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Demon children - NSFW

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Dec 26, 2023, 5:40:52 PM12/26/23
I'm a dream with my kids, they look much younger, maybe 6 & 8, they look
a bit different. I'm dropping them off at school, they keep showing up
back at the car looking at their phone.

I say "You're supposed to be in school, why are you here?" or somesuch.
Each gives some snarky response I can't remember.

I'm now at a beach with a sidewalk on the left with stores. I see an
older thin, tanned and wrinkled tattooed woman with short blondish hair
who's topless, her right breast is smaller than an a cup, just barely
there, she's holding out the left breast out which looks to be 3 feet
long and reminds me of a boa pointing the nipple at an obese Caucasian
man with short greasy black hair and beard wearing navy cargo shorts and
a yellow-beige Hawaiian shirt with palm-tree and island illustrations
sitting on a bench. She says something to him but either I don't hear
it or don't remember. I can't help but look a second but look away in
disgust and move on.

I'm back at home, it appears like a daycare with a bunch of colorful
wood blocks of different shapes and a number of kids including my own.
I ask again why they aren't in school. They ignore me, I'm trying to
figure out how to get them to go to school feeling very frustrated.

The kids kind of meander together to form a scene like a band, then they
morph over a couple seconds catching fire with a yellow flame their skin
turning yellow, their clothes turn black and mostly fall off leaving
them in black straps as if from some metal band album cover as they grow
and age to adults, also growing black horns. They're mouthing something
in a fevor, but no sound emerges, I think it was "RISE!"


I have some base theories that it being Christmas vacation for my kids
my subconscious is confused or processing that they aren't in school.

We passed a good number of homeless tents yesterday on our way to their
Grandparents, and on Saturday to go see the Nutcracker live downtown
where there was one woman walking across the middle of the street
obstructing traffic while incoherently yelling red-faced at all the cars
stopped to let her jaywalk.

I'll make a wild guess on the children turning in to demons that I'm
worried for their future.

All that fueled by heartburn from overdoing Christmas dinner.


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Richard Silk

Dec 29, 2023, 3:59:01 PM12/29/23
On Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 4:40:52 PM UTC-6, Justisaur wrote:
> I'm a dream with my kids, they look much younger, maybe 6 & 8, they look
> All that fueled by heartburn from overdoing Christmas dinner.
> -
> -Justisaur
First, about that heartburn: take an empty shaker of any kind (like even a spice can or something that you can remove the lid and fill yourself) and fill it with *baking soda* (currently running around $1.20 a box, but it *used* to be around 25¢ a box, but that's bidenomics for you—) and sprinkle it on *everything except* anything *obviously* fruity. Putting a sprinkle in your coffee will prevent kidney stones. If you've already *got* kidney stones, take a tall glass of water and start adding in baking soda until it begins to taste like Alka Seltzer, then drink it all down. It will feel like someone poured water all over a burning campfire in your kidneys. Adding it to salads is like eating a *miracle* in your mouth! (Ya gotta try it to believe it! But remember: *lightly* sprinkle!! You can start building up to "more" of a sprinkle as you learn how to "shake to taste," as it were.)

Also: As you will find this helps eliminate heartburn (it works *especially* well on pizzas, lasagna, and baked beans!) there is also evidence to support it as a "nature's cure" to cancer, but following *that* recipe gets the AMA angry as hell, because it *prevents them* from stealing *your* money, regarding a biologically caused illness that *they* brought on to begin with (— but I digress....) You *may* wish to simply *remove* the "salt" shaker from your table and use a "baking soda" shaker instead.

As to your dream:
I'm gonna *start* by making two or three presumptions (based on what you've written, aka "inductive reasoning"):
1) you have kids *in* school (I know, you wrote about them *in the dream,* but I've been analyzing dreams for so long, I've found it really is a bit of a "shaky branch" to go out on to "assume" you have kids in school) and
2) you live in a "blue state" like California, Oregon, Washington (along the West coast) seeing as how this *is* winter (for most of the rest of the country / northern hemisphere) so homeless people in tents sounds like a sunny climate area.
3) you may have an issue with either A) being unbaptized / your kids being unbaptized, and/or B) lack of any actual commitment *to* any particular faith. (There are *lots* of religions that actually have a logically FALSE core at the center of their belief structures!)

Note: Hebrew/Judeo-Christianity *reveals* "Is-based ideology" (that which *is perfectly* TRUE) whereas Islam *reflects* "not-based ideology. See also: (regarding logically TRUE / FALSE ideology.)

Now also, there's gonna be a *bit* of political nuance as well.
That's because, well,
politics reflects the structure of large numbers of people and how they behave *as a group*;
group behavior in one's environment affects one's "subconscious mind" which is how politics affects dreams, and how dreams *may be guided* through religion (or not! The thing is, "Reality Conforms to Thought.") (And if you *even TRY* to doubt that, just *observe* what happens!!)

Also: rather than type the rest of this "live" online, I'm gonna reply to it "offline" in a scratch-pad text file, then cut/paste it "up here" in the "live" html window. For this reason, the quotation / citation reference will look a tad "different" than usual. Your text will be preceded by:
J:> "[whatever]" whereas my lines will be "sans reference" (plain, no initial:> etc.)

J wrote:> "I'm [in] a dream with my kids, they look much younger, maybe 6 & 8, they look a bit different."

You *may* be seeing their "formative development" age, meaning they're still "open to direction" and molding, shaping, etc.

Consider: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

This same *principle* applies to plants as well as children. Take trees, for instance: native Americans (Indians) used to "mark the trail" by taking a knife blade (of some sort) and slicing down the top center of a young sapling, and "bending" the (now split) left half and right half of the tree top so that it would grow to form a Ϫ shape. (I've actually seen one of these in nature, sadly, it was destroyed to make way for I-840. Ironically, the tree that "marked the path" ended up being *in the path*!)

How your children are raised *now* determines how they behave in the *future,* which is what the communist / socialists / "ruling elite" are trying to instill through "narrative type" education, rather than "traditional" education. And yes, this gets into a *very* left-wing / right-wing approach, but I'll do what I can to stay "center line" in the analysis. But let's face it, a dream reflecting leftist ideology typically results in a left-right-focused analysis.

Now I *do* understand that there *are* right-wing folk in California / blue states, etc., like take Ronald Reagan for instance! And Schwarzenegger, etc. Heck, even Trump came from New York!

But the blue-state governors who allow Soros-funded D.A.s to allow homelessness, drugs and crime to run rampant while clamping down on First and Second Amendment (Constitutional) rights are literally spelling "death" (in the form of "D.I.E.: "diversity, equity and inclusion") for the people of their states. Sorry, on with the analysis:

J:> "I'm dropping them off at school, they keep showing up back at the car looking at their phone."

Speaking of "trees" here for a moment, I'm gonna "go out on a limb" and point out that "routine passages of time" tend to "disappear" in the overall imagery of a dream. For instance, people eat, pee and poop *all the time* but it's *rarely* involved in a dream, so those portions of a day's activity (or week's, or month's!) simply have nothing to do with a dream narrative (how the dream "plays out" in the dream itself.)

Another example: you can have a dream of being inside a large box store, like a Wal*Mart, and although the walls and doors and such are all plainly visible, the floors are *wide open* and *empty* (because the product comes and goes like a river, and the walls and displays move around on a daily / weekly / monthly basis, so that's all basically "not visible" in the view of the inside of the store.)

So what you're seeing, is A) dropping off the kids, and B) them returning to the car, looking at their phone(s). What this tells me is, your kids appear socio-technologically addicted to their phones. You may need to start a policy of "no phones in the car." Seriously, they make special "lock boxes" for just this purpose: people get into a car, put their phones in the box, and the box is *locked* (either by key or timer, etc.) until the ride is over, then the box is unlocked and the phones returned.

What this accomplishes is: parental / familial communication between the parent(s) *and* the child(ren) or even between the driver and the passenger(s). In other words, while the techno-addiction is leading children (and adults) to their deaths (D.I.E.) the *choice* is to practice *LIFE* instead— and that gets into the spoken "WORD" and *that* is where and when this analysis may begin to "seem" a tad "religious," but it's actually "logically" based: "λόγος, logos" is the root word of "WORD," meaning "meaning," meaning "LOGIC"— (Thank you, Young Sheldon! ) — a broad term meaning "reasoning expressed by words."

So here is a set of definitions for you:
"Politics" is what a "group of people" believe (please note: the Left believes in *nothing,* hence, atheism, the rise of satanism, Islam, socialism/communism, death cults, etc.) whereas "religion" is what an *individual* believes (the political belief of the *right* is in individual freedom of religion.)

So while the right upholds the Constitution (which *supports* freedom of religion) the left seeks to abolish individual freedom (and hence, the Constitution. I'm *really* looking forward to "see" what August 2nd, 2024 "reveals" to world history, *including* American politics! The "then ruling President" declaring "marshal law" thus suspending elections is *well within* the realm of probability!)

Now I realize that any reader *may certainly* have similar *or* differing political views. (No problem!) — I'm simply setting out "how" the left / right political / religious "vibrations of the collective subconscious" affect any person's actual dream(s.)

Please note: Ecclesiastes 10:2— A wise man’s heart inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.

J:> "I say 'You're supposed to be in school, why are you here?' or [some such.] Each gives some snarky response I can't remember."

Fully understood! Dream-conversations are *often* "mostly mental" in nature, and while they seem to "fit at the time" of the dream, much like *any* drop or drops of water may flow through a stream or river, making out *individual words* / focused meaning is often a whole other ballgame! (Like: "I know I emptied my glass of water into the creek, and that it flowed downstream, but what exactly happened to that collection of molecules? They're all 'downstream' of the point at which they were added to the creek.")

I'd like to point out, that as their father, your dream-self has asked them to ponder one of the *greatest* questions in life: [Why am I here? / What is my purpose?] (etc.) — basically: [Have you considered your existence in life?]

The fact that you received "some snarky response" from "Each" of them tells me they have a common mind-set, that is, there was no differentiation between a positive-directed response and a negative-directed response: they were both "snarky" which reflects a ***lack*** of respect towards one's father, thus, a lack of respect towards God, per the 5th Commandment, — and this is the "scary part": those who would disrespect their parents (in the 5th Commandment) are but *one step away* from murdering them, falling into transgression of the 6th Commandment, — Thou shalt not murder.

I'm not gonna "sugar coat" this one for you: This is NOT a "good dream" or even an "innocuous" dream, but it *is* a "revealing" dream: The elements depicted in the dream as being *your* children are following the godless mindset of the left, rather than the life-affirming path laid out through the teaching of Jesus Christ Himself. (See also: and also: (Matthew 22:37–39 and Mark 12:30–31.)

And sure, I know, "religion" may seem "out of place" in dream analysis, but ***please*** take into account the story of Joseph and his many-colored coat: and also and *especially* and — (chapter 38 happens to deal with something else during that time period.)

If you have yet to read those chapters, then *please do so now!* They'll make for a *great* start in the understanding of dreams and dream interpretation.

Meanwhile, back to the question of existentialism, Jesus Christ is relevant in this case as a source of "philosophy" if you will: Descartes had that famous "Cogito Ergo Sum" yet that only speaks to "mind" rather than to *all* of Creation (such as "heart, body and soul," etc.)

Hegel (of "the Hegelian Dialectic") reflects the *secular analog of* the teaching of Jesus *minus* the *ONE* thing that makes all existence "perfectly TRUE," and that is Love, which Jesus teaches (as recorded in Matthew 5:44) as: "Love the enemies of you" aka “Love thine enemies”
(in Arabic: [[.واما انا فاقول لكم احبوا اعداءكم. باركوا لاعنيكم. احسنوا الى مبغضيكم]] apologies if I got any of that misquoted— right-to-left text in the world of left-to-right HTML is ¡*...*!))
aka ***1❤️0*** aka “Oneness,” “Wholeness,” “Unity ( )” aka “Salvation,”
just as Key❤️lock, just as Seed❤️earth,
Husband❤️wife, Parents❤️children,
and the love just keeps on growing throughout the neighborhood, community, culture, society, and the world in general:
Family❤️culture, Culture❤️society,
Society❤️nation, Nation❤️world,
World❤️God, thus God❤️World, aka John 3:16–17.

In other words, the perception of "snarky" coming from a father's *subconscious dream perception* of the attitudes of *his own children* indicate a serious *void* of spiritual meaning / purpose in their respective lives.

And I am (somewhat) sorry to have to keep "preaching" like this, but it's how I'm being "led" to answer / interpret your dream:

Your kids (and likely you yourself, but this is about the dream more than anything) *NEED* the "Love of God" in their lives. The best way to "teach" that is through taking them to church / Bible class every Sunday. After all, as long as they're still "under your roof" / in your house, they do as *you* teach and say to them. Otherwise, well, they're on their own, and as the saying goes, "God help 'em!)

Now *IF* by chance, your children "in real life" ("IRL") happen to be independent / 18+ / legally emancipated from your lawful domain (are no longer your legal responsibility) then they each have their own responsibilities to face, etc., although you *do* have the opportunity to "reach out to them" in the same manner in which I'm "reaching out to you" by analyzing your dream. That is, *talk to them* — *DAILY!*

1) you have *no* obligation to accept *or* reject what is being shared.
2) there is *no* pressure to either accept *or* reject what is being shared.
3) it is what it is, information, for you to process (or decline) as your own spirit/soul/mind (relationship with God) leads you.

Also, I realize it's really difficult to "evangelize" in a single message, so to "explain" the point of "understanding" what "religion (Christianity) is all about, here is a *short* children's-level story that you *may* wish to read to your kids (*regardless* of their ages!): (and no sweat, all lower case works just fine as well.)

At any rate, on with the dream, but that one bit is *THE* most important part: the father's relationship with the developing minds / lives of his children.

To bring "understanding" to "religion" and "politics," *ONLY* the Unity ( of the *Love* of *God the Father* *transcends* the duality of "politics" (as well as the duality of logic.)

J:> "I'm now at a beach with a sidewalk on the left with stores. I see an older thin, tanned and wrinkled tattooed woman with short blondish hair who's topless, her right breast is smaller than an a cup, just barely there, she's holding out the left breast out which looks to be 3 feet long and reminds me of a boa pointing the nipple at an obese Caucasian man with short greasy black hair and beard wearing navy cargo shorts and a yellow-beige Hawaiian shirt with palm-tree and island illustrations sitting on a bench."

*** WOW !!! *** there's *so* much symbolic imagery there!

Although you *did* describe the stores & sidewalk to your left (imagining the "beach" to your right) and *assuming* this is in California / along the West Coast (of America) (regarding the reference to "a good number of homeless tents" the homeless tents mentioned later) that would likely place you as "facing south," although what may be of *some slight* importance is *where,* precisely, that trans-hermaphroditic (aka "demonically possessed") character is standing *in relation to your position.*

For example: if you (in the dream) are facing "south" (around 6 o'clock on the face of a clock dial) and the stores are on *your* left (3 o'clock, east) with the beach to your right (9 o'clock, west) then where is the disturbed character in relationship to yourself, with yourself being at the *center* of the clock dial? (NOTE: the "12 o'clock" position is *behind* you, to the north, using this analogy.)

As to the "symbolism" of that "disturbed character":

The "trans-loving LGBQT (etc.)" group-think *appears* to be *totally devoid* of the concept of "Eternal Life" (the main theme of mainstream Christianity.)

What I *can* tell you (from personal dream analysis and real life follow-up consequences) is that any *elongated, unnatural looking* mammary gland *represents* an element / consequence of a *highly "prodigal lifestyle," that which some might refer to as a consequence of "unrepentant sin," typically in some relation *to* the dreamer, rather than the dreamer personally.

For instance: "I dreamt I saw a person with 3 elongated breasts"— it's something one "sees" rather than specifically what one *does,* but the fact one even "sees" such a thing is because one's actions led one to encounter such a sight.

Now sure, native, tribal cultures (like some remote tribes in Africa) have women who use their lactose for things later in life *other* than simply nursing babies— their milk may be used for making *other things* that form from cooking (or other treatments applied to) mother's milk. And in so doing, yes, their mammaries appear *rather* elongated due to gravity over the years (with no bra) *but* they appear *balanced* (in *pairs!*) whereas the character in your dream appears to have a "male-like" breast *and* a "female-like" breast (grotesquely offset sizes) thus, likely the consequence of hormone therapies or some other type of mentally disturbed (unnatural) application of trying to "be god" by denying one's natural, God-given "gender."

The description of "her" being a "tattooed woman with short blondish hair" appears to be saying something else, additionally: being "tattooed" may *often* reveal "demonic" or "satanic" influence upon the mind / soul of the individual / character portrayed / represented within a dream.

For example, a great-grandmother who's the epitome of a saint to others may appear in a dream as *bathed in white light* whereas someone who's "the devil's own pawn" may appear as having "greasy black hair" and otherwise unnatural (inhuman) characteristics (like the *obscenely* mismatched breasts.)

NOTE: the Hawaiian-themed character brings to mind the "politically left" State of Hawaii.

The fact that he appears as "an obese Caucasian man" and the demonic, yellow-haired character is pointing an accusatory breast at him, reminds me of how "sin accuses sin" (as the "obese" nature indicates the sin of gluttony, and that he's a "Caucasian man" reminds me of how the left continuously attacks the white male, thus disguising the duality of "racism" (group A vs. group B) as "anti-racism" (*also* group A vs. group B) thus feeding the very duality that the "anti-racist" *claims* to oppose!

(Sin begets sin, sin accuses sin, duality condemns both Unity *and* duality, etc.)
(The *quick way* to understand the "Unity/duality" core of existence, is that "Unity *loves* duality" even as "duality *hates* Unity" — Unity *includes* duality; duality *excludes* Unity.)
ONLY Love *Reveals* Unity:
Lovers *love* lovers *and* haters, because that's what lovers *do*;
haters *hate* lovers *and* haters, because that's what *haters* do.

Just touching back upon the "religious" aspect of this analysis: Remember "Love the enemies of you" / "Love thine enemies" / 1❤️0, aka "Unity" (

Jesus Christ *Himself* teaches the Way (the path) of freedom *from* duality in "The Lord's Prayer," as recorded in Matthew 6:13— "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil...."
[And lead us not into duality, but deliver us from duality] (thus *into* Unity, aka the Love of God the Father.)

J:> "She says something to him but either I don't hear it or don't remember. I can't help but look a second but look away in disgust and move on."

Reminds me a bit of how I watch the news: *Even on Fox!* — When anyone on the left is spewing anti-American propaganda, I "fast forward" over it (I "edit them out of" what my mind listens to. This works when one watches the "News" whilst using a DVR.) Now sure, *some* of what those on the left have to say *is actually meaningful!* <cough! cough!> (But *finding* those nuggets of gold is like trying to pan in a stream that's already been panned for *well* over a hundred years.)

J:> "I'm back at home, it appears like a daycare with a bunch of colorful wood blocks of different shapes and a number of kids including my own. I ask again why they aren't in school. They ignore me, I'm trying to figure out how to get them to go to school feeling very frustrated."

That this scene occurs "at home" says that your children have been bringing in the *poisonous* disrespect of the left (that they've been indoctrinated into since early childhood) into your home.

Now again, I have *no* idea of the *actual* ages of your children "IRL" (in real life) yet I know sometimes I have dreams of *my* kids at various ages *as well,* so the age *in the dream* is relevant to whatever "level of development" is being represented *in the dream narrative/scenario.*

What is *also* being "revealed" in that little scene is that there is an absolute "lack of authority" of the parent over the children. This indicates a *similar* lack of authority in the dreamer of the dream, that is, your subconscious is *seriously questioning* if how you've brought them up possibly may be in any way *incorrect*, as something feels to "lack authority."

Now get this: *rather* than this being "preaching," consider it as "teaching" / advice / counsel:
THE #1 WAY to learn to understand (and exercise) authority comes from *reading the BIBLE*! It's a bit like those people who attend Tony Robbins seminars: attend enough of them, and you begin to act / resemble the type of personality Tony Robbins preaches.

Remember! "Reality Conforms to Thought!"

So *IF* you seek "authority" over the "disrespectful," and in some cases, "miscreant" behavior of those who *defy* authority, then *read the BIBLE!* A *great* teaching reference is the first 13–20 verses found in Mark 5,

J:> "The kids kind of meander together to form a scene like a band, then they morph over a couple [of] seconds[,] catching fire with a yellow flame[,] their skin turning yellow, their clothes turn black and mostly fall off leaving them in black straps as if from some metal band album cover as they grow and age to adults, also growing black horns. They're mouthing something in a fevor [sic] [fever? fervor?] but no sound emerges, I think it was 'RISE!'"


Yeah, that *definitely* sounds like a batch of *unbaptized* children, growing into supporters of the Anti-Christ. What you have just described is the duality of *the absolute _absence_ (void) of Unity* coalescing into demonically-possessed individuals.

Now, of course, if *you yourself* happen to be a "secret supporter of Satan," (aka "spawn of Satan") then sure, this may all seem "well and good" in your mind, and thus, nothing to be concerned about, possibly even a revelation of something in which you may take "great pride" in the future. But that you found the demonically possessed trans-disturbed character "disturbing" tells me that yes, you *do* have a conscience, and yes, this dream *should* concern you, as it is of the type of dream that has been "traditionally called" a significant "omen" of "impending calamity."

Remember the earlier discussion regarding authority, namely, the authority of the father with respect to his son (and other children as well, but *especially* the son)?

Do you know what "the devil" (as we traditionally think of "the devil") aka "evil" was/is to the traditional Hebrew/Judeo culture? A disobedient son.

*BUT TAKE HEART!* I was an *exceptionally* "prodigal son" from before my teens until around age 52. It is within reason to state that "There is no sin I have *not* committed *against* God."

Yet even for "such a miscreant" as I was, there is "redemption" / "hope for eternal life" / "a brighter future" that has been found by studying the Words / teaching / logos / logic / wisdom / of Jesus Himself. I mean, the *logic* / reasoning of that Guy is *absolutely PERFECT!* As a former computer programmer / tech support agent / former member of Mensa, His Word *blows my mind!* (Hopefully this has conveyed the note of "appreciation" and "awe" rather than "zealousness." Just consider it as an extended version of "been there, done that, got the dain bramage, yet now I *see the Light.*"

(See also: as well as and also )

So while this dream "speaks of" some *seriously* DEEP issues, I'd like to invite you (again!) to read "The City of Understanding" at and let me know your thoughts after having read it.

J:> "I have some base theories that it being Christmas vacation for my kids my subconscious is confused or processing that they aren't in school."

Well, that certainly makes for a good *starting point,* yet appears to lack sufficient coverage of the demonic trans-disturbed character, the obese glutton / sinner, the disrespect of the father, the burning skin of the youth, and the goth-death-punk band symbology.

I mean, J, I've seen some *unusual* / **interesting** dreams before, but *that* one was/is a *DOOZY!!!!*

J:> "We passed a good number of homeless tents yesterday on our way to their Grandparents, and on Saturday to go see the Nutcracker live downtown where there was one woman walking across the middle of the street obstructing traffic while incoherently yelling red-faced at all the cars stopped to let her jaywalk."

Yes, that definitely *tracks* as good "source material" to explain the first part of the dream. But keep this firmly in mind: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” *allegedly* sourced to the utilitarian philosopher John Stuart Mill, who delivered an 1867 inaugural address at the University of St. Andrews.

J:> "I'll make a wild guess on the children turning in to demons that I'm worried for their future."

At the risk of sounding repetitious: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

J:> "All that fueled by heartburn from overdoing Christmas dinner."

(Referenced at the top of the reply. See also: )

Richard Silk

Jan 10, 2024, 2:42:13 PMJan 10
On Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 4:40:52 PM UTC-6, Justisaur wrote:
So I realize that the response / reading / reply I offered (earlier) was a bit "religious/political" in nature ("Duh~ ya think?!?~") and I realize that *some* folk (*especially* those raised in a secular / non-religious environment) may have a "stay away from *that* nut-job!" type of reaction to any such interpretation / analysis / response.

However, to bluntly say that your dream reflects a home environment where the parents are //failing// to engage their own children in a life-affirming manner may sound a *bit* condemnatory, and it is my *aim* to *avoid* condemning or accusing anyone of anything. (After all, what good does it do to accuse or condemn anyone?)

Yet to "lay out" a contrast of {{"what is NOT working"} to {"what IS working"}} it becomes necessary to highlight the "godless" structure of the dissolution of the "nuclear family" by "the Left" *in contrast with* the God-centered, family-focused environment of the "Right" (that part of the "Right" that is *free of* the Left's "misidentification" of "far-right" groups as having *anything to do* with "conservative, right-wing" thought / behavioral patterns. In other words, "far-right" is simply an obfuscatory term for "radical leftist.")

After all, I've had like around 5 or 6 "failed" families, depending upon how one "defines" a "family," so believe me, nothing is meant to sound "judgy" but rather *is observational,* such as "the consequence of 0 = 0, whereas the consequence of 1 = 1."

How you (the reader) choose to use the information provided (or not!) is *entirely* your own decision, *however,* I *was* expecting *some* kind of "feedback" as to your thoughts on the analysis.


Jan 11, 2024, 4:40:56 PMJan 11
A more mundane explanation, I don't see your previous feedback, it
doesn't seem to have made it to this corner of usenet.


Richard Silk

Jan 14, 2024, 6:44:31 PMJan 14

Some exploration is required on the part of the user with respect to the space being used and the method being used to access the space.

Meanwhile, I deal with "the text before my eyes" so if someone loses a thread, it's basically "gone" in my book. (ALTHOUGH: it *is* possible to "go back through" existing comments. Some are "nested beneath" other comments.)
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