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Re: castration for real

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Apr 30, 2006, 11:51:01 AM4/30/06
nutless wrote:
> I am very interested in communicating with others who are interested in
> castration.
> Those who have had it done, those who want to have it done and those
> interested in doing it for real. Also I would like to hear about real
> castration stories that others know about or may have been part of.
> All replies will be answered.
> Thanks, Nutless.

Try out it's the largest community of eunuchs,
real and "wanna-be's" available on the Internet.


PS: The site usually has stories, but it was recently hacked into by
some assholes, so it's only a message board for now.

Canada Cowboy

May 5, 2006, 1:45:42 PM5/5/06
Send me an addy so we can discuss it OK.

May 6, 2006, 11:23:17 PM5/6/06
dude: E-mail me about your experiences in castration, my testicles
need to be cut.

Serious only.


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May 15, 2006, 4:38:45 AM5/15/06
nutless wrote:
> Hi, I have had a lot of experiences with castration. Having been a
> cutter for a number of years there are so many stories to tell.
> The best times are when there is a prearranged castration party with a
> group of people that really want their nuts removed. The busiest time
> was at a party when 7 guys had their balls removed over about one and a
> half hours. Some had it done with no anaesthetic and four had it done
> with anaesthetic. Every one at the party was happy with the results.
> regards, Nutless.

Damn, you musta just been whacking a way. My one castration with
anesthetic took about 90 minutes.

Glad you weren't my 'cutter'.


May 20, 2006, 7:13:57 AM5/20/06
Any idea who's a GOOD cutter in the Atlanta area??

Need to have my scrotum/testicles GONE!!!!!!!!!


May 22, 2006, 10:03:58 AM5/22/06
Im looking for a Canadian cutter. Anybody know of one?



May 23, 2006, 7:30:03 AM5/23/06
catbert wrote:
> Im looking for a Canadian cutter. Anybody know of one?
> Cat

This might help the two of you out:

Yes, my email address is legit.


Jun 30, 2006, 2:39:27 AM6/30/06
to wrote in

I too am a eunuch..
I can tell you this..
Life is a lot smoother without all the constant erections and
the dire need of sex all the time..
Heh heh riding a bike is way more comfortable as well. ;))
You know in all its not too much different..
Some things I did notice though are;
I noticed my joints crack a lot and I tire out easy..
But then again I was always a bit lazy.. (lol)
I don't really notice any huge huge difference except if I try
to have sex..
It takes a lot to get hard and its even tougher to ejaculate..
But since the need isn't usually there and I don't have sex it
doesn't really phase me any..
At first as my natural hormones depleted I still had some
urge. But that soon faded.. Once I didn't have a physical need
to ejaculate I stopped trying to masturbate and soon it didn't
matter I couldn't get hard.
Once I leveled out I soon adapted..
But let me just tell you it took a while to adjust..
Two things I have noticed
1) I feel a kind of numbness that is strongest in my legs..
It's tough to explain it fully..
If someone touches me, at the contact point (anywhere on my
body) the spot I am touched at feels numb.. I actually don't
like being touched anymore because of the feeling.. But then
again not many people caress or massage me.. In fact no one
that I can remember has ever really touched me sensually.. But
even just taps feels different now. If someone taps me to get
my attention it leaves the numb feeling wherever they tap.
Also I feel it in my sense of smell..
When I breathe in, my nasal passages also have the numb
It makes what ever I try to smell appear dull..
It's really hard to put this feeling into words so that it
makes any sense..

My penis has shrunk a bit.. But not to the point where it
looks odd..
The pubic hair is still there but it has softened up some..
Its not as coarse.
I noticed my skin feels smoother not as rough...
And my bones (at least to me) feel more fragile..
If I squeeze my arm its more sensitive (I can feel the squeeze
harder than before) and to me if I feel the bone in my arm
this could just be in my mind but it feels thinner than

The only drawback I found is sometimes I get a sort of
cramping on the inside of my legs near the crotch..
If the weather is bad
or if I try and do a split
or stretch my legs, the cramp will ride down my leg near to my
But its not severe and its a dull cramp.. Not sharp..
I really don't pay much attention to it any..
I just learned not to move my legs in a way that will provoke
In all I am happy with my success of castration..
I am 35 years old now..
Dr. Felix Spector (Awesome doctor and an awesome person) who
had (not sure if he is still performing surgeries or not) had
an office in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
He performed the surgery on me on Jan. 29, 2001. And I chose
to have it done..
If you want to laugh I actually got the idea from the
neutering of pets.
I have had chronic failure for sexual relationships. Just like
the movie 40 (or is it 30) year old virgin.. Ha!! Your looking
at the real thing! So when I became physically stressed for
sex I began to look for a way to vent my sexual needs.. The
things I was thinking of doing scared me..
And that's when I began to think..
I questioned myself could there be a way to remove the
physical need..
Then one day I was talking to a neighbor that just had her dog
neutered and was soo happy to know her dog wouldn't have
sexual needs anymore...





It took me a little searching as I found out while its soooo
simple and affordable to fix a pet..
It's nearly impossible (and majorly costly) to fix a human!!
Gee anybody care to explain that one??
Most surgeon urologists won't even talk about it if you don't
have a psycho-evaluation test first..
I am having my testicles removed!!
What the hell does that have to do with my brain??!!!
Actually in this day and age, with all the diseases (like aids
syphilis gonorrhea and hepatitis..)
The over (and if you look its everywhere) way over human
population and many other issues caused by man..
It only seams to make sense to start controlling the sex drive
of people and start reducing the amount of people..
I think people need to be taught and brought to the attention
of how bad over breeding of people is now a days!
And I think castration should be as easy to have performed on
people as it is on pets..
And I think it should be an open choice for anybody who wishes
Vasectomy is ok.. But the sex drive remains.. So all the
diseases will continue to spread.
And of course castration is always a huge benefit for people
like myself that have problems finding people that will have
sex with them.
People see me as either too child like or a family member..
Then there is the fact that I am not a gorgeous hunk.. My
teeth are crooked and my hair is a mess..
I am overweight and my height appearance and looks make me
intimidating even scary to most women.
So through my earlier years most girls would either say to me,
"Never with you no way!"..
Or just plain, "Yuck!"..
Now I began to reach 30 and realized things were never going
to change.. In fact as I aged it would only get worse.. And
began to get worse..
Now my teeth were giving way to cavities.. (lost a few) and I
have developed a thinning bald spot at the crown of my head.
As well as not having a great job.. (very little money) it
only made it more difficult to find a lover.
Then I started to become desperate for sex..
And as I said that's when I decided to reclaim some kind of
control over my body's needs..
That's when I decided to do something about myself feeling
This surgery has been a total blessing..
Now I don't have to feel desperate and I don't have to look
for sex anymore..
I've adapted to my surroundings.. (Like most humans do).
Thank god I found a way to relieve the sexual tension (without
breaking any laws).
Now I don't feel hurt either any more when people laugh at how
I tried so hard to get a girl and I couldn't.
And to think it was all because I was horny..
I would sometimes feel that when people saw me get rejected
for a sex partner, I felt they knew I was horny and were
making fun of me not getting the sexual relief I needed.
Now I don't need to go in to that scenario! I never have to
look for a sex partner so I'll never have to get in to that
situation that led me to embarrassment hopefully never again!!
In fact when people ask why I don't look I usually answer,
"because unlike most guys I have a lot more control over my
sexual needs than your average man and I really don't need to
go through the bother of looking right now!"
Or I will say, "Because my brain controls me.. Not my penis!"
Or I will say, "And what have another drink spilled in my face
or get slapped.. No thank you! Or if I really feel adventurous
I will sometimes just plain say, "Because I am neutered and
don't need to look for sex!"
I will say this.. Castration is not for everyone.. But for me
it was almost a necessity.
I want to just say 2 things;
1) castration is a surgery and there is pain! I don't
understand why some people think castration is painless but a
lot of people think it is..
I was castrated and the pain was unbearable!!
The pain lasted for almost a month!!
I couldn't spread my legs or go up stairs without seeing


2) No, without hormones (if your castrated and think you can
still have sex you will need a synthetic hormone shot you get
on the butt, once a month) without hormones you can not and
will not be able to have any kind of a real sexual
So guys, if you have a sex partner, and want to be castrated..
Plain and simple...
You can't get castrated and continue having normal sex!!...
Ok. Maybe once a month you may and I stress MAY get semi
hard... And I emphasize
Castration will both stops your ability to have children as
well as stops the sex drive.. Maybe not totally but its enough
to stop you from having sex..
Emotionally you may still need the comfort (I don't. Never had
sex so can't need something I never had) but some people have
sex then get castrated and end up emotionally wanting to have
Even if you still want to have sex in thought,..
Physically you won't be able to get hard or maintain an
erection long enough to have sex.
Even the synthetic hormone isn't 100 percent effective for a
normal sex drive..
It works half the time and even when it does work it sometimes
cuts in and out..
It will make you physically want sex then cut out so you can't
get hard!
Oddly yet still, at other times the synthetic hormone over
works and you become more desperate than you were before you
were castrated.
In short if you plan to be castrated plan to never have a
normal sex life ever again.. (Makes sense I should think..)
Castration is for people that do not wish to be bothered with
a sex drive. Or have chronic problems finding a sex partner
and wish to permanently halt the need for one.
Ok sorry for such a long message.. But That's how it is
basically for me..
Feel free to post to the group to find out more about me if
you like...



Jun 30, 2006, 2:43:28 AM6/30/06
GenericProfile <> wrote in news:p6X9g.2662$y4.1324

Ya I agree with you..
It was the same here took at least 2 hours..
I don't remember exactly how long it took it's been a while don't really
remember exactly but I know it was at least 2 hours for me..


Jun 30, 2006, 6:50:22 PM6/30/06
"nutless" <> wrote in

> I am very interested in communicating with others who are interested
> castration.
> Those who have had it done, those who want to have it done and those
> interested in doing it for real. Also I would like to hear about real
> castration stories that others know about or may have been part of.
> All replies will be answered.
> Thanks, Nutless.

I too am a eunuch..

Jul 6, 2006, 6:51:27 PM7/6/06

Not sure if I am doing this correctly as myfirst time on this site.

Like to know more about you and how to find others interested in being

Have experience as a cutter.


Jul 24, 2006, 2:04:44 AM7/24/06

Jul 24, 2006, 2:07:48 AM7/24/06
Not sure how this works but would like to contact others interested in
castration, having it done, doing it, etc. Is there anyone out there
into removing even more?


Oct 11, 2006, 10:48:39 PM10/11/06
I would be interested in learning more. The parties sound great but some
stories will do for now. Please email me at

michaelsmall dick

Feb 22, 2023, 7:15:50 AM2/22/23
On Wednesday, October 11, 2006 at 10:48:39 PM UTC-4, Paige wrote:
> I would be interested in learning more. The parties sound great but some
> stories will do for now. Please email me at
Paige please get ahold of me at and or call at 740418219
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