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Traveling to mars by foot

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Jul 30, 2017, 12:16:49 PM7/30/17
Whereas the previous post described a situation that could possibly be
as hard as climbing up mount everest unaided, the problems facing me
with this post are even several orders of magnitude bigger.

Maybe I could just disingenuously exploit a cognitive loophole
hampering many adolescents and trust that in the current climate of
intellectual degeneracy making a factual mistake would be enough to
completely let me off the hook because of immediate loss of all my
social status.

So there you have it, by further reading this post you acknowledge that
it may all be a complete fabrication and agree to the terms of this
end user license agreement, to let me off the hook with respect to all
real or imaginary consequences of reading this here post.

The reason I start out with utmost caution is because, unknown to you,
my previous post has been thwarted by an extremely unlikely computer
malfunction, my description of the problem resulted in me being
silenced, and even though a side effect of that silencing was the
acquirement of a nagual woman in a straightforward castanedian way, in
the end it turns out I am just not very much into nagual women, nay, I
am even not into many blogs I used to frequent anymore.

So what happened and how has the nagual woman helped me to understand it is useless to try and explain things to people who revert to a standard awareness of muftiesque levels of religious adherence to what is spoonfed them by the prevailing wahabist economic reality, at the drop of a hat.

In effect, my previous post (I mean the one that was thwarted and as a result of which you never saw) was some intuitive insight about a new level of power that could soon be available to all of us, except that my insufficient awareness caused me to interpret these faculties as some kind of possible future only available to me and to those who would listen.

And furthermore, even though it is entirely possible that technological
developments are completely dispensable for acquiring such powers, the
path *this* reality has chosen to imbue them upon us seems to be linked
to technological developments, most noticeably breakthroughs in quantum

Just like a few, or even one, decades ago we could not fathom being connected to the entire world and all its information via a small handheld device, in the coming years, when we will have pocket quantum computers, we will be able to not just sync information with other places all over the world, no, we will be able to create entirely new worlds, merge with them and use them to accurately predict this world and to precisely put the blame on those who deserve it the most.

Moreover, we will be able to reach into solid mountains of stone, to extract the single clump of gold hidden in their depths, we will know everything there is to know, and how to get the things that we want to have.

The way we will be able to do this is also the reason we are not able to do this right now, it is our singular focus on transitive processes, a little more in this direction, a little more in that direction, without ever completely jumping ship on an idea, or an entire set of ideas, in favor of some completely new, more interesting configuration.

So we will acquire one faculty and another and another and we will begin to notice the combined effects of these faculties resulting in completely new unanticipated different faculties that were unimaginable up to the point of being taken for crazy ideas just a few years earlier.

So how will we walk to mars on foot and how will we deal with the naysayers and adolescent zombified philosophical silencers that surround us? It is clear that for the capitalists and their economic religious enablers the end of the world is near, because for them to lose their power is the same thing as the world ending.

How will we prevent so called rationalists falling back to square one everytime they notice someone making a factual error?

The thing with the coming quantum revolution is that even errors can give rise to new worlds and they will be as real as the world were people are pushed off stage the moment they upset the existing corpses that have immunized their viewpoints from being challenged.

Moreover it will be so that those who keep hopping on a single leg will simply lose out to those who don't give a damn about their reputation or correctness as it will be a matter of how many of the things one does can be combined to create new other things that no one has thought of as of yet.

And mars? We won't get there by using rockets, or maybe we will get
there by using rockets someday long after many many people have
traveled there and back by foot via crazy sounding ideas that would get
one silenced right now the moment one ever tries to conceive of such a
future, because from now on we will begin to notice the future looping
back on us.


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