorship of our advancements in
science as know how. What an embarrassment. Why as so
does CNN refuse all the other crimes committed by

repuglicans to go unheeded as recognized? Like the

denial of equal rights to non-jews in Palestine? I
don't know, let us just work to make our world a better

place for all. I want my own show. Why does the
American Coast to Coast radio network forbid all
intelligent discussions to protect American values, as
repeatedly offering no comment allowed to understand
this dying bit? Scared of the Lord really getting


In It for US

wish to point to those repuglicans ultimately

rumsfeld on site American soldier, and be loved by all
as Saviour.

---- A Better Way

Again, we see, corporate America holding no
responsibility to the atrocities committed in their own
names, while infering they represent ourselves as
civilized. Do they address our concerns with rational
arguments for funding murders of ourselves as clearly
innocent, trying to survive in peace by Justice? No.
Mr. sharon, the nazi parasite, told the UN, if any
investigations are done with Israeli soldiers, he has
demanded none be able to testify in confidence, as he
insits by threat to demand his SS officers to be present
for every interview, while government officials in
Israel have stated in government they have evidence of
the nazi troops filling trucks with dead civilians to be
buried in Israeli territory. While Peter Bouckaert,
from Human Rights Watch in New York, states he sees no
more that 22 civilian deaths, caused by 200 missles, and
the blowing up of hundreds of buildings occupied and
otherwise, unending helicopter machine gun straffing,
houses destroyed while families were inside, something
like over a hundred ambulances, bodies in the sewers,
with a totalitarian nazi government of terrorists, that
forbid anyone from entering or exiting the crimes
scenes. What are you Peter, maybe you know something
the rest of our world doesn't? Now sharon and
bush as the terrorists they are with ample evidence,
state a nation as people terrorized should go to war
against the nations which perpetrate terrorist crimes
willfully. But, I ask as the most powerful individual
in this Universe as Christ, should I therefor kill
police officers in America, and slaughter thousands of
innocent civilians for funding the criminal acts of
sharon, and the wanton destruction of human rights as
Justice for all around our world? No, god damn it, I
just demand the immediate arrest or execution of the
terrorists, bush, rumsfeld, tommy, and sharon, for
attempting still to escape our judical process, while
taking the nation of America, indeed our world, for
granted as themselves. The evidence speaks for
ourselves, and stands irrespective of my personal
opinion. Steel just doesn't melt at 815 degrees, but
glass and brick does near 2000, though doesn't weight
any more than it would luke warm. Atta couldn't have
been on board flight 11 with checked luggage as the
'official' CNN unbiased story tells US of a world crime
hidden of errors. There was, as is no evidence linking
Bin to 9/11, but for a hokey tape found later after the
evil slaughter started, a tape that is proven false
already, as it seems he would still be left handed,
wearing his wedding ring, and the argument he had
cosmetic surgery and gained a hundred pounds for the
filming, then went back to how he was quickly before
then after again, seems just... well.. seems highly
unlikely. (But surprisingly to the dim-witted bigot
right winger contingent, actually wouldn't reason to
matter.) The FAA has contradicted rumsfeld at the
crucial contacts, including North America's NORAD, the
FBI, the CIA, and to make things even more unbelievable,
the DEA has even made pronouncements as Patriot
American. While CNN acts as traitors to the American
value of Justice for all, by refusing to report on
anything relevant. Biological weapon systems are really
evil man. There is no effective use in ANY WAR but for
to slaughter ourselves as innocent bystanders. (Just
spectulating mind you, but, maybe this explains why so
many, like almost every mad scientist involved in the
field of bio-war around the world, have recently been
murdered since I made the scene.) Only bush, the
anti-Christ, still stands as evil incarnate advocating
using such horrors against ourselves, instead of weeding
his evil intent out as a demon to every human of our
humanity. I offer myself to any debate through
corporate news channels, of which they decide we are
unworthy to defend from any angle. (Like Fluoride,
Dutch shell, Monsanto, lottery revenues, private banking
of public currency, cancer treatments, and repuglican
scammers of America's birth right.) Protending that we
are not actually being robbed and murdered by the
bushmob. Americans who watch CNN we can be sure are
deeply ignorant, as the station routinely propagandizes
Americans, with massive sharon is normal coverage, so
they can be robbed by the bushmob of their life savings
and now freedoms, as the American Consitution is being
trashed as unprotected as a valueless hemp product.
American soldiers are too cowardly to protect American
interests as their own families. Like the bushmob

partner's theft of billions through Enron, of which in
Congressional hearings, nobody wanted to know the
pension money is still sitting in the Cayman Islands,
ready to be returned to the helpless victims, like an
American soldier's family being deemed by Congress, as
unimportant to their standard of living. No care right
nazi soldier? Just murder innocent third worlders to
tell your mother how much you care so for her? While
the war criminals, working for Dutch shell, heroin
dealers, and the monsters from Iran-contra, rumsfeld and
tommy, the nazi fucks, search the third world for people
who speak outrage against corporate America funding our
deaths by murder through censorship. While I sit here

writing as Johnny, waiting for a corporate proffesional

to deem me worth topicing on as unstoppable sweet
goodness. Look, read of our no counter opinion critics
in google 'groups', who publicly call themselves morons

or traitors willingly. Spooky dumb I'll tell ya. What
a terrible waste of time is going. I'll remind you,
this Israeli nazi government of injustice as inequality,
is the same that called Nelson Mandella a terrorist, and
as their disease spreads further across our lands, they
continue to demand Christians and Atheists be not
allowed to own property as unbelievers, and also be
murdered if sharon should fancy to kill more Jews
anywhere, like recently again he did more than likely,
smiling his usual madman way, while knowing people are
murdered for his repuglican tax give away. Mr. sharon
tells us almost on a daily basis, with CNN always
prepard to film it, he has no respect for God, nor human
life as YOUR own. Jewboy. He bombs villages to kill
who he knows to be people! Like bush demands of America
today, to have Americans robbed or prosecuted with death
sentences requiring no evidence. (It's a secret he tell
us!) Americans are dumb to not stand strong for
themselves as a once great nation, eh? Instead, as
cowards, they steal from us all, our humanity, for
repuglican bribe through payments made by the blood of
our own families. Explaining why America has the worst
health care system of the developed world, and indeed
too, an educational system that promotes it's own
devaluation. Not teaching the values of compassion for
themselves as caring community, that comes at free of
charges to be a living human. A democracy suiting the
interests in doing for others to seek helping for
ourselves as independent, is to become rich in happiness
with little work and much play time snoozing. A dream
of which on this planet, seems unrealistic as almost
unatainable. No, instead, the American value system is
based like the anti-Christ bush or sharon's career, how
much can you lie, cheat, murder and steal from others
for, to measure yourself worthless without stolen
dollars? I suggest after we convict bush for the
terrorist acts in New York City, we give the billions
he's stolen from Americans, to a legitimate government
of Justice through equality in Afghanistan and
Palestine. We are all the Palestinians being counted

against our God of love, peace, and understanding. Mr.

Mueller, the head of the FBI, who meets everyday with
George Tenet, the head of the CIA, stated recently after
reviewing his quoted statements stated, actually they as
officers of our laws have no evidence whatsoever
connecting anyone but the bushmob to the terrorist acts
in New York City, testifiable through the public
information given by ourselves, the DEA, the CIA, and
the FBI in our fields, of which Mr. Mueller seems
completely absent minded of publicly speaking anyway.
Look see for yourself.

''In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single
piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in
the treasure trove of information that has turned up in
Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect
of the Sept. 11 plot,''

Gee Mr. Mueller haven't you heard of Mike Vreeland with

for question, nor discussion, the sooty fires at the WTC

towers reached 2000 degrees? Place an iron nail above a
unsmoldering soot free, oxygen a plenty, Roman candle
for some time, (tricky), and see, wow, like magic, the
steel doesn't melt even placed directly in the white
zone for hours on end. CNN is refusing to stand with

our widely understood science, and the FBI in our made

public investigations regarding the anthrax from Fort
Detrick, and Dr. Philip Zack, (not Muslim), who was
caught on video tape entering the only secured storage
facility of our world for the Anthrax strain. Anthrax,
that Barbera Hatch Rosenberg, of the Federation of
American Scientists, who through genetic analysis
confirmed, was the Ames strain, identical to the stocks
of where Dr. Zack was caught lurking red handed. But
no, CBS is able to report that nothing of this is going
on presently. We all know bush and rumsfeld hold no

responibility to ourselves as humanity to find the true

culprits for 9/11, because their both evil murdering
nazi facists as traitors to us all, unAmerican, ungodly
and scumballs. Mr. bush the anti-American dictator,
has criminally stolen over 60 billion American worker
tax dollars so far, (and like Enron), from every
soldier's grandmother, and sees no other purpose in his
hellish dark shallow existence, but to see more suffer
for his contempt for ourselves living to be free of his
tyranny. Explaining why they neither, bush nor
rumsfeld, address my made public, world wide military

alegations of their murdering criminal actions, of which

to the common man they are both to be found guilty of,

and as they both continue to do not so in their own
defence of which they have none, goes for to show

further, they rob and kill US humans by ignoring our
strengths and convictions, like WE don't truly exist, to
hide their lies as being cowards, and pathetically weak

as individuals, traitors, who will be brought down by

the full extent of the rage in which we possess against
themselves as guilty of continuing crimes against our
freedom to remain democracies.

The Messiah vs. sharon, bush, and rumsfeld

Look, anti-God sharon says his troops need reasurences
that the world community through the UN, US, will not
criminally charge them for mass murders by hating Jews
to be peaceful. Mr. sharon's evilness works to
undermine the Israeli people, and props up the terrorist
threat, by not arresting criminal sadistic nazi savages
like sharon is to us all, an advocate of world crimes
against ourselves, trying to be Just like God would, but
the news corporations refuse me to be adressed as one
with something to defend.

Jesus Christ! Terrorist nazi sharon must be arrested or
executed today by the Jews, so does Johnny demand also
immediately against the American traitors, bush and
rumsfeld for 9/11. Look, if a terrorist crime occurs in
New York City, and I say it was secretly committed by a
Christian, can I then murder Christian bankers and their
families anywhere openly, or steal money from everyone
but who I label Jewish, and then escape unarrested, on
hopes to increase repuglican corporate bleeding of the
masses unheard from? America's corporate cultists, who
would report themselves to be unbiased and inhuman, do
so by practicing censorship of us screaming for Justice.
CNN refuses to report on 9/11 like rational living
humans. CNN refuses to report the criminal murders and
thefts perpetrated by sharon's nazi regime like rational
living humans. CNN refuses to report on the world wide
outrage against Israel's anti-semitism like rational
living humans. Palestinians are Catholics Muslims Jews,
and Atheists. Mr. sharon's government has advocated
the murder of those to be known innocent, of which as
nazis, pursecute a people who are being openly robbed of
their livelyhoods. Because sharon is a nazi terrorist
who murders and steals from innocent people willingly,
can I then kill or criminally steal from any Jews
indiscriminately? When sharon's nazi soldiers would
approach YOUR house, or perhaps Chris Mathews' house,
and then steal all his families possessions with
American tax payed for ammunitions, and then send him to
live in a bombed refugee camp with only his shirt on his
back, or a bullet in his ass, deprived all legal
recourse by a regime that states no belief in Justice
for any community as a true democracy would be, would
Chris still blame his criminal assault on Arafat's lack
of complete control over the solar winds near Jupiter?
The Israel Balfour agreement of 1947, demands no
criminal displacement of Palestinians. Abraham wasn't
just Jewish, and he wasn't just a Muslim, he is a holy
man named Abraham, fond of growing hemp. The Book of
Daniel states to publicly advocate, as a political body,
a transgression against Johnny's Dad, G-D, a
transgression against the will of Allah and Buddah, ie:
"thou shall not murder, plunder, and steal from US
individually as innocent", will cause the forfeiture of
the then politically represented as evil parasitic nazi
scum, like bigot sharon bush and rumsfeld are
illegitimate, as bush was unelected, revealed in this
light as today to be against all of US as humanity
capable of using communicated reason as intelligent
enough to not commit ourselves to funding suicide as a
species. Leaving the mass murders, sharon, bush, tommy
franks, and rumsfeld, no longer as never baring a
rightful claim of equality within OUR living universe of
democracies, that without argued contention, exposes the
nature of their criminal evilness against yourself as
any reader truly. Mr. bush, rumsfeld and sharon would
steal from any of our families, as they do to every
American today, and murder us as unworthy to themselves,
like in New York City, unruling our Laws against such
The MEN of this world will no longer except our families
to lie down to die as murdered cowards. The bushmob and
sharon have forbidden the UN to count US as dead
innocent bodies recently murdered in Palestine, while
spouting there are no such casualties to be seen
presently. (Why then would they make the effort I ask
you to think?) As a Jew, the Messiah orders you to kill
sharon, bush and rumsfeld on site for committing mass
murders attempting to escape our wrath, that they still
wish to continue against ourselves as innocent being
silenced by corporate censorship. Any Jew, who after
reading this, refuses to protect our great God from
murder rampages, by not killing the nazi terrorist
sharon who has escaped his rightful prison sentence,
will suffer in contempt for God as themselves in hell
damned forever, probably. I'll see to it myself, maybe.
After the American funded nazi sharon troops executed
well over 500 civilians, lined up police officers then
shot them dead too as our law providers, including
demolishing homes with US people still inside, shooting
indiscriminately at everyone, bush the anti-Christ
called his role model sharon a man of peace, while
getting ready to murder potentially millions more in
Iraq and elsewhere, to thwart our demands for his,
rumsfeld, and tommy franks immediate war crime arrests
or military executions, God help us please. Mr. sharon
is a terrorist, who advoates as a repuglican funded
terrorist leader, the murder of an oppressed people
being robbed of Justice. Hitler murdered people under
the same unchallenged argument, measuring all persons
worth not as individuals with equal living rights, while
preying upon those too weak to know better. That is US
out there being murdered in Afghanistan by nazi troops
while stolen openly from in America, while corporatized
CNN people refuse to inform the public on the American
drug lord robber barons bush and rumsfeld, the weak and
pathetic evil nazi fucks. There were only two so called
'bushmob assigned' FBI officers investigating the crime
leads of 9/11, so now reported by James Woods, the
insider actor, gone reborn Christian vampire. Mr. bush
and rumsfeld committed themselves to the terrorist acts
of 9/11, by both playing their demon parts in covering
up the criminal investigations as traitors to every true
American soldier, police officer, and fire fighter
committed to OUR humanity, AMERICA, Justice, the Nation,
The People, the Constitution, Freedom! God Bless
America Mr. bush and rumsfeld need to be immediately
arrested as traitors for the terrorist acts of 9/11, or
to be executed by true American patriots, who believe in
Justice for all. We all are painfully aware of
corporate America's refusal to report on the relevant
FBI, CIA, and DEA investigations, and too, the
irrationality of the bushmob's contentions, while
forbidding all democratically elected officials from
viewing the evidence that they have confiscated, only to
thwart our struggles for freedom as legitimate
democracies being toppled into dictatorship. In the
essay "Muslims suspend the laws of physics" by J.
McMichael, we are reminded that not only were the WTC
towers built with what architects call a "tube within a
tube" design, where the central spindle interconnects
iron columns that bare the weight of the buildings,
relatively untouched by the explosions, but that steel
doesn't start melting until it reaches a temperature of
1538 degrees Celsius, and that burning jet full maxes
out at 900. Then there is the fact it took the first
tower 104 minutes to fall, and the second, which was
struck nearly at the corner, only a mear 47 minutes.
Both collapsing with the disintergration of concrete,
indicating explosive demolition charges. Also, why
would a would be terrorist group of flunky pilots, work
diligently to steal ID's of only actual accomplished
professional pilots, who we now know to actually be
alive as not involved as the bushmob still insists in
evil stupidity? Read essay, "Alleged hijackers - Alive
and Well." What purpose would the bushmob have to seize
as much of the evidence possible and the attempt to stop
all the criminal investigations regarding 9/11, but to
implicate his and rumsfeld's guilt of treason?

Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as

worthless without meaning. I have spoken to the Secret
Service in person, and all who read this can be assured,
so has mr bush scumball jr. by the date this is posted,
and as he continues to pretend to not have, only further
shows his contempt for your life and Justice for our
communities. For bush's contempt for the American
constitution as Justice and freedom is ungodly to every
proud American police officer and citizen the world
over. Mr. bush must be arrested for his terrorist
crimes in New York City immediately, for the evidence of
his and rumsfeld's criminal behavior is overwhelmingly
censored by CNN and the other corporate cult cogs, who
refuse to protect Americans as ourselves, the dying
community falling unheard from. The patriot act will be
rescinded, unless anyone can actually provide a counter
argument as to it's purpose other than to destroy our
freedoms, while the bushmob continues to rifle our

pocket books. Who is Who? Hello all. I am a
challenger to the corporate establishment of terror,
perpetrated by censorship against what is understood by
many. Reason is based in relationship to truth, as the
absolute is in relation to the infinite. Some ideas are
more powerful than others. It is this power of wisdom
that corporate automatons like Art bell and Chris
Mathews, (suffering from suggestive states of
unawareness), who work tirelessly to deny ourselves open
communications to save ourselves. Here is an example.
Mr. sharon the corporate American funded terrorist,
steals people's property, actively with intent murders
innocent police officers trying to protect our
communities with a rule of law, as well as civilians he
argues to murder as a bigot nazi racist. Arafat doesn't
support vocally as a public leader, stealing pillaging
or murdering anyone of us. Palestinians, as the
Children of Israel, are Catholics, Muslims, Jews, and
Atheists. Nowhere in any Jewish teaching does it
condone blatant crimes against ourselves as God through
humanity. Mr. sharon condones the crimes he says he
condemns, but as extreme evil is, doesn't understand why
killing innocent people as a terrorist is wrong as
against God, the Torra of Moses, or that he should be
immediately incarcerated for first degree murders, or
executed by the real Jews for our own salvation. Mr.
bush's nazi America has attempted to refuse the UN to
count the dead innocent bodies. All the arguments I've
heard through CNN for those who support his criminal
actions replayed every day are seriously absent reason
as right wing fascist nazis always have been as are so
revealed to be in the light of understandings. If
someone commits a crime in Nevada, and unfortunately
gets away unapprehended, does that mean, as bush or Art
Bell from Parump, and sharon would suggest through
corporate censorship, we should fund the execution of
our police officers? Should bush be allowed to steal
all of Art Bell's property, especially if Art Bell
wasn't involved in anyway to the criminal matter in
question linked only secretly to bush jr? Mr. sharon
supporters would say yes, and would kill anyone, because
by and large, their mostly weak and pathetic as
criminals, as many proud self labeled repuglicans are,
and so is why, they in silencing us, steal our freedoms
by oppressing ourselves, believing they have gained by
making the rest of everyone else lose to their ungodly
like character. Art Bell recently advocated world wide
on radio, the procedures of the nazi concetration camps
as something American soldiers as all militaries should
do to their own spouses and families as us victims
silenced with Art's cooperation, and as a coward nazi
sympathizer, always censors callers who talk truly about
Israel, Afghanistan, or the bushmob. Hiding from
nobody, he is witnessed deplorable, and a disgrace to
all of humanity when advocating the murder of those he
knows to be innocent. Why? Because he knows his
political position of silence falls as fearfull and
ignorant by voiced reason, so he sides to oppress all
instead of looking not to, refusing to face his
responsibility as a real human being who wouldn't act
the way he does inattentively. Art Bell is a favorite
to bigots and racists like himself represented, because
he'll let them talk about killing and warring endlessly.
He's received almost every paper I've written, and still
espouses to kill the innocent people in America,
Afghanistan and in Palestine through his deliberate
denunciation of every plead for Justice and reason as
another opportunity for him to oh so disgustingly, shut
down US callers as all listen to his contempt for
ourselves as humanity struggling to survive his silence
but for to plead, "what is truth?", then to hang up on
the one answering. Christians are forbidden to own
property in Israel. What kind of unequal tyranny based
on bigotry is that? CNN tells us without any room for
question, that the murderous nazi dogs sharon orders to
murder us as people, must be thought of as our law of
the land who are unbiased in American tanks attacking
civilians, while Art Bell denies the voices of those
falling dead as murdered by his own inaction destroying
our souls. Sadly, Art Bell is the best thing on the
corporatized radio media, and too, will receive this
letter, and likely choose to do nothing on behalf of
ourselves suffering for his power trip. The Hamas is an
American tax funded terrorist group, who received much
of their start up funding from the nazis collaborators
in the Israeli government, a right wing political group
established in the eighties, on hopes to divide the
Palestinian peoples complete support for the PLO, so to
further bleed American tax payers dead. This is why
Israeli nazi soldiers break Hamas leaders out of jails,
or release them as netanyaoo did, but target
specifically police officers, as too, women and
children. Mr. sharon, like bush, doesn't care who he
murders, as long as they believe they benefit from
killing your family, and can get away with it by
censorship with Art Bell and CNN's help, they as demons
will continue to do so against you, as our humanity
continues to suffer for not allowing me as John to speak
in challenge freely under the banner of Justice as
public representative to make most Americans look really
inept and stupid politically, because for the most part,
you are. Why is it that CNN won't allow me, or Arafat,
or any historian to vocalize these well documented facts
to Americans, allowing them an opportunity to think on
behalf of themselves, but provide the proud war criminal
nazi sharon all the space to spout unchallenged as a
unarrested mass murderer, who has been convicted by his
own government for crimes against humanity? Why? To
continue stealing and murdering ourselves, so Larry, Art
Bell, and Arron can get big fat pastries soaked in our
blood. Mr. bush the terrorist is a thief and murderer,
who's con game as the anti-Christ, is a crime against
all of life as our nature. What has bush ever done in
his entire career for the public's interest? Outside of
poisoning, robbing, and murdering Americans. Tick tick
tick... I told you, Mr. bush is evil incarnate.
But, mr. bush has claimed that if I as an
individual in Canada disagree with himself disgarding
our universal Justice system, he will choose as he has,
to be all our enemy while murdering ourselves. Mr.
bush has pitted himself against humanity as all our
Nature, by demanding by threat we relinquish our rights
as equal human beings absent Justice for all eternally.
Mr. bush the savage and criminal is no diety, nor of a
Christ mentality, and certainly has no more rights to
life than any one of us others do who he works to steal
from. With a little luck Mr. rumsfeld the
rotten, the American Dream murdering nazi savage, was
reported recently to state yet again, that mindless
American soldiers don't want to take prisoners, only
murder them, or by leaving savage lawless heroin dealers
to do so. Prisoners as innocent police officers who
were protecting their communities to the best of their
growing better as the third world abilities. Did you
hear? The nazi american troops will not, as they
haven't, be providing any security to the area, but to
guard workers who are putting in bush jr.'s 'export
only' oil pipelines already, robbing all of Afghanistan
openly, how deceived does bush think you are to be? Gee
eh? Mr. bush threatens to kill the innocent people of
Afghanistan in August because they refused to take
bribes like a repuglican, and insisted on making the
better choice on behalf of their nation. Then 9/11. Mr
bush doesn't want anyone to see the evidence that
implicates himself and rotten rumsfeld, (the Enron share
holder), almost entirely all evidence available, then
tells us as the anti-Christ, we don't need any evidence,
for we know without thinking who is responsible under
his criminal dictatorship absent Justice Infinite. The
Taliban, er.. no, the al-Qaida, er.. no, just any
civilians. Who is an al-Qaida? Do they walk around
with a neon sign above their head? No, all I know for
sure is their primary political position: american
corporations shouldn't be allowed to fund military
dictatorships, while murdering enslaved innocent
civilians stealing our livelihoods. Who believes they
should be murdered for holding such a thought? Tommy
franks does. Tommy franks who targets almost entirely
unarmed civilians, poor people, women children he don't
care, would tell you, as he has on CNN, he doesn't know
why, only but that he actually enjoys murdering
practically defenceless people by the tens of thousands
as a serial murderer while not following any rules of
Law, making him believe he's actually human, when I
personally would slay him today as a monster happilly,
as would any other real man of hounor and dignity. He
tells us he wants to go into Pakistan to bomb civilians
that he suspects, without any evidence, to be worth
murdering, because he thinks it makes him oh so fucking
powerful. Tens dollars Canadian I'm offering for his
immediate death sentence to face the criminal
convictions he thinks WE'LL let him continue getting
away with while we all fall down dead, deprived, unheard
from. But shoot, American soldiers refuse to put their
lives on the line to protect freedom for Americans, and
instead, side to murder and steal from the desperately
poor and near starving, killing on behalf of Dutch
shell(unocal-contra), which explains why they're so
fucking stupid, as dim-witted repuglicans, as the
American nation's tax paying public is being robbed
left, right, and center as to what they really kill
ourselves for. Cowards. Can they defend themselves
with reason for being so evil? No. Can they tell us
how they live with themselves knowing that Mr. Atta
received 100k as terrorist funding from bush friends at
the State Department? No. Can they tell us why they
refuse to protect the never till now heard from GOOD CIA
officers who uncovered bush buddy Krongard's direct
connection to having prior knowledge of the towers
falling? No. How about fellow American Navy Lieutenant
Mike Vreeland? Are they willing to protect a fellow
officer, a true living American patriot, brave and
strong, who reports in Canada that the bushmob knew of
the terrorist acts of NYC, in August? (Mike reported in
AUGUST to authorities and reporters in CANADA as an
employee (documented as proven) under rumsfeld. No they
can't. How about protecting employees at the FAA, as
too, at several American Air Force Bases? No, they'd
turn against their own brothers, to leave them die as
murdered. Why? Because they are cowards I tell you,
and pathetic to all who know the facts they hide from
regarding bush's criminal escapades, and my simple
wanting as a human being to be addressed by the public
news corporations. Like why wouldn't CNN dissprove my
world wide statements I've made to all military
officers, on the demanding conviction of bush and
rumsefeld? Huh? So, instead of standing proud under
God as true men, protecting the American flag as Justice
and Freedom it once did represent symbolically, they
advocate the censorship of our truth to be spoken,
(wanna be, bank cult CNN members giving their life
savings to Enron) the destruction of the American
Constitution, the murdering of individuals fighting for
Justice, and stealing poor boy Johnny's Amiga computers
even, working to deny freedom from themselves as all
others they leave US undefended until now, because real
American and Canadian soldiers, brave RCMP and too, all
local police detachments, as sparse and rare as we are,
who can almost read and otherwise, are starting to get
really hurt feelings over bush, rumsfeld, and tommy not
thinking we're prepared to defend our OWN families
against nazis who wish to deprive our humanity of our
humanity, still bound by Law to protect our freedoms to
do or die. Those three bastards need to be immediately
arrested, tried and convicted, or shot smiling as
traitors to America who in whole as ourselves, are
stilling with an anger growing focused as unfearful and
ready to demand, at the very least, an oportunity to
allow me to face any polite debate on OUR CNN television
airwaves, (bush you traitor nazi murdering savage, face
me), regarding these important, why are we murdering
innocent people, issues. Mr. sharon the parasite,
advocates stealing peoples property, kills police
officers and civilians willingly as a demon leader hell
bound, funded by the American tax payer. Would you
support something that would take your house and all
your property, and then send you to live in a camp
deprived equals rights as a human being? A Catholic?
Chris Mathews and all CNN staff would willingly, and
then would blame Arafat for it because he was unable to
stop a crime in New York City. Hey Chris, CNN? Why
don't we just blame bush for all the crimes that take
place in the world, because we all know as it is, bush
doesn't do anything for the American people, but deprive
ourselves liberty, freedom and Justice directly on
purpose. It would seem Chris would likely support the
execution of bush, now that he publicly thinks about it
in these real word terms, eh? Well, we can be almost
certain the MSNBC censors will surely censor this paper
as not read by us masses, so please, help yourselves by
breaking this through to the other side, to demand our
voices heard across the great divide. You either
support Justice for ourselves as freedom to be, or your
going straight to hell without your own liberty. You
think I, as Johnny, am joking about this?

Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

This paper outlines the direct connection of the bushmob
to Enron's desperate need of a contract for LNG, as an
attempt to escape a criminal bankruptcy. Freedom

is only garnered through Justice for all equally

Nobody deserves to be murdered, but a murderer escaping
to recommit

the bushmob, and rumsfeld especially. Flight 11,

the repuglican nazi regime. Enron could never obtain

investors desperately needed, to attempt with capital,
to hide their crimes against all the American people,
without a binding contract, investors such as from the
multi-billionaires in the post WWII charity
organization, World Bank, of which as unocal, being

typical repuglican, only offered bribes to officials

from Afghanistan to hurt their nation they, as the
Taliban, truly believed in working for. As a another
example where these nazi vermin relate their uselessness
against us all from, Mr. phil gramm lobbied for slave
labour at 10 cents an hour for America, while sneaking
in a bill for California to have their electricity price
quadrupled, for his relatively paultry personal check of
one hundred thousand, while California citizens payed
billions and billions as stolen from without police
protection, as companies fell going bankrupt due to
gramm's assault, leaving many out of work to get

swindled even further by repuglican corruptions that run


March 11, 2002 Too many loose ends... By Barrie Zwicker

... Yet at 6:30 the evening of September 11th NBC
Nightly News, along with many outlets, reported: "It
was after the attack on the Pentagon that the Air Force
then decided to scramble F-16s out of the DC National
Guard Andrews Air Force Base to fly ... a protective
cover over Washington, D.C." ...


Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers testified
to the Senate Armed Service Committee of Sept. 13th,
that no fighter planes had been launched until after the
Pentagon was hit. CBS reported the next day, three days
after the event took place, that everyone in the media
and government as Myers, who of all would surely know as
much as anyone with the paper work he had to prove it,
including also highly respected employees at Andrews Air
Force Base, and at New Jersey, were all lying without
explanation nor reason to, and that at 8:44 two F-15s
scrambled from Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod,
and were racing to New York at less than 300mph, below
20% throttle, to arrive way too late from over a hundred
miles away, making the 'official' CNN story implausible.
Although, the FAA has stated that it, as required by
statute, and rehearsed for decades as practiced,
drilled, and executed flawlessly, alerted military
authorities in Colorado, throwing the command to
rumsfeld's chain at the first sign of a possible high
jacking, and did not sit staring at radar for 29
minutes, then yet again for another 20 twiddling through
the manuals as bush would have us believe without
suggesting. The attackers clearly did not act alone, as
rumsfeld fights to threaten us with murder to think
anything but his assuredness of who are the evildoers
without evidence available to us all as facts to speak
for ourselves, which to the trained observer,
incriminates himself as suspect on the purpose. (None
of even the how would anyone know who 'suspects' without
having purchased tickets, are al-Qaida, nor from
Afghanistan, according also to the FBI's Mr. Mueller,
who in his knowledge of evidence as it pertains to
criminal conviction required for our civilization
stated, only "one --->--- OR ---<--- more" might.)
Showing a cowardly fear nullifying judicial procedure,
by swaying the numbed corporate automatons to think
likely as machines, while not searching nor speaking to
give reprimands for correction, which would be done as
normal, if rumsfeld wasn't directly responsible for the
crimes himself as nazi traitor. Why else? Because real
soldiers as American employed at Air Force Bases have
whispered behind our locked corporate news doors, with
no place to speak openly as national, being corporate
news is taking none of our phone calls, as Americans are
generally broadcasted to be illiterate and cowardly
because generally they seem to be that way actually, as
I too, still haven't been addressed as someone with
something to say by our professional, they know us
better than ourselves, news standards. However, I am
presently working desperately with many at CBC for an up
coming let's slam Johnny documentary, or possibly even a
legitimate news story, and others in the alternative
media are slowly opening up channels of communication by
returning my phone calls, of which, you as well, could
do the same in our name. The universe is turning, take
hold somewhere. As I was saying, real soldiers as
American employed at Air Force Bases have stated without
an ability to be wide open, leaving this point very
difficult to confirm as of yet on our part, without
jeopardizing ourselves as dazed and confused hopelessly
lost nowhere. Example, our media giants we all suffer
without answering any of our important questions,
airwave savvy broadcasters such as Myers, rumsfeld,
Mueller, Ashcroft, Chris,

Arron's -Exclusive Private DumbDumb Club - Arron's


shrub, and the overwhelming cowardice of others to
spread this document to feed newspapers, soldiers, and
law enforcement officers everywhere, enemy or otherwise,
that has so far, found no rebuttals regarding the
evidence before us, and rational for Justice to be
served as a protection for our freedoms we must struggle
to maintain always forever. That stand down orders
forbidding any military aircraft taking flight for
defensive measures were given out verbally right after
the first airliner hit the tower. Mr. rumsfeld and
bush's immediate public explanation to us meetin like
this', given to surviving American families of murdered
police officers, fire fighters, and soldiers everywhere,
leaves us by their continuing silence of no statement to
counter this extremely serious accusation that demands
resolution either way immediately, (or both their right
deserts by watering frauds), found recently at a very
popular respected web site or two, would make one heck
of a NRA town hall gatherin, eh gentlemen? Now, back to
Myers in a later different congressional flub. (That I
would sight if I could, but a small miraculously
unawares group, holding our title of RCMP, has seized
property of my own such as computer equipment without
officially charging me for writing truthfully, that I've
always freely publicly admitted to doing privately
through all local news media outlets here in Winnipeg,
(that give me next to nothing as political coverage for
being critical, scientific, and possessing elementary
math skills such as addition and division regarding our
public ad revenues) several legitimate newspapers across
Canada, and as a secret to themselves even group, only
two officers seemed vaguely familiar with deductive
reasoning, along with our actual history as humanity,
that they had spent two months with overtime pay
researching only on how to use Google apparently, are
presently pouring through Amiga Basics as we speak,
looking not for my well documented claims they balked in
secret terror to tell me it wasn't about them as
individuals to answer, but to threaten my freedom with
their excitement about the prospect to find personal
works to use against myself to this world I call home.
In darkness they claimed they would not be individually
involved professing from somewhere if asked by another
playing evil against the wall, and therefor as anyone
could be entrapped as victim, would get Johnny on a
indefinite termed mental health care rap for being
intelligence, they would try, to publicly accuse myself
lacking hounor and character, on behalf of the secret
service good cop bad cop Don jokingly told me for life,
as trapped helpless supporters of cop killers and
lottery scammers stealing from our grandparents, just
ignoring their jobs, our lives, my written words, that
do largely include, my publicly made requests to protect
our communities as legal bound claims based in our
criminal codes as Constitutional, who as themselves will
attempt to stand publicly not to bring attention if
afforded the effort of public accusation against myself,
pretending to be us they'd suppose eventually, captured
in our public arena against me as unworthy. Standing
otherwise to Lord over us against themselves. Truth,

Justice, freedom and liberty destroy ignorance as
injustice, slavery and oppression, like it or not, here
come's Johnny with no lawyer. If a murderer is on the
loose recommitting, do we not use the required force to
stop the transgressor from re-offending? The media is
our messenger. Anyway, (Jeepers, I sure can go on eh?)
as I was saying, Myers later in another committee
addressing the timeline specifically, stated something

Oh, I don't know any longer, now that the professional
news corporations are dictating our existence without my
records, and our democratic governmental testimonies,
left me thinking to not bring anything with me as
required this time, sorry, no, actually, I forgot why I
came here today. Is it over now?


Here I am,

Johnny Wizard

Pedro Martori

Jan 20, 2003, 6:39:25 PM1/20/03



Martí siempre condeno la tiranía: "¿Del tirano? Del tirano/ di todo, ¡di mas! y clava/ con furia de mano esclava/ sobre su oprobio al tirano".
"In this woken dream as you are alive still sleeping" <> escribió en el mensaje


Man, I hate that American cop killer bush as much as any real man would...

Feb 11, 2003, 6:52:30 PM2/11/03
"Pedro Martori" <> wrote in message news:<>...


Why murder people for bush when we don't need to sacrifice our
families for such evil stupidity? If inspectors have unfettered
access, and bush has no evidence to substaniate his demon allegations,
why then must ALL America side to be war criminals? Is it not more
effective to go anywhere without firing a shot, than it would be to
kill people as innocent to increase the terrorist threat? How can
warring Iraq be better at destroying hidden anywhere WMD, than
methodically seeking out weapons that no one has a basis in fact as
existing today? Mr. bush jr.'s dad sold Saddam Anrathax up untill
1992, and anthrax doesn't have a shelf life of a decade. What about
following the criminal leads for the last American anthrax attack,
before we blame Saddam on that too as powell as proscibed?

(snpd the good stuff...)

See, bush has said that his criminal america, does not want to seek
out Iraq's WMD through non-violent means, but rather, would decide to
murder millions to increase the likely terrorist threat to all
Americans everywhere, from sales Saddam may have passed to the Laden
Group years ago as extremely unlikely. Substances like Anthrax, that
were illegally sold to Saddam more than a decade ago by bush's evil
father, is evil bush jr's secret evidence, of a substance, that has
long since expired due to shelf life. Ahh, but the bushwhores wish
confusion for Americans with the facts, so they can betray God as the
Nation, and everything the flag once represented. It would seem if
Laden were involved with Saddam, that would therefor mean, do not
attack Iraq criminally with un-needed murders. For then, the terrorist
threat would manifest like bush is America's cancer, and the world
would have good reason to hate american cowardice to stand up for
themselves as equals under God, siding instead, to be pulverized into
tyranny by Humanity as a lost cause gone broke from misgivings.


Johnny Wizard is Mainstream!

Johnny Wizard


Holy Jesus Man!

Have you heard the Revelations from India's government

to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle

terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's,
General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal
confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it
was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist
plan existing as once top secret presidential documents,
and, that this same general, was also responsible for,
according to several members of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, developing the said war strategy of invading
Afghanistan on behalf of the evil bushmob, with the very
anti-human premise, of blaming bin Laden for a crime
without any evidence to substantiate our public
accusation, to murder more than a hundred thousand,
plus! A crime, 9/11, I will remind you, that for when
the evil plan was devised, hadn't even yet taken place.
But was threatened would happen, if the Taliban didn't
side for Enron's interests in serving for Ken Lay, one
of bush's many bum buddies. (They apparently do that
sort of thing on a regular basis, with all the members
in their secret meetings of the 'only Boners'
fraternity.) It doesn't take much either to understand
why rotten rumsfeld, corporate america's sweetheart,

(you know, the sadistic nazi war criminal who gets off

on murdering or torturing innocent people), told US he
wanted to have arrested those at the WhiteHouse and the
Pentagon, or even in the Military, who would dare as
Americans, to inform Americans what he and bush were
truly doing in their names.

Destroy the unelected unarrested heroin pushing American
cop killer war criminal, the demon we all know so well
as corporate america's false deity, the super evil doer

anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr. Now Patriot Soldier, and

Destroy Our Mr. bush Jr. now, and be loved by all as
God would!

From: British News
July 17, 2002
Britain backs US plan for attack on Iraq
By Philip Webster, Political Editor

(Quoting the terrorist supporter blair, Philip was),

``To be TRUTHFUL about it, there was no way we could
have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a
campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on
September 11.'' ...

Oh, so there was a criminal intent known also by

yourself then blair to prop up heroin pushers to save
Enron's impending criminal bankruptcy?

We have repeatedly witnessed, CNN and CBC refusing to
represent our Democracies, our FBI officers, like airing
Coleen Rowley, General Ahmad, or the sabotaging of the
Moussouie investigation by ashcroft, or the CIA,
regarding the insider stock trades, or dealing heroin.
The innocence of the Taliban for 9/11, and the barbarity
of the Northern Alliance as heroin pusher slave owners.
No, every single american according to CNN being

unbiased, does not want bush the anit-Christ arrested
immediately for killing Americans in New York City to


consent to commit murder in our names against ourselves

Some quotes from:

Johnny Wizard

advocate as terrorists, the planned for murder of those

We witness in silence to watch their OWN protectors run

away to be cowards to drop bombs on ourselves in
Afghanistan, so the bushmob can sell heroin and leave
the Afghans unprotected, and so further too, rifle all
our savings as won for already battles. A criminal is
only to be, as known so by evidence. Those to hide the
identity of bush's america war reason as good cause, is

a deceived nation murdering innocent people to steal our

simple math, but instead, to get access to CNN almost

atrocities against the God loving, and warring our world

bush's america, while encouraging soldiers to commit

John Griffin

Feb 12, 2003, 12:01:52 AM2/12/03
The stupid asshole who calls himself "Johnny Wizard" (ROTMFFLMMFAO!)
using the typically idiotic anonym (Man, I hate that American cop killer
bush as much as any real man would...) wrote

> [ the same brain dead gobble he always posts ]

Trying to compare yourself with a real man was hilarious, but
at least your acknowledgement of the fact that you aren't one
of them is a step in the right direction.

Check the air pressure in your head. It seems to be
approaching the redline.

Total Eclipse

Feb 19, 2003, 3:39:33 PM2/19/03
to (Man, I hate that American cop killer bush as much as any real man would...) wrote in message news:<>...

> "Pedro Martori" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> (snpd)
> Why murder people for bush when we don't need to sacrifice our
> families for such evil stupidity? If inspectors have unfettered
> access, and bush has no evidence to substaniate his demon allegations,
> why then must ALL America side to be war criminals? Is it not more
> effective to go anywhere without firing a shot, than it would be to
> kill people as innocent to increase the terrorist threat? How can
> warring Iraq be better at destroying hidden anywhere WMD, than
> methodically seeking out weapons that no one has a basis in fact as
> existing today? Mr. bush jr.'s dad sold Saddam Anrathax up untill
> 1992, and anthrax doesn't have a shelf life of a decade. What about
> following the criminal leads for the last American anthrax attack,
> before we blame Saddam on that too as powell as proscibed?


Okay, how is it MORE EFFECTIVE to send 800 cruise missiles and
thousands of bombs onto more than 3000 targets, with an included,
urban war conflict to rid Iraq of WMD, than it is now to go ANYWHERE
unfettered by inspectors? (Again, how is that an improvement?) How
does a criminal war improve the bushmob's stated goal of seeking out
these weapons when people under attack will attack back naturally, and
the WMD can fit in anyone's back pocket last year? How does spreading
Uranium to kill humans for 4.5 million years, blowing up
infrastructure, denying food, clean water, and vacines to US people as
the unrepresented and innocent, while American soldiers eat bullets as
criminal invaders like in Afghanistan but bigger, improve the living
conditions of ourselves who live in Iraq to suffer unjustly at the
hands of the demon antiChrist, American cop killer, Our Mr. bush Jr.?
(Our Mr. bush Jr., who demands Justice no longer be the found
principle to protect American Freedom? (Like following the criminal
leads for 9/11?)) How does Saddam, the secular leader who represents
more than 750,000 Christians in Iraq, pose more of a funder of idealog
zealot terrorist groups, than, say, Saudia Arabia, or Kuwait?, where
women can't vote, drive, or learn from the internet? How does a plan
of liberation sell to a nation that is more progressive than any of
it's neighbors? How come American Soldiers don't demand bush make his
case with ACTUAL evidence to substantiate his American allegations
regarding the weapons sold illegally (an act of Treason against
America) to Saddam up until 1992 by the bush Sr. administration to
kill American service personel during the first Gulf war syndrome
bombing campain? Why? Brain damage that's why. See, Anthrax doesn't
have a shelf life of a decade, and American soldiers are dumber than
the average American who holds already, (according to Blizter) the
world's title of lowest literacy rates of the developed semi-developed
world while currenting further regressing. Americans are cowardly, and
too weak and dumb to even protect themselves now. Pitiful.

Johnny Wizard


Agreed. But we are effected by suggestion, so, I thought it might be a
better tactic than the slowly reviving, sleepy heads going, "Oh, wow
I'm dreaming!" for twenty years, while bush day by day, really,
actually, robs and murders Americans who know not of the sound
principles of Justice to protect our freedoms as godlike is a human


Ya! Freedom for all through Justice indivisable. All People are
created equal, as is, self evident to those in the know. Our blind
faith is not in bush as he demands without evidence to persecute US as
the innocent not heard from dying for nothing unjustly. Demon bush
must be tried and convicted for treason against God, being of US all,
including the Atheists especially.

Johnny Wizard

Why murder people for bush when we don't need to sacrifice our
families for such evil stupidity? If inspectors have unfettered
access, and bush has no evidence to substaniate his demon allegations,
why then must ALL America side to be war criminals? Is it not more
effective to go anywhere without firing a shot, than it would be to
kill people as innocent to increase the terrorist threat? How can
warring Iraq be better at destroying hidden anywhere WMD, than
methodically seeking out weapons that no one has a basis in fact as
existing today? Mr. bush jr.'s dad sold Saddam Anrathax up untill
1992, and anthrax doesn't have a shelf life of a decade. What about
following the criminal leads for the last American anthrax attack,
before we blame Saddam on that too as powell as proscibed?


We don't buy corporate America's assault with ignorance however.
Just look at all the anti-hate, anti-crime, anti-bush posts. It is the

corporate, time bitten media whores, the irrational cultists, that
allow open, honest discussion of the facts as publicly recognized,
that leaves US compelled to scream for Justice above the censorship
parading as Our apathy.

> Ya... a pirate terrorist bush is, who leverages the ignorance
> of the masses to believing, he, actually as American cop killer,
> believes in the return of Christ as God's Man to set the world
> straight on Justice, and the true meaning of being a Patriot, as
> committed to
> Freedom for all as God's Constitution.

> > Mentoring Roman orphans.
> Huh ?

I Think maybe he was referring to the children left parentless, to
watch CNN programing for further blind sacrifices of forgotten
American values. But let US not forget, american nazi cowardice as the
bush whore corporate products, will as evil pirates of the
Constitution, promote traitor tommy franks to lead the nazi soldiers
to run death squads against them also as the innocent.

Your busted.



Larry King even!, or the anti-semitic fascist Saturday

Night Live troop to boot your stupid carcass to the
front line as entertainment? BA HA HA HA (like SNL's

new, it's all so hillarious audience, paid for likely

because the degrading intolerant bigoted news crew, have
so little real talent performing to the robbed and dying
to be devalued and murdered by their inaction to even
joke about it. Why? No money in contributing to the
poor stupid people without TV contracts, or TVs,

electicity, or running water now that the clouds are

represented fairly. Be your own Saviour!

Big G is cool, or not. You decide Holy.

The truly most as the living god King of all as Creator,
your servant and trying to be friend, a wizard and Thor,
the Secret Flower and Odin, Allah, Omega, Adam, Alpha,
Krishna, Shiva, Mithra, Mahdi, Anu and Yahweh. And even
a blade of grass, a snake and a elephant, a lion, rat,
monkey, giraffe, spider, shark, wolf, and bat, Lucifer
Morningstar, Jesus Christ, Oberon, an all mighty nobody
kinda even all ready.

P.S. Don't miss the awesome magic Johnny Wizard papers,
"Let Love Rule", or "Strange is Strange", slowly now
disappearing from your nearest search engine dealer!
Get your free copy now, before they're all gone to the
slave owners who truly have know power anyway...

Johnny Wizard


Responsibility for War Crimes

Taking to the Streets

September, 2002


My Divine Right


Excerpt, Chapter 5




Excerpt From:

Print Think

Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff).


The PNAC report also:



Thanks friend,

Johnny Wizard


White House 'exaggerating Iraqi threat'

any evidence of Saddam pursuing terrorism against the
United States."

A source familiar with the September 11 investigation


Johnny Is Marching Home


Johnny Wizard


Bonus Track

Johnny Wizard


Up to You


Johnny Wizard


All at Once

As you are,

Johnny Wizard.



Published: Sep 17 2002


No Telling

Yours truly,

Johnny Wizard


All Wrapped Up

Johnny Wizard


[source: CNN, Sept. 9]


From the well recomended document:


Also, it has also been alledged that the German

embassador Ischinger, On Monday 6, August, 2001, had met
bush personally, and during that meeting, the Bundesamt
fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service]
and BND [Bundesnachreichtendienst, German foreign secret
service] finding was once again reiterated in person.


! ! ! ! N E W S F L A S H ! ! ! !

September 12, 2002 NewsNight with Arron Brown


Mr. Butler, did not refute, with his repeated
opportunity, Ritter's documented as fact, with the paper
work to prove it, allegations of american corruption
succeeding, in fact, repeatedly, Butler refused to

answer the direct question, on wether, he, Mr. Butler,

abdicated his responsibility to our world community, and
sided instead to bow as a fascist coward to CRIMINAL
american sabotage regarding the U.N. resolution
inspection's process.

Gee, no wonder Saddam has concerns for his people...

A worthwhile note also, is during CNN new briefs on
Saddam's recent comments, never once was it said, that
Saddam alleges to our world, bush murdered New Yorkers
for financial gain, as he did factually claim, and I do
too, as the evidence is unmistakable. Mr. bush, the
super evil anti-Christ, and too, Mr. rumsfeld, the
sadistic nazi dumbfuk, must be immediately arrested, or
executed by Patriot American Believers, so we may begin
to get this PUBLIC court case regarding the facts on the
mass murder of AMERICANS under way. I wanna lead the
prosecutor's team!!! (I am now officially excepting
book offers.)


E-mail this to somebody for Christ states,

yours truly,

Johnny Wizard


From below:

"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."


I think I love you too much

Wow, your amazing! So, what your saying is bush the
nazi tyrant, the unelected mass murdering fascist
dictator, has no interest following the ample criminal
leads, because they lead to him, rumsfeld, and cheney
likely too, right? And, when that evil monster told us
instead he would rely on secret evidence, but couldn't
tell us why, as too the FBI or CIA, it turned out to be
nothing but another wicked evil deception against the
great American people, Tony Blair, bin Laden, and law
enforcement officers everywhere, to even further give
him cause to close investigations into 9/11 as Reuters
told us, and rob directly from American soldier
families, their lives, pensions, life savings, and blind
faith, in bush, the false diety, super evil anti-Christ.

Johnny Wizard is my Hero.


Weak Pathetic Coward Nazi bassturds

American soldiers are weak pathetic coward nazi
bassturds. The recorded evidence stands before all of

Destroy bush and rumsfeld American Patriot Soldiers, and
be loved by all as family.

Destroying the evil doers


What do you know?

Hi everyone, so, what do we know? Mr. bush made plans
to attack Afghanistan just prior to 9/11, for not

signing a contract with CentGas, which would have given

Enron access to LNG. For without, they as members of
the bushmob, would face their impending criminal
bankruptcy, revealing they were stealing from any as all
Americans, their life savings. Without the illegal war
against the struggling to be better Taliban, the bushmob
would have been exposed without fear by America, and
soon, we would have all faced a bright new day
understanding further, the importance of Justice for
humanity as ourselves deserving not to be robbed from.

None of the evidence indicated Afghanistan, and by bush
running without judgement with his plan made prior,
showed a willingness to not apprehend the true culprits,
while warmongering a fury in bigoted corporate America,
to attack our humanity without thinking, or
understanding the reasons why the American Constitution
holds still respect, for it's wisdom granting
protections to the people as we are, individuals with
rights to be represented as equals under the law, in
defence against the evils of humanity, of which, our Mr.
bush willingly as a demon, works to destroy US as the
too weak and cowardly as terrified to know better to
speak up for themselves rightly.


Americans, like our corporate news
services in Canada also, are expected to not report the
murder of ourselves in Afghanistan, excusing their
contempt for themselves as God, to name ourselves,
demonized willingly trying to take you to sacifice your
rights as censored for bush to steal from our families
escaping prosecution. I call news agencies, who as
individuals, see no responsibility to ourselves as
community. I recieve only refusals as excuses to deny
ourselves equal access. Why? They, like deer caught in
the headlights, or swimming in the, it feels so good to
be taken banker advertising, leave us to only death to
others they see not as themselves, be it thousands or
millions, than allow me to enter as simply a concerned
man named John to speak factually as documented, calling
for the immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld the
murderers, to escape further bloodshed. Or, I'm
baselessly insulted without argument, ouch, or dismissed
as alarmist for screaming for the stopping of the murder
of US as really dying, while my, how am I going to
survive job prospects go vanishing, because of my
excellent research abilities on behalf of the humans.

CBC in Washington just refuses to report as Canadians.


Wide Open


Thank you for everything,

Johnny wizard



It's Nothing - Mr. bush and rumsfeld are traitors to

every American, as they are both guilty of war crimes
against humanity. Where are the American soldiers to
arrest or kill them both as murderers trying to escape
the wrath of the American Constitution's protection of
the masses under Justice, that they are attempting to
destroy as ignored against the interests of mankind?
Again, bush had no evidence against Bin, for a crime he
demands we not know the perpetrator of, by attempting to
stop, or not address the criminal investigations
completed already. With the corporated cultists cashing
out hard working American tax payers by labeling us all,
as not caring to be biased. Telling our soldiers to
attack without thinking, the third world Taliban
government for asking about evidence as a true American,
Allah, Christ, or Buddha would, ending the heroin trade,
and attempting with communications, something better for
the people of Afghanistan. Mr. Mueller has informed
us, as one more informed than any other who meets with
George Tenet every day, the only evidence we have
implicates bush and rumsfeld for 9/11, and soldiers have
yet to stand for America to destroy bush and rumsfeld,

the murdering bassturds desecrating our judicial process.

Why? Nazi cowards, not willing to protect the American
flag, while watching their own families be robbed of
their life savings and pensions through Enron, and open
Pentagon frauds, while bush, the anti-Christ, hopes
soldiers will learn from the bankruptcy, for next time,

while we, as humanity, watch the Republican Congress

lives and prosperity? How does Mr. bush Jr., the

anti-Christ, get away saying we're all against him
discarding the rule of law to find ourselves not to be
equals under God with his tyranny of injustice and
slavery, that he expects every nation to suffer under in
fear while he attempts to plunder and murder everyone as
evil incarnate? Digesting fluoride for no other known
or unknown reason to science kills us, and nobody else
says different, so why must CNN insist we keep doing it
by not covering the facts documented for decades? I
say, who cares why right wingers want to destroy our
eternal Universe as themselves unworthy, let's just stop
doing it today okay? because it makes us look really
really stupid to the other civilizations of our Universe
that don't practice censorship of our advancements in
science as know how. What an embarrassment. Why as so
does CNN refuse all the other crimes committed by

Republicans to go unheeded as recognized? Like the

denial of equal rights to non-jews in Palestine? I
don't know, let us just work to make our world a better
place for all. I want my own show. Why does the
American Coast to Coast radio network forbid all
intelligent discussions to protect American values, as
repeatedly offering no comment allowed to understand
this dying bit? Scared of the Lord really getting


In It for US

wish to point to those Republicans ultimately

rumsfeld on site American soldier, and be loved by all
as Saviour.


A Better Way


Mr. Mueller, the head of the FBI, who meets everyday

with George Tenet, the head of the CIA, stated recently
after reviewing his quoted statements stated, actually
they as officers of our laws have no evidence whatsoever
connecting anyone but the bushmob to the terrorist acts
in New York City, testifiable through the public
information given by ourselves, the DEA, the CIA, and
the FBI in our fields, of which Mr. Mueller seems
completely absent minded of publicly speaking anyway.
Look see for yourself.

''In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single
piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in
the treasure trove of information that has turned up in
Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect
of the Sept. 11 plot,''


The Messiah vs. sharon, bush, and rumsfeld


Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning. I have spoken to the Secret
Service in person, and all who read this can be assured,
so has mr bush scumball jr. by the date this is posted,
and as he continues to pretend to not have, only further
shows his contempt for your life and Justice for our
communities. For bush's contempt for the American
constitution as Justice and freedom is ungodly to every
proud American police officer and citizen the world
over. Mr. bush must be arrested for his terrorist
crimes in New York City immediately, for the evidence of
his and rumsfeld's criminal behavior is overwhelmingly
censored by CNN and the other corporate cult cogs, who
refuse to protect Americans as ourselves, the dying
community falling unheard from. The patriot act will be
rescinded, unless anyone can actually provide a counter
argument as to it's purpose other than to destroy our
freedoms, while the bushmob continues to rifle our
pocket books.


Who is Who?


Freedom is only garnered through Justice for all equally.

the bushmob, and rumsfeld especially. (snpd) Flight 11,

the Republican nazi regime. Enron could never obtain

investors desperately needed, to attempt with capital,
to hide their crimes against all the American people,
without a binding contract, investors such as from the
multi-billionaires in the post WWII charity
organization, World Bank, of which as unocal, being

typical Republican, only offered bribes to officials

from Afghanistan to hurt their nation they, as the
Taliban, truly believed in working for. As a another
example where these nazi vermin relate their uselessness
against us all from, Mr. phil gramm lobbied for slave
labour at 10 cents an hour for America, while sneaking
in a bill for California to have their electricity price
quadrupled, for his relatively paultry personal check of
one hundred thousand, while California citizens payed
billions and billions as stolen from without police
protection, as companies fell going bankrupt due to
gramm's assault, leaving many out of work to get

swindled even further by Republican corruptions that run

Agatha Christie


March 11, 2002 Too many loose ends... By Barrie Zwicker

... Yet at 6:30 the evening of September 11th NBC
Nightly News, along with many outlets, reported: "It
was after the attack on the Pentagon that the Air Force
then decided to scramble F-16s out of the DC National
Guard Andrews Air Force Base to fly ... a protective
cover over Washington, D.C." ...


September 20, 2002


(BIG snp)


Johnny Wizard


Mar 13, 2003, 6:38:56 PM3/13/03
to (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<>...

> The stupid asshole who calls himself "Johnny Wizard" (ROTMFFLMMFAO!)
> using the typically idiotic anonym
> (Man, I hate that American cop killer
> bush as much as any real man would...) wrote

But, what about bush?, the unellected war criminal, American cop killing heroin
dealer... Right? Just ask a evil dumbfuk bushwhore, (if you can
hunt one down) why was it wrong for Saddam to try liberating Kuwait?
Or, why should antiChrist bush openly steal from American families,
their life savings and police protections, to be slaughtered as
willing victims?


Thanks man. Ya, it's true, there are very few actual bushwhore cowards
whom publicly, or in secret, support that American cop killer bush
I try often to locate mind-numbed CNN'ed soldiers also, portrayed as
too affraid to protect their own families from the criminal bushmob
pillaging program, whom instead, as cowards, run death squads
intentionally to murder innocent women and children like they (10th
mountian division fort Drum) did under tommy franks the traitor in the
Anaconda missions. Nobody doubts nazi american soldiers are weak and
stupid, but are they now life asks, worth sacrificing their lives as
worthless without meaning?

We have 100 percent access to Iraq for ridding the threat of WMD as
alledged, currently without needing to sacrifice one American soldier
for bush and cheney's personal greed and hatred for American founding

More WMD have been destroyed through using a plan,
than all the indiscriminate killing with bombs America
has done to our World as the bad guys.

The 'regime change' argument requires Saddam to pose some threat to
world peace by being in posession of WMD. Now, to rid the world of
such threats, weapon inspectors have been granted full open access,
while carrying public allegations by the bushmob largely
unsubstantiated and about to be proven near false with Iraqi paper
work and destruction sites. If WMD is the threat, then the most
effective method of reducing the risk is to not lower the odds. Again,
FULL, OPEN ACCESS is already offered to inspectors who require no
American Soldier life sacrifices as worthless without meaning.
(Americans are often shokingly stupid as bushwhores eh?)

Now, if bush wasn't the antiChrist, he would encourage the completion
of the successful process, acknowledge Saddam for treating US People
better than bush's evil war partners the Northern Alliance,
Uzbeckistan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Then finally, demon bush would
arrest himself for being a traitor and completely incompetent...


Truth, as is justice and freedom, are shared values with all of
creation in a dream called forever answering not home. So I suppose, I
rely partly in faith
that we shall prevail as sure as life is by communicating something...


Have you heard demon bush recently talk on how he would work to
prosecute Saddam's forces if they should attack Iraqi infrastructure
as war criminals, but neglected to mention that is precisely what
dimwit american nazi forces did last time targeting specifically Iraqi
people by hitting water treatment plants, and then further on with
irrational sanctions on food and medicine? Our Mr. bush Jr., the
antiChrist, is now condemning himself as traitor to American values
openly, as evil is the decieved disguised. Wow! What a show!

> > > > > Why murder people (who could Just as sure be YOU) for bush when we

> > > > > don't need to sacrifice our families for such evil stupidity? If
> > > > > inspectors have unfettered access, and bush has no evidence to
> > > > > substaniate his demon allegations, why then must ALL America side to
> > > > > be war criminals? Is it not more effective to go anywhere without
> > > > > firing a shot, than it would be to kill people as innocent to increase
> > > > > the terrorist threat? How can warring Iraq be better at destroying
> > > > > hidden anywhere WMD, than methodically seeking out weapons that no one
> > > > > has a basis in fact as existing today? Mr. bush jr.'s dad sold Saddam
> > > > > Anrathax up untill 1992, and anthrax doesn't have a shelf life of a
> > > > > decade. What about following the criminal leads for the last American

> > > > > anthrax attack, before we blame Saddam on that too as powell has
> > > > > proscibed?
> > >
> Look, over 400 of the world's top economists, along with no less than
> 10 Nobel prize winners, tell US, bush's 'stimulus' package, is an act
> of treason to destroy the great American nation's prosperity, but do
> we hear our concerns on CNN or CNBC? Or even regarding traitor bush as
> American cop killer heroin dealer?
> Small nukes?, and depleted uranium?

But tell anyone, how is it better to bomb Iraq people to rid ourselves
of WMD, than it is currently to go anywhere unfettered? How is it
possible to improve a senario that is as open as possible already? How
will American soldiers eating bullets improve the search and dissarm
technique? What ever happened to evidence being a requirment to
convince US who is evil? Oh yeah, bush as the American cop killing
antiChrist doesn't like American principles.



Okay, how is it MORE EFFECTIVE to send 800 cruise missiles and
thousands of bombs onto more than 3000 targets, with an included,
urban war conflict to rid Iraq of WMD, than it is now to go ANYWHERE
unfettered by inspectors? (Again, how is that an improvement?) How
does a criminal war improve the bushmob's stated goal of seeking out
these weapons when people under attack will attack back naturally, and
the WMD can fit in anyone's back pocket last year? How does spreading
Uranium to kill humans for 4.5 million years, blowing up
infrastructure, denying food, clean water, and vacines to US people as
the unrepresented and innocent, while American soldiers eat bullets as

criminal invaders like in Afghanistan but bigger, inprove the living

conditions of ourselves who live in Iraq to suffer unjustly at the
hands of the demon antiChrist, American cop killer, Our Mr. bush Jr.?
(Our Mr. bush Jr., who demands Justice no longer be the found
principle to protect American Freedom? (Like following the criminal
leads for 9/11?)) How does Saddam, the secular leader who represents
more than 750,000 Christians in Iraq, pose more of a funder of idealog
zealot terrorist groups, than, say, Saudia Arabia, or Kuwait?, where
women can't vote, drive, or learn from the internet? How does a plan
of liberation sell to a nation that is more progressive than any of
it's neighbors? How come American Soldiers don't demand bush make his
case with ACTUAL evidence to substantiate his American allegations
regarding the weapons sold illegally (an act of Treason against
America) to Saddam up until 1992 by the bush Sr. administration to
kill American service personel during the first Gulf war syndrome
bombing campain? Why? Brain damage that's why. See, Anthrax doesn't
have a shelf life of a decade, and American soldiers are dumber than
the average American who holds already, (according to Blizter) the
world's title of lowest literacy rates of the developed semi-developed
world while currenting further regressing. Americans are cowardly, and
too weak and dumb to even protect themselves now. Pitiful.

Johnny Wizard


Look, American soldier..

You now should know, bush and rumsfeld murdered
Americans in New York City, and as consequence, have no
interest in acknowledging as pursued the criminal
investigations. CNN holds no responsibility, as we
witness repeatedly, to American soldiers, but to harbor
those who pirate our rights to openly steal real lives.
If bush makes no mention of himself stealing 50 billion
dollars, murdering American police officers, sabotaging
the weapons inspections process, funding israeli
atrocities against the God loving, and warring our world
as the anti-Christ by running death squads against the
innocent, well, CNN, the american success, sure ain't

gonna be speaking out for your stolen freedoms dying
comrads. For what benefit in market share would there

be to work for your living, dirt bagged? CNN is so
colorfully excited about selling the glossy bush war to
kill the poor stupid people, but for what american
fascist weak binded bushmobbed soldier without
principles? Again, how stupidly dunce does a poor
cowardly american soldier have to be to not believe?
Nobody but a cult corporatized illiterate fascist nazi
vermin parasite, just like Jew hater ariel sharon would
support the murder of American soldiers for a criminal
conflict that doesn't serve to protect. But if it, as
bush nazi evil does with little struggle over the masses
complaining, and america marches off to criminally war
the third world as the bad guys, our World, indeed this
Universe will then know the absolute true cowardice of
american soldiers, as premised upon the weakness of
america's army to not uphold America's own rule of Law
for freedom as themselves included. It only takes One

Soldier to turn this tide to destroy bush Jr., and that

Soldier is where in America partner? Who American
soldier, do you think bush as traitor does steal from as
the duped General public as corporately represented to

be unawares? Do american soldiers have to convince

gain justice for people. People who are suffering and
dying for bush's contempt for the American dream.

Destroy traitor bush and rumsfeld for escaping to
recommit murder today, and be actually caring for your
world tomorrow, or not, and deem yourself unworthy by
your own admission to play fair as the eternal standing

proud, strong, and free.


Johnny Wizard

Larry King even!, or the anti-semitic fascist Saturday

Night Live troop to boot your stupid carcass to the
front line as entertainment? BA HA HA HA (like SNL's

new, it's all so hillarious audience, paid for likely

because the degrading intolerant bigoted news crew, have
so little real talent performing to the robbed and dying
to be devalued and murdered by their inaction to even
joke about it. Why? No money in contributing to the
poor stupid people without TV contracts, or TVs,

electicity, or running water now that the clouds are

represented fairly. Be your own Saviour!

Big G is cool, or not. You decide Holy.

The truly most as the living god King of all as Creator,
your servant and trying to be friend, a wizard and Thor,
the Secret Flower and Odin, Allah, Omega, Adam, Alpha,
Krishna, Shiva, Mithra, Mahdi, Anu and Yahweh. And even
a blade of grass, a snake and a elephant, a lion, rat,
monkey, giraffe, spider, shark, wolf, and bat, Lucifer
Morningstar, Jesus Christ, Oberon, an all mighty nobody
kinda even all ready.

P.S. Don't miss the awesome magic Johnny Wizard papers,
"Let Love Rule", or "Strange is Strange", slowly now
disappearing from your nearest search engine dealer!
Get your free copy now, before they're all gone to the
slave owners who truly have know power anyway...

Johnny Wizard


Responsibility for War Crimes

Taking to the Streets

September, 2002


My Divine Right


Excerpt, Chapter 5




Excerpt From:

Print Think

Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff).


The PNAC report also:



Thanks friend,

Johnny Wizard


White House 'exaggerating Iraqi threat'

any evidence of Saddam pursuing terrorism against the
United States."

A source familiar with the September 11 investigation


Johnny Is Marching Home


Johnny Wizard


Bonus Track

Johnny Wizard


Up to You


Johnny Wizard


All at Once

As you are,

Johnny Wizard.



Published: Sep 17 2002


No Telling

Yours truly,

Johnny Wizard


All Wrapped Up

Johnny Wizard


[source: CNN, Sept. 9]


From the well recomended document:


Also, it has also been alledged that the German

embassador Ischinger, On Monday 6, August, 2001, had met
bush personally, and during that meeting, the Bundesamt
fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service]
and BND [Bundesnachreichtendienst, German foreign secret
service] finding was once again reiterated in person.


yours truly,

Johnny Wizard


From below:

"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."


I think I love you too much

Wow, your amazing! So, what your saying is bush the
nazi tyrant, the unelected mass murdering fascist
dictator, has no interest following the ample criminal
leads, because they lead to him, rumsfeld, and cheney
likely too, right? And, when that evil monster told us
instead he would rely on secret evidence, but couldn't
tell us why, as too the FBI or CIA, it turned out to be
nothing but another wicked evil deception against the
great American people, Tony Blair, bin Laden, and law
enforcement officers everywhere, to even further give
him cause to close investigations into 9/11 as Reuters
told us, and rob directly from American soldier
families, their lives, pensions, life savings, and blind
faith, in bush, the false diety, super evil anti-Christ.

Johnny Wizard is my Hero.


Weak Pathetic Coward Nazi bassturds

American soldiers are weak pathetic coward nazi
bassturds. The recorded evidence stands before all of

Destroy bush and rumsfeld American Patriot Soldiers, and
be loved by all as family.

Destroying the evil doers


What do you know?

Hi everyone, so, what do we know? Mr. bush made plans
to attack Afghanistan just prior to 9/11, for not

signing a contract with CentGas, which would have given

Enron access to LNG. For without, they as members of
the bushmob, would face their impending criminal
bankruptcy, revealing they were stealing from any as all
Americans, their life savings. Without the illegal war
against the struggling to be better Taliban, the bushmob
would have been exposed without fear by America, and
soon, we would have all faced a bright new day
understanding further, the importance of Justice for
humanity as ourselves deserving not to be robbed from.

None of the evidence indicated Afghanistan, and by bush
running without judgement with his plan made prior,
showed a willingness to not apprehend the true culprits,
while warmongering a fury in bigoted corporate America,
to attack our humanity without thinking, or
understanding the reasons why the American Constitution
holds still respect, for it's wisdom granting
protections to the people as we are, individuals with
rights to be represented as equals under the law, in
defence against the evils of humanity, of which, our Mr.
bush willingly as a demon, works to destroy US as the
too weak and cowardly as terrified to know better to
speak up for themselves rightly.


Americans, like our corporate news
services in Canada also, are expected to not report the
murder of ourselves in Afghanistan, excusing their
contempt for themselves as God, to name ourselves,
demonized willingly trying to take you to sacifice your
rights as censored for bush to steal from our families
escaping prosecution. I call news agencies, who as
individuals, see no responsibility to ourselves as
community. I recieve only refusals as excuses to deny
ourselves equal access. Why? They, like deer caught in
the headlights, or swimming in the, it feels so good to
be taken banker advertising, leave us to only death to
others they see not as themselves, be it thousands or
millions, than allow me to enter as simply a concerned
man named John to speak factually as documented, calling
for the immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld the
murderers, to escape further bloodshed. Or, I'm
baselessly insulted without argument, ouch, or dismissed
as alarmist for screaming for the stopping of the murder
of US as really dying, while my, how am I going to
survive job prospects go vanishing, because of my
excellent research abilities on behalf of the humans.

CBC in Washington just refuses to report as Canadians.


Wide Open


Thank you for everything,

Johnny wizard



It's Nothing

In It for US

wish to point to those Republicans ultimately

rumsfeld on site American soldier, and be loved by all
as Saviour.


A Better Way


Mr. Mueller, the head of the FBI, who meets everyday

with George Tenet, the head of the CIA, stated recently
after reviewing his quoted statements stated, actually
they as officers of our laws have no evidence whatsoever
connecting anyone but the bushmob to the terrorist acts
in New York City, testifiable through the public
information given by ourselves, the DEA, the CIA, and
the FBI in our fields, of which Mr. Mueller seems
completely absent minded of publicly speaking anyway.
Look see for yourself.

''In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single
piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in
the treasure trove of information that has turned up in
Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect
of the Sept. 11 plot,''


The Messiah vs. sharon, bush, and rumsfeld


Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning. I have spoken to the Secret
Service in person, and all who read this can be assured,
so has mr bush scumball jr. by the date this is posted,
and as he continues to pretend to not have, only further
shows his contempt for your life and Justice for our
communities. For bush's contempt for the American
constitution as Justice and freedom is ungodly to every
proud American police officer and citizen the world
over. Mr. bush must be arrested for his terrorist
crimes in New York City immediately, for the evidence of
his and rumsfeld's criminal behavior is overwhelmingly
censored by CNN and the other corporate cult cogs, who
refuse to protect Americans as ourselves, the dying
community falling unheard from. The patriot act will be
rescinded, unless anyone can actually provide a counter
argument as to it's purpose other than to destroy our
freedoms, while the bushmob continues to rifle our
pocket books.


Who is Who?


Freedom is only garnered through Justice for all equally.

the bushmob, and rumsfeld especially. (snpd) Flight 11,

the Republican nazi regime. Enron could never obtain

investors desperately needed, to attempt with capital,
to hide their crimes against all the American people,
without a binding contract, investors such as from the
multi-billionaires in the post WWII charity
organization, World Bank, of which as unocal, being

typical Republican, only offered bribes to officials

from Afghanistan to hurt their nation they, as the
Taliban, truly believed in working for. As a another
example where these nazi vermin relate their uselessness
against us all from, Mr. phil gramm lobbied for slave
labour at 10 cents an hour for America, while sneaking
in a bill for California to have their electricity price
quadrupled, for his relatively paultry personal check of
one hundred thousand, while California citizens payed
billions and billions as stolen from without police
protection, as companies fell going bankrupt due to
gramm's assault, leaving many out of work to get

swindled even further by Republican corruptions that run

Agatha Christie


March 11, 2002 Too many loose ends... By Barrie Zwicker

... Yet at 6:30 the evening of September 11th NBC
Nightly News, along with many outlets, reported: "It
was after the attack on the Pentagon that the Air Force
then decided to scramble F-16s out of the DC National
Guard Andrews Air Force Base to fly ... a protective
cover over Washington, D.C." ...


John Griffin

Mar 13, 2003, 9:53:32 PM3/13/03
The "johnny wizard" cretin dared to come out from under his
bed long enough to emit the following cloud of gas:
> (John Griffin) wrote

> > The stupid asshole who calls himself "Johnny Wizard" (ROTMFFLMMFAO!)
> > using the typically idiotic anonym
> > (Man, I hate that American cop killer
> > bush as much as any real man would...) wrote
> >
> snpd
> But, what about bush?, the unellected war criminal, American cop killing heroin
> dealer... Right? Just ask a evil dumbfuk bushwhore, (if you can
> hunt one down) why was it wrong for Saddam to try liberating Kuwait?
> Or, why should antiChrist bush openly steal from American families,
> their life savings and police protections, to be slaughtered as
> willing victims?

Shitforbrains, I see that your goal in life is to make certain
everyone knows you're a fucking idiot, but...

Haven't you ever heard of the concept known as "overkill"?!

You've accomplished that apparent goal a dozen times over.
Your "useful" life is past. You're of virtually no value
to enemies of the United States, because you've reduced
yourself several steps below being a pure but boring clown.
You might as well kill yourself.


Mar 20, 2003, 7:01:27 PM3/20/03
to (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<>...

> The "johnny wizard" cretin dared to come out from under his
> bed long enough to emit the following cloud of gas:

So, not only does the antiChrist, Our Mr. bush Jr. refuse to support
our police agencies in arresting the 9/11 culprits, but now, has
needlessly put American soldiers in harms way by suggesting (without
colaborative evidence LIKE FROM THE UN), Saddam wasn't disarming, or
co-operating with OUR inspectors? Again, how stupid, ignorant, and
cowardly does a soldier have to be, to recognize the bushmob, are
criminals open stealing the sworn values of every American Patriot as
pure naked totalitarianism? Rotten rumsfeld tells soldiers they must
die as traitors for a criminal cause to increase the terrorist threat
against America because, he and demon bush do not want to destroy
WMD, but rather, want to implement a lawless world government that
they are not accountable to as God haters. Mr. bush is a war criminal
who needs to be arrested or shot dead for treason against America

Mr. bush has put American soldiers needlessly in a military conflict
that only increases the terrorist threat, and lowers our once, full
open INTERNATIONAL disarmament process that was almost completed with
a clean bill of health, but for the rounding up of rotten rumsfeld
fuks who sell illegal weapons to represive regimes, while so far,
escaping infinite Justice as the almost forgotten American legal
system. Uzbekistan's criminal dictator recieves American tax dollars
from bush to repress "the people", to deny equal rights and elections.
And what does a ignorant, intolerant, cowardly coporated american
bushites do?, but refuse to allow open discussions with the facts, to
further criminally threaten our communities and family as the innocent
as God still is.



But, what about bush?, the unelected war criminal, American cop
killing heroin
dealer... Right? Just ask an evil dumbfuk bushwhore,

why was it wrong for Saddam to try liberating Kuwait?
Or, why should antiChrist bush openly steal from American families,
their life savings and police protections, to be slaughtered as
willing victims?





Johnny Wizard


One More Thing

For integrity it states:

Yours forever,








What do you think?

Johnny Wizard


Holy Jesus Man!

Have you heard the Revelations from India's government

to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle

terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's,
General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal
confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it
was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist
plan existing as once top secret presidential documents,
and, that this same general, was also responsible for,
according to several members of the Senate Intelligence

Committee, developing the said war strategy of invading

Afghanistan on behalf of the evil bushmob, with the very
anti-human premise, of blaming bin Laden for a crime
without any evidence to substantiate our public
accusation, to murder more than a hundred thousand,
plus! A crime, 9/11, I will remind you, that for when
the evil plan was devised, hadn't even yet taken place.
But was threatened would happen, if the Taliban didn't
side for Enron's interests in serving for Ken Lay, one
of bush's many bum buddies. (They apparently do that
sort of thing on a regular basis, with all the members
in their secret meetings of the 'only Boners'
fraternity.) It doesn't take much either to understand
why rotten rumsfeld, corporate america's sweetheart,

(you know, the sadistic nazi war criminal who gets off

on murdering or torturing innocent people), told US he
wanted to have arrested those at the WhiteHouse and the
Pentagon, or even in the Military, who would dare as
Americans, to inform Americans what he and bush were
truly doing in their names.

Destroy the unelected unarrested heroin pushing American
cop killer war criminal, the demon we all know so well

as corporate america's false deity, the super evil doer
anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr. Now Patriot Soldier, and

be loved by all as Savior. Or not, and be a thoughtless
degenerate, a cowardly regressing nazi bush slave, who
would sacrifice your own family as yourself truly,
because JESUS CHRIST, life is living to survive for
Justice, as God is warranted to be as ourselves, with
equal rights to being as is of US all included. Mr.
ashcroft tells Americans he is purposefully destroying
their freedoms as legal due process because he, as an
idiot, and a traitor, has to fight ourselves as a
terrorist blindly in Our names without American Justice,
but never explains his action, is asked to, nor could
he. As ashcroft, like most in the bushmob are, is
founded completely unqualified. Why doesn't ashcroft
move to have bush and rumsfeld arrested or executed
immediately by following the criminal leads for 9/11 on
behalf of Americans as an American?, what with all the
ample evidence documented as factual and everything?
Instead, decides too, like the demon bush demands in
attempt to sway his capture, that evidence will no
longer be mandatory for him to decide who should be
stolen from, as the left dead to be robbed as forgotten
by Justice denied to all as Godly. American soldiers
are truly as represented, weak, slow, and painfully

pathetic cowards, refusing to protect their own families

as a national defense measure, instead, as nazi dumfuk
bush slaves, willingly support the murder of would be
themselves as criminals, truly against US all as the

Mr. bush was quoted once again defending his
irrationality as criminal murder rampages against the
innocent as ourselves like he did in New York City with
rumsfeld, by stating,

"Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say
something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an

The evil anti-Christ figures he'll just continue to rob
and murder American Patriots while destroying freedom as
Justice for US all, and simply escape Your wrath by
corporate america making no fuss to speak in Our defense
as the still living to be underestimated as equals.

Destroy Our Mr. bush Jr. now, and be loved by all as
God would!

From: British News
July 17, 2002
Britain backs US plan for attack on Iraq
By Philip Webster, Political Editor

(Quoting the terrorist supporter blair, Philip was),

``To be TRUTHFUL about it, there was no way we could
have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a
campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on
September 11.'' ...

Oh, so there was a criminal intent known also by

yourself then blair to prop up heroin pushers to save
Enron's impending criminal bankruptcy?


Johnny Wizard

Kill bush Now!
Ask any public american bush supporter, why do they
mindlessly as slaves without thought to question,

advocate as terrorists, the planned for murder of those

known by all to be innocent? As yourself, publicly
accused in our names without evidence, as done so by the
bushmob is still, and will be for always, the high crime
of murder in the first degree. A crime well
established, as again, I am filing as voiced publicly,
against the perpetrator war criminal bush Jr., and
rotten rumsfeld, as pirates of my freedom to live for

such willingly. I demand their immediate arrest or

for the evil, unelected anti-Christ, American cop

killer, Our Mr. Bush Jr. to steal further from the
American ideal.
We witness in silence to watch their OWN protectors run
away to be cowards to drop bombs on ourselves in
Afghanistan, so the bushmob can sell heroin and leave
the Afghans unprotected, and so further too, rifle all
our savings as won for already battles. A criminal is
only to be, as known so by evidence. Those to hide the
identity of bush's america war reason as good cause, is

a deceived nation murdering innocent people to steal our

purpose as themselves, unworthy. Like evil tommy franks
the terrorist does, murdering people indiscriminately as
the unrepresented by corporate outrage, to be denied
justice for yourself too american dimwit. Or rumsfeld,
who after implementing the strategy to murder good
police officers, offered a reward to kill Omar the Just,
because Omar publicly suggested arresting the terrorists
by following the actual ample evidence as the true

American belief system lost to the evil dictates of

Un-American rumsfeld's illegitimacy, unchallenged by
corporate standards. All of America's intellectuals are
forbidden from public acknowledgement through corporate
cult standards, though, like Chomsky, sell millions of
books almost yearly to US masses. Fuck, I'd destroy
American traitor, American cop killer bush, rumsfeld, or
death squad leader tommy franks in a heart beat, how
about you American Patriot Soldier? Evidence these
three sadistic nazi demon child killers demand we no
longer follow, to arrest the true criminals, for 9/11 as
example, which would be naturally, the bushmob

themselves, headed by the royal dumb fuk, america's

false deity, the anti-Christ, Our Mr. Bush Jr., the
evilest thing that has ever existed in the entire
history of humanity. The american corporate news
entertainers, do everything they can, to rob from the
great American people, their life savings and living
standards, by actively working to watch the bushmob
destroy the American Constitution through ample
corporate media access, er, coverage to not be so
concerned with those freedom living matters for our
entertainment value. Ask a dumb fuk nazi bush
supporter, what a regressive tax is, and they'll go
mindlessly blank, while advocating the robbery of their
Own grand parents with VLTs, as their very own family
being cheated, and mislead, which is why, they are so
stuck ignorantly evil, and dumb as themselves TRULY,
honest to God, whoreshiping to bush as their all knowing
false god unthinkingly. Americans are truly dumb son.
(2% Social Security are what Americans are getting back
in themselves as investment, but the nazi bush
supporters don't want Americans to publicly figure the

simple math, but instead, to get access to CNN almost

importance of practicing the tenants of law to apprehend

Look, American soldier..
You now should know, bush and rumsfeld murdered
Americans in New York City, and as consequence, have no
interest in acknowledging as pursued the criminal
investigations. CNN holds no responsibility, as we
witness repeatedly, to American soldiers, but to harbor
those who pirate our rights to openly steal real lives.
If bush makes no mention of himself stealing 50 billion
dollars, murdering American police officers, sabotaging
the weapons inspections process, funding israeli
atrocities against the God loving, and warring our world
as the anti-Christ by running death squads against the
innocent, well, CNN, the american success, sure ain't

gonna be speaking out for your stolen freedoms poor
dying comrades. For what benefit in market share would

there be to work for your living, dirt bagged? CNN is
so colorfully excited about selling the glossy bush war
to kill the poor stupid people, but for what american
fascist weak binded bushmobbed soldier without
principles? Again, how stupidly dunce does a poor
cowardly american soldier have to be to not believe?
Nobody but a cult corporatized illiterate fascist nazi
vermin parasite, just like Jew hater ariel sharon would
support the murder of American soldiers for a criminal
conflict that doesn't serve to protect. But if it, as
bush nazi evil does with little struggle over the masses
complaining, and america marches off to criminally war
the third world as the bad guys, our World, indeed this
Universe will then know the absolute true cowardice of
american soldiers, as premised upon the weakness of
america's army to not uphold America's own rule of Law
for freedom as themselves included. It only takes One

Soldier to turn this tide to destroy bush Jr. and
rotten rumsfeld, and that Soldier is where in America

partner? Who American soldier, do you think bush as
traitor does steal from as the duped General public as

corporately represented to be painfully unawares? Do

gain justice for people, People who are suffering and
dying for bush's contempt of our American dream.

Destroy traitor bush and rumsfeld for escaping to
recommit murder today, and be actually caring for your
world tomorrow, or not, and deem yourself unworthy by
your own admission to play fair as the eternal standing

proud, strong, and forever free.

Free to be living justly for yourself
truly as caring to know this as everything.
Now, how about the Koran?

Johnny Wizard
Christ I'm Actually Rising!



Free to be living justly for yourself

Destroy bush today and be loved by all as Saviour.

"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."

Just how stupid are Americans expected to except
themselves as? Again, only several
days ago, NBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported the bushmob
planned a war to kill innocent people to steal American
lives and money for Enron, with no intent to arrest Bin
Laden, a plan at bush's Whitehouse desk two days prior
to 9/11. Arrest or kill bush and rumsfeld now! Then,
no available evidence linking Bin Laden only bush and
rumsfeld, followed by their rushing from judgement,
showing no interest in apprehending the true culprits
for 9/11, on behalf of the American people being
terrorized. In fact, seeking to have the criminal
investigations stopped. Mr. bush does not want to end
terrorism, but to instigate it against ourselves as
illiterate cowardly American soldiers are led, by
forgoing our rules of law as civilization, while
trashing the Constitution, and spitting on the flag.
Mr. bush the American terrorist, the unelected lawless
criminal dictator, the demon who called the war criminal
ariel sharon a man of peace, bush, who murders innocent
American soldiers fighting for the heroin trade while
stealing billions from American tax payers, who
advocates the robbing, torture and the execution of
people accused of crimes without evidence, silently
stated Castro's history of winning every war Cuba fought
for as our humanity, is history not allowed to be known
by hell bound corporate american degenerates, who again,
have left bush the anti-Christ unchallenged in his lies
of hatred against the great Cuban people, who have
elections, and a health care, education, and
agricultural system that works for the betterment of
all. With bush as an extremely stupid bribe reciever to
be a subsidizer of lucrative peas and lentels. Then of
course it has been repuglicans backing to overthrow
democracies in America and abroad openly, like recently
in Venezuela, and in their hatred for US, actually
support only the oppressors in China, who violate OUR
human rights, as also sanctioning medicine and food for
children in Iraq. Mr. bush, the terrorist responsible
for 9/11, stated he would continue to advocate on behalf
of America the continuation of attack against Cubans,
until there were fair elections. Now, every day you
don't witness CNN covering how elections are covered in
Cuba, is another day you recognize CNN as not American,
for them to hide bush's contempt for the human race, as
he continues to rob Americans of Justice for themselves.
Public money through corporate welfare, or all out
frauds is not what buys your election to keep the
general masses in ignorance praying, but ideas rule our
universe. Repuglicans don't want the Cuban people to
succeed, as they would on equal ground, because they
have always fought for Justice, freedom, and liberty
nationally. Cubans can travel freely, while Americans
are forbidden. Mr. bush actually suggested that the
batista cartel was democratic. Where is CNN I ask
everyone? Then of course there is knowing the hatred
for all humanity in every unjust cowardly war, America,
the nazi nation has committed or funded against all of
our humanity, as the bad bush families tie to hitler.
This is why CNN never tells America about the wars that
Cuba has won with US as the truly brave and strong.
Just look at Monsanto and Ethyl corp., like rumsfeld and
bush escaping prosecution, while recieving payments from
tax payers to be robbed, poisoned, or murdered in New
York city, and you'll begin to see our point of nazi
attrocities commited against our humanity by CNN and
company. Willingly, as a nation of slaves, with
soldiers refusing to protect the American Constitution
as the rights of every American. No leadership but for
traitors who have murdered and would murder their own
brothers, like rumsfeld and bush in New York city.
During the Elian Gonzales fiasco, I wrote several papers
covering the facts CNN refused to inform Americans of.
I encourage you to type ("Johnny Wizard" and Elian or
Cuba) in a search engine, to read my statements, and
find too, no factual rebuttals in disagreement, but for
those like repuglicans, who demand censorship to
continue with evil lies, to steal our livelihoods,
because they have no real skills, but to threaten the
murder of ourselves as innocent, being taken as cowards.
Like those american nazi soldiers we witnessed
celebrating bombing who they knew to be innocent
villagers. We want bush and rumsfeld arrested, or
executed as traitors to our humanity today.
P.S. Constable Macdonald of the RCMP, at, the we don't
know what to do in Ottawa I presume, has refused to
return my calls for the return of my property, while
telling me, yes, telling me, she can't have an opinion
on the evidence I have made public against bush the
world terrorist, nor why we as the law in a democracy,
stop a criminal transgressor murdering nazi fascist
savage from reoffending against ourselves as innocent
bystanders. She does claim to be a paid police officer,
too busy to pay attention to an important moment in her
policing carreer, or, she really is just not too sure
about anything. So I plead to you, help me help her to
be a good cop as yourself, simply link my words to your
unread condemnation, arguable challenges, or snide
remarks. In as so, it makes it's more fun for someone
secretly on behalf of the nazi bushmobsters, to censor
our facts without them going undetected the Universe
over, looking cowardly, evil, weak and stupid. To do
so, doesn't mean you agree with me on everything, but
that you support the struggle of freedom to speak
without fear, and in as so, the betterment of all as
humanity reaching for higher ground. If you would only
believe in yourself, and Justice for US all as equals,
there is no telling how far we can go. So, take it easy
strangers, and I'll see you sooner than never.
VisionTV "The Great Deception"
Thank again.
Johnny Wizard

What do you know?
Hi everyone, so, what do we know? Mr. bush made plans
to attack Afghanistan just prior to 9/11, for not

signing a contract with Unocal, which would have given

Enron access to LNG. For without, they as members of
the bushmob, would face their impending criminal
bankruptcy, revealing they were stealing from any as all
Americans, their life savings. Without the illegal war
against the struggling to be better Taliban, the bushmob
would have been exposed without fear by America, and
soon, we would have all faced a bright new day
understanding further, the importance of Justice for
humanity as ourselves deserving not to be robbed from.
None of the evidence indicated Afghanistan, and by bush
running without judgement with his plan made prior,
showed a willingness to not apprehend the true culprits,
while warmongering a fury in bigoted corporate America,
to attack our humanity without thinking, or
understanding the reasons why the American Constitution
holds still respect, for it's wisdom granting
protections to the people as we are, individuals with
rights to be represented as equals under the law, in
defence against the evils of humanity, of which, our Mr.
bush willingly as a demon, works to destroy US as the
too weak and cowardly as terrified to know better to
speak up for themselves rightly.

and liberty? Americans, like our corporate news

services in Canada also, are expected to not report the
murder of ourselves in Afghanistan, excusing their
contempt for themselves as God, to name ourselves,
demonized willingly trying to take you to sacifice your
rights as censored for bush to steal from our families
escaping prosecution. I call news agencies, who as
individuals, see no responsibility to ourselves as
community. I recieve only refusals as excuses to deny
ourselves equal access. Why? They, like deer caught in
the headlights, or swimming in the, it feels so good to
be taken banker advertising, leave us to only death to
others they see not as themselves, be it thousands or
millions, than allow me to enter as simply a concerned
man named John to speak factually as documented, calling
for the immediate arrest of bush and rumsfeld the
murderers, to escape further bloodshed. Or, I'm
baselessly insulted without argument, ouch, or dismissed
as alarmist for screaming for the stopping of the murder
of US as really dying, while my, how am I going to
survive job prospects go vanishing, because of my
excellent research abilities on behalf of the humans.
CBC in Washington just refuses to report as Canadians.

Figuring what? If they just leave me to go it alone,
It'll be left looking only stupid? Mankind? Those that
struggle to stop me from speaking truly, do so almost
always without stated reason, while advocating, you, my
reader, to sit back and watch others sitting back like
would be yourself without thinking, to be robbed your
freedoms as earnings by the bushmob shysters. Check out
the advertised to be a public bulletin board at, post something critical of the nazi, our Mr.
bush jr., if there is something not yet removed by the
censor, to witness for yourself, what it means as
american, to sacrifice your soul for evil. The
corporate cult professionals expect us general masses to
be sacrificed for bush, the evil anti-Christ. This is
why again, I call on the rare truly brave and strong
soldiers in America, for America, The People, in this
trying time, to take down bush and rumsfeld who are
escaping the criminal arrests as our top suspects for
9/11, otherwise, as they are, they will continue in
corporate bred fear against ourselves destroying
American values like legal due process, indeed our
world's freedoms, while advocating huge thefts and wars
against us as innocent paying, or disspossesed as
unrepresented by the corporate establishment of

ignorance and greed. How do American soldiers feel

I need your help. I ask you to email this paper to
everyone in our governments that you can, friend or foe.
I am not, nor will I ever be running officially for
political office. I don't want to war anyone personally
if need be, but those who murder us as innocent, taken
as unrepresented without Justice through private news
corporations, I will be making a stink over. I wish to
stand behind our acclaimed scientists, and debate with
reason, those who in ignorance, make our lives worse
than they need be. Now, I've done this already in my
last 60 or so papers, while being occasionally dumb
myself, so, well... It's time for me to finally
vacation!!! I am excepting any offers to visit
somewhere exotic where they'll offer me some good grub,
and a place to rest my blaming skills. I know a couple
card tricks, can strum a guitar, and can also speak at
some length on whatever. I do promise to not overstay
my welcome.

Thank you for everything,
Johnny wizard

It's too later
Tell me, where are Ashcroft supporters destroying the
Constitution? Tell me, who's rights are in "The Bill of
Rights"? The Declaration of Independence? The public
Court of our peers, evidence requirement to prosecute
the otherwise innocent? You know, civilization?
Sacrificing hundreds of American soldiers for a
Enron-Dutch shell-Iran contra-oil pipeline cocaine
heroin deal to punish Americans even further by
increasing crime statistics? To not go to practically
free hydrogen? A military dictatorship that plans now,
according to CNN's dumbfuck wolf blitzer with cheney, to
murder maybe hundreds of thousands of innocent families
in Iraq, of which amerika has stolen the lives of more
than a million already, to place the land in nazi
Israel's hands to deny US Catholics, Muslims, Jews, and
Atheist Palestinians freedom to live peacefully there
either. However, it's mostly just bush, rumsfeld, and
Ashcroft standing up there as the axis of evil, with
corporate censorship of our facts as truth waging deadly
war against US all, that they think we don't see them
as. Largely, because as real evil is, their dumber than
door knockers, unchallenged by lifeless corporate
standards, murdering our families as stolen from without
public representation. We need some crazy guy to
pretend he's Jesus, Allah or something freaky like that
to attempt to save humanity from really dying as too
stupid to try to make it to the corporate news channel
as ourselves, eh?

American Corporate Bleeds
the humans!

It's Nothing

wish to point to those repuglicans ultimately

A Better Way

Like the bushmob
partner's theft of billions through Enron, of which in
Congressional hearings, nobody wanted to know the
pension money is still sitting in the Cayman Islands,
ready to be returned to the helpless victims, like an
American soldier's family being deemed by Congress, as
unimportant to their standard of living. No care right
nazi soldier? Just murder innocent third worlders to
tell your mother how much you care so for her? While
the war criminals, working for Dutch shell, heroin
dealers, and the monsters from Iran-contra, rumsfeld and
tommy, the nazi fucks, search the third world for people
who speak outrage against corporate America funding our
deaths by murder through censorship. While I sit here
writing as Johnny, waiting for a corporate proffesional
to deem me worth topicing on as unstoppable sweet
goodness. Look, read of our no counter opinion critics
in google 'groups', who publicly call themselves morons
or traitors willingly. Spooky dumb I'll tell ya.


God Bless America

Mr. bush and rumsfeld need to be immediately arrested

Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning.


Who is Who?
Hello all. I am a challenger to the corporate
establishment of terror, perpetrated by censorship

against what is understood by many. Reason is based in

relationship to truth, as the absolute is in relation to
the infinite. Some ideas are more powerful than others.
It is this power of wisdom that corporate automatons
like Art bell and Chris Mathews, (suffering from
suggestive states of unawareness), who work tirelessly
to deny ourselves open communications to save ourselves.
Here is an example. Mr. sharon the corporate American
funded terrorist, steals people's property, actively
with intent murders innocent police officers trying to
protect our communities with a rule of law, as well as
civilians he argues to murder as a bigot nazi racist.
Arafat doesn't support vocally as a public leader,
stealing pillaging or murdering anyone of us.
Palestinians, as the Children of Israel, are Catholics,
Muslims, Jews, and Atheists. Nowhere in any Jewish

teaching does it condone blatant crimes against
ourselves as God through humanity. Mr. sharon condones

the crimes he says he condemns, but as extreme evil is,
doesn't understand why killing innocent people as a
terrorist is wrong as against God, the Torra of Moses,
or that he should be immediately incarcerated for first
degree murders, or executed by the real Jews for our own
salvation. Mr. bush's nazi America has attempted to
refuse the UN to count the dead innocent bodies. All
the arguments I've heard through CNN for those who
support his criminal actions replayed every day are
seriously absent reason as right wing fascist nazis

always have been as are so revealed to be in the light

of understandings. If someone commits a crime in
Nevada, and unfortunately gets away unapprehended, does
that mean, as bush or Art Bell from Parump, and sharon
would suggest through corporate censorship, we should
fund the execution of our police officers? Should bush
be allowed to steal all of Art Bell's property,
especially if Art Bell wasn't involved in anyway to the
criminal matter in question linked only secretly to bush
jr? Mr. sharon supporters would say yes, and would
kill anyone, because by and large, their mostly weak and
pathetic as criminals, as many proud self labeled
repuglicans are, and so is why, they in silencing us,
steal our freedoms by oppressing ourselves, believing
they have gained by making the rest of everyone else
lose to their ungodly like character. Art Bell recently
advocated world wide on radio, the procedures of the
nazi concetration camps as something American soldiers
as all militaries should do to their own spouses and
families as us victims silenced with Art's cooperation,
and as a coward nazi sympathizer, always censors callers
who talk truly about Israel, Afghanistan, or the
bushmob. Hiding from nobody, he is witnessed
deplorable, and a disgrace to all of humanity when

advocating the murder of those he knows to be innocent.

Why? Because he knows his political position of silence
falls as fearfull and ignorant by voiced reason, so he
sides to oppress all instead of looking not to, refusing
to face his responsibility as a real human being who
wouldn't act the way he does inattentively. Art Bell is
a favorite to bigots and racists like himself
represented, because he'll let them talk about killing
and warring endlessly. He's received almost every paper
I've written, and still espouses to kill the innocent
people in America, Afghanistan and in Palestine through
his deliberate denunciation of every plead for Justice
and reason as another opportunity for him to oh so
disgustingly, shut down US callers as all listen to his
contempt for ourselves as humanity struggling to survive
his silence but for to plead, "what is truth?", then to
hang up on the one answering. Christians are forbidden
to own property in Israel. What kind of unequal tyranny
based on bigotry is that? CNN tells us without any room
for question, that the murderous nazi dogs sharon orders

to murder us as people, must be thought of as our law of


But, mr.
bush has claimed that if I as an individual in Canada
disagree with himself disgarding our universal Justice
system, he will choose as he has, to be all our enemy
while murdering ourselves. Mr. bush has pitted himself
against humanity as all our Nature, by demanding by
threat we relinquish our rights as equal human beings
absent Justice for all eternally. Mr. bush the savage
and criminal is no diety, nor of a Christ mentality, and

certainly has no more rights to life than any one of us

others do who he works to steal from.

With a little luck
Mr. rumsfeld the rotten, the American Dream murdering
nazi savage, was reported recently to state yet again,

that mindless American soldiers don't want to take

prisoners, only murder them, or by leaving savage
lawless heroin dealers to do so. Prisoners as innocent
police officers who were protecting their communities to
the best of their growing better as the third world
abilities. Did you hear? The nazi american troops will
not, as they haven't, be providing any security to the
area, but to guard workers who are putting in bush jr.'s
'export only' oil pipelines already, robbing all of
Afghanistan openly, how deceived does bush think you are

to be? Gee eh? Mr. bush threatens to kill the
innocent people of Afghanistan in August because they

refused to take bribes like a repuglican, and insisted
on making the better choice on behalf of their nation.
Then 9/11. Mr bush doesn't want anyone to see the
evidence that implicates himself and rotten rumsfeld,
(the Enron share holder), almost entirely all evidence

available, then tells us as the anti-Christ, we don't
need any evidence, for we know without thinking who is

responsible under his criminal dictatorship absent
Justice Infinite. The Taliban, er.. no, the al-Qaida,
er.. no, just any civilians. Who is an al-Qaida? Do
they walk around with a neon sign above their head? No,
all I know for sure is their primary political position:
american corporations shouldn't be allowed to fund
military dictatorships, while murdering enslaved
innocent civilians stealing our livelihoods. Who
believes they should be murdered for holding such a
thought? Tommy franks does. Tommy franks who targets
almost entirely unarmed civilians, poor people, women
children he don't care, would tell you, as he has on
CNN, he doesn't know why, only but that he actually

enjoys murdering practically defenceless people by the
tens of thousands as a serial murderer while not

following any rules of Law, making him believe he's
actually human, when I personally would slay him today
as a monster happilly, as would any other real man of
hounor and dignity. He tells us he wants to go into
Pakistan to bomb civilians that he suspects, without any
evidence, to be worth murdering, because he thinks it
makes him oh so fucking powerful. Tens dollars Canadian
I'm offering for his immediate death sentence to face
the criminal convictions he thinks WE'LL let him
continue getting away with while we all fall down dead,
deprived, unheard from. But shoot, American soldiers
refuse to put their lives on the line to protect freedom

for Americans, and instead, side to murder and steal

Freedom is only garnered through Justice for all equally

Nobody deserves to be murdered, but a murderer escaping
to recommit

Flight 11, all ticket sales are accounted. How did

the repuglican nazi regime. Enron could never obtain

investors desperately needed, to attempt with capital,
to hide their crimes against all the American people,
without a binding contract, investors such as from the
multi-billionaires in the post WWII charity
organization, World Bank, of which as unocal, being

typical repuglican, only offered bribes to officials

from Afghanistan to hurt their nation they, as the
Taliban, truly believed in working for. As a another
example where these nazi vermin relate their uselessness
against us all from, Mr. phil gramm lobbied for slave
labour at 10 cents an hour for America, while sneaking
in a bill for California to have their electricity price
quadrupled, for his relatively paultry personal check of
one hundred thousand, while California citizens payed
billions and billions as stolen from without police
protection, as companies fell going bankrupt due to
gramm's assault, leaving many out of work to get

swindled even further by repuglican corruptions that run


March 11, 2002
Too many loose ends...
By Barrie Zwicker
... Yet at 6:30 the evening of September 11th NBC
Nightly News, along with many outlets, reported: "It
was after the attack on the Pentagon that the Air Force
then decided to scramble F-16s out of the DC National
Guard Andrews Air Force Base to fly ... a protective
cover over Washington, D.C." ...

Johnny Wizard

Johnny for King! Johnny for King! Johnny for King!

Apr 1, 2003, 5:27:31 PM4/1/03
to (AMERICA IS GREAT satan) wrote in message news:<>...

> (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<>...
made simple..

All for our ability to communicate freely

There is one thing that is strangely absent from our
news coverage as unbiased bushwhores who are actually
devaluing under the tyranny of the evil antiChrist, Our
Mr. Bush Jr., and that is..

Blix nor Elbaradei, nor Kofi, suggested, implied, or
stated, that Iraq had failed to comply with the newest
U.N. resolution: 1441.

I think Patriot Americans would be thankful for Canadian
friends and family who are supporting American troops by
pointing out with no contention but for censorship, that
American soldiers are being sacrificed for no known good
reason under the demon antiChrist, Our Mr. Bush Jr.,
again. The bushites tell US they wish to bring freedom
on the premise that Saddam wasn't dis-arming or
cooperating with US, a naked blatant lie, an attempt to
excuse bush's murder rampages as a terrorist against Our
families as the innocent, Ourselves represented by
thieves that are doing US harm by stealing our value.

HANS BLIX: "And at this juncture, we are able to
perform professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq
and to increase aerial surveillance..."

Does a bushwhore devolving society where we murder
ourselves on irrational suspicions to steal our worths
to give to the bushmob as victims, sound like a bad
preposition to you too friend? What is bush's panacea
of packaged eternal freedom absent Justice mean truly as
measured to you judged unfairly as the general Public
unawares? How EXACTLY is the bushmob going to liberate
the oppressed and disenfranchised without expressing
public knowledge on the subject on indivisibility? See?
If bush actually had evidence to truly believe Saddam
does in our present day have control as in political
possession, weapons of mass destruction, sold to Saddam
illegally by America to gas the enemy with the then,
full blessings from the great satan, bush would have
provided as such to the UN to be legitimately concerned
for "The People" in Uzbekistan included, right? He
would need to know where abouts he comes to understand
so, no? Mr. Bush Jr. couldn't be sure enough
otherwise to toss cowardly American soldiers as
worthless without meanings, to be sacrificed as he is
doing for financial private profit paid for by the
victimized public, could he? Soldiers so valueless to
Bill Hemmer, to not even speak out for themselves dying
at CNN headquarters. See, Bill knows bush's private
business partner, Amad, provided funding to 9/11's Atta,
to criminally secure Enron's pipeline through
Afghanistan by murdering highly successful American
business people. But we can suppose Bill is scared as a
cowardly unAmerican bushwhore, and would rather see the
true evil doers hiding in America behind the flag, get
away unaprehended to further toll good Americans for

All the actual evidence we have concludes, Iraq worked
directly to have the stock piles of WMD destroyed,
provided the paper work, the destruction sites, and the
individuals involved in that process. Inspectors had
100 percent access, to go anywhere bush, the false
accuser might suggest without having to murder anyone
from our family. Now, the disarmament process has been
sabotaged, and the terrorist threat against America has
increased. So, Iraq was in compliance, and because of
that, the bush demon, in violation of the article 51 of
the UN Charter, has murdered thousands with war crimes
as a terrorist recruiter. Making matters worse,
incompetent bush even had an opportunity to liberate Our
Iraqi family on world wide television, with what he and
tommy franks would fantasize for our ailing economy by
someone else to do the clean up chores. But, is it the
Universal health or educational system, or public
banking in Iraq that is not down to par as the american
nazi fancy that bothers bush so much?, such as laws
against discrimination for all persons, and evidential
findings being a requirement to determine the
measurement of Freedom for Justice to work. The People
in Uzbekistan, are the People in Iraq, are too the
People in America where Ashcroft and rumsfeld tell US
publicly, they wish to factually deprive Justice for
ourselves as equals. When questioned, both, Ashcroft
and rumsfeld have reiterated the demand that foreigners,
like illegally tortured innocent prisoners, don't
deserve the same protections that the American Bill of
Rights grants to all People, therefor, they as
bushwhores wish to treat others unjustly by letting
themselves, as would be nazi criminals, get away
unpunished in devolving bush's america. Right?
American war criminals are treated too good by the bush
administration in all honesty then? Karma is real world
existence, as life is politics ordered through chaos.
If the right is Just as organized deduction, the system
would treat all as equal principles. But again, bush
spew Iraq could be prosecuted for destroying their own
infrastructure, but those same laws don't apply to him
being above God, or anyone else in his administration of
wrong doers. It was on publicly verifying the Justice
process when the bushmob, as war criminals, turned
against the UN, indeed the world community, and began
murdering our families globally as war criminals with
depleted uranium dust for the next 4 million years or so
as bush victims, who will die suffering the criminal
bushite assault for generations, if an American Patriot
victim were man enough to execute the unarrested
American cop killer, our Mr. Bush Jr. yesterday. If
bush isn't even destroyed by the Love for Life in
godless talkradio america, he, as demon will as MSNBC
reported, unjustly continue to murder millions in sixty
countries as the Son of Man's enemy being the
antiChrist, the most hated and despised excuse for human
existence this planet will ever know factually. Just
ask Buddha. While the demon bush supporters, who
advocate blindly murdering our families like US teachers
and students through the censorship of our screams for
Justice as Humanity, who also advocate poisoning
American soldiers with cancer and warmed soft drinks,
would only simply tell us cheaply, it is because their
false deity bush, secretly knows better than everybody
else put together, including the FBI and CIA, (Better
than the mighty You even on everything?), therefor, they
don't have to THINK(!!!) And see?, alas, the mindless
bushwhore SLAVES neglect to mention as chatty personal
failures grasping for the authority of blind generalized
denouncements of our unique, independent selves, that
when their bush demon does go public in their devoted
namesake, (what with bush's evidence Saddam was six
months away from owning a nuke, Laden and Saddam
soirees, or Saddam gassed his own people) he, as demon
antiChrist, exposes his true contempt for human life
while falling as traitor protected by the always
doubtful, intolerant, ignorant, cowardly and criminal,
as censor advocates to stop life's will. I've been
telling loyal dumb functionally illiterate Police
officers and Soldiers to destroy the two prime 9/11
suspects, the unarrested, bush and rumsfeld, ever since
the bushmob declared Omar's interest in nabbing the 9/11
suspects by following the criminal leads, as a hatred
for American Freedom unthinking, and then continued on
to murder approximately 100,000 innocent people in
Afghanistan, now with the lucky survivors left worst
still off, with bush's commitment to not offer any aid
in nourishment, but as terrorist students, heroin
dealers, or Enron propagandists left forgotten by
American, er... CNN interests as dictated through bush

MOHAMED ELBARADEI: "At this stage, the following can be
stated: One, there is no indication of resumed nuclear
activities in those buildings that were identified
through the use of satellite imagery as being
reconstructed or newly erected since 1998, nor any
indication of nuclear-related prohibited activities at
any inspected sites. Second, there is no indication
that Iraq has attempted to import uranium since 1990.
Three, there is no indication that Iraq has attempted to
import aluminum tubes for use in centrifuge enrichment.
After three months of intrusive inspections, we have to
date found no evidence or plausible indication of the
revival of a nuclear weapon program in Iraq."

Now we witness american nazi soldiers using Iraqi human
shields just outside of Basra, committing further war
crimes by blowing up powerplants, residential buildings,
and bombing surrendering Iraq forces lying dead in a
ditch with white flags sticking up. Indiscriminately
murdering US good honorable people, and for what? When
the nazi soldiers finally stop murdering our families
irrationally as criminals, then what? If the nazi
bushwhores know the dictums for Freedom, why don't they
express them now instead of unjustly hurting God as all
people? These bushwhore acts are crimes against ALL
PEOPLES, and should be recognized publicly a such. The
evil bushwhores can't vocalize their mindless support as
cowardly betrayers to the human cause, and instead,
censor our voices on the public airwaves while they
freely propagandize our communities on the benefits of
pillage and murder as terrorists under the antiChrist,
Our Mr. Bush Jr... The war profiteers have already
taken billions from the American People. Cost is paid
by the uneducated illiterate tax payers as collateral
damaged, and the war profits go into the private pockets
of the smirking bush mobsters while killing dumbfuked
american soldiers, as traitors to the American cause,
freedom and Justice for all. God's son as creator
included. Anyone who supports evil bush's war crimes
against our family by censorship, then murder, is the
enemy of America, and on all that she stands strong
united by God unheard from still suffering.

How many North Americans know that this bush assualt
against the citizens of Iraq and American soldiers, is
in violation of the US Constitution, the U.N. charter,
the Hague and Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Charter,
and the laws of armed conflict? So therefor, should we
as terrorists, blow up the White House, the Pentagon, a
few downtown districts along with maybe 10,000 other
targets while spreading toxic waste, including an urban
war conflict against the evil bushites, or instead,
should we Just demand as Patriots, Mr. bush Jr. be
IMMEDIATELY arrested or executed for treason against the
old red, white, and blue?

What do you think?

Johnny Wizard


Total Eclipse

You'd imagine for intelligence to be as of knowing,
would as being, ultimately progressive in dimension as
Nature is survival. Without, is the difference from a
dud never happening to be thought of without a first
place to even begin from. Vroom Vroom. Life ourselves
is a living plan to adapt to a changing environment, as
related to a present state we might even call present
day as realized. We, as the politic called this Twenty
First Century, are of ourselves blatantly cheated
unfairly by our knowing to be known better, but just not
heard from to complain over. Life's failure to
communicate comfort for yourself as freedom on where we
are wherever being normal, is an achievement we have
little to be proud of, as the disenfranchised from
Humanity suffering bush Jr.'s contempt for God as the
living, is really a big downer man. Now especially,
with the unjust criminal demon tyrant as the controls
enslaving everybody.

Nobody would want to be deprived our freedoms to life,
by living to not deprive those same rights of Justice
from any other, God especially as equal potential for
all Justified to freely wonder of this life beginning as
forever always we do without saying even. It could seem
as so unbelievably magnificent being of a contemplation,
that we can not be contained by example to be completed.
(Hint: God is a thinker unparalleled in vision.)

I can't pretend insight as wisdom truly, but we can
learn from living to do something for yourself as anyone
like Jesus would do filling in as Joking in all
seriousness: "I wonder about this, going to show up
defending ourselves as whom again son?"

Blitzer's recent special on the Gulf War Syndrome, was a
exceptional professional production, open and candid
with our science of measure, and with legitimate
concerns, telling of many who say bush isn't listening
like he should be. As too, has CNN's coverage been
questionably more balanced as importantly aware of
facing, for what we may have taken all for granted. Mr.
bush certainly isn't going to be selling dialog anytime
soon, unless he has to by confrontation on our true
behalf concerned. As where much is really on the line
regarding our longevity, or survival as the human
species... Particularly the seriousness of bush and
rumsfeld, not moving to get the perpetrators caught for
9/11, again,

not moving to get the perpetrators caught for 9/11,

is a Challenge for true Freedom that confronts US all as
individuals, as the lost bush wager is Our chances to
survive as the living. We must stop allowing bush to
continue criminally warring our world as bushmobbed
slaves, a real world seriousness so huge, You actually
have to be as important to the final mark you draw for
as yourself included. Then, when this finally makes the
scene worldwide, wow, what a development we would have
here then right? We have never been in doubt of
something existing as ourselves for somehow sure now as
forever was.

Every single one of us including God as the Atheists
too, are expected to go quiet as murdered during the
criminal bush pillaging process of our values
established through 50,000 years of evolution. 50,000
years brings us too far forward, to then want to jump
blindly back with bush to 1079 there abouts, to learn
all about God the hard way again.

Who shall you be of Christ asks as God eternal? This is
Your Place of all places to do what you will as. What
is this World then you are of, as secret to all anyway
not known ever?

God the magnificent.

Hi buddy! Johnny here, son number one.., I hope things
are going well as imagined loves. I figure to say hello
as being of the great cosmos, would be in thanks for
such privilege to conjure such imaginings, then anguish
of silent desperation at the needless hardships that
befall all, without yourselves as the would be
represented by ourselves politically speaking to learn
from our mistakes, as a benefit to witnessing our
stupidity. Then progress can be achieved through
upgrade as qualified. Understood as paving a path to
natural sustainability by listening to you as
amazing...! National News programs should consider
taking calls for comment as wanted participation, maybe
even for entertaining US as the masses, shown as
contributions on our actual state of talking as the
global community transfixed by blank wonder, while the
bushmob actively as openly, publicly, right out in your
name as dishonored even, continue to plunder US as
unaware to speak of. Blind stumbling fools we are of as
God all alone frightened.

I want to tell you, we was all those stupid names I
called you stranger, and I just hope we can move with
ourselves to a better world for you as measured. As to
be understood so by anyone. This Universe needs us.

I believe that if America as National, took political
calls struggling for open dialog to greater feats in
understanding, Americans would be asking about bush's
complicity in the Afghanistan tragedy as soon as it was
published as fringe magazine covers in Time, Newsweek,
BusinessWeek and others, repeatedly silenced by inaction
through censorship to pursue final outcomes with the
principle actors participating. America wants to
publicly hear Niaz Niak's comments, if he is giving
interviews, and we want to know of officers like Robert
Wright in the FBI, and CIA involved in 9/11
investigations, like the bushmob's General Ahmad, and
the insider trades that got ansy over at the last minute
left trace able, and we want some answers now Goddamn
it!, before bush and rotten rumsfeld go any further as
Our risk in Jeopardy as criminals.

For two hundred:

"He ordered by our will, the murder of more than 100,000
innocent people in Afghanistan to save criminal Enron
from our judicial proceedings. With ingeniously
sacrificing Americans in the Twin Towers as a publicity
tour send off while introducing himself to US all and
God too, as a war mongering world terrorist crime
recruiter as evil incarnate, a true enemy to himself as
all of humanity discounted."

Johnny, "Who is bush Jr., the anti-Christ".

Jesus, we need real leadership. Leadership by factually
discussing top priority Nation protecting. Like our
Wars and famine we inherit for lack of thought on action
as remedy practicing. Needless bush wars buy famine
from stock priced investments for murdering ourselves as
anyone marketed unfairly. Not telling of dividend
pay-out increasing the cost of losing out for the stupid
people falling dead from the dire bush shenanigans as
not qualified. You know, the tower toppling sinister
criminal as evil in design, Our Mr. bush Jr.,
unarrested in America of all places, but as unelected
President too? Okay, I'm crazy, and a little scary
sometimes too, but isn't bush as anti-Christ surely more
disturbing as the manner of his deception is against us
all that includes himself not knowing?

Mr. bush's criminal world policy, is to unjustly be
represented by ourselves as the bush thieves, with
practically no skill but for killing indiscriminately
ourselves as weak, pathetic, cowardly nazi bastards
stupidly protecting evil bush to continue, as our false
deity apposed to God's will. Justice.

Lost we were for lack of understanding our true Nature
as proposed to be politically at peace with all Peoples
committed to Freedom through Justice for all, wanted
around everywhere to ask of. God even. For, already
enshrined as a, to be living challenge, is survival.
You are of all things certain as living is included,
with more revelations in, "Hold The Horses!", by yours
again, Johnny Wizard.

Mr. bush demands we except his conclusion to wage war
in blind faith as terrorists, instead respected as
equals to judge actually what bush is doing that we
would not approve of publicly as victims unheard from as
not represented, yet. Mr. bush doesn't use US as
public information to conclude our Position, (like
Justice as practiced) nor, does even pretend to really
rely on facts as a basis for our conclusions. He
expects US to sacrifice for his personal contempt of our
shared values he knows not of, nor do many others in the
corporate underworld. Clearly, Our Mr. bush Jr. is a
bad guy, as a murdering war demon spewing threats
against US, as God in innocence, to placate his blind
hatred for living American as we envisioned.

Mr. bush demands to murder people for US as anti-Christ
being evil incarnate with contempt for You, the coming
of Messiah, or a Peace process to stop the bushmob from
criminally reoccurring offensive to US all as victims
left undefended, as not represented without a plan for
Justice, while bush falls US dead as innocent. Again,
demon bush is not my false-deity of hatred to God as
anyone, how about yourself friend? How does he do it do
you think? What has he never had to lose? (Education
is the Universal key to understanding the private
banking industry also.) Mr. bush damns himself without
living as his public convictions in practice being
American. So, who do you figure he is lying to as
stolen from? Just where might WE go if bush is left
unchallenged to continue to do so criminally in every
person's name as censored without voiced objection?
Without God to make a fuss about this freedom thing
already? Wake up!, we've been at war dying to teach the
bushmobbed for centuries. The bushmob, the four or five
demons that publicly press US for actually murdering
millions as the Innocent, are the enemy to humanity this
world over, ash anyone. I hate that American cop killer
bush as much as any real man would.

Mr. bush must be arrested or executed for 9/11

I simply don't know where you are from me, being
everything thing here you are now of likewise born to a
beginning that is always starting at the strengths of
conviction contained as unbound freedom through the
constition of God, being Universal balance naturally
occurring for all eventually, in theory never found to
suppose so. I guess. (We are like so alone as
everybody.) Only words can play as it is this shared
music, this believable wonder we have for when being so
in contemplation as the here after hours, going nowhere
still suffering for nothing while celebrating our
dwindling supplies as fortunes lost to Our bush Jr.'s
real world incompetence. Fortunes!

Look, it's all God's fault too,

These basics, compel me, the actual standing King as
realized Johnny dude from outer-space, to see what we
have does prove our love true as America the beautiful,
existing in our hearts as an almost forgotten dream.
Inescapably, an awakening given all as a matter of
believing in as a voice worth reckoning with is Ours.

Art is a pleasure to listen from as living the way this
works for good sometimes too, eh? I've imagined if
there could ever be a written work that could change the
world, and so, here we were already singing,

Johnny Wizard


Holy Jesus Man!

We have repeatedly witnessed, CNN and CBC refusing to

demons, can murder anyone on the face of this planet to

steal our lives in OUR names as US innocent. Mr. blair
and the bushmob have recently stated, that they have no
evidence that Saddam has any WMDs, nor, is any threat to
OUR WORLD community, and because of that, if the
inspectors find no weapons, and Saddam insists it is
because he doesn't have any, this, accordingly, would
give these criminal master minds a cause to murder
hundreds of thousands of innocent people, if not
millions, and steal all the assets of the Iraqi people,
while destabilizing our entire endangered species. They
are mass murderers, threatening humanity to recommit
more murder as TERRORISTS! Never while I stand ALIVE
evil nazi dumb fucks. KILL BUSH NOW! Hey, have you

heard about rotten rumsfeld's P2OG? "O", as in Oh

rumsfeld is truly an evil fuck! Apparently, rumsfeld
wants to provoke terrorist activity to murder ourselves
as innocent cilivilians, as an opportunity to invade any
country he wants to rob and plunder further. Also, most
importantly, according to the official documents, rotten
rumsfeld figures it would be important when he and his
mobsters commit these crimes, it be understood, that
nobody be able to trace it to himself, or his partners
in crime, so they figure, the criminal acts should be
carried out through his department at the pentagon,
then, get this, he won't therefor be accountable, or
scrutinized by the American people through corporate
news channels. The offical pentagon report details

You see the American cop killer unelected bush or blair,
tommy franks the death squad recruiter child killer,
unelected rumsfeld or unelected cheney, unelected

poindexter or unelected ashcroft, you kill them

instantly for attempting to escape the criminal arrests
of those responsible for mass murder of Americans in New
York City. You either shoot them dead on the spot, or
tear them to pieces with your bare hands God lovers. No
legitimate judge, jury, or police officer, would do
anything but commend you for saving OUR lives. The
bushmob our threatening our entire humanity with
criminal murders to rob from ourselves deliberately.
Counting on american nazi troops to mindlessly slave to
their orders, soldiers so unbelievably dumb, weak, and
cowardly to allow the bushmob to rob not only from their
own parents and children, but even themselves as they
fall dead as cowards, before they even dare to publicly
ask questions about what the fuck they're actually

doing, that frankly, leaves me even beginning to have my
own doubts.



My Divine Right

fascist bastard, to keep intentionally lying to American


Excerpt, Chapter 5


fired today. You see the nazi bastard, you fire him, do

you hear me People? AMERICA? Johnny...? Mr. Myers, your


While we now learn from public disclosures on Connie
Chung, apparently, George Tenant, had only 3 CIA officers
investigating Laden just prior to 9/11. While I
remember last year it was alledged on PBS, the CIA had
taxed the American public nearly 10 billion on those
investigations regarding Laden over the previous year,
but, hmmm, bush forbade police agencies, the pursuit of
such investigations with his secret W199i directive.
Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden
inquiry was frustrated"

George Tenant must be questioned on these matters, and
his relationship to General Ahmad, then arrested
regarding his inaction on the insider stock traders for
9/11. If neither happen in a timely fashion, he too,
will be destroyed by US American Patriots for treason.

Excerpt From:


From a smart thinking, great commenting archive
sifting site somewhere titled,

Print Think

Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President
By Neil Mackay, Sunday Herald

A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and
his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime
change' even before he took power in January 2001.

The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a 'global
Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice- president), Donald
Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W

Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The

document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And
Resources For A New Century, was written in September 2000 by the
neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf
region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power.


The PNAC report also:


- hints that, despite threatening war against Iraq for developing weapons of
mass destruction, the US may consider developing biological weapons -- which
the nation has banned -- in decades to come. It says: 'New methods of attack
-- electronic, 'non-lethal', biological -- will be more widely available ...
combat likely will take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace, and
perhaps the world of microbes ... advanced forms of biological warfare that
can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the
realm of terror to a politically useful tool'


Destroy bush now, and be loved by all as God.

Hey, great! You've actually read this far. Say,
listen... Google, for one reason or another censors my,
and who knows who elses, posts for fear from the
bushmob. The bushmob through Google 'Groups' has no
problem with posts encouraging war crimes by bigots, but
my rational posts regarding the nature of Justice, they
have determined for US, is inappropriate, while bush
prepares to criminally war our world to actually do so
as an unelected mass murdering nazi savage. So I ask
you to have faith in living, and give us your thoughts
on this for yourself. When it's reposted, it makes it
far more difficult to disect from public viewing, and
gives the likely good people at Google, a viable excuse
to not continuing to do so against our better interests.
To comment this post with whatever position you may have
regarding these important subjects, doesn't mean you
agree that we are God, or I'm simply Johnny Wizard, but
for open free communications regarding the true
political state of ourselves worth being heard from.
Murdering innocent people for evil bush and rumsfeld to
steal from ourselves, is a sacrifice in cowadice, I for
one, refuse to stand for as the living. How about you?

Public rebutals regarding my supreme stupidity are found
in alt.sercurity.terrorism.

Thanks friend,

Johnny Wizard


All Wrapped Up

Johnny Wizard

John Griffin

Apr 2, 2003, 2:30:11 AM4/2/03
to (Johnny for King! Johnny for King! Johnny
for King!), a seriously screwed up cretin, wrote

Actually, the poor fool didn't write anything.
He just regurgitated the same old stuff.

Do you wear a funny little suit while you're cutting and
pasting mindless horseshit for your next idiotic post?
If not, you should. You could rent a clown suit.

Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)

Apr 2, 2003, 10:10:48 PM4/2/03
On 1 Apr 2003 23:30:11 -0800, (John
Griffin) wrote in

Johnny already *owns* his own clown suit.
"THis was is easy -------------------- NONE"
"Hawkeye" solves the eternal mystery, in message-ID: <NVpaa.6189$>

(This sig file contains not less than 80% recycled SPAM)

Sarcasm is my sword, Apathy is my shield.

Free Knowledge - Bring your own container - Free Knowledge

Apr 3, 2003, 6:56:03 PM4/3/03
to (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<>...

> You've accomplished that apparent goal a dozen times over.
> Your "useful" life is past

What? I haven't even begun to raise Caine! The evil bushites will
never destroy all that is good, wise, and Just in this Universe. A
bushite is not only an enemy of God, Humanity, and America, but also
to themselves as degenerate murdering nazi savages, who when upon
waking, will eat bush alive as enemy of all that is America, like a
Soldiers parents left robbed by bush, a soldiers child, robbed by
bush, and a soldiers brother, cousin, and neighbor robbed, poisoned,
and left for dead as a dying coward to all a real soldier has ever
fought for.

American nazi soldiers are weak, pathetic cowards, primarily,
functional illiterates to serve as victims under the crimes of their
false idol, Our Mr. bush Jr.


What do you think?

Johnny Wizard


Total Eclipse

God the magnificent.

For two hundred:

world over, ash anyone. I hate that American cop killer

bush as much as any real man would.

Mr. bush must be arrested or executed for 9/11

Johnny Wizard


Holy Jesus Man!

Have you heard the Revelations from India's government

to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle

terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's,
General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal
confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it
was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist
plan existing as once top secret presidential documents,
and, that this same general, was also responsible for,
according to several members of the Senate Intelligence

Committee, developing the said war strategy of invading

Afghanistan on behalf of the evil bushmob, with the very
anti-human premise, of blaming bin Laden for a crime
without any evidence to substantiate our public
accusation, to murder more than a hundred thousand,
plus! A crime, 9/11, I will remind you, that for when
the evil plan was devised, hadn't even yet taken place.
But was threatened would happen, if the Taliban didn't
side for Enron's interests in serving for Ken Lay, one
of bush's many bum buddies. (They apparently do that
sort of thing on a regular basis, with all the members
in their secret meetings of the 'only Boners'
fraternity.) It doesn't take much either to understand
why rotten rumsfeld, corporate america's sweetheart,

(you know, the sadistic nazi war criminal who gets off

on murdering or torturing innocent people), told US he
wanted to have arrested those at the WhiteHouse and the
Pentagon, or even in the Military, who would dare as
Americans, to inform Americans what he and bush were
truly doing in their names.

Destroy the unelected unarrested heroin pushing American
cop killer war criminal, the demon we all know so well

as corporate america's false deity, the super evil doer
anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jr. Now Patriot Soldier, and

be loved by all as Savior. Or not, and be a thoughtless
degenerate, a cowardly regressing nazi bush slave, who
would sacrifice your own family as yourself truly,
because JESUS CHRIST, life is living to survive for
Justice, as God is warranted to be as ourselves, with
equal rights to being as is of US all included. Mr.
ashcroft tells Americans he is purposefully destroying
their freedoms as legal due process because he, as an
idiot, and a traitor, has to fight ourselves as a
terrorist blindly in Our names without American Justice,
but never explains his action, is asked to, nor could
he. As ashcroft, like most in the bushmob are, is
founded completely unqualified. Why doesn't ashcroft
move to have bush and rumsfeld arrested or executed
immediately by following the criminal leads for 9/11 on
behalf of Americans as an American?, what with all the
ample evidence documented as factual and everything?
Instead, decides too, like the demon bush demands in
attempt to sway his capture, that evidence will no
longer be mandatory for him to decide who should be
stolen from, as the left dead to be robbed as forgotten
by Justice denied to all as Godly. American soldiers
are truly as represented, weak, slow, and painfully

pathetic cowards, refusing to protect their own families

as a national defense measure, instead, as nazi dumfuk
bush slaves, willingly support the murder of would be
themselves as criminals, truly against US all as the

Mr. bush was quoted once again defending his
irrationality as criminal murder rampages against the
innocent as ourselves like he did in New York City with
rumsfeld, by stating,

"Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say
something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an

The evil anti-Christ figures he'll just continue to rob
and murder American Patriots while destroying freedom as
Justice for US all, and simply escape Your wrath by
corporate america making no fuss to speak in Our defense
as the still living to be underestimated as equals.

Destroy Our Mr. bush Jr. now, and be loved by all as
God would!

From: British News
July 17, 2002
Britain backs US plan for attack on Iraq
By Philip Webster, Political Editor

(Quoting the terrorist supporter blair, Philip was),

``To be TRUTHFUL about it, there was no way we could
have got the public consent to have suddenly launched a
campaign on Afghanistan but for what happened on
September 11.'' ...

Oh, so there was a criminal intent known also by

heard about rotten rumsfeld's P2OG? "O", as in Oh

rumsfeld is truly an evil fuck! Apparently, rumsfeld
wants to provoke terrorist activity to murder ourselves
as innocent cilivilians, as an opportunity to invade any
country he wants to rob and plunder further. Also, most
importantly, according to the official documents, rotten
rumsfeld figures it would be important when he and his
mobsters commit these crimes, it be understood, that
nobody be able to trace it to himself, or his partners
in crime, so they figure, the criminal acts should be
carried out through his department at the pentagon,
then, get this, he won't therefor be accountable, or
scrutinized by the American people through corporate
news channels. The offical pentagon report details

You see the American cop killer unelected bush or blair,
tommy franks the death squad recruiter child killer,
unelected rumsfeld or unelected cheney, unelected

poindexter or unelected ashcroft, you kill them

instantly for attempting to escape the criminal arrests
of those responsible for mass murder of Americans in New
York City. You either shoot them dead on the spot, or
tear them to pieces with your bare hands God lovers. No
legitimate judge, jury, or police officer, would do
anything but commend you for saving OUR lives. The
bushmob our threatening our entire humanity with
criminal murders to rob from ourselves deliberately.
Counting on american nazi troops to mindlessly slave to
their orders, soldiers so unbelievably dumb, weak, and
cowardly to allow the bushmob to rob not only from their
own parents and children, but even themselves as they
fall dead as cowards, before they even dare to publicly
ask questions about what the fuck they're actually
doing, that frankly, leaves me even beginning to have my
own doubts.



My Divine Right

fascist bastard, to keep intentionally lying to American


Excerpt, Chapter 5


fired today. You see the nazi bastard, you fire him, do

you hear me People? AMERICA? Johnny...? Mr. Myers, your


While we now learn from public disclosures on Connie
Chung, apparently, George Tenant, had only 3 CIA officers
investigating Laden just prior to 9/11. While I
remember last year it was alledged on PBS, the CIA had
taxed the American public nearly 10 billion on those
investigations regarding Laden over the previous year,
but, hmmm, bush forbade police agencies, the pursuit of
such investigations with his secret W199i directive.
Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden
inquiry was frustrated"

George Tenant must be questioned on these matters, and
his relationship to General Ahmad, then arrested
regarding his inaction on the insider stock traders for
9/11. If neither happen in a timely fashion, he too,
will be destroyed by US American Patriots for treason.

Excerpt From:


Print Think


The PNAC report also:



Hey, great! You've actually read this far. Say,

listen... Google, for one reason or another censors my,
and who knows who elses, posts for fear from the
bushmob. The bushmob through Google 'Groups' has no
problem with posts encouraging war crimes by bigots, but
my rational posts regarding the nature of Justice, they
have determined for US, is inappropriate, while bush
prepares to criminally war our world to actually do so
as an unelected mass murdering nazi savage. So I ask
you to have faith in living, and give us your thoughts
on this for yourself. When it's reposted, it makes it
far more difficult to disect from public viewing, and
gives the likely good people at Google, a viable excuse
to not continuing to do so against our better interests.
To comment this post with whatever position you may have
regarding these important subjects, doesn't mean you
agree that we are God, or I'm simply Johnny Wizard, but
for open free communications regarding the true
political state of ourselves worth being heard from.
Murdering innocent people for evil bush and rumsfeld to
steal from ourselves, is a sacrifice in cowadice, I for
one, refuse to stand for as the living. How about you?

Public rebutals regarding my supreme stupidity are found
in alt.sercurity.terrorism.

Thanks friend,

Johnny Wizard


All Wrapped Up

Johnny Wizard

John Griffin

Apr 3, 2003, 7:20:29 PM4/3/03

"Free Knowledge - Bring your own container - Free Knowledge"
<> wrote in message

> (John Griffin) wrote in message
> snpd
> >
> > You've accomplished that apparent goal a dozen times over.
> > Your "useful" life is past
> snpd
> What? I haven't even begun to raise Caine!

In that case, I'll give you some advice.

1) Get a message.
2) Express it succinctly and rationally.
3) Don't fucking babble like a newborn baby.
4) Begin your learning process. It's never too late.

Peter Twydell

Apr 5, 2003, 2:35:12 AM4/5/03
In article <>, Free

Knowledge - Bring your own container - Free Knowledge
<> writes

> (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<fd12f075.0
<over 1100 lines snipped>

Does anybody ever actually _read_ this sort of stuff?

Ying tong iddle-i po!

A delusional cult like, TV trance without any thought to care about our actual criminal behavior, is not good

Apr 15, 2003, 6:55:17 PM4/15/03
to (AMERICA IS GREAT satan) wrote in message news:<>...
> (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<>...
> > The "johnny wizard" cretin dared to come out from under his
> > bed long enough to emit the following cloud of gas:


Wait a Moment

We are standing in defense for your own rights as you
see ourselves. For me, I got some real troubles as
nature's servant of all I surmise, but for you, this
should be something of a special, uplifting dream
experience, then a quick return to the plight of
destruction bush has befallen ourselves as a war
criminal. So, here I am convinced, this just can't be
an illusion, bush did 9/11, then Afghanistan, now Iraq,
while having the goal, to actually ask US to pay him for
it with further gratitudes from God in appreciation. I
feel, worshiping the false-deity bush, in a delusional
cult like, TV trance without any thought to care about
our actual criminal behavior, is not a good philosophy
to practice as a living world body. The bushmob has
demanded no democratic conclusions by competing ideas in
democracies garnered through election, and governed
through law, instead, the bush demon war monger is going
to install a criminal dictatorship without explanation
to steal the resources of US people by proxy, all for
the corporately celebrated, anti-American bushmob
shysters, waiting to lie as appointed benefactors.
While practicing to use worthless soldiers pushing for
resistance, as demoted by neglection to pitiful
cowardice, too weak and stupid to seek the true enemy of
American Justice, who all the while as demising, will
proudly state bush as supreme commander to all their
fears, and while thanking, the smirking bush demon
pockets survival checks destined for vets, and soon to
be their grandparents security, naturally, left
undefended. Then there is of course the mentioned,
trillion dollar hustle, gone from the public school
system and into the falling margins, or just given free
for the taking if you have as the tax spender, no need
of public accountability.

The so called as costing, still found Iraqi resistance,
are individuals fighting the same cause as American
soldiers are taught to mumble as illiterate cowards.
"Saddam was terrible to the Iraqi people, depriving
ourselves of food and medicine for no known good reason,
and gave all US people losses for stolen profits.", then
off they go, murdering innocent people indiscriminately
with depleted uranium to pay the smirking bushmobsters,
again. Dying. For truly, bush is an irrational
murderer of innocent good Americans as soldiers alike, a
psychopathic depiction to his true evil self, US played
intolerantly ignorant, while he bares false witness
against our eternal family of all being humanity. Is
not what you too perceive of our world?, a reflection of
your own conclusion? If we believe we are of life when
perceiving an injustice, are we not moved to do
something in favor of our remedy? To challenge bush's
contempt for ourselves as the Public, is to demand
nothing less than known facts to conclude our guilty
verdicts, as otherwise, bush would be prosecuting the
innocent as God is US included, thank yourself. And for
what? All for our failure to communicate concern about
further dying as bushite victims. It has been reported
bush doesn't want to be accountable to the American tax
payer regarding the pilfering of America's Social
Security, like he wasn't to follow the criminal leads of
9/11 perpetrators, and too, surprise sunrise, the
allocation of public funds for his secret planned, not
publicly bidded for best price on every Iraqi Peoples
contract, (you know, the repaying for bush's war crime
tolls waged against your world as innocent victim),
payed for by the American tax payer getting further
swindled with the pretension, that robbing from
humanity, does not include themselves represented
politically. Our Mr. bush Jr. has decided not to do
good for Iraq and the American tax payer by opening our
floor to deal the world over on our best offers, but
instead, has decided to go privately as a criminal, with
top secret banned bushmob embezzlers to risk more
American soldiers by lying to their surviving siblings.
Charading for US they are, preparing to sacrifice more
Americans without a thought to Your cost my friend.
With strangely, no one at corporate control assessing
yet, "Hmmm.. Isn't it suppose to be the Iraqi people
who are to benefit for being in the cost analysis?",
and, "Okay, so where didn't American tax paid for
lawless destruction of our Iraqi public infrastructure
occur?", or another favorite, "Isn't demon bush just
plain evil to everyone, when he robs and murders America
like that without principles?"

Why is CNN not defending Our Mr. bush regarding the
torture of US innocent and alive without Human Rights in
Guantanamo Bay either? Micheal Mobbs. Is the bush
demon threatening You by his non-committal on Our issue
as ancient Civilization included? Arron Brown? Why can
not CNN be also of our artists, wise guys, best sellers,
or elected officials? When has CNN ever tackled Social
Security on behalf of the Democrats, or privatized
corporate swindles by Republicans who argue their
ineptness is on the level? What are Our priority issues
to resolve, if we have the stage for speaking as the
global community? Justice for all, would be in whose
favor?, when understood by anyone as unbiased? We are
of the order to the cosmos, and, as so, a good way can
have an even better way when we plan for results to win
with ourselves. Justice is freedom, and needs not
murder in bush's name to resolve conflicts peacefully as
dialoging in person. Iraq People can testify to their
Humanity, but CNN isn't listening for questions, or
asking for solutions for fear they may be wrong about
everything we are together, imbeciles to let bush
unjustly take US further to be willing victims going
silently to our graves. (And you think I'm spooky?)

All is dreamy. Still, we must quickly teach that
Justice is Ours, and injustice practiced, is an
injustice earned politically. Wether a bushite knows it
or not. An injustice against any, truly, is also, an
injustice against yourself, as God is good natured for
your concern. God can not save our world you perceive
without seeing life as a protector, not to fall victim
by our unrepresentative, top top secret, bushmob inner
circle of mirror images, excusing their talentlessness.
by criminally exposing themselves to unheard corporate
ridicule on our suffering. God is suffering a tyranny
through censorship of Our Mr. bush Jr.'s misconduct in
Your name. Example: Walter Issacson advised CNN story
writers to not report on Afghanistan death squads, under
a pretext that followed, don't forget all who died in
the towers. Forget what? That their lives were halted
by acts of murder? What is Issacson, nor anyone,
getting at about himself as unqualified to decide our
important to everyone matters of war time coverage? Or
how about, nazi soldiers running to let the 9/11
perpetrators escape arrest for Enron to get away without
payback for robbing American service people included.
Why? Because the bushite soldiers are too weak, stuck
as betrayers to their own falling comrades, dying
needless deaths so the bush demon can further ransack
America as victim.

In the whole big show Johnny, is there, inside everyone,
a potential cause for caring about our world as actually
worth something, I mean, to ourselves personally? Yes,
a potential, however, we're suffering for our contempt
of seeking for know how through rewarding ourselves with
info. We are all descendent to be Universal in our own
makings if we work for success together at our Human
levels, instead of as bush failures, by conforming
criminality against our living names politically, as the
pirated without equal representation, left to be
victimized as dumdum bushite whores, falling to a
tyranny of blatant, naked injustice falsely guised in
the corruption of the bush administration, as
ultimately, your intention for personal enslavement.
Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from?

What is as known, is where we can only hang our beliefs
of what have we gained. The FBI tell US that bush's
business partner, the unarrested General Ahmad financed
9/11's Atta. Seven of the alleged nineteen 9/11
highjackers were found to be alive, as some, American
trained Saudi national pilots with no evidentiary
terrorist connections made to back up the therefor
fraudulent allegations. Why would a would be terrorist
steal such identification to not be discovered being so?
(Or, how then were the names found as researched
material?(Remember: evil is dumb.)) Why would Atta pack
his final draft suicide letter for the important
flight?, of which as bushmob mastermind, would have been
aware of what was outlaid in his own words? Why would,
would be terrorists, publicly bicker in a restricted
lot, parking spot they snuck into at the airport, right
before a, why they were there, secretly planned criminal
mission?, as devote Muslims?, holy warriors of the
studious, God, what were you thinking about Quran???

From the Los angeles Times article
"Long-Exiled Chalabi Gets His Chance" by Robin Wright

""Clearly, the United States is not going to impose a
government on Iraq," Rumsfeld told reporters."

While blatantly, poker faced rotten rumsfled stated, as
a traitor to American soldiers who continue to die as
cowards he did. All for bushmob lies to commit further
injustice as anti-American cop killers. Sacrificing
American people for criminal gains, is the bushmob's
open offensive, as "We, the People", are apparently,
worth stealing from without public representation.

From a ZNet published article
"Crime Against Humanity" by John Pilger

""To initiate a war of aggression," said the judges in
the Nuremberg trial of the Nazi leadership, "is not only
an international crime; it is the supreme international
crime differing only from other war crimes in that it
contains within itself the accumulated evil of the
whole." In stating this guiding principle of
international law, the judges specifically rejected
German arguments of the "necessity" for pre-emptive
attacks against other countries."

Mr. bush Jr. must be immediately impeached, arrested,
or executed for treason against Ourselves as a
degenerating anti-American mass murdering, terrorist
plotter. While the UN is the closest thing we have to
world representation, and should help devise an Iraqi
Iraqi election of "The People", for Iraq. We, as "The
People", have to start somewhere on our journey to
wherever, and learning of our true strengths this way,
by god, seems like the ground to begin communicating
good intentions. Communicating on our Nature as
ultimate foreseen prevailer, is this dream of being, a
cause to helping yourself as a blessing included. (Not
much for a paycheck though I'm afraid.). Anyway, take
to mentioning this public work where ever you may
choose, for I think someone out there should be of
political affairs.

Presenting ourselves to meet the challenge of gaining
our own Humanity we are trying. Have faith that as the
Universe revolves around all things to be known of, so
too, is Life's true magnificence an honor to honor for.
Wow. You are a living dream, so, wake up and help out.

Thanks for sharing,

Johnny Wizard


Just Johnny

From "Some Evidence on Iraq Called Fake"
"ElBaradei's report yesterday all but ruled out the use
of the tubes in a nuclear program. The IAEA chief said
investigators had unearthed extensive records that
backed up Iraq's explanation. The documents, which
included blueprints, invoices and notes from meetings,
detailed a 14-year struggle by Iraq to make 81mm
conventional rockets that would perform well and resist
corrosion. Successive failures led Iraqi officials to
revise their standards and request increasingly higher
and more expensive metals, ElBaradei said."...

"The Institute for Science and International Security, a
Washington-based research organization that specializes
in nuclear issues, reported yesterday that Powell's
staff had been briefed about the implications of the
anodized coatings before Powell's address to the
Security Council last month. "Despite being presented
with the falseness of this claim, the administration
persists in making misleading arguments about the
significance of the tubes," the institute's president,
David Albright, wrote in the report."

Now, has any of this information ever to Your knowledge,
been offered by the American corporate TV, or the mostly
wicked evil american talkradio circuts as unbiasedly
providing US with the facts to form our own free
conclusions? Many of almost every phone-in talkradio
bigot program in bushwhore america, offers little or no
access for the general masses to participate by
providing factual information, nor do they provide much
but for officialized bushwhore newsfeeds, and yet as
traitors, will unjustly advertise themselves as American
to be pirates protecting the 9/11 perpetrators from
prosecution to commit further crimes against the
American People.

Example: Does Bill Hemmer, the bushwhore nazi traitor
of the American People, report of bush's business
partner Ahmad funding Atta, or the bushmob sabotage of
the FBI warrant, or Enron's "Dabhol Working Group"? We
should ask Hemmer and Blitzer how many innocent American
families they want to see murdered for stolen gain over
Your rights to be heard represented by ALL our police
agencies who have serious concerns.

Mr. powell the antiChrist disciple, deliberately, with
intent, propagandized, lied to American Soldiers
regarding the facts, so to be sacrificed for the
criminal bushmob, to steal further from their family
left unprotected under the bush regime, who are
currently robbing from every American Soldier's family,
their Social Security, while decimating the Constitution
through lawless rules of conduct to feed the likes of
the evil war profiteers who remain largely hidden from
public discussions, according to CNN's silence of

All of the bush demon stated goals for US People in
Iraq, could have better been accomplished without
dropping thousands of bombs on Iraqi infrastructure to
kill our families indiscriminately. But how then could
the bushmob steal from Americans their life savings
like, Freedom and Liberty by not sacrificing Americans
as unheard from?

Look, the AMERICAN FBI states bush's business partner,
the unarrested General Ahmad (associate of tenant)
funded 9/11's Atta. Are you as an American Soldier
going to let the bush demon continue to murder members
of your own innocent family, to steal further from your
devolving character? American Soldiers to not stand
strong with US for Justice, but injustice against God of
all people, will be hunted down, taught, or destroyed by
OURSELVES as "The People" guaranteed, US who hold that
freedom can only be granted by a Just rule of law to
protect ALL persons. Ask a bushwhore, why is tommy
franks, the death squad running child killer, dropping
thousands of American bombs to kill Our families in
Baghdad as a terrorist? Ask a bushwhore, why innocent,
good honorable people are tortured to death by sadistic,
nazi savages at Guantanamo Bay, while the 9/11
perpetrators are escaping prosecution?

Read The Guardian story, Innocent "Afghan prisoners
beaten to death at US military interrogation base", then
ask Yourself, if You won't destroy Our enemy, Mr. bush
Jr., who will save Yourself as actually worth something
to consider?

Quote from "Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and
Euphrates" by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian

"On March 21, the day after American and British troops
began their illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, an
"embedded" CNN correspondent interviewed an American
soldier. "I wanna get in there and get my nose dirty,"
Private AJ said. "I wanna take revenge for 9/11.""

See? I figure if Private AJ could actually read, and
use deductive reasoning, he'd likely kill the bush demon
himself, if he wasn't already dead as another sacrifice
for the bushmob to rob further from his practically
defenseless, barely surviving family.

Any American Soldier who doesn't KILL Our Mr. bush Jr.
and rumsfeld on site for treason and first degree
murders, is a coward as pitifully uninformed illiterate
nazi traitor to America, and on all we stand strong as

Listen friend, we all witness the refusal of our
corporate news giants, to allow ourselves, open free
discussions with the facts on our true losses. You too,
as many others, can also try contacting CNN, CBC, the
Chorus Radio Network, or Clear Channel about the
bushmob's Ahmad, the CIA's insider information, the
tommy franks death squads against Afghanistan families,
the U.N.'s March 7th conclusion, the privatization of
Iraq's assets into the clutches of companies like Dutch
Shell, but yet, they continue to censor Our voices,
while dictating we have no interest, concern, or
knowledge of such important subjects, while leaving our
brothers and sisters to be robbed and left for murdered
as cowards by the criminal bushites hiding behind the
once great American flag. Our private, for stolen cash
take news agencies have refused to allow Patriots speak
on any serious criminal issue that affects all our
lives. So, I as a human being am again, imploring you
to help yourself on behalf of all as God, by forwarding
this letter to church groups, police agencies, gun
clubs, and anyone You feel would be interested in having
Justice served by supporting the American FBI, and CIA,
to demand bush and rumsfeld be immediately arrested for
public trial, or executed for murdering good Americans
in New York City. Otherwise, unjust evil bush Jr. as
antiChrist, will continue as he has planned according to
"top secret" Presidential Directive Documents reported
on by MSNBC, documents authored in part with 9/11's
Ahmad, a super evil plan to decimate the living economy
of illiterate America, (lowest rates of the developed
world) while committing further mass murder with
unending wars to murder Our discounted Families. Our
Mr. bush Jr. is God's most hanious war criminal that
WE shall ever factually known of.

Did you hear of the evil bushmob's plans for Iraq?
According to several resources, apparently, the bushmob
war criminals want to install 21 ministers in the new
bushite Iraqi government, all 21 American. Two examples
given are of a Previous Dutch-Shell military
dictatorship fender to run the intended to be privatized
oil ministry, while the new finance minister will be
advised by an Iraqi exile, an exile who hasn't been in
Iraq since 58, but since then, has been publicly tried,
and convicted in absentia of massive, multi-million
dollar bank fraud in Jordan. When the State Department
discovered this evil horror of further bushmob
stupidity, they politely suggested it was the State
Department's position to handle such issues, while 9/11
perpetrator rotten rumsfeld seethed with rage, demanding
that nobody but him and wolfowitz will be allowed to get
involved in the open, blatant, criminal intent to rob
further more from the Iraqi People. (Evil is dumb I
told you.)

I alone, for one, say no more bush offences against Our
better Judgements. Destroy demon bush now, and be loved
by ALL as family.


away un-apprehended to further toll good Americans for

All the actual evidence we have concludes, Iraq worked
directly to have the stock piles of WMD destroyed,
provided the paper work, the destruction sites, and the
individuals involved in that process. Inspectors had
100 percent access, to go anywhere bush, the false
accuser might suggest without having to murder anyone
from our family. Now, the disarmament process has been
sabotaged, and the terrorist threat against America has
increased. So, Iraq was in compliance, and because of

that, the bush demon, in violation of article 2 of the

I am,
Johnny Wizard

Johnny Wizard

Total Eclipse

God the magnificent.

For two hundred:

Johnny Wizard


"Peace Now" <> wrote in message

Time to tell



To do so, doesn't mean you agree with me on everything, but
that you support the struggle of freedom to speak
without fear, and in as so, the betterment of all as
humanity reaching for higher ground. If you would only
believe in yourself, and Justice for US all as equals,
there is no telling how far we can go. So, take it easy
strangers, and I'll see you sooner than never.
VisionTV "The Great Deception"

Johnny Wizard

John Griffin

Apr 15, 2003, 11:51:00 PM4/15/03
The programmed cretin who laughably calls himself "wizard," writing as (A delusional cult like, TV

trance without any thought to care about our actual criminal behavior,
is not good) wrote

> [ 200k compendium of mindless anti-Bush diatribes ]

I wish I could help you with your problem, but I have one
request in case I happen to find a way. Whatever you do if
you happen to find a cure for whatever shit is happening
between your ears, DO NOT write me a 10,000 word thank-you
note. Okay?

Note that this does not mean I don't feel sorry for you.

Carl R. Osterwald

Apr 16, 2003, 10:44:27 AM4/16/03
In article <>, John
Griffin <> wrote:

> The programmed cretin who laughably calls himself "wizard," writing as
> (A delusional cult like, TV
> trance without any thought to care about our actual criminal behavior,
> is not good) wrote
> > [ 200k compendium of mindless anti-Bush diatribes ]

He must be Min's second inbred cousin or something, judging by the
number of nicks he goes through.


"The Entities' message for the day is that they are space
colonists from Sirius, who initially had settled on the
Red Planet Mars, before moving on to our Earth."

-- Kansan1225 on window pane again.

Alfred Einstead

Apr 17, 2003, 5:10:17 PM4/17/03
John Griffin <> wrote:
> The programmed cretin who laughably calls himself "wizard," writing as
> ([sentence-name deleted]) wrote:
> > [ 200k compendium of mindless anti-Bush diatribes ]

"Carl R. Osterwald" <> wrote:
> He must be Min's second inbred cousin or something, judging by the
> number of nicks he goes through.

Well, let's give Mr. Sentence-Name something else to worry about,
won't we? Maybe that'll distract him/her/it a bit.

From elsewhere on the USENET:
Water and electricity cut off in Basra

"William Black" <> wrote:
> Anyone got a cite (apart from the obvious) that this was a deliberate
> act by anyone?

We can objectively determine this by doing an Google search for
actual references to the act, PREDATING the war.

Advanced Google Groups Search
Starting Date: (as far back as Google goes)
Ending Date: March 19, 2003 (the day before the war started)
With ALL the words: Iraq
With the EXACT PHRASE: Shut off the city's water supply


Hmm... we got a hit. Very interesting.

And even more interesting is that there is only one hit in
the entire history of the USENET predating the war.

Perhaps it was an act secretly dictated from behind the
scenes by a hidden power of evil. Could it be that our worse
fears have been realised? Let's see:

Advanced Google Groups Search
Starting Date: (as far back as Google goes)
Ending Date: December 31, 2000 (the end of the 20th century)
With ALL the words: destroy world Armageddon
With the EXACT PHRASE: I am the Anti-Christ


Well, that's interesting. In all the history of the USENET
during the 20th Century, there was one and only one instance
of any person making the abovementioned wicked declaration
in the context of direct references made to Armageddon and
destroying the world.

And who might it have been? Uh oh. Apparently, it's the
same person!

I think we may be on to something here. Or maybe it was
only a coincidence. Let's see...

That image of the statue of Saddam falling to the ground.
Obviously manufactured propaganda. But who engineered the
whole thing?

Once again, we look for actual references predating the

Advanced Google Groups Search
Starting Date: (as far back as Google goes)
Ending Date: April 8, 2003 (the day before the incident)
With ALL the words: Towering Collapsing
With the EXACT PHRASE: Statue of Saddam


Well, this is interesting. On all the USENET (via Google), there
is only one reference to be found predating the event. Only one

Let's see who it is. Oh my! It's apparently the same person!

This is getting interesting. Let's try something else. The United
Arab Emirates came up with a proposal to have the Arab League run
Iraq as a collective mandate. That was made some time around the
beginning of March.

Perhaps this, too, has a reference on the USENET, likewise predating
the action, thus betraying the true origin of the proposed agenda.
Again, we look for references on the USENET predating the event.

Advanced Google Groups Search
Starting Date: (as far back as Google goes)
Ending Date: February 28, 2003 (just to be safe)
With ALL the words: Iraq Arab League UN Mandate
With the EXACT PHRASE: Collective Rule

Uh oh. Another hit. And again, on all the history of the USENET
predating the actual proposal is to be found only one reference.
Just one hit.

Let's see who it is. Goodness, it's the same person again!

Could it be that the 2000 American presidential election fiasco was
engineered behind the scenes? Again, we look for actual references
on the USENET predating the event.

Advanced Google Groups Search
Starting Date: (as far back as Google goes)
Ending Date: November 7, 2000 (before the speech)
With ALL the words: Gore Bush
With the EXACT PHRASE: Nobody's Getting Elected


Uh oh. Another hit. Only one reference to be found in the
entire history of the USENET predating the 2000 election.

And who is it? My, my. It's the same person!

Oh, now this is getting scary... and very Lucasesque.

From elsewhere on the USENET:

"Russell Ranshaw" <> wrote:
> Does the US intend to rule the world?
[...early, unfocused tentative plans on attacking rogue nations...]
> Clearly the US intends to rule the world. But is it capable?

Well, we can resolve this quite readily as well and find out at
last who was secretly behind the dictating of the policies here.

Note, in particular, the unusual and unprecedented concepts
brought up in the so-called "Bush" Manifest ("Axis of Evil",
a complete declaration of war against all terrorism, etc.).

The speech dates from the end of January of 2002, with the
"You're Either For The US Or Against The US" and "Axis Of Evil".

The likening was to the dark clouds that rose over the world in
the mid to late 1930's with the rise of Fascism. The fear
expressed therein was that if we all failed to act proactively,
like Chamberlin with his "peace for our time", then ...
well you get the point.

But perhaps there was a much more direct source of the policy
Bush outlined in the speech (as opposed to some vague notions
about rogue states and the like) where even the concepts (and nearly
so, even the words) were lifted intact. Maybe he, too, was merely
a puppet or parrot acting on the directive of someone even more
powerful (and still, hidden), who still operates behind the scenes.

So, let's look for actual cites predating the speech.

Advanced Google Groups Search
Starting Date: (as far back as Google goes)
Ending Date: January 30, 2003 (before the speech)
With ALL the words: Iraq Iran North Korea Afghanistan
Terrorism Fundamentalist Fascism
With the EXACT PHRASE: Declaration Of War

Click. Hmm... lots of references here.

Let's redo this, this time selecting "Sort by Date".

Click. And we rummage down to the bottom of the list to
find Article #1 that started it all.

Uh oh. Oh my goodness. Look at Article #1. The whole agenda is
spelled out clearly and in complete detail there!

Nothing predates September 11, 2001. Article #1 came only 2 days
after ... a little too quick to count as a genuine reaction
(as opposed to something preplanned).

And who was it by? Well, look at that! The same person!

Oh, this is way too close to that bad Lucas plotline. Maybe even
the plot twist in the prequels themselves were engineered from
behind the scenes ... the whole secret identity thing, that is.

Let's see. Lucas came out with his prequel announcement some time
in October of 1994. So, we look for actual USENET references
predating the prequel announcement.

Advanced Google Groups Search
Starting Date: (as far back as Google goes)
Ending Date: September 30, 1994 (before the speech)
With ALL the words: Lucas Prequel Emperor
With the EXACT PHRASE: Secret Identity

Click. Nothing.

Or maybe not ... let's try
True Identity
in the exact phrase box. Click.

Uh oh. Another hit, from 1993. Again, just one reference found
on all of GOOGLE that predates the actual 1994 prequel announcement
(to say nothing about the plot twist in the 1999 and 2002 movies).

And, who is it? Why, it's apparently the same person, again!
And the "secret identity of emperor" underplot of the 1999 and 2002
movies is in there intact, no less.

This is getting creepy.

What could the secret agenda be? A single world united under the
rule of this dark covert presence? Perhaps brought about by the
engineering of nuclear attacks by terrorists to cower people into
a collective security arrangement?

Let's see...

Advanced Google Groups Search
Starting Date: (as far back as Google goes)
Ending Date: September 10, 2001 (before 9/11)
With ALL the words: Terrorists Nukes
With the EXACT PHRASE: Global Unity


Another hit. Only one entry again. Let's see who it is.
Uh oh. The same person!

It's getting a little worrisome now. OK, now this time:

Advanced Google Groups Search
Starting Date: (as far back as Google goes)
Ending Date: December 31, 2000 (20th century)
With ALL the words: Earth
With the EXACT PHRASE: Become World Emperor

Click. Nothing. *whew*.

Well, that's a good thing. Looks like we won't have to panic after
all. Or, maybe we do...

Becoming World Emperor
in the exact phrase box, instead. Click. Well, look at that.
Another hit.

I fear to even look. Let's see who it is... oh no! It's the same
person yet again!

This is very ominous...

Destroy the evil American cop killer, unelected war criminal traitor, Our Mr. bush Jr., and be loved by all as a true American!

Apr 22, 2003, 7:32:31 PM4/22/03
to (Free Knowledge - Bring your own container - Free Knowledge) wrote in message news:<>...

> (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<>...
> snpd
> >
> > You've accomplished that apparent goal a dozen times over.
> > Your "useful" life is past

Tell that to the innocent families in Iraq that die for nothing, but
bush's contempt for God, and the human species. On just April 5th,
buford "buff" blount III, the unarrested war criminal commander of the
nazi third infantry, murdered, according to their own estimates, 3000
people for nothing but, "to let them know we were there." Or, tell
that to Iraqis who have had food and medicine denied them for a decade
by nazi america, who now, after being poisoned once more by depleted
uranium, are thanked by bush by having some of the food aid, paid for
by Saddam (5 billion) returned with paid for by nazi america stickers.
All so the bush demon can likely steal the difference tolled from
cowardly nazi dumfuk dying soldier families, and think we without God
will not hold him accountable regarding the money bush stole from Iraq
in the escrow account at the, no leader present, UN headquarters.
American soldiers are weak and pathetic to die as cowards, so bush can
waste billions for rebuilding what was spent to destroy ourselves as a
war criminal. Now, you hear Jay Gardner thinking, that well, we need a
secularist leader...Then they're allowing the return of Bathist party
members because, well, they're saying people should be treated as
equals... But gee, whats going to happen if an Iraqi leader hopeful,
stands up as a human being and states, "evidence is a requirement to
convince ourselves who is a criminal"? Or, maybe, "The American Bill
of Rights makes alot of sense", or heaven forbid, "Privatizing our oil
reserves to evil bushite military dictatorship funders serves not our
interests as 'The People'". Will bush then, the evil antiChrist, go
out and murder more of US people because we really did destroy all our
weapons of destruction, and he refuses to let US prove it so he can
kill American Patriots? Hey, I have an idea, let US go kill the
unarrested bush and rumsfeld for 9/11 instead friends? What do you

Ya! Freedom for all through Justice indivisable. All People are
created equal, as is, self evident to those in the know. Our blind
faith is not in bush as he demands without evidence to persecute US as

the innocent not heard from dying for nothing. Demon bush must be

tried and convicted for treason against God, being of US all,
including the Atheists especially.

Johnny Wizard


Holy Jesus Man!

Wait a Moment

We are standing in defense for your own rights as you
see ourselves. For me, I got some real troubles as
nature's servant of all I surmise, but for you, this
should be something of a special, uplifting dream
experience, then a quick return to the plight of
destruction bush has befallen ourselves as a war
criminal. So, here I am convinced, this just can't be
an illusion, bush did 9/11, then Afghanistan, now Iraq,
while having the goal, to actually ask US to pay him for
it with further gratitudes from God in appreciation. I

feel, worshiping the false-deity bush, in a delusional

cult like, TV trance without any thought to care about

Thanks for sharing,

Johnny Wizard


Just Johnny

better Judgements. Destroy demon bush now, and be loved
by ALL as family.


away un-apprehended to further toll good Americans for

All the actual evidence we have concludes, Iraq worked
directly to have the stock piles of WMD destroyed,
provided the paper work, the destruction sites, and the
individuals involved in that process. Inspectors had
100 percent access, to go anywhere bush, the false
accuser might suggest without having to murder anyone
from our family. Now, the disarmament process has been
sabotaged, and the terrorist threat against America has
increased. So, Iraq was in compliance, and because of

that, the bush demon, in violation of article 2 of the

I am,
Johnny Wizard

Johnny Wizard

Total Eclipse

God the magnificent.

For two hundred:

Johnny Wizard


"Peace Now" wrote in message

Time to tell


"Mr. bush you nazi vermin, you attack my America, you
attack US all. American soldiers will not sit back as
cowards entirely, and watch you sacrifice our lives as
worthless without meaning."

What do you say?

Just how stupid are Americans expected to except

Johnny Wizard


David Windhorst

Apr 22, 2003, 11:03:18 PM4/22/03
> Johnny Wizard wrote--

anoxic drivel snipped

Didn't the pharmacist advise not taking your Ritalin with beer?

Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)

Apr 23, 2003, 12:22:10 AM4/23/03
On Wed, 23 Apr 2003 03:03:18 GMT, David Windhorst
<> wrote in

>> Johnny Wizard wrote--
>anoxic drivel snipped
>Didn't the pharmacist advise not taking your Ritalin with beer?

Hey, it was good enough for his Momma when she was pregnant with him,
so it's plenty good enough for him, too.


Apr 23, 2003, 1:37:32 AM4/23/03

"Destroy the evil American cop killer, unelected war criminal traitor, Our
Mr. bush Jr., and be loved by all as a true American!"
<> wrote in message
> Ahhhhhhhhhhhh SHUT !!! UP!!! STUPID!!!


Apr 23, 2003, 1:33:41 AM4/23/03
"L0rds0facid" <> quoted 71 fricking k of post to add:



John Griffin

Apr 23, 2003, 3:38:51 AM4/23/03
Nutcase "Johnny Wizard" runs off at the mouth again:
> (John Griffin) wrote

> snpd

****** ** ** ****** *******
****** *** ** ******** ********
** **** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
******* ** ** ** ******** ** **
******* ** ** ** ******* ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** **
******** ** **** ** ********
****** ** *** ** *******

Guard your prolixity carefully. It's all you have.
You need to get laid, boy.

Carl R. Osterwald

Apr 23, 2003, 10:36:58 AM4/23/03
In article <VAppa.569353$>, Clave
<> wrote:


Support Our Troops

May 13, 2003, 6:38:44 PM5/13/03
to (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<>...

> Nutcase "Johnny Wizard" runs off at the mouth again:
> > (John Griffin) wrote
> > snpd

It's all you have.
Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means


Down to an Art

So, bush told US he wanted to improve the Iraqi living
standard, but yet still, no IMMEDIATE return to the
standard of basic necessities is being demanded or
fought for with urgency. The bushwar according to thief
bush Jr., is over now that he can overcharge Americans
secretly for whatever, like the health of contaminated
soldiers represented worthless as truly dying, then
bushwacked again, to be overcharged from prices on no
competition public disclosure contracts, with wasting
further investments of Iraqi's Capital as our human
interests, being again, devalued as ignored. Why are
the commi mass murdering bushmob partners paying
themselves hundreds of millions of taxed public dollars
in overhead, to manage a made desperate Humanitarian
disaster in bush's evil Name as the unarrested? Why was
radioactive depleted uranium, and cluster bombs used
against the innocent?, as our Family? Why isn't our
rebuilding money being allocated to hire Iraq in on the
deal for as buyer? Why is not the food aid previously
paid for, and ample supplies of health care initiatives,
being brought in by the truckload for international
festivities? Where is bush Jr. to defend himself on
these VERY GOOD Public demands of Johnny as Saviour?
Where is bush to thank You?, and convince we have it all
wrong on his criminal war tirades of death and
destruction against our innocent selves not represented
fairly? Mr. bush Jr., the antiChrist, is a war
criminal of talentless ingratitude to the rewards of
living manly. A corrupted degenerate of ignorance as
evil is what bush Jr. takes US for unjustly granted.
As never before witnessed in history, so meticulously
documented as factual, is bush an enemy of the US, as
People everywhere. Why does the bushmob regime refuse
to protect The Declaration of Independence, or The Bill
of Rights as timeless testimonials? How could possibly
pip-squeak bush Jnr steal from God the stars up high and
flying proud, and not believe that his true stripes,
would get him good for fibbing to US clouds included?
To wit, for the bushmob is leaving devolving American
Rights as forgotten ancient knowledge, sacrificed to be
as granted through contempt for the Human Spirit, and in
all of what we possess for potentials living godly as
Nature. I just hope we're here to help ourselves
somehow eventually... or maybe our future just goes
extinct from neglect of our failures to communicate?,
who can say.

Freedom to me, is not only for the bushites to rob our
world blind of Justice, as left for dead broke not
speaking any longer, it is also evidently understood, we
want as anyone else does, an ability to succeed through
life's challenges for happiness. To continuing survival
by defeating blatant evil stupidity with evidence to
conclude our crucial national news material. Calling in
for simple reason for bush's murdering action, must be
demanded as the good guys winning. The human species
should be known as humane, not dialogued in passing, as
an almost forgotten footnote on the illness of
"bushitism" in a fringe Universal Galactic Federation
study session of Life's pitiful failures in the Milky
Way galaxy. "too weak politically to care about their
own devaluations as bushite victims they shouted dying",
"Spooky". "Ya... they were treated politically as
outcasts, not worthy of listening to as freedom dying

I don't want to see our world destroy our world as the
unjust bush demon is a tyrant war mongering mass
murderer, while CNN's Arron Brown and Larry King report
nothing wrong with remaining unbiased. Unbiased on
sacrificing American lives for bush's lies, greed and
hate, while all the while, feigning ignorance of calls
for recognition through equal representation of Justice
as measurement.(Everyone agrees, radiation can mutate
DNA, and evident findings are required to form guilty
conclusions.) To have Ourselves not represented present,
as CNN's public concerns to complain about such things
like, Social Security, radioactive depleted uranium, or
the persecution of ourselves as the innocent at some
american gulag reported outside of jurisdiction,
clearly, borderlines treason as accessories continuing
to ignore the facts on the bush regime's criminal acts,
perpetrated in Your name too G. Why doe CNN refuse to
Present a dying Patriot Soldier's concern, regarding
cancers given to our Nature by evil bushmob dictates as
criminal? Instead of protecting bush's america, CNN
should be broadcasting in defense of America as God's
country. For truly, the unjust bush demon is our enemy
of Freedom, as a purveyor of suffering to all Peoples
left undefended, until...

What Christ would be here... Then we'd really have
something to war the evil bushites over..

Did you know, bush's business partner, General Ahmad,
allegedly, according to FBI sources, funded the 9/11
"Mastermind", Atta, but the General, still, has not been
reported as arrested, or publicly questioned by American
public officials on the significance of such direct
criminal connections. See General Ahmad, with
Condolezza, suggested in strategy, evidence should not
be supported as available, if the bush regime wanted to
steal BILLIONS to invade Afghanistan over a crime
beneath our rules of conduct regarding Justice for
America. A criminal plot that hadn't yet happened to be
known of, but, that the General was in secret meetings
regarding..... the 9/11 Presidential Directive Plan,
existing again, two days before September 11th 2001,
and, confessed to as fully implemented by the White
House to MSNBC, after the facts occurred and the secret
plan went public without much fanfare as ground

Who is watching for interest, when We, the media say
they compete for attention to promote our air-waves
without us there for our say as contributors? Is not
secretly trying People guilty without evidence made
public, below the rights of everyone freely reporting

What we need now, is a self proclaimed King of the
Universe who would reiterate the bushmob as
incompetents, incompetents who are blindly falling US
dead without good reason to. Our Mr. bush Jr., is an
evil doer unparalleled in ignorance and barbarity, who
exercises no real leadership ability, but to publicly
beg for his own true depiction as traitor.

For the love of living, destroy the demon bush for
treason please.

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard


You in with this friend?

Do you remember the "March 7" argument of the bushmob's,
that every expired container of american supplied, Iraqi
anthrax, is needed to be accounted for IMMEDIATELY, do
you recall?, where bush demanded no time for
unrestricted Blix to complete the job for our safety,
while telling US that weapons of mass destruction could
fall into fanatical hands if he didn't immediately
retaliate by spending tens of billions of America's much
needed, to dump tons of bombs wherever as radioactive
waste into the bodies of American soldiers? The very
same who proudly, with national media fanfare,
sacrificed life as murder victims to the bush demon
cancer cell. Well... now, apparently, the threat to
our victimized humanity is no longer a concern, what
with the reported bushmob intent to remove EVERY
sanction regarding Iraqi asset guarding, but with still,
bush not knowing where all the unused Saddam weapons
went. ? Where did bush's concern for the death of
American Patriots go as genuine? Where is bush on
American Freedom granted through Justice by strong good
reasons as, such within, the American Constitution, or
the Bill of Rights left no longer defended as your own
living included? (While You as reader, can easily if
you tried, after reading this complete, forward these
concerns of US bush victims not being heard from up at
national news desk central. If You won't help me in our
own defense truly, who will be there for Yourself as
actually worth something to consider ever?)

Let's just say if Saddam had in fact, destroyed all he
claimed, (that Blix was proactively processing for
verification with Saddam's 100% full cooperation), that
was enough of no evidence to collaborate for bush
personally to criminally war our world with mass murder
against God as the antiChrist. With the anti-American
evil bushmob now not encouraging the completion of the
UN's full accounting for the destruction of Saddam's
alleged illicit weapon warehouses, leaves the demon bush
reason for mass murder of US unresolved as no longer
important he figures unthinkingly? The bush
administration, as evil is Just the deceived disguised,
has pronounced to deliberately not be working
collaboratively to seek final conclusion of demanded UN
inspection fulfillments, you know, evidence demanded
that untold thousands of US were murdered for by small
nukes, and clusterbombs?, as devout bush failures
censored to communicate our true instincts on
maintaining our own survival? Instead of further
murdering more as criminal bush purposes, I say we just
arrest for public trial, or immediately destroy, the
bush demon and rotten rumsfeld for criminally
perpetrating the 9/11 senario against our better

So anyway, is bush now saying his concerns for defending
Humanity by WAGING war unjustly, paid with the
indiscriminate murder of the people of this World for
his crimes against humanity with radioactive depleted
uranium for generations, suppose to somehow now make
better sense for ourselves politically? Does the
bushmob concern now for no public accountable oversight
regarding Iraqi contracts going to benefit The Iraqi
People's chances, continue his reasoning as concerned
for our unrepresentative governments? I figure 25
million times 500 dollars equals 12.5 billion dollars.
Iraqis have been barely surviving off 50 cents a day
with a deliberately made, de-abilitated oil industry,
that should be upward nearer 5 dollars, easy. 25
million times 5 dollars times 365 days, equals: 9.125
billion. The World needs to know where this money has
been going under the Saddam regime, and where all the
assets are currently allocated for, to prevent possible
further criminal intentions. It has been reported that
Iraq's escrow account at the UN's oil-for-FOOD program
contains near 14 billion dollars currently, spends 10
billion yearly, with more oil sales further down the
pipeline. Planning continued from under who's direction
as benefactor? Where is Iraq represented on these
Humanitarian issues? The assets of Civilization must
not further be secretly entrusted to the bushmob
shysters for plunder, and destruction, without public
scrutiny, or legal accountability. To leave eternal
Creation undefended as the innocent for criminal
losses?, as casted out of complete existence from
humanity's own human Just being?

Rotten rumsfeld was quoted (while the world's greatest
museum and most ancient Library were being lost to the
bushmob's lawless destruction), chuckling something
like, a free people are free to commit crimes against
our Civilization, a civilization left unprotected
intentionally by the official bushmob strategy. For, it
has also been reported that tommy franks ordered unit
commanders to do nothing to stop looting for several
days, and in several international reports, some units
were encouraging looting to take place against US Iraqi
People, Our People. Why? Demon bush had promises
signed to needlessly spend our money to re-build what is
now forever gone.

If the unjust, war mongering privateer of pillage and
murder, the 9/11 perpetrating heroin pusher, Our Mr.
bush Jr., you know, the American cop killer, was
concerned for US, "The People" in Iraq, (as bush
publicly announced repeatedly) wouldn't he speak then
publicly against the injustices committed against the
completely innocent, that are committed in tyrant bush's
name against Ourselves at Guantanamo? Or bigger even,
when last have you heard bush pontificate on America
directly funding anti-Semitic hate groups like the Likud
party, who publicly hold no apology to Life as enemies
of Judaism, committing criminal assault against all life
as this Universe includes You especially?

Example: Should a crime in New York committed by a
criminal, give the bushmob the go to committing thefts,
or outright murders in Our name against the American
People as established innocent by all parties?

Timeless tales these are from the Testament, or.. how
could anyone surmise ariel sharon is anywhere remotely
close to being a practicing Jew familiar with the likes
in Genesis through Deuteronamy? Or perhaps Muhammed as
Jew lover? Something maybe like, "Well, sure the Torah
of Moses is divinely inspired through God John, and Jews
and Christians are of course godly, like everyone else
is, but, they ignore their own teachings as represented
to be politically acting as a public body. So tell "The
People", especially the Muslims, as the Quran teaches
John: everyone is seeking Peace through understanding
Justice for all people equally treated, IS self
awareness of this eternal struggle to bring about
knowing God as existence itself. Our World is suffering
needlessly for our ignorance on the benefits of learning
our weaknesses as speaking persons."

So where are we left with false deity bush charging
everyone as discounted religiously? Well, for instance,
American Patriots are faithfully being asked to further
blindly sacrifice for the bushmob's criminal intent to
privatize Iraqi's own wealth, for criminal dictator
fenders, like nationless Dutch-Shell execs, while
leaving those very same contaminated soldier Families
undefended back at HomeBase. Specifically: regarding
PAYBACK to age-discriminated granddad on his Pension, or
Social Security, or perhaps Enron (with the stolen funds
yet to be returned to the victims as EARNED life
savings), while the bushmob continues in tradition with,
sabotaging public currency flows, with the devolving,
regressing, bush amerika onslaught of inexcusable
stupidity to practice illegitimately a tax policy bereft
of any economic understandings. Yet another bushmob
atrocity not being discussed by corporate standards to
attempt recovery for America, America, as interested
party not invited for festivities, but tolled for costs
rising due to bad business practices.

Example 1: The New York Times reported, that the bush
and cheney group, with their, they don't want to be
publicly accountable to US, behind closed door themes,
had set up contracting a non-Iraqi firm, Halliburton, to
pocket 7 percent right off the top after expenses, 490
million undefended American worker paid for tax dollars.
Not till now, publicly contended over our air-waves
nationally, anywhere. And this is why, Johnny wants to
interview CNN regarding their private business practice
of our life's living concern.

Example 2: Who spends more at the grocery store to pay
the cashier's babysitter? 1000 individual public health
care workers, or, one trillionaire invested in taking
money for doing nothing by bankruptcy? Don't many
multimillionaires already own a washer\dryer, walk in
freezer, and couldn't if tried, spend 50 percent of
their national income on essential necessities to
survive till next docked payday? People with higher tax
brackets pay more in taxes on market expenditures for
good mathematical reason. Basic necessities, (some as
overpriced stolen public properties), are taxed as 80
percent of income expended to survive in Texas on toast
for something like, $3.45 an hour. To 'stimulate' the
wealth of economies, there needs to be available
currency exchanging things. Ah, but alas, the bushites
would receive no bribes from small business to sway
their secret vote. If bush gave his entire tax handout
of hundreds of billions to the poorest off, and maybe
towards a public school system, the entire American
economy would be better served for benefits as
investment, instead of to do nothing private bankers, or
non living corporate donors, existing for public hand
outs in secret board meetings we know all about from
previous experiences. Halliburton has actually been
repeatedly convicted for massive fraud by over charging
the American dimwits for their own business practices!

Did I tell you?, CNN's Bill Hemmer knows that bush's
business partner who developed the invasion plan for
Afghanistan prior to 9/11 at the White House, also
funded the alleged 'mastermind' Atta according to MSNBC,
Senate Intelligence hearings, and the FBI investigations
made Public for yourself as America?

Loyalty to striving for Justice is an honor bestowed,
for living's interest, is of our own. Why bother to be
profitable you ask of our eternal Universe in your name
Johnny? Why a commitment to empowering your dying
species being unlawfully denied a concern for your own
stupid self not represented by real leadership? Denied
a place at our table? Our birth rite as you know so?

Let's give Life some help out here People, by requesting
some recognition in our ability to be outspoken. Like
J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d is forever as...

Some kinda freakin' godman!


Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops

What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means

By Amy Worthington The Idaho Observer 4-16-3

On March 30, an AP photo featured an American pro-war
activist holding a sign: "Nuke the evil scum, it worked
in 1945!" That's exactly what George Bush has done.
America's mega-billion dollar war in Iraq has been
indeed a NUCLEAR WAR.

Bush-Cheney have delivered upon 17 million Iraqis tons
of depleted uranium (DU) weapons, a "liberation" gift
that will keep on giving. Depleted uranium is a
component of toxic nuclear waste, usually stored at
secure sites. Handlers need radiation protection gear.

Over a decade ago, war-makers decided to incorporate
this lethal waste into much of the Pentagon's weaponry.
Navy ships carrying Phalanx rapid fire guns are capable
of firing thousands of DU rounds per minute.1 Tomahawk
missiles launched from U.S. ships and subs are
DU-tipped.2 The M1 Abrams tanks are armored with DU.3
These and British Challenger II tanks are tightly packed
with DU shells, which continually irradiate troops in or
near them.4 The A-10 "tank buster" aircraft fires DU
shells at machines and people on the battlefield.5

DU munitions are classified by a United Nations
resolution as illegal weapons of mass destruction.
Their use breaches all international laws, treaties and
conventions forbidding poisoned weapons calculated to
cause unnecessary suffering.

Ironically, support for our troops will extend well
beyond the war in Iraq. Americans will be supporting
Gulf War II veterans for years as they slowly and
painfully succumb to radiation poisoning. U.S and
British troops deployed to the area are the walking
dead. Humans and animals, friends and foes in the
fallout zone are destined to a long downhill spiral of
chronic illness and disability. Kidney dysfunction,
lung damage, bloody stools, extreme fatigue, joint pain,
unsteady gait, memory loss and rashes and, ultimately,
cancer and premature death await those exposed to DU.

Award-winning journalist Will Thomas wrote: "As the
last Gulf conflict so savagely demonstrated, GI immune
systems reeling from multiple doses of experimental
vaccines offer little defense against further exposure
to chemical weapons, industrial toxins, stress,
caffeine, insect repellent and radiation leftover from
the last war. This is a war even the victors will

When a DU shell is fired, it ignites upon impact.
Uranium, plus traces of plutonium and americium,
vaporize into tiny, ceramic particles of radioactive
dust. Once inhaled, uranium oxides lodge in the body
and emit radiation indefinitely. A single particle of
DU lodged in a lymph node can devastate the entire
immune system according to British radiation expert
Roger Coghill.7

The Royal Society of England published data showing that
battlefield soldiers who inhale or swallow high levels
of DU can suffer kidney failure within days.8 Any
soldier now in Iraq who has not inhaled lethal
radioactive dust is not breathing. In the first two
weeks of combat, 700 Tomahawks, at a cost of $1.3
million each, blasted Iraqi real estate into radioactive
mushroom clouds.9 Millions of DU tank rounds liter the
terrain. Cleanup is impossible because there is no
place on the planet to put so much contaminated debris.

Bush Sr.'s Gulf War I was also a nuclear war. 320 tons
of depleted uranium were used against Iraq in 1991.10 A
1998 report by the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances
confirms that inhaling DU causes symptoms identical to
those claimed by many sick vets with Gulf War
Syndrome.11 The Gulf War Veterans Association reports
that at least 300,000 Gulf War I vets have now developed
incapacitating illnesses.12 To date, 209,000 vets have
filed claims for disability benefits based on
service-connected injuries and illnesses from combat in
that war.13

Dr. Asaf Durakovic, a professor of nuclear medicine at
Georgetown University, is a former army medical expert.
He told nuclear scientists in Paris last year that tens
of thousands of sick British and American soldiers are
now dying from radiation they encountered during Gulf
War I. He found that 62 percent of sick vets tested
have uranium isotopes in their organs, bones, brains and
urine.14 Laboratories in Switzerland and Finland
corroborated his findings.

In other studies, some sick vets were found to be
expressing uranium in even their semen. Their sexual
partners often complained of a burning sensation during
intercourse, followed by their own debilitating

Nothing compares to the astronomical cancer rates and
birth defects suffered by the Iraqi people who have
endured vicious nuclear chastisement for years.16 U.S.
air attacks against Iraq since 1993 have undoubtedly
employed nuclear munitions. Pictures of grotesquely
deformed Iraqi infants born since 1991 are
overwhelming.17 Like those born to Gulf War I vets, many
babies born to troops now in Iraq will also be afflicted
with hideous deformities, neurological damage and/or
blood and respiratory disorders.18

As an Army health physicist, Dr. Doug Rokke was
dispatched to the Middle East to salvage DU-contaminated
tanks after Gulf War I. His Geiger counters revealed
that the war zones of Iraq and Kuwait were contaminated
with up to 300 millirems an hour in beta and gamma
radiation plus thousands to millions of counts per
minute in alpha radiation. Rokke recently told the
media: "The whole area is still trashed. It is hotter
than heck over there still. This stuff doesn't go

DU remains "hot" for 4.5 billion years. Radiation
expert Dr. Helen Caldicott confirms that the dust-laden
winds of DU-contaminated war zones "will remain
effectively radioactive for the rest of time."20 The
murderous dust storms which ensnared coalition troops
during the first few days of the current invasion are
sure to have significant health consequences.

Rokke and his clean-up team were issued only flimsy dust
masks for their dangerous work. Of the 100 people on
Rokke's decontamination team, 30 have already "dropped
dead." Rokke himself is ill with radiation damage to
lungs and kidneys. He has brain lesions, skin pustules,
chronic fatigue, continual wheezing and painful
fibromyalgia. Rokke warns that anyone exposed to DU
should have adequate respiratory protection and special
coveralls to protect their clothing because, he says,
you can't get uranium particles off your clothing.

The U.S. military insists that DU on the battlefield is
not a problem. Colonel James Naughton of the U.S. Army
Material Command recently told the BBC that complaints
about DU "had no medical basis."21 The military's own
documents belie this. A 1993 Pentagon document warned
that "when soldiers inhale or ingest DU dust they incur
a potential increase in cancer risk."22 A U.S. Army
training manual requires anyone who comes within 25
meters of DU-contaminated equipment to wear respiratory
and skin protection.23 The U.S. Army Environmental
Policy Institute admitted: "If DU enters the body, it
has the potential to generate significant medical
consequences."24 The Institute also stated that, if the
troops were to realize what they had been exposed to,
"the financial implications of long-term disability
payments and healthcare costs would be excessive."25 For
pragmatic reasons, DOD chooses to lie and deny.

Dr. Rokke confirms that the Pentagon lies about DU
dangers and is criminally negligent for neglecting
medical attention needed by DU-contaminated vets. He
predicts that the numbers of American troops to be
sickened by DU from Gulf War II will be staggering.26 As
they gradually sicken and suffer a slow burn to their
graves, the Pentagon will, as it did after Gulf War I,
deny that their misery and death is a result of their
tour in Iraq.

Dr. Rokke's candor has cost him his career. Likewise,
Dr. Durakovic's radiation studies on Gulf War I vets
were not popular with U.S. officials. Dr. Durakovic
was reportedly told his life was in danger if he
continued his research. He left the U.S. to continue
his research abroad.27

Naive young coalition soldiers now in Iraq are likely
unaware of how deadly their battlefield environment is.
Gulf War I troops were kept in ignorance. Soldiers
handled DU fragments and some wore these lethal nuggets
around their necks. A DU projectile emits more
radiation in five hours than allowed in an entire year
under civilian radiation exposure standards. "We didn't
know any better," Kris Kornkven told Nation magazine.
"We didn't find out until long after we were home that
there even was such a thing as DU."28

George Bush's ongoing war in Afghanistan is also a
nuclear war. Shortly after 9-11, the U.S. announced it
would stockpile tactical nuclear weapons including small
neutron bombs, nuclear mines and shells suited to
commando warfare in Afghanistan.29 In late September,
2001, Bush and Russian president Vladimir Putin agreed
that the U.S. would use tactical nuclear weapons in
Afghanistan while Putin would employ nuclear weapons
against the Chechnyans.30

Describing the Pentagon's B-61-11 burrowing nuke bomb,
George Smith writes in the Village Voice: "Built ram
tough with a heavy metal casing for smashing through the
earth and concrete, the B-61 explodes with the force of
an estimated 340,000 tons of TNT. It is lots of bang
for the buck, literally two apocalypse bombs in one, a
boosted plutonium firecracker called the primary and a
heavy hydrogen secondary for that good old-fashioned
H-bomb fireball."31

Drought-stricken Afghanistan's underground water supply
is now contaminated by these nuclear weapons.32 Experts
with the Uranium Medical Research Center report that
urine samples of Afghanis show the highest level of
uranium ever recorded in a civilian population. Afghani
soldiers and civilians are reported to have died after
suffering intractable vomiting, severe respiratory
problems, internal bleeding and other symptoms
consistent with radiation poisoning. Dead birds still
perched in trees are found partially melted with blood
oozing from their mouths.33

Afghanistan's new president, Hamid Karzai, is a puppet
installed by Washington. Under the protection of
American soldiers, Karzai's regime is setting a new
record for opium production. Both UN and U.S. reports
confirm that the huge Afghani opium harvest of 2002
makes Afghanistan the world's leading opium producer.34
Thanks to nuclear weapons, Afghanistan is now safe for
the Bush-Cheney narcotics industry.35 ABC News asserts
that keeping the "peace" in Afghanistan will require
decades of allied occupation.36 For years to come,
"peacekeepers" will be eating, drinking and breathing
the "hot" carcinogenic pollution they have helped the
Pentagon inflict upon that nation for organized crime.

As governor of Arkansas during the Iran-Contra era, Bill
Clinton laundered $multi-millions in cocaine profits for
then vice-president George Bush Sr.37 As a partner in
the Bush family's notorious crime machine, President
Clinton committed U.S. troops to NATO's campaign in the
Balkans, a prime heroin production and trans-shipment
area. DOD's campaign to control and reorganize the drug
trade there for the Bush mafia was yet another nuclear

For years, the U.S. and NATO fired DU missiles, bullets
and shells across the Balkans, nuking the peoples of
Serbia, Bosnia and Kosovo. As DU munitions were slammed
into chemical plants, the environment became hideously
toxic, also endangering the peoples of Albania,
Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Austria and Hungary. By 1999,
UN investigators reported that an estimated 12 tons of
DU had caused irreparable damage to the Yugoslavian
environment, with agriculture, livestock and air water,
and public health all profoundly damaged.38

Scientists confirm that citizens of the Balkans are
excreting uranium in their urine.39 In 2001, a
Yugoslavian pathologist reported that hundreds of
Bosnians have died of cancer from NATO's DU
bombardment.40 Many NATO peacekeepers in the Balkans now
suffer ill health. Their leukemias, cancers and other
maladies are dubbed the "Balkans Syndrome." Richard
Coghill predicts that DU weapons used in Balkans
campaign will result in at least 10,000 cases of fatal

U.S. citizens at home are also paying a heavy price for
criminal militarism gone mad. DOD is a pollution
monster. The General Accounting Office (GAO) found
9,181 dangerous military sites in USA that will require
$billions to rehabilitate. The GAO reports that DOD has
been both slothful and deceitful in its clean-up
obligations.42 The Pentagon is now pressing Congress to
exempt it from all environmental laws so that it may
pollute and poison free from liability.43

The Navy uses prime fishing grounds off the coast of
Washington state to test fire DU ammunition. In
January, Washington State Rep. Jim McDermott chastised
the Navy: "On one hand you have required soldiers to
have DU safety training and to wear protective gear when
handling DU...and submarines must stay clear of
DU-contaminated waters. These policies indicate there
is cause for concern....On the other hand the Department
of Defense has repeatedly denied that DU poses any
danger whatsoever. There has been no remorse about
leaving tons of DU equipment in the soil in foreign
countries, and there appears to be no remorse about
leaving it in the waters of your own country."44

DU has been used in military practice maneuvers in
Indiana, Florida, New Mexico, Massachusetts, Maryland
and Puerto Rico. After the Navy tested DU weaponry on
the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, one third of the
island's population developed serious illness. Many
people show high levels of uranium in their bodies.
Hundreds have filed a class action suit against the Navy
for $100 million, claiming DU contamination has caused
widespread cancers.45

The Navy's Fallon Naval Air Station near Fallon, Nevada,
is a quagmire of 26 toxic waste sites. It is also a
target practice zone for DU bombs and missiles. Area
residents report bizarre illnesses, including 17
children who have contracted leukemia within five years.
A survey of groundwater in the Fallon area showed nearly
half of area wells are contaminated with radioactive

The materials for DU weaponry have been processed mainly
at three nuclear plants in Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee,
where workers handling uranium contaminated with
plutonium have suffered for decades with cancers and
debilitating maladies similar to Gulf War Syndrome.47

Emboldened by power-grabbing successes made possible by
his administration's devious 9-11 project, President
Bush asserts that the U.S. has the right to attack any
nation it deems a potential threat. He told West Point
in 2002, "If we wait for threats to fully materialize,
we will have waited too long."48 Thus, it is certain
that Bush-Cheney future pre-emptive nuclear wars are
lined up like idling jetson a runway. Both Cheney's
Halliburton Corp. and the Bush family's Carlyle Group
are profiteers in U.S. defense contracts, so endless
war is just good business.49

The Washington Post reported that the Pentagon will
create special nuclear weapons for use on North Korea's
underground nuclear facilities.50 Next August, U.S. war
makers will meet to consolidate plans for a new
generation of "mini," "micro" and "tiny" nuclear bombs
and bunker busters. These will be added to the U.S.
arsenal perhaps for use against non-nuclear third-world
nations such as Iran, Syria, Lebanon.51

The solution? Americans must stop electing ruthless
criminals to rule this nation. We must convince fellow
citizens that villains like Saddam Hussein are made in
the U.S. as rationale for endless corporate war
profits. Saddam was placed in power by the CIA.52 For
years U.S. government agencies, under auspices of
George Bush Sr., supplied him with chemical and
biological weapons.53 Our national nuclear laboratories,
along with Unisys, Dupont and Hewlett-Packard, sold
Saddam materials for his nuclear program.54 Dick Cheney
was CEO of Halliburton in the late 90s when its
subsidiaries signed $73 million in new contracts to
further supply Saddam.55 The wicked villain of Iraq was
nurtured for decades as a cash-cow by U.S.
military-industrial piranhas.

If America truly supports its troops, it must stop
sending them into nuclear holocaust for the enrichment
of thugs. Time is running out. If the DU-maniacs at
the Pentagon and their coven of nuclear arms peddlers
are not harnessed, America will have no able-bodied
fighting forces left. All people of the earth will
become grossly ill, hideously deformed and short- lived.
We must succeed in the critical imperative to face
reality and act decisively. Should we fail, there will
be no place to hide from Bush-Cheney's merciless nuclear
orgies yet to come or from the inevitable nuclear
retaliation these orgies will surely breed.


1."DOD Launches Depleted Uranium Training," Linda Kozaryn, American Forces
Press Service, 8-13-99.

2."Nukes of the Gulf War,"John Shirley, See this article in
archives at

3. BBC News, "US To Use Depleted Uranium," March 18, 2003; U.S. General
Accounting Office, Operation Desert Storm: "Early Performance Assessment of
Bradley and Abrams," 1-2-92.

4."Nukes of the Gulf War," op. cit.

5. Ibid.

6. "Invading Hiroshima," William Thomas, 2-4-2003,

7. "US Shells Leave Lethal Legacy," Toronto Star, July 31, 1999; also
"Radiation Tests for Peacekeepers in the Balkans Exposed to Depleted
Uranium,", 12-31-02.

8. "Depleted Uranium May Stop Kidneys In Days," Rob Edwards, New, 3-12-02; also "Uranium Weapons Too Hot to Handle," Rob
Edwards, New, 6-9-99.

9. "Navy Seeks Cash for More Tomahawks," David Rennie in Washington,
Telegraph Group Limited, 1-4-03,

10. "Going Nuclear in Iraq--DU Cancers Mount Daily," Ramzi Kysia,, 12-31-01.

11."Depleted Uranium Symptoms Match US Report As Fears Spread," Peter
Beaumont, The Observer (UK) 1-14-01,

12. "Gulf War Illnesses Affect 300,000 Vets," Ellen Tomson, Pioneer Press, See also American Gulf War Veterans Association at

13. "2 of Every 5 Gulf War Vets Are On Disability: 209,000 Make VA Claims,"
World Net Daily, 1-28-03,

14. "Research on Sick Gulf Vets Revisited, "New York Times, 1-29-01; "Tests
Show Gulf War Victims Have Uranium Poisoning," Jonathon Carr-Brown and Martin
Meissonnier, The Sunday Times (UK) 9-3-02.

15. "Catastrophe: Ill Gulf Vets Contaminated Partners With DU," The Halifax
Herald Limited, Clare Mellor, 2-09-01. This article is available in archives

16. "Iraqi Cancer, Birth Defects Blamed on US Depleted Uranium," Seattle
Post- Intelligencer, 11-12-02; "US Depleted Uranium Yields Chamber of Horrors
in Southern Iraq, Andy Kershaw, The Independent (London) 12-4-01.

17. "The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf War Region with
Special References to Iraq," Ross Mirkarimi, The Arms Control Research
Centre, May 1992. See also Gulf War Syndrome Birth Defects in Iraq at

18. "The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm, Has Our Country Abandoned Them?," Life
Magazine, November 1995; "Birth Defects Killing Gulf War Babies," Los Angeles
Times, 11-14-94; "Depleted Uranium, The Lingering Poison," Alex Kirby, BBC
News Online, 6-7-99.

19. "Depleted Uranium, A Killer Disaster," Travis Dunn, Disaster,

20. San Francisco Chronicle, 10-10-02.

21. "US To Use Depleted Uranium," BBC News, 3-18-03.

22. "Depleted Uranium Symptoms Match US Report As Fears Spread," Peter
Beaumont, The Observer (UK) 1-14-01.

23. "Iraqi Cancer, Birth Defects Blamed on US Depleted Uranium," Seattle
Post- Intelligencer, 11-12-02.

24. "US To Use Depleted Uranium," BBC News, 3-18-03.

25. US Army Environmental Policy Institute: Health and Environmental
Consequences of Depleted Uranium in the U.S. Army, Technical Report, June

26. "Pentagon Depleted Uranium No Health Risk," Dr. Doug Rokke, 3-15-03; also
"The Terrible, Tragic Toll of Depleted Uranium," Address by Dr. Rokke before
congressional leaders in Washington, D.C.,12-30-02; also "Gulf War
Casualties," Dr. Doug Rokke, 9-30-02.

27."Tests Show Gulf War Victims Have Uranium Poisoning," Sunday Times (UK),
Jonathon Carr-Brown and Martin Meissonnier, 9-3-00.

28. "The Pentagon's Radioactive Bullet: An Investigative Report," Bill
Mesler, The Nation, 5-28-99, see

29. "Tactical Nukes Deployed In Afghanistan," World Net Daily, 10-7-01. 30.

31. "The B-61 Bomb,The Burrowing Nuke" George Smith,
12-29-02.; also "Bunker-busting US Tactical Nuclear Bombs, Nowhere to Hide,"
Kennedy Grey,, 10-9-01.

32."Perpetual Death From America," Mohammed Daud Miraki, Afghan-American
Interviews, 2-24-03; also "Dying of Thirst," Fred Pearce, New Scientist,

33. Ibid.

34. "Afghanistan Displaces Myanmar as Top Heroin Producer," Agence
France-Presse, 3-01-03. This article is at;also "Opium Trade
Flourishing In the `New Afghanistan,'" Reuters, 3-3-03.

35. "The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire," Michael C. Ruppert, Nexus Magazine,
February-March 2000; The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global
Drug Trade, Alfred W. McCoy, Lawrence Hill & Co., revised edition due May
2003; Drugging of America, Rodney Stich, Diablo Western Press, 1999; "Blood
for Oil, Drugs for Arms," Bob Djurdjevic, Truth In Media, April 2000, 36. ABC News, February 27, 2003.

37. Compromised, Clinton Bush and the CIA, Terry Reed and John Cummings,
S.P.I. Books, 1994; The Clinton Chronicles and The Mena Cover-up, Citizens
for Honest Government, 1996; "The Crimes of Mena, Grey Money," Ozark Gazette,
1995 (see

38. "Damage to Yugoslav Environment is Immense, Says a UN Report," Bob
Djurdjevic, 7-4-99, This report was submitted to the UN
Security Council on June 9, 1999; also, "New Depleted Uranium Study Shows
Clear Damage," BBC News,8-28-99; also "NATO Issued Warning About Toxic Ammo,"
Associated Press, 01-08-01.

39., 12-28-01.

40. "Hundreds Died of Cancer After DU Bombing--Doctor," Reuters, 1-13-01.

41."Depleted Uranium Threatens Balkan Cancer Epidemic," BBC News, 7-30-99.

42. "Many Defense Sites Still Hazardous," Associated Press, 9-24-02; also Old
US Weapons Called Hidden Danger, Los Angeles Times, 11-25-02.

43. "Pentagon Seeks Freedom to Pollute Land, Air and Sea," Andrew Gumbel in
L.A., 3-13-03, Independent Digital (UK) Ltd.

44. "Radioactive DU Ammo Is Tested in Fish Areas," Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, 1-11-03; Letter from Rep. McDermott to Department of the
Navy: see "Navy Fired DU Rounds Into Waters Off Coast of Washington,"

45."Cancer Rates Soar From US Military Use of DU On `Enchanted Island,'", 2-5-01; also "Navy Shells With Depleted Uranium Fired in
Puerto Rico," Fox News Online, 5-28-99.

46. "The Fallon, NV Cancer Cluster And a US Navy Bombing," Jeffrey St. Clair,, 8-10-02.

47. "DU Shells Are Made of A Potentially Lethal Cocktail of Nuclear Waste,"
Jonathon Carr-Brown,, 1-22-01.

48. "Preventative War Sets Perilous Precedent," Helen Thomas, Hearst
Newspapers, 3-20-03.

49. PIGS at the Trough, Arriana Huffington, Random House, 2003 (New York
Times best seller.); also "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy, From Hitler to
Saddam Hussein to Osama bin Laden Insider Connections and the Bush Family's
Partnership With Killers of Americans;" Mike Ruppert, From the
Wilderness,10-10-01; also "Bush Sr.'s Carlyle Group Gets Fat on War and
Conflict," Jamie Doward, The Observer (UK), 3-25-03; also "Halliburton Wins
Contract for Iraq Oil Firefighting, Reuters, 3-7-03; also "Cashing
In-Fortunes in Profits Await Bush Circle After Iraq War, Andrew Gumbel, The
Independent (London) 9-15-02; also "War Could Be Big Business for
Halliburton," Reuters, 3-23-03.

50. "Pentagon Seeks a Nuclear Digger," Washington Post, March 10, 2003.

51. "Remember: Bush Planed Iraq War Before Taking Office," Neil Mackay, The
Sunday Herald (UK) 3-27-03; also "US Mini-Nukes Alarm Scientists," The
Guardian (UK) 4-18-01; also "US Nuclear First-Strike Plan--It Keeps Getting
Scarier, Jeffrey Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review, 2-24-03.

52. Wall Street Journal, 8-16-90: The CIA supported the Baath Party and
installed Hussein as Iraqi dictator in 1968.

53. "United States Dual-Use Exports to Iraq and Their Impact on the Health of
Persian Gulf War Veterans," Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban
Affairs, 1992, 1994; "U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup," Washington Post,

54. "US Government, 24 US Corps Illegally Helped Iraq Build Its WMD," Hugh
Williamson in Berlin, Financial Times, 12-19-02; "Full List of US Weapons
Suppliers To Iraq," Anu de Monterice,, 12-19-02.

55. Huffington, op. cit.

Amy Worthington is a reporter for The Idaho Observer


Wait a Moment

Thanks for sharing,

Some kinda freakin' godman!


Just Johnny


I am,
Some kinda freakin' godman!

Some kinda freakin' godman!

Total Eclipse

God the magnificent.

For two hundred:

again, Some kinda freakin' godman!.

Some kinda freakin' godman!


Time to tell


I encourage you to type ("Some kinda freakin' godman!" and Elian or

Cuba) in a search engine, to read my statements, and
find too, no factual rebuttals in disagreement, but for
those like repuglicans, who demand censorship to
continue with evil lies, to steal our livelihoods,
because they have no real skills, but to threaten the
murder of ourselves as innocent, being taken as cowards.
Like those american nazi soldiers we witnessed
celebrating bombing who they knew to be innocent
villagers. We want bush and rumsfeld arrested, or
executed as traitors to our humanity today.


To do so, doesn't mean you agree with me on everything, but
that you support the struggle of freedom to speak
without fear, and in as so, the betterment of all as
humanity reaching for higher ground. If you would only
believe in yourself, and Justice for US all as equals,
there is no telling how far we can go. So, take it easy
strangers, and I'll see you sooner than never.

Some kinda freakin' godman!

John Griffin

May 13, 2003, 9:20:42 PM5/13/03

The Mentally Spavined Horse's Ass who laughably calls himself "Wizard,"
yapping as "'Support Our Troops'" <> wrote

> [ a few thousand lines of infantile prattle snipped ]

You don't need to display all of your stupidity at the same time, cretin.
Save some to use in the unlikely event that someone takes you
seriously and doesn't realize what a fucking idiot you are.

If you're thinking of killing yourself because of your severe depression
resulting from George Bush's popularity, what the hell are you waiting
for? Ninety percent approval?


May 13, 2003, 10:27:28 PM5/13/03
"John Griffin" <> wrote in news:b9s5oc$mvhsr$1@ID-

His approval rates will go up even more after the bombers yesterday.

Don Swayser

May 15, 2003, 1:50:47 AM5/15/03
Thank God, it wasn't just me. :)

If you want to be free, there is but one way; it is to guarantee an
equally full measure of liberty to all your neighbors. There is no other.
Carl Schurz (1829-1906)

Down to an Art

May 20, 2003, 6:54:12 PM5/20/03
to ('Support Our Troops') wrote in message news:<>...

> (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<>...
> > Nutcase "Johnny Wizard" runs off at the mouth again:
> > > (John Griffin) wrote
> > > snpd
> snpd
> It's all you have.

We know scientifically, bush has indiscriminately murdered hundreds of
thousands, if not billions over the next 1000 or so Generations,
including especially, American Soldiers, for no known good reason with
toxic waste that is factually radio-active. Conventional weaponry
could have just as easily blown up all Iraqi governmental buildings
illegally to then steal from American tax payers billions more to
rebuild as slaves losing all freedoms. Also We, as the World, had 100
percent access to anywhere in Iraq without having to murder anyone

But, then to not even secure the nuclear plants, water plants, while
refusing to allow in food aid and medical supplies....then stealing
the resources of Iraq for Dutch-Shell? and so on...., shows a demon
bush hatred for God and life unparralled in History.

John Griffin

May 20, 2003, 9:46:09 PM5/20/03
Far from a wizard, this dumbshit who laughably calls
himself (Down to an Art) wrote

> We know scientifically, bush has indiscriminately murdered
> hundreds <SLAP!>

Seriously, are you some kind of committee? It has to
take more than one to harbor as much fucking stupidity
as you spew.

You remind me of a radio program which laughably calls
itself "Free Speech Radio," but won't allow anyone who
doesn't think communists are cool anywhere near their
broadcast facilities...bitch, bitch, bitch, just another
protest industry pawn like you.

I was compelled to snip your drivel marathon, because it
was too fucking stupid to deserve wasting any more space.

> [ bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch etc. etc. etc. ]

John Griffin

May 22, 2003, 9:32:55 PM5/22/03
The idiot who incongruously call himself "Wizard," using the lame anonym
"Arn't bushites stupid evil traitors to US all?" <> wrote

> [ babble babble babble babble babble... ]

Hi, Idiot. I've been wondering if you'd ever figure out how amazingly
stupid your article title is. Apparently you aren't bright enough to see
that, although the average ten-year-old would be. I'm sure you'll
appreciate my mentioning it, but you don't need to thank me. There
is one thing you can do, only one copy of your next
fucking stupid article.

By the way, parroting that idiotic nonsense about depleted uranium
was even more stupid.

Carl R. Osterwald

May 23, 2003, 10:56:49 AM5/23/03
In article <sypza.12007$>,
<> wrote:

> Well said SPC Short. well said.
> "Evan Short" <> wrote in message
> news:mRoza.4$2e.1@fed1read04...

> > Let me advise this twerp of something.

And both of these dweeb top-posters left all 4500+ lines of Johnny
Gizzard intact.

Learn to edit and how to post.


"No you don't! I know a but one one I see it"

-- Aozotorp al-Shaffal pontificating again.

bush is NOT America

May 29, 2003, 6:41:50 PM5/29/03
to (Down to an Art) wrote in message news:<>...

> ('Support Our Troops') wrote in message news:<>...
Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means



So, well... that demon bush doesn't seem to want to
stop murdering US for his own personal criminal exploits
with rumsfeld, eh? One bomb-shell after another depicts
the demon bush as a traitor to everything the American
flag once represented, but do we see the CNN celebs
reporting impartially on behalf of the neglected
suffering American soldiers falling DEAD as expendable?
being NEEDLESSLY contaminated by radioactive nuclear
waste to further profit from de-valuating THEIR own
ACTUAL stolen lives dying? Corporate american soldiers
being left measured as valueless, along with a few
thousand generations of our victimized families?,
weighed unworthy to the huge corporate savings of
recklessly dumping hazardous waste on US all as Humanity
for the bushmob to sinisterly smirk as Our enemies?
Enemies of my Father who Art in Heaven? Or, is ALL of
America just as CNN illustrates by censorship and the
propaganda of silence in contempt, infested with
pervasive cultist bushwhore nazi irrationalisms, truly
dying cowards sacrificing their OWN brethren for the
evil bush demon to further plunder God as all People?

The Internet, a bastion of Freedom, indicates Our Mr.
bush Jr. as the most despised as hated, war criminal of
all recorded History. (Googlism's world renown A.I.
engine names 'bush' as anti-christ scientifically, and
might soon name me, Johnny Wizard, as a never ending
expletive.) Name a proud soldier in bush's america, and
I'll show you a dumfuk functional illiterate, a sadistic
war criminal who attacks the defenseless and innocent,
or a treasonous as cowardly, anti-American bushwhore
victim, dying in contempt for themselves as worthy of
consideration. Just like most corporate american
political analysts refusing, so far, to report on such
things as NEWSWEEK's Revelations on Hussein Kamel, show
a generalized refusal of corporate bushwhore america to
stand up for American principles, (like with the FBI or
CIA 9/11 investigations), Justice for US all included.
We learn now, the one man more sited by the bushmob for
allegations of unknown secretly hidden from everyone,
(including Saddam), weapons of mass destruction, in fact
testified the contrary in 1995, that all the weapons he
was in charge with, were actively destroyed in 1991 by
himself as the head of the programs being
de-commissioned. NOT STRATIGICALLY VIABLE. Just as the
judicial evidence collected to date has indicated, and
reason would surmise. Information that Powell would
have known of for sure, like the reverse engineered
rockets, for he sited Kamel's undisclosed testimony, and
as it turned out, luckily, Kamel's entire recorded
transcript, was only a mere 7700 or so odd bytes in
ASCII. Then now, NEWSWEEK again, in their June 3
edition, have even further brought Freedom closer as
potential, by divulging that demon bush, has formally
requested certain facts regarding his and rumsfeld's
complicity to 9/11, also be shrouded in secrecy ....


"Classified: Censoring the Report About 9-11?

Bush officials are refusing to permit the release of matters already
in the public domain--including the existence of intelligence
documents referred to on the CIA Web site.

By Michael Isikoff


Why would bush and rumsfeld not want to arrest the
perpetrators of 9/11 I ask you cowardly nazi american
bushwhore victims? Where is Afghanistan's promised
liberation from heroin addiction? Vinnell is the
private company repressing women as US People criminally
in Saudi Arabia for decades, like Dutch-Shell and
Halliburton would profit off your repression as a slave
anywhere also, and you do not call up your friends in
the NRA to make a stand finally in honor of Life,
Liberty and the dying American Dream? Remember the rest
of the Constitution about the ``We, The People'' part?
Like US over there in Uzbekistan being stolen from with
harder earned American work dollars used to terrorize
ourselves as the victimized innocent with? This is your
life the demon bush is wagering as a mass murdering war
criminal, so why do you not call the radio talk shows to
by hung up on as a continuing spectacle? Why these
DeeJays refuse to air an American Soldiers concerns for
survival is beyond me as Creator. How about you? Is
dying for bush as victim of continuing devaluation
through corporate support of his criminality, a
sacrifice your willing to take silently all the way to
your grave? As a secret coward and BETRAYER to
Yourself, life, God, and me also?

Holy crap.

Paul Bremer. The director of Kissinger Associates. You
know, Kissinger Associates, from Iraqgate fame. Illegal
supplier of Saddam's WMD to kill Americans with? The
BNL shyster, death squad runners? You know, Kissinger?,
General Pinochet, and Suharto's pal, and murderer of
tens of thousands of American soldiers for rising
Vietnam weapon sale contracts? Paul Bremer, Mr.
unbelievable, the parasite that holds Kissinger in high
regard for paying him with drug money as this world's
most widely known terrorist recruiter, stated that he
personally, Paul Bremer, would revamp Iraq's pesky
universal education and deprived health care systems,
while blatantly, in broad daylight, rob the central bank
of all it's deposits to pay wages to only the
oil-ministry workers so Dutch-Shell and Halliburton
could rape the Iraqi nation of it's resources by paper
work from in posh offices wherever, and while we weren't
looking there either, privatize it, then trail of with a
history of suggesting any nation that has a terrorist
supporter, should be nuked with him in charge of the

But why not just arrest the bad guys to US all by
evidence to conclude so rightly instead? Like outlined
in the Bill of Rights, or Declaration of Independance?
What would it be my American friend, kill millions of
repressed Americans with billions of their stolen
dollars as weak pathetic cowardly losers being robbed
and taken as granted into slavedumb, or fight for
freedom by demanding the cop killer bushmob be
immediately brought to Justice by military fire power?
Will American Patriots hunt the evil bushmob down as
actual criminal traitors to American law?, or for trying
to pull a sharon in Iraq with the intent to de-stabilize
the nation further by persecuting tens of thousands as
second classed citizens without evidence because, they
served in the public sector for the Iraqi people?, Under
Saddam that we were told over and over, (with old film
footage to prove it) would murder anyone for suggesting
a national oil company that profits the People saves
Iraq for a better future? See? the bushwhores sell US
it's okay for cheney's company to rob from the Iraqi
People with no competitive, democratic processes, when
it comes to spending America's hard earned wages being
left undefended. 490 million in overhead taken with
just the Halliburton AMERICAN GOVERNMENT secret bush
contract alone on seven billion, while charging Uncle
Sam, fifty thousand per person,per day as Halibertan
fire starters. Paul Bremer? The guy who only two days
after 9/11 as the chairman of the National Commission on
Terrorism, (being at the very least familiar with the
first WTC attack being connected to a splinter cell,
rogue element in the fbi who supplied the actual
explosives, (common well documented history)), suggested
a, without legal consensus, war of blind agression
against poor people anywhere, instead of seeking out the
capture of the actual individuals responsible, like
bush, rumsfeld, and...? Well well well.. The Lord
certainly does work in mysterious ways eh? We notice,
that not even the National Commission on Terrorism, of
which Bremer chairs, could find nothing to indicate he
has any accomplishments worth mentioning in the fields
of economics, health care, nor, apparantly, knows
anything of freedom when it comes down to his criminal
plans made public to persecute thousands in Iraq as the
innocent he would probably still spew like a Likud if
asked for clarification as a naked traitor to God, and
on all we stand strong as united. Bremer is a bonafide
terrorist under the FBI's own definition, and a very
serious threat to American security interests don't you

Now the profiteering as a mass murderer demon bush, is
suggesting small nukes to kill indiscriminately is a
good weapon of choice to further threaten all of
humanity with? As if more than a thousand tons of
radio-active depleted uranium, that upon explosion,
oxidizes as small as a tenth of a micron wasn't the
biggest, most hanious terrorist crime against humanity
ever since perpetrated so far into our futures? A tenth
of a millionth of a meter. As light as air travels
everywhere? For a potential four billion year assault
against GOD as all living things? Look, my friends, we
all know crime is often rampant in big business, and
anti-hemp laws make no sense for a democracy of ideas
about progress, and not follwing the rules can often be
fun, but directly profiting off the murder of ourselves
is all together something different. I beg you again,
You there Reader, forward this post to every police
agency, fire station, biker club, and PTA you can, to
openly acknowledge a wanting to destroy the bush demon
before he re-offends against all American values to
leave more undefended victims, while helping me get some
public recognition as a going nowhere public performer.
Then we wait, and if his successor escapes the
protections of American law, and starts warring as an
uncommunicative degenerate nazi savage war criminal
attacking our children's children, celebrated by
corporate news services as a false deity of blatantly
evil criminallity, we will kill cheney instead then too
as a traitor he plainly is. Sound like a good plan?
What do you think soldiers? Should Enron pay back the
money they STOLE from American Pensioners? Or, is it
too much effort to demand equal say for youreself
getting older and wiser included?

Your King of the Earth as Saviour,

truly is,

Johnny Wizard



May 30, 2003, 7:27:32 PM5/30/03
(deleted original 112K long post)

As some wise old sage once said: "You, sir, say very little in many

"No matter how healthy a man's morals may
be when he enters the White House, he comes
out again with a pot-marked soul."
- quoted in 'My Father Mark Twain', by Clara Clemens

"History has tried hard to teach us that we can't
have good government under politicians.
Now, to go and stick one at the very head
of the government couldn't be wise...."
- Letter to the New York Herald, 8/26/1876

"We all live in the protection of certain cowardices, which we call our
- More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927

bushites are EVIL traitors to American Soldiers

Jun 5, 2003, 7:15:46 PM6/5/03
to (bush is NOT America) wrote in message news:<>...

Yeah yeah, look...

This is a time in history where an individual's conduct is paramount.
Too many cowardly Americans, who are offered too many excuses, who
instead of standing for their own personal God given rights as equals,
watch their own brothers or neighbors (as would be themselves) robbed
openly by the criminal bushmobsters, while refusing to raise any
objections in their OWN defence as bush victims, thinking that to be
evil and ungodly with lies and blind hatred, will gain them respect
from Life, or this big time eternal universe.. The bushwhores tell
them not to care for America as Justice and freedom, and to be an
enemy of God, will get them eventually a share of some stolen pension
money, or perhaps your children's future. We must fight for our rights
that are actively being destroyed by CNN and CBC through censorship of
our screams for Justice.

The four or five CNN and CBC execs are REFUSING to hear our concerns
from MILITARY officers about DU for example, while leaving YOU to
suffer as the innocent.

Anyway, have you seen this,
"The Isaiah Crowd - And How Their Neo-Christianity is Killing Us"?

Is truth, justice and freedom, just kooky when we kill American
service people, dying for bush's contempt for the American flag, the
human race, and God?

> > >
> > >
> > > Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
> > > What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means


bushites are EVIL traitors to American Soldiers

Jun 5, 2003, 7:22:09 PM6/5/03

Yeah yeah, look...

> > >
> > > Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
> > > What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means



Jun 6, 2003, 1:22:56 AM6/6/03
Does the aoo know you're loose?

"bushites are EVIL traitors to American Soldiers"
<> wrote in message

Vincent Henry Bartning

Jun 6, 2003, 10:49:20 PM6/6/03

Your post was awkward. It could be that you're making a faction here,
and there are a lot of 'em. Ho. What about the whole and the
individual? Anyway, your post also distressed me, and I couldn't
actually read all of it...

Are you a Northerner? a Southerner? A Westerner? Another?

> Rotten rumsfeld was quoted (while the world's greatest
> museum and most ancient Library were being lost to the
> bushmob's lawless destruction), chuckling something
> like, a free people are free to commit crimes against
> our Civilization, a civilization left unprotected
> intentionally by the official bushmob strategy. For, it
> has also been reported that tommy franks ordered unit
> commanders to do nothing to stop looting for several
> days, and in several international reports, some units
> were encouraging looting to take place against US Iraqi
> People, Our People. Why? Demon bush had promises
> signed to needlessly spend our money to re-build what is
> now forever gone.

I homed in on your comments about Tommy Franks. I don't know if it's
worthwhile dsicussing the matter. However, I am not a fighter, and
the U.S. has not officially declared war since '41, after it was
attacked and war was declared by Germany and Italy, the Axis powers.

Thomas Hobbes, a man familiar with war, says in _Leviathan_ (1651):

The _Value_ or Worth of a man, is as of all other
things, his Price; that is to say, so much as he
would be given for the use of his Power: and
therefore, is not absolute; but a thing dependant
on the need and judgement of another. An able
conductor of Souldiers, is of great Price in the time
of War present, or imminent; but in Peace not so.
A learned and uncorrupt Judge, is much Worth in time
of Peace; but not so much in time of War...
(Penguin Edition)

I had other ideas, and although my family's contributed a lot to
technology (military sacrifice comes to mind here too), we don't have
what we should...

(Many Snips of Original Message, Don't Even Know Where Exactly...)

> If the unjust, war mongering privateer of pillage and
> murder, the 9/11 perpetrating heroin pusher, Our Mr.
> bush Jr., you know, the American cop killer, was
> concerned for US, "The People" in Iraq, (as bush
> publicly announced repeatedly) wouldn't he speak then
> publicly against the injustices committed against the
> completely innocent, that are committed in tyrant bush's
> name against Ourselves at Guantanamo? Or bigger even,
> when last have you heard bush pontificate on America
> directly funding anti-Semitic hate groups like the Likud
> party, who publicly hold no apology to Life as enemies
> of Judaism, committing criminal assault against all life
> as this Universe includes You especially?

"The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do
nothing." Edmund Bruke (quoted in their ad in my local _Television_
magazine put out by our local paper, _The San Jose Mercury News_.)

> Example: Should a crime in New York committed by a
> criminal, give the bushmob the go to committing thefts,
> or outright murders in Our name against the American
> People as established innocent by all parties?

Yes, but as they've said a lot, when good people do

(Snip, one of the noted ones...)

> Let's give Life some help out here People, by requesting
> some recognition in our ability to be outspoken. Like
> J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d is forever as...

You sure say a lot, and your grammar's good, but something's awkward.
You use ad hominems too. Are they justified?

> Some kinda freakin' godman!


> Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
> What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means
> By Amy Worthington The Idaho Observer 4-16-3
> On March 30, an AP photo featured an American pro-war
> activist holding a sign: "Nuke the evil scum, it worked
> in 1945!" That's exactly what George Bush has done.
> America's mega-billion dollar war in Iraq has been
> indeed a NUCLEAR WAR.
> Bush-Cheney have delivered upon 17 million Iraqis tons
> of depleted uranium (DU) weapons, a "liberation" gift
> that will keep on giving. Depleted uranium is a
> component of toxic nuclear waste, usually stored at
> secure sites. Handlers need radiation protection gear.


(snip on plans for post-war Iraq)

It's unnecessary sacrifice too! Even American military authorities
admited that...





(snip on God and "Universal balance," something interesting too...

> Look, it's all God's fault too,


> Some kinda freakin' godman!
> --
> "Peace Now" wrote in message
> Time to tell
> Last night broadcasted nationally in Canada on CBC's
> Counterspin, discussing among other things, bush's
> ignorance as american barbarity in Latin America, and
> Cuba's revolution for independence:


What about the Peterson murder case? I'd think they had an ideal
arrangement, but somehow it turned to a nightmare or something...

Anyway, I see distrust, and we're seeing combinations of
local/national issues here, including the case of Elian Gonzales.
What about those Mexicans killed in Texas recently? Florida never
belonged to Cuba...

> Like those american nazi soldiers we witnessed
> celebrating bombing who they knew to be innocent
> villagers. We want bush and rumsfeld arrested, or
> executed as traitors to our humanity today.

Again, your post's awkward, but I'd like to read more Thoreau. I'm a
bit over half done with _Walden_, and your post confuses me. I also
liked what I kept that I quote, or distrust is definately there as was
intended by our Founding Fathers. However, I wanted to note
similarities between Operaton Iraqi Freedom and the Mexican War. Both
were against smaller nations, and both involved mutinies by troops. I
also wanted to point out Hobbes's desire of good generals for war and
good judges for peace...


"Nations, like individuals, are punished for their transgressions...
We got our punishment in the most sanguinary and expensive war of
modern times." Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885), His Memoirs quoted in
_Warfare in the Western World_, Doughty Gruber, et. al., p. 321

"Individuals, like nations, must have suitable broad and natural
boundaries, even a considerable neutral ground, between them."
Thoreau, _Walden_, p. 91


Jun 8, 2003, 5:52:30 AM6/8/03
Interesting on how you put things.
If america hasn't been bombed, I bet bush wouldn't rage war. It seemed at
least partly he's thinking of america. And last time I check, America is one
of the place that does has freedom of speech.
How does CNN/CBC destroy that?

They do report protests that going against Bush. Seemed to me you are just
trying to use an "emotional" argumnt to persuade people of your point.
"god given rights"
"eviland ungodly"

Were you one of the people called "witch!! witch!!" in Salam?

"bushites are EVIL traitors to American Soldiers"
<> wrote in message

We knew we were right, before we were wronged.

Jun 10, 2003, 3:51:53 PM6/10/03
"lancelot" <> wrote in message news:<yHDEa.24094$>...

> Interesting on how you put things.
> If america hasn't been bombed, I bet bush wouldn't rage war. It seemed at
> least partly he's thinking of america. And last time I check, America is one
> of the place that does has freedom of speech.
> How does CNN/CBC destroy that?
By censorship.

Standing Ground

What was Saddam doing that we could have fought for
betterment by simply communicating over those who
couldn't care less as criminals? Left sacrificed for
the lying evil bushites, stealing our resources that are
God's thank you for a job done well. Our praise for
Love. The evil pirate bush is leaving our friends and
family dead broke as murder victims unfactored
politically speaking by corporate news censorship. The
corporate bushites are depicting Americans like they
have no concern, or would have, regarding the NEEDLESS
radio-active contamination of "The People" as top
priority news material, never mind God's uncounted
innocent suffering for bush in other realms, while YOU,
yes YOU, reader, are left continually denied to PUBLIC
newscasts for openly challenging ANYONE who agrees with
the falsehoods we're being force fed, regarding bush's
murder rampages as a terrorist harbor, and 9/11
perpetrator. An American cop killer is Our Mr. bush
Jr.. Newsweek reported that bush doesn't want Americans
to know he was personally warned of an imminent
terrorist act, involving a suicide run high-jacking, of
which after warning Ashcroft to stay off of commercial
flights, devised an invasion of Afghanistan plan with
General Ahmad, Condoleeza, and others, to blame bin
Laden for some new crime, that had yet, no evidence
connected to. Something new and BIG to start a war
against Afghanistan with. For Enron. Just prior to
9/11. Secretly. To throw away innocent lives. Like
American soldiers as practically brain dead already.
The atheist General already KNEW no evidence would be
criminal intent against Allah as all People. Example:
With any evidence for say, the Cole bombing, would have,
if existed, garnered Laden's deportation by the American
flag waving Justice supporters, and spoiled the labored,
top secret Presidential Directive evil bushite plan for
criminal invasion of our world body politic (revealed by
MSNBC). As was so threatened by the bushites against
the Taliban would happen, (Niaz Niak) for not siding
with Centgas and American pension thieves Enron, and
instead, as the Taliban had done, gone for the better
business offer from Argentina's Bridas. Had any
evidence been brought out publicly by bush against
Laden, his arrest and public trial would have been
assured. Living does order so, no contest, but no..
the false deity criminal demon bush, actually said we
didn't need to follow the criminal leads to protect
Justice and Freedom, then told US to take off our
thinking caps, while he and cheney worked as traitors to
stop outstanding questions by refusing to listen to
American freedom fighters, including the FBI and CIA
investigated conclusions made public, but ignored by
Arron Brown, or super dweeb Bill Hemmer. Mr. Bush's
business partner, General Ahmad, according to the FBI,
was directly connected to the funding of 9/11's
mastermind, Mohamed Atta. That's right. Mr. Bush's
invasion strategy of Afghanistan, and 9/11 are
intimately connected through the General who was
smoozing with bush's secret inner circle, two days prior
to 9/11. At the WhiteHouse. Getting ready to perform,
the invade Afghanistan without any evidence plan.
Confessed later publicly as to why he was there then
ready. An invasion that Blair told us couldn't have
happened, but for the lucky, world trade centers
incident. Get your life in hand Soldier, and destroy
Our unarrested Mr. bush Jr., or, continue to turn
against your own comrades and family while unjustly
dying as a cowardly betrayer to God's America, and
freedom to all everywhere.

What does the classified Defence Intelligence Agency's
complete assessment summarized for the Pentagon
regarding Iraq in Sept 2002, "THERE IS NO RELIABLE
information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling
chemical weapons" tell you? Or Greg Theilmann, a
recently retired State Department intelligence analyst,
directly involved in assessing the Iraqi threat, saying
that "there is a lot of sorrow and anger at the way
intelligence was misused". Or how about rumsfeld's
personal private intelligence team, (two three four or
five not publicly elected, secret saboteurs of public
accountability) of having "cherry-picked the
intelligence stream" to make it seem like dying American
soldiers make for good war profiteering? Or Vince
Cannistraro, former CHIEF of the CIA counterterrorist
operations, describing intelligence officers who blame
the Pentagon for proffering "fraudulent" intelligence,
"a lot of it sourced from the Iraqi National Congress of
Ahmad Chalabi." Chalabi who gave out millions of earned
dollars in bad loans to himself as banker, then quickly
fled the country of Jordan as disappeared, before an
investigation had even formally begun? Finally, how
about 35 year veteran, Colonel Doug Rokke, Ph.D. as the
Senate commissioned Army's foremost authority on DU
toxicity, of which he will tell you Soldier as a
scientist with tools for measurement, DU is needlessly
killing American service People for our lack of concern
for ourselves at corporate news control. No reason to
be dying! Are not American soldiers, American people to
CNN also?

Again, Saddam pro-actively gave the world 100% access to
anywhere unrestricted, to complain or make better
anything, and offered the national Iraqi airwaves to
bush personally, to state his contentions to want mass
murders against ourselves as the innocent. No Iraqi, or
American soldier was needed for sacrifice, but only to
let Halliberton take more than is bargained from The
People as victims. American, and Iraqi. It has also
been reported the bush administration, particularly
Powell, would have likely known secretly, that the
widely praised Kamel, you know, Hussein Kamel, the
foremost authority on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
programs?, indicated to UNSCOM in 1995, with his records
he stole when he defected, the WMD were destroyed for
good reasons. The 1.5 tons of VX sited, predates 1991,
and HAD a viable shelf life of no more than eight weeks,
while provided in part to Saddam, CRIMINALLY, by
american associates to steal more innocent lives.
Bremer? Never mind the fact recently disclosed, again,
that the reason not all can ever be accounted for, is
the years old burnt remains haven't revealed exact
quantities of anthrax. Therefor, the UN, couldn't give
Iraq any benefit, no matter what, never could, under
bush dictates, STILL, and, bush is now wagering,
Americans must continue to ignore American principles,
all recent history, including everything he said two
weeks previous, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights,
GOD, and suffer as sacrificed cowards to the further
criminal dictatorship of Our foolish Mr. Bush Jr..
Where was Kofi, or Blix to speak of the unfairness of
the bushites impossible requests on disclosing illegally
provided american savagery? Where is Kofi to speak for
US People being poisoned by radio-active depleted
uranium as anyone? ANYONE! Now we have the UN refusing
to protect the interests of US Iraqi People, by letting
the demon bushites seize criminally all assets, while
formally proclaiming through the UN uncontested, the
tyrant bush won't be accountable to any rules of law,
when it comes to accounting for our stolen money. Or,
like karma, American tax payers secretly paying
Haliburton 490 MILLION overhead, without free market
protections, on top of fifty thousand a day salaries,
ALL because nationally, THEY're willing to go silently
as censored while bush robs from US "People" way over in
the Far East somewheres. Did you hear of Powell, quoted
stating, "There were weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq. It wasn't a figment of anyone's imagination,"?
Of course that is not what is, or what was disputed
factually, or at issue, so, Powell reportingly followed
up to cover his intentional inacuracy with risking
American lives by splurting further, "What we have to do
now is not get trapped in the long-winded debate about
what was known and not known,".

We knew we were right, before we were wronged.

Let us throw in Powell for public trial also under
treason Along with bush, rumsefeld, blair and franks,
and maybe too, cheney, for looking so suspicious.
Nature's natural progression for humanity is to
intelligent progression by collective design with our
freedoms in the balance through laws, or death by
regression through failures to communicate against
irrational, unjust acts openly perpetrated in our names
as forfeited, under Our evil Mr. bush Jr., the for real
demon antichrist, figured in disguise.

You are now christened as someone who has read of the
great once secret, true American Patriot, pleading for
help to save God as ourselves,

Johnny Wizard

P.S. Do you think you could find it in your dark heart
to forward myself through OUR media, to instigate lively
debate, or perhaps spare a paltry five minutes of help
for your own survival by instinct? Is it just too much
to ask you as a fellow human being, to help US out with
a true care for living? Call out on Justice to save one
as worthy to hear Nature's praise, or don't, and
deservingly fall to US as deceived blind traitor, a
betrayer like bush to yourself and Humanity's family, as
all of Creation is this Universe as God's Son too. Oh
Yeah way!


Learn About Depleted Uranium From The US Army's Expert on Depleted Uranium (DU)
Text of Dr. Doug Rokke Speaking in California, 21.04.03

We Used To Impeach Liars - By William Rivers Pitt

John Griffin

Jun 11, 2003, 3:42:07 AM6/11/03

> What was Saddam doing that we could have fought for
> betterment by simply communicating over those who
> couldn't care less as criminals?

What were your English teachers doing when you were
jerking off in their classrooms?

You are one CRAZY sumbitch.

Yeah Way Man

Jun 12, 2003, 6:31:15 PM6/12/03
to (We knew we were right, before we were wronged.) wrote in message news:<>...

> "lancelot" <> wrote in message news:<yHDEa.24094$>...
> > Interesting on how you put things.
> > If america hasn't been bombed, I bet bush wouldn't rage war. It seemed at
> > least partly he's thinking of america. And last time I check, America is one
> > of the place that does has freedom of speech.
> > How does CNN/CBC destroy that?

Like refusing to address the wages lost in American lives due to demon
bush's criminal tirades as the 9/11 perpetrating traitor he is as the


Revealed: The Secret Cabal which Spun for Blair


Standing Ground

Nature's natural progression for humanity, is to

Johnny Wizard


> > > >

> > > > Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
> > > > What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means

We Used To Impeach Liars - By William Rivers Pitt



Down to an Art

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard



Jun 16, 2003, 3:23:04 AM6/16/03
"lancelot" <> wrote in message
> Interesting on how you put things.
> If america hasn't been bombed, I bet bush wouldn't rage war. It seemed at
> least partly he's thinking of america. And last time I check, America is
> of the place that does has freedom of speech.
> How does CNN/CBC destroy that?
>>By censorship.

excuse me asking.
but what exactly did CNN/CBC censored?


Jun 16, 2003, 3:25:26 AM6/16/03
The wages lost?
demon bush?
9/11 perpetrating traitor?

Please go into more details and be more explicit.
And your reply sounded very subjective. That is not a good way to win an

"Yeah Way Man" <> wrote in message

> (We knew we were right, before we were
wronged.) wrote in message
> > "lancelot" <> wrote in message
> > > Interesting on how you put things.
> > > If america hasn't been bombed, I bet bush wouldn't rage war. It seemed
> > > least partly he's thinking of america. And last time I check, America
is one
> > > of the place that does has freedom of speech.
> > > How does CNN/CBC destroy that?
> Like refusing to address the wages lost in American lives due to demon
> bush's criminal tirades as the 9/11 perpetrating traitor he is as the
> antichrist.

> !


Jun 16, 2003, 9:35:29 AM6/16/03
> > Like refusing to address the wages lost in American lives due to demon
> > bush's criminal tirades as the 9/11 perpetrating traitor he is as the
> > antichrist.
> > !

Bush is the Anti-Christ? I thought Scott Baio was the Anti-Christ!


Jun 16, 2003, 9:44:41 AM6/16/03

Dick Clark is. Bill Hicks said so.

Dr.Postman USPS, MBMC, BsD; "Disgruntled, But Unarmed"
Member,Board of Directors of afa-b, SKEP-TI-CULT® member #15-51506-253.
You can email me at: eckles(at)

"The services provided by Sylvia Browne Corporation are highly
speculative in nature and we do not guarantee that the results
of our work will be satisfactory to a client."
-Sylvia's Refund Policy

Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)

Jun 16, 2003, 10:17:51 AM6/16/03
On 16 Jun 2003 13:35:29 GMT, (XXX) wrote in

That position has already been filled by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather, because it is easier to harrass
rich women than it is motorcycle gangs." - Bumper Sticker
(This sig file contains not less than 80% recycled SPAM)

Sarcasm is my sword, Apathy is my shield.

I can't help hate that God hater demon bush as much as any real Atheist would.

Jun 17, 2003, 6:43:47 PM6/17/03
to (bushites are EVIL traitors to American Soldiers) wrote in message news:<>...
> (The CIA and FBI are in on this with US) wrote in message news:<>...
> snpd
> That proves it then I suppose....
> But say, have you seen this,
> "The Isaiah Crowd - And How Their Neo-Christianity is Killing Us"?
> Is truth, justice and freedom, just kooky when we kill American
> service people, dying for bush's contempt for the American flag, the
> human race, and God?


Bush's Deceptions on Iraq Threaten Democracy at Home
"The consent of the governed was obtained by manipulation rather than
candid persuasion."


Humanity never took to the demon bush's performance, of excepting his
faulty conclusions on our intelligence services position through the
Iraq situation. Now, we're expected under corporate news control to
further deify bush into blindly believing the actions taken so far,
for US people over there in Iraq, have been somehow in our benefits as
the unseen. While the terrorists of Dutch-Shell, and the repeatedly
convicted for massive fraud against the American People without handed
prison sentences, Halliberton, caters to the pirates at the Iraqi

Can evil bush or rotten rumsfeld explain to anyone publicly the
declaration founding the Office of the Coalition Provisional
Authority, OCPA, (Used to be ORHA, office of reconstruction and
HUMANITAIRIAN ASSISTANCE) the colonial regime now criminally occupying
the country, stating in its preamble that it "will help alleviate
dependence on humanitarian assistance", while as of yet, no concerted
effort has been waged to restore stability to the Iraqi people with
the basic necessities for life, uncontaminated air, clean water, and
their own food Saddam already paid billions &#8220;of his own
money&#8221; for. Let us DEMAND by gun point from bush or rotten
rumsfeld about how privatizing Iraqi assets through piracy, is
anything else but another act of treason against Humanity, committed
by the sacrifices of American soldiers as dmfukd without real
leadership.. Let US hear from mass murderer bush how WE were mistaken
by his lies as our God's suffering and dread. Why do the bushites at
media controls support silence regarding OURSELVES as the INNOCENT at
Guantanemo? Where are our voices for supporting further instability
in Iraq to kill American Patriot Soldiers, so the likes of death squad
funders Shell, and cheney&#8217;s alter, halliberton, can profit off
YOUR living, unjustly sacrificed? Don&#8217;t look to me as your
cross, look to yourself as this Universe is God as ourselves being
victimized. As Creation, we are calling for Your Universal Freedom
through Justice, but if you help nothing to your plundered neighbors,
who needs you then in your missing conclusion? Fuck, I can&#8217;t
help hate that God hater demon bush as much as any real Atheist would.
We are suffering by deliberate censorship on our top priority events
up there without US at CNN headquarters to speak on the bush demon and
rotten rumsfeld&#8217;s blatant evil treason to all of our Humanity.
Which includes yourself too, as a misinformed, 12 hour work day
alcoholic with a mortgage payments overdued, getting away to relax
from growing pressures by escaping with fantasy in film, a popular
hobby that doesn&#8217;t directly address our real world plights
falling further by corrupt bush doctrine though, a practiced act of
lawless murder as wanton destruction against our innocent families.
Is it that nothing is no matter of war as so serious, that it requires
ongoing challenges with investigative journalism for America in
servitude? Where is the bush bio-trucks follow up? Where is the IAEA
report as all the false evidence bush would use to war ourselves
blindly to steal our money? Is not stealing homes from G-D
un-Jewish? Just what is Fox News selling US as an honest portrayal of
freedom surviving? Is it to witness ourselves as elected officials
disenfranchised from participation in our own living futures and
ability, but for to be counted politically incompetent as victim to
further criminal transgressions? Uncontested to our graves by CNN's
Bill Hemmer, or CBC's Barbara Budd who give no excuses to anyone for
their silence of contempt for our dying futures? Phone them yourself
and ask why they forbid our knowledge from being acknowledged. Our
media services should be helping garner support for our causes
politically speaking, by airing our political news developments. When
bush and rumsfeld needlessly drop radio-active nuclear waste on our
public institutions that served our communities interests, then bill
US further to rebuild what they criminally destroy, the poison kills
US all. For no good reasons, bush has America suffer, with this,
bushite feigned delusional ignorance on everything of critical
importance to US, portrayed corporately as unawares to hide
bush&#8217;s ill will for all as the denied humans. With the
subsequent growing overall perception world-wide, of American
cowardice to stand against huge injustices against God committed
openly in their names politically pirated. As I said, mentally
deranged bush is evil himself, and Patriots need to find the faith in
yourself to believe we need you.


King Johnny

Iraqi &#8220;bioweapons&#8221; trailers: another &#8220;smoking
gun&#8221; goes up in smoke

Former Aide Takes Aim at War on Terror

US prepares military repression in Iraq


Standing Ground

Nature's natural progression for humanity is to

Johnny Wizard





By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


I can't help hate that God hater demon bush as much as any real Atheist would.

Jun 17, 2003, 6:53:45 PM6/17/03
to (Yeah Way Man) wrote in message news:<>...

> Revealed: The Secret Cabal which Spun for Blair

Anyway, back to this, saving humanity from evil bush as antichrist
thing. Have you seen the John Conyers position on CNN or MSNBC as of
late? I haven't..



King Johnny


Standing Ground

Nature's natural progression for humanity is to

Johnny Wizard





By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Yeay Way

Jun 17, 2003, 7:46:00 PM6/17/03
On 5 Jun 2003 16:15:46 -0700, (bushites

are EVIL traitors to American Soldiers) wrote:

> (bush is NOT America) wrote in message news:<>...
>Yeah yeah, look...
>This is a time in history where an individual's conduct is paramount.
>Too many cowardly Americans, who are offered too many excuses, who
>instead of standing for their own personal God given rights as equals,
>watch their own brothers or neighbors (as would be themselves) robbed
>openly by the criminal bushmobsters,



their own food Saddam already paid billions “of his own money” for.

Let us DEMAND by gun point from bush or rotten rumsfeld about how
privatizing Iraqi assets through piracy, is anything else but another
act of treason against Humanity, committed by the sacrifices of
American soldiers as dmfukd without real leadership.. Let US hear from
mass murderer bush how WE were mistaken by his lies as our God's
suffering and dread. Why do the bushites at media controls support
silence regarding OURSELVES as the INNOCENT at Guantanemo? Where are
our voices for supporting further instability in Iraq to kill American
Patriot Soldiers, so the likes of death squad funders Shell, and

cheney’s alter, halliberton, can profit off YOUR living, unjustly
sacrificed? Don’t look to me as your cross, look to yourself as this

Universe is God as ourselves being victimized. As Creation, we are
calling for Your Universal Freedom through Justice, but if you help
nothing to your plundered neighbors, who needs you then in your

missing conclusion? Fuck, I can’t help hate that God hater demon bush

as much as any real Atheist would. We are suffering by deliberate
censorship on our top priority events up there without US at CNN

headquarters to speak on the bush demon and rotten rumsfeld’s blatant

evil treason to all of our Humanity. Which includes yourself too, as a
misinformed, 12 hour work day alcoholic with a mortgage payments
overdued, getting away to relax from growing pressures by escaping

with fantasy in film, a popular hobby that doesn’t directly address

our real world plights falling further by corrupt bush doctrine
though, a practiced act of lawless murder as wanton destruction
against our innocent families. Is it that nothing is no matter of war
as so serious, that it requires ongoing challenges with investigative
journalism for America in servitude? Where is the bush bio-trucks
follow up? Where is the IAEA report as all the false evidence bush

would use to war ourselves blindly to steal our money? Is not

stealing homes from G-D un-Jewish? Just what is Fox News selling US as
an honest portrayal of freedom surviving? Is it to witness ourselves
as elected officials disenfranchised from participation in our own
living futures and ability, but for to be counted politically
incompetent as victim to further criminal transgressions? Uncontested
to our graves by CNN's Bill Hemmer, or CBC's Barbara Budd who give no
excuses to anyone for their silence of contempt for our dying futures?
Phone them yourself and ask why they forbid our knowledge from being
acknowledged. Our media services should be helping garner support for
our causes politically speaking, by airing our political news
developments. When bush and rumsfeld needlessly drop radio-active
nuclear waste on our public institutions that served our communities
interests, then bill US further to rebuild what they criminally
destroy, the poison kills US all. For no good reasons, bush has
America suffer, with this, bushite feigned delusional ignorance on
everything of critical importance to US, portrayed corporately as

unawares to hide bush’s ill will for all as the denied humans. With

the subsequent growing overall perception world-wide, of American
cowardice to stand against huge injustices against God committed
openly in their names politically pirated. As I said, mentally
deranged bush is evil himself, and Patriots need to find the faith in
yourself to believe we need you.


King Johnny

Iraqi “bioweapons” trailers: another “smoking gun” goes up in smoke


Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard


> > > >

> > > > Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
> > > > What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means

We Used To Impeach Liars - By William Rivers Pitt




By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Down to an Art

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard


Then Johnny appeared, again.. and again... and... Jeeze, here comes trouble for the demon bush Jr..

Jun 19, 2003, 6:54:57 PM6/19/03
"lancelot" <> wrote in message news:<sfeHa.99452$>...


No one denies that DU, is dangerously radioactive, and highly toxic,
and that as much as 30 percent of the munition oxodizes into
microscopic particles that can be inhaled. CBC and CNN refuse to
adress the top priority issue, and would rather leave US ALL to suffer
further for our ignorance. Phone them yourself and hear what evil is
when no follow up is done to benefit our communities, our police
agencies, or our families.

There was NO REASON to blow up public Iraqi institutions with this
form of weaponry that indisriminately murders for generations. A
conventional bomb would have told the same evil criminal act, but not
included neibourhood children, or cowardly bushwhore soldiers who
refuse to protect their families, and their flag.


Where is the honor in murdering our children's children, destroying
our civilian public infrastructure, then stealing our food and meager
assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliberton, while dumping radio-active
toxic waste all over themselves as sacrificed DUMBFUCKS, just so bush,
their evil diety, can pocket a few extra thousand dollars for his
re-election campaign?

Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction:
Is Lying About The Reason For War An Impeachable Offense?


FROM "Standing Ground"

"Why would bush and rumsfeld not want to arrest the
perpetrators of 9/11 I ask you cowardly nazi american
bushwhore victims?"

Learn About Depleted Uranium From The US Army's Expert on Depleted

Uranium (DU)
Text of Dr. Doug Rokke Speaking in California, 21.04.03


Humanity never took to the demon bush's performance, of excepting his
faulty conclusions on our intelligence services position through the
Iraq situation. Now, we're expected under corporate news control to
further deify bush into blindly believing the actions taken so far,
for US people over there in Iraq, have been somehow in our benefits as
the unseen. While the terrorists of Dutch-Shell, and the repeatedly
convicted for massive fraud against the American People without handed
prison sentences, Halliberton, caters to the pirates at the Iraqi
Can evil bush or rotten rumsfeld explain to anyone publicly the
declaration founding the Office of the Coalition Provisional
Authority, OCPA, (Used to be ORHA, office of reconstruction and
HUMANITAIRIAN ASSISTANCE) the colonial regime now criminally occupying
the country, stating in its preamble that it "will help alleviate
dependence on humanitarian assistance", while as of yet, no concerted
effort has been waged to restore stability to the Iraqi people with
the basic necessities for life, uncontaminated air, clean water, and

their own food Saddam already paid billions &#8220;of his own

money&#8221; for. Let us DEMAND by gun point from bush or rotten

rumsfeld about how privatizing Iraqi assets through piracy, is
anything else but another act of treason against Humanity, committed
by the sacrifices of American soldiers as dmfukd without real
leadership.. Let US hear from mass murderer bush how WE were mistaken
by his lies as our God's suffering and dread. Why do the bushites at
media controls support silence regarding OURSELVES as the INNOCENT at
Guantanemo? Where are our voices for supporting further instability
in Iraq to kill American Patriot Soldiers, so the likes of death squad

funders Shell, and cheney&#8217;s alter, halliberton, can profit off
YOUR living, unjustly sacrificed? Don&#8217;t look to me as your

cross, look to yourself as this Universe is God as ourselves being
victimized. As Creation, we are calling for Your Universal Freedom
through Justice, but if you help nothing to your plundered neighbors,

who needs you then in your missing conclusion? Fuck, I can&#8217;t
help hate that God hater demon bush as much as any real Atheist would.

We are suffering by deliberate censorship on our top priority events

up there without US at CNN headquarters to speak on the bush demon and
rotten rumsfeld&#8217;s blatant evil treason to all of our Humanity.

Which includes yourself too, as a misinformed, 12 hour work day
alcoholic with a mortgage payments overdued, getting away to relax
from growing pressures by escaping with fantasy in film, a popular

hobby that doesn&#8217;t directly address our real world plights

falling further by corrupt bush doctrine though, a practiced act of
lawless murder as wanton destruction against our innocent families.
Is it that nothing is no matter of war as so serious, that it requires
ongoing challenges with investigative journalism for America in
servitude? Where is the bush bio-trucks follow up? Where is the IAEA
report as all the false evidence bush would use to war ourselves

blindly to steal our money? Is not stealing homes from G-D

un-Jewish? Just what is Fox News selling US as an honest portrayal of
freedom surviving? Is it to witness ourselves as elected officials
disenfranchised from participation in our own living futures and
ability, but for to be counted politically incompetent as victim to
further criminal transgressions? Uncontested to our graves by CNN's
Bill Hemmer, or CBC's Barbara Budd who give no excuses to anyone for
their silence of contempt for our dying futures? Phone them yourself
and ask why they forbid our knowledge from being acknowledged. Our
media services should be helping garner support for our causes
politically speaking, by airing our political news developments. When
bush and rumsfeld needlessly drop radio-active nuclear waste on our
public institutions that served our communities interests, then bill
US further to rebuild what they criminally destroy, the poison kills
US all. For no good reasons, bush has America suffer, with this,
bushite feigned delusional ignorance on everything of critical
importance to US, portrayed corporately as unawares to hide

bush&#8217;s ill will for all as the denied humans. With the

subsequent growing overall perception world-wide, of American
cowardice to stand against huge injustices against God committed
openly in their names politically pirated. As I said, mentally
deranged bush is evil himself, and Patriots need to find the faith in
yourself to believe we need you.


King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard


> > > >

> > > > Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
> > > > What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means

We Used To Impeach Liars - By William Rivers Pitt




By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Down to an Art

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard



Jun 22, 2003, 1:09:36 PM6/22/03

"Then Johnny appeared, again.. and again... and... Jeeze, here comes trouble
for the demon bush Jr.." <> wrote in message
... First of all, was DU use as a weaponry as toxin?
Or "they" (US companies? US government? Bush?) dump it at iraq's back yard?

2nd, don't really think it's Bush if it's the latter case. Some US companies
even try to bury wastes near public schools in US.

As for the blowing up civilian buildings, did they blow up every civilian
building they can?
Or was that a mistake?

If 2 countries go into war, innocent casualties are bound to happen. Not
that i support killing of innocents or bombing un-related buildings, but
those military/secret hideouts not exactly have a big neon signs on them.
Hard to tell sometimes probably.

And why CNN not reporting this.....
Do they have a reporter on it for this?
Were they too busy reporting war?
What was their reply when they are contacted about this?

Another thing, didn't iraq always was in some kind of war with US?

And let's assume Bin Laden has no association with iraq.
What prompted iraq + US into war?
Even if it's just US wanted to bomb iraq, they have to have a reason right?
I wasn't following the news too closely, but didn't iraq prove to be
"un-incooperative" with the UN's "inspectors" for nuclear weapons?

And if Bin laden has some association with iraq, by refusing to hand him
over (someone that responsible for 9/11 attack---a VERY strategic attack on
US's economy with no regards for the life of the people working in the
building or on plane. ), they are proving to be hostile.

Again, not saying who's wrong or who's right(as in most wars each of the
countries will think they are right), just some points i think that are
relavant to the discussion and should take into consideration.

Somewhere Outhere

Jun 23, 2003, 2:07:37 PM6/23/03
to (Vincent Henry Bartning) wrote in message news:<>...

> Johnny:
> Your post was awkward. It could be that you're making a faction here,
> and there are a lot of 'em. Ho. What about the whole and the
> individual? Anyway, your post also distressed me, and I couldn't
> actually read all of it...

I will attempt to make it even easier...

Where is the honor in murdering our children's children, destroying
our civilian public infrastructure, then stealing our food and meager

assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliburton, while dumping radio-active

toxic waste all over themselves as sacrificed DUMBFUCKS, just so
their evil diety, can pocket a few extra thousand dollars for his
re-election campaign?

What do you feel about posioning American troops for no good reason?
Do you notice, no one can explain why such a posion would be self fed
to the dumfuk cowardly troops? Too weak and stupid to even publicly
discuss the issue.
Why? Because their not real men, but largely illiterate, cowardly, and
facist nazi vermin, traitors to their own Family and Neighbours as
they shit on the American flag and all that freedom represents
constitutionally. Echem, bush is still smirking over their life and
death sacrifices for halliburton and Dutch-Shell. Cowards, weak and
stupid, are all proud American bushited soldiers. Too cowardly and
weak to even talk about their own devaluations, while they fall maimed
or dead. Thank God. I'd destroy any proud nazi soldier who
purposefully attacks our children and families in Iraq and elsewheres
for the 9/11 criminal traitor, the American cop killer, Our Mr. bush
Jr., the antiChrist, how about you buddy?



No one denies that DU, is dangerously radioactive, and highly toxic,
and that as much as 30 percent of the munition oxodizes into
microscopic particles that can be inhaled. CBC and CNN refuse to
adress the top priority issue, and would rather leave US ALL to suffer

further for our ignorance. Phone them yourself and hear what evil is,

when no follow up is done to benefit our communities, our police
agencies, or our families.

There was NO REASON to blow up public Iraqi institutions with this
form of weaponry that indisriminately murders for generations. A
conventional bomb would have told the same evil criminal act, but not
included neibourhood children, or cowardly bushwhore soldiers who

refuse to protect their families as their flag.


Where is the honor in murdering our children's children, destroying
our civilian public infrastructure, then stealing our food and meager
assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliberton, while dumping radio-active
toxic waste all over themselves as sacrificed DUMBFUCKS, just so bush,
their evil diety, can pocket a few extra thousand dollars for his
re-election campaign?

Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction:


FROM "Standing Ground"



King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard


> > > >

> > > > Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
> > > > What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means

We Used To Impeach Liars - By William Rivers Pitt




By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Down to an Art

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard


Rotten rumsfeld was quoted (while the world's greatest

museum and most ancient Library were being lost to the
bushmob's lawless destruction), chuckling something
like, a free people are free to commit crimes against
our Civilization, a civilization left unprotected
intentionally by the official bushmob strategy. For, it
has also been reported that tommy franks ordered unit
commanders to do nothing to stop looting for several
days, and in several international reports, some units
were encouraging looting to take place against US Iraqi
People, Our People. Why? Demon bush had promises
signed to needlessly spend our money to re-build what is
now forever gone.

If the unjust, war mongering privateer of pillage and

murder, the 9/11 perpetrating heroin pusher, Our Mr.
bush Jr., you know, the American cop killer, was
concerned for US, "The People" in Iraq, (as bush
publicly announced repeatedly) wouldn't he speak then
publicly against the injustices committed against the
completely innocent, that are committed in tyrant bush's
name against Ourselves at Guantanamo? Or bigger even,
when last have you heard bush pontificate on America
directly funding anti-Semitic hate groups like the Likud
party, who publicly hold no apology to Life as enemies
of Judaism, committing criminal assault against all life
as this Universe includes You especially?

Example: Should a crime in New York committed by a

criminal, give the bushmob the go to committing thefts,
or outright murders in Our name against the American
People as established innocent by all parties?

Timeless tales these are from the Testament, or.. how

Let's give Life some help out here People, by requesting

some recognition in our ability to be outspoken. Like
J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d is forever as...

Disinformation Agent 2740164

Jun 24, 2003, 12:33:13 AM6/24/03
> Did I tell you?, CNN's Bill Hemmer knows that bush's
> business partner who developed the invasion plan for
> Afghanistan prior to 9/11

I note the fact that there is nothing to take from afghanistan, such as oil
or other wealth. We had nothing to gain from invading them other than as
retaliation for 9/11.

> J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d is forever as...


John Griffin

Jun 25, 2003, 2:37:01 AM6/25/03
"Then Johnny appeared, again.. and again... and... Jeeze, here comes trouble for the demon bush Jr.." <> wrote in message

> [ same old verbal wanking ]

Hi, harlequin. I just wanted to let you know that your newer and
lamer anonym is funny as hell, in that it implies that you think your
"message" has some desired effect outside your head.


Jun 27, 2003, 2:35:10 PM6/27/03
On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 17:09:36 GMT, "lancelot" <> wrote:


>> > excuse me asking.
>> > but what exactly did CNN/CBC censored?

We CAN stop bush and blair with Justice for Freedom.
It's Just, If only americans weren't so enslaved as dying bushites,
that willingly allow the bush demons to rob and sacrifice their own
families in gratitude to his hatred for God and Humanity.

What was the cooperating, communicating, open to our world for
disscussions Saddam doing, that a bushite could remedy by asking? Was
it torturing innocent people to death like at Guantanamo? Or, stealing
pensions like with Worldcom, or Enron? Or perhaps, letting the 9/11
perpetrators escape from prosecution? Maybe, killing his own american

Does the do gooder God of Heaven, hold no place in your heart as

Where is the honor in murdering our children's children, destroying
our civilian public infrastructure, then stealing our food and meager

assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliburton, while dumping radio-active

toxic waste all over themselves as sacrificed DUMBFUCKS, just so
bush, their evil diety, can pocket a few extra thousand dollars for
his re-election campaign?

What do you feel about poisoning American troops for no good reason?
Do you notice, no one can explain why such a poison would be self fed

to the dumfuk cowardly troops? Too weak and stupid to even publicly
discuss the issue.

Why? Because their not real men, but largely illiterate, cowardly,

facist nazi vermin, traitors to their own Family and Neighbours as
they shit on the American flag and all that freedom represents
constitutionally. Echem, bush is still smirking over their life and
death sacrifices for halliburton and Dutch-Shell. Cowards, weak and
stupid, are all proud American bushited soldiers. Too cowardly and
weak to even talk about their own devaluations, while they fall maimed

or dead as bushwhore victims. I'd destroy any proud nazi soldier who
purposefully war crimes our children and families in Iraq and
elsewheres, while serving for the director of Kissinger( Suharto and
Pinocet) Associates, the talantless criminal DICTATOR Bremer, who as
traitor to the WORLD, had arrested those Jay Gardner allowed to start
organizing elections for promised freedoms. (You know?, why Our
American soldiers were told their sacrificing their lives for now
instead of the non-existent weapons evidence?)

CNN and CBC PURPOSEFULLY portray OUR SOLDIERS as having no comments,
or are too afraid as fascists to even public speak out for themselves
and their dead comrads,leaving bush's corporate america to continue
devolving the once great American dream by further open piracy. All in
blind sacrifice for the 9/11 criminal traitor, the American cop
killer, Our Mr. bush Jr., the antiChrist. A puny mortal!

Does the do gooder God of Heaven, hold no place in America's heart as

God could sure use our support right about now.



No one denies that DU, is dangerously radioactive, and highly toxic,
and that as much as 30 percent of the munition oxodizes into
microscopic particles that can be inhaled. CBC and CNN refuse to

address the top priority issue, and would rather leave US ALL to
further for our ignorance. Phone them yourself and hear what evil is,

when no follow up is done to benefit our communities, our police
agencies, or our families.

There was NO REASON to blow up public Iraqi institutions with this
form of weaponry that indisriminately murders for generations. A
conventional bomb would have told the same evil criminal act, but not
included neibourhood children, or cowardly bushwhore soldiers who

refuse to protect their families as their dying flag.


Where is the honor in murdering our children's children, destroying
our civilian public infrastructure, then stealing our food and meager
assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliberton, while dumping radio-active
toxic waste all over themselves as sacrificed DUMBFUCKS, just so bush,
their evil diety, can pocket a few extra thousand dollars for his
re-election campaign?

Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction:


Jul 2, 2003, 2:02:30 PM7/2/03
JW <> wrote in message news:<>...

> On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 17:09:36 GMT, "lancelot" <> wrote:
> >
> snpd
> >> > excuse me asking.
> >> > but what exactly did CNN/CBC censored?
Well, it is in Life's interest, to not self destruct under the
irrational, unjust, criminal dictates of Our Mr. bush Jr.. But, CNN
and CBC refuse to broadcast the facts of our displeasure with their
contempt for You, our politicians, Humanity, or the truth speaking,
Son of Man, me, as Son to YHWH as shared Creator of all things. Let me
tell you as a friend who only wants free communications, the murdering
bushites, are truly stealing from our families, while polluting our
planet with radio-active nuclear waste as terrorists.


So, What's this then?

Britain: Blair government caught out in plagiarism
and lies over latest Iraq dossier

//Changes that are made are in order to dress Iraqi
actions up in more sinister mode. Thus ``monitoring''
foreign embassies becomes ``spying'' on them and
``aiding opposition groups in hostile regimes'' becomes
``supporting terrorist organizations in hostile


BBC refuses to say sorry over Iraq report


Welcome my friend to the unjust evil bushite enslavement
of Your recognized opinion..

We all KNOW factually, and freely confess without
truthful contention, the UNJUST evil bush and blair,
"sexed up" the falsehoods of a plagiarized essay, then
bold faced lied as they continue today, to hide their
"embarrassment" of indiscriminately murdering our
Humanity for criminal thefts against a just rule of our
god given rights Man. Where was and is CNN's corporate
concern now for US being robbed and murdered in Iraq
today? Should not the Iraqi People be granted the food
and medicine they have all ready paid completely for
through the generous Saddam in comparison? Where is
GOD'S concern for what is scientifically proven to be,
WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, a dangerously radio-active, highly
toxic depleted uranium war crime attack against
ourselves as God in innocence for Generations? The evil
bushites are assaulting, our not being defended,
children's children's children. Where are these brave
men in America I hear so much about in the movies to
protect their own families? Who as devolving fascist
cowards side not to help themselves gain corporate
recognition by supporting the likes of this paper all
the way up at CNN headquarters, falling instead as
enemies of America with their lies on all Nature stands
in God's name, and as the stripes, "We, The People",
trumpets from the stars eternal.

I, for one, as the Lord of Lords, am calling for an
immediate end to heinous injustices committed in bush's
name against God, and am now directly challenging ALL
who think I'm not completely serious about this,
fighting to speak freely as ourselves being alive for
the moment gig as Creator.. Now your messing with a
real godman of God, and additionally, the Standing
Eternal King of Creation, so bow to no one in blind
servitude but in respect for yourself in this presence
is ours equally Universal. There is indeed wonder as
our Universe is also of the unknowable, all of
everything everywhere included, timelessness as forever
seems here and now for You also. So, are you going to
be as those who did nothing while the evil mass
murdering demon bush tried to destroy freedom for your
Humanity as God included?

Respect for ourselves I'm told should surely come soon I
hope. UNDERSTAND THIS, CNN and CBC management, have
continually refused to interview me, or report on my
documented to be factual, real world concerns for our
survival as the criminally victimized through corporate
censorship. So according to the FBI and CIA 911
investigations, still not aired by our disrespecting
National News perceivers.


At a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee hearing in
March, 2001, Richard Perle, (you know, from rumsfeld's
unelected secret circle of war criminals), stated
without any collaborative evidence whatsoever "Does
Saddam now have weapons of mass destruction? Sure he
does. We know he has chemical weapons. We know he has
biological weapons. . . . How far he's gone on the
nuclear-weapons side I don't think we really know. My
guess is it's further than we think. It's always
further than we think, because we limit ourselves, as we
think about this, to what we're able to prove and
demonstrate. . . . And, unless you believe that we
have uncovered everything, you have to assume there is
more than we're able to report".


When the should be gone as incompetent, corrupt, and
talentless non-listener bremer, speaks the only reason
american nazi soldiers are falling dead as deaf dumb and
blind comrades, is due to secular loyalists of Iraq as a
People, a people fighting for freedom by representation,
does not then bremer, TRULY, beckon for bush's own
destruction as the enemy he is to US all? Mr. bremer,
the criminal tyrant as traitor of US innocent in Iraq,
the unarrested murderer and election saboteur for
Halliburton through instability by sacrificing more
leaderless soldiers, now openly tells our Soldiers LIES
about why they are DYING for him, bush, cheney,
Dutch-Shell and Worldcom. Mr. bremer's actions have
worked intentionally to increase political instability,
by forgoing his main public tasks of creating dialog and
consensus, and instead, as tyrant dictator, only offers
murder runs on tips from whomever. Pssst.. Kill the
demon bush traders American Patriot Soldier to protect
Your Freedom and our Nations, or serve as cowardly
savages creating more hatred for your bushlike
continuing disrespect of human life, and God as Love.
What is publicly awarding WorldCom tax payers money, but
a further continuation of the secret bushite's criminal
plan, a criminal plan of having US made also without
questions asked, to blindly overpay tricky Halliburton,
Dutch-Shell, along with Suharto and the Pinochet
business partners billions of American dollars in
overhead for nothing, while with what is left as a
pittance is promised for sometime in our future to
rebuild what bush and rumsfeld criminally destroyed,
after murdering so many in New York City with 911, like
Firefighters, and a wise, God loving, Holy Reverend.
Where is the HELP for IRAQ as promised after
victimizations from an imposed criminal dictatorship
that is stealing the resources of US People as Iraqi?
After bombing most public institutions with radio-active
nuclear waste, then encouraging looting while allowing
the ransacking of museums, soldiers still refused to
protect nuclear facilities as the threat we were told
they were going to die for as parasites. To witness
bush bringing further hardships with his inaction in
Afghanistan, and now in God's love, Iraq, brings me to
great anger. To have Iraq worse now falling plundered,
than when Iraq was under the relatively stable, food,
water, and security provisions of Saddam's, who was
communicating, is a further blatant insult to all those
American Soldiers now dead from fighting for something
they could never articulate publicly as bushite slaves
to willful ignorance they bay as the asinine in secret.
While bush tells US as the public, the UN sanctions plan
for spending for the governed on continuing health and
welfare, is something he, and Jay's replacement bremer,
wish to politically appose without question or law?

Walter Issacson, or Aaron Brown's CNN would have US as
this WORLD in Johnny's presence, believe to BE without
any legitimate concern, regarding the franks death
squads, the INNOCENT as God at Guantanamo, or 911's
General Ahmad as the antiChrist's business partner.
Protecting those who murdered thousands of Americans CNN
advocates by refusing to air our concerns by priority.
Actions of unjust wars deserve at least updates. Don't
YOU believe?, you the ignorant as dying bushite
soldier?, have a life worth considering? No? Me,
personally, think American soldiers are largely, a bunch
of mindless dumbfucks without leadership, who cowardly
murder the practically defenseless with cluster bombs
for no good reasons as nazi traitors to the American
constitution, but I wouldn't kill you by association if
I didn't have to as all powerful, I'd rather teach the
Nature of Freedom through the equality of Justice for
all people concerned. As God would naturally. Don't
you think I would make for an excellent radio guest?
Say so!

No billion dollar effort is yet underway, to quickly
rebuild the criminal destruction of our civilian
infrastructure, but to further fall our communities to
evil bush's criminal plunder. I ask as Creation, why
should not bush and rumsfeld personally pay with their
lives for their planned continuation of war crimes
against US all instead?

Expect more casualties, warns Rumsfeld

See how evil rotten rumsfeld is. He plays like dictator
bremer is working for the Iraqi People by stealing our
public assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliburton, while
criminally persecuting the unjustly persecuted. Taking
as alleged, from Iraqis as the completely innocent
bremer boasts him and 911's rumsfeld will continue
protected, hiding behind the growing more disturbingly
ignorant as cowardly, uninformed traitorous American
Patriot Soldiers? How long my friends? How long must
Our God wait for One true Patriot to whom we are all
relying on maybe existing, to stand for Justice as
Freedom?, you know, the good old red, white, and blue as
Salutable? Evil bremer tells US he wants to criminally
harm those who tried to make Iraq something better as
secularists in a one party only government, those of
whom we were told, were restrained as victimized under
Saddam's edge as tyrannical. Now bremer, as war crime
director, wants to further persecute ourselves without
public charges? Like in bush's personal america under
ashcroft issues? While demon bush now goals to invite
the corrupt Wahabbi's Vinnell, the repressive Allah
haters, the dark evil side to Jihad, to suffer ourselves
even more hardships against freedom everywhere? How
long must the People of our World die for Americans to
stand up against the bush demon God betrayer? Where are
the CNN and CBC producer voices, (who refuse as
supporters of tyranny, to respond to any community
interaction on our top priority issues) as our OWN
regarding the concentration camps where evil nazi forces
murder our friends and family as the completely

Afghan prisoners beaten to death at US military
interrogation base,1284,909294,00.html

Where are we STILL?, with the LOYAL FBI and CIA 911
investigations made public?, while corporate news
control continues to deny Justice a voice for YOUR
freedom actually dying my friend? I am really the
fictional Son of Man, Johnny Wizard, and bush as
AntiChrist, is actually, for real, actively destroying
Our innocent lives as an enemy to all People, especially
Americans, as they fall further unjustly as victims
enslaved by their own cowardice to stand strong as an
army for love. I, as King, need your help to request I
be spoken of, for by myself, you sound like someone
nobody could care less for. As the benevolent, haven't
asked for much yet King of this Universe, I am
legitimately pissed off with the unarrested demon bush
and his murder rampages against Our Eternal Creation, so
destroy bush for Love my friend, or for Justice as
Freedom, or, for Yourself even as worth something to
consider... please?

10 Appalling Lies We Were Told About Iraq

From: Cheney And The CIA: Not Business As Usual

//"the fact that Cheney's office had originally asked
that the Iraq-Niger report be checked out makes it
inconceivable that his office would not have been
informed of the results."\\

Growing WMD Scandal Could Lead to Impeachment

//The Bush Administration didn't have proof, so they
spent last fall making it up. As Robin Cook, who
resigned from Tony Blair's cabinet over the war, told
the British Parliament: "Instead of using intelligence
as evidence on which to base a decision about policy, we
used intelligence as the basis to justify a policy on
which we had already decided."\\

//GSM Consulting, skilled in stopping oil-well fires and
rebuilding petroleum services, had been told, in a
Defense Department letter dated Dec. 30, 2002, that "it
is too early to speculate" about Iraq "in the event that
war breaks out in the region."\\

Pentagon Iraq Contractor Has History Of Supporting
Terrorist Regimes

Where is America on bush funding criminal enterprises
with our public money, such as with Uzbekistan, or
Haliburton setting their own uncontended double cost
expenses, privately in secret to rob further from a
soldier's tolled grandmom? Does the contemptuous CNN's
continuing silence on bush allowing history's largest
American pension thieves, the unarrested billionaires at
Worldcom, to have criminal privileges over the rights of
the average Iraqi citizen being further denied Justice,
anger you to no end like all the Saints from Heaven
would be also?

From: Guess who's getting a slice of Iraqi pie? The
fraud king, WorldCom

Where is the immediate DEMAND to return Iraq to where we
were before the toxic and radioactive 28,000 bombs were
dropped by the demon bush to let criminally murder our
family, while destroying God's infrastructure, all so
demon bush could include sacrificing dmfkd no leadership
soldiers, while stealing from US tax payers as
unprotected? How long will it be when Americans finally
stand up for American freedom?

I'd destroy demon traitor bush in a second, as any real
brave American Patriot would to be a real Man in God's

Johnny Wizard

P.S. Look, isn't stealing property from a honest, hard
working family in the Likud party's name, then sending
our victimized family with only the shirts on their back
to a refugee camp, a despicable criminal theft,
perpetrated by bigotry disguised as racism against God
ruled unjustly? The Palestinians are Jewish! The
Palestinians are Catholics! The Palestinians are
Atheist as Arabs too! The Palestinians are US as the
neighborhood children of Israel. Wouldn't the great
Judaic teacher, Hillel, condemn sharon straight to
prison?, with his words a living testimony still
relevant today? Or, think, would sharon appreciate we
steal a honest Persons home and all his money, then send
the lot to a concentration camp somewhere for good
riddance? Mr. sharon is the biggest anti-Semite of
history, as king of the Jew haters. Hitler wasn't even
so heinous in his public delivery. See, with Peace in
the middle east, so goes the reason to pay criminal
thugs billions to "protect" US from being robbed and
murdered. The Likud steals openly, property as the
living rights of individuals to be Jews. (And also
tried to blow up the Mexican Parliament as terrorists,
but were caught trying to get away unreported.) In
Israel, the Likud has anti-discrimination laws that only
apply to "jews"! Classifying G-D politically as
unworthy participator! When being REALLY Jewish,
includes especially, History's beautiful black women in
Ethiopia over the last 1800 so years as longed, but
never forgotten. (Hmm... I wonder if they'd let me
come over for a visit as appreciated?)

Anyway, can you give yourself some help here please?


We CAN stop bush with Justice for Freedom.

It's Just, If only americans weren't so enslaved as dying bushites,

that willingly allow bush to rob and sacrifice their own families in





FROM "Standing Ground"



King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard





By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Down to an Art

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard


you recall?, SNIPPED for berevity...

Freedom by Communication

Jul 4, 2003, 11:45:57 AM7/4/03
"Disinformation Agent 2740164" <NewsR...@InsightBB.COM> wrote in message news:<dwQJa.4479$Bg.3389@rwcrnsc54>...

Billions of tax payer dollars, to wage a criminal war, against the
Taliban, who only wished to arrest the 911 suspects by following the
free evidence? True, America, as a nation, loses big time for refusing
to bravely back the FBI and CIA investigators involved directly in the
911 investigations, and siding instead as a CNN'd nation, for whoring
mindlessly to the demon bush as false deity antiChrist.


It is in Life's interest, to not self destruct under the


Johnny Wizard


Where is the honor in murdering our children's children, destroying

our civilian public infrastructure, then stealing our food and meager
assets for Dutch-Shell and Halliburton, while dumping radio-active
toxic waste all over themselves as sacrificed DUMBFUCKS, just so
bush, their evil diety, can pocket a few extra thousand dollars for
his re-election campaign?

What do you feel about poisoning American troops for no good reason?
Do you notice, no one can explain why such a poison would be self fed

to the dumfuk cowardly troops? Too weak and stupid to even publicly
discuss the issue.

Why? Because their not real men, but largely illiterate, cowardly,

facist nazi vermin, traitors to their own Family and Neighbours as
they shit on the American flag and all that freedom represents
constitutionally. Echem, bush is still smirking over their life and
death sacrifices for halliburton and Dutch-Shell. Cowards, weak and
stupid, are all proud American bushited soldiers. Too cowardly and
weak to even talk about their own devaluations, while they fall maimed

or dead as bushwhore victims. I'd destroy any proud nazi soldier who
purposefully war crimes our children and families in Iraq and
elsewheres, while serving for the director of Kissinger( Suharto and
Pinocet) Associates, the talantless criminal DICTATOR Bremer, who as
traitor to the WORLD, had arrested those Jay Gardner allowed to start
organizing elections for promised freedoms. (You know?, why Our
American soldiers were told their sacrificing their lives for now
instead of the non-existent weapons evidence?)

CNN and CBC PURPOSEFULLY portray OUR SOLDIERS as having no comments,
or are too afraid as fascists to even public speak out for themselves
and their dead comrads,leaving bush's corporate america to continue
devolving the once great American dream by further open piracy. All in
blind sacrifice for the 9/11 criminal traitor, the American cop
killer, Our Mr. bush Jr., the antiChrist. A puny mortal!

Does the do gooder God of Heaven, hold no place in America's heart as

God could sure use our support right about now.



No one denies that DU, is dangerously radioactive, and highly toxic,
and that as much as 30 percent of the munition oxodizes into
microscopic particles that can be inhaled. CBC and CNN refuse to

address the top priority issue, and would rather leave US ALL to

further for our ignorance. Phone them yourself and hear what evil is,
when no follow up is done to benefit our communities, our police
agencies, or our families.

There was NO REASON to blow up public Iraqi institutions with this
form of weaponry that indisriminately murders for generations. A
conventional bomb would have told the same evil criminal act, but not
included neibourhood children, or cowardly bushwhore soldiers who

refuse to protect their families as their dying flag.



FROM "Standing Ground"



King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard





By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Down to an Art

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard


you recall?, SNIPPED for berevity...

Agnes Moorehead

Jul 5, 2003, 2:28:42 AM7/5/03

"Freedom by Communication"

> > <PLONK>
> Billions of tax payer dollars, to wage a criminal war, against the

> Taliban, who only wished to...


Sorry Dumbass, you're a little late for K00kday.

The Campaign

Jul 7, 2003, 11:24:40 AM7/7/03
"Agnes Moorehead" <> wrote in message news:<>...

Why am I doing this?

If I could call your attention to free public military
conversations, open to yourself through usenet at
alt.military, or as example. (Google
'groups' tab) You will find, NO ONE is disputing DU, or
Depleted Uranium, is measured dangerously radio-active
and highly toxic to our human species. Through
scientific methods of measurement, we would concur from
scientific experts in the American Army, among many
others, the munition of uranium, upon combustion,
oxidizes to microscopic particles, that will continue to
threaten humanity as the Innocent for generations. NO
ONE disputes that such heinous weaponry, was completely
unwarranted in its use against the civilian
infrastructure of Iraq. NO ONE. The blowing up of
almost all civilian infrastructure that served the
interests of the victimized Iraqi People, could have
just as effectively been destroyed with conventional
bombs to have the American tax payer billed later to
rebuild for Halliburton and Worldcom. Thousands of tons
of radio-active nuclear waste is now threatening
American soldiers for no reason, but for a contempt the
CBC and CNN executive producers have for ALL our lives,
as they have refused ANYONE for our interests, to
publicly address this critically important issue. An
assault against our love as God. Often when I acquire
OUR corporate news reporter's, almost top secret phone
numbers, and politely inform them of the documented
science regarding DU, as an average concerned citizen,
do they then quickly dismiss the issue without
commenting, then feverishly work to change their contact
numbers to have US then call them again, if we're lucky.
Some CNN reporters have recently had their private voice
mail now only except four or five second messages. If
we could all recognize Peter Mansbridge of CBC and CNN's
Bill Hemmer's contempt for our flags, with how they
continue in silence, to advocate further censorship on
our victimized communities, could we then really go
somewhere as the human species.

How many of US must fall poisoned by the evil bush
administration, before we recognize the near treasonous
Barbara Budd of CBC, and CNN's Aaron Brown's refusal to
address such a high priority criminal assault as our
own? Does not such abhorrent behavior mark them
included as our tyrants being willing slaves in YOUR
name included? It is OUR national news departments that
are not serving for our nations in this regard, and why
I am reaching to you as a would be stranger for help.
Your power to help instigate positive change, is perhaps
easier than you think. For example, by only simply
getting on the Coast to Coast radio network, to be
PUBLICLY cut off for expressing a concern for dying
American Patriot Soldiers, will be sending the right
message to US regardless. By reading of my own
struggle, I hope you can join me as a true Patriot, a
Patriot who is interested in protecting freedom as
Justice for US all.

Search suggestion for Google (uranium plutonium)


Uranium shells held 'cocktail of nuclear waste'

Depleted Uranium And Enriched Cover Up
by Predrag Tosic

//The reporter made such an ultra-careful, politically correct choice
of scientists to interview (assuming he honestly conveyed what they
actually said, of course), that one has to wonder how come he did not
find some "authority" or "expert" to claim that "NATO is confident
depleted uranium is good for you and your children", or something
along those general lines. Pathetic, truly pathetic - but let us do
our best not to let the "experts" and their political mentors get away
with their attempted cover up! \\

Bush's Vietnam By John Pilger*

//At the same time, in Afghanistan, the Uranium Medical Research
Centre, based in Canada, has made two field studies, with the results
described as "shocking". "Without exception," it reported, "at every
bomb site investigated, people are ill. A significant portion of the
civilian population presents symptoms consistent with internal
contamination by uranium." \\

Denial and Deception By Paul Krugman

//For example, some commentators have suggested that Mr. Bush should
be let off the hook as long as there is some interpretation of his
prewar statements that is technically true. Really? We're not talking
about a business dispute that hinges on the fine print of the
contract; we're talking about the most solemn decision a nation can
make. If Mr. Bush's speeches gave the nation a misleading impression
about the case for war, close textual analysis showing that he didn't
literally say what he seemed to be saying is no excuse. On the
contrary, it suggests that he knew that his case couldn't stand close
scrutiny. \\

From the 1776 Declaration of Independence: "We hold these Truths to be
self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these
Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the
People to alter or to abolish it..."

If at first

Jul 8, 2003, 12:25:38 PM7/8/03
"Agnes Moorehead" <> wrote in message news:<>...

Why am I doing this?



One stark truth: Blair was wrong and must admit it now,11660,992985,00.html


Johnny Wizard






FROM "Standing Ground"



King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard





By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Down to an Art

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard

Do you remember the "March 7th" argument of the

bushmob's, that every expired container of american
supplied, Iraqi anthrax, is needed to be accounted for

IMMEDIATELY, do you recall?, where bush demanded no time

for unrestricted Blix to complete the job for our

safety, while telling US that weapons of mass

destruction could fall into fanatical hands if he didn't
immediately retaliate by spending tens of billions of
America's much needed, to dump tons of bombs wherever as
radioactive waste into the bodies of American soldiers?
The very same who proudly, with national media fanfare,
sacrificed life as murder victims to the bush demon
cancer cell. Well... now, apparently, the threat to
our victimized humanity is no longer a concern, what
with the reported bushmob intent to remove EVERY
sanction regarding Iraqi asset guarding, but with still,
bush not knowing where all the unused Saddam weapons
went. ? Where did bush's concern for the death of
American Patriots go as genuine? Where is bush on
American Freedom granted through Justice by strong good
reasons as, such within, the American Constitution, or
the Bill of Rights left no longer defended as your own

living included? While You as reader, can easily if you

tried, after reading this complete, forward these
concerns of US bush victims not being heard from up at
national news desk central. If You won't help me in our
own defense truly, who will be there for Yourself as
actually worth something to consider ever?

Let's just say if Saddam had in fact, destroyed all he
claimed, (That Blix was proactively processing for

Did I tell you?, CNN's Bill Hemmer knows that bush's
business partner who developed the invasion plan for

Afghanistan prior to 9/11 at the White House, also
funded the alleged 'mastermind' Atta according to MSNBC,
Senate Intelligence hearings, and the FBI investigations
made Public for yourself as America?

Loyalty to striving for Justice is an honor bestowed,
for living's interest, is of our own. Why bother to be
profitable you ask of our eternal Universe in your name
Johnny? Why a commitment to empowering your dying
species being unlawfully denied a concern for your own
stupid self not represented by real leadership? Denied
a place at our table? Our birth rite as you know so?

Let's give Life some help out here People, by requesting
some recognition in our ability to be outspoken. Like

J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d is forever as...

If at first

Jul 8, 2003, 12:28:24 PM7/8/03
"Agnes Moorehead" <> wrote in message news:<>...

Why am I doing this?




Johnny Wizard






FROM "Standing Ground"



King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard





By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Down to an Art

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard

Do you remember the "March 7th" argument of the

bushmob's, that every expired container of american
supplied, Iraqi anthrax, is needed to be accounted for

IMMEDIATELY, do you recall?, where bush demanded no time

for unrestricted Blix to complete the job for our

safety, while telling US that weapons of mass

destruction could fall into fanatical hands if he didn't
immediately retaliate by spending tens of billions of
America's much needed, to dump tons of bombs wherever as
radioactive waste into the bodies of American soldiers?
The very same who proudly, with national media fanfare,
sacrificed life as murder victims to the bush demon
cancer cell. Well... now, apparently, the threat to
our victimized humanity is no longer a concern, what
with the reported bushmob intent to remove EVERY
sanction regarding Iraqi asset guarding, but with still,
bush not knowing where all the unused Saddam weapons
went. ? Where did bush's concern for the death of
American Patriots go as genuine? Where is bush on
American Freedom granted through Justice by strong good
reasons as, such within, the American Constitution, or
the Bill of Rights left no longer defended as your own

living included? While You as reader, can easily if you

tried, after reading this complete, forward these
concerns of US bush victims not being heard from up at
national news desk central. If You won't help me in our
own defense truly, who will be there for Yourself as
actually worth something to consider ever?

Let's just say if Saddam had in fact, destroyed all he
claimed, (That Blix was proactively processing for

Did I tell you?, CNN's Bill Hemmer knows that bush's
business partner who developed the invasion plan for

Afghanistan prior to 9/11 at the White House, also
funded the alleged 'mastermind' Atta according to MSNBC,
Senate Intelligence hearings, and the FBI investigations
made Public for yourself as America?

Loyalty to striving for Justice is an honor bestowed,
for living's interest, is of our own. Why bother to be
profitable you ask of our eternal Universe in your name
Johnny? Why a commitment to empowering your dying
species being unlawfully denied a concern for your own
stupid self not represented by real leadership? Denied
a place at our table? Our birth rite as you know so?

Let's give Life some help out here People, by requesting
some recognition in our ability to be outspoken. Like

J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d is forever as...

Any American soldier

Jul 9, 2003, 3:10:10 PM7/9/03
to (If at first) wrote in message news:<>...

> "Agnes Moorehead" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > "Freedom by Communication"

> Why am I doing this?

Ask any american soldier, here present in usenet, what do they think
they are trying to acomplish by criminally destroying Iraqi
infrustructure, with radio-active nuclear waste? While stealing off
the top for starters, Iraqi food, medicine, then 30% of all Iraqi oil
sales for Dutch-Shell? You know what you'll get? Mostly? Silence as
cowardice and betrayal. Why? Because they have to lie to themselves
and our community as like the nazis did as traitors, that there is
honor in killing our almost helpless children for worldcom and
haliburton to over bill their grandparents, who as their own kin, have
just had their pensions pilfered without just compensations. Would
you, if you had a weapon to protect America, not kill, say, tommy
franks, before excepting the treasonous order to run death squads
against innocent children for unarrested Enron in Afghanistan? While
the unelected bush and rumsfeld refused to represent American police
agencies, the FBI and CIA, in their obligations, to nab the 911
suspects like Ahmad? Any resonable person knows bush, as evil
incarnate, is a traitor to God as the American cause, and freedom

It is in God's interest as self-evident to all believers, to not allow
injustices such as unjust wars to be committed in Our name
irrationally for the demon antichrist, the American cop killer, Our
Mr. bush Jr.


Michael O'Neill

Jul 10, 2003, 1:39:57 PM7/10/03
Any American soldier wrote:


Now there's an interesting start to the day.

> Did I tell you?, CNN's Bill Hemmer knows that bush's
> business partner who developed the invasion plan for
> Afghanistan prior to 9/11 at the White House, also
> funded the alleged 'mastermind' Atta according to MSNBC,
> Senate Intelligence hearings, and the FBI investigations
> made Public for yourself as America?


If Bush's business partner funded Atta, and we're talking about Mohammed
Atta here and *either* George the senior or junior, then that puts a
direct line to 9-11 either from

(i) an associate of an ex-President and ex-CIA man [senior, and we're
assuming he's "ex" CIA...] or

(ii) an associate of the current president, the son of and "Ex" CIA man.

This seems to be veering very close to saying the current presidency was
"involved" in 9-11. Yet this is not a smoking gun. Many people in
business have been embarrassed by the actions of partners.

The nature of the relationship between the business partner and Atta
needs to be further defined, as well as the knowledge or otherwise
either Bush might have had of this relationship. Perhaps Rudy Dekker in
Venice could help to clarify matters since he also was one of Atta's


! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! !

Jul 10, 2003, 3:00:35 PM7/10/03
to (Any American soldier) wrote in message news:<>...


White House admits Bush wrong about Iraqi nukes Jul 8, 2003, 01:29

//"The report had already been discredited," said Terrance J.
Wilkinson, a CIA advisor present at two White House briefings. "This
point was clearly made when the President was in the room during at
least two of the briefings." Bush's response was anger, Wilkinson
said. "He said that if the current operatives working for the CIA
couldn't prove the story was true, then the agency
had better find some who could," Wilkinson said. "He said he knew the
story was true and so would the world after American troops secured
the country." \\

Wow! Then....

White House 'warned over Iraq claim'

//That means that the administration would have known nearly a year
before the State of the Union address that the information was likely
false. In response, a US Government official told the BBC that the
White House received hundreds of intelligence reports every day. The
official said there was no evidence that this specific cable about
uranium had been passed on to the president.\\

Someone in the ""US Government", seems to think it would make a bad
image if Democracy's bush and cheney, truly knew before hand, of the
ACTUAL evidence they repeatedly sited, but didn't tell US publicly of,
all so they then could steal billions in an attempt to destroy our
freedoms while killing The People as not represented in their decision
taking. While the bushites bask in the adoring adulation transcribed
by corporate TV command, all of US, granted to be even further
willing victims, of injustice and tyranny as our voices pirated
through corporate devaluations of the human spirit.

It Was The Politicians Who Took Us Into War, and Not The Intelligence
by Robin Cook

//Yet the Foreign Office has so far failed to reply to the committee's
demands to say when it learned the documents on the alleged uranium
purchase were crude forgeries. Why? Is it because the answer would
reveal that ministers knew this part of the September dossier was
wrong before Parliament voted for war but failed to correct the
record? And if so, were there doubts in the minds of ministers about
any other of the claims in the dossier? \\


//Saving his last words for Tony Blair, Mr Kelly added: "He appears on
TV, so sincere, so caring, so condescending, that's his image. But if
his 19-year-old son had been in the Army he would never have taken
this country to war."\\

It's like we're being forced against our dying wills, to be promoted
as sold, bush's fantastical shenanigans, outright guffaws, or blushing
embarrassments of dying US as MASS MURDER victims. A liar who
criminalizes America as really destructing by self contempt through
his own private delusions of grander in God's presence as the deceived
evil antichrist. Apparently, here in america, we're either with
criminal bush as slaves working for Dutch-Shell and WorldCom,
or he'll bomb US whom believe in fighting to preserve freedom for all
people. Freedom like standing firm politically on the evidence
requirement for arriving to guilty verdicts as our public
representation. We do want to follow the criminal leads for 9/11
actually, while bush and rumsfeld do wish that we not find them as the
treasonous prime perpetrators. Lies of injustice
and slavery bush would make US believe we are without speaking of
real power. Tyranting our caution, our beliefs, our creeds, into
coercing the sacrifice of leaderless teen soldiers, our brothers, our
sisters, to rob The People of our Constitutional values. Our freedoms
as Justice in America, in Iraq, and at Guantanamo. Done in america's
name all for the doubly paid, pinko commi Halliburton, WorldCom,
bremer, rumsfeld and Our Mr. bush Jr. Mr. bush, the demon who does
all our talking without questioning for answers, who knows better than
everybody else put together, the CIA and FBI included, doesn't deserve
your blind praise as a war criminal I would say in defense of anyone.
Can we afford to leave more to fall "embarrassingly" dead by his
criminal un-American exploits, as a demon God betrayer, human hater?
What are you going to do about this Freedom of Yours shared with all
here then friend? As of God or the Universe I mean? To not stand with
Humanity against the injustices committed against ourselves at
Guantanamo, is a failure to love anyone as being alive even. Those are
US innocent People being criminally treated by evil sadistic nazi war
criminaling bushite goons, savages who are protecting the 911
perpetrators from incarceration as traitors. Positioned to die as
sacrificial, trading spots for the bush demon despot, because he
frightens most men into willful submission and blind servitude
unthinkingly. Not me however as whomever. Instead of murdering our
own families as war criminals for bush to pilfer the undefended
wallets of our grandparents, why don't we all smarten up, and just
kill the unarrested demon bush instead as something truly Patriotic?
What'd ya say? I say, let's just destroy evil bush instead for
arrest at 911, stay loaded if necessary for cheney, then demand a
change in altitude down at CNN headquarters for our benefits to be
included in future broadcast material. Examples to start on: DU is
radio-active (millirems) and toxic like in poisonous. Americans would
want their stolen pension money back from Enron and WorldCom, thank
you very much, and, we'd think you didn't know this yet at CNN command
but, Mr. bremer,... shockingly,.... is the Director of
the notoriously un-American "Kissinger Associates". Mr. bremer,
officially, professionally, takes money from Humanity through
privately profitizing off criminal dictatorships that STEAL from "The
People" our Rights and Freedom to achieve something greater. To take
the US authority at word in Iraq, would compel a demand for the
immediate confiscation of all bremer's assets, to be given back to
those whom were stolen from, and the immediate arrest of
bush, rumsfeld, and blair for instigating heinous war crimes against
our better judgements. It does not matter what evidence was then or is
available to justify the unjustifiable Iraq war. LISTEN TO THE SON OF
MAN: we had one hundred percent access, to change anything we wished,
by public persuasion at a publicized international level, promised to
be broadcasted nationally in Iraq by Saddam also. What can be changed
now in Iraq, that couldn't have been
under the stable Saddam regime communicating? Outside of the criminal
thefts of Iraqi assets? Could bush have demanded that innocent
prisoners not be tortured, or at the least, be granted their day in a
public court to face some sort of accusation? Does the forced bush
mandate articulate somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be
a prerequisite to determine what is evil to all humanity?, now that he
tyrants as demon antichrist? Strangely funny yes, and life is like a
dream almost, but think again: Can we easily change the microscopic,
radio-active waste that will be around for GENERATIONS harming anyone
for no reason but madness? We seem to be suffering something horrible
when it comes to communicating the seriousness of the depleted uranium
situation. It seems we're too afraid to face that such a disastrous
decision could continue happening without our screams for sanity, so
we continue to bury our heads in the radio-active sand devolving. At
least until the, faint hope clause, Johnny Wizard fellow makes a, oh
so cute, starving man entrance, on hopes to earn a donation or two to
cover living on top of these real world expenses. That's right, I'm
only in this for me.

Help God please.

The bushmob takes with the bush war crimes of death and destruction,
is bush vicimizing our World with hardships he continues to wish
imposed further, and frankly, I think he needs to be stopped for all
concerned, like immediately, now. What do you think?

Johnny Wizard

Some history of Johnny Wizard:

All at Once

The Trial and Conviction of Our Mr. bush Jr. with "Bonus Pack!!!"


Search suggestion for Google (uranium millirems plutonium)

Justice for All

Jul 11, 2003, 2:37:08 PM7/11/03
to (The Campaign) wrote in message news:<>...

> Why am I doing this?

Say, have you heard mention of Joseph Wilson?

Wow! The American corporate media seems to be acting human. Excellent.


Johnny Wizard


Why am I doing this?

Search suggestion for Google (uranium millirems plutonium)



One stark truth: Blair was wrong and must admit it now,11660,992985,00.html


Johnny Wizard






FROM "Standing Ground"



King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard





By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Down to an Art

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard

Do you remember the "March 7th" argument of the

bushmob's, that every expired container of american
supplied, Iraqi anthrax, is needed to be accounted for

IMMEDIATELY, do you recall?, where bush demanded no time

for unrestricted Blix to complete the job for our

safety, while telling US that weapons of mass

destruction could fall into fanatical hands if he didn't
immediately retaliate by spending tens of billions of
America's much needed, to dump tons of bombs wherever as
radioactive waste into the bodies of American soldiers?
The very same who proudly, with national media fanfare,
sacrificed life as murder victims to the bush demon
cancer cell. Well... now, apparently, the threat to
our victimized humanity is no longer a concern, what
with the reported bushmob intent to remove EVERY
sanction regarding Iraqi asset guarding, but with still,
bush not knowing where all the unused Saddam weapons
went. ? Where did bush's concern for the death of
American Patriots go as genuine? Where is bush on
American Freedom granted through Justice by strong good
reasons as, such within, the American Constitution, or
the Bill of Rights left no longer defended as your own

living included? While You as reader, can easily if you

tried, after reading this complete, forward these
concerns of US bush victims not being heard from up at
national news desk central. If You won't help me in our
own defense truly, who will be there for Yourself as
actually worth something to consider ever?

Let's just say if Saddam had in fact, destroyed all he
claimed, (That Blix was proactively processing for

Did I tell you?, CNN's Bill Hemmer knows that bush's
business partner who developed the invasion plan for

Afghanistan prior to 9/11 at the White House, also
funded the alleged 'mastermind' Atta according to MSNBC,
Senate Intelligence hearings, and the FBI investigations
made Public for yourself as America?

Loyalty to striving for Justice is an honor bestowed,
for living's interest, is of our own. Why bother to be
profitable you ask of our eternal Universe in your name
Johnny? Why a commitment to empowering your dying
species being unlawfully denied a concern for your own
stupid self not represented by real leadership? Denied
a place at our table? Our birth rite as you know so?

Let's give Life some help out here People, by requesting
some recognition in our ability to be outspoken. Like

J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d is forever as...

Some kinda freakin' godman!
Post a follow-up to this message

Message 2 in thread
From: ! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! ! (
Subject: ! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! ! - ! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! ! -
! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! !

View this article only
Newsgroups:, alt.politics.british, alt.impeach.bush,
Date: 2003-07-10 12:00:37 PST

Johnny Wizard


Why am I doing this?

Search suggestion for Google (uranium millirems plutonium)



One stark truth: Blair was wrong and must admit it now,11660,992985,00.html


Johnny Wizard






FROM "Standing Ground"



King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard





By Michael Isikoff


Holy crap.

truly is,

Johnny Wizard


Down to an Art


For the love of living, destroy the demon bush for
treason please.

The Son of Man,

Johnny Wizard

You in with this friend?

Do you remember the "March 7th" argument of the

bushmob's, that every expired container of american
supplied, Iraqi anthrax, is needed to be accounted for

IMMEDIATELY, do you recall?, where bush demanded no time

for unrestricted Blix to complete the job for our

safety, while telling US that weapons of mass

destruction could fall into fanatical hands if he didn't
immediately retaliate by spending tens of billions of
America's much needed, to dump tons of bombs wherever as
radioactive waste into the bodies of American soldiers?
The very same who proudly, with national media fanfare,
sacrificed life as murder victims to the bush demon
cancer cell. Well... now, apparently, the threat to
our victimized humanity is no longer a concern, what
with the reported bushmob intent to remove EVERY
sanction regarding Iraqi asset guarding, but with still,
bush not knowing where all the unused Saddam weapons
went. ? Where did bush's concern for the death of
American Patriots go as genuine? Where is bush on
American Freedom granted through Justice by strong good
reasons as, such within, the American Constitution, or
the Bill of Rights left no longer defended as your own

living included? While You as reader, can easily if you

tried, after reading this complete, forward these
concerns of US bush victims not being heard from up at
national news desk central. If You won't help me in our
own defense truly, who will be there for Yourself as
actually worth something to consider ever?

Let's just say if Saddam had in fact, destroyed all he
claimed, (That Blix was proactively processing for

Did I tell you?, CNN's Bill Hemmer knows that bush's
business partner who developed the invasion plan for

Afghanistan prior to 9/11 at the White House, also
funded the alleged 'mastermind' Atta according to MSNBC,
Senate Intelligence hearings, and the FBI investigations
made Public for yourself as America?

Loyalty to striving for Justice is an honor bestowed,
for living's interest, is of our own. Why bother to be
profitable you ask of our eternal Universe in your name
Johnny? Why a commitment to empowering your dying
species being unlawfully denied a concern for your own
stupid self not represented by real leadership? Denied
a place at our table? Our birth rite as you know so?

Let's give Life some help out here People, by requesting
some recognition in our ability to be outspoken. Like

J-o-h-n-n-y - - W-i-z-a-r-d is forever as...


Jul 14, 2003, 2:01:20 PM7/14/03
to (The Campaign) wrote in message news:<>...
> Why am I doing this?

> Have you heard mention of Joseph Wilson?

> Wow! The American corporate media seems to be acting human. Excellent.


So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to
understand, research, or clarify HIS major political
positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass
murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't
communicate with anyone in the American intelligence
agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is.

CBS News | Bush Knew Iraq Info Was Dubious

/ / Before the speech was delivered, the portions
dealing with Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were
checked with the CIA for accuracy, reports CBS News
National Security Correspondent David Martin. CIA
officials warned members of the President's National
Security Council staff the intelligence was not good
enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy
uranium from Africa. \ \

The Insiders Are Coming Out
By William Rivers Pitt

/ / Beers' position as special assistant to the
President for combating terrorism meant he saw
everything and knew everything. He was on Nightline for
one reason: He quit his job, walked out the door, and
joined the John Kerry for President campaign as National
Security Advisor. \ \

The first letters from Briton facing the death penalty at Camp X-Ray
By Neil Mackay and Felicity Arbuthnot

/ / Begg's father, Azmat, insists his son is not a
terrorist. Ironically, Begg, who owned a bookshop in
Birmingham, spent his formative years at a Jewish school
and still has many Jewish friends. According to Azmat,
a retired bank manager, his son was moved by the plight
of the Afghani people and in 2001 travelled to Kabul
with his family to start a school for basic education
and provide water pumps.

.... Begg's father Azmat, who proudly recounts the fact
that all his family served in the British army, says his
grandchildren are distraught at their father's
disappearance. \ \

/ / Death knows no political affiliation, and a bloody
lie is a bloody lie is a bloody lie. The time has come
for Congress to fulfill their constitutional duties in
this matter, to defend the nation and the soldiers who
live and die in her service. The definition of 'is' has
flown right out the window. This 'is' a crime. George
W. Bush lied to the people, and lied to Congress.
There are a lot of people dead because of it. \ \

Denial and Deception By Paul Krugman

/ / For example, some commentators have suggested that

Mr. Bush should be let off the hook as long as there is
some interpretation of his prewar statements that is
technically true. Really? We're not talking about a
business dispute that hinges on the fine print of the
contract; we're talking about the most solemn decision a
nation can make. If Mr. Bush's speeches gave the
nation a misleading impression about the case for war,
close textual analysis showing that he didn't literally
say what he seemed to be saying is no excuse. On the
contrary, it suggests that he knew that his case
couldn't stand close scrutiny. \ \

So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to
understand, research, or clarify HIS major political
positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass
murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't
communicate with anyone in the American intelligence
agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is.
While demanding at the same time, he did knew top
secretly better than everybody else does still, leaving
US to forgo our own principles of Justice to be
sacrificed even further unjustly. That evil nazi fuck,
the demon God betrayer human hater, tells US, it was
Tenant (not the CIA) actually that was responsible for
the fraudulent evidence he argued publicly to wage WAR
against our Humanity with. In Our name unjustly
devalued by the criminal bush doctrine. Lies that bush
uses to sacrifice leaderless American GIs for
Halliburton and WorldCom, all the while, robbing from
the American public in a war against our World as an
enemy of all Humanity. While still, LOOK, bush gives no
apology to angry Johnny, or the morning American
families dying as traitors, painted as cowards, further
dying as too easily sacrificial for further criminal
bush exploits continuing in Iraq UNDER the bare naked
war crime funder, the victim robber, Our Mr. bremer.
After disappearing BILLIONS unaccounted as Saddam aid,
including an escrow account through the UN, bush, bremer
and the Dutch-Shell partners, plan to skim a further 30
percent from oil sales for themselves without an Iraqi
Government to stop them as thieves. Mr. bremer is not
trying for a representative democratic governmental
stability for Iraqis, for there is much more American
tax payments in sacrificing bush binded as blind,
American Patriot Soldiers for the criminal likes and
greed of Worldcom, than there is to give to the Iraqi
People as desperately needing. Right? Why should
bremer be spending America's time invested in Helping
Our IRAQ govern herself for the betterment of the
People, if he wont be able to steal as much with
Dutch-Shell ideals, and WorldCom concealments? Do you
really think any form of democracy in Iraq, would have
hired WorldCom above all others to cover up something
likely further planned to be illegal? No? Why take the
stupid risk that American Soldiers might actually learn
of what they are truly dying for as dumb and evil? Now
I know, American GIs are known world wide as already
weak and cowardly, but basic math skills are taught in
early elementary, and actually dying for bush and
dutch-shell to rob from God and America is pushing
things to far.

Rotten rumsfeld tells US, almost 4 billion American tax
dollars has bent spent per month on something about
Iraq, (4,000,000,000 / 160,000 Soldiers equals
$31,250.00 for example) while bremer tells Iraqis, if he
and Dutch-Shell can secure 5 or 5.5 billion in completed
new oil sales contracts, he'll be sure to promise maybe
3 billion for the Iraqi Nation expenses, all managed by
whom he and bush have, or will personally appoint for
free perks, from the likes of Dutch-Shell, double
billers Halliburton, or WorldCom pension shysters. That
is if all goes without success in shedding criminal
bremer as an occupying oppressor of US innocent people.
A terrorist Mr. bremer is according to the official FBI

All essential civilian Iraqi infrastructure needs
immediate, undivided unending attention, and protection,
like with food and medicines, along with encouraging
public discussion for a fair, wide open elections
process to deal with the serious primary issues of
public accountability. Opened to ALL legal residents.
Criticized openly by corporate America, if it should
feel dictated to do so during the public discussions on
Iraqi's loyalty to God and family. OUR Families! Who
again, in America, I beg, to get off the drugs and wake
up to reality.

Now I must get heavy.

What could be agreed upon with ANY civilization here to
contemplate ably? A just rule of law is freedom
unparalleled naturally by design occurring as Universal
chaos is. Example: Would you want to lose your
freedoms for not depriving another of same said
privileges? Truly, Justice for all is Freedom for You
as believing. It matters not what you think of me as
John personally, for You ultimately, reflect also on the
indivisible eternal nature of our suffering Human
condition shared equally as Creation though a desperate
as forgotten, God as our Love forsaken. Murdering US
People for no good reason but to rob from ourselves as
dying sell-out bush thieves, is genuinely wrong to just
about everybody considered. See?, when rumsfeld orders
the dropping of small nukes, or a 14000 pound bomb on a
community, or perhaps cluster bombs in civilian
districts, or maybe a depleted uranium laced Tomahawk
missile, it actually kills US people... and for what?


/ / We had one hundred percent access, to change

anything we wished, by public persuasion at a publicized
international level, promised to be broadcasted
nationally in Iraq by Saddam also. What can be changed
now in Iraq, that couldn't have been under the stable
Saddam regime communicating? Outside of the criminal
thefts of Iraqi assets? Could bush have demanded that
innocent prisoners not be tortured, or at the least, be
granted their day in a public court to face some sort of
accusation? Does the forced bush mandate articulate

somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be a
prerequisite to determine what is evil to all humanity?,

now that he tyrants as demon antichrist? Strangely
funny yes, and life is like a dream almost, but think

again: \ \

No representative world body politic, would decide to
purposefully, criminally victimize US as the Innocent
for war monger, American cop killer bush as our official
Democratic decision maker.

I hope you as anyone else, can agree to find easy
agreement with anyone on our own interest as immediate
need, to have the heinous UNJUST traitor to our
Humanity, the mass murdering Mr. bush Jr., immediately
halted for victimizing Humanity criminally as documented

Mr. bush Jr. SIGNED his own name with Condolezza to
the "top secret" Presidential Directive 9/11 Plan. A
plan to invade Afghanistan without using evidence for an
allegation to a crime they would pin on Laden as
innocent of. A documented plan, IN AMERICA'S NAME, to
not apprehend the actual 9/11 perpetrators by following
the ample criminal leads offered through America's FBI
or CIA. Again, all completely planned SECRETLY several
days before the WTC incidents. Planned with bush,
rumsfeld, and atheist General Ahmad, the funder of
9/11's fall guy, Atta. The very last thing Ahmad, bush
and rumsfeld wanted, was to actually arrest Laden, for
it would have foiled their documented in writing,
criminal war crimes against my America to steal the big
bucks with our funerals. Mueller, franks and Tenant,
would likely be directly involved, like Condolezza is
for sure, and need to be questioned, then immediately
arrested for treason to face public trial in our court
room of popular opinion. Destroy Our unarrested Mr.
bush Jr. my friend, and this Universe of ours will be
forever grateful.

God is Just,

Johnny Wizard


Johnny Wizard


Why am I doing this?

Search suggestion for Google (uranium millirems plutonium)



One stark truth: Blair was wrong and must admit it now,11660,992985,00.html


Johnny Wizard






FROM "Standing Ground"



King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard





Johnny Wizard


Jul 14, 2003, 2:18:19 PM7/14/03
to (Justice for All) wrote in message news:<>...

> (The Campaign) wrote in message news:<>...
> snpd
> > Why am I doing this?
> >
> Say, have you heard mention of Joseph Wilson?
> Wow! The American corporate media seems to be acting human. Excellent.

So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to
understand, research, or clarify HIS major political
positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass
murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't
communicate with anyone in the American intelligence
agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is.

CBS News | Bush Knew Iraq Info Was Dubious

/ / Before the speech was delivered, the portions
dealing with Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were
checked with the CIA for accuracy, reports CBS News
National Security Correspondent David Martin. CIA
officials warned members of the President's National
Security Council staff the intelligence was not good
enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy
uranium from Africa. \ \

The Insiders Are Coming Out
By William Rivers Pitt

/ / Beers' position as special assistant to the
President for combating terrorism meant he saw
everything and knew everything. He was on Nightline for
one reason: He quit his job, walked out the door, and
joined the John Kerry for President campaign as National
Security Advisor. \ \

The first letters from Briton facing the death penalty at Camp X-Ray
By Neil Mackay and Felicity Arbuthnot

/ / Begg's father, Azmat, insists his son is not a
terrorist. Ironically, Begg, who owned a bookshop in
Birmingham, spent his formative years at a Jewish school
and still has many Jewish friends. According to Azmat,
a retired bank manager, his son was moved by the plight
of the Afghani people and in 2001 travelled to Kabul
with his family to start a school for basic education
and provide water pumps.

.... Begg's father Azmat, who proudly recounts the fact
that all his family served in the British army, says his
grandchildren are distraught at their father's
disappearance. \ \

Mr. Bush, You Are A Liar
By William Rivers Pitt

/ / Death knows no political affiliation, and a bloody
lie is a bloody lie is a bloody lie. The time has come
for Congress to fulfill their constitutional duties in
this matter, to defend the nation and the soldiers who
live and die in her service. The definition of 'is' has
flown right out the window. This 'is' a crime. George
W. Bush lied to the people, and lied to Congress.
There are a lot of people dead because of it. \ \

Denial and Deception By Paul Krugman
/ / For example, some commentators have suggested that

Mr. Bush should be let off the hook as long as there is
some interpretation of his prewar statements that is
technically true. Really? We're not talking about a
business dispute that hinges on the fine print of the
contract; we're talking about the most solemn decision a
nation can make. If Mr. Bush's speeches gave the
nation a misleading impression about the case for war,
close textual analysis showing that he didn't literally
say what he seemed to be saying is no excuse. On the
contrary, it suggests that he knew that his case
couldn't stand close scrutiny. \ \

So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to


/ / We had one hundred percent access, to change

anything we wished, by public persuasion at a publicized
international level, promised to be broadcasted
nationally in Iraq by Saddam also. What can be changed
now in Iraq, that couldn't have been under the stable
Saddam regime communicating? Outside of the criminal
thefts of Iraqi assets? Could bush have demanded that
innocent prisoners not be tortured, or at the least, be
granted their day in a public court to face some sort of
accusation? Does the forced bush mandate articulate
somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be a
prerequisite to determine what is evil to all humanity?,
now that he tyrants as demon antichrist? Strangely
funny yes, and life is like a dream almost, but think

again: \ \

God is Just,

Johnny Wizard

Have you heard mention of Joseph Wilson?

Good Enough

Jul 17, 2003, 2:27:53 PM7/17/03
to (STOP BUSH NOW) wrote in message news:<>...

Rumsfeld corrects testimony - twice Swore he'd learned uranium charge
bogus only 'days' ago

/ / Rumsfeld: "I should have said within recent weeks, meaning when
ElBaradei came out" with the revelation that the allegation was
baseless. \ \

So, rotten rumsfeld too, made no formal, or informal attempt to
understand the claims he and bush were making to murder countless
people? While, he expects US also not to consider the wealth of
intelligence, that was flayling around from all directions on the
biggest public claims he and bush were mongering for bombing people
indiscriminately with depleted uranium? How about, the ALL bush needed
bio-trucks, or the fantasized IAEA report that failed to materialize?
Tubes? Nope. Niger. Nope. Exact verification of 20 plus year old
burnt remains of a decommissioned anthrax spore, or the elusive
expired VX sludge buckets? No one can ever know still. While now
unjust bush encourages US all to just move on alone, nothing to see
here but US dead folk.. Where's the Tenants of Justice to protect our
Freedoms from the evil bush war criminals? How can we stand in silence
while witnessing WorldCom,. Dutch-Shell, Enron and Halliburton, fleece
the embarrassed politician, who as bush, is persecuting God as the
Innocent taken for granted?, as slaves denied Freedom to be sacrificed
for bush??? Not me as whomever buddy.

My friends, we need to King this world for my benefits of
communication. We have the technology, and you should be rich my

Johnny Wizard


CIA Got Uranium Reference Cut in Oct. Why Bush Cited It In Jan. Is
By Walter Pincus and Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Page A01


Bush White House in crisis over Iraq war lies

/ /When the CIA objected to the inclusion of the uranium-Africa
charge, White House officials proposed that Bush cite the conclusions
of British intelligence, rather than the doubts of US intelligence.
Hence the formula that was placed in Bush's mouth January 28: ``The
British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought
significant quantities of uranium from Africa.'' \ \


So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to
understand, research, or clarify HIS major political
positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass
murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't
communicate with anyone in the American intelligence
agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is.

CBS News | Bush Knew Iraq Info Was Dubious

/ / Before the speech was delivered, the portions
dealing with Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were
checked with the CIA for accuracy, reports CBS News
National Security Correspondent David Martin. CIA
officials warned members of the President's National
Security Council staff the intelligence was not good
enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy
uranium from Africa. \ \

The Insiders Are Coming Out
By William Rivers Pitt

/ / Beers' position as special assistant to the
President for combating terrorism meant he saw
everything and knew everything. He was on Nightline for
one reason: He quit his job, walked out the door, and
joined the John Kerry for President campaign as National
Security Advisor. \ \

The first letters from Briton facing the death penalty at Camp X-Ray
By Neil Mackay and Felicity Arbuthnot

/ / Begg's father, Azmat, insists his son is not a
terrorist. Ironically, Begg, who owned a bookshop in
Birmingham, spent his formative years at a Jewish school
and still has many Jewish friends. According to Azmat,
a retired bank manager, his son was moved by the plight
of the Afghani people and in 2001 travelled to Kabul
with his family to start a school for basic education
and provide water pumps.

.... Begg's father Azmat, who proudly recounts the fact
that all his family served in the British army, says his
grandchildren are distraught at their father's
disappearance. \ \

Mr. Bush, You Are A Liar

By William Rivers Pitt


God is Just,

Johnny Wizard

Have you heard mention of Joseph Wilson?

Wow! The American corporate media seems to be acting human. Excellent.


Johnny Wizard





Johnny Wizard






FROM "Standing Ground"


their own food Saddam already paid billions "of his own
money" for. Let us DEMAND by gun point from bush or rotten

rumsfeld about how privatizing Iraqi assets through piracy, is
anything else but another act of treason against Humanity, committed
by the sacrifices of American soldiers as dmfukd without real
leadership.. Let US hear from mass murderer bush how WE were mistaken
by his lies as our God's suffering and dread. Why do the bushites at
media controls support silence regarding OURSELVES as the INNOCENT at
Guantanemo? Where are our voices for supporting further instability
in Iraq to kill American Patriot Soldiers, so the likes of death squad

funders Shell, and cheney's alter, halliberton, can profit off
YOUR living, unjustly sacrificed? Don't look to me as your

cross, look to yourself as this Universe is God as ourselves being
victimized. As Creation, we are calling for Your Universal Freedom
through Justice, but if you help nothing to your plundered neighbors,

who needs you then in your missing conclusion? Fuck, I can't

help hate that God hater demon bush as much as any real Atheist would.
We are suffering by deliberate censorship on our top priority events
up there without US at CNN headquarters to speak on the bush demon and

rotten rumsfeld's blatant evil treason to all of our Humanity.

Which includes yourself too, as a misinformed, 12 hour work day
alcoholic with a mortgage payments overdued, getting away to relax
from growing pressures by escaping with fantasy in film, a popular

hobby that doesn't directly address our real world plights

falling further by corrupt bush doctrine though, a practiced act of
lawless murder as wanton destruction against our innocent families.
Is it that nothing is no matter of war as so serious, that it requires
ongoing challenges with investigative journalism for America in
servitude? Where is the bush bio-trucks follow up? Where is the IAEA
report as all the false evidence bush would use to war ourselves
blindly to steal our money? Is not stealing homes from G-D
un-Jewish? Just what is Fox News selling US as an honest portrayal of
freedom surviving? Is it to witness ourselves as elected officials
disenfranchised from participation in our own living futures and
ability, but for to be counted politically incompetent as victim to
further criminal transgressions? Uncontested to our graves by CNN's
Bill Hemmer, or CBC's Barbara Budd who give no excuses to anyone for
their silence of contempt for our dying futures? Phone them yourself
and ask why they forbid our knowledge from being acknowledged. Our
media services should be helping garner support for our causes
politically speaking, by airing our political news developments. When
bush and rumsfeld needlessly drop radio-active nuclear waste on our
public institutions that served our communities interests, then bill
US further to rebuild what they criminally destroy, the poison kills
US all. For no good reasons, bush has America suffer, with this,
bushite feigned delusional ignorance on everything of critical
importance to US, portrayed corporately as unawares to hide

bush's ill will for all as the denied humans. With the


King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard


Irrelevant Elephant

Jul 18, 2003, 2:05:03 PM7/18/03
to (STOP BUSH NOW) wrote in message news:<>...

FROM: Wolfowitz Committee Told White House to Hype Dubious Uranium
by Jason Leopold

/ / WASHINGTON, D.C -- A Pentagon committee led by Paul Wolfowitz, the
Deputy Secretary of Defense, advised President Bush to include a
reference in his January State of the Union address about Iraq trying
to purchase 500 tons of uranium from Niger to bolster the case for war
in Iraq, despite the fact that the CIA warned Wolfowitz's committee
that the information was unreliable, according to a CIA intelligence
official and four members of the Senate's intelligence committee who
have been investigating the issue. \ \

FROM: President Caught In Another Lie.
/ / This as clearly a lie by our president, "And we gave him a chance
to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in. And,
therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from
power" The actual circumstances were that the UN inspectors were in
Iraq and the Iraqi government was providing unfettered access to UN
weapons inspectors. UN inspectors were busy dismantling Iraqi missiles
when they were instructed to leave Iraq, prior to the US - UK
invasion. \ \

Cheney Under Pressure To Quit Over False War Evidence
/ / Mr Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, has admitted that during
a briefing from the CIA "the Vice-President asked a question about the
implication of the report". \ \

/ / There is no indication why General Fulford was asked to undertake
the mission nor whether he was aware of allegations by intelligence
sources that Iraq had launched a new effort to procure yellowcake in
Africa. But the officials said the general's report on his mission was
passed on to European Command Commander, General Joseph Ralston. They
say General Ralston in turn passed the information along to the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers. \ \

Who's Who on the 9/11 "Independent" Commission

> > >
> > > Have you heard mention of Joseph Wilson?
> > >
> > >


Johnny Wizard





God is Just,

Johnny Wizard


Johnny Wizard





Johnny Wizard






FROM "Standing Ground"


their own food Saddam already paid billions "of his own
money" for. Let us DEMAND by gun point from bush or rotten

rumsfeld about how privatizing Iraqi assets through piracy, is
anything else but another act of treason against Humanity, committed
by the sacrifices of American soldiers as dmfukd without real
leadership.. Let US hear from mass murderer bush how WE were mistaken
by his lies as our God's suffering and dread. Why do the bushites at
media controls support silence regarding OURSELVES as the INNOCENT at
Guantanemo? Where are our voices for supporting further instability
in Iraq to kill American Patriot Soldiers, so the likes of death squad

funders Shell, and cheney's alter, halliberton, can profit off
YOUR living, unjustly sacrificed? Don't look to me as your

cross, look to yourself as this Universe is God as ourselves being
victimized. As Creation, we are calling for Your Universal Freedom
through Justice, but if you help nothing to your plundered neighbors,

who needs you then in your missing conclusion? Fuck, I can't

help hate that God hater demon bush as much as any real Atheist would.
We are suffering by deliberate censorship on our top priority events
up there without US at CNN headquarters to speak on the bush demon and

rotten rumsfeld's blatant evil treason to all of our Humanity.

Which includes yourself too, as a misinformed, 12 hour work day
alcoholic with a mortgage payments overdued, getting away to relax
from growing pressures by escaping with fantasy in film, a popular

hobby that doesn't directly address our real world plights

falling further by corrupt bush doctrine though, a practiced act of
lawless murder as wanton destruction against our innocent families.
Is it that nothing is no matter of war as so serious, that it requires
ongoing challenges with investigative journalism for America in
servitude? Where is the bush bio-trucks follow up? Where is the IAEA
report as all the false evidence bush would use to war ourselves
blindly to steal our money? Is not stealing homes from G-D
un-Jewish? Just what is Fox News selling US as an honest portrayal of
freedom surviving? Is it to witness ourselves as elected officials
disenfranchised from participation in our own living futures and
ability, but for to be counted politically incompetent as victim to
further criminal transgressions? Uncontested to our graves by CNN's
Bill Hemmer, or CBC's Barbara Budd who give no excuses to anyone for
their silence of contempt for our dying futures? Phone them yourself
and ask why they forbid our knowledge from being acknowledged. Our
media services should be helping garner support for our causes
politically speaking, by airing our political news developments. When
bush and rumsfeld needlessly drop radio-active nuclear waste on our
public institutions that served our communities interests, then bill
US further to rebuild what they criminally destroy, the poison kills
US all. For no good reasons, bush has America suffer, with this,
bushite feigned delusional ignorance on everything of critical
importance to US, portrayed corporately as unawares to hide

bush's ill will for all as the denied humans. With the


King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard


God Honest

Jul 21, 2003, 1:29:37 PM7/21/03
to (Justice for All) wrote in message news:<>...

God Honest

"Liberty can not be preserved without general
knowledge among people." John Adams - August 1765

Where did we come from? Did you know, only a few
short decades ago, corporations paid taxes and were
proud of it? Did you know, only a few short years ago,
it was believed the American People would only fight for
just causes as the God willing?

I say, the American Constitution, and the Bill of
Rights are too important to leave America without bush
complaining over. Why? If you unjustly treat US
foreigners, you debase your own entitlement. Example:
When bush told Americans, americans didn't need any
proof against Laden, bush really said, cowardly
Americans no longer wish to protect Freedom by following
the crime scene leads offered by the Justice
departments. No Justice for Laden means, no documented
arrest of actual criminal perpetrators. (Laden
completely by himself was he?) Which incidentally,
America's bush and rumsfeld had completely planned
SECRETLY to NOT arrest for 9/11 before hand, with the
official antichrist's, "invade Afghanistan without any
evidence plan". How? Demon bush and rumsfeld's
business partner, the military strategist General Amad,
is the one and same who forwarded funding to the 9/11
'mastermind', Our Mr. Atta., while reminding the
Taliban, no evidence would be a crime against God.
Destroy Our Mr. bush Jr. American Patriot Soldier....
But I digress for now respecting myself on our public
evidence that demands Mr. bush be immediately
questioned then arrested for 9/11 as heinous traitor God
betrayer human hater..

I side to figure, actually very few, of any mind,
would support war monger bush financially in destroying
ourselves as the chosen victims for criminal sacrifice.
My eternal Battle is one of communicating the political
reality we suffer under by criminal dictates, while
knowing, our true remedy can only be found through the
practice of Justice to secure freedom for all concerned.
Indivisibly measured to all as equally so. An eternal
nature to order perhaps. And, like magic, Walla Allah!
Your Christened as still suffering needlessly to bush,
as too poor to know any better about these real world
Jewish matters. Thankfully, our National News
programing seems to be slowly rising on the illegitimate
American President with expressions of genuine concern,
on where, demon bush is taking US truly as the unjustly
dying. Soldiers are being poisoned to die as worthless
to the corporate bottom line of wether CNN should ever
decide to report on depleted uranium. It isn't every
soldier to blame blindly, it is the criminal actions of
rumsfeld and bush, that bring down the most loyal
American Patriots unforgivingly. Big Picture: Love
binds US to all Living things, therefor, Mr. bush and
rumsfeld must face immediate arrest or execution by
America. While in Iraq, we need a total commitment of
Justice ruling our exit strategy. Stealing Iraqi assets
for Dutch-Shell, WorldCom and bremer, while
incarcerating the innocent denied human rights, stealing
food and water, just isn't going to fly.

And die they are.

Johnny is spooky to himself even. However, I manage
being comfortably myself whilst I continue attempting to
breathe life into our universal convictions to protect
God and Humanity as our own included. I bring with me,
a written history of many concerns, of some, I no longer
consider strategically tenable. Still, our private
banking industry is in desperate need of reforms through
public consensus to gain our representation, while to
win, lotteries must pay out 100 percent of total cash
wagered, and finally, a progressive tax structure needs
to be first understood generally, then mathematically
practiced, to sustain ability for a nation's wealth and
prosperity to continue. "Non-Medical" narcotic laws
need relaxation with smarter controls, and marihuana
should be completely de-criminalized, with perhaps
public service stories of risks and benefits, gains, and
liabilities. Have you ever met a crackwhore, or a
convulsing heroin addict?, where perception of personal
values only comes around when trying anything to obtain
the lost gratification of normalcy? Or perhaps fallen
victim to crimes? In America, 40 percent of criminals
are in on drug relations. The organized crime involved
in the buying and selling process, (including the dumb
and evil bushite nazi soldiers dying for heroin pushers
against the women loving, girl school running, freedom
fighters of Afghanistan), elevates the price to exceed
the market barers who fall wasted. How FAR can bush's
heroin freely take someone of Your community who is
chemically indebted? No profits for cocaine dealing
pimps would come about with no profit prescriptions,
while a banking industry that served for the interests
of our currency, would recognize Our money is not IOUs
written by secret private edict without any math
questions pondered. Look, the private banker borrows
Your Earned deposit, charges whatever for our
transactions to pocket the differences privately, while
devaluing all our personal assets by inflation. (Hint:
Big bankers are billionaires for who's work dummy
chump?) The National debt is really what the ... Ah....
blah blah blah...

We can actually understand suffering from our
inability to solve some of our life's most desperate
real world problems., not because we don't know any
better, but because, we're afraid to listen to people
converse as the faulting stupid humans. So we hide from
deity bush's true ineptness, as a crime representor
against Humanity faithfully followed through ignorance.
While the yearning for better understanding through
knowledge sharing, doesn't seem at all relevant to
corporate greed with minimum investment scheduled. Why
bother to stand up for your brother, neighbor, or
complete stranger's profit, if your only a machine
geared to maximizing takes from devaluating the living
human interest angle? How can bush's america compete
without law against slave labor, but with supporting
tyranny for America. Bound by consequence. Karma.
Right? Let's count, how many worthless generations of
People should suffer from radiation posioning, that will
give maybe the bushites, a few extra thousand dollars
for his re-election war campain? How many American teen
soldiers should be killed as traitors robbing from Iraq
to steal for bremer? How many? I ask you American
Patriot to support our cause before we die as worthless,
measured as cowardly victims by bush and rumsfeld.
Repeat after me: "Never will I blindly serve as a
slave to devolving criminal demon bush dictate".

My hope as God spokesperson, is to gain the respect of
all whom wears this stupid Crown. Life is more than we
could ever truly know of. You are prone to be as
amazing as I could be. Like anything is absolutely.
Nothing but the Universe here on planet Earth as freedom
shackled. Therefor, communicating with field experts is
important on top priority, life death issues. The
American fledgling Justice protectors, the CIA and FBI
investigating officers for 9/11, Afghanistan, and now
Iraq, are critically important to gaining America's
position officially. Lies or no lies. Like asking
Mueller if he has heard mentioning of General Ahmad and
Condoleezza working together with the 9/11 Presidential
Directive, on September 9th as the self described bush
cabal. (Truth as disturbingly funny we is; they call
themselves secret liars costumed up as our public
officials. Figures eh?) Anyway, Mueller, what say you
about this Police matter?

Who's Who on the 9/11 "Independent" Commission

by Michel Chossudovsky
/ / In other words the man responsible for the day to day operations
of the 9/11 Commission, including the recruitment of staff and the
coordination of research, is closely linked to Bush's inner cabinet.
He has a close professional relationship with Condoleezza Rice, with
whom he has collaborated for the last 10 years. He is co-author of a
book written with Condoleezza Rice. \ \

Condoleezza has been acting truly strange as of late no?
And, as was so well articulated in the spheres of
the article, isn't the new commision
also in public conflict to acknowledge the not
corporately reported, but relevant as interesting and
important, inside traders investigated by the American
CIA stonewalled by Tenant?, not speaking for America?

Ruppert's "Blood in the Water" is powerfully
informative, providing gathered intelligent insight on
the development of what is becoming, widely public as
plainly aware.


Blood in the Water
Watergate II
by Michael C. Ruppert

/ / .. "Rockefeller directed particularly pointed criticism at
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice,
saying her very public role in pinning the blame on Tenet is

.. CBS then quoted former Republican White House staffer David Gergen
as saying, "Somebody in
the administration, not in the agency, wanted to put this in the
speech and got the CIA to sign off on it,
even though everybody knew within the US government that there were
real doubts about the validity
of the report. And that's what constitutes the misleading quality of

[quoting Waxman quoting Powell when he spoke at the UN to argue
committing war crimes by
falsehood, as substantiated untruths... (Lies.)]

...Specifically, the State Department fact sheet contains the
following points under the heading "Nuclear
Weapons": "The Declaration ignores efforts to procure uranium from
Niger. Why is the Iraqi regime
hiding their uranium procurement?"

[Why was the bushmob lying? To murder US outcasts for the big bucks in
stolen values. Ours. ( God
secret: We just can no longer go farther as discounted religiously.)]

[Later as Waxman]

...These facts raise troubling questions. It appears that at the same
time that you, Secretary Rumsfeld,
and State Department officials were citing Iraq's efforts to obtain
uranium from Africa as a crucial part
of the case against Iraq, U.S. intelligence officials regarded this
very same evidence as unreliable. If
true, this is deeply disturbing: it would mean that your
Administration asked the U.N. Security Council,
the Congress, and the American people to rely on information that your
own experts knew was not
credible. \ \

Or, why did America give support to Afghani heroin
pushers and Uzbekistan's repressor? Yeah that's right,
bush isn't America, America is America just sleeping

Why should We allow Americans to be treated unfairly,
stolen from, then murdered by bush, rumsfeld and Powell
again is what I'm asking now as an outsider looking in.
I declare as King Johnny, I want to participate
Internationally with polite dialog on america's war
crimes, while calling for the immediate arrest or
execution, of the traitors, Our Mr. bush Jr. and
rotten rumsfeld.


A person like you only comes around once in a lifetime
to help a desperate eternal God like US communicate,
so please, do yourself a favor, and put in a good call
for US, will ya? I'd do almost anything for living,
and with Your help, I'll never have nobody to
share your suffering with either. Join the club..
friend and blood.

Your loyal servant,

Johnny Wizard


Uranium claim linked to aide at White House / CIA tried to keep error
out of speech
/ / Although Durbin said he believes the testimony makes it clear the
White House was "insistent" on
using uranium allegation in the speech, others said that was open to
interpretation. \ \


Media Underplays U.S. Death Toll in Iraq

uploaded 18 Jul 2003

Soldiers Dead Since May Is 3 Times Official Count

/ / According to official military records, the number of
U.S. soldiers who have died in Iraq since May 2 is
actually 85. This includes a staggering number of
non-combat deaths. Even if killed in a non-hostile
action, these soldiers are no less dead, their families
no less aggrieved.
...A Web site called Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
( is
tracking the deaths, by whatever cause, of U.S.
military personnel in Iraq, based on official Pentagon
and CENTCOM press releases and Army Times and CNN
casualty trackers. \ \




/ / Before the speech was delivered, the portions

By William Rivers Pitt
/ / Death knows no political affiliation, and a bloody
lie is a bloody lie is a bloody lie. The time has come
for Congress to fulfill their constitutional duties in
this matter, to defend the nation and the soldiers who
live and die in her service. The definition of 'is' has
flown right out the window. This 'is' a crime. George
W. Bush lied to the people, and lied to Congress.
There are a lot of people dead because of it.

Denial and Deception By Paul Krugman
/ / For example, some commentators have suggested that

Mr. Bush should be let off the hook as long as there is
some interpretation of his prewar statements that is
technically true. Really? We're not talking about a
business dispute that hinges on the fine print of the
contract; we're talking about the most solemn decision a
nation can make. If Mr. Bush's speeches gave the
nation a misleading impression about the case for war,
close textual analysis showing that he didn't literally
say what he seemed to be saying is no excuse. On the
contrary, it suggests that he knew that his case
couldn't stand close scrutiny.

So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to

understand, research, or clarify HIS major political
positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass
murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't
communicate with anyone in the American intelligence
agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is.
While demanding at the same time, he did knew top
secretly better than everybody else does still, leaving
US to forgo our own principles of Justice to be
sacrificed even further unjustly. That evil nazi fuck,
the demon God betrayer human hater, tells US, it was
Tenant (not the CIA) actually that was responsible for
the fraudulent evidence he argued publicly to wage WAR
against our Humanity with. In Our name unjustly
devalued by the criminal bush doctrine. Lies that bush
uses to sacrifice leaderless American GIs for
Halliburton and WorldCom, all the while, robbing from
the American public in a war against our World as an
enemy of all Humanity. While still, LOOK, bush gives no
apology to angry Johnny, or the morning American
families dying as traitors, painted as cowards, further

dying as too easily sacrificial for further criminal


/ / We had one hundred percent access, to change

anything we wished, by public persuasion at a publicized
international level, promised to be broadcasted
nationally in Iraq by Saddam also. What can be changed
now in Iraq, that couldn't have been under the stable
Saddam regime communicating? Outside of the criminal
thefts of Iraqi assets? Could bush have demanded that
innocent prisoners not be tortured, or at the least, be
granted their day in a public court to face some sort of
accusation? Does the forced bush mandate articulate
somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be a
prerequisite to determine what is evil to all humanity?,
now that he tyrants as demon antichrist? Strangely
funny yes, and life is like a dream almost, but think

No representative world body politic, would decide to

God is Just,

Johnny Wizard

Have you heard mention of Joseph Wilson?



Wow! Then....

Help God please.

Johnny Wizard






Johnny Wizard






FROM "Standing Ground"


their own food Saddam already paid billions "of his own
money" for. Let us DEMAND by gun point from bush or rotten

rumsfeld about how privatizing Iraqi assets through piracy, is
anything else but another act of treason against Humanity, committed
by the sacrifices of American soldiers as dmfukd without real
leadership.. Let US hear from mass murderer bush how WE were mistaken
by his lies as our God's suffering and dread. Why do the bushites at
media controls support silence regarding OURSELVES as the INNOCENT at
Guantanemo? Where are our voices for supporting further instability
in Iraq to kill American Patriot Soldiers, so the likes of death squad

funders Shell, and cheney's alter, halliberton, can profit off
YOUR living, unjustly sacrificed? Don't look to me as your

cross, look to yourself as this Universe is God as ourselves being
victimized. As Creation, we are calling for Your Universal Freedom
through Justice, but if you help nothing to your plundered neighbors,

who needs you then in your missing conclusion? Fuck, I can't

help hate that God hater demon bush as much as any real Atheist would.
We are suffering by deliberate censorship on our top priority events
up there without US at CNN headquarters to speak on the bush demon and

rotten rumsfeld's blatant evil treason to all of our Humanity.

Which includes yourself too, as a misinformed, 12 hour work day
alcoholic with a mortgage payments overdued, getting away to relax
from growing pressures by escaping with fantasy in film, a popular

hobby that doesn't directly address our real world plights

falling further by corrupt bush doctrine though, a practiced act of
lawless murder as wanton destruction against our innocent families.
Is it that nothing is no matter of war as so serious, that it requires
ongoing challenges with investigative journalism for America in
servitude? Where is the bush bio-trucks follow up? Where is the IAEA
report as all the false evidence bush would use to war ourselves
blindly to steal our money? Is not stealing homes from G-D
un-Jewish? Just what is Fox News selling US as an honest portrayal of
freedom surviving? Is it to witness ourselves as elected officials
disenfranchised from participation in our own living futures and
ability, but for to be counted politically incompetent as victim to
further criminal transgressions? Uncontested to our graves by CNN's
Bill Hemmer, or CBC's Barbara Budd who give no excuses to anyone for
their silence of contempt for our dying futures? Phone them yourself
and ask why they forbid our knowledge from being acknowledged. Our
media services should be helping garner support for our causes
politically speaking, by airing our political news developments. When
bush and rumsfeld needlessly drop radio-active nuclear waste on our
public institutions that served our communities interests, then bill
US further to rebuild what they criminally destroy, the poison kills
US all. For no good reasons, bush has America suffer, with this,
bushite feigned delusional ignorance on everything of critical
importance to US, portrayed corporately as unawares to hide

bush's ill will for all as the denied humans. With the


King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard



Jul 21, 2003, 7:33:05 PM7/21/03

God Honest <> wrote in message

Fromm Rey of SynchroniCity:

Earth YELTsin


Iraq and Iran... irani

White House Speakes Wright Nunn Tower Sununnu SWAGgART, Baker Bakker

Uzno Watt Amin 007 Soule Core

Jesus Christ Cross Stake Beth Star Stable
Buddha sits patiently
MaoTao moves


Enemy of Evil as God's Disciple

Jul 23, 2003, 1:25:29 PM7/23/03
to (The Campaign) wrote in message news:<>...
> Why am I doing this?


God Honest

And die they are.


[Later as Waxman]


Your loyal servant,

Johnny Wizard



uploaded 18 Jul 2003




/ / Before the speech was delivered, the portions

By William Rivers Pitt
/ / Death knows no political affiliation, and a bloody
lie is a bloody lie is a bloody lie. The time has come
for Congress to fulfill their constitutional duties in
this matter, to defend the nation and the soldiers who
live and die in her service. The definition of 'is' has
flown right out the window. This 'is' a crime. George
W. Bush lied to the people, and lied to Congress.

There are a lot of people dead because of it. \ \

Denial and Deception By Paul Krugman

/ / For example, some commentators have suggested that

Mr. Bush should be let off the hook as long as there is
some interpretation of his prewar statements that is
technically true. Really? We're not talking about a
business dispute that hinges on the fine print of the
contract; we're talking about the most solemn decision a
nation can make. If Mr. Bush's speeches gave the
nation a misleading impression about the case for war,
close textual analysis showing that he didn't literally
say what he seemed to be saying is no excuse. On the
contrary, it suggests that he knew that his case
couldn't stand close scrutiny. \ \

So, demon bush now tells US, he honestly took no time to

understand, research, or clarify HIS major political
positions of wanting to indiscriminately commit mass
murder against our families of Humanity. Didn't
communicate with anyone in the American intelligence
agencies as the illegitimate President of America he is.
While demanding at the same time, he did knew top
secretly better than everybody else does still, leaving
US to forgo our own principles of Justice to be
sacrificed even further unjustly. That evil nazi fuck,
the demon God betrayer human hater, tells US, it was
Tenant (not the CIA) actually that was responsible for
the fraudulent evidence he argued publicly to wage WAR
against our Humanity with. In Our name unjustly
devalued by the criminal bush doctrine. Lies that bush
uses to sacrifice leaderless American GIs for
Halliburton and WorldCom, all the while, robbing from
the American public in a war against our World as an
enemy of all Humanity. While still, LOOK, bush gives no
apology to angry Johnny, or the morning American
families dying as traitors, painted as cowards, further

dying as too easily sacrificial for further criminal


somewhere in secret that evidence will no longer be a
prerequisite to determine what is evil to all humanity?,

God is Just,

Johnny Wizard



Wow! Then....

Help God please.

Johnny Wizard


Why am I doing this?

Search suggestion for Google (uranium millirems plutonium)



One stark truth: Blair was wrong and must admit it now,11660,992985,00.html



Johnny Wizard






FROM "Standing Ground"


their own food Saddam already paid billions "of his own
money" for. Let us DEMAND by gun point from bush or rotten

rumsfeld about how privatizing Iraqi assets through piracy, is
anything else but another act of treason against Humanity, committed
by the sacrifices of American soldiers as dmfukd without real
leadership.. Let US hear from mass murderer bush how WE were mistaken
by his lies as our God's suffering and dread. Why do the bushites at
media controls support silence regarding OURSELVES as the INNOCENT at
Guantanemo? Where are our voices for supporting further instability
in Iraq to kill American Patriot Soldiers, so the likes of death squad

funders Shell, and cheney's alter, halliberton, can profit off
YOUR living, unjustly sacrificed? Don't look to me as your

cross, look to yourself as this Universe is God as ourselves being
victimized. As Creation, we are calling for Your Universal Freedom
through Justice, but if you help nothing to your plundered neighbors,

who needs you then in your missing conclusion? Fuck, I can't

help hate that God hater demon bush as much as any real Atheist would.
We are suffering by deliberate censorship on our top priority events
up there without US at CNN headquarters to speak on the bush demon and

rotten rumsfeld's blatant evil treason to all of our Humanity.

Which includes yourself too, as a misinformed, 12 hour work day
alcoholic with a mortgage payments overdued, getting away to relax
from growing pressures by escaping with fantasy in film, a popular

hobby that doesn't directly address our real world plights

falling further by corrupt bush doctrine though, a practiced act of
lawless murder as wanton destruction against our innocent families.
Is it that nothing is no matter of war as so serious, that it requires
ongoing challenges with investigative journalism for America in
servitude? Where is the bush bio-trucks follow up? Where is the IAEA
report as all the false evidence bush would use to war ourselves
blindly to steal our money? Is not stealing homes from G-D
un-Jewish? Just what is Fox News selling US as an honest portrayal of
freedom surviving? Is it to witness ourselves as elected officials
disenfranchised from participation in our own living futures and
ability, but for to be counted politically incompetent as victim to
further criminal transgressions? Uncontested to our graves by CNN's
Bill Hemmer, or CBC's Barbara Budd who give no excuses to anyone for
their silence of contempt for our dying futures? Phone them yourself
and ask why they forbid our knowledge from being acknowledged. Our
media services should be helping garner support for our causes
politically speaking, by airing our political news developments. When
bush and rumsfeld needlessly drop radio-active nuclear waste on our
public institutions that served our communities interests, then bill
US further to rebuild what they criminally destroy, the poison kills
US all. For no good reasons, bush has America suffer, with this,
bushite feigned delusional ignorance on everything of critical
importance to US, portrayed corporately as unawares to hide

bush's ill will for all as the denied humans. With the


King Johnny

Standing Ground

Johnny Wizard


Good Guy

Jul 24, 2003, 3:13:27 PM7/24/03
to (Enemy of Evil as God's Disciple) wrote in message news:<>...

> (The Campaign) wrote in message news:<>...
> >
> > Why am I doing this?
> >

The Clincher

The Iraq war and the debate on phony intelligence

/ / Last Monday he declared that the invasion of Iraq was
justified because he had given Saddam Hussein ``a

chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let

them in.'' Bush continued, ``And, therefore, after a

reasonable request, we decided to remove him from

power.'' .....The remark suggests that the president
is so ignorant of the policies pursued by his own
administration that he cannot even remember the official
pretexts for going to war. Alternatively, it is a case
of a man whose head has been stuffed with so many lies
that even he can't keep them straight. \ \

The Most Egregious War Crime

/ / America's bombing of other countries with radioactive
waste is possibly the most egregious war crime ever
committed. Nothing that Hitler or Stalin did can truly
be compared with the endless suffering caused by DU
weapons. Not only are Americans participating in the
wanton extermination of life, but they are destroying
the planet, rendering certain regions of the earth
uninhabitable. \ \

Look at this will ya? DU killing American Patriot
Soldiers, while bush revises our continuing history,
like this ain't really happening. I can only again, beg
you as the reader, to wake up to this bush madness, and
support ME, the mythological Son of Man God King
because: my facts I bring to our table, do not change
from your summation of my unbridled character. (I don't
need votes, but a trust in the good times coming through
for trying something better.) As I have said before, you
don't have to support Johnny by donating a few dollars
for Christ sake, but, to have a care for your own
humanity. Nor will doubting me, unfortunately, change
the truly toxic composition of measured radioactive, and
gaseously microscopic, depleted uranium. For we both as
ALL suffer from the demon bush fumbles of corrupt
ineptitude, disguised as heinous war crimes against
everyone. Crimes of murder, that there is no rational
justification for., then, or now. No good reason to
have bombed, then stole from the billed Iraq as
Dutch-Shell victims. Only irrationalisms. Examples:
What can we do now in Iraq, that we couldn't have under
Saddam? Spend tens of billions in investments on
universal health care, or education perhaps? Why bomb
anyone, when we had complete, unrestricted access? What
could bush have demanded for Iraq justly, when his
un-elected entourage is responsible for outrages 9/11,
the Patriot Act, and Guantanamo? So see, now, we have a
really big ego problem. By god, You humans are truly
blind without ourselves to be seen as.

Well, not quite.

Don't forget, Our Mr. bush Jr. also participated
directly with the 9/11 strategy's, top secret
Presidential Directive, of offering no evidence against
Bin regarding some crime that wasn't galvanizing the
world like the lucky, World Trade Center incidents did
in time sensibly. Without 9/11, what would Powell look
like from when in August he gave the Taliban 43 million,
to then in September, going after those that funded the
Justice supporters? How? And, where is the Saddam
money gone for the food shipments?! Our Mr. bush Jr.
has it secretly he writes. He also writes he will not
be accountable to any rules of Law in this Universe
regarding the ownership of said monies he has stolen
through the UN not chirping. I told you, no leadership.
(Good thing we showed up to raise the dead eh? Nudge

Justice and Freedom, like God as Nature, be not feared
as of.

A friend and myself were discussing political
deceptions, and he asked me if I knew what the secret to
the universe was, and I said no, what?, he replied,
there is no secret.

The politics of living is Humanity's survival, and is
what should be as our interests recognized, to be
representative. However, there is often dismal public
failure to characterize hugely heinous criminal attempts
to harm our universal freedoms through unbiased
corporate conduct. Justice must be prime, and maybe You
as the forever unknown still. It's just, that we don't
have customers at National Newscast Central to invest in
ourselves as interested benefactor. Why can not the
widely publicized, and FREEDOMly available, central
questions on 9/11 be asked without answer by Blitzer, or
Aaron? Do they actually have US believing it is in not
our interests to say as much for Justice? For America?
For God as victim? How far would CNN go to discrediting
American soldier after American soldier, blindly
sacrificed for WorldCom bush and Dutch-Shell bremer,
before CNN finally reports on bush's other partners in
crime, like Ahmad, the funder of the 'mastermind', Atta.
Why continue? For as the bushmob, to murder cowardly
Americans while stealing pensions and selling heroin, is
just stupidly dumb, evil and wrong man. So wrote the
holy god guy from beyond his own comprehension as a
timeless wonder, demon slayer. The dumbass bush crimes
against US as God, I will remind you, are very real, and
toll many innocent souls. The criminal sabotage bush
inflicts in his public responsibilities as America,
yearns eternally for accountability to our suffering
World, God included.

I will not go silently.

No, it wasn't Iraqi planning, or of Afghanistan's
students, it was bush, rumsfeld, Condoleezza,, Ahmad,
and likely Mueller as traitors, who decided your wager
as American to be devalued into official, unrepresented
criminality as bound tyrannical. (Tenant and
checheCheney, maybe also..) See, this is why the Patriot
Act rears it's direct onslaught against every American,
barely too, unchallenged by Blitzer, or Aaron. No
Justice for terrorists, is no freedom for bush's america
TRULY. As a result, the fascist sympathizing bigots,
racists, and war crime advocates, will argue they're
inept to comprehend what they know not of, and as we
witness, gain easy unchallenged corporate access by
ignoring our public sentiment. You don't have to look
far for major problems with the, "but bremer said they
were freed Iraqis", or the official 9/11 story line, but
as a CNN news caster, Your dismissed without care for.

I know it doesn't have to be so.

The stranger,

Johnny Wizard


A bushite:

As an unAmerican fascist sympathizer, you'll watch tyrant bush
sacrifice good Americans criminally to be robbed and left for dead,
and say nothing but defend the demon as your false-god unthinkingly.
How can you turn against the FBI and CIA publicly, and the surviving
families of 9/11?, by not supporting Justice for America as Freedom
for US all?


President Defends Allegation On Iraq
Bush Says CIA's Doubts Followed Jan. 28 Address

/ / A four-star general, who was asked to go to Niger last year to
inquire about the security of Niger's uranium, told The Washington
Post yesterday that he came away convinced the country's stocks were
secure. The findings of Marine Gen. Carlton W. Fulford Jr. were passed
up to Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff --
though it was unclear whether they reached officials in the White
House. \ \

The demon bush can not argue on the one hand he knew better than
everone else did as American intelligence, and on the other, didn't
hear any of the evidence made available from said public agencies.
Can he? He asks the bushwhores to faithfully believe he seeked no
inquiries into his own allegations made in America's name disowned? To
sacrifice bushite GIs for Dutch-Shell, WorldCom, Halliburton and
bremer?, to criminally rob from America and Iraq as no longer our own

I hate that demon bush as much as any real family man would.


God Honest

And die they are.


[Later as Waxman]


Your loyal servant,

Johnny Wizard



uploaded 18 Jul 2003





God is Just,

Johnny Wizard



Wow! Then....

Help God please.

Johnny Wizard











FROM "Standing Ground"



Learn About Depleted Uranium From The US Army's Expert on Depleted
Uranium (DU)
Text of Dr. Doug Rokke Speaking in California, 21.04.03

> > > >
> > > > Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops
> > > > What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means

The Showman

Jul 27, 2003, 3:40:00 PM7/27/03
to (The Showman) wrote in message news:<>...

> (The Campaign) wrote in message news:<>...
> > (Freedom by Communication) wrote in message news:<>...
> > > "Dallas" <> wrote in message news:<3f03b1a7$1...@>...
> > > > Please remove the alt.military.police from your reply to addresses and stop
> > > > cross posting to our group. Thank you. D
> > > snpd
> > > Who are you referring to Dallas? Not to Johnny America surely?, the
> > > World's top cop? Or is all replies to all posts in your personal
> > > domain? Is there any position, any position whatsoever Dallas, that
> > > you feel Johnny raises, that you personally, Dallas, think Our police
> > > officers should not be made aware of as top priority? For instance,
> > > hmmm... the culprits for 911 according to the FBI and CIA? Do you feel
> > > Dallas Justice is not a police matter for our community to consider?
> > > Dallas? Where are you man?
> snpd
> Do you doubt American soldiers are dying as cowards
> for Dutch-Shell and WorldCom to steal from the people, Iraqi and
> American? Do you doubt that bush offered no evidence to conclude who
> was responsible for killing near 3,000 Americans? Do you doubt bush
> has wasted billions on a unnecessary war to kill Patriots? Do you
> doubt the DU is toxic and radioactive? Do you not support Freedom and
> Justice through the FBI and CIA with the arrest of the actual 9/11
> perpetrators?
> --
> See? No one is in dispute with my claims. Demon bush, betrayer of God
> and America, is the antichrist.
> --
> By William Rivers Pitt


Jul 28, 2003, 3:22:13 PM7/28/03
to (Good Guy) wrote in message news:<>...

> (Enemy of Evil as God's Disciple) wrote in message news:<>...
> > (The Campaign) wrote in message news:<>...
> > >

Bush Definitely Lied Re: Elementary, Dr. Watson, Bush Never Lied

Letters from Heaven

Aug 5, 2003, 3:44:59 PM8/5/03
to (Enemy of Evil as God's Disciple) wrote in message news:<>...

From Johnny's "One More Thing"

/ / There is a guide book for leadership in the
American Marines entitled, "Guidebook for MARINES", and
inside, it contains 14 principles to strive for as an
American Soldier...

Integrity, Knowledge, Courage, decisiveness,
Dependability, Initiative, Tact, Justice, Enthusiasm,
Bearing, Endurance, Unselfishness, Loyalty, and

For integrity it states:

"1. Integrity. The stakes of combat are too high to
gamble leadership on a dishonest man. Would you accept
a report from a patrol leader who had been known to lie?
Of course you wouldn't. All your statements, official
or unofficial, are concidered by your men to be plain,
unadorned fact. Make sure they are. When you give your
word, keep it. There are people depending on you to
come through with the goods."

Now, I could go on further about what kind of lifeless
degenerate a lawless cowardly mute soldier in bush's
nazi death squads would have to be, to serve under bush
as slave and traitor to home and family, as against God,
the Flag, and all that we represent as equals through
Justice, but I won't. \ \

NOT a scientist of any kind

/ / Re: CHERYL SEAL REPORTS CORRECTION: Bush's Top WMD Inspector David
Kay is NOT a scientist of any kind
by Dan Current 31 Jul 2003

Who said that anyone who works in the Bush administration had to be
qualified to do anything. I have yet to see anyone qualified to do
anything right. From the stollen election in 2000, 9-11, and now the
false pretence for war in Iraq. Nothing but a string lies, cover-ups,
and self interest right wring chicanery has resulted. This is the most
dispicable administration in the history of our country. \ \


Letters from Heaven

Aug 6, 2003, 1:39:39 PM8/6/03
to (Enemy of Evil as God's Disciple) wrote in message news:<>...
> (The Campaign) wrote in message news:<>...

For integrity it states:


Great Big Love

Aug 7, 2003, 1:13:47 PM8/7/03
to (Irrelevant Elephant) wrote in message news:<>...

Great Big Love

What can the demon bush do now for Iraq, that he
couldn't before robbing and murdering one bro, or
thousands for generations untolled?

Know that we still when reviewing our history, conclude
yet again, the lawless bush demon terrorists, had one
hundred percent access throughout Iraq without
restrictions, and that all of the available evidence
concluded, as still does, that yes indeed, it was
possible, and highly likely, that Saddam had destroyed
his weapons of mass destruction (provided in part
CRIMINALLY by bremer's (publicly insured) "Kissinger
Associates" (BNL)). Not one child needed for criminal
plunder to the war crimes of the ungodly buford blount
was required. What can the demon bush do now for Iraq,
that he couldn't before robbing and murdering one bro,
or thousands for generations untolled? DU discharged,
is microscopic heavy metal MEASURED radioactive (gamma,
plutonium, millirem), and toxic times five. It's
soluble, oh, and it's not soluble. DU will kill
needlessly American bushite soldiers by several
different scientific methods. Simultaneously. It's
deadly accuracy, has nothing to do with opinions, and
those that support silence on the science of said
weaponry, are Our greatest enemies. It is the cowardice
of American service People, to not work actively to
destroy bush and rumsfeld as traitors, or to even speak
up for their own families by living for freedom, that
they continue to fall unworthy dying as sacrificed
slaves, to the bush demon being as human hating Satan

A current outdated CBC web page, alleges fictitiously,
most scientists believe DU is harmless.

I am the Lord of our world and I want attention over the
oppression of ignorance being practiced by our corporate
news control. The ignorantly evil who refuse to allow
US Justice for living freely, must be challenged
immediately, and directly with reason for. Murdering
Humanity as war crime advocates for demon bush to
further steal our rights and good fortunes, must be met
with reaction eventually.

When buford (a blatant traitor to America and to all the
flag represents truly) was asked why according to THEIR
heinous estimate, did he commit bushite troops to the
murder of thousands for no objective but to commit mass
murders in demon bush's name he puked, "We just wanted
to let them know that we're here.", by murdering our
families he did for no other reason he threatens?, still
living? Me? Blount you nazi fuk, you don't speak for
anyone. I challenge blount personally on a fight to his
termination. If he refuses, and is still not arrested
for war crimes like death squad franks, 9/11's bush and
rumsfeld, bill'em Patriot for Love and country, the
flag, and Humanity.

The Massacre of Rashdiya

/ / ``The American bombing of the district of Rashdiya began at 3 p.m.
They used cluster bombs. It
continued until 9 p.m. During these hours casualties began to be
carried to the hospital in civilian cars
and pickups because there were no ambulances in this district. We
received a great number of
casualties, all of them women and children. \ \

The 9/11 Joint Inquiry chairmen are in "conflict of interest":
Mysterious September 11 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill
by Michel Chossudovsky Global Outlook

/ / The two Joint Inquiry chairmen Sen Bob Graham and Rep Porter Goss
were fully cognizant of the
"Pakistani ISI connection" and the role played by its former head,
General Mahmoud Ahmad.
Why then did they choose to exclude an examination of the role of the
ISI from the Joint Inquiry's 858
page Report?

...On the morning of September 11, the three lawmakers Bob Graham,
Porter Goss and Jon Kyl (who
were part of the Congressional delegation to Pakistan) were having
breakfast on Capitol Hill with
General Ahmad, the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers.
... Was this mysterious breakfast venue a "political lapse", an
intelligence failure or something far more
serious? How come the very same individuals (Goss and Graham) who had
developed a personal
rapport with General Ahmad, had been entrusted under the joint
committee inquiry "to reveal the truth
on 9-11." \ \

Again, please forward these words to every soldier you
know of,

thanks in advance,

Johnny Wizard



Aug 12, 2003, 3:18:51 PM8/12/03
to (Great Big Love) wrote in message news:<>...

> (Irrelevant Elephant) wrote in message news:<>...
> Great Big Love
> What can the demon bush do now for Iraq, that he
> couldn't before robbing and murdering one bro, or
> thousands for generations untolled?

definition of a bushite:

As an unAmerican fascist sympathizer, you'll watch tyrant bush
sacrifice good Americans criminally to be robbed and left for dead,
and say nothing but defend the demon as your false-god unthinkingly.
How can you turn against the FBI and CIA publicly, and the surviving
families of 9/11?, by not supporting Justice for America as Freedom
for US all?

Terrorism Financing:
FBI acknowledges 9/11 was financed out of Pakistan

/ / John S. Pistole, deputy assistant director of the FBI's
counter-terrorism division, told the Senate governmental affairs
committee on Thursday afternoon [31 July] , that investigators had
"traced the origin of the funding of the 9/11 attacks back to
financial accounts in Pakistan." \ \

Masters of Deceit Convicted Felons Responsible for Thousands of Deaths
are Calling the Shots at the White House

Some funnies from below:

/ / It's like saying fewer people educated, will
keep us stupid enough as a Nation to blame the weak and
poor as ourselves deprived till death as murdered, and,
bush says makes sense secretly, as the all knowing for
the blind and ignorant to faith in without thinking
about what money is either.


...or watch bush act in direct
opposition to his word almost consistently as American
death harborer terrorist psychopath. Then ask yourself,
why can none of our defenses be publicly discussed as
important deliberations? \ \



Aug 15, 2003, 9:58:34 AM8/15/03
to (Yeah) wrote in message news:<>...

> Terrorism Financing:
> FBI acknowledges 9/11 was financed out of Pakistan
> / / John S. Pistole, deputy assistant director of the FBI's
> counter-terrorism division, told the Senate governmental affairs
> committee on Thursday afternoon [31 July] , that investigators had
> "traced the origin of the funding of the 9/11 attacks back to
> financial accounts in Pakistan." \ \

> From "Who's the Fool?"
> / / Our Mr. bush Jr. demands that he dictate who of US are
> evil without evidence?, You, a criminal being without
> public charges?, enslaved in the fear bush demands you
> bow to as a slave to himself being satan? I mean..
> come on! Let's get real... \ \
> Look, Mr. bush Jr. has needlessly as a traitor to America, put
> American troops in harms way for a conflict that only lowers the bush
> demon's stated objectives while slaughtering American soldiers for no
> known good cause.
(snpd priceless info)

U.S. administrator in Iraq says country should appreciate freedoms,
not just lament shortages

/ / "Freedom matters," Bremer said. "I think it's
important to ... look beyond the shootouts and
blackouts and remind ourselves of a range of rights that
Iraqis enjoy today because of the coalition's military
victory." \ \

Jeeze eh?

What is bremer lying to falling DEAD American Patriots
about now? Rights? So then, what rights must we change
to stop bremer criminally leaving US for bush victim
campaign contributers? The evil bremer is the director
of "Kissinger Associates", and is advocating the murder
of innocent people while stealing our resources openly.
Truly, extremely disturbing. (Our Mr. bremer is like
rumsfeld's buddy Saddam was during the eighties, but
worse liked.) He claims only those of US who would see
him, rumsfeld or bush as fully confessed, unarrested
first degree murderers, have to be Saddam Loyalists to
care for our lost lives, or our children's future. What
rights are even better now with bremer, that will return
our war losses, the Iraqi UN escrow accounts, clean up
the depleted uranium, or correct the planned pilfering
of thirty plus percent on Iraqi oil resources after
inflated costs overrunning? Is bremer referring to
rights given for appreciating, the big spending demon
terrorist bush partners needlessly destroying our public
institutions to bill US all for as the lucky survivors?
(like utility or water treatment facilities, government
offices, hospitals, schools, ambulances, buses, cars,
and whomever was there in the way for whatever), or
perhaps giving up Iraqi rights for partnering with the
likes of Dutch-Shell, to continue to be oh so
corporately profitable as thieving mass murdering
international war criminals?, is this what our media is
all excited about when bremer speaks for your freedom?
While even now, bremer nakedly commits intention for
further plunder and carnage with illegal murder runs,
working as evil nazi fascists to create a divisive
criminal hostile environment to kill even more bushited
GIs for even bigger cash profits, the repuglican way.
(Normally too far away for corporate America to see
concern for themselves about dying over.) Then of course
there is the, friend or foe, generational scientific
assault with depleted uranium thing again, or, how about
over charging Iraqis for billions in damage criminally
done NEEDLESSLY by evil rotten rumsfeld, thousands of
times over, or, the billions of Saddam's money spent
prior on Iraqi food, 7000 cell-phones, and medicines
gone missing? What rights do Iraqi's have over not
foolishly over paying commi Halliburton and WorldCom to
secretly hire someone else fraudulently with unaccounted
AMERICAN tax money? What bremer rights gave Iraqis the
forfeiture on still being criminally victimized
indiscriminately, or denied due process of law to
protect EVERYONE'S freedom? Without Justice for US, the
People concerned, we're left with the shock and awe of
mourning families to soldiers as demoting slave
prisoners, left to fall further victimized undefended as
a condescending bad bush joke, degrading degenerates
sacrificing in ungodly ignorance of their own
devaluating existence, without any leadership but to
more plundering with their pirated meager savings or
pension funds for blood spilling criminal war profiteer
bush again, as the super evil demon antichrist soul
destroyer. Right? The American traitors, demon bush
and rotten rumsfeld don't poison MOST American GI's for
nothing. We are talking, the strongest, most inept
collective group of drugged dumb as dying bush slaves,
being purposefully led through darkness by mistake to
misery for undefended America. Soldiers lead blindly to
serve for the rights of bush continuing to steal the
meaning of freedom from US all with his ungodly demon
stance against life as I know it. Why does it continue?
Because corporate America refuses to support Justice,
like the American police agencies who are fighting to
protect Freedom by attempting for interviews. Like why
wouldn't a trained loyal American GI, a blood brother,
demand strategically to nab the prime 9/11 suspects, for
instance, The CIA reported inside traders, the FBI's
General Ahmad, or the traitors bush, rumsfeld, and gotta
be for sure, Condoleeza included too as the 9/11 secret
plan holder? Right?

Freedom is what Justice is.

Our weakness of ignorance is inflicted by corporate news
pronouncers who refuse to advocate investment in
ourselves as the public interest. Why spend money to
help the American customer become better represented
politically, if your an faithful corportate dog eat dog
dividend collector?

How can bush's america, get away selling bremer as an
honest broker without granting the rest of US the same
rights of freedom to decide the importance of his
personal evaluation? Criminally warring a nation
irrationally to steal from US all as the victimized
innocent.. Hmm.. It's like when corporate America says
we just don't know yourself included as a Palestinian
Arab, victimized by war criminal ariel sharon, the Jew
hater. Mr. sharon commits the very acts of ungodly
murder by terrorism bush says to US we should deplore by
seeking him out for.

Johnny Wizard

P.S. Thank Johnny with debate, or small cash
contribution for my continuing please.


The Karma of corporate concern about Depleted Urainium, is near the
same over America's food supply, with what is well known
scientifically to be radio-active toxic waste used instead as yummy
fertilizer to destroy themselves cashing out to rumsfeld's Monsanto.

/ / Manufacturing industries are disposing of hazardous wastes by
turning them into fertilizer to spread around farms. And they're doing
it legally.
"It's really unbelievable what's happening, but it's true," Martin
said. "They just call dangerous waste a product, and it's no longer a
dangerous waste. It's a fertilizer."
.. In Gore, Okla., a uranium-processing plant is getting rid of
low-level radioactive waste by licensing it as a liquid fertilizer and
spraying it over 9,000 acres of grazing land.
...State environmental, agriculture and health officials have looked
at the situation in Quincy. The environmental and agriculture
officials, who encourage recycling waste into fertilizer, say that as
far as they can tell, there's no danger to crops or people.
..."Let's put it this way: We're well into the use of these materials
before these questions are even asked, and that doesn't seem to me to
be a good sign that we've been very rigorous in our science on this."
\ \


Johnny Wizard




Some funnies from below:




Glenn (Christian Mystic)

Aug 17, 2003, 9:49:44 PM8/17/03
On 5 Jun 2003 16:22:09 -0700, (bushites
are EVIL traitors to American Soldiers) wrote:
> (bush is NOT America) wrote in message news:<>...
>Yeah yeah, look...
>This is a time in history where an individual's conduct is paramount.
>Too many cowardly Americans,

<snipped some coward in a severe state of PANIC>

The Grand Facade

Aug 18, 2003, 9:59:56 AM8/18/03
to (Jeeze) wrote in message news:<>...

> >
> > Terrorism Financing:
> > FBI acknowledges 9/11 was financed out of Pakistan
> >
> >
> > / / John S. Pistole, deputy assistant director of the FBI's
> > counter-terrorism division, told the Senate governmental affairs
> > committee on Thursday afternoon [31 July] , that investigators had
> > "traced the origin of the funding of the 9/11 attacks back to
> > financial accounts in Pakistan." \ \

The Grand Facade

I wonder whom is bush referring as when he speaks for
the US? Was there a poll we weren't made privy to on
his popularity? Are the polls officially still trying
to say quietly, that the People are in fact being poorly
informed generally speaking, particularly about their
not so secret suffering and death for the costly
continuation of bush's criminality? Are the polls
suggesting Americans without leadership, truly would
believe they are powerless? Being painted weak and
cowardly, and COMPLETELY illiterate, bound blindly
without directions to continue sacrificing Americans to
bush and rumsfeld, as America's most heinous traitors?
I don't think so. My quest is to reach out to ONLY ONE
courageous American Patriot truly concerned for his or
her loved family victimized under the real world tyranny
of the bush regime death machine. Look, when bush and
rumsfeld drop thousands of radio-active toxic bombs on
innocent people, it murders ourselves. People like you
and me, actually died. For no truly stated purpose bush
says he convinced us all still, to trick ourselves as
continuing dying victims into profitable slavery with
bush as commander. Is it therefor your opinion as an
American, you hold like the bushmob does, not to see a
just, political public conclusion to have arrested, the
person, or persons responsible for arranging the flight
of airliners into the WTC buildings? Do devaluating
Americans really not care about doing business as
victims for criminals? America has given to demon bush
sacrilegiously, as Our false deity war crime peddler,
and I say, enough bullshit. We are irrationally
destroying ourselves for our meager life stavings under
the dreaded bush demands. Look again, We, the US, had
one hundred percent access, (NO RESTRICTIONS) into Iraq,
media included, prior to the evil bombing campaign
beginning without reason to. No murder needed. What
does demon bush so desperately intend for our World, now
that he has made our matters worse as stolen from by
blind brutality, instead of public persuasion by
freedom's cherished? Does corporate America suggest US
start shipping massive amounts of free generators, ice,
food, medicine, toys, and a DU clean up crew for the
needing to be, de-contaminated dying soldiers? No my
friends, instead of ourselves being publicly recognized
as important, the well to do bushmob "cabal", stand
committing continued instability with furthering, not so
secret unjust behaviors, while blatantly thieving from
everyone under the gun. Suffering we are, all for the
demon antiChrist God betrayer, Our Mr. bush Jr., the
vilest excuse for our human condition ever knowable to
the gods of our Universe, including the desperate pleas
from the Son of Man. If Saddam, as the known evidence
indicated, destroyed all the WMD, the scene would be the
same as it is. The UN states rotten rumsfeld's business
partner, Saddam, had his, criminally provided anthrax,
burned to ashes, ashes that couldn't be accurately
measured, then, now, or ever. Shockingly, to further
our verdict, we learn very little care was implemented
in securing the living interests of the Iraqi citizenry,
for, destroying our lives with terrorism would give
Haliburton even more blood to overkill American tax
victims with. (A signed, sealed private deal, of no
competition, commi fraud Cheney's. Darn. Shucks, oh
well, maybe next generation folks.) ORHA told American
Generals prior to invading Iraq, that Iraqi banks,
museums, hospitals, and utility services would need not
be irrationally destroyed then publicly paid for by
Americans to rebuild at inflated costs over running
responsibility. ORHA offered the official AMERICAN
recommendations, that rumsfeld's command, have publicly
admitted, were ignored as intelligent. (How were bush
and the gang to over charge, as outright steal from
America by sacrificing our worthless soldiers lives
then, right?)

New estimates on the Iraq war costs have run up as high
as 650 billion divided by 280 million equals about 2321
dollars from football fans everywhere, including
malnourished children and the homeless, given in faith
to the evil bush deceivers to murder more innocent
People without representation. Taking more wasted
earnings from America as unaccounted, while planning to
prosecute persons that dared to bring in medicines for
our Iraqi children as family. Demon bush plans in Your
name, my friends, to issue long term prison sentences,
or fines for US being guilty of kindness, while
attempting to secretly persecute the Begg Family, (who
have served for generations in the British military),
for running a girl school under the Taliban. You know,
the Taliban? The guys that in five short years, brought
the first national government since before Genghis,
eradicated the heroin trade, and who were in final peace
talks with the barbaric savages? The godly guys who
said they would need just some sort of evidence from the
crime scene to persecute an otherwise innocent person as
crazed Allah following American flag wavers? You know,
those guys who outlawed torture and slavery while
gaining women rights and protection, along with the free
choice to wear burkas? The bunch, who when trapped
publicly begging for food, got instead, multi-million
dollar Buddha statue improvers, so as a communication
ploy, (good hearted, but perhaps somewhat foolish) blew
apart the earth stone to illustrate a knowledge on our
human condition?

You can not bomb a People into literacy, or judicial
civility. Education by communication is how we gain
understanding as a fair and just political body. God or
no God,

I am me.

Me, a timeless apparition formed through this magical
text, the forever beyond existing Johnny Wizard, a freak
for Nature's Love. Laughing through the fight for Our
continuing survival as the Human species. Get nothing
confused, no fooling intended, our position of
victimizing ourselves as Humanity by bush war crimes, is
ungodly as true evil, and shouldn't be allowed to
further happen against Your better judgement. Without
me here, on your own to consider, what is the UNJUST
American cop killer, the evil demon, Our Mr. bush Jr.,
doing without Freedom leading our ways politically
speaking? Who's Paradise is it where we profitize off
the continuation of God suffering unjustly through the
"publicly approved", corporate news tyranny of Your
priority censored?

CNN needs to help America through understanding
ourselves truly using math skills and science,
encouraging public deliberation and political debate
with writers, and most importantly, begin sharing
established developments as News FEED Sources. Is
destroying the lives of thousands, not an important
issue to corporate American values? There are Just
solutions to dealing with the high priority issues that
needlessly toll our real lives with hardship and sorrow.
It is almost scary at how easy this simple living can
be, or how powerful a few well placed words can resonate
within ourselves. Freedom's cause is always a just one,
and don't let bush, rumsfeld, or Ashcroft tell Your
difference. By denying Justice to enemy combatants, or
bin Laden, is bush saying criminal leads are no longer
necessary?, for in the new america he'll let the real
terrorists get away without penalty? Or, is bush saying
America wishes to treat others unfairly while lying to
US all as the enemy?

Truth is our most powerful weapon as the disenfranchised
poor and victimized. So says, as the not in OUR
International news specials, King and Lord of our Earth
as Savior... Help me!!! blank pause... (A little God
humor for you)

But anyway.

I am living art of the time to our Universe being
Creation's representative Creator, the one and only,
Johnny Wizard, but super amazingly, I'm just a Human
Being normal. I, as time will attest, am an honest
broker, casual talker, and also, completely committed to
the ideals of Humanity's cause, Justice as Freedom for
US all.

Donations gratefully excepted.

Yours again,

Johnny Wizard


Private [Mary] Yahne also writes, "There is no real reason for us
to be out here!!!!"

"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us,
they're behind us; they can't get away this time!"
- Lt. Col. Puller, USMC

Sergeant Pollard "We have no business being here. We will not change
the culture they have in Iraq, in Baghdad.... All we are here is
potential people to be killed and sitting ducks"

CIA and DOD Attempted To Plant WMD In Iraq
/ / In a world exclusive, Al Martin has published a news story
about a Department of Defense whistleblower who has revealed that a US
covert operations team had planted ``Weapons of Mass Destruction''
(WMDs) in Iraq - then ``lost'' them when the team was killed by
so-called "friendly fire." \ \

Global Eye -- Dubya Indemnity
by Chris Floyd
/ / In the order, Bush proclaims that any legal action taken for any
reason against any American corporation dealing in "Iraqi petroleum
products" at any point in the process -- from well-head to gas-pump to
boardroom -- "constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the
national security" of the United States.
But there is no indemnity, no immunity, for the American soldiers
dying daily in guerrilla ambushes, or the innocent Iraqis mown down
daily by their panicky conquerors, or the innocent people around the
world at increased risk as terrorists ape the Bushist way of enforcing
ideology by violence. No, they all pay the full price -- the blood
price -- for the Bush favorites' free ride. \ \

Military families speak out against Iraq war at Pittsburgh rally

/ / DeShauna Ponton, Robin's mother, was first to speak. DeShauna
is from Perry Hilltop in Pittsburgh and is a child nutrition advocate
with the Just Harvest organization. "President Bush has been lying
about the weapons of mass destruction that have caused our soldiers to
be in Iraq. I think it is time to bring the troops home. President
Bush says he is looking for the weapons of mass destruction. He should
look in the mirror. He is not only killing many Iraqis, but he is
killing people from here. They should bring the troops

..[from back before the DeShauna quote]...

Staff Sergeant Pollard is a 43-year-old reservist from Pittsburgh. He
was called up and sent to Iraq with the 307th Military Police Company.
He is a 22-year military veteran and has been in Iraq since May 24.
Pollard was featured along with other soldiers in a July 2 Washington
Post story in which he and other US troops spoke out against the war.
``U.S. officials need to get our asses out of here,'' he told the
Post. ``I say that seriously. We have no
business being here. We will not change the culture they have in Iraq,
in Baghdad.... All we are here is potential people to be killed and
sitting ducks.'' \ \



Goff, a 26-year Army veteran and former special forces member, was
particularly scathing of the administration and its motivations.
``These are rich men in expensive suits conducting statecraft not to
protect the U.S., but to protect the profits of Halliburton and
Bechtel,'' two contractors with a large stake in the rebuilding of
Iraq. ``Then they turn around and accuse us of being unpatriotic,''
Goff said. ``That is truly Orwellian.''


The demon bush leadership threatens to deprive food and medicine from
the Earth's second most impoverished counrty, Niger, for expressing
concerns for Justice, Freedom, and dying American soldiers.

Niger president challenges Blair government over uranium allegations

America silences Niger leaders in Iraq nuclear row


It's not surprising that these spokespeople, Barry Johnson and
Barbara Burfiend, are liars. It is disappointing, however, that our
government fills high-level well-paid lie-dispensing positions with
half-assed liars who can't even keep their lies straight. I ask you:
Doesn't the American taxpayer at least deserve lies that are


US occupation forces attack Iraqi journalists
/ / Referring to the recent arrests, IFJ general secretary Aidan White
said, ``All of these incidents are difficult to justify and reflect a
new mood of intolerance. Journalists who are not under direct military
protection are treated with suspicion and their rights are set aside.
This is unacceptable. Journalists must be able to work freely--even
when they are reporting a story that military people do not like.'' \


From Johnny's "Standing Ground"

/ / Again, Saddam pro-actively gave the world 100% access to

anywhere unrestricted, to complain or make better
anything, and offered the national Iraqi airwaves to
bush personally, to state his contentions to want mass
murders against ourselves as the innocent. No Iraqi, or
American soldier was needed for sacrifice, but only to
let Halliberton take more than is bargained from The

People as victims. American, and Iraqi. \ \

Some other Johnny strand,

/ / Our Mr. bush Jr. has decided not to do
good for Iraq and the American tax payer by opening
our floor to deal the world over on our best
offers, but instead, has decided to go privately as a
criminal, with top secret banned bushmob
embezzlers to risk more American soldiers by lying
to their surviving siblings. Charading for US they
are, preparing to sacrifice more Americans without
a thought to Your cost my friend. \ \

Johnny Wizard


Jeeze eh?

GIs for even bigger cash profits, the repuglicon way.

Johnny Wizard



Yeah Way

Aug 18, 2003, 2:55:34 PM8/18/03
> (Yeah) wrote in message news:<>...
> snpd
> >
> > Terrorism Financing:
> > FBI acknowledges 9/11 was financed out of Pakistan
> >
> >
> > / / John S. Pistole, deputy assistant director of the FBI's
> > counter-terrorism division, told the Senate governmental affairs
> > committee on Thursday afternoon [31 July] , that investigators had
> > "traced the origin of the funding of the 9/11 attacks back to
> > financial accounts in Pakistan." \ \

The Grand Facade

I am me.

But anyway.

Donations gratefully excepted.

Yours again,

Johnny Wizard



/ / Again, Saddam pro-actively gave the world 100% access to

anywhere unrestricted, to complain or make better
anything, and offered the national Iraqi airwaves to
bush personally, to state his contentions to want mass
murders against ourselves as the innocent. No Iraqi, or
American soldier was needed for sacrifice, but only to
let Halliberton take more than is bargained from The

People as victims. American, and Iraqi. \ \

Some other Johnny strand,

/ / Our Mr. bush Jr. has decided not to do
good for Iraq and the American tax payer by opening
our floor to deal the world over on our best
offers, but instead, has decided to go privately as a
criminal, with top secret banned bushmob
embezzlers to risk more American soldiers by lying
to their surviving siblings. Charading for US they
are, preparing to sacrifice more Americans without
a thought to Your cost my friend. \ \

Johnny Wizard


Jeeze eh?

GIs for even bigger cash profits, the repuglicon way.

Johnny Wizard




Aug 18, 2003, 4:26:48 PM8/18/03
It's called the Presidential Election. It's a measure of who can convince
the most people to give money for a campaign. Don't worry, they'll find
someone else next year.

> I wonder whom is bush referring as when he speaks for
> the US? Was there a poll we weren't made privy to on
> his popularity



Aug 20, 2003, 2:42:30 PM8/20/03
to (Yeah) wrote in message news:<>...

> >
> >
> >
> > Great Big Love
> >
> > What can the demon bush do now for Iraq, that he
> > couldn't before robbing and murdering one bro, or
> > thousands for generations untolled?
> >

Iran-Contra, amplified
by Jim Lobe
(Answers it all)


The Grand Facade

I wonder whom is bush referring as when he speaks for
the US? Was there a poll we weren't made privy to on

I am me.

But anyway.

Donations gratefully excepted.

Yours again,

Johnny Wizard



/ / Again, Saddam pro-actively gave the world 100% access to

anywhere unrestricted, to complain or make better
anything, and offered the national Iraqi airwaves to
bush personally, to state his contentions to want mass
murders against ourselves as the innocent. No Iraqi, or
American soldier was needed for sacrifice, but only to
let Halliberton take more than is bargained from The

Some other Johnny strand,

Johnny Wizard


Jeeze eh?

Johnny Wizard


> snpd
> -

The bushites are the enemy of America

Aug 21, 2003, 3:32:03 PM8/21/03
to (Saddam) wrote in message news:<>...

> > >
> > > Do you doubt American soldiers are dying as cowards
> > > for Dutch-Shell and WorldCom to steal from the people, Iraqi and
> > > American? Do you doubt that bush offered no evidence to conclude who
> > > was responsible for killing near 3,000 Americans? Do you doubt bush
> > > has wasted billions on a unnecessary war to kill Patriots? Do you
> > > doubt the DU is toxic and radioactive? Do you not support Freedom and

> > > Justice through the FBI and CIA with the arrest of the actual 9/11
> > > perpetrators?

Iran-Contra, amplified
by Jim Lobe
(Answers it all)

definition of a bushite:

As an unAmerican fascist sympathizer, you'll watch tyrant bush
sacrifice good Americans criminally to be robbed and left for dead,
and say nothing but defend the demon as your false-god unthinkingly.

The bushites turn against the FBI and CIA publicly, and the surviving
families of 9/11 by not supporting Justice for America as Freedom
for US all.

The Grand Facade

I am me.

But anyway.

Donations gratefully excepted.

Yours again,

Johnny Wizard



Some other Johnny strand,

Johnny Wizard


Jeeze eh?

Johnny Wizard



Aug 22, 2003, 11:03:40 AM8/22/03
to (The bushites are the enemy of America) wrote in message news:<>...

> (Saddam) wrote in message news:<>...

One Giant Leap

A bushite soldier, to be proud of committing senseless
murder for the American cop killer, the Iraqi bank
robber, the demon bush Jr., along with WorldCom,
Dutch-Shell, and Halliburton, is not only a cowardly
traitor to victimized American families, but to all
People our World over. Weak as stupid and pathetic
cowards, who instead of bravely protecting America by
killing the unarrested bush demon and rumsfeld for 9/11,
side instead to eat DU while threatening Justice
everywhere as enemies of Humanity, freedom, and God.
Where are true Patriot soldiers regarding tommy franks
for death squadding children, or monster mass murderer
buford blount killing thousands of innocent people for
nothing he confesses freely as mad man? Wimp ass nazi
fuks, fascist commi vermin, uninformed as functionally
dead anyway, are all proud bushite soldiers.

Did you hear?

The twenty eight page chapter that was corporately
censored from the American people on the American
Congressional investigation,(that bush told US were
secretly, all twenty eight pages, about Saudia Arabia
funding 9/11), were surprisingly,listed hidden in the
appendix as "Access Limitations Encountered by the Joint
Inquiry"? Hmmm.. Demon bush trying to lie to the, too
slow to learn dying troops again about who was
responsible for killing Americans for his continuing big
win fall by sacrificing the lives of all Americans
undefended? It seems only in bush and rumsfeld's
criminal interest to commit further terrorism in Iraq,
just like they planned from the start by ignoring the
ORHA, by not securing the nuclear power plants, the
museums, and the being robbed in secret banks, while
encouraging looting as profitable lawlessness. Fighting
to get themselves killed for bush cash! Why would
anyone fighting to free Iraq from bush's criminality,
see the unarmed Jordan Embassy or the muted UN as bush's
stronghold? You know, Jordan wants rumsfeld's partner
Chalabi, and, nobody at the UN claimed the pro-active
co-operating Saddam had breached resolution 1441?

The AMERICAN FBI would claim it was bush's top secret
business partner, General Ahmad actually that funded the
mastermind Atta if CNN forcefully asked., but then how
did bush and rumsfeld plan before hand to invade
Afghanistan with unsubstantiated allegations against Bin
who would claim innocence? And then, doesn't that mean,
bush and rumsfeld planned before 9/11, not to follow the
criminal leads that would soon develop on something
really expensive, involving Afghanistan, bin Laden,
murdered Americans, and likely a large terrorist act
against our world in bush's america to start a war with?
Ah, but alas, the terrorist harborers don't want DYING
American GIs to know why they, as our usually, not too
bright brothers and sisters, are needlessly sacrificing
their lives to steal further for demon bush as traitor.
The Iraq quagmire

/ /``The terrorists who struck today have again shown
their contempt for the innocent,'' declared Bush.
``They showed their fear of progress and their hatred of
peace.'' He declared them ``enemies of the Iraqi
people'' and ``enemies of the civilized world.'' \ \

These words from the demon who irrationally pressed to
dump thousands of bombs on Iraqi families as radio
active waste to kill children for generations, robbed
the Iraq Central Bank of an estimated 10 billion in
secret, destroying vital public institutions that served
for Iraqis, encouraged looting while disbanding the
police and the military, while blatantly expressing
their contempt for America, by over taxing tax payers
with over paying commi Haliburton and pension thieves
WorldCom, all so only to rob America of her wealth as
willing victim. Never forget this part: No war was
needed but to allow bush to rob from US all. We had
complete unrestricted access prior to murdering easily
30 or more thousands, while destroying the public
infrastructure that served the management of civilian
authority. A war crime against everyone. Again, what
does bush wish now to change, that couldn't be done
prior to bombing our families? Let US all go get our
media back, and freely berate the false-deity demon bush
betraying yourself as not represented even present here
to ponder. Or fail your own standards of living for
true freedom, and sacrifice your friends and neighbors
for further unarrested criminal bush shenanigans. Then
when you ask for mercy as a victim from the corruption
of Justice as unchallenged bush pronouncements,
curruptions that will have you proclaimed pointedly as
the innocent being, a potential terrorist, ripe for
plunder. Not here. Why must US all, watch in silence,
and horror, as the evil bushites, for real, criminally
victimize your family unhalted, unarrested, and
unchallenged by CNN standards as an ungodly cult of
hatred for America, and People everywhere? Enemies
of life, happiness, and God truly speaking is a proud
bushite soldier who refuses to defend themselves as
worth something to concider. I hate busgh as much as any
real man would.

"Can you believe this? Two planes hitting the Twin Towers in New York
City did not rise to the level of Rumsfeld's leaving his office and
going to the war room to check out just what the hell went wrong."
Mindy sounded scared. "This is my President. This is my Secretary of
Defense. You mean to tell me Rumsfeld had to get up from his desk and
look out his window at the burning Pentagon before he knew anything
was wrong? How can that be?"


Aug 22, 2003, 12:52:40 PM8/22/03
One Giant Leap

Did you hear?

slow to learn dying troops again about who was

responsible for killing Americans for his continuing big
win fall by sacrificing the lives of all Americans
undefended? It seems only in bush and rumsfeld's
criminal interest to commit further terrorism in Iraq,
just like they planned from the start by ignoring the
ORHA, by not securing the nuclear power plants, the
museums, and the being robbed in secret banks, while
encouraging looting as profitable lawlessness. Fighting
to get themselves killed for bush cash! Why would
anyone fighting to free Iraq from bush's criminality,
see the unarmed Jordan Embassy or the muted UN as bush's
stronghold? You know, Jordan wants rumsfeld's partner
Chalabi, and, nobody at the UN claimed the pro-active
co-operating Saddam had breached resolution 1441?

The AMERICAN FBI would claim it was bush's top secret
business partner, General Ahmad actually that funded the
mastermind Atta if CNN forcefully asked., but then how
did bush and rumsfeld plan before hand to invade
Afghanistan with unsubstantiated allegations against Bin
who would claim innocence? And then, doesn't that mean,

bush and rumsfeld planned before 9/11, not to follow the



definition of a bushite:

The Grand Facade

I am me.

But anyway.

Donations gratefully excepted.

Yours again,

Johnny Wizard







Some other Johnny strand,

Johnny Wizard


Jeeze eh?

Johnny Wizard



Demon bush is an American cop killer - Where are the Patriots?

Aug 25, 2003, 10:53:20 AM8/25/03
to (Patriot) wrote in message news:<>...

> One Giant Leap
> A bushite soldier, to be proud of committing senseless
> murder for the American cop killer, the Iraqi bank
> robber, the demon bush Jr., along with WorldCom,
> Dutch-Shell, and Halliburton, is not only a cowardly
> traitor to victimized American families, but to all
> People our World over. Weak as stupid and pathetic
> cowards, who instead of bravely protecting America by
> killing the unarrested bush demon and rumsfeld for 9/11,
> side instead to eat DU while threatening Justice
> everywhere as enemies of Humanity, freedom, and God.
> Where are true Patriot soldiers regarding tommy franks
> for death squadding children, or monster mass murderer
> buford blount killing thousands of innocent people for
> nothing he confesses freely as mad man? Wimp ass nazi
> fuks, fascist commi vermin, uninformed as functionally
> dead anyway, are all proud bushite soldiers.

"..that the army has fuelled terrorism in Mindanao by selling weapons
and ammunition to the very rebel forces the young soldiers were sent
to fight;"


The Philippines, had an interesting story to tell, where
a loyal faction of the military, through desperation,
brought forward to the international media, allegations
that the secret bush administration was perpetrating
international terrorism truly, no lie, (Michael Meiring)
and that the corporate media was playing as a People too
weak intellectually to direct the nation into self
determination by fair representation. Imagine that:
Patriot soldiers, getting involved in public affairs by
staging a campaign of communication for freedom. WOW!
Since the incident, (after the military faction disarmed
themselves without killing our families needlessly, and
war crime demon bush wasn't reported to have squeaked a
syllable in terror), the media has opened up almost
fearlessly to the challenge that is facing US all
globally, as potentially, more needless bush victims
prepped for criminal sacrifice by corporate america,
hidden by news cult control from our national news


The anti-Jew sharon crowd got caught directly involved
in trying to blow up the Mexican Parliment as
terrorists, and speak of Catholic, Muslim, Atheist and
Jewish Palestinians disparagingly, just as Hitler's
crowd did regarding Jews being all the same,
fundamentally wrong as intolerant. Mr. sharon, the
bigot, IS NO JEW, when, as our enemy, he expresses no
political concern for the average Jew, for if he did, he
wouldn't order criminal attacks against innocent
communities. Our communities, whom he even offers would
seek blind retribution as victims, somewhere hidden from
apprehension, criminally to do like he acts officially,
denying our human God given rights to be living happy.
Mr. sharon says it's a Jewish thing when he claims to
be an ungodly murderer as principle terrorist actor.
Under sharon, when innocent Israelis get killed through
terrorism while he deprives the nation of Justice, he
and the bushmob get then to steal even more money from
the innocent as God not respected, nor worshiped as
appreciable. Why does it continue? America, as general
tax payer, is paying CNN for not reporting things like a
life loving, honest working chap's, hard earned house
being stolen by nazi forces, the shooting of youths
throwing rocks at invading tanks or bull dozers, or
military assaults against public institutions, like
hospitals or schools. By Americans not being publicly
informed about what their own earnings are paying for,
leaves the bushmob to cash out with kick backs from the
bushmob funded, undemocratic Likud party as a bonafide
terrorist organization. Officially. A multi-billion
dollar scam that isn't even hidden from public view.
Americans whoring their sworn values in public like that
is disgraceful. Funding things like jew only roads,
along with getto camps for thousands made classed
victims. A class, "Palestinian", that encompasses
freely the entire population of Humanity.

It seems the American news media entertainments, are
banning the political values of Justice and Freedom to
lead our stories, leaving living as you, ignored and
irrelevant, valueless to the corporate bottom line with
demon bush Jr. as traitor to Humanity in charge, still
squelching our concerns as an illegitimate tyranical war
profiteering dictator of the worse kind: one who plays
purposefully, ignorant, dumb, and stupidly like Satan
works. I know Satan, my dad worked directly with Satan
when I was growing up, and bush, you ain't no honourable
mention anywhere! Mr. bush Jr. dishonours the Police,
biker gangs, and the mafia even!

UN Headquarters Bombing in Iraq Exposes US News Media Bias

".. How does the US news media set its priorities?..

..47% of the American people think that Iraq was involved with the
9/11 attacks. The news networks own polls reflect this. Don't they
realize that this represents a complete failure on their part? The
media have failed to inform the public, which in term is unable to
make informed decisions. Their own polls reflect this! Is this
evidence of incompetence or calculation? You decide."

We should poll, is corporate news America not interested
in US following up with developing 9/11 investigations
into continuing unanswered questions? Is corporate news
America not interested in following up with the toxic
depleting plutonium, being also as, gamma radiation
harming our loving God as all living things, not being
spoken for, left suffering further as victim for the
bushmob's contempt for American soldiers, dying too, all
for even further piracy?, for Worldcom, Dutch-Shell, and
commi overbillers Halliburton, to also steal Amercan
pensions maybe too? Who cares right? Demon bush who
speaks nothing for offensive death squads?, but insites
murdering people needlessly for money, is better than
arresting him for treason? How long must we sing of
Zion while living in a foreign land?

America should be concerned about having to sacrifice
more human lives and savings for furthering bush's,
criminal war mongering campaign of corporate successes.
With our corporate support for bush as an American cop
killer, Iraqi bank robber, and heroin pushing toxic
waste bomb dropper, doesn't make a hole lotta good sense
if you ask me. Hey Soldier? Why are you dying to steal
from your family as bush does supportingly? Example:
the stolen Enron money is in the Cayman Islands just
waiting for US to return it to the American victims.

Mr. bush, along with his partner in crime rotten
rumsfeld, have got to go down for the count as the
primary super evil 9/11 perpetrating mass murderers they
are, no fooling.

Top republican terrorist exposed in court documents as a special
forces soldier

Let me try to get this straight. They infiltrate the
IRA as a hidden overground element, get the goods, blow
people up, then escaped by not arresting anybody? No..
Instead, AFTER obtaining any information, they THEN
torture and kill captured loyal British subjects. A
currupted government element, it seems selling that our
law had not enough factual conclusions, as evidenced, to
draw our guilt warranting even incarceration. Was it
that they, as direct participators in terrorism, (hiding
from Justice while working directly against the elected
representors), just didn't have enough wherewithal to
charge someone for criminal offence as the interacting
principle characters?, and if no, perhaps then the
secret is they have no intentions to stop spending
unaccounted public money investing in a covertly funded,
illegal threat against the British Army? If no evidence
indicates no cases, why are these terrorists funded by
Britain murdering ourselves deprived Justice as the
innocent? At the shouldering tax payer's expense
willfully? I think British troops, soundly principled,
as tax payers, have already been re-evaluating the true
enemy of Great Britain, but like America, lack real
leadership to engage the enemy tactically.

Freely discussing the serious nature of Justice is our
issue, but bush and rumsfeld, they don't want US to hear
any of it.

What are we to do? Get US in the news!

By the way, I not applying for any elected public
position, but for the one I am included as to freely
speak in.

The King of America,

Johnny Wizard



One Giant Leap

Did you hear?


> > > > > "Dallas" <> wrote in message news:<3f03b1a7$1...@>...

> > > > > > Please remove the alt.military.police from your reply to addresses and stop
> > > > > > cross posting to our group. Thank you. D
> > > > > snpd
> > > > >

> > > > > Who are you referring to Dallas? Not to Johnny America surely?, the
> > > > > World's top cop? Or is all replies to all posts in your personal
> > > > > domain? Is there any position, any position whatsoever Dallas, that
> > > > > you feel Johnny raises, that you personally, Dallas, think Our police
> > > > > officers should not be made aware of as top priority? For instance,
> > > > > hmmm... the culprits for 911 according to the FBI and CIA? Do you feel
> > > > > Dallas Justice is not a police matter for our community to consider?
> > > > > Dallas? Where are you man?
> > > snpd
> > >

> > > Do you doubt American soldiers are dying as cowards
> > > for Dutch-Shell and WorldCom to steal from the people, Iraqi and
> > > American? Do you doubt that bush offered no evidence to conclude who
> > > was responsible for killing near 3,000 Americans? Do you doubt bush
> > > has wasted billions on a unnecessary war to kill Patriots? Do you
> > > doubt the DU is toxic and radioactive? Do you not support Freedom and
> > > Justice through the FBI and CIA with the arrest of the actual 9/11
> > > perpetrators?
> > >

> snpd priceless info..

True Patriot

Aug 26, 2003, 10:56:10 AM8/26/03
to (Patriot) wrote in message news:<>...

> One Giant Leap
> A bushite soldier, to be proud of committing senseless
> murder for the American cop killer, the Iraqi bank
> robber, the demon bush Jr., along with WorldCom,
> Dutch-Shell, and Halliburton, is not only a cowardly
> traitor to victimized American families, but to all
> People our World over. Weak as stupid and pathetic
> cowards, who instead of bravely protecting America by
> killing the unarrested bush demon and rumsfeld for 9/11,
> side instead to eat DU while threatening Justice
> everywhere as enemies of Humanity, freedom, and God.
> Where are true Patriot soldiers regarding tommy franks
> for death squadding children, or monster mass murderer
> buford blount killing thousands of innocent people for
> nothing he confesses freely as mad man? Wimp ass nazi
> fuks, fascist commi vermin, uninformed as functionally
> dead anyway, are all proud bushite soldiers.

Who Are The Extremists? by John Pilger

" As for the "extremists from outside", simply turn the meaning around
and you have a succinct description of the current occupiers who,
unprovoked, attacked a defenseless sovereign country, defying the
United Nations and the opposition of most of humanity.

Using weapons designed to cause the maximum human suffering - cluster
bombs, uranium-tipped shells and firebombs (napalm) - these extremists
from outside caused the deaths of at least 8,000 civilians and as many
as 30,000 troops, most conscripted teenagers. Consider the waves of
grief in any society from that carnage. "

Eight thousand includes mostly those who arrived to certain hospitals,
mortally injured, and held complete paper work that would conclude,
the individual was not in the Iraqi military, defending the nation.
Innocent families who were needlessly blown up by rumsfeld, had no
need to fill the proper criteria in Emergency. Keeping the death count
down, with, "like, as if a soldier's life even really matters to
anyone.". actually works!, under corporate rule as bush slaves. Just
listen how corporate America reports on American deaths in Iraq, but
only as so, in combat. Like, some, now dead Patriot, would have took
the same course to death, had he'd been anywhere else peacefully,
drinking a margarita... I mean come on, who can believe what an evil
bushite says while they rob American grand parents openly as traitors?


The King of America,

Johnny Wizard

> Did you hear?

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