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Video captures English wind turbine catching fire, melting to pieces

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Leroy N. Soetoro

Aug 4, 2022, 3:16:53 PM8/4/22

Another wind turbine caught fire this summer, but this time it happened
across the pond.

Video shows the wind turbine on fire while a large plume of black smoke
fills the sky in Hull, England.

Residents watched as parts of the wind turbine melted, and pieces fell
from the massive structure.

Firefighters were soon able to extinguish the fire, and crews say they
received nearly 200 calls about the turbine fire.

It is unknown at this time what caused the fire.

Just two weeks ago, lightning struck a wind turbine in North Texas,
setting it ablaze.

Videos from witnesses and firefighters showed the wind turbine generator
ablaze and disintegrated in the sky over Crowell, Texas.


Mark Delaney
2 hours ago

That wind turbine has killed more polar bears than my SUV.

2 hours ago

so much for carbon free wind power.

"LOCKDOWN", left-wing COVID fearmongering. 95% of COVID infections
recover with no after effects.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Donald J. Trump, cheated out of a second term by fraudulent "mail-in"
ballots. Report voter fraud:

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.

Bob F

Aug 4, 2022, 6:44:41 PM8/4/22
On 8/4/2022 12:16 PM, Leroy N. Soetoro wrote:
> pieces-in-england/
> Another wind turbine caught fire this summer, but this time it happened
> across the pond.
> Video shows the wind turbine on fire while a large plume of black smoke
> fills the sky in Hull, England.
> Residents watched as parts of the wind turbine melted, and pieces fell
> from the massive structure.
> Firefighters were soon able to extinguish the fire, and crews say they
> received nearly 200 calls about the turbine fire.
> It is unknown at this time what caused the fire.
> Just two weeks ago, lightning struck a wind turbine in North Texas,
> setting it ablaze.
> Videos from witnesses and firefighters showed the wind turbine generator
> ablaze and disintegrated in the sky over Crowell, Texas.
> Comments:
> Mark Delaney
> 2 hours ago
> That wind turbine has killed more polar bears than my SUV.
> Antgi2016
> 2 hours ago
> so much for carbon free wind power.

125 killed by coal slurry dam collapse.

On the morning of February 26, 1972, the failure of three coal slurry
dams let loose a tidal wave of destruction upon the Buffalo Creek hollow
in Logan county, West Virginia. With little warning to residents, more
than 130 million gallons of dark floodwaters tore through more than a
dozen communities in the hollow. By the day’s end, hundreds of homes and
vehicles were destroyed, thousands were left homeless, and 125 men,
women, and children were dead. The flood, known as the Buffalo Creek
disaster, is considered one of the worst disasters in both American and
Mountain State history.


Aug 5, 2022, 10:05:53 AM8/5/22
On 8/4/22 3:16 PM, Leroy N. Soetoro wrote:
> pieces-in-england/
> Another wind turbine caught fire this summer, but this time it happened
> across the pond.
> Video shows the wind turbine on fire while a large plume of black smoke
> fills the sky in Hull, England.
> Residents watched as parts of the wind turbine melted, and pieces fell
> from the massive structure.
> Firefighters were soon able to extinguish the fire, and crews say they
> received nearly 200 calls about the turbine fire.
> It is unknown at this time what caused the fire.
> Just two weeks ago, lightning struck a wind turbine in North Texas,
> setting it ablaze.
> Videos from witnesses and firefighters showed the wind turbine generator
> ablaze and disintegrated in the sky over Crowell, Texas.
> Comments:
> Mark Delaney
> 2 hours ago
> That wind turbine has killed more polar bears than my SUV.
> Antgi2016
> 2 hours ago
> so much for carbon free wind power.

That wind turbine was releasing CO2.... the CO2 that was stored in that
Wind Turbine when it was built.

Imagine the CO2 it will take to clean up the mess and make the
environment pristine once again... What toxins are no in that
environment and then they have to build a new Wind Turbine and ship and
install it and maintain it and all that will require Fossil Fuel use
that will release even more CO2...

It's like gambling in Vegas, you seem to win small and lose BIG... until
your entire financial nest-egg is lost to the HOUSE that always has the
odds on their side. The CO2 is necessary for "organic life" and nature
runs the casino.

-That's karma-

The result is DEMOCRATS lies about history and reality to themselves and
others means their attempts to figure-out what's wrong is an exercise in
futility, because what they think they know they really don't know, and
fixing problems without the truth... becomes a fools errand.
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