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Re: [Gregg DesElms] I Hate Niggers

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Nov 26, 2005, 12:03:19 PM11/26/05
I can't stand him or DI but do we have to have this as the bash DI
forum? Can we agree to make 4 education posts for ever bash?
Posted via^M
Visit military specific discussions!

Quinn Tyler Jackson

Nov 26, 2005, 3:05:31 PM11/26/05
To Those Who Would Hide Behind Anonymity or Spoof Others:

There is no honor in your ways, whatsoever.

You are vapors, imaginations, will-o-the-wisps, a tale told by idiots,
signifying nothing.

Nobody believes GDE posted that hate-filled spoof. In so spoofing, you have
condemned yourselves. By refusing to fight a clean fight, under your own
names, by refusing to debate and educate in an honorable, ethical manner,
you have stained your own souls.

By attacking from the rooftops like snipers, you have shown your
cowardliness to the world and have tabernacled yourself amongst the most

Those who feed you with their continued conflict will grow wise to this, and
will stop throwing you what you so need: conflict, despair, and anger. As
you feed off the despair, the hatred, the continual antagonism -- you will
eventually find the hosts you parasites feast on grow wise and shower you
off. And then you will be left alone before your Maker with the consequences
of your deeds and words.

So you had better fortify your minds and souls before your primary source of
energy dries up -- because a starving vapor, I hear, is a sorry sight

Your other choice, before you starve the starvation and fade into the
dissipation all vapors inevitably must -- is to stop it now, never return to
it, and rebuild your honor and integrity from the inside out.

There's a fork in the road -- which branch you take is up to you. Nobody is
pushing you down either path.

Quinn Tyler Jackson Gregg DesElms

Nov 26, 2005, 4:52:25 PM11/26/05
What Geechee nigger died and made you king? I am a super moderator, so
I can do any damn thing I wish.

Quinn Tyler Jackson

Nov 26, 2005, 6:22:15 PM11/26/05
> What ****** ****** died and made you king? I am

> a super moderator, so I can do any damn thing I
> wish.

Nobody thinks GDE posted this base trash.

You are a nameless, spineless coward -- rejected by everyone with a name and
with a spine. You feed on despair, hatred, vileness, discord, and injustice.

Since you wish you had a name -- here's one suitable for you: Abaddon
Homunculus Rex.

Since you wish you had a country -- why not try East Har Mageddon. I hear
the trash heap needs a new Little King.

Quinn Tyler Jackson Uncle Janko

Nov 26, 2005, 9:42:21 PM11/26/05
Do not be such a pussy, Quinn. We all know your wife is a sand nigger.
Go home and cry about that. Where were you when me and Greggy were
beating up on chinks?

Janko Preotul


Nov 26, 2005, 9:42:22 PM11/26/05
Quinn, does not Uncle Janko and others at DI hide?

Sherry Nelson

Nov 26, 2005, 10:02:53 PM11/26/05
Is there an actual thread on this topic that actually discusses the topic?

"Guest" <> wrote in message

Quinn Tyler Jackson

Nov 26, 2005, 10:27:23 PM11/26/05
> Do not be such a *****, Quinn. We all know your **** is a **** ******.
> Go home and cry about that. Where were you when me and ***** were
> beating up on *****?

Nobody believes UJ wrote this, you know.

So, you came to the fork in the road I mentioned earlier, and you decided to
follow the darker of the two paths you had before you, I suppose.

You have my pity, brother, for that path is fraught with nothing but
darkness and despair -- and I assure you that it certainly is not my despair
of which I am speaking. I don't envy you your walk there.

God bless.

Quinn Tyler Jackson


Nov 27, 2005, 12:22:43 AM11/27/05
The quote is from the movie. It shows how the colored sgt. is a racist
and a murderer.

I worship Gregg and asian massage parlors, and Jack Tracey is so

Uncle Janko aka our beloved pastor from michigan is my god.

Quinn Tyler Jackson

Nov 28, 2005, 12:57:00 AM11/28/05
"Guest" said:

> I worship ***** and ***** massage parlors,
> and **** ***** is so wonderful.
> ***** ****** aka our beloved pastor from
> ******** is my god.

What those who allow you and your anonymous co-conspirators to roam
unchallenged do not seem to realize is that your attacks are not limited to
a few. Even if they were limited to a few with whom you think you have a
beef, they would be totally uncalled for in their viciousness, but you also
attack children, spouses, the injured, and any innocent bystander who gets
in the way of your agenda of hate.

Your words are not reserved for those with whom you profess to have issues.
They spread like a disease to anyone and everyone attached to the target of
your bile.

And then there are those who do not stand up to you because they think
rebuttal will simply feed the trolls, or will somehow you are beneath
contempt and not worth the effort.

And so, by not standing up to you, others have allowed you to attack women,
children, and other innocents.

When does the spread of your diseased regime stop?

I for one do not believe you are beyond hope or beneath contempt. Cowards
need not always be cowards. Bullies can stop their bullying. All that is
sometimes needed is for someone to look them straight in the eye and say,
"Listen, you spineless coward -- to date you have remained nameless. Stop
it -- turn from it -- move on -- and make peace with whomever it is you need
to make peace. But quit it." Behind the cowardliness and the namelessness
are real people, with real lives, real souls, real ambitions. There is
always hope for the real people behind these things. But only if you turn
away, move on, and don't look back.

You're not about Distance Education, really, are you? Maybe you came across
the eternal feud between the Accreditationalists and the
Non-accreditationalists and you saw a few suckers ripe for the picking. You
did a little bit of research, learned a few of the key names in the game,
and figured out the right buttons to push, the right catch phrases to throw.
And you watched as people laughed at your efforts, and the efforts escalated
into the most base of public spectacles. And nobody ever called you by name:
Anonymous Cowards -- so you just kept feeding on the hatred and the discord
and just kept coming back for more feeding, each and every time someone
light another log under the feud. When things calmed down, you poured a
little gas on the fire, to keep it roaring.

But what is it about Distance Education that you have anything to do with?
Absolutely nothing. When the flames of hatred and despair die down here, you
will move on to the next feeding ground ... the next victim fora. It might
be motorcycle repair, it might be origami techniques -- you don't care, as
long as there is a fight to fan.

Expert at playing people's baser desire for retribution, you psych out the
crowd you play like a broken harp.

Do not be deceived into thinking that you are opaque in your ways. You are
as transparent as glass -- and as fragile as the same. The real victims of
your carnage -- yourselves. Keep it up, and you will end up broken. Each and
every community you infest will grow wise to you soon enough.

So turn away from it now, while you still have something inside worth
preserving from breakage. There is still time. You're still anonymous. The
only forces in Heaven and Earth right now who you must reconcile with are
yourselves and God. Keep it up -- cross the line again and again -- and you
will be found out before man and your cowardliness won't serve you well

Quinn Tyler Jackson


Nov 28, 2005, 7:23:08 AM11/28/05
Is it possible that the source of rabid attacks on all sides is the
same or some similar individual unrelated to distance education, not
the many who have been accused?

Quinn Tyler Jackson

Nov 28, 2005, 10:57:38 AM11/28/05
"Guest" asked:

> Is it possible that the source of rabid
> attacks on all sides is the same or some
> similar individual unrelated to distance
> education, not the many who have been
> accused?

It takes only one or two stones in a barrel to make a lot of noise.

As I have already said -- I do not believe the noisemaker has any real
connection to distance education. It wouldn't take a random passerby longer
than a few hours reading to get a feel for the antagonism that has been
going on between members of one forum and members of another, and to try to
feed off that.

Quinn Tyler Jackson John Vulturos

Nov 28, 2005, 2:28:55 PM11/28/05

___| reply |__________________________________________________________

Is it possible that the source of rabid attacks on all sides is the
same or some similar individual unrelated to distance education, not
the many who have been accused?


I think it is Quinn. The guy is schizo. He probably ratted himself
out of his AMU job too. Assholes attack his wife and he apologizes to
the assholes? A right mental case, that one.


Nov 28, 2005, 2:28:55 PM11/28/05

___| reply |__________________________________________________________
I hate all them stinking jigaboo jungle bunnies. Especially them
Geechee niggers. Thats why I deleted this quote from the movie A
Soldiers Story that someone posted.

Master Sergeant Vernon Waters: You know the damage one ignorant Negro
can do? We were in France in the first war; we d won decorations.

But the white boys had told all them French gals that we had tails.
Then they found this ignorant colored soldier, paid him to tie a tail
to his ass and run around half-naked, making monkey sounds. Put him on
the big round table in the Cafe Napoleon, put a reed in his hand, crown
on his head, blanket on his shoulders, and made him eat *bananas* in
front of all them Frenchies.

Oh, how the white boys danced that night... passed out leaflets with
that boys picture on it. Called him Moonshine, King of the Monkeys.

And when we slit his throat, you know that fool asked us what he had
done wrong?

Gregg L. DesElms
A lowly barnacle on the
hull of the S.S. DegreeInfo

Raising digression, tangential thinking and
circumlocution to an absolute artform.

Veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondi.
Veritas nimium altercando amittitur.

* Articles you should not miss, here.
* Books you should not miss, here and here.
* Web sites you should not miss, here and here.
* Get foreign degrees evaluated, here and/or here.
* Read all about accreditation and degree mills, here.
* Check school/program accreditation, here and here.
* DegreeInfo s Terms of Service (TOS) agreement, here.



Okay Glegg, I give up, why do you hate niggers?

Could you not find one with hands small enough to give you a proper
hand job?

Did she want you to pay the $40,000 in food stamps?

Does dumbass white motherfucker sound better in a foreign language?

Quinn Tyler Jackson

Nov 28, 2005, 2:57:55 PM11/28/05
"John Vulturos" (yeah, sure....) said:

> I think it is Quinn. The guy is schizo. He probably ratted himself

> out of his *** job too. ******** attack his **** and he apologizes to
> the ********? A right mental case, that one.

It won't work, "John".

I see you're willing to bring family members into this, too, eh? Happy with
yourself, to drag innocents into it, then, are you? How does it make you
feel to attempt to deride others, "John"? Does that make you feel strong?
Bold with a tad of brazen thrown in for good measure, perhaps? How does it
make you feel to attempt to make yourself feel grander by saying those
things, "John"? Do you actually feel a better person now, "John"?

Ah, but not big enough to say that under your own name. OK. In other words,
you're quite willing to try to drag others -- including bystanders who have
no place in the discussion -- through the muck -- but you want your real
name to be clean of stain. You know that if you said what you just said
above under your real name, that you would be stained for some time to come.
I see. Willing to be part of the anonymous amorphous mass of vapors --
poised like a sniper on a rooftop -- but not willing to get your hands dirty
as you play in the mud. Mighty bold of you.

No real name, no real courage. Is that a safe place for you, "John"? Is that
always going to be satisfying enough for you, then? One day, it may not be
enough, and you'll be tempted to share news of your misdeeds with someone
else, under your real name, because you'll crave the *credit* for your
heroism, and eventually, someone you tell will be sickened enough, and you
will be found out.

Enjoy the rooftop while you have it, then. Just be careful not to step on
one of the rotten boards underfoot. And when you're tempted to brag about
your heroic sniping -- be careful who you tell. You may find that your crowd
isn't as impressed with cowards as you figured they would be.


Quinn Tyler Jackson

Quinn Tyler Jackson

Nov 29, 2005, 2:46:28 PM11/29/05
> ******** attack his **** and he apologizes to
> the ********?

Dear "John":

I've given this some thought. That you allude to something such as the above
means you've been around the distance learning fora at least for some time,
and since you have put in so much effort to keep up on the comings and
goings of the places, I feel you deserve a bit more considered response than
the typical anonymous poster might.

I'm not perfect, "John", and I'm not particularly wise. I've made more than
my fair share of mistakes in life. Zigged when I ought to have zagged. Got
angry when I should have been calm. Remained calm when I should have gotten

And in the whole equation of "what I did and did not" and "what I should
have and should not have" -- getting publicly angry in the way I did back at
the time to which you refer was perhaps one of my biggest "should not
haves". There are dozens of more appropriate ways to deal with a perceived
slight than to badmouth those one perceives to have done the slighting.
Anger always *seems* righteous to the angry party at the time, but just
because something seems righteous does not mean that it is. I would hope
that someone with a good memory such as you are displaying by bringing the
above past matter up would understand that we must, all of us, remember the
past when we put our heads on the pillow at night. A past without
forgiveness and without reconciliation with our neighbor and brothers and
sisters is a very disturbing past, indeed.

How many grudges can one soul carry before the weight collapses that soul?
We are not called upon to carry that weight alone. We are called upon to
forgive seven times seven times. If we continue in our anger, if we continue
to feel slighted, if we continue to carry that weight -- we insult God by
refusing to allow Him to carry that weight for us. And if we allow those
things to cause us to rant hatred -- we not only insult God -- we insult our
brothers and sisters -- and stain ourselves in the process. Is that
something we want to take to the pillow each night? I am a weakling -- I
cannot carry that burden; it's too heavy for me, "John". I am too weak,
spiritually, to carry anger for weeks, months on end. It breaks me.

And if I break, others will suffer in ways that no perceived slight will
ever bring upon them, for I am to be their supporter. If I let anger break
me, I will fail those I love in ways that only I can fail them -- I will
have done more disservice.

Contrition for one's wrong-headed conduct is the beginning. One must then
move on and seek to avoid the flaw of character that brought the sin in the
first place. None of us are saints this side of paradise, "John", least of
all me.

So, yes -- by apologizing -- and by refusing to allow that anger to sit on
my heart and soul -- I am admitting that I am weak and too easily broken.
This is the nature of every apology before man and God: to admit our
weakness. Oh, listen to the anonymous roar of laughter at that admission.
The difference between an apology and being cowardly, however, is how one
responds to that weakness. A coward blames his or her weakness on the world,
on God, on every party in Heaven and Earth -- except where that blame
squarely belongs: on him or herself. My weakness is my human frailty. The
weakness of cowards is everyone else's fault.

To attack others, to attack amorphous concepts such as "race", to attack
children, spouses, systems, politicians, officials, "boards" -- but to avoid
personal responsibility for one's own conduct -- is evasive in the extreme.
It might work for a while, but it won't "take". Eventually it will unravel,
and mercy to him to finds himself so unglued when that happens.

I'm too much another kind of coward to ever wish to be in a position where I
would find myself so unraveled, "John". To one day wake up and find out I
have been passing responsibility for some flaw in my life on some external
force ... I just don't have the stomach for that at this point in my life.
The crisis this would bring me is terrifying to imagine. For if I find
myself in such a position -- I will not have prepared myself to cope. I will
have passed the responsibility for my actions onto so many external
influences that I just won't have the mechanisms required to survive the
avalanche that follows. I'm too much another kind of coward to wait for that
avalanche to crush me.

God bless and be well.

Quinn Tyler Jackson

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