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LARF Regulars - Where y'at?

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Nov 13, 2013, 12:16:04 PM11/13/13
Any regulars of Louisiana Renaissance Festival listening? I just moved to NOLA and my husband and I attended the first three days, but we can't seem to find the local Rennie/Otter community, and I'm beginning to wonder if there even is one. We aren't likely to return to the festival this season unless we find some people to socialize with - and that's kind of a shame since we have season passes. Where y'at?

Carl Heinz

Nov 13, 2013, 12:50:59 PM11/13/13
On Wed, 13 Nov 2013 09:16:04 -0800 (PST), Cordelya <>

>Any regulars of Louisiana Renaissance Festival listening? I just moved to NOLA and my husband and I attended the first three days, but we can't seem to find the local Rennie/Otter community, and I'm beginning to wonder if there even is one. We aren't likely to return to the festival this season unless we find some people to socialize with - and that's kind of a shame since we have season passes. Where y'at?

You might find better responses on the Bacebook alt.fairs.renaissance group.
Carl Heinz
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