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2024/01/15 Monday:

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Richard Silk

Jan 15, 2024, 2:16:14 PMJan 15
Last night, I watched a *nearly* 4 hour movie (you can "skip" commercials using a DVR) that was "The Avengers: End Game" and figured (rightly) that it might affect my dreams, especially as I went to bed somewhere near or after midnight (when the movie ended.)

This morning, perhaps around just before dawn, there was a *peculiar* dream that was a *mix* of the green girl from the movie
(Gamora, )
and a rather peppy Christian song, "These Are the Days"
( that was playing on my "stupid phone" (a flip phone that uses headphones plugged into it as the antenna) radio station (K Love) that had a view of a *red* crescent moon, a bit larger than one sees the moon at night through one's own eyes, more like magnified by at least 2 or 3 diameters in apparent width. The darkness of the crescent moon was *viewed in contrast* with the rest of the (lighter, slightly blueish) sky.

As to what all was going on in that dream montage, who can say? (It's certainly evaporated from my memory!) Clarity: 7- (it was *very* symbolic, but the fact that it's *mostly* all "evaporated" gives it that "minus" rating.)

Meanwhile, that occurred at or before daybreak, and after returning to bed (for a short while) there was another dream segment involving some short ties, roughly 9" or so in length, *similar* to bungee cords, yet also similar to those harder rubber type tie-down straps. They appeared to be used in a manner that attached a person or object to a vehicle, such as how a workman secures a ladder to a truck or van. And although there's been *some* evaporation of this segment, it occurred directly before waking up to take care of my elderly mother (who will soon be 94) so I'm *thinking* the dream *may well* have had something to do with her riding around in her HoveRound® (power chair) rather than walking using a rollator (which is relatively dangerous in her weakening condition.) So Clarity 7+/8-ish.

Richard Silk

Jan 16, 2024, 3:50:43 PMJan 16
I'll be attempting to write this as "cleanly" as possible. I once went through a period of time where I tried writing as "provocatively" as possible, and that led into a bit of a "nasty situation" (from which I eventually managed to extricate myself) but seriously, alt.dreams.sexual is the group where this would be posted in a more "straightforward" fashion.

Even so, I'll do what I can to post this "cleanly" here in alt.dreams....

Let's start with the *past* week, Jan 8–12 (Mon–Fri) during which I had some (online Zoom) sessions with the "Magnetic Mind" process developed and hosted by Chris Duncan.

Now right off the bat, you may be aware of "marketing schemes" like "Amway" and "Avon" and "Mary Kay" where agents recruit agents to recruit agents to sell product, and the *money* flows *up* the tree structure, only rather than flowing into branches, it flows to the tip of a pyramid, hence the common term, "pyramid schemes"— although I rather dislike that term, as a "free market" / "Capitalism" structure *is what it is*, and is "not" a "scheme," although "pyramidal structure" is certainly applicable.

Well, this Chris Duncan fellow is *rather wealthy* (by his own admission) and occasionally holds these 5-day seminars "for free" although he normally charges a hefty package for regular participation (hence, the pyramidal structure) and he uses the "trained counselors" as his "agents" to help draw in new recruits (other terms might be sycophants, participants, suckers, entrepreneurs, all depending upon one's *perspective* on how effective the "Magnetic Mind" system *is* to the individual.)

Finally, there's this *wonderful* aspect of the "Magnetic Mind" system that blends psychology, hypnotism, astral body projection / directed out-of-body experiences, NLP (Neuro-Lingustic Programming) and precepts/principles straight out of Biblical Scripture in order to facilitate *near instant* healing upon any given (specific!) individual. It's *VERY MUCH* akin to "remote healing" as well as "the power of prayer" and to be completely honest (as I typically always am) *IF* someone were *not* a baptized follower of Christ Jesus, it would be *VERY* easy to get "taken in" by the "Magnetic Mind" approach. After all, it's "Magnetic," and anyone with a "Mind" may certainly be curious!

Here's the thing, and I'd like to preface this with what Jesus Himself teaches (as recorded in Matthew 24:4)— "Take heed, lest anyone *you* lead astray." This "resonates" with the First Commandment, "Thou shalt have NO other gods before ME." In other words, One *is* responsible for *Oneself*; God *is* Alpha *and* Omega, thus, *never* just "beta" as in a "beta-male," so in order to "get sucked into" this "Magnetic Mind" system, one would have to relinquish one's Christ-saved status to become a minion of Chris Duncan, which never "sat well" at *all* with me, as it's in direct opposition with the Lord's Prayer (and just about every Hebrew/Judeo-Christian principle there is.) The primary reason I listened to the seminars was / is to "pick up on" elements that *are* Biblical in nature. The number of them were astounding, and even gave insight into *some of* those very principles!

Here's where this morning's "dream" comes from:

Yesterday (Monday evening) I took a call from an unknown area code that had been calling over the past few days (but since I am untethered from my cellphone, and they never left a message, I had no idea who it might be) simply because something told me, "You need to take this call," thinking it *may* have been some political call or a forgotten bill collector.

Turns out, it was "Tusi" (I *think* a female) calling on behalf of "Magnetic Mind," as apparently I'd given my cell # when I registered for the seminar.

Now sure, there have been a *number* of auto-generated texts, plugging for me to click a link (which is *very* unfriendly on my "stupid" flip phone) so I figured, sure, s/he's simply trying to "hook" me / reel me in as a fish for Chris (CD)— only, I have no income, so I'm really less likely to ever get "reeled in" on something that *requires* money in *any* form.

I availed myself of the opportunity to speak with one of CD's agents in order to observe *how much* of CD's content "resonates with" Scripture, that in fact, *most* everything he shares is freely available *in the Bible* (in one understanding of a "turn of phrase" or another.)

Now, I have no idea how much moolah "Tusi" has put into or fetched out of CD's fishing pond, but I can't help but wonder how the news that *most* all his techniques may be *freely* found in the Bible managed to "sit" in the "super-conscious" (aka "subconscious") mind of one of his acolytes / disciples / attending ladies.

Well, believe it or not, that's all just the "preamble" to what happened in last night's / this morning's dream (from between around 3:30 AM and slightly before 5:30 AM):

The dreamer found himself (and this eventually becomes evident that the dreamer is male) in something *like* a type of home for the elderly, possibly a hospital, possibly a nursing home of sorts, and in that building, there was this one elderly boss-lady (maybe in her 80s?) who seemed to be just another patient, but was *practically* "judging" other patients of the facility— Something was said by the "elderly boss-lady" in a manner *similar* to: [You go ahead and ignore my counsel— see what becomes of *you*!] (Again, not an *exact* quote, and only *roughly* in the spirit of what was said, but close enough to recall from *after* the evaporation period after waking.)

The *first* time the dreamer heard her saying something like that to someone, he basically just took it as a snarky old woman berating a younger patient. Then there was some type of period during which the younger patient (guy) may have continued with less-than-mannerly-behavior (of *some sort*: nothing was actually observed!) and the scene was either re-viewed or re-played or in some manner re-visited, such that her words of admonition were very clearly stated *as if* she were actually the *owner* of the facility, and as such, her word *was* judgment for any / all who lived within her facility.

The dreamer had the distinct impression that things were *not* going to go well for whomever it was she had been admonishing.

So just for the record, I've *heard* the shrewish harassment of the termagant (in real life) which is harsh, super-critical, and (some might say) "hateful," but this "admonishment" was nothing like that of a termagant— It was simple authority, as if to say, "[You go left, you go left] (as if the individual will suffer the consequences of his own actions, which is how things truly are, even though it may appear otherwise at times. Hunter, Joe, and all those who facilitate them are headed for what's comin' to them.) ( )

This next scene *may* have been a part of that scene with the older woman admonishing the younger patient. Then again, it *may* be totally unrelated, but the sequence of events in the dream world went directly from scene A into scene B with nothing notable in-between (or at least, evaporation may have erased whatever may have been there.)

There was a younger female, possibly in her late 20s, early 30s, with straight, sandy-brownish-blondish hair, about or *possibly* upon the shoulders, who was lean (yet not skinny) *well* figured (like, *THAT'S a WOMAN!*) (yet NOT chubby, nor tubby in any way) and *if* she was wearing anything, it was hardly noticed. At the same time, *if* she was nude, it was barely noticed, either. In short, she was just a LOT of "Va-VOOM!" to the point that the dreamer didn't even notice if she was clothed *or* naked: he just had a "male mindset" towards her presence. (I told you, I was gonna try to "keep this clean" for the general reading audience.)

A word about me, personally: I see the occasional "sex-bomb" type female (think: Raquel Welch as "Loana," in One Million Years B.C. (1966) ) and have the normal thoughts, like "Hey, wouldn't it be fun / I wonder what it would be like to play with *that* in the sack?" but the "reality" of "not interested" typically acts like a natural insulation block between a positive charge and a ground (like interrupting an electrical circuit.)

There have only been a *very VERY* few instances where a female has had a strong enough "gravity" to have an "orbital effect" upon me, drawing me towards an irresistible / undeniable point of "entering the atmosphere," although *even then* I've *often* managed to "redirect my flight path" *back* into space, allegorically speaking. So the effect of the (relatively) young female was "unique" in my dream experience(s): The dreamer was *speaking softly to her, gently within (almost "nuzzling") her ear, near the nape of her neck* so that only she could hear him.

Also, he was close enough to *sense* her fear-based vibrations! Mind you, in the dream world, there is no "difference" between a person's body and their soul/spirit: a person / character simply *is*— so what the dreamer was "sensing" was her actual fear *as* vibrations, somewhere in the neighborhood of above 60 Hz (possibly 120 Hz!) and that "fear / vibration" was only turning him (the dreamer) "on" even more!—
Similar to: [I gotta do whatever's necessary for us to be alone somewhere.] It was as if her fear-vibration was her Yin to the dreamer's *solid* Yang.

As a consequence of this encounter, the two did start to head off somewhere, but rather than into a place where they could be "alone," came into a scene wherein there were two or more (possibly three or more?) females (*again*, unclear as to whether they were butt-naked *or* wearing some type of wrestling garments) facing off, *similar* to a "cock fight" (amongst roosters) but instead, more of a "cat fight" (amongst human females) for the position of "dominatrix" / leader of the females.

The dreamer sat down (his back towards the camera's / narrative mind's perspective, facing the center of the mat in the center of the room / dojo / small arena, which was otherwise just an area of light amidst a room of darkness) where the two females began to wrestle each other (starting from a position where both were standing / facing each other, arms reaching in to grapple the other's body) and while this was happening, one of the *other* females (*possibly* the fearful one, although for whatever reason, that was *not* perfectly clear!) being *basically* nude / naked herself, *sat down in the lap of* the (very!) male dreamer.

It was, due to biological necessity, other than just a simple "sitting in one's lap" maneuver: it was a *carefully positioned* sitting motion, that resulted in momentary "adjustments" to the positioning/fit of the two bodies, that were made to essentially *fit/lock* the male position *perfectly inside* the female, in the biologically *appropriate* configuration.

No sooner had the "fit" been established, than the narrative mind informed the dreamer's mind (somehow): "That's not Gina."

The dream immediately ended, clarity 9+ (for the most part, perhaps some 8-ish along the way, and possibly a bit of 11 when the dreamer was speaking softly to the fearful woman.)

And guess what? This dream ended with what may be poetically referred to as a "morning tumescence" that *lasted well* past the point of simply awakening from the dream-state! Like, possibly a good 5 minutes or more! It made me think of how wonderful it would be to be happily married at that particular moment.... :-) It *very nearly* corrupted the conscious choice of celibacy. How I managed to get past that moment of extreme temptation is likely due to consciously meditating upon the Lord's Prayer *the day before,* *especially* that bit about: "...and lead us NOT INTO temptation, but deliver us FROM evil...."
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