No that headline is not a joke. The IPCC cited a guide for Antarctica
tour operators on decontaminating boots and clothing. Here it is.
The reference is in the Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group II,
section 15.7.2 Economic activity and sustainability in the Antarctic.
The claim is:
"The multiple stresses of climate change and increasing human
activity on the Antarctic Peninsula represent a clear vulnerability
(see Section 15.6.3), and have necessitated the implementation of
stringent clothing decontamination guidelines for tourist landings on
the Antarctic Peninsula (IAATO, 2005)."
This is referenced as:
IAATO, 2005: Update on boot and clothing decontamination guidelines
and the introduction and detection of diseases in Antarctic wildlife:
IAATO's perspective. Paper submitted by the International Association
of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) to the Antarctic Treaty
Consultative Meeting (ATCM) XXVIII. IAATO, 10 pp.
So the IPCC cites a boot and clothing cleaning guide as evidence that
the "multiple stresses of climate change...have necessitated the
implementation of stringent clothing decontamination guidelines". That
might be laughable in and of itself, but the problem is the article
doesn't even mention climate change. Once. Nothing at all about global
warming, or temperature increase. Nothing!
I can't think of a citation any more pathetic. Read the report, and
tell me if you can find anything. This is definitely going on the list
of the IPCC's questionable citations.
The lines between climate science and religion continue to blur.