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Larry Geller, Elvis and cancer???

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Mar 29, 2001, 2:04:33 AM3/29/01
Larry, Why were you saying that Elvis was "riddled" with bone cancer?

Larry Geller

Mar 29, 2001, 9:01:29 PM3/29/01
For the record, I never did say that. Jess Stearn, in the book "Elvis'
Search for God," did write that Elvis was "riddled" with cancer. While
I was the primary source of information for that book, there were
several others close to Elvis who also fed Jess information. One of
these people did discuss the cancer issue with Jess.

While there is evidence that Elvis exhibited symptoms of the very
earliest stages of some form of cancer, according to some sources, I do
not believe that Elvis' body was "riddled" with cancer, and I argued
vehemently with Jess about his decision to uyse this language. But he
and his source vetoed my objection.

In the book I wrote, "If I Can Dream," I do report conversations in
which Charlie Hodge and Vernon Presley both tell me that they had
received information from a private autopsy that Elvis did have cancer.
But this is secondhand information, and I can't verify it's authenticy.
I think that Bill Burk has some very interesting information along these
lines, if he'd care to discuss it. In my view, his position is the most
practical and realistic.



Mar 29, 2001, 10:51:52 PM3/29/01
Too bad about Mr. Stearn. There's nothing to be ashamed about if someone
dies from cancer.

One might assume that if Elvis had been felled by cancer, those would've
been the first words out of Dr. Jerry Francisco's mouth the afternoon of
August 16, 1977.

They weren't because Elvis didn't die from that disease, but rather from
prescription drug abuse, fostered in part by massive depression. We sure
miss him, don't we?



In article <>, Larry Geller


Mar 30, 2001, 1:28:41 PM3/30/01


I have tried to clear this up by repeating something that Billy told me.

After Elvis died Vernon was suspicious that someone who was around Elvis was
leaking info about what was going on there and why Elvis died.

He asked Billy to let it slip to Charlie and Grob that Elvis had cancer and see
if it came back in the media and/or gossip.
Billy did that and according to what you say above, so did Vernon.

That's how it all started. He shouldn't have done that nor should he have OK'd
the autopsy, because he ridiculously thought someone killed Elvis based on some
made up, bullshit remark by David Stanley.

Elvis didn't have cancer. It is logical that if he died from cancer they would
have used that as the cause of death and that would have killed any reason for
them to search for or bring drugs into the picture.


Bill Burk

Mar 30, 2001, 4:19:42 PM3/30/01
Larry Geller:

But this is secondhand information, and I can't verify it's authenticy.
I think that Bill Burk has some very interesting information along these
lines, if he'd care to discuss it. In my view, his position is the most
practical and realistic.
Marty Moono:

>> After Elvis died Vernon was suspicious that someone who was around Elvis
leaking info about what was going on there and why Elvis died.

He asked Billy to let it slip to Charlie and Grob that Elvis had cancer and
if it came back in the media and/or gossip.
Billy did that and according to what you say above, so did Vernon.

A day or so after the autopsy was performed, I talked with one of the
doctors who was THERE (who also had been treating me as a patient off-an-on
for 3 years and who had kept me informed of Elvis' medical problems all
those 3 years).

This is what he reported to me about cancer: "They found a very minute
trace of osteomylitis in his right shin. About the size of a pinhead. It
was SO new they said it COULD have developed in the last day or two."

Osteomylitis is a form of bone cancer. A pinhead trace was definitely not
life threatening.

In FACT, Mickey Mantle had osteomylitis when he reported to the New York
Yankees at age 19 and the Mick went on to enjoy a full Hall of Fame career
for the Yankees and when he died, the bone cancer had NOTHING to do with his

NOW . . . over the years one or two have reported they were there in the
Graceland room when the autopsy report was presented to Vernon.


The ONLY ones in that room when the autopsy was presented were: Vernon; Dr.
Muirhead (now deceased), head of the autopsy team; nurse Marian Cocke (at
Vernon's urging, according to Marian); and Maurice Elliott, then VP of
Baptist Hospital. Dr. Muirhead, Cocke and Elliott had all three confirmed
to me that ONLY those people were in the room when the autopsy was presented
to Vernon.

And now I hear of two new books headed our way in the next year in which
both books will inform the fans that Elvis' body was cancer riddled and this
was the cause of his death.


Hope this has helped, Larry, and Moonie.



Bill E. Burk
Publisher, Elvis World magazine

Larry Geller

Mar 30, 2001, 8:10:20 PM3/30/01
Thanks, Bill, for clarifying this issue. I'm sure the newsgroup members
will appreciate the information.


Larry Geller

Mar 30, 2001, 8:12:07 PM3/30/01
Exactly. Maybe we can finally put this issue to rest, at least in the


Mar 31, 2001, 12:32:26 AM3/31/01
Larry, I don't mean to contradict you. But, I had a video tape of a
Elvis documentary that has an interview of you in which you say that the
reason Elvis was using all the pain relievers was that he had bone
cancer. You used the fraise "he was riddled with it"! I can't remember
which show this was. Dick Grob was another person who was saying Elvis
had bone cancer.


Mar 31, 2001, 3:59:51 AM3/31/01

Even if he said it before, he's not saying it now. In the last couple of days
here on aek, Larry has made clear his stand on this issue. What more is there
to say?



Mar 31, 2001, 11:42:28 AM3/31/01
It is very disturbing,the claim that you make,that a "Dr." kept.."you"
informed of Elvis' medical condition for 3 years..

What happened to "Dr.-patient" confidentiality?......This is probably
one of the most revered relationships...

If this "Dr." did keep you informed..if not is at the very

All due respect,Bill.....I just have a problem,with this.....


Mar 31, 2001, 1:32:45 PM3/31/01
Bill Burk :

> The ONLY ones in that room when the autopsy was presented were: Vernon; ...

I wish no-one to attend one's son's autopsy...

§tutz Blackhawk

Mar 31, 2001, 5:00:35 PM3/31/01

>Group: alt.elvis.king Date: Fri, Mar 30,
>2001, 6:28pm (EST+5) From:
> (Moono123)
>After Elvis died Vernon was suspicious
>that someone who was around Elvis was
>leaking info about what was going on
>there and why Elvis died.

What a pity Vernon never found out that it was Marty Lacker and Lamar
Fike who were doing all the leaking. Not much more than a year after
Vernon died, the Albert Goldman book was released, chock-full of the
same sordid stuff you still tantalize your feeble-minded disciples with

Read the book again, folks, then compare the Revelations in that book to
the stuff Marty sells on TV and video.

His endless hypocrisy continues to astound me.



Mar 31, 2001, 5:21:31 PM3/31/01
>> The ONLY ones in that room when the autopsy was presented were: Vernon;
>I wish no-one to attend one's son's autopsy...

The people Bill mentions were present in the room when the autopsy RESULTS were
presented to Vernon. Re-read the above quote. The word PRESENTED is the key
you are missing.


Message has been deleted

Jason Leacock

Mar 31, 2001, 6:28:24 PM3/31/01
Larry Geller wrote:
> Exactly. Maybe we can finally put this issue to rest, at least in the
> newsgroup.
> Larry

So Elvis never told any of the guys that he had cancer?If he did maybe
that to him was his excuse for doing all those hard drugs.Or maybe
Vernon had an altearier(?spelling)motive and that the cancer rumour was
to also justify all those prescriptions.....just a thought


E. P. Henderson

Mar 31, 2001, 11:15:54 PM3/31/01
I doubt Vernon was that bright or devious or bright enough to be that
devious. It's always been my understanding that he denied that there was a
drug problem with Elvis.


"Jason Leacock" <> wrote in message


Mar 31, 2001, 8:34:08 PM3/31/01
Folks, we're getting off on a tangential issue. The point Mr. Burk was making,
is that Elvis did not have cancer. Perhaps you have a point with what you
say, but let's not get side tracked from the topic of this thread. What is
this, a Watergate hearing?


> Jim, I winced just like you did when I read that part in Bill Burk's
>In fact, it is immoral AND illegal for a doctor to disclose any medical
>information concerning a patient to a third person . EVEN if the patient is
>Elvis Presley. Breaking medical secrecy is a really serious offence that can
>bring you a lot of trouble,
>such as penal prosecution among others. At least, this is what happens in my
>country; I suppose the law is not very different in the US (maybe tougher?)
>-As far as Mr Burk's behavior, I have no doubt he acted out of genuine
>concern for a friend;
>However, it would have been more honest to go to Elvis and try to have a
>straight talk with him, you know, eyeball to eyeball. "If it doesn't do any
>good, at least it will do no harm".
>Just my personnal views.
>Jimbo <> a écrit dans le message :


Apr 1, 2001, 12:07:36 AM4/1/01
Elvis was taking pain killers that teminal cancer patients took near the end of
his life. Probably due to his high tolerance level for lesser drungs at that
point. It's possible he did tell a few people close to him, including Charlie,
that he had some form of cancer to justify the drugs he was taking.
Just a guess.


Apr 1, 2001, 5:17:49 AM4/1/01
CBunch1070 a écrit :

> >I wish no-one to attend one's son's autopsy...
> >
> The people Bill mentions were present in the room when the autopsy RESULTS were
> presented to Vernon. Re-read the above quote. The word PRESENTED is the key
> you are missing.

I'll stop reading forums at 11:30 on Saturday evenings.


Apr 1, 2001, 10:43:16 PM4/1/01
What about the mid-1970s report that Elvis had glaucoma? Any truth to it?


Apr 2, 2001, 1:23:19 AM4/2/01
Subject: Re: Larry Geller, Elvis and cancer???
From: iiser...@aol.comnospam (IISergioII)
Date: 4/1/01 10:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <>

What about the mid-1970s report that Elvis had glaucoma? Any truth to it?>>

From what I am assuming, it must be true that he had glaucoma because I have
read about it in several books and some of Elvis' cousins had talked to me
about it before. In fact in one book of which I can not remember the name at
this time, it even talks about how Elvis had to have a needle injected
directly into his eye at one time because of the glaucoma.. Linda Thompson was
there with him when he had it done and it must have been very painful for Elvis
to go through this because according to the story, Linda was holding his hand
when they put the needle into his eye and he squeezed her handt so hard that
she said it felt like he was going to break her hand. I am sure either Larry or
Marty will verify if this is true or not. Take Care!



Apr 2, 2001, 12:40:41 PM4/2/01

Yes, that's a true story it happened in Nashville. The doctor was David Meyer
the retina specialist from Memphis.


Jun 24, 2016, 7:35:48 PM6/24/16
It was Joyce Bova Elvis was with when he had the shot in his eye.

Jun 24, 2016, 7:39:33 PM6/24/16

Nov 13, 2017, 7:40:28 PM11/13/17
Charlie Hodge told my Sister that Elvis had bone cancer in his leg.
So he was a leak of false information or was it true?

Feb 6, 2018, 7:36:49 PM2/6/18
In the past, it was not illegal for a Dr to discuss
a patients health with anyone he chose, however,
today it is against the law due due the privacy law
Passed several years ago. I wish I knew if Elvis had cancer. He looked ill (not just overweight) puffy, bloated, dark circles under his eyes. He simply looked very sick
Judy Lawrence.

Feb 9, 2019, 4:13:02 PM2/9/19
Charlie Hodge said Elvis was riddled with bone cancer in an interview

Jun 5, 2019, 5:55:20 PM6/5/19
As discussed earlier, Charlie Hodge was possibly told that Elvis had cancer due to A) Vernon trying to smoke out the leaker or B) Elvis was trying to justify his use of drugs that were only prescribed to cancer patients.

Charlie Hodge very likely believed that Elvis did indeed have cancer because he was told so by either Vernon or Elvis himself....either would be very convincing.

Dec 16, 2019, 7:19:39 AM12/16/19
May I just say that Out of all the stories and "friends" books etc. I do feel your story is the real Story. What Elvis dies of isn't really the issue so much. The fact is that this beautiful person passed away and is missed.
There is so much rubbish coming out about Elvis that it is hard to know what to believe.. However I have read "If I can dream" That book matches the Elvis we see. Regardless of what people say about you, I truly feel you and a few others were genuine friends to Elvis. I fell in Love with Elvis because of your book.

I guess I'm just trying to say thank you for showing the "Real Elvis" to people. :-)

May 24, 2020, 1:57:05 PM5/24/20
I was in the dressing room and met 3 cancer Doctors that Elvis had flown in. Their wives were with them. This was after show Dec. 6 or 7th, 1976. I believe they were from NYC.

They went in to see Elvis privately. A while later Charley came running in in a panic nervously proclaiming to me and J.D. that Elvis had sent them away and was not choosing treatment.

Jul 12, 2020, 5:31:47 PM7/12/20
there is a video on youtube a phone call in 1969 where elvis talks to Ron Pietrofeso and tells him he had glaucoma


Jul 25, 2020, 4:32:45 PM7/25/20
In reply to "" who wrote the following:
I don't remember the title of the film, but do remember Elvis' road manager mentioning him being riddled
with bone cancer, and Vernon did not want anyone to know. Cancer was such a taboo topic even in the late
70's that I am not surprised that someone from Vernon's generation didn't want it mentioned. I well
recall how the "C" word was talked about in low voices and whispered about if it ever came up in
conversation. Vern must have cut himself off practically entirely from the press. The public would have
been more sympathetic to Elvis' use of painkillers had they known the nature of his medical condition,
and it would have been preferable to the world thinking he was just an out-and-out dope fiend.

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