Like most of USENET, this group has been destroyed by a combination of
rumors about kiddy porn, a massive denial-of-service attack some years
ago, and idiots who think that if it isn't on a webpage, it isn't on
the Internet. You may get some responses, but don't bet on it.
Since I'm here, I'll answer for myself and say I'm a retired computer
programmer (and part-time, semipro opera singer) who does a little
acting, singing, and pennywhistle playing at a couple of local amateur
faires. We amateurs come in all sorts -- engineers, fork-lift
operators, game designers, non-performing theatre professionals, and
writers, among others, and the single biggest group is teachers. A few
of us "amateurs" are even professional actors, musicians, or dancers
taking a busman's holiday because faire offers the chance to do
something unusual and cool -- full-voice, full-body acting in a world
based entirely on medium shots and close-ups, antique instruments,
dancing that is explicitly erotic but doesn't involve the word "lap"....
But I think what you're looking for is people who actually work the
circuit. I know a few, but would not presume to speak for them.
John W Kennedy
"You can, if you wish, class all science-fiction together; but it is
about as perceptive as classing the works of Ballantyne, Conrad and W.
W. Jacobs together as the 'sea-story' and then criticizing _that_."
-- C. S. Lewis. "An Experiment in Criticism"