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The Face of Evil

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Ben Shapiro

Oct 10, 2023, 1:50:04 PM10/10/23
I am a Jew.

Those have been the words of the Jewish people for three millennia.

Those were the words of the men, women, and children of Masada.

Those were the words of the followers of Bar Kokhba.

Those were the words of Jews in Granada in 1066 and the Rhineland in 1096 and
Khmelnytsky from 1648-1657 and Kishinev in 1903, in Hebron in 1929.

Those were the words of Jews in Auschwitz and Treblinka.

Those were the last words of Daniel Pearl.

Those are my words too. They are the words of my parents, my wife, my

Over the weekend, my people, the Jewish people, were attacked. Murdered.
Mutilated. Our women raped. Our children kidnapped.

This has happened millions of times before, to millions of Jews.

Jew-hatred exists because evil exists. Because there are people who have, for
all of human history, hated the Jews and sought to strike at them while they
have been weak. Who have blamed the Jews for their own problems, who have
crafted complex conspiracy theories about the supposed power of the Jews. Who
have sought to destroy the Jews.

From Pharaoh to Haman. From Hitler to Hamas.

The words of the Nazis are indistinguishable from the words of the Hamas

The chain of Jew-hatred is unbroken.

And for two millennia, since the destruction of the last Jewish dynasty in
the Holy Land of Israel, those Jew-haters were ascendant.

No longer.

That is the promise of the State of Israel.

Never again. The Jews will not stand by and be murdered. They will not leave
their Biblical homeland. They will not surrender. They will be strong and
courageous, as Joshua said three thousand years ago.

Israel is indispensable. Its presence is a miracle; its strength a gift.

Thank God for the State of Israel.

There are those who say that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. Tell that to
the dead women and children in Sderot. Tell that to Hamas, who proclaim in
their charter, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will
obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

There are those who say that the Israeli-Arab conflict is a “cycle of
violence.” Only the morally blind and obtuse could ever say such a thing. The
videos below will be ingrained on the inside of your eyelids the rest of your
life — because that is what evil looks like.

There are those who proclaim the complexity of it all. Those people are
fools. What’s worse is that they are enablers of evil, fellow travelers, and
justifiers of the worst human rights violations on the planet, from targeting
civilians to hiding behind them.

Today, I’m going to show you the face of evil. Do not turn away.

Look it in the face.

I know that you will.

I know you will because I am a Jew and because I am an American.

Americans love justice. Americans love good. Americans resonate to the book
of Psalms, that says, “Hate evil, those who love the Lord.”

Palestinian terrorists recording a video with a kidnapped Israeli boy
they are holding hostage in Gaza, letting young local Palestinian kids
abuse him.

To keep the conflicting going, they wan't spread the hatred to the next

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 8, 2023

Trigger warning – extremely graphic video. This is the evil Israel is

— The MirYam Institute (@MirYamInstitute) October 8, 2023

Hate evil.

Hate evil.

And fight it.

Americans always have, and they always will. I know we will.

I am a Jew.

Those aren’t just the words of martyrs.

They are the words of heroes. They are the words of Moses and Jonah and
Esther. They are the words of the Maccabees and the soldiers currently
serving in Gaza, protecting their families.

I am a Jew.

Let me tell you what those words mean.

They mean that I am the child of the people of the Book: the people who
brought the world Moses’ message of freedom, Jeremiah’s message of justice,
and Isaiah’s message of hope.

The people who represent the root of the Judeo-Christian values of the West.

The people who preserve the tradition thousands of years old stretching back
to Sinai.

The people of the Ten Commandments and the splitting of the Red Sea, of the
Holy Temple and Abraham’s One God.

A people who will not be victimized again.

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