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(IVÁN): CANAÁN es MIEL para la TIERRA entera hoy: ENRIQUECIÉNDOTE a TÍ y AMADOS cada día, y por siempre:

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May 29, 2020, 8:54:46 AM5/29/20
Sábado, 23 de Mayo, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

CANAÁN es MIEL para la TIERRA entera hoy: ENRIQUECIÉNDOTE a TÍ y AMADOS cada día, y por siempre:

Preocupado: Nuestro Padre celestial había descendido ya a la tierra para ver cómo se encontraban sus hijos, para conocer que ellos habían descendido al corazón de la tierra, muertos en sus pecados, clamando entre tormentos, y llamas violentas y con ángeles caídos atacándolos sin misericordia alguna, que lo único: que Él quería hacer, fue salvarlos a todos ellos inmediatamente. Sin embargo, para que nuestro Padre celestial los pueda empezar a salvarlos, entonces, Él tenía que tener a alguien ayudándole a Él con su obra salvadora, que Él necesitaba hacer inmediatamente, y así, Él ayudarlos a todos ellos, salvándolos finalmente de las llamas del infierno tormentoso, poniéndoles su paz en sus corazones para toda una eternidad entera.

Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial siempre había buscado a alguien en la gloria angelical que lo ayude a Él junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu para lograr su obra salvadora necesaria para descender y alcanzar a sus hijos, y así, Él mismo finalmente ayudarlos a escapar de sus terribles tormentos, que ya habían sufrido todos ellos por algunos siglos. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial no podía confiar en nadie en toda la gloria angelical para ejecutar toda la obra necesaria de salvación y descender al corazón de la tierra finalmente para ayudar sus hijos perdidos, clamando a Él, y así, Él mismo rescatarlos de poderes del pecado que los habían llevado allí, eternamente perdidos entre llamas violentas para siempre.

Buscando en la tierra, entonces, nuestro Padre celestial encontró a alguien para ayudarlo a Él a rescatar a sus hijos del infierno tormentoso, y este fue su siervo Abraham, creyendo en Él y en sus palabras vivas, por ende, ahora Él podía tener a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo entre familias de la tierra, ayudando a su Hijos diariamente, por poderes del Espíritu Santo. Ya que, el plan de salvación de nuestro Padre celestial fue para establecer su dulce hogar con una de las familias de la tierra, entonces, tener a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo entre ellos con su carne sagrada, sus huesos inquebrantables y su sangre expiatoria, ayudando así a sus hijos abandonar el infierno tormentoso con perfecta salvación en su cuerpo glorificado, para siempre.

Considerando que, la carne pecadora que cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña había recibido, naciendo en la tierra del vientre de sus madres, estaba infectada no solamente con el fruto prohibido, del árbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal, pero igualmente, del espíritu de error, en donde Satanás y sus ángeles caídos pueden destruirlos, y así, ellos desciendan al infierno eternamente perdidos. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial quería a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido por el Espíritu Santo con la carne sagrada y su sangre expiatoria, que sus hijos podían recibir no solamente para escapar del infierno, pero igualmente, ellos puedan regresar a vivir eternamente enriquecidos en la eternidad, y así, ellos vivan, conociendo y amando el amor infalible de su corazón santísimo hacia todos ellos.

Ya que, este es el cuerpo glorificado de su Hijo Jesucristo, que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba para destruir no solamente el pecado, pero igualmente a Satanás, sus ángeles caídos y la muerte, y así, Él salvar toda familia de las naciones junto con la tierra entera, porque Él la creó, como su dulce hogar, para vivir con sus hijos eternamente feliz con todos ellos. Entendiendo que, con este cuerpo glorificado que su Hijo Jesucristo introduciría en la humanidad entera, al nacer por el Espíritu Santo, será poderosamente fuerte no solamente para rescatar a sus hijos del infierno, pero igualmente, salvarlos a todos ellos grandemente, haciéndose uno con ellos, viviendo así eternamente amados por ellos en su dulce hogar en Canaán, y por toda la tierra también.

Ciertamente, solamente así nuestro Padre celestial lograría atraer a sus hijos de Israel y de las familias de las naciones hacia su reino de amor, que siempre fallara en existir en la carne pecadora de Adán y Eva, porque su nuevo reino únicamente acepta la carne sagrada y la sangre expiatoria de Isaac, para vivir su vida eterna, eternamente enriquecida con amor su eterno. Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, para que Él pueda establecer la carne sagrada y su sangre expiatoria en Canaán perpetuamente, y así, Él derramar su vida eterna junto con riquezas angelicales, creadas para sus hijos gozarlas por una eternidad entera con Él, su Hijo Jesucristo, su Espíritu Santo y sus huestes angelicales.

Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el Espíritu Santo, viviendo en su vida eterna junto con la roca de salvación: llena de océanos de amor, gozos, alegrías y riquezas insondables de la gloria celestial, trasladadas hacia las familias de las naciones, para convertir la tierra entera un reino asombroso y sempiterno. Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo, viviendo con Abraham y su familia, como Isaac, porque él no solamente podía vivir su vida eterna con ellos junto con cada riqueza de la gloria angelical: pero igualmente, Él podría asimismo vivir su vida eterna junto con su Espíritu Santo, gozando con ellos riquezas todas nuevas de su corazón santísimo jamás vistas antes.

Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba vivir con su Hijo Jesucristo, como Isaac, con Abraham y sus amados en riquezas asombrosas de su corazón santísimo, que Él estaba por derramar no solamente sobre Isaac, pero igualmente por todo Canaán, para que sus hijos de las familias de las naciones, renacidos por el bautismo en agua, las gocen en la carne de Isaac únicamente, siempre. Realmente, con su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac en la familia de Abraham, entonces, nuestro Padre celestial vivió con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las familias de las naciones su vida eterna, buscando pecados en ellos, pero Él no encontró ninguno jamás, porque en la carne de Isaac el pecado falla en existir por toda una eternidad entera.

Aquí es cuando. Nuestro Padre celestial descubrió, que su corazón santísimo se sintió complacido con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña por nacer en Israel y en las naciones, porque en la carne sagrada de Isaac, sus huesos inquebrantables y su sangre expiatoria Él pudo vivir con cada uno de ellos su vida eterna—únicamente para encontrarlos tan perfectos y santos, así como Él lo es perpetuamente. En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial con su Hijo Jesucristo viviendo en la familia de Abraham como Isaac, entonces, Él no solamente pudo vivir su vida eterna con sus hijos de Israel, pero igualmente con los de las naciones por una eternidad, regresando de la eternidad, únicamente para encontrarlos tan perfectos y santos, así como Él siempre lo ha sido en la gloria angelical eternamente.

Por eso, una vez que nuestro Padre celestial le había permitido a Abraham junto con sus amados, como Sarah y sus 318 hijos adoptados, que todos ellos vivan con su Hijo Jesucristo nacido entre ellos como Isaac, por el Espíritu Santo, entonces, Él lo llamó a ofrecerlo, como su unigénito Isaac, ofrenda encendida sobre el monte Sion, descansando sobre el monte Moriah. Amorosamente, nuestro Padre celestial llamó a Abraham a ofrecer a su unigénito Isaac, como una ofrenda encendida hacia Él, porque Abraham destinado estaba a ofrecer hacia Él y el cielo su amor infalible, aprendido a vivir junto con sus amados en la carne sagrada, porque Él necesitaba tener con Él en su reino, lo que Él había vivido ya con sus hijos, en Canaán.

En este día. Abraham ascendió hacia el monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el monte Moriah, ofreciendo su amor asombroso, descubierto en su hijo Isaac, que nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Espíritu Santo habían también descubierto y gozado por sus días en Canaán, que Él quería seguirlo teniendo con Él, descubriéndolo y gozándolo mucho más que antes, pero en la gloria angelical, y para siempre. Verdaderamente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a Abraham con Isaac, como su ofrenda encendida hacia Él en el cielo, y así, Él no solamente recibirlo, como su siervo Abraham, declarado “Justo eternamente” por Él mismo ya en Canaán, pero igualmente, recibir su vida eterna vivida ya por Él con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y familias de las naciones.

Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el Espíritu Santo, para Él no solamente establecer su carne sagrada, como el cuerpo glorificado para cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las naciones, pero igualmente, Él tenia que haber vivido ya su misma vida eterna con ellos, en Canaán. Puesto que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba vivir con Abraham y con su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac, y así, Él mismo vivir su vida eterna con sus hijos prometidos por nacerles a Abraham por generaciones venideras, pero igualmente, Él necesitaba vivirla con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña que ya yacían en el infierno tormentoso junto con sus hijos viviendo en generaciones futuras.

Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba asegurarse que no iba haber ningún problema de pecado con sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones, y la única manera posible para saberlo, fue vivir con ellos en la carne sagrada de Isaac por una eternidad, y regresar de la eternidad—sabiendo que ellos vivirán con Él en Canaán en cada día eterno en perfecta santidad eterna. Definitivamente, fue importante para Israel y las naciones renacer en el bautismo en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, y así, ellos abandonen la carne pecadora y el espíritu de error por la carne sagrada y el Espíritu Santo: integrándose así a la carne sagrada de Isaac, en donde ellos ya han sido bendecidos para siempre.

Además, ellos están llamados a participar del pan y vino, sentados a su mesa del comedor de sus hogares, para comer con nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo del maná del cielo, servido constantemente en Canaán a la carne sagrada de Isaac en cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña, viviendo así ya su misma vida eterna en ellos, eternamente enriquecida. Entendiendo que, es importante para cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las naciones alimentar la carne de Isaac y su sangre expiatoria con pan y vino de Canaán, recibidos únicamente en el bautismo en agua al invocar la perfecta santidad de su nombre, y así, ellos vivan su vida eterna ya en Canaán, como ahora mismo, eternamente enriquecida, como siempre.

Tomando en cuenta: que nuestro Padre celestial teniéndote a ti junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, consumiendo con Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo: pan y vino, que Él mismo comió inicialmente con Abraham, entonces, tú estarás bendiciendo tu hogar, tu país natal y familias con perfectas riquezas del cielo, que te pertenecen a ti en Canaán ya en estos días. Es decir, que nuestro Padre celestial ya a bendecido, y grandemente enriquecido, a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña no solamente de Israel y de las naciones yaciendo en el infierno tormentoso junto con sus hijos viviendo en generaciones vendieras, pero han fallado todos ellos en conocer esta verdad, porque Satanás con sus satanistas está bloqueándolas, visto que riquezas tuyas son en Canaán ahora mismo.

Esto significa, que cuando tú ves familias de naciones, además de tu tierra natal, sufriendo diariamente necesidades de agua, comida, medicina y otros elementos importantes y necesarios para vivir diariamente, entonces, es porque Satanás junto con sus satanistas está bloqueando cada bendición, riqueza junto con amor, gozos, alegrías y dulzuras insondables, entregadas ya por nuestro Padre celestial abundantemente para gozarlas desde Canaán, y para siempre. Visto que, no es la voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial tener a sus hijos de Israel y de las naciones sufriendo necesidades de elementos esenciales para vivir diariamente complacidos, entonces: esto significa, que Satanás con sus satanistas bloquea bendiciones de Canaán junto con grandes riquezas que proveerán toda necesidad humana instantáneamente, para que todos vivan una vida normal por toda la tierra, siempre.

Por eso, tú quizá estarás sufriendo personalmente ciertas necesidades no solamente de agua, comida o otras bendiciones esenciales, incluyendo amor, gozo, paz, dulzura, prosperidad y felicidades para que tu familia florezca con dulzura cotidiana de Canaán y sus riquezas, haciendo que tú falles en crecer en la perfecta voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial en la tierra, porque Satanás te quiere pobre, enfermo y muerto. Evidentemente, tinieblas, males y cosas que se hacen mal estarán desarrollándose en las naciones, porque Israel ha sido el primero en sufrir estos males destructores de Satanás y de sus familias satanistas, que están haciendo brujerías en Canaán, declarando a Satanás mesías ya, por ende, no solamente Israel es engañado con brujerías cotidianas, fraudes y hechicerías, pero igualmente las familias—como tu familia ahora mismo.

Verdaderamente, Israel bautizado, invocando al Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, entonces, abandonara la carne pecadora y el espíritu de error, en donde Satanás y sus familias satanistas obran en contra de familias Israelitas y judías, finalmente escapando todo mal con la carne sagrada y el Espíritu Santo, en donde nuestro Padre celestial logra perfecta santidad con sus hijos continuamente. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial siempre ha necesitado a todo Israel bautizado, porque bautizados en agua, entonces, ellos habrán regresado a la carne sagrada de Isaac y su sangre expiatoria, en donde Él ya los ha bendecido con grandes riquezas de la gloria angelical, riquezas de la tierra y riquezas de debajo de las aguas de la tierra, enriqueciendo así la tierra entera fuertemente siempre.

Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial no puede solamente bendecir las naciones con riquezas ya derramadas sobre la carne sagrada de Isaac, derrotando a Satanás y sus ángeles caídos y la muerte, pero igualmente, Él puede crecer entre ellos, como el Dios Todopoderoso, que Él siempre ha sido en la gloria celestial por sus ángeles y, ahora, Él necesita manifestarse así, como tal, en Canaán. Ciertamente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener a todo Israel bautizado en agua, invocándolo a Él, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, y así, Él manifestarse a sí mismo entre ellos, como Él es conocido en la gloria celestial por huestes angelicales, como el Dios Todopoderoso y con grandezas, glorias, riquezas y su amor infalible por sus hijos.

Ciertamente, al nuestro Padre celestial crecer en Israel, por poderes del Juramento a Isaac, entonces, Él se manifestará a sí mismo en su grandeza enteramente: como Isaac se manifestó a Abraham y su familia, luego nuevamente se manifestó, como Hijo y salvador de Israel, empero, ahora Él (el Padre) necesita manifestarse a Israel, como el Dios Todopoderoso y su gracia infinita—bendiciendo las naciones siempre. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesita ser conocido por cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las naciones, así como Él es realmente conocido enteramente por sus huestes angelicales del cielo, y así, Él enriquecer a sus hijos con su asombrosa gracia y riquezas insondables, glorias y honores de santidades nunca tocatas antes por Lucifer ni por sus ángeles caídos hasta hoy.

Pensándolo, cuidadosamente, nuestro Padre celestial le ha entregado a Israel y las familias de las naciones, bendiciones, que Él jamás se las otorgó a ninguna hueste angelical, y estas son bendiciones, riquezas junto con glorias que Lucifer y sus ángeles caídos no conocerán jamás, encendiendo a Canaán en dulzura eterna para la tierra entera, endulzándola siempre más y más, hacia la eternidad venidera. Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial le permitió a Abraham heredar junto con sus hijos prometidos una tierra, como la más hermosa de la tierra, que no existe otra igual en la Creación, fluyendo leche y miel eventualmente, porque Él está por descender a vivir con su santo nombre fuegos: amado, alabado y exaltado para siempre en la humanidad entera por sus hijos.

Por lo tanto, nuestro Padre celestial había entregado a Abraham y a sus hijos, que no solamente eran los prometidos a Israel viviendo en generaciones futuras, pero igualmente, a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de las familias de las naciones, bendecidos ya por Él en su carne sagrada, y así, ellos puedan vivir enteramente enriquecidos en sus países natales, como en estos días. Dado que, Canaán es una tierra hermosa con riquezas insondables, que Lucifer junto con sus ángeles caídos ha fallado en tocarlas, mucho menos conocerlos hasta hoy, porque están escondidas por poderes del Juramento a Isaac en Canaán, pero únicamente pueden ser manifestadas a Israel y a toda la tierra, cuando todos estén bautizados y vestidos de la carne sagrada de Isaac.

Comprobado: Nuestro Padre celestial ha derrotado a Satanás y sus mentiras junto con ángeles caídos, pobreza y muerte en la carne sagrada de Isaac y su sangre expiatoria, llena de vida eterna de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel, y pueden hoy recibirla instantáneamente junto con las familias de las naciones, bautizados en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre. Realmente, cuando cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña son bautizados en agua, invocando su perfecta santidad, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, entonces, ellos habrán abandonado la carne pecadora que Satanás, pobreza y ángeles caídos conocen para derrotarlos continuamente, para recibir la carne sagrada, en donde Satanás es derrotado con su pobreza y muerte en Canaán para las naciones.

En otras palabras, cada uno de Israel y de las naciones fallando siempre en bautizarse en bañeras de sus hogares, entonces, ellos estarán en la carne pecadora que Satanás, pobreza y muerte conocen para derrotarlos progresivamente y fácilmente, sin embargo, bautizados ya, entonces, ellos recibirán la carne sagrada: en donde el Padre derrota cada maldad siempre con grandes resultados: riquezas y victorias para todos. Consiguientemente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el Espíritu Santo, y así, tú obtengas la carne sagrada y la sangre expiatoria, viviendo tú mismo una vida gloriosa, en la que Él ya te ha bendecido con riquezas de la gloria angelical, conociendo siempre amor, paz, prosperidad y riquezas interminables con tus amados.

Amorosamente, el Hijo amado de nuestro Padre celestial nació como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, entonces, él vivió su vida eterna, como él siempre la vivió con Él y con su Espíritu Santo junto con huestes angelicales en la gloria celestial y sin jamás ir a ninguna otra nación, porque él necesitaba mantenerse santo y perfecto por ti y los tuyos en Canaán. Realmente, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, nacido como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el Espíritu Santo, entonces, él se quedó con Abraham y sus amados: viviendo la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial victoriosa siempre en contra de Satanás y la muerte en Canaán, para que tú tengas su carne sagrada hoy victoriosa sobre toda artimaña de Satanás, pobreza, enfermedad y muerte para siempre.

Es decir, que nuestro Señor Jesucristo viviendo como Isaac en el hogar de Abraham, entonces, él vivió la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial con riquezas de la gloria celestial, para que tú las recibas todas ellas instantáneamente en Canaán, cuando tú eres bautizado en agua, viviéndola enteramente con sus riquezas insondables junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, empezando ahora mismo. Sin duda, igualmente que nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por poderes del Espíritu Santo, para que él viva su vida eterna, que Él ya te la entregado a ti enteramente con sus riquezas, poderes y glorias del cielo arriba, entonces, así tú puedas vivir/gozar riquezas hoy en la tierra, pero bautizado primero.

Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial jamás ve si tú eres musulmán, budista, cristiano, judío o de alguna religión, porque en la carne sagrada de Isaac y su sangre expiatoria, como su Hijo Jesucristo nacido de la hija virgen de David, entonces, Él ya removió el pecado del mundo entero, y así, tú vivas diariamente su vida eterna con su bendición, poderes y riquezas interminables. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial ha reconocido con bendiciones a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las naciones, para que ellos vivan su vida eterna en la carne sagrada de Isaac, gozando diariamente grandezas de su vida eterna y sus riquezas, poderes y bendiciones insondables, entendiendo que, Él necesita enriquecer la tierra entera con glorias interminables por una eternidad, empezando contigo.

Sin embargo, Lucifer junto con sus ángeles caídos está siempre opuesto hacia nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo, su Espíritu Santo y sus huestes angelicales, así como inicialmente lo hizo él en la gloria angelical, rebelándose en contra de su santo nombre fuegos, para jamás honrarlo apropiadamente por toda la Creación, bloqueando así bendiciones y riquezas de Canaán, empobreciendo, devastando la tierra entera siempre. Puesto que, nuestro Padre celestial ya no solamente ha enriquecido la tierra entera con el Juramento a Isaac, como su corazón santísimo derramado sobre Isaac yaciendo sobre el madero del monte santo de Jerusalén, descansado sobre el Moriah, pero igualmente, Él ha bendecido a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las naciones—y esto eres tú enriquecido eternamente, hora mismo.

Esto significa, que nuestro Padre celestial ya te ha bendecido grandemente junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo con poderes cotidianos del Juramento a Isaac, que su corazón santísimo derramó sobre él yaciendo sobre el madero del monte santo de Jerusalén, en Canaán, para que tú vivas una vida gloriosa ahora, encaminada siempre hacia la gloria celestial, eternamente bendecido, enriquecido y salvado. Conforme: a la perfecta voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial por ti, tus amados, vecinas y amistades, es que tú goces riquezas de su corazón asombroso, que jamás ha cesado de amarte a ti, a pesar de tus pecados, porque tú has nacido de su vida eterna y de su amor infalible para vivir eternamente enriquecido en la gloria celestial—pero empezando en Canaán diariamente.

Presentemente, nuestro Padre celestial ha logrado lo necesario con grandes poderes del Juramento a Isaac, que Él derramó sobre su altar de Abraham e Isaac, pero igualmente por todo Canaán, y así, Él tenerte a ti regresando a su vida eterna, bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, enriqueciéndote a ti cada día y hasta que su reino venga al mundo. Por eso, Lucifer junto con sus ángeles caídos y la muerte te odian, porque el corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial te ama sobre todo entendimiento humano, y va buscando siempre nuevas formas de bendecirte con poderosas riquezas cotidianas del cielo arriba, y así, tú jamás tengas falta de ningún bien en esta vida, sino que siempre tú tengas abundancias de todo.

Persistentemente, Lucifer junto con sus ángeles caídos te odiara a ti no solamente porque tú naciste de la imagen de nuestro Padre celestial para vivir conforme a semejanza de Hijo Jesucristo, como su carne sagrada y su sangre expiatoria, llena de vida eterna y riquezas asombrosas, pero igualmente, porque tú eres el gozo infinito de su corazón santísimo, conociendo únicamente: amor, paz y dulzura interminable. Ahora, nuestro Padre celestial necesita enriquecer a Israel grandemente y sobre las naciones, porque Él desciende a ellos, para vivir su vida eterna, que Él ya se las ha entregado a ellos y a las familias de las naciones, pero, ellos necesitan ser enriquecidos por riquezas de Canaán, que ya están allí para que sean manifestadas, cuando Canaán sea liberado finalmente del satanismo.

Entendiendo que, es Satanás con sus maldades logrando que Canaán no fluya leche y miel para enriquecer a Israel y su santo nombre fuegos con honores interminables, poderes y glorias nunca antes tocadas por el pecado hasta hoy—por ende, Canaán necesita bendecir grandemente las familias de las naciones hasta que nuestro Padre celestial desciende: quedándose en tierra santa con todos nosotros para siempre. Históricamente, nuestro Padre celestial ha bendecido a Israel con riquezas, que no son solamente leche y miel junto con riquezas ya conocidas por el hombre, como oro y plata, pero igualmente, Él hace que Canaán fluya con sabiduría, poderes, inteligencia, consejo y conocimiento de Él, y así, las naciones se tornen de tinieblas a su luz brillante y con perfecta santidad en ellos perpetuamente.

Positivamente, es la presencia de Satanás y de sus familias satanistas ejecutando brujerías continuamente no solamente en contra de Israel y de familias judías, pero igualmente, ellos ennegrecen la mente, corazón, alma, cuerpo y espíritu humano de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de las familias de las naciones: logrando así que ellos fallen en recibir sus bendiciones cotidianas de Canaán, como mencionadas antes. Poderosas bendiciones, que nuestro Padre celestial ha entregado no solamente a Israel, porque ellos han sido confiados con su santo nombre fuegos, algo jamás antes hecho con ángeles ni menos con el hombre, además, Él les ha entregado su dulce hogar, fluyendo leche y miel para vivir eternamente amado, bendecido y poderosamente enriquecido, pero igualmente, la tierra entera ha sido enriquecida ya con riquezas insondables.

Es decir, también que tú ya has sido bendecido con riquezas interminables, enriqueciendo a Israel y la tierra entera contigo, y así, tú vivas una vida gloriosa con tus amados, vecinos y amistades de todas partes, porque Él te necesita bendiciendo su santo nombre fuegos desde tu hogar, enriquecido con riquezas cananeas diariamente y hasta que su reino finalmente venga al mundo. Actualmente, tú estás supuesto a ser enriquecido cada día de tu vida, como la voluntad perfecta de nuestro Padre celestial para contigo por amor a su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, porque ellos ya han derrotado a Satanás, los ángeles caídos, pobreza y muerte en Canaán por ti, y así, tú seas realmente su pueblo, fama, gloria y honor siempre para su santo nombre.

Realmente, abatido por Satanás y sus secuaces, porque tú eres robado, muerto y destruido, perdiendo lo ganado en tu vida con tus esfuerzos, y ayudado siempre por nuestro Padre celestial por amor a su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Espíritu Santo, entonces, su santo nombre fuegos no es honrado por ti, porque tú estarás en la carne pecadora, en donde Satanás te roba siempre. Comprobado que, nuestro Padre celestial es solamente honrado, cuando tú eres bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo: abandonando la carne pecadora y el espíritu de error por la carne sagrada y el Espíritu Santo, en donde Satanás ha sido derrotado ya junto con la muerte, para que tú seas su gloria universal siempre.

Además, tú debes comer del pan y vino con Él en el comedor de tu hogar, porque tú fuiste bautizado, facultado con riquezas interminables en su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el Espíritu Santo, y así, tú tengas un cuerpo glorificado para vivir la vida eterna en la tierra y en la gloria celestial: enriquecido y amado siempre. Ciertamente, al nuestro Padre celestial participar con Abraham del pan y vino, sirviéndolo su Hijo Jesucristo de su Mesa santa para ángeles, entonces, él necesitaba también servirlo a Abraham y a los demás, para que él (Jesucristo) nazca como Isaac en su familia, derrotando a Satanás, pecados, pobreza, infierno y la muerte por amor a sus hermanos y hermanas—tocándote a ti hoy poderosamente.

Alimentándote del pan y vino con nuestro Padre celestial es algo hecho cada vez que tú te sientas al comedor de tu casa junto con tus amados y amistades, porque así es cómo Él participó de su comida con Abraham, para que su Hijo Jesucristo nazca como Isaac en su familia, y así, tú tengas tus hijos nacidos como Isaac, como ángeles santísimos siempre. Francamente, cuando Abraham participó con nuestro Padre celestial del pan y vino de su Mesa santa, servida por su Hijo Jesucristo siempre, entonces, él comió para tener a su Hijo amado naciendo como Isaac, y así, tú tengas tus hijos naciéndote a ti también, como ángeles santísimos, porque ellos nacerán con la carne sagrada de Isaac en poderes del Juramento a Isaac.

En otras palabras, así como Abraham tuvo el Hijo amado de nuestro Padre celestial naciendo como Isaac en su familia, entonces, él fue conocido en la historia de Israel, como el ángel del SEÑOR, porque visitaba con frecuencia siempre a los israelitas en sus campos, por ende, él era muy conocido por ellos—entonces, tú tendrás también tus hijos naciendo como ángeles santos. Considerando que, después que Lucifer se rebeló en contra de nuestro Padre celestial, intentando controlar su santo nombre fuegos, entonces, Él necesitaba reemplazar a sus ángeles perdidos en la rebelión angelical, que Él los vio naciendo de sus hijos, como Adán y Eva, porque ellos pueden nacer en perfecta santidad de sus padres en sus millares, llenando la tierra con nuevas perfectas glorias interminables.

Por lo tanto, entendiendo Lucifer que nuestro Padre celestial obtendría eventualmente a sus ángeles perdidos a él en su rebelión angelical, que él empezó en contra de su santo nombre fuegos, reemplazándolos con unos nuevos, cuando sus hijos, como Adán y Eva, diera a luz a ellos en perfecta santidad eterna, entonces, él tuvo a Eva, comiendo del fruto prohibido, para que pequen todos. Encubiertamente, la idea de Lucifer fue, que los ángeles santos que nuestro Padre celestial iba a tener formándose de sus hijos, como Adán y Eva, entonces, él podía tenerlos a ellos naciendo para él y sus ángeles caídos y la muerte, al darle de comer del fruto prohibido a Adán y Eva, y así, él tener un reino de tinieblas aun mayor del esperado.

Es decir, que Lucifer no solamente logró engañar a Eva junto con Adán y sus hijos para que nuestro Padre celestial falle en tener a sus hijos naciendo como ángeles santos en sus millares, reemplazando los perdidos en la rebelión angelical de Lucifer en contra de su santo nombre fuegos, pero igualmente, el nacimiento de su gran reino había llegado a detenerse momentáneamente, inesperadamente. Por lo tanto, con Israel bautizado en agua, invocando la perfecta santidad de su nombre, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, entonces, Él podrá tener a sus hijos naciendo de las familias hebreas, como sus ángeles santísimos en sus millares, porque Él los necesita para hacer grandes obras por toda la tierra, y por una eternidad entera.

Realmente, esto es verdad también para todas las familias de las naciones, porque bautizados en agua al invocar la santidad perfecta de su santo nombre, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, entonces, sus hijos nacerán, como sus ángeles santísimos, en poderes del Juramento a Isaac, como cuando Isaac nació como ángel santo y cordero de Abraham en su familia. Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial ya te ha bendecido a ti con extraordinarias riquezas del cielo arriba, que esperan por ti en Canaán ahora mismo, pero tú solamente puedes acceder a ellas cada día, cuando tú estés bautizado en agua, de lo contrario, Satanás y sus satanistas las continuaran bloqueando, como siempre, y tú continuaras fallando en obtenerlas para ti y para tus amados.

Por eso, siempre que tú ves a alguien sufriendo la necesidad de cosas, esenciales para sostener sus vidas en tu derredor, entonces, esta persona ya ha sido bendecida en la carne sagrada y la sangre expiatoria de Isaac con grandes riquezas asombrosas, que Satanás con sus satanistas han bloqueado por años, y así, ellos jamás conozcan que ya han sido bendecidos para siempre. Canaán liberado del satanismo, que está siempre haciendo brujerías en contra de familias israelitas y judías igualmente, entonces, riquezas que han estado escondidas en Canaán por generaciones, como leche y miel junto bendiciones importantes, como amor, paz, prosperidad, sabiduría, inteligencia, poderes y riquezas insondables con felicidades profundas del corazón, fluirán libremente por la tierra entera—enriqueciendo cada nación con conocimiento del SEÑOR, siempre.

A tiempo, nuestro Padre celestial descendió a Canaán para bendecir a Abraham, pero igualmente, bendecirte a ti con la carne sagrada y la sangre expiatoria de Isaac, entregándote a ti riquezas asombrosas, que tú necesitaras para gozarlas con tus amados en tu país natal, encaminado siempre hacia la gloria eterna, conociendo únicamente: amor, paz y riquezas interminables—porque tu corazón será siempre su dulce hogar. Por todo esto: nuestro Padre celestial te ha otorgado su vida eterna enteramente a ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades de todas partes, para gozarlas cada día en la tierra, porque es una vida asombrosa, como su corazón santísimo, así de igual: amándote a ti sin cesar de amarte por ninguna razón por una eternidad entera, empezando ahora mismo contigo—tú bautizado en agua ya. ¡Amén!


Concerned: Our heavenly Father had descended to the earth to see how well His children were doing, to find out that they were descending to the heart of the earth, dying in their sins, crying in the midst of torment, raging flames and fallen angels attacking them that the only thing He wanted to do, it was to save them immediately. However, for our heavenly Father to begin to save them, then, He had to have had someone helping Him with the salvation work that He needed to have immediately, so He may be able to get to them thus to save them finally from the raging flames of hell’s torment, so they may finally have peace in their hearts through eternity.

For our heavenly Father had always been searching for someone in heaven’s glory to help Him along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to do the salvation work necessary thus to descend and reach-out to His children, so He may finally be able to help them escape their terrible torments that they had been suffering for years already. Certainly, our heavenly Father could not trust anyone in heaven’s glory to do all the necessary salvation work to descend to the heart of the earth finally to help His children that were crying out to Him, so He may be able to rescue them from the powers of sin that had taken them there forever lost into the midst of the raging flames.

Searching the earth, then, our heavenly Father found someone willing to help Him rescue His children from hell’s torment, and this was His servant Abraham believing in Him and His living-words, and so, now He could have His Son Jesus Christ born in the midst of the families of the earth to help His children every day, by the Holy Spirit’s powers. For our heavenly Father’s plan of salvation was to establish His home-sweet-home with one of the families of the earth, then, have His Son Jesus Christ born in the midst of them with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that will be able finally to rescue His children to abandon hell’s torment with a perfect salvation in His chosen glorified-body.

Considering that, the sinful-flesh that every man, woman and child had received born on earth from their mother’s womb was infected not only with the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but also, it had the spirit of error, where Satan and fallen angels can destroy them thus to have them descend into hell’s fire forever lost. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born by His Holy Spirit’s powers with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood that His children could receive not only to escape hell’s fire, but also, they can return to life forever blessed into eternity thus they may always live, know and cherish His holy heart amazing unfailing-love for them.

For this is the glorified-body from His Son Jesus Christ that our heavenly Father needed to destroy not only sin but also Satan and the fallen angels along with death, so He may save the families of the nations along with the entire earth, since He has created it as His home-sweet-home to live with His children through coming eternity forever delighted. Understanding that, with this glorified-body that His Son Jesus Christ will introduce into the earth by been born by the Holy Spirit will be powerful enough not only to rescue His children from hell’s torment but also save them powerfully by becoming one with Him, thus to live with them forever loved in His home-sweet-home in Canaan and through the entire earth.

Certainly, this was the only way that our heavenly Father will be able to bring His children from Israel and the families of the nations into His kingdom of love that will always fail to exist in the sinful-flesh of Adam and Eve, because His new earth only recognizes Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to live His eternal life forever enriched with love. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, so He may establish His Son’s sacred-flesh and atoning-blood in Canaan forever, so He may pour His entire eternal life along with every richness from heaven’s glory created for His children to enjoy throughout eternity along with Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts.

Definitely, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, living His eternal life along with the rock of salvation: filled with oceans of love, joys, happiness and endless richness from heaven’s glory transferred into the families of the nations endlessly thus to turn the earth into His amazing glorious kingdom of endless-love forever. Considering that, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ living with Abraham and his family as Isaac, because he will not only be able to live His eternal life with them along with every richness from heaven’s glory: but also, He will be able to live along with the Holy Spirit enjoying with them His holy heart’s amazing new richness unseen before.

Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to live with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac with Abraham and his loved ones His amazing holy heart’s richness that He was about to pour not only upon Isaac but also throughout Canaan for His children from the families of the nations to become reborn through water baptism to enjoy them with Isaac’s sacred-flesh only, starting now. Therefore, through His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac in Abraham’s family then our heavenly Father along with the Holy Spirit was able to live with every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations His eternal life thus to see if He will find sin, but He found none, because in Isaac’s sacred-flesh sin fails to exist throughout eternity.

This is when, our heavenly Father discovered that His holy heart was pleased with every man, woman and child to be born from Israel and the nations, because in Isaac’s sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood He was able to live with each of them His entire eternal life—only to find them as perfect and holy as He is forever. In other words, our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ living in Abraham’s family as Isaac, then, He was not only able to live His eternal life with His children from Israel but also from the nations by going through eternity and back again only to find them as perfect and holy as He has always been in heaven’s glory forever.

That is why, that once our heavenly Father had allowed Abraham along with his loved ones, as Sarah and his 318 adoptive children that had lived with Son Jesus Christ born in the midst of them as Isaac by the Holy Spirit, then, he called him to offer his only beloved son Isaac at Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at mount Moriah. For our heavenly Father called Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering unto Him in heaven’s glory, because Abraham was to offer unto Him in His angelical kingdom the unfailing-love that he had learned to live along with his loved ones in the sacred-flesh, because He needed to have with Him in heaven what He had lived in Canaan already.

On this day, Abraham ascended to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at mount Moriah, to offer his amazing love discovered in his son Isaac that our heavenly Father along with the Holy Spirit had also discovered and enjoyed throughout their days in Canaan that now He wanted to continue to have, discover and enjoy it much more than before, but in heaven’s glory forever. Surely, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham with Isaac as his burnt offering unto Him in heaven’s glory, so He may not only receive him, as His servant Abraham declared “Just forever” by Him already, but also, receive His eternal life lived by Him already with every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations.

Understanding that, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, so He may not only establish His sacred-flesh as the glorified body for every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, but also, He had to have had lived already His eternal life with them in Canaan. For our heavenly Father needed to live with Abraham and His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac, so He may live His eternal life with the promised children to be born to him through coming generations, but also, He needed to live it with every man, woman and child that were already lying in hell’s torment along with their children living in future generations.

For our heavenly Father needed to ensure that there was not going to be any sin problem with His children from Israel and the families of the nations, and the only way possible to know, it was to live with them in Isaac’s sacred-flesh through eternity and back—to find that they will live with Him in Canaan through eternity in perfect holiness forever. Therefore, it is important for Israel and the families of the nations to become reborn from water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so they may abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit to enter Isaac’s flesh, where they are blessed already everlastingly.

Moreover, they are also called to eat the bread and wine every day sitting at their home’s diner table, so they may eat with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit from heaven’s manna, served daily in Canaan to Isaac’s sacred-flesh in every man, woman and child thus to live His eternal life in them forever enriched. Understanding that, it is important for every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations to feed Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood with Canaan’s bread and wine that they may have received baptized in water by invoking His holy name fires’ perfect holiness, so they may live His eternal life in Canaan these days forever enriched already.

Take into account, by our heavenly Father having you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends eating with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: the bread and wine that He ate initially with Abraham, then, you will be blessing your home, your homeland and families with perfect richness from heaven’s glory, belonging to you in Canaan already these days. That is to say, that our heavenly Father has already blessed and greatly enriched every man, woman and child not only from the house of Israel and the families of the nations lying in hell’s torment along with the children living in future generations, but they have failed to know this truth, because Satan along with Satanism is blocking Canaan’s richness until now.

Meaning that, if you see people from around the world, besides your homeland, daily suffering the lack of water, food, medicine and other important elements needed for daily living, then, it is because Satan along with Satanism is blocking every blessing, richness along with love, joy, happiness and endless sweetness that our heavenly Father has already granted unto them to enjoy from Canaan. For it is not our heavenly Father’s will to have His children from Israel and the families of the nations suffering the need of materials needed to live normally satisfied upon earth, then, this means that Satan with Satanism is blocking Canaan’s blessing along with great richness that will provide everyone’s need instantly to live a normal life throughout the earth these days.

That is why, that you may be suffering personally certain needs not only of water, food and other daily essential blessings, including love, joy, peace, sweetness, prosperity and happiness for your family to thrive with Canaan’s daily sweetness and richness thus causing you to fail to grow in our heavenly Father’s perfect will throughout the earth, because Satanism wants you poor, sick and dead. Evidently, darkness, wickedness and wrongdoing are thriving throughout the families of the nations, because Israel has been the first one to suffer these destructive evils from Satan and his Satanist families that are always doing witchcraft in Canaan, by declaring Satan the messiah already, and so, not only Israel is deceived with their daily evils, falsehood and witchcraft but also the families of the nations.

Therefore, Israel baptized in water by invoking His perfect holiness, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, then, they will abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error, where Satan and Satanism families work against them as Israelis and Jewish, finally escaping evil with Isaac’s sacred-flesh and His Holy Spirit, where He works perfect holiness with them continually. Provided that, our heavenly Father has always needed Israel baptized in water, because by been baptized in water, then they have returned to Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood from which He has blessed them already with powerful richness from heaven’s glory, from the earth and from under the waters of the earth thus to enrich the earth powerfully nowadays and forever.

For our heavenly Father cannot only bless the families of the nations with the richness already poured upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh, defeating Satan and the fallen angels along with death, but also, He can now grow with them as God Almighty that He is forever in heaven’s glory for the angelical hosts, and so, now He needs to manifest Himself as such throughout Canaan. Certainly, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Israel baptized in water by invoking Him, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, so He may manifest Himself lastly as He truly is known in heaven’s glory by the angelical hosts as God Almighty with all His greatness, glories, richness and never-ending love for His children.

Surely, by our heavenly Father growing within Israel by the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, then, He will manifest Himself in His greatness entirely: as Isaac manifested himself to Abraham and family, later to manifest himself again as His only Son and savior to Israel, however, now He needs to manifest Himself to Israel as God Almighty with amazing grace—blessing all nations forever. Really, our heavenly Father needs to be known upon earth by every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations as He is truly known entirely by the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory, so He may enrich His children with His amazing grace of endless-richness, glories and honors of eternal sanctities untouched by Lucifer and his fallen angels until now.

Think about carefully, our heavenly Father has granted unto Israel and the families of the nations, blessings that He has never granted unto His angelical hosts, and these are blessings, richness along with glories that Lucifer and the fallen angels have failed to know until now that will turn Canaan into eternal sweetness for the entire earth well into all eternity to come. Understanding that, our heavenly Father granted Abraham to inherit along with his promised children a land that is the most beautiful one upon the entire earth that is no other similar to it through Creation, flowing with milk and honey eventually, because He is descending to live with His holy name fires: loved, worshipped and exalted forever throughout the earth by His children.

Therefore, our heavenly Father had granted unto Abraham and his children that are not only the promised children to Israel living through the coming generations, but also, his children are from every man, woman and child from the families of the nations blessed already by Him through Isaac’s sacred-flesh thus they may live entirely enriched in their homelands these days. Given that, Canaan is a beautiful land with endless richness that Lucifer along with the angelical hosts had failed to touch much less know until now, because they are hidden within the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers in Canaan, but only they can become manifested to Israel and the entire earth when everyone is baptized and dressed with Isaac’s sacred-flesh.

For our heavenly Father has defeated Satan and his lies along with the fallen angels, poverty and death with Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood that is filled with His eternal life that every man, woman and child from Israel may receive along with the families of the nations as they may become baptized in water, by invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness. Therefore, as every man, woman and child are baptized in water by invoking His perfect holiness, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, then, they will abandon the sinful-flesh that Satan, poverty and demons know how to defeat them continually, to receive the sacred-flesh, where Satan is defeated with poverty and death throughout Canaan for the nations.

In other words, everyone from Israel and the nations failing to become baptized in water at their home’s bathtubs, then, they will remain in the sinful-flesh that Satan, poverty and death know how to defeat them progressively with ease, however, everyone baptized already, then, they will receive the sacred-flesh: where the Father defeats evil always with great results, richness and victories for you. Consequently, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so you may have His sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood for you to live a life that He has already blessed you with endless-richness from heaven’s glory thus always to know only love, peace, prosperity and endless happiness with loved ones.

Graciously, our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, then, he lived His eternal life as he has always lived it with Him and the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory without ever going to any other country on earth, because he needed to remain perfect and holy for you and your loved ones in Canaan. For our Lord Jesus Christ, as he was born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, then, he stayed with Abraham and his loved ones to live our heavenly Father’s eternal life victorious always against Satan, fallen angels and death in Canaan, so you may have his sacred-flesh these days victorious as always from Satan’s wilds, poverty and death forever.

That is to say, that our Lord Jesus Christ living as Isaac in Abraham’s household, then, he lived our heavenly Father’s eternal life with all its richness from heaven’s glory, so you may receive them instantly in Canaan, as you are reborn from water baptism to live eternal life with its endless richness with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, starting now. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so he may live His eternal life that He has already granted unto you entirely with all the richness, powers and glories from heaven above, then, you may live/enjoy great richness nowadays upon earth, baptized in water only.

For our heavenly Father is not looking ever if you are a Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish or from any other religion, because with Isaac’s sacred-flesh and atoning-blood as His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter, then, He has removed sin from the face of the earth, so you may live His eternal life with His every day blessing, powers and endless richness. Provided that, our heavenly Father has not only recognized with blessings every man, woman and child from Israel but also the families of the nations, so they may live His eternal life in Isaac’s sacred-flesh, enjoying the greatness of His eternal life’s daily richness, powers and endless blessings, understanding that, He needs to enrich the entire earth with endless glories through eternity, starting now.

However, Lucifer along with his fallen angels are still fighting against our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts as he did initially in heaven’s glory, rebelling against His holy name fires thus never to be honored properly throughout Creation, and so, he has to block continually every blessing from Canaan’s richness to keep the earth devastated. For our heavenly Father has not only already enriched the entire earth with the oath sworn to Isaac that His holy heart poured upon Isaac lying over the wood at Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at mount Moriah, but also, He has blessed every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations—and this is you enriched right now forever.

This means that our heavenly Father has already blessed you mightily along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in the oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers that His holy heart poured over him lying over the wood at Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, so you may live a glorious life now bound towards heaven’s glory forever blessed, enriched and saved. According to our heavenly Father’s perfect will for you and your loved ones, neighbors and friends is that you will enjoy the richness of His amazing holy heart that has never stopped loving you, although you have sinned many times, because you were born from His eternal life and amazing unfailing-love to live in heaven’s glory eternally enriched—but starting in Canaan now.

Therefore, our heavenly Father has done everything needed with great powers from the oath sworn to Isaac that He poured upon His altar of Abraham and Isaac but also throughout Canaan, so He may have you returning to His life eternal, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name thus you may have richness every day on earth until kingdom comes. That is why, that Lucifer along with his fallen angels and death hate you, because our heavenly Father’s holy heart loves you beyond all human understanding and it is always looking forward to find new ways to bless you with powerful daily richness from heaven’s glory, so you may never lack anything in life but you may always have abundance of everything.

Given that, Lucifer along with the fallen angels will always hate you not only because you were born from our heavenly Father’s image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ’s likeness that is his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood, filled with life eternal and daily amazing richness, but also, because you are the endless joys of His holy heart only knowing: love, peace and endless-sweetness. Now, our heavenly Father needs to enrich Israel greatly and above the nations because He is descending to them to live forever in His eternal life that He has granted already unto them and the families of the nations, but, they need to be enriched with Canaan’s richness that are already there to become manifested as Canaan is liberated finally from Satanism.

Understanding that, it is Satan with his evils causing Canaan not to flow with milk and honey to enrich Israel that dresses His holy name fires with endless honors, powers and glories untouched by sin until now—therefore, Canaan needs to further bless the families of the nations as well until our heavenly Father finally descends to stay in Canaan with us forever. For our heavenly Father has blessed Israel with all kinds of richness that are not only milk and honey along with other important richness already known by humankind until now, but also, He has caused Canaan to flow with wisdom, powers, intelligence, counseling and knowledge of the Lord, so the nations may turn from darkness to His light shining in them with perfect holiness forever.

Positively, it is the presence of Satan and his wicked people, as Satanist performing terrible witchcraft continually not only against Israel and the Jewish families, but also, they are darkening the minds, hearts, souls, bodies and human spirit of every man, woman and child through the families of the nations: thus they will fail to receive their daily blessings from Canaan, as mention above. Powerful blessings that our heavenly Father has granted not only to Israel, because they are trusted with His holy name fires, something never done with the angels much less with men upon earth, besides, He has granted them His home-sweet-home flowing with milk and honey to live forever loved, blessed, powerful and enriched, but also, the entire earth has been blessed already beyond endless-richness.

Meaning also that you have already been blessed with endless richness that enriches Israel and the entire earth, so you may live a glorious life with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from everywhere, because He needs you to bless His holy name fires from your home enriched by Canaan’s richness every day until kingdom comes finally upon earth. Given that, you are supposed to be enriched every day of your entire life upon earth, because this is our heavenly Father’s perfect will for you through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that has already defeated Satan, the fallen angels, poverty and death within Canaan, so you may be truly His people, fame, glory and honor for His holy name forever.

Really, beaten by Satan and his cronies because you are robbed, killed and destroyed, losing everything attained in life with your daily efforts by our heavenly Father helping you always through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, His holy name is not honored by you, because you are in the sinful-flesh, where Satan defeats you by stealing from you successfully always. For our heavenly Father is only honored as you are baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where Satan has already been defeated along death thus you may be His glory on earth always.

Besides this, you have to eat the bread and wine with Him at your home’s diner table, because you were blessed, empowered and greatly enriched in His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s daily powers, so you may have a glorified-body to live eternal life these days on earth and in heaven’s glory forever enriched and loved. Certainly, by our heavenly Father sitting with Abraham to eat the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ serving the Lord’s Table to the angelical hosts, then, he also needed to serve it to Abraham and everyone else for him to be born as Isaac defeating Satan, lies, poverty, hell and death for his brothers and sisters throughout the earth—touching you today.

Eating the bread and wine with our heavenly Father is something done each time you sit at your home’s diner table with your loved ones and friends, because this is how our heavenly Father ate His meal with Abraham, so His Son Jesus Christ may be born as Isaac in his family thus you may have your children born as Isaac, as holy angels. Frankly, just as Abraham ate with our heavenly Father the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table served by His Son Jesus Christ, then, he ate to have His only Son born as Isaac, so you may have your children as well born to you as holy angels, because they will be born with Isaac’s sacred-flesh in the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers.

In other words, just as Abraham had our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac within his family, then, he was known throughout the history of Israel as the angel of the Lord, because he would visit the Israelis always, and so, he was acquainted by them—then, you will also have your children born as holy angels. Considering that, after Lucifer rebelled against our heavenly Father by trying to control His holy name fires, then, He needed to replace His holy angels lost to Lucifer’s angelical rebellion that He saw them been born in His children as from Adam and Eve, because they could be born in perfect holiness from them by the millions, filling the earth with new perfect endless-glories.

Therefore, since Lucifer realized that our heavenly Father was going to have His holy angels lost to him in the angelical rebellion that he started against His holy name fires replaced with new ones, as His children as Adam and Eve were going to give birth to them in perfect holiness, then, he had them eating from the forbidden fruit to sin. Deceitfully, Lucifer’s idea was that the holy angels that our heavenly Father was going to have formed from His children as Adam and Eve, then, he could have them born to him, his fallen angels and to death, by just giving Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit, and so, he will have his kingdom of darkness to be greater than expected.

That is to say, that Lucifer managed not only to deceive Eve along Adam and the children for our heavenly Father will fail to have His children born as holy angels by the millions, replacing the ones lost to Lucifer angelical rebellion against His holy name fires, but also, the birth of His new greater kingdom came to a screeching stop unexpectedly. Therefore, with Israel baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, then, He will have His children born as holy angels from the Israelis families by the billions through the years, because He needs many of them to perform mighty deeds throughout the earth.

Furthermore, this is also true for all the families from the nations, because, baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then their children will be born as holy angels as well in the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers just as Isaac was a holy angel born for Abraham’s family. Definitely, our heavenly Father has already blessed you with great richness from heaven’s glory that are instore in Canaan these days, but you can only have access to them each day only as your are baptized in water, otherwise, Satan and his Satanist will block them as always and you will continue to fail to have them for you and your loved ones.

That is why, that whenever you may see anyone suffering the lack of everything that is essential to sustain life around you, then, this person has always been blessed in Isaac’s sacred-flesh and his atoning-blood with great amazing richness that Satan with his Satanist have blocked through years, so they may fail to know how greatly they have already been blessed. Canaan liberated from Satanist that are constantly doing witchcraft against Israelis’ families and Jewish alike then richness that has always been through generations hidden in Canaan, as the milk and honey along with important blessings, as love, peace, prosperity, wisdom, intelligence, powers and endless richness with profound happiness will flow freely throughout the earth—enriching your country with amazing knowledge of the Lord constantly.

Timely, our heavenly Father descended to Canaan to bless Abraham but also to bless you with his son Isaac’s sacred-flesh and atoning-blood, granting you amazing daily richness that you may need to enjoy with your loved ones in your country’s every step of the way into heaven’s glory only to know, love, peace and endless-sweetness—making in your heart His home-sweet-home every day. For this our heavenly Father’s personal eternal life granted entirely unto you, your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world to enjoy each day throughout the earth, because it is an amazing life fashioned after His holy heart loving you without ever ceasing to love you for any reason at all through eternity, starting now only baptized in water already. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

Jun 4, 2020, 11:17:45 PM6/4/20
Sábado, 30 de Mayo, 2020 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

CANAAN is HONEY forever with ISRAEL in ISAAC’S sacred-flesh now: SWEETENING the EARTH always, forever:

Indeed, our heavenly Father called Abraham to invoke His holy name fires in Canaan, because He needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born in His chosen land, but born with the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood thus to have his brothers and sisters, includes gentile families, returning to life again, loving, serving, honoring and exalting His all-powerful name forever. Surely, our heavenly Father needed Abraham loving, serving, honoring and exalting His holy name fires with his loved ones, as his wife Sarah and the 318 children (bought with money from outsiders), because he needed to spread the knowledge of the Lord throughout the families of the nations, finally to have them also loving, serving, honoring and exalting His holy name fires through eternity.

For Abraham obeyed our heaven Father’s call to abandon his relatives and homeland for Canaan, because he was going to sit with Him to be served by His Son Jesus Christ, as king of Melchizedek, His Holiness, at the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that will give birth to the glorified-body that will eventually fill the earth with His holy presence forever. Graciously, our heavenly Father had promised a child to Abraham through Sarah’s barren-womb, because his son that was going to be born will be the first of countless of them that will live in Canaan through the coming generations, and they needed to be born with the sacred-flesh, conveying the atoning-blood to Jerusalem’s holy hill with perfect holiness for everyone’s lasting-salvation throughout earth.

For Abraham’s children were called before birth to take His holy name fires to Jerusalem’s holy hill, finally to be loved, served, honored and exalted by them, because they were to be born through generations with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to execute this wonderful salvation-work thus to please our heavenly Father forever, in Canaan. However, Abraham’s children needed to be born with His eternal life, His Ten Commandments of Israel and Moses in their virgin state to spread the Holy Spirit’s powers throughout the families of the nations along with other important blessings that He was to pour upon them at Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah.

Therefore, our heavenly Father called Abraham to love, serve, glorify and exalt Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with His rock of salvation, because he was to sacrifice three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, spilled with atoning-blood, because His only Son Jesus Christ was to be born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb. However, our heavenly Father will not only have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, but also, He was going to have His children born from Israel and the families of the nations as well in the sacred-flesh that pleases Him in Canaan and in heaven forever, so He may recover the earth from Satan and death.

Therefore, Abraham had to sacrifice the three lambs with their halves facing each other along with two uncut birds, because his promised children were to be born liberated from the power of sin, infirmities, poverty, death and hell, so they may take His holy name fires to Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, forever victorious against Satan, sin, infirmities and his wicked ones. This is when. Our heavenly Father was able to have His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, because His children also were to be born as Isaac did, without sin, because they are born with His eternal life along with the commandments protected with an important oath’s powers forever—but they needed the baptism for powers to work, serving Him.

Really, once everyone is baptized in water, then, they will have been reborn again in the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, where they will live their days liberated from the powers of sin to serve our heavenly Father and His holy name fires, as Isaac was born initially without sin, serving, loving and exalting Him and His holy name throughout life as always in heaven. Therefore, this is true for every man, woman and child from the families of the nations called to the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to become integrated into Isaac’s sacred-flesh born without sin in Canaan initially for you and your loved thus to serve the Lord without sin forever, starting now.

Surely, our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so He may have not only the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, but also, that He will be able to live with each of His children from Israel and the families of the nations His eternal life, powers and lasting daily blessing. For our heavenly Father needed to find out, if there was going to be any sin problem with any of His children, therefore, He had to descend to live with Abraham and his family, as Sarah and the adoptive children, thus to live with them and the children to be born yet with His daily richness from His eternal life.

Given that, our heavenly Father really cares for His children from Israel and the families of the nations, and so, He had to begin to live with them in the sacred-flesh and in the atoning-blood of Isaac that is destined to become part of His children baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name throughout the earth, starting in Canaan. For our heavenly Father is powerful enough not only to live with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit along with the angelical hosts, but also, to live with every man, woman and child to be born on earth, so He may live His perfect life with them without ever knowing sin again through eternity, starting in their homes with their loved ones.

That is to say, that our heavenly Father has lived His eternal life not only with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, but also, He has lived it along with every richness from Canaan with every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations thus to find them perfect and holy as He is through eternity forever. For our heavenly Father is the divine force that not only rules heaven’s glory along with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts, but also, He is the force that rules the entire Creation, meaning that He is everywhere throughout the Universe, as in the stars, asteroids, planets, moons and other glorious places deep in the vastness of space.

For our heavenly Father know the name of every star, planet, moon and sun that are into the billions throughout the universe moreover He knows the angels by their name along with every man, woman and child, starting from Adam and Eve to the last one to be born upon earth until finally He descends into Canaan to live with them forever enriched. Really, our heavenly Father will descend soon as His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit along with important angelical hosts did many times to earth, because: He created it as the cradle of His children along with His holy heart’s daily richness to be manifested always from the earth’s heart as the foundation of His unfailing love for His children for all eternity.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarai’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, so He may have not only Abraham’s children born with Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, but also, He needed to have the families of the nations reborn into the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood forever. Besides, our heavenly Father’s greatness can only deal with those that are reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, so they may enter into His eternal life to live forever enriched with Him, His Son, His Spirit and the angelical hosts through eternity.

Considering that, it is only in Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that our heavenly Father told Abraham that he will be a father of a great nation but also of many (nations), because they were going to be reborn from the water baptism to enter into His pact of life that is Isaac’s sacred-flesh along with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers. Therefore, once our heavenly Father had lived His eternal life with Abraham, Sarah and the adoptive children for few years, because through the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood He needed to live with every man, woman and child from the nations of the past and the future thus granting them eternal life instantly, then, Abraham ascended with Isaac to Mount Zion, resting at Mount Moriah.

Now, our heavenly Father needed His eternal life lived with Abraham, Sarah and the adoptive children as His Son Jesus Christ lived in the midst of them as Isaac, then, His holy heart was pleased to have lived with them that it was ready to pour His perfect will for everyone to live His life forever enriched, in Canaan, as right now with you. Timely, our heavenly Father called Abraham with his only dear son Isaac to Mount Zion, resting at Mount Moriah, because he needed to shed his atoning-blood upon his brothers and sisters from Israel and the families of the nations, because He needed to turn them into one sacred-flesh to live with them forever enriched through eternity, but, starting in Canaan only.

For our heavenly Father needed to have His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, so He may have His children with the sacred-flesh and His essential oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, because He needed them resting at the gates of hell’s torment nailed to the nations already there to become one sacred-flesh to return to life soon. Lovingly, our heavenly Father not only needed to conquer the families of the nations already lying in hell’s torment, because they died in their sins, when they could have been baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name to remove them (sins) forever, however, now He needed to get to them the baptism, for they needed to return to life immediately.

Definitively, our heavenly Father not only needed His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, where He will pour His oath sworn to Isaac’s powers upon the children, but also: He needed them descending to hell’s gates to be reborn in the sacred-flesh again, but with the nations clear of sins to see life again soon. Therefore, it was very important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham sacrificing three lambs with their halves facing each other along with tow uncut birds over the rock of salvation, spilled with atoning-blood, because Isaac as David’s Son was going to spill his atoning-blood from Mount Zion with three sacrifices as well, thus removing sin from the entire human race in one day.

For our heavenly Father called Abraham with Isaac to Mount Zion, resting at Mount Moriah, because He was ready to pour His holy heart’s perfect will along with unseen richness, powers and glories of His eternal life upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh only, thus turning the earth’s heart into His holy heart for the entire human race to see life again in His new earth. For Lucifer along with his fallen angels had turned the earth’s heart into a terrible heart emanating wickedness and terrible things to the families of the nations already lying in their tormenting flames, but also, presently he continues attacking Canaan along with the families of the nations around the world, so he may spread his kingdom of darkness to defeat the LORD someday soon.

For Lucifer along with his fallen angels needed to continue to control the heart of earth as his wicked heart in his chest to rule Canaan and the families there but also advance to the families of the nations with his usual attacks of lies, witchcraft, curses, calumnies, infirmities, conflicts, poverty, war and death, guiding them into hell forever cursed into eternity. That is to say, that if Satan along with his fallen angels would have continued to keep full control of hell that is right under Canaan, as from where the Valley of the dried bones once was as the gate of hell, then, he would have been able to cause great disasters throughout the earth, destroying finally the families of the nations entirely.

However, since Satan along with his fallen lost hell’s torment to our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and His Temple upon earth that is you and I baptized in water, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, then, He is in Canaan with Satanists families' doing witchcraft to Jews and Israelis, as once they did in hell’s torment. Considering that, Satan along with the Satanists families filled with fallen angels from hell’s torment are doing their every day witchcraft not only to continue to subdue Israelis and Jewish families with their darkness but also the families of the nations of the world, so they will fail always to receive richness already instore in Canaan for them to enjoy until kingdom comes.

Truthfully, as you may see someone, groups, or families suffering the need of things to live their normal lives upon earth, as suffering the lack of water, food, medicine and the like, as love, joy, truth, happiness and other important blessings, then, this means that Satan with his Satanists families’ witchcraft is keeping them away from Canaan’s richness to this day. For our heavenly Father called Abraham with Isaac to Jerusalem’s holy hill, resting at Moriah, offering his only son as a burnt offering of his love learned with him through years as he has never known love before, then, the call was really to pour His holy heart’s perfect will throughout Canaan and upon you too, enriching you these days and forevermore into everlasting.

Therefore, since Satan along with death and the fallen angels lost the Valley of the dried bones to ancient Israel lying over hell’s gates' posts bitten by poisonous snakes to the families of ancient nations to take them to Canaan saved, then, Satan and his people are there to take Canaan with witchcrafts to stop these salvation’s powers from reaching you too today. Now, the solution to this problem is a simple one, and this is that the entire house of Israel must be baptized in water by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, for the Holy Spirit along with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers may remove them from Canaan entirely.

Otherwise, our heavenly Father will fail to have Canaan flowing with milk and honey along with love, peace, joy, happiness, wisdom, intelligence, powers and other important blessings already in Canaan to pour upon every man, woman and child instantly, so Israel may not only be enriched immediately but also the families of the nations along with their ancestors returning to life again, enriched forever. For our heavenly Father has turned the Valley of the dried bones into His holy heart that He poured upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that ancient Israel had to descend to it bitten by poisonous snakes that poisoned not only Eve in paradise but also families of the nations already dead in sin, but bitten again lastly by bronze snakes filled with life.

This is how, our heavenly Father had planned graciously not only to have His children from ancient Israel returning to life again, because they finally received life again by been bitten by the bronze snakes filled with His eternal life that had defeated Satan, poverty, death and hell to see life in Canaan forever enriched throughout eternity, but also, bless the earth entirely. Now, the families of the nations will also see life again just as ancient Israel did initially, because they needed to celebrate the Sabbath moreover celebrate the Passover Lamb Festivity as well that was Isaac nailed to them with bronze snakes that granted them life again, and this time life forever—however, the families of the nations will return to life again soon lastly.

Nevertheless, this is only possible as the entire house of Israel finally liberates Canaan from Satan and the Satanists families performing witchcraft, causing problems to the families of the nations worldwide, but also, they are there to ensure that Canaan will fail to flow with milk and honey for ancient nations to return to life again from hell’s torment to their homelands. In one day: our heavenly Father had sin removed from the entire human race, as He had His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the wood that is ancient Israel with the families of the nations lying at hell’s gate, then, He saw each one of His children from Israel and the nations with the sacred-flesh thus His holy name fire was finally honored.

For this is what our heavenly Father had been searching to see through the generations since He ate the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table served by His Son Jesus Christ, as the king of Salem, Melchizedek, so He may have His holy name fires honored finally in Isaac’s sacred-flesh upon earth thus defeating Satan, sin, curses, infirmity, poverty and death forever. This is when, our heavenly Father finally attained not only eternal salvation for every man, woman and child from Israel but also the families of the nations, because they had become one with the sacred-flesh, as one tree, one cross, over Jerusalem’s holy hill, the Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, thus He may finally enrich the entire earth, as heaven’s glory is enriched nowadays.

For this is the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers that our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit displaying throughout cities of the Israelis and the Jewish families, because He needed His Son as the Lamb that takes the sin of the world may finally lift high His holy name fires with perfect glories forever into everlasting. This is something that, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with his apostles and disciples to accomplish throughout Canaan, so not only the Israelis along with the Jewish families may escape certain death from hell’s torment but also the families of the nations along with the old earth for His new earth to manifest finally.

For His new kingdom is of His eternal love for His children from Israel and the families of the nations, because they will live only to know endless sweetness of His unfailing love, joys, richness and happiness, given birth to His children as holy angels, because families baptized in water will eat daily the bread and wine to fill His new earth with them. That is why. Our heavenly Father did not have to create angels, replacing the ones lost to Lucifer in his angelical rebellion against Him, His holy name fires, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelical hosts and His children as you and I nowadays, because families baptized in water by eating the bread and wine will give birth to them into the millions through generations.

For our heavenly Father needs countless of them, so He may not only be able to execute His wonderful works with the families of the nations, but also, He needs to create everything new now, because the old things will pass away never to be seen again, because everything created will be without sin thus to conquer new glories, powers and new endless-richness. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have the entire house of Israel born in a foreign land as Egypt, because they were going to collect the sins of the families of the nations for four-hundred years, later to abandon them at the Red sea water baptism forever, thus He may be able to perform awesome miracles throughout the Sinai’s desert.

For our heavenly Father had finally graciously granted them His holy name fires, something never done with the angels in heaven much less with men upon earth, for Israel to invoke it to escape Egypt’s captivity but also to find their way to the water baptism to abandon the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, where He performs awesome miracles always each day through everyone’s life. For our heavenly Father needed to expiate, judge and forgive every sin with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of every man, woman and child from Israel, because they were born with the powers of the oath sworn to Isaac to liberate the earth from sin forever in one day, so He may finally descend to live His eternal life with you in Canaan.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have the entire house of Israel crossing in dried ground the Red sea, so they may become rightful citizens of Canaan, because with their sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood shed bitten by poisonous snakes, then, they were heading to conquer the heart of the earth forever for His new earth to be born. Certainly, our heavenly Father had every man, woman and child conducting rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac, because they were going to be bitten by poisonous snakes to be nailed to the families of the ancient nations at hell’s gate to wait for the king Messiah to be bitten by bronze snakes thus liberating them from death finally.

Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have ancient Israel descending to the Valley of the dried bones that is hell’s gates' posts, where they needed to become one with the families of the nations dead in their sins, but one forever-saved in Isaac’s sacred-flesh that had conducted the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies then every sin was covered finally. For our heavenly Father needed to have His holy name fires, as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob finally honored by every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, but with the sacred-flesh that had destroyed Satan, sin and death in Canaan thus they waited for the coming king Messiah’s atoning-blood.

Conclusively, our heavenly Father had done everything possible with ancient Israel not only in Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years collecting sins to destroy them, but also, He had them baptized to abandon the sinful-flesh for the sacred-flesh, where His holy name fire is honored with perfect holiness in Canaan, so He may finally descend to marry Israel with the nations in His new earth. Therefore, our heavenly Father had the whole of Israel that left Egypt’s captivity to descend to the Valley of the dried bones to become one sacred-flesh that had conducted every ritual and ceremony of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac thus to be nailed to the nations forever lost, but with sin covered for the King Messiah to come into Canaan finally.

Surely, our heavenly Father had to have the entire house of Israel becoming one with the families of the nations not only with the ones that were already in hell’s torment but also with their children living in future generations, so He may finally have His holy name fires honored eternally by them as He had the Romans nail it to the wood. Really, our heavenly Father needed to have every man, woman and child from the families of the ancient nations, dead already to sins in hell’s torment, but also, He had their children to be born in future generations integrated to the wood; and so, everyone may finally honor His holy name fires with Isaac’s sacred-flesh and its perfect holiness at last throughout eternity.

Obviously, our heavenly Father had to have had every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations integrated into the wood by the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, reborn in Canaan, in holy ground, so He may have His Son Jesus Christ nailed with His name to the cross, and so, everyone throughout the earth may honor it finally forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to have the entire house of Israel nailed to hell’s gates' posts to the families of the ancient nations thus to become one seed, one tree, the cross with His holy name fires nailed to it, finally to be honored by them, as Isaac’s sacred-flesh shed the atoning-blood victorious against Satan, poverty, death and hell ultimately.

For this is Isaac born from king David’s virgin daughter by the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers thus to become baptized at the Jordan River by John the Baptize at the age of 30 thus destroying Satan’s sins, lies, curses, poverty and death along with fallen angels, so Canaan may become liberated finally to flood with milk and honey with endless-richness for everyone today. Therefore, our heavenly Father had Israel nailed to the families of the nations to become one with the sacred-flesh not only as the one that had conducted the rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness from the oath sworn to Isaac but also from Isaac’s sacred-flesh again, but, this time born from a virgin womb to destroy sin forever from the heart of the earth.

For our heavenly Father was not willing to release Israel from the Valley of the dried bones until they will learn to love, serve, worship, respect, honor and trust Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then, they waited for centuries for the Messiah to be nailed to them with Isaac’s sacred-flesh shedding atoning-blood that had conquered Canaan at last forever. For Isaac had to be born again from David’s virgin daughter for every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations finally to fulfill not only His eternal commandments but also every word that had ever come out from His mouth through eternity, so He may finally say to them: Now, I know that you trust me.

That is to say, also that as our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the wood that is ancient Israel with all the nations along with the children living in generations ahead, then, He saw in each of them that they now trusted Him forever, because in Isaac’s sacred-flesh they became as perfect and holy as He is in eternity. Definitively, our heavenly Father was able to remove sin from the entire earth in one day, because He saw every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, including the children living in coming generations that they had lived a perfect, holy and glorious life in Canaan worthy to be called His children forever in heaven’s glory.

This is when, the entire house of Israel lying in the Valley of the dried bones ascended on the Third Day to see the FATHER, because they returned to life again, celebrating the Sabbath along with the Passover Lamb Festivity that was our Lord Jesus Christ nailed to them forever blessed, thus later to enter Canaan to live forever enriched in the new earth. For this is what our heavenly Father was longing to see through generations with the entire house of Israel finally trusting, honoring, loving, exalting and glorifying His holy name fires in Canaan, but with Isaac’s sacred-flesh that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s glorified-body, destroying Satan, sin, poverty and death for His new earth of His eternal love for His children may come finally.

For our heavenly Father can only rule as King and Father in the sacred-flesh born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers but again Isaac reborn as His Son Jesus Christ living His life in Canaan for every man, woman and child already in hell’s torment, so He may see them with Isaac’s sacred-flesh finally trusting Him, obeying his words forever. Now, this salvation that our heavenly Father had accomplished with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem’s holy hill, in Canaan, had to fill the earth, thus, after seventy years the Israelis families failed to take His words out of Canaan, then, He had the Romans destroying the Temple for His children to reach the nations finally with His perfect salvation.

For our heavenly Father had to let every man, woman and child from the families of the nations know the great salvation, accomplished by Him with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that had destroyed finally Satan, sin, infirmities, poverty, death and hell’s torment with Isaac’s sacred-flesh, so they may become baptized in water to enter into Canaan forever enriched. For our heavenly Father has poured His entire holy heart upon Isaac’s sacred-flesh, atoning-blood and His eternal life, so they may become reborn in water baptism to enter into His sacred-flesh, where He has blessed each of them from the Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Christian and other faiths from around the world, so they may live from Canaan’s richness every day, as right now.

For our heavenly Father is working these days to get Satan and Satanism away from Canaan, because they are blocking with witchcraft His richness and blessings already granted to Israel and the families of the nations, so He may fill the entire earth with the endless sweetness of His eternal life that has defeated Satan, sin, infirmities, poverty, death and hell forever. Without doubt, once the entire house of Israel is baptized in water with Canaan liberated from Satan and Satanism executing witchcraft day-in and day-out since they got there, then, Canaan flows with milk and honey, enriching every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, including the ones in hell as well—for He is descending to a greatly enriched earth.

Indeed, once our heavenly Father sees Israel and Canaan filled with Isaac’s sacred-flesh that has destroyed Satan, sin, infirmities, poverty, death and hell, then, He will grow with Israel in His amazing greatness, thus Canaan flows with milk and honey the entire human race, because it is Canaan one-hundred-percent inhabited with the sacred-flesh that causes it to sweeten all life throughout the earth forever. It is as our heavenly Father saw every man, woman and child from Israel and the ancient nations in hell’s torment nailed each of them with Isaac’s sacred-flesh that immediately He saw them trusting, loving, honoring and exalting His holy name fires forever, and so, he blessed the land, as the Valley of the dried bones by turning it into His holy heart forever.

For this is exactly what our heavenly Father will do with Canaan, as He sees every man, woman and child from Israel baptized in water in Isaac’s sacred-flesh entirely, invoking the perfect holiness of His name, and with Satanism gone from Canaan, then, we will enjoy endless sweetness in every family home throughout the earth, whether they are Muslims, Buddhist, Hindu and all others. Understanding that, if our heavenly Father can get Canaan inhabited by His children with the sacred-flesh that is one-hundred-percent Holy Spirit born, as our heavenly Father’s perfect will, then, Canaan is the sweetest and most beautiful land on earth, more beautiful than paradise and the New Jerusalem from heaven above combine, flowing with milk and honey through eternity for you, starting now.

Again, it will be as when ancient Israel was nailed to hell’s gate with the families of ancient nations, dead to sins, but with Isaac’s sacred-flesh that had conducted the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies to perfection, then, our heavenly Father turned the heart of the earth as holy as His in His chest forever. Well, as our heavenly Father sees Canaan inhabited by Isaac’s sacred-flesh through and through with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers, then, He will see only holiness throughout Canaan, thus causing it to sweeten the earth entirely well into eternity, so you may know only along with your loved ones: love, peace, happiness, great-health, richness and endless sweetness greater than heaven’s glory these days. Amen.
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