Fetus Clavin
KevNJon wrote:
> BEER: Helping Ugly People Have Sex for Centuries
Remove the "PLONK" to email me
>BEER: Helping Ugly People Have Sex for Centuries
Poster seen somewhere in the past/t-shirt design seen on beavis'
whirlwind tour of Fremantle :
"Beer - helping white men dance since (some year I can't remember)"
Lamest t-shirt I ever see, and still see on a weekly basis:
"Save water. Drink beer."
I think it's a Corona shirt. I do not know. What I do know is that it's
fucking retarded. The same people do not understand why the face corner
mocks them.
Second lamest shirt: "UW-Madison Beer Bash, 1998. Fucking Discusting!"
Nice spelling, higher education retardo.
I think I need a drink.
-wm (no, needs a drink)
Whiskey Mike wrote:
> Fetus (fe...@firstworld.netPLONK) wrote:
> : I've seen the same thing on T-shirts, but it ends with "since 1862."
> : Which is just plain wrong, since beer is at least as old as written
> : language (the oldest known written recipe is for beer).
> Lamest t-shirt I ever see, and still see on a weekly basis:
> "Save water. Drink beer."
> I think it's a Corona shirt. I do not know. What I do know is that it's
> fucking retarded. The same people do not understand why the face corner
> mocks them.
Heh- I've seen the same or similar on posters at Spencers (tacky mall
chain "gift shop" for those of you not in NY or Florida), county fairs,
etc. "I conserve water. I drink beer." It's on about the same level as
the "I have a drinking problem- two hands and only one mouth." The only
worse T-shirts I've seen were the ubiquitous street-vendor silk-screened
shirts reading "SHOW ME THE MONEY" right after Jerry Maguire came out.
There are others like that- I recall seeing a street vendor shirt saying
"Kiss My Ass- I'm on vacation! NYC" with an alligator on it. I wondered
for some time what an alligator had to do with an NYC vacation. Oh,
maybe it's the alligators in the sewers thing.
> Second lamest shirt: "UW-Madison Beer Bash, 1998. Fucking Discusting!"
> Nice spelling, higher education retardo.
LOL, and that's a "prestige" college, too.
Trigger wrote:
> KevNJon wrote:
> >
> > BEER: Helping Ugly People Have Sex for Centuries
> Heh. Someone sent me that a long while back - it's been on my home page for a
> coupla months...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Image]
(Jimmy Stewart - "HARVEY" ca 1950
<snip image>
Holy shit, Trig, you came through. Yep, that's the sign; I had forgotten the
precise wording. Guess there's nothing new or unique about it. I'll shut up now
. . .
Hell man, even if you *could* shut up I know ya wouldn't ;-)
I was actually expecting the response "Now *why* did someone send you that pic?"...
How's the whole damn family? If I called could I still get in for the spring
piano lessons?
Trigger - oh oh, I may be falling into the category "suckass loser" here...
Unfortunately, we have Spencers in Milwaukee, too. They have quite the
stupid merchandise. Strawberry flavored pleasure cream (highly flammable).
Plastic chests with huge boobs. Hats shaped like the tip of a penis.
And... other similar crap that nobody in their right minds would (er,
should) buy.
Whiskey Mike wrote:
> Fetus (fe...@firstworld.netPLONK) wrote:
> Unfortunately, we have Spencers in Milwaukee, too. They have quite the
> stupid merchandise. Strawberry flavored pleasure cream (highly flammable).
> Plastic chests with huge boobs. Hats shaped like the tip of a penis.
> And... other similar crap that nobody in their right minds would (er,
> should) buy.
Yep, that's the place. Well, it's good for rock posters and things like
that, as well as prepackaged Monopoly-type drinking board games that are
"not intended for use with alcoholic beverages"- yeah, that's why
they're called "Party 'til You Puke" and the like.
Flammable strawberry-flavored pleasure lotion? Hmmm- girlfriend flambe?
Sounds like a dish I could do without. ;-)
Fetus schrieb:
> I've seen the same thing on T-shirts, but it ends with "since 1862."
> Which is just plain wrong, since beer is at least as old as written
> language (the oldest known written recipe is for beer).
From Egypt, right? They even built those huge beeramids to keep it cool.
I saw a couple of t-shirts related to this on sale in Fremantle:
- Beer - helping white guys dance since 1864
- Tequila - have you hugged your toilet today?
>Poster seen somewhere in the past/t-shirt design seen on beavis'
>whirlwind tour of Fremantle :
>"Beer - helping white men dance since (some year I can't remember)"
I just knew I should have started reading the old posts first.
KevNJon schrieb:
> BEER: Helping Ugly People Have Sex for Centuries
When I once had a car, I had a bumper sticker
"I brake for BEER"
on it.
Cheryl-no stickers 'cept GEICO, though.
I have a few stickers on my car, but they're not drinking related.
Sticker 1:
** 2000 **
(although it was a big hit at the bar)
I'm still trying to track down a "Your desk does not have a steering
wheel. Your car does not need a phone."