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2024/01/11 Thursday: Oops!

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Richard Silk

Jan 11, 2024, 9:51:03 AMJan 11
Sorry, I put the post for 01/10 at the end of the previously posted entry. (I try to block them 5 days at a time.)

It was far more interesting than today's (perhaps) so feel free to go back and read it if curious (Strange "carport" & Awkward "gathering".)

I *suspect* the "Strange 'carport'" *may* have had something to do with a ski lift and a rare avalanche in Nevada yesterday, that I saw late in the news last evening, as the "spoiler" of the vehicle in the dream was a bit like a cross between a ski lift and a bull dozier / plow shape.

At any rate, last night before bed, I attended another one of those "Chris Duncan / Magnetic Mind" events, only last night, there were no dreams to speak of.

However, I did awaken around 3:30 AM and a bit later at 4:30 AM, feeling rather hungry and wanting to get up and go get breakfast, etc., but chose to get a glass of water instead, go back, lie down, and await the dawn, so to speak— falling back asleep at some point, only to awaken around *right at* the breaking of the dawn.

And *that* dream-before-waking *was* interesting, even though it was *relatively* short:

The dreamer (in this case, feeling very much like "me") was dealing with a pole such as the slender cane type used for fishing, even though it's made of sections that fit together snugly. (When casting a line, you don't want the pole to fly into pieces, right?)

About that time, I was partially awakened by a sound (from Mom's bedroom, IRL) indicating she was using the porta-potty beside her bed. (It's a LOT safer than her wandering about 10' into her bathroom, even with furniture and other fixtures as a guide.)

Feeling comfortable that she was OK, I fell right back into a dream, only this time, the pole was that of a bass fisherman's rod and reel, of man-made fiberglass of some kind, and with a spin reel that is used to let out and wind back up the fishing line. And you *know* you're dealing with a serious fisherman's pole when, *in the dream*, you noticed that the spinner is of the type that may be "screwed on" in two places (fore and aft of the spinner) such that it attaches *to* the rod. (This way, rods and reels may be interchanged depending upon personal preference— a bit like how hot rod folk swap out car engines, transmissions, tires/wheels, etc.)

The dreamer (feeling a bit like my young, teenager self) was on land, precisely like on the old patio that the current day sunroom is built atop, and handling the rod as if to prepare it for storage (like, after a day of fishing, you store your bait and tackle, etc.) and for whomever may have yet to learn this trick, the simplest way of doing this is to take a lure, and *hook* it to one of the guide loops on the rod itself, then wind up the slack (as if reeling in a fish) until its taut.

The tautness of the wire was being experienced at the same time the dreamer was thinking *something* like, "Oh, good— I wouldn't want Dad to get upset" (over something, anything, likely for failure to put properly stow one's equipment or tools after usage) when the dreamer's narrative mind suddenly remembered, "Oh, right. Dad's dead / passed away...." and there was almost like a memory talking to a memory type discussion going on, similar to: "Oh, right, it was almost like you were alive there for a moment..." as if the dreamer was knowingly talking to the spirit of my father, who was also knowingly aware that he had physically passed away— Just a little something I've observed in dreams: once the dreamer acknowledges that the other entity within a dream segment has/is dead, that usually *immediately ends* the participation portion of that other entity: the passed person simply "disappears" from the dream. It's almost like it's practically "bad manners" to observe that someone has already died, "to their face," so to speak.

Right then, I was awakened to the sound of my elderly mother opening her bedroom door and making it out into the hallway using her rollator (a walker on wheels, with handle bars and hand brakes.)

Now, mind you, I'd been planning on doing things later today with her (such as getting more interview recording of her memories of the births and years of my four other siblings) and was *already* hungry from the wee hours of the morning (I had a glass of water to soften the pang to raid the fridge) so I figured, OK, it's easier to work with her than to try to keep her regulated by a clock schedule, so thus, "the morning started" (began, got underway, etc.)

So while there may be other clarity ratings for the fishing pole dreams (the simple cane rod was around a 6) it appears to have a "unique quality" in that I *feel* that somehow the segment regarding Dad's pole, the tautness of the string, and Mom making it out into the hallway, all have a type of "parabolic undercurrent" to them, as if I had just "fished Mom out of the bedroom."

In fact, I mentioned to her that I'd just had a dream regarding Dad's fishing pole, and she remarked, "...Look what you caught" (or [Yeah, you caught me] or some similar phrase.) So a 7 will have to do, but it's like "linked" / "tied" to real life in a way.

Richard Silk

Jan 14, 2024, 6:51:11 PMJan 14
This morning's dreams were of such a nature that I avoided posting them right off the bat, as I *wanted* to let the details "fade" a bit, due to their "graphic nature."

So this is about the "cleanest" way I know of to post this:

Imagine what today's youth (and I mean *young* kids!) must be learning, by *emulating* the seepage of Hunter Biden's laptop's contents all over the internet. That is, *young* kids "view" that kind of "unholy activity" and end up *emulating it* on their *own*. That's what the two dreams were like, one a bit more "taunting" than another, but both being along the lines of "a chorus line," with kids acting out the role of "monkey see, monkey do."

In leftist circles (of hell, like California, Disney, Hollywood, for example) the dreams would be nearly "praiseworthy," while in decent, Christian realms (like "Red States" and "The Bible Belt") such dreams are downright "satanic" / "evil."
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