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Gaff: Captain Bryant toka. Meni-o mae-yo.

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Feb 16, 2024, 3:55:16 PMFeb 16

Gaff: Captain Bryant toka. Meni-o mae-yo.

here TOKA (if from Jp) must be intended to convey the meaning of
context (subj matter)
---- "I'm talking about Captain Bryant"

Meni-o mae-yo. ----- (if from Jp) i could break it down this way:

Omae (you, informal)
Yo (business)
Me-ni (-ni (in Jp)= dative-marker)

("me" in English?) probably "He" in some language.

so the sentiment is:
-- "He (Bryant) has business with you"


Here’s the conversation as it appeared in the movie in full:

Gaff: Monsieur, azonnal kövessen engem, bitte!
Sushi Master: He say you under arrest, Mister Deckard.
Deckard: Got the wrong guy, pal.

Gaff: Lófaszt! Nehogy már! Te vagy a Blade, Blade Runner!
Sushi Master: He say you blade runner.
Deckard: Tell him I’m eating.

Gaff: Captain Bryant toka. Meni-o mae-yo.
Deckard: Bryant, huh?
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