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2023/12/17: Contact! (et al.)

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Richard Silk

Dec 17, 2023, 11:22:23 AM12/17/23
I *really* wish I'd get dreams recorded ASAP upon waking, but so much seemingly "gets in the way" that evaporation occurs.

At any rate, the dreamer was examining the inside of a building / floor plan of sorts, such that there was a wall that formed a corner even though there was around 6' to 10' of floor space between that wall and the outside wall of the building (╚) *not unlike* the inside of a truck stop (curiously enough) such that (in that little image I just shared, if it shows on the reader's side) the upper passage may be said to be "pointing north" and the right-flowing passage (along the bottom) may be said to be aiming eastward, along the southern wall.

The dreamer was speaking to someone *in the manner of* a former resident speaking to a new area manager, *as if* the dreamer had lived in the area along the eastern passage (along the southern wall) as if in an *open* living area, not enclosed / partitioned using walls for privacy, etc.

The dreamer *also* felt as if (he) even may still live there to some extent, as like how a tenant has some rights that may be required (or "petitioned"?) to the landlord.

This is where things get a *bit* fuzzy:

There was a kind of "machine" / construction, of perhaps 6' in height (and, *symbolically,* it *could* represent the "mess" I was in back in the early '80s / late '90s, *maybe*) that had the "sense" of being partly filled with fertilizer (of the nitrogen-type) as well as a coffee maker (it seemed to have two arm-like and two leg-like "appendages" to the main body, that was shaped *somewhat* like a water heater) yet also seemed to have some type of "computer functionality" to it. Something *about* the object / device (whatever it was) seemed "about to fail" / give way in some manner.

There was an attempt (by the dreamer?) of some kind to move the object down to the ground (as if it had been on a 2' step upward from floor level) when something *split* (as if the one of the legs / feet had been partially ripped like a cloth bag or something) yet it still made it down to the floor *mainly* intact, yet the dreamer had concern that it needed "looked at" in order to check it for stability / functionality, etc. (Like, "Is it broken? Does it still function any, if at all? What needs fixed to make it more 'solid,' 'complete,' 'restored'?" Basically, in the dream, the dreamer was simply having a question-moment, like "???" as one *BIG* "?")

Now what follows was sequentially clear in the dream (that A led to B that led to C in a logical, sequential discussion) as it was a scenario wherein the dreamer was having an actual conversation *with* Gina, having *something* to do with her Canadian location / environment.

Where it comes back "into focus" is in a largely level 7 type clarity, symbolically, wherein "Gina" tells the dreamer she's basically doing well in Canada, and is even giving some type of compliment regarding her husband, as in the sense of "he's a good provider" type of comment, and even says something like [speaking of which, she needs to return] and heads [out to where her car is parked]— so the dreamer follows her to see her car, and it looks like a light tan-colored (and here's where a word or term or two gets meshed together) "Toronto" (or "Torino" type vehicle, the dreamer exclaiming "A Thunderbird!" thinking it to be a 1970s or earlier model, then for a moment, it appears to be a Porsche, then she clarifies it as a "Corvette" and sure enough, the car can now be seen *as* a type of Corvette (and believe it or not, that specific reference goes back to her first years as a teen driver in Pulaski.)

Now here's where things get *really* unusual: She's seen sitting *upon* the vehicle (NOT *in* it, but *upon* it, on the [driver's] left side, seemingly as if on the back edge of the convertible's "trunk" space, as if with her feet in the driver's seat.)

Even more unusual, she appears rather sad, dejected, sorrowful, as if there's something wrong about her car that needs fixed in some manner.

Even *more* unusual, she appears to be wearing *only* her birthday suit. The dreamer couldn't help but notice that she also appears *shaved* yet with *clearly* visible stubble (maybe 2 or 3, maybe 4 days ago?) and moves up beside her (on her right) and places his left arm around her to console her, and *that* is where the dream ends / I awaken. Clarity from 8+ to 8- to nearly non-memorable to 7-symbolic, although perhaps closer to 11 (astral.)

At any rate, there it is. That's one of 'em from last night. Will try to post any others if they come to mind.

Richard Silk

Dec 17, 2023, 2:34:23 PM12/17/23
P.S.: within the past week (likely within the past 3 nights— the passage of time can get rather muddled with my peculiar type of "dain bramage") there was a dream segment that was amidst about 3 or 4 dreams (that have since evaporated) that "came back to mind" earlier today:

The dreamer was in a scene *without light*, much as if someone had closed their eyes and bowed their head to walk forwards into the wind... *at night*... there's the sense of knowing where one is going, yet one's eyes are shut.

At any rate, the dreamer was doing just that, walking into a *full,* strong wind, the kind that is strong, yet just weak enough for one to walk forward *in* it. This lasted for a *good* two seconds in dream-time. Even though there was no "light" to speak of, it was around a clarity 10- (due to the absence of light, and any surrounding context.)

P.P.S.: As to the dream from last night, where the female figure was seen sitting naked on a car (the rear deck portion of a Corvette) — seeing as how it was an undeniable "crotch shot," the person was undeniably female (as the Greeks would say, "ἁμαρτία, hamartia," missing the mark, noun, feminine.)

The reason this is relevant (in dream analysis) is because *decades* ago, possibly within a decade (or less) of her being married (I *think* this was likely *after* Beth had divorced me, which would *likely* be around 1987 through around 1990) wherein I (in my past) had a dream of seeing Gina (at a distance of about 10' to 5 yards) facing the dreamer's perspective, where she was also wearing *only* her birthday suit, but (to put this delicately) she was "sinless," *without* "ἁμαρτία." When the dreamer *saw* that, the dreamer said to her, recognizing the condition, that "I still love you."

What this really gets to, in contrast, as when that dream from early in her marriage showed her to be clearly NOT "ἁμαρτία," in the dream from last night / this morning, she clearly *was* "ἁμαρτία."

This is in keeping with the "selfie" that showed her looking "attractive" to the camera, as if saying to the world, "I'm available," in essence, "ἁμαρτία."

Richard Silk

Dec 18, 2023, 10:19:43 PM12/18/23
I know, it's late. I took the time to jot down a few "titles" earlier this morning so I could (hopefully) pull them back this evening.

Here we go:

From last night / this morning:
MTSU: professor giving lecture at Tucker Theater Auditorium (also: Kristie Allie):

The dreamer was in a *large* area *similar* to the audience seating area of a stage, such as the Tucker Theater at the Boutwell Dramatic Arts building at MTSU.

The dreamer was observing a person on stage, as it were, although it *could also* be considered as being in a lecture hall, observing a professor (although most lecture halls have the students elevated, looking down to the speaker. In a theater, the audience may be looking *up* from the seats closer to the stage, as was the case in this dream.)

The speaker was *very much* in appearance like my "mentor" from MTSU, whom I'll simply refer to here as "Dr. J."

Sadly, I'm unable to recall the details in the dream of whatever he may have been discussing, but the *odd* thing was that, for a moment, I was watching Kirstie (Louise) Alley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) ( and, to put it into position, if the very front, center edge of the stage were the center point on a clock face, the dreamer was sitting out around 5 AM, closer to the 5 than to the center point, and she was standing at around 12:30 AM, closer to the center point than to the outer rim of the clock face, and she was *also facing* around 1 AM to 2 AM (downstage left) so I *may* have seen her face as she swished by, although it *could* have been a "Gina figure" from back in the early '80s. Still, the dreamer thought it was Kirstie Alley, and the next moment, it was back to Dr. J. again, dream ended (if anything else happened, it's evaporated) clarity 8. (The theater area was dark, and the professor was lit up as if in a spot light. Kirstie was also well lit, but appeared darker overall, as if she'd been wearing dark clothing, although her dark hair had lighter streaks (at least one) in it.)

Found in bathrobe, looking for wallet & phone:
The dreamer became aware of being "in the scene" so to speak, of being in only a bathrobe, with the sense that he'd just had a shower (which was why he was in a bathrobe) as if it had been a gym-like (men's) shower, rather than a personal home / bathroom shower.

This *may* be in some way "related" to the previous dream, as Dr. J. is of the (formerly "HPERS") "Health and Human Performance" dept. (or whatever they call it these days) at MTSU (the academic side of the Sports / Athletics department.)

At any rate, the dreamer goes up to a type of table/desk area, with 2 or 3 people there (likely guys, young college age) as if they might be attendants or equipment managers or something, and is telling them that he (the dreamer) has somehow forgotten his wallet and phone, and needs to find them.

Here's the interesting thing: *In the dream,* the dreamer *knew* MY cell phone number!! It was clear as day, *in the dreamer's mind!* and the dreamer was saying *something* to the guys that, "Hey, just call my phone, and we'll hear it ring" (provided the ringer volume was up) — and thus we/they could easily find the phone and the wallet (*duh!*) and the discussion was *about to go right into this* when the dream ended. Gonna give this a clarity 10-, not because it was vivid or anything, but because of the *clarity* of the phone number in the dreamer's mind! Area code (615) 123-4567 (sorry, posting my actual cell # online would invite an *horrendous* amount of spam calls from web crawlers.) Otherwise, it was around an 8+ / 9-.

Wandering through barber shop?
The dreamer *may* have been wandering through a barber shop *prior* to the bathrobe segment above, but it's a tad unclear, even when I awoke this morning. There was a kind of a "dual focus" of the timeline, as if part of the dreamer was going *into* the shop while part of the dreamer was *remembering* having gone into the shop / coming out of the shop. The memorable thing about it is that it was a type of old-style barber shop with 2 or 3 chairs in a row, and the barbers were black. (I'm white, and although I've had *various* barbers at the local barber college, I've never actually gone to a "black barber shop," which are actually very central to a community's "thread" / hum / lifeline.) Just gonna give this a clarity 7, for "I have no idea." That time line business was a tad interesting: Humanity sees time as "linear," going from "Now A" to "Now B" but this was like *different directions* going *to* the *Now* *Present*. I've had a *few* astral adventures like this, *sort of,* but this one seemed "unique" in its own way.

Off to someone's house:
Hoses on floor:

IF "Off to someone's house" was *separate from* "Hoses on floor," sorry, too much evaporation.

What I *can* remember is:

The dreamer was *as if* in a home (*similar* to my home) yet there were hoses *on the floor,* at least one of which was *maybe* of the quality / standard for fire hoses, but *possibly* the size and shape of a typical, green, garden hose. (I suspect there were 2 or more hoses present. I did get the sense that there was more than one hose in the house.)

*One* of the hoses (I'm fairly sure it was the green garden hose) was allowed to lay flat, which was something of a mistake, as the dreamer had a very clear idea that the hose end should've been kept end-*UP* so as to prevent spillage.

Sure enough, as the end of the hose lay flat, water began flowing out of it, onto the floor, and the dreamer picked up the end, and was considering how to clean up the water (which wasn't really obvious on the floor, just the *thought* that there was water that needed cleaning up) when the dream ended.

On a personal note: My elderly mother (she turns 94 in January) was telling me this evening at dinner that it was pointless for her to take her dinner meds, as she felt / said she wouldn't make it through the night.

Well, that sorta "got to me" in that I've been *trying* to make her aging out as peaceful as possible (sure, there's a time or two when I need to "raise my voice" to ensure she's listening / understanding the direction / message being given) but for her to "call her shot" like that reminded me of a baseball batter pointing out where in the stands (or the field / fence) the ball was going.

At any rate, she went to bed early (it's been more of a task to "keep her up" in these days approaching the Winter Solstice than one might expect) and so I let her get to bed, yet kept her mindful of an event that will happen tomorrow (Tuesday) when her eldest son calls her.

Also, there's an "oxygen concentrator" that's been ordered that *should* be showing up on the doorstep any day now.

We'll see.

"Life is but a dream."
"Reality Conforms to Thought."
"Reality Conforms to Thought (which conforms to Love) as one's heart conforms one's thought into reality."

Oh yes, one other thing: it seems that "water" in dreams is *possibly equivalent* to *air* in waking life, *possibly* to oxygen. Also, that oxygen (in dreams, such as air / a blast of wind) may be analogous to water in real life. The dream the other day that I had of being in a wind storm *could* have been a type of "shared dream experience" of my mother sitting in the shower (she sits on an elderly transfer shower bench.)

This would give Genesis Chapter 1 *much* greater clarity with respect to God's Spirit moving / hovering upon the waters / the deep / the void: …And the Spirit of God “was relaxing” over the face of the waters.
[וְר֣וּחַ] [אֱלֹהִ֔ים] [מְרַחֶ֖פֶת] [עַל־] [פְּנֵ֥י] [הַמָּֽיִם]
[ham·mā·yim.] [pə·nê] [‘al-] [mə·ra·ḥe·p̄eṯ] [’ĕ·lō·hîm] [wə·rū·aḥ]
[of the waters.] [the face] [over] [was "hovering"*] [of God] [And the Spirit]
[מְרַחֶ֖פֶת]: hovering, to grow soft, relax
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