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Jan 3, 2020, 8:52:41 AM1/3/20
Sábado, 28 de Diciembre, 2019 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo


The time came, when our heavenly Father decided to create a greater kingdom that He had known with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because the angelical kingdom in which He had always lived with His divine family and one-third of his angelical hosts had now rebelled against His holy name fire over His altar of His eternal love. Therefore, because Lucifer had believed that he can possess His holy name fire along with his faithful fallen angels following him, furthermore they really thought that he could create a new world, where he will be greater than our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: then, sin was born in his wicked-heart contaminating His Creation.

Thus, the angelical kingdom created by our heavenly Father to love, serve, honor and exalt His holy name fire over His altar for His divine family’s love that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, they became contaminated with Lucifer sinful heart: thinking that he can exalt himself above His clouds of eternal glories forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father dreamed of His new home, as the one that He had always had with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they truly loved Him with His unfailing-love throughout eternity that He saw Adam and you too along with your loved ones replacing His unfaithful angelical hosts in His new home-sweet-home, filled with His everlasting-love for life.

Indeed, our heavenly Father needed to live with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in His new home-sweet-home, where Lucifer’s rebellious sin will fail to exist with the angelical hosts and His children that He was about to give birth only to know His unfailing-love, service and glory for His holy name fire over His altar in heaven’s glory. This is when, our heavenly Father said to His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: let us descend to make man in our image and likeness, so he may become as one of us knowing good and evil thus we may have a new kingdom, where our holy name fire will be truly loved, served and worshipped throughout eternity.

This is when, our heavenly Father gave birth to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with Adam and Eve, so they may have children known Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit born with His amazing unfailing-love, where they will live loving, serving and glorying His holy name fire throughout eternity. Given that, when our heavenly Father will be able to live with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit born with His children coming to replace Lucifer and the fallen angels, thus to be born from His unfailing-love only to know love, glory and greatness through eternity, then, Lucifer felt envy towards His children, because he is excluded from glory eternally.

That is why, that Lucifer had to approach Adam thus to deceive him along with his children that were to be born in the generations to come, starting with Eve, so he may become part of these coming new glories, greatness and richness unseen by him and the angels before, so he may become included into it somehow. Lucifer thought that by having Adam and Eve along with the children then he could become one with them in his sin, so he may become part of these coming new glories, richness and glories unseen before by anyone in heaven’s glory until now, thus he started his kingdom of darkness that he had created in his wicked heart already.

Considering that, when our heavenly Father was able to create man along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit’s help, then, he was born along with his children, starting with Eve, with the special powers of His unfailing-love that can only give birth to new glories of endless holiness and amazing richness, dressing His holy name fire with everlasting-honors through eternity. For these are new glories of endless holiness and amazing richness that will enrich greatly our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the faithful angelical hosts that will emanate from Adam and his children, as they will begin to live with Him in His new home-sweet-home that He has divinely chosen already—and this is today’s earth.

Therefore, Lucifer had to contaminate Adam with his sin born from his wicked heart to create his kingdom of endless darkness throughout Creation, because if our heavenly Father can use man along with his children to create His new home-sweet-home of endless glories, holiness and richness then he can do the same with Adam, and so, he had to have man with him. However, for Lucifer to accomplish his wicked desire to have Adam and his children within his kingdom of darkness that started already, then, he had to have man believing what he had given birth in his wicked-heart, and this is the sin rebelling against our heavenly Father’s holy name fire over His altar of His unfailing-love, love for His divine family—you.

Consequently, Lucifer had to make sure that Adam will fail to eat from the fruit from the tree of life that was in the epicenter of paradise, because our heavenly Father had told him that he may eat from all the trees from the Garden of Eden, but, except from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Given that, the day that Adam will eat from the forbidden fruit then he will die along with his children that were to be born through the generations ahead, because they were going to be born with special powers to love, serve and glorify His holy name fire over His altar of His unfailing-love for His divine family to live eternal life.

For this our heavenly Father’s holy name fire that has always existed through eternity with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit’s perfect holiness, where it has never been touched by anyone before throughout His Creation until Lucifer along with his fallen angels decided to possess it, but, he failed along with his fallen angels, because His holy name rejected them forever. For our heavenly Father’s holy name fire only recognizes perfect holiness emanating from His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and never from the fallen angels, as Lucifer, that thought that he could possess it, that is why, that hell along with the lake of fire were born for the sin of rebellion to burn forever, as the second death through eternity.

However, our heavenly Father gave birth to His children in His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness, filled with His Holy Spirit’s amazing greatness of perfect holiness, richness and endless glories unseen by the angelical hosts until now, because they exist only in His new home-sweet-home, the earth, where His divine family (you) enjoys love, peace and sweetness through eternity. Certainly, this is a glorious kingdom that our heavenly Father has always dreamed to possess it, where His holy name fire is everlastingly loved, served and worshipped with perfect love emanating from His holy heart only to know richness, perfect holiness and endless happiness with His divine family through eternity, and this is really you along with your loved ones, including neighbors and friends.

Nevertheless, Lucifer still wants to become part of this new kingdom growing from our heavenly Father’s holy heart, where His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have always lived, but also, His children were born there, starting with Adam, Eve and the children, so they may know the greatness to love, serve and glorify His holy name fire in His dream home-sweet-home. This is our heavenly Father’s new dream home-sweet-home upon earth, Canaan, in Israel, where His endless richness, glories and honors untouched by sin are growing already with the salvation work done with His Son Jesus Christ, as Isaac, and the Holy Spirit that is continually pouring from heaven’s glory to exclude Lucifer in his wicked ones from ever entering into it.

Accordingly, it was important for our heavenly Father to sit at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine that His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit serve daily to angels in heaven’s glory to keep them holy but also away from Lucifer’s sinful influence, so His children may always eat with Him His meals that enrich His home-sweet-home forever. It is here, where our heavenly Father found Abraham His servant not only ready to believe in His words of life born naturally from His holy heart to be executed throughout His Creation, starting in heaven’s glory, so His new home-sweet-home-sweet, in Canaan, may be enriched for His children to be reborn in it, by eating His meals with Him always.

After this, it was important for Abraham as well along with his love ones, as Sarah and the adoptive children, bought with money from foreigners, so his promised children living through coming generations may eat the bread and wine at the Lord’s Table that is their home diner table along with families of the nations, for His bread to enrich everyone’s life always. Therefore, our heavenly Father had Abraham willing to sit with Him at the Lord’s Table, because he was to execute three lambs with their halves oppose to each other along with two uncut birds over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, so He may expiate, judge and forgive every sin from the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment.

Given that, our heavenly Father returned to Abraham to run over between the halves of the three sacrifices with their atoning-blood spilled over them along with the two uncut birds, because the wood with the torching flames was not only the house of Israel but also the families of the nations lying hell’s torment that He needed to get them out from it. Hereafter, our heavenly Father had Abraham sacrificing the three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, because He was expiating, judging and forgiving the world’s sin with the covenant cross from Jerusalem’s holy hill thus to establish it forever with His holy name fire nailed to it, in Canaan.

Immediately: After our heavenly Father had gone through the three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, expiating, judging and forgiving every sin from the entire human race, now, Abraham’s children needed to be born, but with amazing daily powers, changing the world in one day forever. This is when, our heavenly Father was ready not only to grant Abraham his long-waited son named Isaac already from heaven above, because he will be our Lord Jesus Christ born with the glorified-body to establish His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, thus to become His home-sweet-home, where He will live with His children forever loved into everlasting.

Besides, our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s power, because He needed to have His children born in Canaan, but, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name fire thus to become born by the Holy Spirit’s powers into His eternal life. Surely, as His Son Jesus Christ was born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then, he was born one-hundred percent from the Holy Spirit bathed in water from the womb, therefore, he was ready to live our heavenly Father’s eternal life with Abraham and his loved ones later to ascend to the mountaintop to be declared Righteous forever.

Then, when our heavenly Father had watched from heaven’s glory His Son Jesus Christ living with Abraham and his loved ones in his household as Isaac, carrying with him not only His eternal life but also His virgin Ten Commandments untouched by sin forever, then, Jacob was born as His first-born in Canaan to have His promised children born upon earth but with powers. For our heavenly Father had to call Abraham to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Mount Moriah, presenting His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac as a burnt offering towards heaven’s glory, because his glorious eternal life that he had lived successfully with him (Abraham) and his loved ones in his household needed to become part of the angelical kingdom forever at last.

This is the moment that our heavenly Father had longed to have with His Son Jesus Christ lying as man, Isaac, over the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, pouring His entire holy heart upon Isaac and upon His children thus granting them amazing richness, powers and glories untouched by Satan thus they may live His glorious life eternally enriched. However, this glorious eternal life with its daily richness that our heavenly Father had granted to Abraham and his promised children living through coming generations, starting with Isaac, was poured upon Jerusalem’s holy hill and throughout Canaan, and so, for them to receive them instantly then they had to become reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name.

For our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so Jacob His first-born may be born within Canaan with His eternal life along with His amazing richness, glories and honors untouched by sin, for the fathers of the twelve tribes to be born, to have their children in Egypt’s captivity. For our heavenly Father needed to have His children born with His eternal life along with the virgin commandments in Egypt’s captivity with the Isaac sworn to Isaac’s powers, collecting every sin that the families of the nations may have committed in the past and in the future thus to take them to the Red Sea final water baptism for eternal destruction.

For our heavenly Father needed to take Israel with His holy name fire in their mouths and hearts to the Red sea's water baptism, abandoning at the seabed every sin that the families of the nations may have committed and the children will in coming generations, later to have His Son Jesus Christ born sinless in Canaan shedding the atoning-blood finally upon earth. This is when, our heavenly Father had not only liberated ancient Israel from Egypt’s captivity of four-hundred years collecting every sin that the families of the nations may have committed and that they will commit in coming generations, but also, He had Israel abandoning the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, where His perfect will exist in them forever obeyed throughout His new coming kingdom.

Considering that, now our heavenly Father can use ancient Israel as His high priest through the Sinai’s desert, expiating, judging and forgiving every sin already dumped at the Red Sea’s water baptism never to remember them again, because erased they were with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers thus for Him to live with His children in His new earth forever purely loved. Now, our heavenly Father needed to walk with the entire house of Israel through the Sinai’s desert as His high priest and as His perfect will, because He needed to cover every sin with the lambs’ atoning-blood spilled at the entrance of the tabernacle of reunion thus to allow everyone lying in hell’s torments into the Holy of Holiest forever justified.

Understanding that: once the sins of the families of the nations had been expiated, judged and forgiven by the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers along with lambs’ atoning-blood, covering them at the entrance of the tabernacle of reunion, then, every man, woman and child could access the Holy of Holiest forever justified thus attaining perfect salvation for their living-souls in the new earth. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have the entire house of Israel walking through the Sinai’s desert forever thirsty, and this is as thirsty as every man, woman and child lying in hell’s torment, craving for a glass of water, so they may drink from the water that the Israelis had drunk from the rock of salvation.

For this is the living-water that the entire house of Israel craved to drink because of the thirst that they were suffering, as they walked through the Sinai’s desert, it was unbearable, unbearable as thirsting for a glass of water in the midst of the flames of hell’s torment, but also, it was the water needed for the seed to be planted in Canaan. For our heavenly Father needed now the entire house of Israel that had served Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the Sinai’s desert, as His high priest and His perfect will, touching the living-soul of every man, woman and child lying in hell’s torment to be bitten by poisonous snakes, dying the death that the ancients died.

Besides, our heavenly Father needed the entire house of Israel that had gathered all the sins from the families of the nations already lying in their hell’s torments to the descend to them in the heart of the earth, as the Valley of the dried bones, so they may collect every one of them in their seed to be planted in Canaan. For our heavenly Father had assured Abraham that the families of the nations will be blessed in his seed, and this is the entire house of Israel not only collecting every sin committed in the past and in future generations, but also, gathering them in hell’s torment along with their children born through coming generations in the promised seed that saves them forever.

Surely, our heavenly Father needed to baptize every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations that they had failed to become baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name during their days of life upon earth, so they may enter into His new kingdom born under Canaan these days already. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had not only ancient Israel taking along with them His perfect will and His divine nature through the Sinai’s desert, working for Him as His high priest, ministering for the well-being of every man, woman and child lying in hell’s torment but also granted them the baptism received at the Red Sea.

For our heavenly Father needed everyone lying in hell’s torment receiving not only the ancient Israelis descending towards them victorious over every sin that had sent them into eternal perdition forever lost, because they failed to know His holy name fires much less they were never baptized, however, Israel had done it at Red Sea for them to return to life again soon. Understanding that, our heavenly Father had descended with amazing daily powers from the oath sworn to Isaac that had not only expiated, judged and forgiven their sins, thus they may be released from hell’s torment and its darkness but also they may become reborn into Canaan’s holy grounds, where Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest awaited for them with perfect salvation powers.

Graciously, for this to happen: our heavenly Father had to have His Son Jesus Christ that was born once from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers as Isaac to become Abraham’s lamb over the mountaintop, but, now he had to be reborn from David’s virgin daughter, thus, destroying the powers of Satan and death forever throughout Canaan with his sacred-flesh. For this is the sacred-flesh that our heavenly Father had to have John the Baptize, baptized at the Jordan River, for the entire house of Israel to return to life again but in Canaan, where He will receive them with perfect salvation: victorious over Satan, sin, hell and death to live in His new earth forever enriched, loving Him only throughout eternity.

Truly, once our heavenly Father had the entire house of Israel descending into the Valley of the dried bones bitten by poisonous snakes, then, they were bitten by the snakes that had killed the families of the nations in their sins forever cursed, and so, Israel became one with them to become reborn again as a covenant seed in Canaan’s holy ground. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from the families of ancient nations that were now ascending to become reborn in Canaan’s holy ground, where His home-sweet-home, awaits for His children, to receive His holy name fire with bronze nails to see life eternal again in resurrection day soon with perfect salvation thus to love, serve and honor Him always.

Surely, our heavenly Father had not only His children born in Israel with His oath sworn to Isaac as His eternal life along with His virgin commandments untouched by sin, collecting the world’s sins to abandon them at the Red Sea’s water baptism finally descending to families of the nations in hell’s torment to become one with them forever, but one in Canaan only. For this is our heavenly Father’s home-sweet-home, where He not only gave life eternal to Adam and Eve along with the children, but also, now He can have them returning to Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as they may invoke His holy name fire nailed to the wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, thus becoming forever Righteous instantly.

Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have the entire house of Israel descending into the Valley of the dried bones, becoming one with the nations in the sacred-flesh that had performed the oath sworn to Isaac’s ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness thus becoming reborn to life again as the covenant tree, but only in His holy ground, Canaan. For our heavenly Father had to have not only Adam and Eve reborn with ancient Israel descending into the Valley of the dried bones, bitten by the poisonous, but also, the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment along with the children living through coming generations thus becoming one as the covenant wood sweetening their lives with perfect salvation, in Canaan.

For our heavenly Father needed to save every man, woman and child from the past and future generations but with His holy name fire nailed to the sacred-flesh born in Egypt’s captivity, collecting sins against Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit, later baptized at the Red Sea for forgiveness, so they may receive perfect salvation, but reborn in Canaan as one tree only. Considering that, our heavenly Father never was able to grant them His holy name fire to invoke it in water baptism, because it was impossible for Him to grant it to them, because to receive it, then that one had to be born with the oath sworn to Isaac and with His virgin commandments untouched by sin, and this was Moses first.

Now, since Moses was born to receive His holy name over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Mount Sinai’s, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, then, He granted it unto him for Israel to possess it forever but also to pass it unto the families of the nations, but nailed to the wood in Canaan. Considering that, our heavenly Father had granted Moses, a man born with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, possessing His eternal life and virgin commandments along with other important powers, over Jerusalem’s holy hill, for Israel to possess it forever, passing it to the nations, but this had to be only over His altar’s nailed with bronze snakes to the wood, in Canaan.

Certainly, our heavenly Father has always told His children from Israel and the nations that whoever may invoke His holy name fire, then that one will be saved, by becoming baptized in water, abandoning the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, where His holy name is nailed to it with perfect lasting-salvation, to know only love in His new earth’s Holy of Holiest, forever justified. Indeed, it was important for our heavenly Father to have the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment to become one with ancient Israel, descending towards them in the Valley of the dried bones, because they needed to be baptized by been reborn as a tree in Canaan, so they may receive His holy name fire with perfect salvation forever.

Understanding that, only reborn from water baptism by invoking His holy name: as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob then you will become one with Israel, as the ancients did, thus becoming part of His tree in Canaan, but, furthermore, you will enter into the Holy of Holiest with the Father loving you already forever into eternity. That is why, that every man, woman and child are called by our heavenly Father to become reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because this is the only way that you will be reborn from Canaan, His home-sweet-home, to become known by Him, as His legitimate child with privileges.

Human privileges, as richness and glories from Canaan, becoming part of your life and that of your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because our heavenly Father needs you to be enriched greatly, because by doing so, then He is enriching His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill to live a life with Him that will know only love, powers and endless happiness. Understanding that, it is your living soul born in His image, living in His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness in the Holy Spirit’s powers that will dress His holy name fire over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, with amazing daily richness, powers and endless glories honoring Him and His divine living-soul throughout eternity thus making His glorious heart extremely happy with you, starting now.

That is why, that by reading the Scriptures then you will see that our heavenly Father is always sitting at His Mercy Seat, watching Canaan continuously throughout the year, because He has to ensure that treasures of His holy heart poured over Isaac and throughout Canaan that are still untouched by sin, moreover He sees you in Canaan baptized with His powers forever. Living powers from the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father poured upon Isaac lying over the wood at Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting in Canaan, so not only His countless children, promised to Abraham, may be born through the generations enriched, but also, you may be blessed richly always, but reborn only from water baptism, appearing instantly in Canaan forever saved.

Therefore, as our heavenly Father is watching Canaan and the treasures of His holy heart poured upon Isaac and upon Canaan then He also is watching you along with your loved ones, because as you are reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name instantly you will appear in His holy presence, as within Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, for example. For it is here, where our heavenly Father will work with you every day throughout the earth, because with His powers from the oath sworn to Isaac poured upon Isaac and upon Canaan will become part of you, and so, He may not only enrich you mightily but also your loved ones, including neighbors and friends from around the world.

For this is how: our heavenly Father needs to spread the glory, powers and richness of His holy name fire nailed to the covenant wood over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so His Holy Spirit may not only pour upon all flesh throughout the families of the nations of the world, but also bless them powerfully with His daily richness. Therefore, once you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and the Holy Spirit then you will appear in His holy presence in Canaan with His eternal life, granted unto you and your loved ones, so He may know you in His richness, powers and glories always thus finally to enter heaven’s glory forever enriched already.

Really, once you have been reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, given to Moses as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, then, He sees you instantly dressed with His oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, richness and glories: loving, serving His holy name at Jerusalem’s holy hill forever enriched. Surely, it is in Canaan, where our heavenly Father needs to live His eternal life with you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, so He may bless you continually through your days upon earth before ascending into heaven’s glory in the last day thus to live with Him forever enriched, blessing His holy name well into eternity.

Therefore, in your last day upon earth then you will ascend towards our heavenly Father to receive you as His legitimate child to live with Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts along with every man, woman and child saved through water baptism by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness nailed to Jerusalem’s holy hill its seed-cross. Confidently, as our heavenly Father sees you ascending towards heaven’s glory in your last day upon earth then He will recognize you instantly, because He has lived knowning and watching you in Canaan as He has always known His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus He will receive you with His opened arms, welcoming you into His glorious kingdom of endless happiness.

However, if you failed to become reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, you will fail to become reborn into paradise, and this is present day Canaan, where our heavenly Father has always watched for you to appear in His holy presence forever loved, justified, blessed and redeemed. Given that, it is only from Canaan where our heavenly Father recognized His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers and it was also in Canaan where He recognized His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit as His Son to live His eternal life to defeat Satan and death forever.

Considering that, it was in Canaan that His Son Jesus Christ became Isaac born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers as Abraham’s lamb to be sacrificed, but also, it was in Canaan where His Son Jesus Christ was reborn from David’s virgin daughter as His legitimated Son and Lamb taking the sin from the world forever in one day. Therefore, it was in Canaan, where our heavenly Father declared to His Son Jesus Christ, known as Abraham’s son, Isaac, the father of a great nation, as we have always known Israel, but also, the father of many nations to become the tree of the entire human race over Jerusalem’s holy hill, by finally calling him His Son Jesus Christ in His home-sweet-home.

Abraham: fathered His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit: collecting the world’s sins in Egypt’s captivity to abandon them at the Red Sea’s baptism, later Isaac (Israel) descended to earth’s heart, declaring Jesus Christ His first-born in Canaan again forever. This is our heavenly Father’s oath sworn to Isaac making you His son, because, reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son and His Spirit, then, He recognizes you as His son instantly in Canaan, as He recognized His Son Jesus Christ as His Son initially, so you may enter today’s Canaan’s eternal life forever enriched.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father not only begins to live with you in Canaan but also everything that you may possess may appear in Canaan with you, so He may protect them just as He has protected, blessed, enriched and loved His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, so you may prosper in His land of eternal security. For our heavenly Father will see you along with everything belonging to you in Canaan, as your home and other properties as schools, colleges, universities, stores, companies, hospitals, industries, and this means everything belonging to you, He will watch, protect and enrich them, as well as you are enriched daily in His divine presence, whether you are Jewish or Gentile.

However, if our heavenly Father fails to see you and your belonging in today’s Canaan, because you have failed to obey Him in His water baptism, because water baptism is His children's rebirth into His home-sweet-home in Canaan, as reentering paradise, then, when He will see you ascending into heaven’s glory, He will fail to recognize you in eternal life in your last day. Instead, our heavenly Father will ask you who you are, and from where you are coming from, because He will fail to recognize you as His own, for failing water baptism, as you could have filled your home’s bathtub, submerging yourself into it with His holy name fire, emerging in Canaan to be eternally enriched with perfect richness through eternity, starting today.

Then, you will fail to know how to answer His question, because you will have failed to know Him in Canaan, as He has always expected every man, woman and child to become reborn from water baptism, starting with Israel, to appear before Him in Canaan, enjoying His richness granted unto you already ascending into heaven’s glory forever enriched these days. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1
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