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(IV�N): Happy Sabbath to everyone and may our heavenly Father continually enrich...

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Elio I. Valarezo

Dec 2, 2020, 9:19:49 AM12/2/20
Sábado, 28 de Noviembre, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

Happy Sabbath to everyone and may our heavenly Father continually enrich…

I would like to wish you a very happy Sabbath rest with our heavenly Father, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with your loved ones enjoying His glorious presence, as always, moreover, I am thankful for allowing me to manifest to you our Lord’s never-ending greatness through His holy name and living words always present in our hearts.

I had some difficult experiences with the internet that it was all the sudden cut off although I have kept my bills paid to the last one, moreover I have had difficulties trying to work with my browser that it has abandoned the classical form for a modern one that it is too slow to work for me thus it just consumes time unnecessarily—causing delays.

However, I am managing to work with it so-far that is why I was able to do some work this past week but unable to finish it on time as expected, but I look forward to solve these difficulties so I may write more papers with great topics that will enrich your heart and that of your loved ones as well, including your neighbors and friends from around the world.

Happy Sabbath Day to everyone and may our heavenly Father continually enrich you with His Son’s holy-seed as the flesh without sin failing to offend Him on earth and in heaven’s glory forever, because it is filled with the Holy Spirit and the oath sworn to Isaac's never-ending daily powerful-richness, enriching families of the nations through eternity, starting in Canaan with you, as always. Amen!

Les deseo un Sábado de reposo muy feliz con nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo junto con sus amados, gozando de su gloriosa presencia, como siempre: además, estoy agradecido por permitirme manifestarles a todos ustedes de las grandezas insondables de nuestro Padre celestial por su nombre santo y por sus palabras de vida siempre presentes en nuestros corazones.

Les presentare un nuevo tema en la semana entrante.

Saludos: Desde Sion los bendiga grandemente nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, Hacedor de los cielos y la tierra entera para que gocen todos esta vida maravillosa que nos entregó por amor a su santo nombre y por amor a su palabra de vida eterna. ¡Amén!

Esta es su NUEVA TIERRA, habitada por su CARNE SAGRADA, su carne sin pecados en ti para siempre:

Amorosamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba manifestar su dulce hogar en la tierra, y este es Canaán, llamando a sus siervos a amar: sirviéndolo y alabándolo a Él y su santo nombre fuegos sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, empezando con su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac de la esposa de Abraham, Sarah, estableciendo así su vida eterna victoriosa sobre Satanás y la muerte perpetuamente. Esta es la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, estableciéndose en Canaán, bendiciendo así a sus hijos no solamente los nacidos de Israel, pero igualmente de las naciones, porque Él necesitaba establecer su carne sin pecados y su sangre expiatoria nacida de Él mismo como Isaac, su Hijo amado, cubriendo así toda vida humana enteramente con su amor infalible, riquezas y alegrías sin fin.

Esta es ciertamente la vida de nuestro Padre celestial, que siempre ha vivido con su Hijo Jesucristo, su Espíritu Santo y las huestes angelicales, pero ahora, Él necesitaba vivirla con sus hijos nacidos de su imagen y de su alma santísima, como Adán y Eva junto con sus hijos, viviendo únicamente por Él y por su santo nombre fuegos para conquistar nuevas riquezas jamás antes tocadas por el pecado. Verdaderamente, esta es la vida gloriosa entregada a ti, desde donde nuestro Padre celestial será amado no solamente por su Hijo Jesucristo, su Espíritu Santo junto con las huestes angelicales, pero igualmente por sus hijos de Israel y de las familias de las naciones, porque Él hará que sus hijos renazcan del corazón de la tierra para vivir riquezas cotidianas siempre, empezando en Canaán.

Ciertamente, esta es la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, que siempre conoce a sus hijos nacidos de su imagen y de su alma santísima, deseando verlos nuevamente en la gloria angelical, como el paraíso, pero como ellos fallaron en regresar a su dulce hogar, entonces, Canaán fue establecido por ellos para que vean vida nuevamente, gozando de riquezas cotidianas que les pertenece legalmente infinitamente. Realmente, esta es la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, amando a sus hijos grandemente, empezando con Adán y Eva, así como siempre lo ha amado a Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo infinitamente, que necesita continuar amándolos, pero sin pecados, y así, sus hijos gocen grandes riquezas en sus hogares en la tierra, así como en la gloria angelical, desde siempre.

Evidentemente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba establecer su vida eterna en Canaán para las naciones, viviéndola enteramente, conociendo únicamente su amor infalible por ellos, pero igualmente conocer que Él siempre los ha bendecido a ellos antes que naciesen en la tierra, y así, ellos vivan: amados y enriquecidos por Él y por su santo nombre fuegos siempre y cada día, y hasta que su reino venga. Verdaderamente, esta es la vida asombrosa de nuestro Padre celestial, amando a sus hijos poderosamente, así como ha amado a su Hijo Jesucristo, su Espíritu Santo y los ángeles con riquezas interminables, porque aquí: su corazón santísimo es muy feliz, como jamás en el reino angelical y hasta que sus hijos nacieron de su imagen, creciendo, amándolo a Él mucho más que antes con riquezas insondables.

Visto que, esta es la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, que siempre continuara creciendo con sus hijos, amándolo a Él con su roca de salvación, otorgándoles a todos océanos de amor, océanos de alegrías, océanos de gozos y además con otras importantes bendiciones, bautizados ellos ya en agua, creciendo diariamente su relación personal con sus hijos en su nueva tierra, empezando en Canaán. Además, esta es la vida gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial, enriquecida únicamente por riquezas de Canaán en sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones, bautizados en agua, porque siempre estará creciendo con poderes del Juramento a Isaac, dándole diariamente la bienvenida a Él en los últimos días, descendiendo a su dulce hogar, para vivir eternamente amado por ti y los tuyos, como hijos suyos.

Realmente, esta es la vida gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial, en donde Él te conocerá personalmente con bendiciones, que Él ya te ha entregado a ti y a los tuyos, incluyendo vecinos y amistades de todas partes, porque Él necesita bendecir a cada familia de las naciones, y así, ellos entren a su vida eterna, eternamente enriquecidos hacia la eternidad, llena de riquezas cananeas abundantemente. Esta es la vida asombrosa de nuestro Padre celestial, en donde Él te conocerá en poderes cotidianos del Juramento a Isaac, porque Él necesita conocerte, así como Él conoce a su Hijo Jesucristo y a su Espíritu Santo en la eternidad, y así, Él vivir complacido contigo y con tus amados en la tierra, como con riquezas de Canaán y del reino angelical también.

Por cuanto, nuestro Padre celestial necesita su vida eterna, ya vivida por Él con su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por poderes del Espíritu, creciendo, expandiéndose, para Él ser uno con Abraham, ya que Él lo llamó a ser perfectamente santo para entrar a la vida eterna, eternamente justificado, y así, Él vivirla igualmente con sus hijos por generaciones venideras. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Abraham con su roca de salvación, conduciendo tres sacrificios con sus mitades opuestas una a otra junto con dos aves sin cortar, salpicados con sangres expiatorias, porque su vida misma descendía a Canaán con su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac, bendiciendo así a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña con riquezas angelicales hasta que su reino venga al mundo.

Además, esta es la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, que siempre la ha vivido con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu junto con huestes angelicales, en donde el pecado no existe en la eternidad y hasta que sorpresivamente se encontró en el corazón malvado de Lucifer y en sus ángeles caídos también, pecando y rebelándose así en contra de su santo nombre perpetuamente. Por ende, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba trasladarla en la tierra, empezando en Canaán, y así, Él mismo volver a empezarla sin pecados no solamente con Adán y Eva, como los primeros pecadores del paraíso, pero igualmente con sus hijos por generaciones futuras, regresando así finalmente a su vida eterna, en Canaán, su paraíso moderno, en donde no existe el pecado para siempre en la eternidad.

Consiguientemente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial vivir su vida con Abraham, cuando su Hijo Jesucristo nació del vientre estéril de Sarah como Isaac, por el Espíritu Santo, y así, Él poder vivir su misma vida eterna contigo y con los tuyos, porque Él necesitaba conocer a Abraham personalmente, pero igualmente a ti, confiándote así sus riquezas asombrosas de Canaán siempre, por generaciones interminables. Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial había sufrido ataques terribles de Lucifer y sus ángeles caídos en contra de su santo nombre fuegos, que Él necesitaba empezar a amarlo, honrarlo y exaltarlo nuevamente con poderes asombrosos de su corazón santísimo junto con riquezas y glorias nuevas, pero Él necesitaba hacerlo todo con sus hijos únicamente, confiando en Él siempre por una eternidad, de nuevas riquezas asombrosas.

Por eso: visto que su Hijo Jesucristo nació del vientre estéril de Sarah como Isaac, por el Espíritu Santo, entonces, fue no solamente para enriquecer a Abraham, pero igualmente a sus hijos prometidos por generaciones futuras, incluyendo las familias de naciones, y así, ellos regresen a su vida eterna: amando, sirviendo y exaltando su santo nombre fuegos sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en Canaán. Ciertamente, esta es la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, derrotando a Lucifer y a sus ángeles caídos en la gloria celestial, incluyendo el paraíso con Adán y Eva, pero igualmente Él necesitaba derrotarlo a él y junto con familias satanistas, sirviéndole a él y a la muerte diariamente con brujerías en la tierra, para Él empezar finalmente su nuevo reino sin pecado, para siempre.

Realmente, esta es la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, expulsando a Satanás, los ángeles caídos, la muerte y familias satanistas, sirviéndole a él en su reino de tinieblas del infierno tormentoso en la tierra, pero igualmente, Él puede expandir su vida eterna hacia familias de las naciones, empezando con la familia de Abraham, enriqueciéndolos con riquezas almacenadas ya en Canaán para la eternidad. Definitivamente: glorias, riquezas y poderes asombrosos que nacieron contigo, cuando emergías de nuestro Padre celestial y de su alma santísima, para que tú seas perfecto y santo, así como Él en la gloria celestial: amando, sirviendo y glorificando su santo nombre fuegos, que ha sido atacado injustamente por enemigos, enriqueciéndolo tú toda una eternidad, empezando en tu tierra natal y con tus amados.

Ciertamente, tú tienes glorias, riquezas y poderes infinitos en Canaán hoy en día, que nacieron contigo inicialmente, cuando salías de la imagen y alma santísima de nuestro Padre celestial para amar, servir y alabar su santo nombre fuego sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en Canaán, y así, tú vivas su vida enriquecida, así como Él la ha gozado por una eternidad, hasta hoy. Sin embargo, para tú gozar estas glorias, bendiciones, riquezas y poderes, almacenadas en Canaán ahora mismo, entonces, tú debes enraizarte en la vida eterna de Canaán, nacida con su Hijo Jesucristo del vientre estéril de Sarah como Isaac, por el Espíritu Santo, concediéndote legalmente a ti riquezas cotidianas en tu tierra natal, conquistando nuevas glorias para su reino venidero, pero contigo bautizado ya en agua.

Entendiendo que, estas son glorias, bendiciones, sanidades, poderes y riquezas sin comienzo ni fin, llegando hacia a ti y tus amados en la tierra entera, porque nuestro Padre celestial necesita su santo nombre fuegos: amado, honrado y exaltado por ti hasta que su reino venga finalmente, entrando así a la eternidad contigo para alcanzar nuevas riquezas, glorias y poderes nunca antes vistas por nadie. Por cuanto, esta es la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, creciendo continuamente con su amor asombroso de su corazón santísimo hacia su Hijo Jesucristo, su Espíritu Santo, sus huestes angelicales, pero igualmente hacia ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades, que necesita expandirse con poderes del Juramento a Isaac hasta los confines de la tierra, tocando su gloria celestial, haciéndolo descender a Canaán enteramente últimamente.

Legalmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba no solamente descender a Canaán con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo junto con huestes angelicales, así como normalmente lo hace cada reposo Sabatino, pero igualmente, Él necesitaba todo su reino del cielo arriba descendiendo a su nueva tierra, llena de poderes del Juramento a Isaac, en donde no hay pecado jamás en la eternidad. Verdaderamente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a su Hijo Jesucristo viviendo como Isaac con Abraham, para Él vivir su vida eterna, derrotando a enemigos no solamente de él, pero igualmente de sus hijos prometidos por generaciones venideras, incluyendo de las familias de las naciones, estableciendo así su vida eterna enteramente en Canaán y en toda la tierra, para nuevo reino venidero.

Por ende, cuando nuestro Padre celestial vio que Abraham había vivido unos años con su único hijo Isaac, entonces, sus enemigos habían sido derrotados y ahora él estaba listo para amar, servir y alabarlo a Él y a su santo nombre fuegos sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Moria, seguidamente invitado fue a ascender para ser declarado perfecto y santo infinitamente. Legítimamente, para que cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña ame: sirviendo y adorando a nuestro Padre celestial y a su santo nombre fuegos sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en Canaán, entonces, uno tiene que ser declarado santo y perfecto, así como Él lo es infinitamente—seguidamente, Abraham fue declarado perfectamente santo para servirle a Él en la gloria angelical, empezando, enriquecido diariamente de Canaán.

Aquí es cuando. Nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Abraham con su único hijo Isaac, como una ofrenda encendida, que la gloria celestial necesitaba para su Hijo Jesucristo y para su Espíritu Santo junto con huestes angelicales puedan seguidamente gozar aromas de su vida eterna, que había venido a ser uno con Abraham, pero igualmente contigo y con los tuyos, incluyendo vecinos y amistades de alrededor del mundo. Y aquí es cuando. Donde nuestro Padre celestial derramó poderes de su Juramento a Isaac, hablando palabras todopoderosas de vida y de bendiciones interminables, riquezas, glorias y poderes: enriqueciéndote a ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades, porque Él te estará llenando con su vida eterna y con riquezas cotidianas, descendiendo así hacia ti con su gloria angelical sobre la tierra para la eternidad, eternamente amado por ti para siempre.

Realmente, cuando Abraham estuvo ante nuestro Padre celestial con su único hijo Isaac yaciendo sobre el madero, matando su propia carne, entonces, su corazón santísimo derramó su amor infalible sobre ti y los tuyos, que necesitaban vestir de vida eterna, pero igualmente de riquezas insondables, amándolo a Él cada día, honrando su santo nombre fuegos en la tierra entera, para la eternidad venidera. Es aquí, en donde nuestro Padre celestial hablo de ti y de tus amados: palabras de vida, descendiendo sobre ti progresivamente sin fallarte jamás, porque tú necesitas ser llenado de vida eterna, que ha derrotado a Satanás, la muerte y los ángeles caídos en la gloria angelical, viviendo así su misma vida en tu tierra natal y con los tuyos, liberados del mal siempre.

Entendiendo que, únicamente en su vida eterna, que nuestro Padre celestial te ha entregado a ti, así como lo hizo inicialmente con Abraham y Sarah, entonces, tú la tendrás igualmente para enriquecerte grandemente junto con tus amados y hasta que digas: Padre, me has enriquecido tanto ya—Señor, enriquece a otros, así como me has enriquecido a mí y a mis amados. Sin embargo, nuestro Padre celestial continuará enriqueciéndote cada vez más que antes, porque Él verdaderamente estará enriqueciendo a tus amados de generaciones venideras, y así, ellos podrán ser enriquecidos igualmente, como tú: llenando la tierra entera con sus glorias sin fin para su santo nombre fuegos, porque eventualmente ellos vendrán a conocerlo a Él—pero en abundantes riquezas de Canaán, para siempre.

Por eso, tú fuiste llamado a amar a nuestro Padre celestial toda una vida, pero amándolo a Él y a su santo nombre fuegos con riquezas de su roca de salvación de vida eterna, que Él ya te la ha entregado a ti, bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo. Francamente, es únicamente bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, cuando tú abandonas la carne pecadora y el espíritu de error por la carne sin pecados y el Espíritu Santo, en donde nuestro Padre celestial vivirá contigo en su semilla santa, llena de su Espíritu Santo y del Juramento a Isaac, enriqueciendo la tierra entera contigo y con su presencia siempre muy dulce.

Presentemente: Estos son poderes cotidianos del Juramento a Isaac, ayudándote, que el corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial por su amor maravilloso, que Él siempre ha sentido por su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Espíritu Santo junto por sus hijos que han nacido en pecado, porque Adán y Eva comieron del fruto prohibido, del árbol de la ciencia del mal y del bien. Por lo tanto, cuando nuestro Padre celestial derramaba de su corazón santísimo su Juramento a Isaac sobre la carne sin pecado y la sangre expiatoria, entonces, Él lo confirmó con Jacobo, estableciéndolo en Israel perpetuamente: por ende, bautizado ya Israel en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre: inmediatamente el reino angelical descenderá a Canaán con Él, quedándose a vivir contigo para siempre.

Verdaderamente, con Israel bautizado enteramente en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, entonces, poderes del Juramento a Isaac crecerán hacia la eternidad, manifestando nuevas riquezas, glorias, poderes y santidades jamás tocadas por el pecado: abrazando a nuestro Padre celestial y a su reino angelical para vivir eternamente amado en Canaán, en donde su Hijo amado nació, pero igualmente Israel entero junto contigo. Definitivamente, esta es la vida gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial, que nuestro Padre celestial necesita vivirla contigo y con tus amados en tu hogar, bautizado en un lugar de abundante agua, como tus bañeras, piscinas, rio, playas, entonces, al tú sumergirte, invocando su santo nombre, emergerás instantáneamente en Canaán, vistiendo su carne sin pecados, en donde el pecado no existió en ti jamás.

Aquí es cuando. Tú no solamente habrás abandonado la carne pecadora con el espíritu de error por la carne sin pecados y su Espíritu Santo, pero igualmente, tú habrás abandonado el infierno tormentoso con sus espíritus malvados, molestándote siempre, para no sentirlos jamás: liberado ahora únicamente para recibir riquezas de Canaán en tu hogar o donde sea que su vida te lleve, y hasta que su reino venga. Entendiendo que, Satanás siempre pondrá espíritus inmundos en tu contorno y de tus amados también, cegándote, en donde tú fallaras en ver su salvación maravillosa, que Él mismo te ha entregado a ti con bendiciones, pero igualmente con grandes riquezas que nacieron contigo de Él, y que están en Canaán, esperando enriquecerte diariamente, bautizado en agua, hasta que su reino venga al mundo finalmente.

Francamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesita que tú conozcas, que Satanás siempre está invadiendo tu vida con sus espíritus inmundos no solamente para molestarte, pero igualmente, para cegarte sin que jamás tú conozcas, que tú ya has sido bendecido, enriquecido y empoderado en su semilla santa, que es la carne sin pecados de Isaac, recibiendo diariamente riquezas celestiales para que conozcas solamente abundantes riquezas más nunca pobreza. Es decir, también que nuestro Padre celestial necesita que tú conozcas, que Satanás siempre pondrá espíritus inmundos en tu alrededor para robar, matar y destruirte a ti junto con tus amados, porque tú estarás viviendo en su vida pecadora, que comió del fruto prohibido en el paraíso, por ende, él puede atacarte cada vez que lo quiera hacer así en la tierra.

Empero, bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, entonces, tú abandonaras la vida pecadora, en donde espíritus malvados operan sobre ti y tus amados, para vivir su vida eterna finalmente, que ha derrotado a Lucifer y su rebelión angelical del cielo en contra de su santo nombre, y así, tú siempre vestirás riquezas cotidianas de Canaán y del cielo arriba también. Por lo que nuestro Padre celestial necesita que tú entiendas, es que tus problemas cotidianos no vienen de persona alguna, más bien, vienen del inframundo, Satanás operando con sus espíritus inmundos sobre ti, en tu vida que comió del fruto prohibido, sin embargo, bautizado en agua, invocando su santo nombre tú vivirás en su semilla santa, su carne sin pecados, enriqueciéndote a ti continuamente siempre.

Ciertamente, esta es la vida gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial, derrotando a Lucifer y a sus ángeles caídos en la rebelión angelical en contra de Él y su santo nombre fuegos, pero igualmente, derrotó a Satanás, espíritus inmundos, la muerte, familias satanistas y el infierno desde Canaán, y así, tú derrotes a tus enemigos en tu tierra natal junto con los tuyos y amistades también. Verdaderamente, bautizado en agua, invocando su santo nombre, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, tú inmediatamente recibirás la carne sin pecados y la sangre expiatoria de Isaac, llena de su amor, riquezas, victorias sobre Satanás, espíritus inmundos, la muerte, familias satanistas y el infierno junto con todo enemigo, enemigos que tú tengas—realmente: fueron vencidos ya por ti para siempre.

Legalmente, Israel bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, entonces, ellos vestirán la carne sin pecados, llena de nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo y de sus victorias sobre Satanás, expulsándolo no solamente a él, a la muerte junto con familias brujas en todo Canaán e Israel entero, pero igualmente, de las familias de las naciones del mundo. Por eso, fue importante para Satanás y la muerte engañar a Israel siempre con familias brujas en toda generación pasada, para que terminen todos siempre en holocaustos, haciendo así que poderes del Juramento a Isaac no se manifiesten en ellos jamás, que llenarían la tierra entera de riquezas, glorias y de poderes interminables para que nuestro Padre celestial descienda a Canaán finalmente victorioso sobre Satanás.

Por ende, con Israel bautizado en agua, crecerá con riquezas, glorias y poderes asombrosos del Juramento a Isaac, enriqueciéndolos grandemente, pero igualmente a todas las naciones, porque es en estos poderes, que nuestro Padre celestial junto con su reino angelical descenderá a Canaán, quedándose con nosotros: viviendo enteramente muy feliz con su corazón santísimo lleno de amor por sus hijos toda una eternidad entera. Ciertamente, esta es la vida de nuestro Padre celestial, otorgada enteramente a nosotros por su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Espíritu Santo, derrotando ya a enemigos en Canaán y en la tierra entera, además, cumple con Los Diez Mandamientos infinitamente, honrando así su santo nombre fuegos en cada reposo Sabatino y en sus fiestas anuales, celebradas en Israel y en la gloria celestial también, siempre.

Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesita que tú entiendas, que Él te ha entregado su misma vida eterna, derrotando ya a tus enemigos, pero igualmente, complace toda verdad y justicia en la eternidad entera, y así, tú vivas con Él y con su santo nombre fuegos, clavado a su cruz, que es Israel antiguo con las familias de las naciones, redimidas del infierno tormentoso eternamente. Además, nuestro Padre celestial te necesita: conociendo, que Él mismo ha logrado tu salvación victoriosamente con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo y con Israel entero: expiando, juzgando y cubriendo pecados con sangres expiatorias de corderos por el desierto de Sinaí, asimilando el infierno, en donde tú descenderás perdido, pero finalmente Él mismo borró tus pecados con su sangre expiatoria para siempre.

Del por qué: Nuestro Padre celestial ha removido tus pecados de ti, de tus amados, vecinos y amistades de alrededor del mundo entero, fue porque: Satanás te está atacando a ti en secreto, así como Él fue atacado junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, tomando su santo nombre de Él y de sus huestes angelicales para su vida pecadora. Por consiguiente, Satanás junto con la muerte y sus familias brujas lo han hecho su negocio personal, de que tú siempre seas cubierto de brujerías todos tus días, cegándote, sin que tú jamás conozcas su obra salvadora ya cumplida en Canaán por sus palabras vivas, para que tú vivas su vida eterna, enriquecida con poderes y alegrías sin fin toda una eternidad entera.

Considerando que, Satanás siempre se ha movido en tu contra con familias brujas, cegándote con sus brujerías en tu hogar, en tu trabajo y en otros lugares que tú normalmente frecuentas, porque él necesita: robar, matar y destruir en tu vida y hasta finalmente quitártela, sin que tú jamás conozcas que siempre has tenido grandes riquezas con tu nombre escrito sobre ellas en Canaán. Realmente, cada vez que tú veas algo anormal, tomando lugar en tu alrededor y de los tuyos, vecinos y amistades de todas partes, entonces, esto significa, que Satanás con sus ángeles caídos está secretamente trabajando para robar, matar y destruir todo lo que te guie a abundantes riquezas, que tú ya las tienes almacenadas en Canaán para gozarlas todas ellas hasta que su reino venga.

Por ende, bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, entonces, tú intercambiaras tu vida pecadora y espíritu de error por su carne sin pecados y su Espíritu Santo, en donde su misma vida florece con victorias cotidianas sobre Satanás, los ángeles caídos, familias satanistas y la muerte, y así, tú siempre tengas puertas abiertas a tus riquezas en Canaán. De otra manera, Satanás te engañara continuamente con sus espíritus inmundos, caminando secretamente hacia ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades, y solo para mantenerte ciego de jamás conocer que tú ya has sido bendecido, enriquecido y empoderado con grandes glorias del reino celestial, que están en Canaán, y así, tú las goces continuamente, pero sin Satanás contigo por toda una vida santísima.

Realmente, bautizado en agua, invocando su perfecta santidad, entonces, tú recibirás su misma vida eterna, nacida en Canaán por la hija virgen de David, derrotando a Satanás y cada espíritu inmundo junto con cada enemigo, amenazando tu vida y de los tuyos en toda la tierra, y así, tú tengas siempre acceso a riquezas que te pertenecen a ti y a tus amados, en Canaán. Lógicamente, Satanás siempre te atacara a ti, a tus amados, vecinos y amistades del mundo entero con espíritus inmundos, haciendo que tú jamás conozcas riquezas cotidianas de Canaán, que legalmente te pertenecen a ti, enriqueciéndote en tu tierra natal, para recibir a nuestro Padre celestial en su descender final hacia nosotros, eternamente amado por ti con riquezas insondables y con alegrías interminables, para siempre.

Por eso, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el Espíritu Santo, porque Él tendría a sus hijos naciendo en cautiverio egipcio, asimilando la vida tormentosa del infierno, por cuatro siglos, logrando postreramente que ellos renazcan del corazón de la tierra hacia su nueva tierra, pero sin pecados para siempre. En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba tener a sus hijos naciendo del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el Espíritu Santo, para luego renacer del corazón de la tierra, como del vientre infernal igualmente, pero sanado con su amor infalible por su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Espíritu Santo, haciéndolos ascender al paraíso con vida, y este es Canaán moderno, su dulce hogar eternamente.

Definitivamente, este es el único camino posible, en que nuestro Padre celestial tendría a sus hijos regresando a vivir nuevamente, derrotando enemigos que atacan a su Hijo Jesucristo y a su Espíritu Santo, pero igualmente a Adán y a Eva, y hasta que llegaron también a ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades del mundo entero, como de otras religiones y fe, salvándolos Él mismo finalmente. Por ende, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac de Sarah, por su Espíritu Santo, entrando en su vientre enfermo, sanándolo, tornándolo instantáneamente santísimo, así como su corazón santísimo en su pecho, para que Isaac nazca, seguido por Jacobo y los doce patriarcas israelíes, porque Él había empezado a conquistar el corazón de la tierra contigo, para siempre.

Por su Grande Gracia: nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba remover el pecado del corazón de la tierra con sus hijos nacidos del vientre estéril de Sarah, por su Espíritu Santo, empezando con Isaac, renaciendo así Él con ellos de Israel y de las naciones pasadas y futuras, pero renaciendo sin pecado y con vida eterna: convirtiéndolos con Él, en su semilla santísima, en Canaán, infinitamente. Visto que, esta es semilla de nuestro Padre celestial para nosotros, como carne santísima, nacida de Él, por el Espíritu Santo, del vientre estéril de Sarah, como Isaac, para descender victorioso sobre pecados y con rituales y ceremonias cotidianas del Juramento a Isaac, habiéndolos expiado, juzgado y cubierto con sangre expiatoria para renacer del corazón de la tierra con sus hijos, obteniendo vida nuevamente eternamente.

Ciertamente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a sus hijos renaciendo con poderes del Juramento a Isaac en el cautiverio egipcio, recogiendo pecados de todos del pasado y del futuro, como los tuyos y los míos también, para ellos llevarlos al bautismo del Mar Rojo, abandonándolos para siempre, y así, su vida eterna florezca por toda la tierra finalmente contigo hoy. Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial no solamente estaba bautizando a Israel antiguo y familias de las naciones pasadas y futuras para quitar el pecado de la humanidad entera para la eternidad venidera, y así, su vida eterna crezca siempre poderosamente con nuevas riquezas, glorias y poderes, pero igualmente, Él bautizó la tierra entera para que sea una nueva con su corazón santísimo: infinitamente bendita contigo.

Visto que, es en la vida gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial, entregada a nosotros de Israel y de las naciones, para ser uno con Él perpetuamente junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo, como su semilla santa, que salió de Él, por poderes del Espíritu Santo, enriqueciéndonos desde el cielo arriba y también de Canaán y de su nueva tierra enteramente. Consiguientemente, nuestro Padre celestial tenía que tener su semilla santa, nacida del vientre estéril de Sarah como Isaac, para que Jacobo nazca, haciendo que Israel sea su familia divina con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo, entonces, descendió al corazón de la tierra, tornando postes del infierno en semilla santísima, su cruz, con sus hijos eternamente redimidos para que su reino venga últimamente.

Es decir, que nuestro Padre celestial con su semilla santa, que es Isaac, su carne sin pecados y su sangre expiatoria, tenia que ser uno con todo Israel, pero igualmente con las familias de las naciones pasadas y futuras, renaciendo todos ellos en su semilla santa, plantada en Canaán, como su árbol de vida y sin relación alguna al pecado, para siempre. Además, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba quitar el pecado del corazón de la tierra, renaciendo Él mismo con sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones, volviendo a ver vida nuevamente todos ellos en su semilla santa, pero sin pecados en su tierra nueva, en donde su vida eterna florecerá por una eternidad entera, conquistando únicamente nuevas riquezas, poderes y alegrías interminables contigo infinitamente.

Entendiendo que, es únicamente aquí, en donde tú serás siempre victorioso sobre Satanás, espíritus inmundos, la muerte, familias brujas y del inferno junto con otros enemigos, gozando progresivamente asombrosos gozos de su corazón santísimo, que está debajo de Canaán, como el corazón del mundo entero, y así, tú recibas su amor infalible hacia ti y los tuyos, empezando en tu hogar para siempre. De otro modo, tú siempre fallaras en conocer el amor infalible de nuestro Padre celestial hacia ti y los tuyos, vecinos y amistades de familias de las naciones, porque su corazón santísimo está siempre muy cerca de ti, como en tu pecho perpetuamente, por ende, tú siempre conocerás alegrías, riquezas, poderes y glorias interminables, que Él mismo siempre ha gozado en la eternidad, hasta hoy.

A tiempo, nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham: tú tienes que ser perfecto y santo, así como Yo en la eternidad, conociendo y viviendo mi amor infalible continuamente, llenando la tierra entera con su vida eterna, haciendo que su amor asombroso siempre crezca progresivamente en él y en sus amados, creciendo hacia grandezas mayores de su grande amor por ellos hacia la eternidad venidera. Ya que, la nueva tierra, de nuestro Padre celestial, es en reino de su amor infalible hacia su Hijo Jesucristo, su Espíritu Santo y sus hijos, como cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las familias de las naciones, que continuara creciendo en riquezas asombrosas, poderes y glorias de su corazón santísimo jamás vistos hasta que su reino venga finalmente.

Realmente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial conquistar el corazón de la tierra con su semilla santísima, que es Isaac, como Israel entero convertido en uno con familias de las naciones para ver vida eterna en la eternidad venidera, empezando en Canaán, únicamente conociendo alegrías sin fin, que enriquecen su corazón santísimo siempre, haciéndolo más y más feliz que antes por edades interminables. Por lo tanto, bautizado en agua, tú recibirás la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, vivida siempre con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo en la gloria angelical, entonces, ahora Él mismo la vivirá contigo y con tus amados, renaciendo tú como hijo suyo, que Él ha llamado para amarlo: amándolo a Él con océanos de amor virgen de su roca de salvación.

Entendiendo que, es aquí únicamente, en donde tú finalmente habrás encontrado alegrías sin fin para tu corazón, que ha venido a ser como el corazón de nuestro Padre celestial en tu pecho, al bautizarte en agua, porque sin él en tu corazón, entonces, tú jamás conocerás la felicidad ni sabrás amar a los tuyos toda una vida y hasta que su reino venga al mundo postreramente. Esta es la tierra asombrosa de nuestro Padre celestial, en donde tú vivirás su amor infalible por ti, los tuyos, vecinos y amistades, porque Él siempre la escondió en su corazón santísimo por ti, en donde no hay pecado: finalmente, entregándotela, bautizado en agua, y así, Él vivir siempre amado por ti y por tu familia entera toda una eternidad, empezando en tu hogar hoy. ¡Amén!

This is HIS NEW EARTH filled with His SACRED-FLESH, His flesh without sin in you forever:

Lovingly, our heavenly Father needed to manifest His home-sweet-home upon earth, and this is Canaan, where He will call His servants to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fires over Jerusalem holy hill, starting with His Son Jesus Chris born as Isaac from Abraham’s wife, Sarah, thus He may establish His eternal life victorious against Satan and death forever on earth. This is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that needed to be established within Canaan thus to bless His children not only born from Israel but also from the families of the nations, because He needed to establish His sacred-flesh along with His atoning-blood born from Him as Isaac, His Son, thus He may cover everyone’s life entirely with His amazing-love, richness and endless happiness.

This is certainly our heavenly Father’s life that had always lived with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, but now He needed to live it with His children born from His image and living-soul as Adam and Eve along with the children, living only for Him and His holy name fires to conquer new richness untouched by sin before. Truly, this is a glorious life from where our heavenly Father will be loved not only by His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts but also by His children from Israel and the families of the nations, because He will cause His children to become reborn from the earth’s heart to live it daily forever enriched, starting in Canaan.

Indeed, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that personally always knows His children born from His image and living-soul, yearning to see them again in heaven’s glory, as in paradise, for example, but since they failed to return to their home-sweet-home, then, Canaan was established for them to see life again thus they may enjoy daily richness that rightfully belongs to them forever. For this is our heavenly Father’s life loving His children, beginning with Adam and Eve, just as it has always loved Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout eternity that it needs continually to love them but without sin, thus they may enjoy His richness in their homeland through the earth, as they are always enjoyed in heaven’s glory.

Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to establish His eternal life upon Canaan for the families of the nations to live it only knowing His amazing-love for them but also to know that He has always blessed them even before they were born upon earth, so they may live loved and enriched by Him and His holy name fires forever each day until kingdom come. Certainly, this is our heavenly Father’s amazing-life loving His children as He has always loved His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and His holy angels with richness, because it is here, where His holy heart is the happiest as never before in the angelical kingdom until His children born from His image will grow loving Him more than ever before with Canaan’s richness.

For this is our heavenly Father’s glorious life that will continue to grow with His children loving Him with the rock of salvation that will grant them oceans of love, oceans of happiness, oceans of joys along with many other important blessings baptized in water already, growing day after day in His personal relationship with His children throughout the new earth, starting in Canaan. Moreover, this is our heavenly Father’s glorious life enriched only by Canaan’s endless richness in His children from Israel and the nations, baptized in water already, because it is always growing with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that will welcome Him in the last days final descend into His home-sweet-home to live forever loved by you and your loved ones, as His children.

Really, this is our heavenly Father’s glorious life where He will know you personally with all His blessings that He has granted unto you and your loved ones, including your neighbors and friends from around the world, because He needs to bless every family from the nations thus they may enter into His eternal life forever blessed into eternity, filled with Canaan’s richness abundantly. This is our heavenly Father’s amazing-life where He will know you by the oath sworn to Isaac’s amazing daily powers, because He needs to know you as He knows His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout eternity, so He may feel always comfortable with you and your loved on earth, as in Canaan’s richness, and in heaven’s glory as well.

For our heavenly Father needs His life eternal that He had lived it with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers expanding, so He may become one with Abraham, since He had called him to perfect holiness as He is forever to enter life eternally justified, then, He could live it with the children through generations. Really, our heavenly Father needed Abraham to receive His rock of salvation conducting three sacrifices with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, because His life eternal was coming upon Canaan with His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac thus finally blessing every man, woman and child with heaven’s endless richness throughout the earth until His kingdom comes.

Furthermore, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that He had always lived it with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts, where sin fails to exist through eternity until surprisingly it was found in Lucifer’s wicked heart and that of the fallen angels as well thus sinning and rebelling against His holy name fires forever. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to transfer it to the entire earth, staring in Canaan, so He may restart His eternal life without sin not only with Adam and Eve as the first sinners from paradise but also with the children through coming generations by finally returning to eternal life, and this is Canaan, His modern paradise, where sin fails to exist through eternity.

Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to live His life with Abraham as His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so He may live His life eternal with you and your loved ones, because He needed to know Abraham personally but also you thus trusting you with Canaan’s amazing-richness always through many generations. Considering that, our heavenly Father had suffered a terrible attack from Lucifer and his fallen angels against His holy name fires that He needed to start to love, honor and exalt it with amazing powers from His holy heart’s love along with richness and new glories, but He needed to do it with His children only, trusting Him always through eternity with new amazing-richness.

That is why, that once His Son Jesus Christ was born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then, it was to enrich not only Abraham but also his promised children through coming generations, including the families of the nations, so they may return to eternal life: loving, serving and exalting His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan. For this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that had defeated Lucifer and the fallen angels in heaven’s glory, including paradise with Adam and Eve, but also, He needed to defeat him and his fallen angels along with his followers, as Satanists families serving him and death with daily witchcraft throughout the earth, thus He may start His new kingdom without sin forever.

Really, this is our heavenly Father’s eternal life that will not only expel Satan, the fallen angels, death and the Satanists families serving him and his kingdom of darkness in hell’s torment and upon earth, but also, He could expand His eternal life through the families of the nations, starting with Abraham’s family, thus enriching them with richness instore in Canaan already for eternity. Surely, glories, richness and amazing powers born with you, as you emerged from our heavenly Father and His living-soul, so you may become perfect and holy as He is forever in heaven’s glory: loving, serving and glorifying His holy name fires that had been attacked by His enemies thus you may enrich it through eternity, starting in your homeland with your loved ones today.

Certainly, you have glories, richness and endless powers in Canaan these days that were born with you initially, as you came out from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul to love, serve and worship His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so you may live His enriched life as He has enjoyed it through eternity until now. However, for you to enjoy these glories, blessings, richness and endless-powers instore in Canaan these days, then, you must be rooted into Canaan’s eternal life born with His Son Jesus Christ from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers that yields unto you His daily richness throughout the earth, conquering new glories for His coming kingdom, but with you always forever baptized.

Understanding that, these are glories, blessings, healing, endless-powers and richness without beginning or end coming towards you and your loved ones wherever you may live on earth, because our heavenly Father needs His holy name fires loved, honored and exalted by you until His kingdom comes finally thus entering eternity with you to reach new richness, glories and powers unseen before by no one. For this is our heavenly Father’s amazing-life growing continually with His holy heart’s amazing-love towards His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts but also you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends that needs to expand with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers to the ends of the world until heaven’s glory is touched and brought down into Canaan in the last days.

Lawfully, our heavenly Father needs not only to descend into Canaan with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts, as He normally does every Sabbath rest with Israel, but also, He needs His entire kingdom from heaven above descending upon His new earth filled with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, where sin fails to exist forever. Truly, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ living as Isaac with Abraham, so He may live His eternal life defeating every enemy not only from him but also his promised children through generations, including the families of the nations, thus establishing His eternal life entirely in Canaan and to the earth’s ends for His new coming kingdom.

Therefore, as our heavenly Father saw that Abraham had lived few years with his only son Isaac then He his enemies had been defeated forever and now he was ready to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at mount Moriah, thus he was invited to ascend to be declared perfect and holy at last forever. Understanding that, for every man, woman and child to love: serves and worships our heavenly Father and His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, then you must be declared perfect and holy as He is forever in eternity—that is why, that Abraham was declared perfectly holy to serve the Father forever in heaven’s glory, starting in Canaan’s amazing daily richness.

This is when: our heavenly Father had Abraham with his only son Isaac as a burnt offering that heaven's glory needed for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts may enjoy His eternal life's aromas that had become one with Abraham but also with you and your loved ones, including your neighbors and friends from around the world. It is here, where our heavenly Father poured His oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, speaking powerful words of life and never-ending blessings, richness, glories and powers: enriching you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because He is filling you with eternal life and His daily richness thus He may descend with heaven’s glory to stay on earth for eternity, forever loved by you.

Really, as Abraham stood before our heavenly Father with his only son Isaac lying over the wood, killing his own flesh, then, His holy heart poured His unfailing-love for you and your loved ones that needed to dress with eternal life but also with endless richness, so you may lovingly each day serve and honor His holy name fires throughout the earth forever. It is here, where our heavenly Father spoke about you and your loved ones: word of life descending upon you progressively without ever failing you, because you need to become filled with eternal life that had defeated Satan and the fallen angels in heaven’s glory thus you may live His life in your homeland with your loved ones liberated from evil always.

Understanding that, only in this life eternal that our heavenly Father has granted unto just as he did initially to Abraham and Sarah, then, you may have it as well to enrich you greatly along with your loved ones until you may say: I have been enriched so-much already—Lord, enrich others as you have enriched me and my loved ones. However, our heavenly Father will continue to enrich you even more than what He had already, because He is really enriching your loved ones that will be born in the generations ahead, thus they may be enriched as well to fill the earth with His endless glories for His holy name fires, because they will eventually come to know Him—but with abundant richness.

That is why, that you were called to love our heavenly Father, but you must love Him and His holy name fires with His rock of salvation’s richness from His eternal life that He has granted unto you as you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob. Frankly, it is only through water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name is that you will abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where our heavenly Father will live with you in His holy-seed filled with His Spirit and oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, enriching the earth with you and His endless-sweet presence.

These are daily powers from the oath sworn to Isaac that our heavenly Father’s holy heart for the amazing love that He has always felt continuously for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along for His children born in sin upon earth, because Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Therefore, as our heavenly Father poured His holy heart’s oath sworn to Isaac upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, then He confirmed it with Jacob, establishing it upon Israel forever, and so, once Israel is baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name: immediately the entire angelical kingdom will descend into Canaan with Him to stay on earth with you forever.

Truly, with Israel baptized entirely in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, then the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers will grow endlessly into eternity manifesting new richness, glories, powers and sanctifies untouched by sin: welcoming the entire kingdom of heaven with our heavenly Father to live forever loved in Canaan, where His Son was born but also Israel along with you. Surely, this is a glorious life that our heavenly Father needs you to live it with your loved ones at home, baptized in water in a place with plenty of water as you bathtubs, then, as you may submerge by invoking His holy name, you will emerge instantly into Canaan dressed with the sacred-flesh, where sin fails to exist in you forever.

This is when, you will have not only abandon the sinful-flesh with the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, but also you will abandon hell’s torment with its wicked spirits that have bothered you through life never to see them again, liberated now only to receive daily Canaan’s richness at home and wherever life may take you until kingdom comes. Understanding that, Satan will always place wicked spirits around you and your loved ones, blinding you, where you will fail always to see the wonderful salvation that our heavenly Father has granted unto you but also your richness that you were born with them, and that they are in Canaan, waiting to enrich you each day until kingdom comes upon earth finally.

Frankly, our heavenly Father needs you to know that Satan is always invading your life with wicked spirits not only to bother you, but also, bring blindness until you will fail to know that you have been blessed, enriched and empowered in His holy-seed that is Isaac’s sacred-flesh, receiving daily richness from heaven above only for you to know abundant richness and never poverty. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father needs you to know that Satan will always place wicked spirits around you to steal, to kill and to destroy you along with your loved ones, because you are living in a life of sin, because it ate from the forbidden fruit, and so, he can attack you as he may will.

However, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name then you will abandon the sinful life from where wicked spirits are operating against you and your loved ones to live in His eternal that defeated Lucifer’s angelical rebellion in heaven’s glory against His holy name fires, so you will always be dressed with daily richness from Canaan and from heaven’s glory. For what our heavenly Father needs you to understand is that your daily problems do not come from any person, instead they are from the spirit world, where Satan operates with wicked spirits against you in the life that ate from the forbidden fruit, however, baptized in water by invoking His holy name you will live in His holy-seed, the sacred-flesh, enriching you continuously always.

Certainly, this is a glorious life from our heavenly Father that has defeated Lucifer and the fallen angels in heaven’s glory angelical rebellion against Him and His holy name fires, but also, it has defeated Satan, wicked spirits, death, the Satanists families and hell’s torment from Canaan, so you may defeat your enemies in your homeland with your loved ones and friends, as well. Therefore, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, you will instantly get Isaac’s sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood filled with love, richness, victories against Satan, wicked spirits, death, Satanists families and hell’s torment along with other enemies that you may have—really: they have been defeated already forever for you.

Truthfully, Israel baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, then they will dress the sacred-flesh filled with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit’s victories against Satan, thus expelling not just only Satan, the angel of death along with the Satanists families throughout Canaan and Israel but also from the families of the nations around the world. That is why, that it was important for Satan and the angel of death to deceive Israel always with Satanists families through the generations so they will end in terrible holocausts, thus to stop the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers from becoming manifested in them, filling the entire earth with richness, glories and endless powers for our heavenly Father finally to descend into Canaan.

Therefore, with Israel baptized in water will grow with richness, glories and amazing powers from the oath sworn to Isaac enriching them powerfully but also the families of the nations, because it is in these powers that our heavenly Father with His entire kingdom will descend to stay in Canaan forever: living entirely joyful with His holy heart’s amazing love for us through eternity. Certainly, this is our heavenly Father’s glorious life granted unto us through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit already defeating your usual enemies throughout Canaan and the earth, moreover it has fulfilled the Ten Commandments of Israel and Moses thus honoring His holy name fires on every Sabbath rest with its annual holiness celebrated in Israel and in heaven’s glory as well.

For our heavenly Father needs you to understand that He has granted unto you His life eternal defeating your enemies forever but also it has pleased all truth and justice through eternity, so you may live with Him with His holy name fires nailed to the wood that is ancient Israel with the families of the nations saved from hell’s torment at last forever. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needs you to know that He had executed successfully all salvation work with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and Israel entirely: expiating, judging and covering your sins with lambs’ atoning-blood throughout the Sinai’s desert, assimilating hell’s torment, where you were destined to descend because of your sins, but finally He removed your sins with His own atoning-blood forever.

The reason that our heavenly Father had to remove your sins from you and your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, it was because Satan is attacking you in secret as He was attacked along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to take His holy name fires away from Him and the angelical kingdom into his sinful-life. Consequently, Satan along with the angel of death and the Satanists families has made it their business that you will always be covered with witchcraft through your days, thus blinding you never to see the powerful salvation work already accomplished within Canaan by His words, so you may live His eternal life that is filled with richness, powers and endless happiness through eternity.

Considering that, Satan will always move against you with his Satanists families to blind you with witchcraft at home, at your workplace and other places where you will normally visit, because he needs to steal, to kill and to destroy in your life until you finally die without ever knowing that you have great richness with your name tag on them forever, in Canaan. Really, whenever you may see something abnormal taking place around you and your loved ones, including your neighbors and friends from everywhere, then, this means that Satan with his fallen angels are secretly working to steal, to kill and to destroy everything that may lead you to the richness that you have already instore in Canaan thus you may enjoy them until kingdom comes.

Therefore, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name then you will exchange your sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where His personal life thrives with daily victories against Satan, the fallen angels, Satanists families and death, thus you may have always doors to your richness wide opened in Canaan. Otherwise, Satan will deceive you continually with his wicked spirits coming in secret around you, your loved, neighbors and friends just to keep you blind from ever knowing that you have already been blessed, enriched and empowered with great glories from heaven’s glory that are in Canaan, so you may enjoy them continually, but without Satan next to you through life.

Really, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness then you will receive His eternal life born in Canaan through David’s virgin daughter to defeat Satan and every wicked spirit along with any enemy menacing you and your loved ones throughout the earth, so you may have daily access to richness that belong to you and your loved ones in Canaan right now. Truly, Satan will always attack you and your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world with his wicked spirits, causing you to fail to know that Canaan’s daily richness rightfully belongs to you thus you may become greatly enriched in your homeland to receive our heavenly Father descending to live with us, forever loved by you with endless richness and never-ending happiness forever.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, because He was going to have His children born in Egypt’s captivity, assimilating hell’s torment, for four hundred years, thus to have His children reborn from the earth’s heart into His new earth, but without sin forever. In other words, our heavenly Father needed to have His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers later to be reborn from the earth’s heart, as from a barren-womb as well but healed by His amazing love for His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to return to paradise’s eternal life, and this is Canaan, His home-sweet-home.

For this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father was going to have His children return to His eternal life defeating His enemies, attacking His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit but also Adam and Eve until they got to you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, as from other religious beliefs to be saved finally. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit entering into her womb to heal it, thus turning it as holy as His holy heart is in His chest for Isaac to be born but also Jacob and the twelve patriarchs, because He was heading towards the earth’s heart.

Graciously, our heavenly Father needed to remove sin from the earth’s heart by His children born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, beginning with Isaac, so He may become reborn with them from Israel and the families of the nations from the past and the future, but reborn without sin and filled with eternal life, thus everyone becoming one with Him in Canaan. For this is our heavenly Father given us His holy-seed, His sacred-flesh, born from Him by the Holy Spirit’s powers from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac, to descend victorious over sin with the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily rituals and ceremonies having expiated, judged and covered sin to become reborn from the earth’s heart with His children to see life again through eternity.

Indeed, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His children born with the oath sworn to Isaac in Egypt’s captivity collecting everyone’s sin from the past and the future, as yours and mines as well, so they may take them to the Red Sea’s water baptism, abandoning them forever for His eternal life to thrive throughout the earth finally with you today. For our heavenly Father not only was baptizing ancient Israel and the families of the nations from the past and the future to remove sin from the entire human race forever into eternity, for His eternal life to thrive always powerfully with new richness, glories and powers, but also, He baptized the entire earth to become a new one from its heart into everlasting.

Given that, it is in our heavenly Father’s glorious life granted unto us from Israel and the families of the nations to become one with Him forever along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as the holy-seed that emerged from Him by the Holy Spirit’s powers, granting us richness from heaven above but also from Canaan and the new earth entirely. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to have had His holy-seed that had been born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac for Jacob and Israel to become His family upon earth filled with Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, He descended to the earth’s heart to turn hell’s gate into His holy-seed, the cross, with His children forever saved finally for His coming kingdom.

That is to say, that our heavenly Father with His holy-seed that is Isaac as His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood had not only become one with the entire house of Israel but also with the families of the nations from the past and the future, reborn from His holy-seed planted in Canaan as His tree of life and without any relation to sin forever. Besides that, our heavenly Father needed to remove sin from the earth’s heart, so He may become reborn with His children from Israel and the families of the nations to see life again in His holy-seed, but without any relationship to sin throughout His new earth, where His eternal life will flourish through eternity only conquering new richness, powers and everlasting-happiness with you.

Considering that, it is only here, where you will have become victorious against Satan, wicked spirits, death and hell’s torment along with other enemies only enjoying the great amazing joys of His holy heart that is under Canaan, as in the earth’s heart, so you may receive His unfailing-love towards you and your loved ones each day throughout the earth, starting now at home. Otherwise, you will always fail to know our heavenly Father’s unfailing love towards you and your loved ones, including your neighbors and friends throughout the families of the nations, because with His holy heart as close to you as in your chest forever, then you will never know His happiness, richness, powers and never-ending glories that He has always enjoy through eternity until now.

Timely, our heavenly Father told Abraham: you must be as perfect and holy as I am to enter eternal life, so you may know and live His unfailing-love continually that will fill His new earth with His eternal life, causing you to live filled with His ever-increasing love for you and your loved ones that will grow into more of His amazing love through eternity. For our heavenly Father’s new earth is a kingdom of His amazing-love for His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and His children, as from every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations thus to continue to grow in the amazing richness, powers and glories of His holy heart unseen until His kingdom may come upon earth finally.

Truthfully, for our heavenly Father was important to conquer the earth’s heart with His holy-seed that is Isaac as the entire house of Israel to become one with the families of the nations to see His eternal life through eternity, starting in Canaan, only to know endless-happiness that enriches His holy heart, making it very happiness as never before throughout coming endless eternity. Therefore, baptized in water, you may receive our heavenly Father’s eternal life lived always with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in heaven’s glory, then, He will live it with you and your loved ones, thus becoming the child that you were called to be before Him, and this is to love Him with oceans of love from the rock of salvation.

Understanding that, it is only here, where you may have finally found the everlasting-happiness of your heart that has become our heavenly Father’s holy heart in your chest, as you are baptized in water, because without it planted in your chest, then you will fail to know happiness much less you will know how to love your loved ones through your days until kingdom comes. This is our heavenly Father’s amazing earth, where you will live His unfailing-love for you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from everywhere, because He had this new earth hidden in His heart, where sin fails to exist: finally granting it to you baptized in water, so He may live forever loved by you and your entire family through eternity, starting now at home. Amen.

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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