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Learning And Reading - Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei had an excellent command of reading and writing

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Aug 11, 2004, 5:22:00 PM8/11/04
Learning And Reading - Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei had
an excellent command of reading and writing

11 August 2004
{HRI 20040811}

(Layout for
typewriter font;
with note for
TeX typesetting)

Leonardo Da Vinci and, later, also Galileo Galilei, had an excellent
perception and understanding of their environment, and added to that,
also a very good command of reading and writing - which is not
difficult to see, for those who can Read.

So this is about the activity of Learning and Reading.

You have never been taught this, so this task

- to remind you of what is true, and

- to formulate, to put in words what you know very well to
be true - that task, as always,

then falls upon me.

I wrote earlier (on 4 May 2003, 'Teaching To Read') to help you
understand the activity of Reading:

'Though people can be taught to write what they want to say,
teaching them to read is a wholly different matter, because

reading involves the perception [feeling] and understanding of

what another being communicates to you.'

'So maybe the first step in teaching to read, certainly the most
basic thing to teach about it, is that

reading is about perceiving (sensing) and (thereby then)

understanding another being

- in this case, it is about understanding the person
who wrote the words that you are reading.'

And [I add now, for clarity] of course then, to understand
what he wants to express with those words to you or to

More recently (on 31 July 2004) I wrote:

' ... reading, after all, is nothing else than [using] the ability to
understand another and to do so with the aid of the agreed upon,
physical symbols of language.' *(4)

So you have to learn to recognize those physical symbols, which can
be in audible form (speech) and in visible form (pictures, letters,

What comes first, in learning things, is, that

also already while you could not yet read

(for instance when you were a baby or toddler, or because
you went to a wholly foreign country and culture),

you observed and got a feeling and understanding of what's going on,
and of what people and also you yourself do and think and intend or

You observed and felt actions, activities, of yourself, and of

you observed and felt the emotions and intentions of yourself,
and of others;

you observed and felt objects, nature, your environment.

That is of course the first and main step in learning anything:

You feel and observe what is there, and you feel and observe what
others, and also you yourself, think about it, or want, or do,
and what emotions are connected with all these things - how
things feel.

This has, by the way, nothing whatsoever to do with the age of a
person, but merely with how much Energy (curiosity and passion
for life) you still have or can generate and want to generate

for feeling life.

I can (and do) love Chinese people, without currently
speaking or reading their language, really.

Your parents could love you, when you were born, and
(I hope they were able to love, and if so) they could
do so without that you spoke their language.

Learning things, has to do with how curious and how interested
in life you are, and are allowed to be, at home or in your
environment - whether you are a new born baby, a toddler, an
adolescent, an adult, or someone who has retired from work.

And how much Energy (curiosity and passion for life) you
still have, or can generate and want to generate for
feeling life, depends of course also on

how severely your soul has been hit by Criminal
Minds, *(5) those who are hitting your soul for your
being alive and beautiful and caring,

or in terms of children and parents, how many times
you were told to "go and play outside," etc.,

how many times you were demanded NOT to
understand what is actually going on in life,

demanded NOT to see who causes what and how;

which is your being demanded not to see
the truth of something or about someone,

your being prevented from seeing or
understanding, whether the intentions of
another are well- or ill-meant to you or
to others; and your lack of desire to
learn has certainly to do with

how strongly you were demanded NOT to participate in
life, with an endless string of "reasons," of lies,
of insincerity and justifications for it,

to make you stop wanting to know, and

to make you stop wanting to understand, and

to make you stop wanting to LEARN.

So, maintaining or restoring curiosity for life, as well as
the desire to enjoy the Beauty of life in all its aspects,
is a major factor in learning (also in learning to Read),
and in teaching.

This is known to any student who is sincerely
enthusiastic about a teacher and the subject taught,
because that is exactly what that teacher does for
his students or pupils.

Such teachers must be hired at all cost and
then kept at all cost.

On the other hand, teachers who are Criminal Minds,
will do precisely the opposite to their students or

Such teachers must be removed at all cost and
with all efforts. *(5)

I must then also not fail to mention students
or pupils who are Criminal Minds, and who will
do everything they can, to make the other
students give up their interest and desire to
really know and to really understand, to really
LEARN things.

Such students or pupils must be removed
at the earliest possibility and with all
efforts, and at the very least they must
be kept separate - with the above reason
given to the other students or pupils, in
order to repair their desire to learn.

Those are very serious matters, which - if not
handled soonest - are likely to ruin the rest
of your life, and not only yours, of course.

So now we get to Reading, which is the activity of associating the
physical symbols of language - such as words and phrases - to all
your experiences and feelings and observations and emotions and
intentions and actions and activities.

You can see this in the very famous and popular booklets
for toddlers (but older children and adults, like me, do
like them too), written and drawn by Dick Bruna, with very
simple stories and even more simple pictures, that do
precisely that:

Associating what you know and have felt and observed,
to some words and phrases.

And then soon there is also the activity of associating those
physical symbols of language - the words and phrases, associating
these, connecting these - also to other people's experiences and
their feelings and their observations and their emotions and their
intentions and their actions and activities,

and with that, you have, you own, you possess, you command the
immensely vast, the tremendous, tremendous wealth, of

being able to read what others have done, have thought,
have felt, maybe have understood for you, and what others
want you to know,

that might interest you greatly...

Words then start to lead a life of their own, but words have been
created by people, and they are being used by a writer (who most
certainly was an alive person, when he wrote it)

- yes, there are actual people behind those words, also when you
read a school book, a text book, a study book, a manual, or a
law, that you are required to read -

and it is vital to know, of course, what the intention of the person
who wrote it is (added to your own intention for wanting to read it,
and maybe related to why others may want you to read it):

Reading fiction as if it was fact, and not understanding it was
written as fiction, can of course be quite fatal.

Not less fatal, and much more common

- very common, I would say if you ask me -

is reading partial or even complete fiction which is however
intended by the author(s) to be seen and felt NOT as fiction,
but as fact.

Not being able to detect that, is the ultimate of not
being able to Read (per the definition given, above)

...while you are wholly convinced that "you can read

So we come back to the general statement about the activity of

Though people can be taught to write whatever they like to say
or what they feel they must write, or what they have to write,

teaching people to Read, is a wholly different matter, because

the activity of Reading involves the perception, the feeling and
understanding of

what another being communicates to you.

So maybe the first step in teaching to Read, and certainly the
most basic thing, to teach about it, is that

Reading is about perceiving (sensing) and (thereby then)

understanding another being and his actual intentions

- in this case, it is about understanding the person
who wrote the words that you are reading, and

of course then also Reading is, to understand what
he wants to express with those words to you or to

which might be in total conflict with his
actual intentions;

and that is - with some effort on your part -
found out by studying what such a writer is,
sometimes even very "loudly," NOT saying or NOT
writing about. *(6)

And indeed you do first like to know the actual - not the
pretended but the true - INTENTIONS of the writer, and
THEN, and only then, can you go and actually understand
what he writes, of course:

Then you can Read.

And this is how I can Read, now, a vast amount of the most diverse
texts and data, and gain understanding from these, and do so to your

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(1) See Definition of Time,

in the
Textnote: '(b) ----------- (Time)'
sub: ' ------ (The Present)'

as found amongst the footnotes of

'About Aliens, Dimensions, Consciousness, Time, And Earth's Past
And Future' {HRI 20040617-V3.7}
(17 June 2004 - Version 3.7 on 21 July 2004)

(2) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'
(19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)

(3) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Persistent, Violent
Psychotics' (27 Feb 2003)

(4) [context: ] '... you will observe also in [some] "rational"
posters [writers, authors], a morbid and entirely
unrestrained JOY of not understanding others.

Then, it is their fiercely defended, and for some the

desire not to understand life itself; and even,
to most actively PREVENT any understanding of
life and of people; an overall intention that
is resulting in ... [an]

inability to read - and that also for those posters
[writers, authors] who can write:

By their very writing, they show their
persistent inability to read

- reading, after all, is nothing else
than the ability to understand another
and to do so with the aid of the
agreed upon, physical symbols of

(With the short-lived exception of ... , who for a
fleeting moment opened up one Angstrom* of his
perception to connect a Nanotube** to his vast
but un-awake intellect of care.)'

(5) 'Rights of Criminal Minds' {HRI 20040108} (8 January 2004)

(6) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'
(19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)


(*) Angstrom - a term from the period on Earth, when the Criminal
Mind Albert Einstein and others, promoted the idea
that perception and awareness, and thus time, are
determined by photons. *(+)

Photons are indeed particles with a mass that results
in the hitting energy from the speed of its mass, as
Newton already formulated it precisely

(E=mV^2 or, if the speed of a photon is C, then
of course E=mC^2)

but for which Albert Einstein got a Nobel Prize.

This dubious honor, bestowed on the Criminal Mind
Albert Einstein, was then used by him to advance the
idea, that awareness (of time) *(1) is determined by
photons, which he called a "Theory of Relativity,"
and he was

stating at the same time that it was just a
crazy idea, to prove how extremely stupid
humanity is, or "The more crazy an idea, the
more easily it is accepted by humanity."

This was indeed known to various dictators -
not only to those whose messages were received
by the populace, by 'hoi polloi,' *(++) through
a 'Volksempfanger.' *(+++)

The term Angstrom is then used here by me, amusingly, to show the
return of natural perception of truth

- as perception, also of truth, (as you all know and do) is
of course done by Life Energy,

with which you also perceive light or photons and/or
whatever your body's sense organs make of it -

when Life Energy is used.

This has given rise to various Human Rights Issues, which
describe what Criminal Minds do with that what also Criminal
Minds themselves - even though they vehemently deny it, which,
as you know, all Criminals do - perceive to be the truth.
(For instance as described in References b. and f.)
(See further, "Detecting Criminal Minds ..." *(2))

And other HRI's which describe how Criminal Minds influence and
distort the perception of others - which after all, is done by
means of Life Energy Particles only.
(For instance References g. and o.)
(See further, "Fine Particle Physics ..." *(3))

(+) Photons - Photons are indeed particles with a mass that results
in the hitting energy from the speed of its mass, as
Newton already formulated it precisely (E=mV^2 or, if
the speed of a photon is C, then of course E=mC^2).

The hitting energy of photon particles is expressed by
the magnitude of their vibrating speed,

which also determines to what extent they are
deflected by objects, (you know this from
radio waves) and thus, how fast these vibrate,

by consequence, determines the minimum size of
objects that can be detected by photons

of that vibrating speed (which you know
as the various colors of light),

in physics also called wavelength, and
expressed as a size in meters,
micrometers, or nanometers, and in

Angstrom being one tenth of a nanometer
(especially for easily referring to the
visible band such as the colors of

(++) 'hoi polloi' - Greek for 'the many,' meaning the populace, the
unthinking mass whose Life Energy is continuously
and so severely smashed by Criminal Minds, that
'hoi polloi' become incapable of feeling,
retaining, or even desiring truth that would be
most vital for them to defend their health and
their happiness.

Truth is knowing 'what happened (to you)
and who caused it.'

Life Energy contains perception and
memory, as well as the intention to
connect to these.

(+++) 'Volksempfanger' - (also 'Volksempfaenger') a radio that the
German households were allowed to have, and

by which they should and did listen to
National Socialist (Nazi) Propaganda
speeches and "news" - not unlike the glossy
magazines and 'newsletters' from
'scientology' and their front groups, that
contain as much truth and as many lies as the
German populace under Hitler was subjected to
and indeed felt to be true, and in the
beginning also believed.

(**) Nanotube - extremely small tubes, currently on Earth the
smallest tube structures that, under certain
laboratory conditions, can be made to form. They are
in the order of magnitude of molecules.
As the term indicates, their size can be measured in
nanometers, of which a thousand million would fit in
one meter, and slightly less in one yard.

Note for TeX typesetting:

(at the very top of the text, insert)
\font\fourteenrm=cmr10 at 14 pt
\input eplain.tex
(and at the very end of the text, insert)
(then, do also)
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(replace any } with $}$ )
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(replace all _ with - )
(replace all ' [space apostrophe] with ` )
(replace all " [space doublequote] with `` )
(replace - [space hyphen space] with --- )

(run the command: tex [textfile] )
(view/print resulting [textfile].dvi with a

(the following can be done afterwards, and
(replace http:// with {\eightrm http:// and
replace =gplain with =gplain} and, if necessary,
replace .html with .html} or anything else that
is preceded by http:// and thus got {\eightrm
put in front of it, and thus needs a closing } )

(Remembering that you have loaded eplain.tex and
are in \obeywhitespace mode

- which adds commands, but also alters
some plain.tex commands, and if you do
not like that, then it is maybe without
the use of eplain.tex, that -

you may desire to make the layout more fancy,

with header and footer, big font for the title,
and right flush for some parts of the text, and
correcting line breaks because you use a
proportional font now

- ideally of course with a box for each
paragraph, which however loses also
some of the intentional line breaks
within a paragraph, but those
particular line breaks, if they are
significant, and sometimes they are,
these can be and only then should be
replaced by a comma for instance, to
keep the meaning intact.)

Copyright 2003, 2004 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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