Tavern Knight
"Madame Fatima's Mystics" - TRF Agora
Clan Chaos
Clan MacComyn
Houston Otterpond
the only reason you may have to curse them is that you'll be sure to
get their tunes stuck in your head :) and will be humming them for
weeks after you see them on stage.
They are quite popular here and never had a hard time packing the
stage when they got up to perform.
Bosun "Black Bart"
Devil and the Deep
Ultimus Speratus Consceleratis
On 2 Aug 2003 20:06:23 -0700, tvrnk...@yahoo.com (TavernKnight)
Been around formally at OntRF for the past 2 years, they're not
here this year due to being at MighRF.
You should have a lot a fun with them!
'Til Our Tankards Klink Again,
Stephen "The Forester" of Trillingham ( OntRF : '97 to '02 )
Thorin "Swede Raider" of Warwick ( Sterling: '99 to '00 )
of Hollygrove( Michigan: '03 )
Always One Of The Clan DeSomFrågar ( Those Who Question )
& SCRIBE Associate! ( http://www.faire.net/SCRIBE/ )
Pinned Ren.Geek ( & OntRF's Pin Tester )
Contact Me Via http://www.wyldeside.com/Thorin/Main/contact.html
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