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(IVÁN): Jerusalem’s synagogue has honored lovingly His holy name fires with you and Israel entirely, enriching you and your nation always:

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Iván Valarezo

Aug 26, 2021, 1:43:33 PM8/26/21
Sábado, 21 de Agosto, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)-

Jerusalem’s synagogue has honored lovingly His holy name fires with you and Israel entirely, enriching you and your nation always:

Timely, our heavenly Father had heard loudly and clearly the Israelites complaining to Moses that they had not eaten properly since they abandoned Egypt’s captivity to enter the wilderness only to know hunger and thirst that they craved to return to Egypt immediately, so they may seat at the homes' tables to enjoy the great food failing to see in the wilderness. This is when, our heavenly Father assured Moses that the following day the entire house of Israel will receive bread from heaven’s glory to eat each day of the week, but gathering on the six days the portion for two days, because on the seventh day they were going to celebrate Sabbath, so no one will leave their homes to gather bread.

Understanding that, our heavenly Father had pulled ancient Israel from Egypt’s captivity, where they had come to know great richness for four hundred years, while they collected sins from ancient and modern families of the nations, so He may not only abandon every sin at the Red Sea baptism but also destroy finally famine from the earth entirely through the Sinai’s desert. Really, our heavenly Father had to have had ancient Israel drinking from the bitter waters of Marah, sweeten by Moses as he threw the tree found lying nearby for the ancient and modern families of the nations to be sweetened, thus ancient Israel may drink them to become one holy-seed with them in the Sinai’s desert, fighting thirst and hunger to conquer Canaan’s richness.

Knowing that, as Eve was deceived by the serpent of Eden to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then, Lucifer did it, deceiving the children born from our heavenly Father’s image, failing always to know richness that enriches His holy name fires throughout Creation, thus, only to know the desert without richness through life until death. Consequently, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel walking three days towards the bitter waters of Marah in need to be sweetened by Moses but also by the ancient Israelis drinking them, sweetened by the tree, the cross, then Israel may become one with humankind to eat manna and drink from the rock from heaven above, defeating Satan’s hunger daily through the Sinai’s desert finally.

In other words, our heavenly Father had humankind already lying in hell’s torment as Eve and later Adam along with the children ate from the forbidden fruit, turning paradise of eternal life in heaven’s glory into the Sinai’s desert empty of richness: great richness, received by birth from our heavenly Father’s image, thus to love, serve and honor His holy name forever into eternity. Really, for our heavenly Father needed to enter into the Sinai’s desert with Moses and the entire house of Israel not only ready to drink from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by His tree, that is cross, but also, He needed to sweeten the families of the nations from all their troubles that the forbidden fruit had caused against them for eternity.

Kind-heartedly, our heavenly Father had had ancient Israel living in richness and amazing luxury within Goshen inside Egypt that Egyptian’s families enjoyed as well daily richness every seven year of endless richness thus to stop Satan’s hunger upon earth lastly, however, now He needed to face famine and destroy it with the nations inside His sacred-flesh that was ancient Israel walking towards Canaan. Certainly, our heavenly Father had the entire house of Israel after drinking from the bitter waters thus to drink the families of the nations from past and future nations, then He could have them drinking together from the rock of salvation along with the daily manna that they needed to eat thus frustrating Satan’s plans to destroy the earth along with humankind with famine.

Understanding that, Satan’s fight against our heavenly Father’s holy name fires, starting in heaven’s glory with one-third of the angelical hosts, needed to be continued throughout the earth, thus he may destroy finally His children that were born from His image to bless His holy name fires forever with amazing-richness that he has always failed to enjoy along with his fallen angels through eternity. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have had every man, woman and child from ancient and modern families of the nations already walking through the Sinai’s desert with ancient Israel, thus conducting the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness to destroy not only sin but also poverty, sickness, famine and death on earth for richness to appear.

Really, our heavenly Father not only had to destroy every sin committed by every man, woman and child from the nations against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also, destroy every problem, conflict, sickness, poverty, death and hell’s torment, but destroy them with His children affected by them from past and future generations thus to destroy Satan’s hunger finally forever. Certainly, our heavenly Father had to live with your sins along with your ancestors within Israel’s sacred-flesh, because they were born to collect them in Egypt’s captivity and later abandon them at the Red Sea baptism never to touch you again, thus finally expiate, judge and cover them with atoning-blood finally to liberate you nowadays to live His divine-richness always through life enriched greatly.

Now, the reason that our heavenly Father needed to live your sins with your ancestors in Israel’s sacred-flesh that had collected them from Egypt’s captivity to dump them at the Red Sea baptism lastly, it was to declare you perfect and holy as His holy name fires nailed to the cross is forever, so you may live with amazing-powers enriching your daily life always. Divinely, you were born from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul legally to know always through life richness descending from heaven above each day that enriches His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, however, Satan is refusing to allow you to know richness but instead know poverty for famine to kill earth finally, failing to become God’s kingdom of endless-richness forever.

Besides that, our heavenly Father needed to live your sins with your ancestors in Israel’s sacred-flesh, but living your sins in hell’s torment, because the desert assimilates it profoundly, so He may expiate, judge and cover them with lambs' atoning-blood sacrificed always at the door of the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, because He alone can destroy your sins always. In other words, our heavenly Father did not have another mean to destroy your sins but only through His holy-seed that is His Son Jesus Christ born from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit as Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood: becoming Israel His nation already dealing with your sins to destroy them at the Red Sea baptism even before you were to execute them.

For there was no other way possible to deal with your sins that will take you only to an eternal death moreover eternally condemned into hell’s torment never to see life again, because Satan with his worldwide hunger needs you to live only in a desert failing to give you richness unless you are baptized to conquer life, peace, prosperity and happiness without end. Really, there was no one in heaven’s glory besides our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to deal with sins while you were with your ancestors lying in the Sinai’s desert that once was paradise in heaven’s glory, but, since Eve ate from the forbidden fruit then your life with endless-richness disappeared until you defeat Satan’s hunger baptized in water immediately.

These days, you may live life that our heavenly Father intended for you to live in paradise and throughout the angelical kingdom, because you were born from His image and living-soul with endless-richness that you need to enjoy in your days, because this is how His holy name is honored, exalted and glorified by the angelical hosts that are filled with richness as well. For our heavenly Father is our purifier, He is our cleanser, He is our sanctifier, He will call you pure and holy only if you love, serve and exalt His holy name fires, baptized in water by invoking Him, His Son and His Holy Spirit, finally escaping the desert turned into paradise again with endless-richness for you, loved ones and friends throughout life.

This was something that our heavenly Father had to do for every man, woman and child from ancient and modern nations, because since Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit then the Sinai’s desert was the final stop only knowing eternal perdition at hell’s gate unless the Messiah nailed within the Holy of Holiest with sin destroyed forever may grant them life again. Really, our heavenly Father had to ensure that not only ancient Israel may celebrate His Sabbath with the nations rescued by sweetening the bitter waters of Marah, but also, they may eat His daily bread and wine from heaven above as manna and water from the rock until they were bitten by poisonous snakes to receive His holy name finally, in Canaan, forever justified.

Legally, our heavenly Father needed them perfect and holy even before He was to declare them perfect and holy as they descended to hell’s gate waiting for the Messiah nailed to the cross within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy Place, because He was going to love, exalt and glorify His holy name fires with His children in paradise thus removing sin from the earth finally. For our heavenly Father had to ensure that every man, woman and child descended to hell’s gate perfect and holy already waiting for the Messiah nailed to the cross within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy Place to see life with richness again, a life that Satan needed destroyed always because it loves, exalts and glorifies His holy name fires, as never before through eternity.

Considering that, this is the life that really enriches every man, woman and child from the families of the nations once baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, so they may receive the sacred-flesh, where sin fails to exist through eternity, enriching the earth entirely always, conquering richness, glories and powers untouched by sin. For this is our heavenly Father’s life defeated by Satan and the serpent by deceiving Eve and later Adam with the children that His Son Jesus Christ lived it in Canaan: destroying Satan, fallen angels, death for you to live it filled with richness always through life; really, this life has defeated Satan, fallen angels, witchcraft families, death, poverty and hell for you already forever.

Truly, you may become baptized in water anytime by just filling your home’s bathtub with water, entering into it, emerging from it totally forgiven in Canaan, because as you may emerge from your bathtub now you are emerging the Jordan River only to know endless-richness: destroying every poverty around you until you will only see richness without end always through life until kingdom comes. Surely, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Israel in Egypt’s captivity collecting your sins and humankind’s for the Red Sea baptism by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, so Israel may become one with you through the Sinai’s desert with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, declaring you perfect and holy perfect with endless-richness finally.

Really, our heavenly Father needed to declare you perfect and holy along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because you were not only going to be nailed to His Son on the cross, within His Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy Place, but also you were back in heaven’s glory: loving, exalting and glorifying His holy name for amazing-richness to be possible for you always. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed you enriched with loved ones, neighbors and friends directly from the Sinai’s desert, because Satan’s famine had caused humankind to lie as grains of sand lost forever failing to know life with richness, peace and prosperity, however, with Him working with His Son Jesus Christ and ancient Israel filled with His Spirit then you became His sacred-flesh, enriched forever.

Legally, our heavenly Father needs you enriched along with loved ones, so He may enrich your neighbors and friends from the nations with His sacred-flesh and atoning-blood defeating Satan and death forever as He personally expiated, judged and covered your sins with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy Place thus you may only know love, happiness and endless-richness always. This is true for every man, woman and child from the families that are Muslims, Islamic, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Christian, Hebrew and others on earth, because our heavenly Father nailed His Son Jesus Christ to them on the cross to become as perfect and holy as He is forever, given that they were born from His living-soul with divine-richness to enjoy through life always.

Presently, Satan struggles against anyone enriching Israel, because richness that we may enjoy nowadays, they are in heaven’s glory, as in paradise, but also, they are in Canaan, and our heavenly Father granted unto them Canaan that will enrich you now only if Israel is baptized in water and liberated from witchcraft families darkening, blocking, stopping blessings from reaching you and your loved ones nowadays. Really, you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world need this richness pouring from heaven above and that they are already waiting for you in Canaan to become part of your every day life, because if you fail to receive this richness that rightly belongs to you, then Satan will have you impoverish without fail very soon.

Therefore, you need to become reborn from the water baptism by invoking the perfect holiness of His name, because this is the only way that you may have richness coming your way every day, it will be as ancient Israel did initially, and this was to become baptized at the Red Sea only to know richness through a dead land, as the Sinai desert is. Otherwise, if you fail to become baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob then Satan will have you impoverished along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends, because he still is fighting against His holy name fires thus you will fail to love: serves and exalts it with richness already with you through water baptism.

Really, this is richness honoring, exalts and glorifies our heavenly Father’s holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, through your days on earth and in heaven’s glory well into eternity only to know love, peace, fortune and everlasting happiness with loved ones, neighbors and friends from all the families of the earth, baptized already all of them in water. For our heavenly Father needs an entire earth totally enriched by His children born from His image and His living-soul with especial richness enriching His holy name fires within the heart, life, soul, mind and human spirit of every child of His through Israel and the families of the nations, because He will marry them finally to live forever loved by them on earth.

That is why, that Satan had Adam and his children expelled from paradise, because they were about to know the richness that they were born with from our heavenly Father’s image and living-soul that enriches His holy name fires thus making His holy heart very happy throughout Creation only to conquer new richness, glories and powers untouched by sin throughout eternity. Therefore, Satan envied Adam and the holy angels, starting with Eve, because she was to birth the children that will enrich the earth entirely for our heavenly Father to become forever loved, honored, served and glorified by His children with richness that were born with them that will conclude in an eternal marriage with humankind filled with His holy heart’s endless-love into everlasting.

Surely, glories, richness and powers that will love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father’s holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, as it has never been glorified before by anyone, because the glories, richness and powers coming upon earth are blessings that Lucifer will love to possess entirely that is why that he envies you along with your loved ones until now. For Satan has no richness, glories or powers but only poverty that he would love to impoverish the entire earth, because with an impoverishing earth by his spirit of error and sinful-flesh in you, then he has finally destroyed you along with your loved ones for his kingdom of darkness holds no glories for His holy name but only continuous hostilities towards it forever.

Truly, you will always find your heart with loved ones, neighbors and friends in heaven’s glory fight for the love, glory and honor of our heavenly Father’s holy name that His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and holy angels are still fighting by touching you thus you may be enriched now, because with you enriched, then His holy name is blessed already throughout eternity. Indeed, our heavenly Father needs to love, bless and enrich His holy name that Lucifer along with his fallen angels have attacked through generations until now, because you continue to fail His water baptism to invoke Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob that not only enriches you but also your loved ones, neighbors and friends throughout the earth.

Truthfully, with every man, woman and child baptized in water by invoking His holy name’s perfect powers then the entire earth will be enriched as heaven’s glory is enriched, as paradise and The New Jerusalem from heaven above along with other heavenly places may become part of our daily life, because now we are legally His children thus exalting His holy name with lasting-richness always. That is to say, also that with you baptized in water along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from the families of the nations, then, the earth will experience richness, powers and glories instantly, as when it was first created by our heavenly Father to become His home-sweet-home with you: loving, serving and exalting His holy name fires with richness untouched by sin forever.

Undeniably, the earth will become much richer than heaven’s glory along with paradise and The New Jerusalem from heaven above along with other heavenly places, because baptized in water, dressing His sacred-flesh with His holy heart in your chest pumping His atoning-blood filled with eternal life defeating Satan, death, poverty and hell on earth, then you will be speaking His living-words for powers to display. Forthrightly, our heavenly Father has made the earth already as rich as heaven’s glory is along with paradise and The New celestial Jerusalem, because baptized in water then you will become as perfect and holy as He is forever before His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit only knowing life, peace, glory and love as you may read the Bible with your voice.

Certainly, it was important for our heavenly Father to have ancient Israel collecting sins committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout ancient and modern nations, so He may have Moses taking His tree lying next to the bitter waters of Marah thus to sweeten them, sweetening humankind entirely but also the earth, finally defeating Satan’s famine in you forever. For our heavenly Father had ancient Israel drinking from the bitter waters of Marah, sweeten by Moses as he threw His tree into it, thus sweetening every ancient and modern family of the nations, so they may become one within Isaac’s sacred-flesh without sin forever, eating manna and drinking from the rock to receive His holy name with perfect holiness forever in Canaan lastly.

Understanding that, as our heavenly Father had Moses taking His tree to the bitter waters of Marah, sweetening them, instantly he sweetened the families of ancient and modern nations, then, His Son Jesus Christ nailed to the cross, finally thrown into the Valley of the dried bones turned it into His loving Holy heart for you to know sweet-richness through life with loved ones always. Timely, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel not only drinking the families of ancient and modern nations entirely but also the children born generations ahead to conduct the oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, destroying sin along with conflicts, infirmities, curses, death, poverty and hell’s torment thus they may be found perfect and holy within the Holy of Holiest finally.

Truthfully, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel along with ancient and modern nations that they had drunk with the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by Moses and His tree, that they were together to defeat Satan’s famine along with its ills, afflicting humankind through generations, thus they may become enriched instantly by just becoming baptized in water, invoking His holy name’s perfect holiness for lasting-wealth. For our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel along with humankind not only defeating Satan and sin along with famine and death by eating the bread and wine from heaven’s glory: manna pouring with water from the rock every morning for Israel to conduct successfully His oath sworn to Isaac’s rituals and ceremonies, for He needed them perfect and holy already at hell’s gate.

Really, given that ancient Israel ate the manna and drank from the rock from heaven above then they defeated Satan’s famine and its evils, afflicting all life upon earth with humankind and animal alike, so Satan will fail to destroy the earth and human life forever, because Israel continues to eat bread and wine with the Lord: enriching the earth always through our days. Considering that, this is the lesson that our heavenly Father needed to teach us that by having ancient Israel eating from the bread and wine from heaven’s glory descending upon earth throughout a dead land that was filled with Satan’s famine and its daily evils against humanity, then, Satan with his famine was defeated granting abundantly richness to fill the earth entirely forever.

In other words, if Israel baptized in water eats the bread and wine daily with the Lord then nations that until now fail to know our heavenly Father’s unfailing-love manifested through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, immediately, they will get their daily blessings that will continue to enrich the earth until it may become richer than heaven’s glory forever into everlasting. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have ancient Israel with humankind entirely nailed to hells’ gate victorious against sin, famine, death and Satan, expecting the Messiah nailed to the cross within the Holy of Holiest: thus, everyone returning to paradise loving, serving, honoring and exalting His holy name fires forever, so the entire earth will know abundant richness always through generations ahead.

Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel with humankind, starting with Adam and Eve, returning to paradise, because Satan expelled them, deceived by the serpent as they both ate from the forbidden fruit causing famine that is poverty, sickness, conflicts, witchcraft-possession, death and hell in their days throughout life, so they may return to an enriched earth blessing His holy name into everlasting new fortunes. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel with humankind entirely not only entering through heaven’s glory posts as the Messiah nailed to the cross within the Holy of Holiest, because His life eternal lived successfully by His Son along with every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations needed to be shed in paradise, thus destroying sin, Satan, famine and death forever finally.

Understanding that, our heavenly Father did not allow ancient Israel to enter Canaan yet, as they were ready initially, because they needed to enter holy ground with humankind nailed to hell’s gate waiting for the Messiah nailed to the cross within the Holy of Holiest, so they may enter paradise with the nations without sin honoring His holy name forever finally on earth exclusively. Definitively, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel with the families of ancient and modern nations returning to heaven’s glory, as paradise holy ground, because His Son Jesus Christ had defeated Satan and famine threatening to destroy every trace of Him and His Holy Spirit in His children in Israel and the nations, for His kingdom of love never to manifest upon earth for eternity.

Essentially, Satan tried to frustrate our heavenly Father’s Greater kingdom of love by having His Son Jesus Christ upon the Synagogue in Jerusalem to jump, because if you are God’s Son then jump, and Satan needed him jumping, because his atoning-blood should never shed in holy ground where he, angels and men had sinned, instead shed it in Canaan’s ground, where there is no sin. Really, if Satan had had our Lord Jesus Christ jumping from the Synagogue to the ground in Canaan, where there is no sin, or push him from the mountaintop around Jerusalem then shed his atoning-blood with powers to destroy Satan, sin and famine, where there is no sin to remove, then the eternal Sabbath would have failed in Canaan and throughout the earth entirely.

Fundamentally, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ destroying Satan, sin and famine within the Synagogue in Jerusalem for ancient Israel and humankind to enter paradise via the Holy of Holiest thus declaring victory against Lucifer throughout His kingdom, because shedding the atoning-blood with life eternally victorious against evil, famine and death in Canaan and the earth meant His kingdom of love is coming. This is exactly what our heavenly Father needed to do with ancient Israel and humankind entirely eating bread and wine through the Sinai’s desert, descending to hell’s gate victorious against Satan, sin, death, famine and hell, entering through the gates of the Holy of Holiest that is the cross into paradise thus loving, worshipping and exalting His name with perfect holiness through eternity finally.

This is a victory against all evil, sin, death, famine and hell’s torment not only for our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood on cross within the synagogue in Jerusalem but also for every man, woman and child, thus His holy name fires is eternally honored within their homelands through earth that He receives daily glory constantly with those baptized already. Afterward, our heavenly Father had attained a powerful victory against Satan, famine and death in need to spread everywhere thus to kill with hunger and thirst every man, woman and child from the nations, so they will fail to have richness loving, honoring and glorifying His holy name fires over Jerusalem’s holy cross, in Canaan, then He needed His name worldwide liberating them instantly.

Therefore, our heavenly Father needed the Roman Army returning to Israel again, specially in Jerusalem, to destroy not only the cities but also the synagogue where Satan, sin, famine, death and hell were defeated forever, for every Muslim, Islamic, Hindu, Taoist, Shinto, Christian, Hebrew and others will live in His name’s perfect holiness for love, salvation and richness may come towards them abundantly always. This was something that our heavenly Father needed to perform seventy years after His Son Jesus Christ had shed his atoning-blood over the cross within the Holy of Holiest, of the synagogue in Jerusalem, in Canaan, for ancient Israel and humankind to be declared perfect and holy in paradise and heaven’s glory, because now He was enriching the earth entirely for His new coming kingdom.

This was a victory against all evil, sin, curses, infirmities, witchcraft-families, death, famine and hell along enemies, known and unknown from past and future generations in need to become part of every man, woman and child from the families of the nations, because they had been declared perfect and holy by Him for His holy name fires to be honored in their homelands through life. Really, a victory that our heavenly Father had celebrated and enjoyed with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every Muslim, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Shinto, Christian, Hebrew and the rest within the Holy of Holiest that is paradise, The New Jerusalem from heaven above and the entire angelical kingdom, because sin threatening famine was finally removed from angels and men alike forever.

Certainly, it was important for our heavenly Father that after seventy-years with Israel and the gentile children around the world already forever justified within the Holy of Holiest in Jerusalem’s synagogue as paradise and the angelical kingdom’s holy ground, where the atoning-blood victorious against Satan, sin, famine, death, poverty and hell was celebrated, but now it needed to be celebrated throughout the earth finally. For this to be possible then our heavenly Father needed Israelis families along with Jewish ones abandoning Israel, because not only their cities were destroyed along with Jerusalem’s synagogue that was His House of Prayer for all the nations with everlasting glories, it was now been taken by His children to the nations with His holy name fires forever honored with His unfailing-love abundantly forever.

This means that no Israelis and Jewish families were left behind within the cities of Israel, because every city was destroyed by our heavenly Father’s mandate thus for them to take Jerusalem’s synagogue conquests along with His holy name fires eternally honored into the nations, thus blessing the earth each Sabbath with lasting-richness for His kingdom of love may finally come with new amazing glories. For it was very important for our heavenly Father to take His great salvation work that He had personally elaborated with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with ancient Israel and humankind entirely back into the nations, but with His holy name fires eternally honored for great richness to descend upon earth each day until His kingdom may come at last.

Really, our heavenly Father had Israelis families along with the Jewish ones moving around the world taking with them Jerusalem’s synagogue, where He had finally defeated not only Satan, sin, curses, maladies, death, poverty and hell’s torment, but also, He had eternally honored His holy name fires in His children’s heart throughout the earth for richness always to pour upon them nonstop each day forever. Categorically, our heavenly Father has already honored, exalted and glorified His holy name fires within the Holy of Holiest in Jerusalem’s synagogue, for His synagogue where He lives with His Holy Spirit along with His loved ones, as Israel and the families of the nations, may be taken victorious against Satan and famine throughout the earth for His kingdom of love may come finally.

Truthfully, our heavenly Father has taken Israel with His unique synagogue from Jerusalem into the nations, because He has already declared forever perfect and holy every Muslim, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, Taoist, Christian, Hebrew and everyone else as well for His holy name fires to be honored, loved and exalted by them with perfect richness descending every day from heaven above in their homelands. Therefore, our heavenly Father expects you baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, because He has granted unto you His Jerusalem’s synagogue, where He defeated Satan and famine for you to be enriched from heaven above continuously thus you may convey His victorious synagogue in your homeland but also in your heart as always.

Truly, our heavenly Father has honored His holy name with you along with Israel ancient and modern within the Holy of Holiest, of Jerusalem’s synagogue for Satan, sin, death, witchcraft-families and hell’s torment to be defeated always before you, because His Jerusalem’s synagogue has arrived in your homeland long ago, but also, it is in your heart, enriching you always, baptized in water already. Indeed, our heavenly Father has greatly honored, exalted and glorified His holy name fires within the Holy of Holiest, from Jerusalem’s synagogue for you to live loved, forgiven, sanctified, justified and above all enriched from heaven above continually, because lovingly He sees you enjoying richness along with His countless conquests brought into your homeland long ago to be in your very happy heart abundantly always. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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