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2023/12/20 (Wednesday): (Happy Winter Solstice, tomorrow!)

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Richard Silk

Dec 20, 2023, 2:38:40 PM12/20/23
OK, I had 4 or 5 good points to write up this morning. Now that I'm here at the keyboard, not having taken any notes, recall is gonna be interesting, as *so much* has evaporated. Will recall all that I can... (Tip to readers / dreamers: *WRITE THEM DOWN* upon waking! (Or at *least* take title notes!!)

Vehicle w/recessed trunk: The dreamer needs to travel from point A to point B, and is taking a rather *quality* type vehicle to do so (with a *sense* of being a dark purple *or* maroon-like *coupe or sedan*/muscle car, as a Dodge Challenger SRT / 807 HP, or Charger SRT Hellcat, 807 HP) and is driving along a path similar to heading SE along the NW portion of Broad Street (in Murfreesboro) in the right lane, then takes a right lane that bends off to the right (almost like a pit row maneuver, but on a city street) and parks along the right side of the street (thus facing possibly southwest than anything else) and steps out of the vehicle.

There's a *sense* that the driver (a guy) locks the car. There's a *sense* that there's something *close to* the size of a trumpet case, *secured inside* a portion of the rear end of the vehicle (the area from behind the rear-most (passenger?) seat(s) to the rear bumper) (behind the rear window) in the area in which a retracting convertible top might go, but in this case, it was for securing valuables, sort of like a recessed "trunk within a trunk."

There's a *sense* that whatever container has been secured inside the recessed, inner "compartment" *may* be filled with either coins or gems, possibly both. That whatever was inside the container seemed *valuable* (of great value) was *clearly* "sensed." (There was no actual observation of what was *inside* the container.)

There was a *sense* (again, not clearly observed, but *sensed*) that there was a guy standing nearby, who commented on the car itself, almost as if sizing it up for theft (although *the vehicle itself* (perhaps the dreamer?) seemed "unconcerned" with theft!)

There's a "heard" line or two: "That's a {Dodge Challenger!}" (almost like, "Oooh! A Ferrari!") and a confirmation from the dreamer.

Now, granted, this *is* a recall from a *nearly evaporated* state. What *could* have been overheard was:
"Is that a {Dodge Charger?}" and the dreamer *could* have replied, "Yes" *or* "No, it's a {different model.}"

In other words, the identity of the vehicle was discussed and *clearly identified* within the dream, although the *recall* of that identification *appears* *absolutely variable.* (In other words, if someone observes a rock, is it *that* important as to whether it is igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic? In a particular context, sure! In others— ???) Original clarity: 8-ish. Upon recall? 6-ish.

{Mathilda May} reference (

The dreamer was in a room, possibly seated at a desk or somehow occupied doing something (possibly even typing at a computer!) which, if set on stage, would be at extreme upstage right (the audience's left) facing left. The "perspective of the narrative mind" (if you will) was at or slightly above front center stage, like above where a front-centered orchestra pit might be, yet not out in 1st row of the audience.

A small group of people (maybe 3 to 5?) were having some type of discussion, again, if set on a stage, at downstage center (along a back wall, if you will, as the scene was of something like a classroom or possibly of some utilitarian purpose) discussing something that was leading *toward* naming a specific person.

The dreamer simply spoke aloud (as if not really listening to the discussion, yet had the name anyways) the name of a female, *something like* {Mathilda May} (see above reference link) *although* it *may* have been that of someone else, female, known in media, yet *not* of pop fame (like Taylor Swift) or super-stardom level. To be clear, it could have been *anyone's* name (of a "known" female) it's just that I'm using M. May's name as an example during this write-up.

As the group continued their sentence, the name (similar to {Mathilda May}) was spoken aloud, in the tone of voice that indicates, "Yes! That's right!" although the discussion basically ended at the end of that sentence, and the dream ended as well, original clarity, around 8+ (being moderately well lit.)

In another dream, this one only *barely* remembered, and *possibly* related to the one just previously journaled (written up) the dreamer was somehow pushing a *chain* of *at least* 4 boxes, each of perhaps 1'³ (1 cubic foot, 1'x1'x1' in size, maybe as many as 6 or so) across a floor, by pushing the rear-most box, which in turn pushed all the boxes ahead of it (as a simple line of applied force in action.)

About the only thing else I can remember about this scene is that others *may* have been observing it, as if they may have needed whatever was in the boxes, and the dreamer simply "pushed the supply chain along." Clarity 8+ originally, yet 8- at recall.

If the other dream(s) (I seem to recall there were at least 4 or 5) come back to mind, I'll try my best to post them as an update.

Richard Silk

Dec 21, 2023, 3:03:51 PM12/21/23
Got up this morning, just to watch the sun rise this Winter Solstice morning. Will try to catch it again tomorrow morning, just to see if there's any clearly obvious northward migration of the point of sunrise.

Meanwhile, last night, *IRL,* I was watching "Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch," which revealed the signs of a *massive* boa constrictor on the property (in the middle of the state of Utah, USA, in the Uinta basin.)

The signs were all there, yet the main members (supposedly a real-life documentary series, like "The Curse of Oak Island") were acting like total idiots (at least, onscreen) with the exception of the leader of the gang, who used the word "boa" and also called in a genetics-type specialist to identify a fang found caught in the carcass of an asphyxiated doe with a neck broken in multiple places.

Now here's what *is* unusual: there are (theoretically) no boa constrictors outside of the Florida / Louisiana type areas (where they've been thriving in the bayou and everglades) *and YET* there are petroglyphs (*ancient* rock drawings) that show a giant snake.

But get this: the drawing is *THOUSANDS* of years old (if not *OVER TEN* thousand)!

At any rate, they've got a giant constrictor (possibly an anaconda?) on the property, which *ought* to be identified in next week's episode.

So does this have anything to do with last night's dream sequences? (Very likely! yet *not necessarily!*)

The Snake(s):

The dreamer is aware of an ancient setting, like back when the pyramids were being built (or *very recently completed*) in Egypt. The dreamer is aware of a freshly mummified Pharaoh just off in the darkness.

(If set on a stage, the dreamer's perspective was at front center edge of stage, facing to the audience's left, aka "stage right," and the Pharaoh's mummy was located about mid-stage, stage right as well, laying from center stage to stage right, but which end was the head or feet either was unclear or has evaporated, which I think is more the case. It's *hard* to remember left-right orientation after half a day has gone by, along with the dain bramage....)

Along comes a giant snake and swallows the mummy. This was more "sensed" than "observed": Snake comes by, passes, mummy is gone. Ergo: snake swallowed mummy. Dream simply *ends*, *possibly* segues into the next dream:

The dreamer "picks up" on a bicycle, sort of a dirt-bike / rugged type that a teen would likely pedal in rougher terrain, rather than one of those "simply street" type, simpler design bikes.

The dreamer was peddling in soggy land, although not muddy, and even as the dreamer applied somewhat stronger force to the feet / pedals, the energy flow was to the back wheel, yet it was the *front* tire that was slipping on the soggy ground.

Here's a somewhat interesting thing: even though the bike was barely moving forward (if any) the "narrative mind" of the dreamer was thinking *something* like: "No problem— as long as the gyroscopic motion is being maintained, the bicycle will remain upright." (Like, if the pedals were turning, all was OK? Seemed odd, but the dreamer kept peddling.)

So as the bike seemed to come to a stopping point (even with the pedals peddling) there seemed to be a whole new scenario:

The dreamer was in some place *similar* to a jungle, but more like an area where some level of human habitation had cleared some of the area, similar as to how a hobo camp in the woods will create a small clearing of its own.

The dreamer went upward into a home, similar to what it would be like if a home had been built up within trees, yet of walls and flooring, even a hallway, etc. (in other words, just like a modern home with walls, etc.)

The dreamer also noted a number of ("smaller") snakes, about 4'–6' in length (or thereabouts) and with maybe an inch to 1½" body diameter. The snakes all appeared greenish in appearance (there were around 3 to 6 or more of them) and they were hanging down, as if from branches *near* the entrance to the home, as if the entrance were a catwalk-type bridge that led into the home. (Also, this was a mostly "dark" scene as there was basically no sunlight getting in through the overhead canopy of the surrounding flora— jungle or everglades, it was *not* a wide-open prairie!)

Rather than be frightened or intimidated by the snakes, the dreamer simply started grabbing them (one at a time) just behind the "head," then pulling them downward and tossing them outward (so they'd fall to the ground.)

The dreamer then went *into* the house (abode, tree-house, whatever) and was noting how cluttered everything was. Sure, there was a clear walk/pathway towards / into the hallway, but the main entrance way / living area (was there even a kitchen?) was *cluttered* with "stuff," not unlike the rubble seen after a tornado rips apart a community, yet without the lumber— mainly just clothes and "items," like what someone addicted to the home shopping network might buy every day just to do something, then clutter the home with the junk. (And yet, I knew someone who was like that once. Rest in peace, Granny Thomson.)

As the dreamer was heading towards the hallway, at least two people came towards the dreamer, being youthful folk, perhaps a married (or possibly "mated") couple, male and female (Caucasian) and the dreamer was remarking to them something along the lines of an apology regarding the mess that the place was in, bordering on the feeling of embarrassment, *similar to*: [I know it's a mess, and needs to be cleaned up / straightened / organized, but it's home.]

This, however, was abruptly interrupted by the realization that the dreamer felt barely clothed, as if wearing shorts that had fallen down and were in need of pulling up. The shorts were of *thin* material, similar to what a tennis player might wear so as to allow for freedom of motion yet also allow in all the coolness of the atmosphere / vent the heat of the body. So yes, the dreamer pulled up (his/her) shorts.

As the couple had been coming *from* the hallway area, they all proceeded out towards the "front landing" (outside the entrance area that had all the snakes) and the dreamer invited them to dispatch a few snakes for themselves, just like, "Help yourself to some finger foods," only like, [this is what we / I do here: dispatch snakes.] Whatever *may* have been said (precisely / verbatim) has been lost to evaporation.

At this point, there was *also* observed a *VERY* large snake, the body, at least, of what was *similar to* / could well have been a "giant anaconda" (like, maybe 6'–9' of the body was seen) moving / gliding along the "jungle floor" (or whatever type of ecosystem it may have been) below.

The dreamer has some type of "memory" of that snake having swallowed the mummified Pharaoh (described earlier) and *SOMEHOW* extracts / *obtains* the mummy *from* the body of the snake!

The narrative mind even added some explanation, *similar* to this:
"The snake swallowed the mummy whole, so slicing open the belly of the snake allowed for the extraction of the mummy, then the snake was sewn back up and sent on its way."

The thing here is, the mummy is now *relatively smaller* than "real life size," like, maybe 4" tall rather than 4'–6', and proportionately thinner as well, as if the process of the snake's digestion had shrunk the mummy. If, say, the mummy had been left untouched, the snake would theoretically have digested it down to a molecule or something. Clarity *all over the board,* from 6-ish (due to darkness) to 10- (riding the bike) to 7 (symbolic) to 11 (possibly astral / past-life / quantum existence-related.)

The only observation / analysis I can make of this is that time is like a serpent that devours all along its path, especially people such as the "high" or "mighty" or "distinguished/of historical significance."

(Time makes excrement of us all, in the physical sense. Only the soul may be "saved" / is eternal, which one really begins to focus on / understand following Baptism and a commitment to understanding Jesus. See also:

Richard Silk

Dec 23, 2023, 2:41:35 PM12/23/23
Sorry, but I had a bunch of stuff backed up from 2 days ago, 12/21, Thursday:

2023/12/21 (Thursday) Happy Solstice (between 9 & 10 PM CDT.)

Got up this morning, just to watch the sun rise this Winter Solstice morning. Will try to catch it again tomorrow morning, just to see if there's any clearly obvious northward migration of the point of sunrise.

Meanwhile, last night, IRL, I was watching "Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch," which revealed the signs of a *massive* boa constrictor on the property (in the middle of the state of Utah, USA, in the Uinta basin.)

The signs were all there, yet the main members (supposedly a real-life documentary series, like "The Curse of Oak Island") were acting like total idiots (at least, onscreen) with the exception of the leader of the gang, who used the word "boa" and also called in a genetics-type specialist to identify a fang found caught in the carcass of an asphyxiated doe with a neck broken in multiple places.

Now here's what *is* unusual: there are (theoretically) no boa constrictors outside of the Florida / Louisiana type areas (where they've been thriving in the bayou and everglades) *and YET* there are petroglyphs (*ancient* rock drawings) that show a giant snake.

But get this: the drawing is *THOUSANDS* of years old (if not *OVER TEN* thousand)!

At any rate, they've got a giant constrictor (possibly an anaconda?) on the property, which *ought* to be identified in next week's episode.

So does this have anything to do with last night's dream sequences? (Very likely! yet *not necessarily!*)

The Snake(s):

The dreamer is aware of an ancient setting, like back with the pyramids were being built (or *very recently completed*) in Egypt. The dreamer is aware of a freshly mummified Pharaoh just off in the darkness.

(If set on a stage, the dreamer's perspective was at front center edge of stage, facing to the audience's left, aka "stage right," and the Pharaoh's mummy was located about mid-stage, stage right as well, laying from center stage to stage right, but which end was the head or feet either was unclear or has evaporated, which I think is more the case. It's *hard* to remember left-right orientation after half a day has gone by, along with the dain bramage....)

This scene simply ended, and the dreamer "picks up" on a bicycle, sort of a dirt-bike / rugged type that a teen would likely pedal in rougher terrain, rather than one of those "simply street" type, simpler design bikes.

The dreamer was peddling in soggy land, although not muddy, and even as the dreamer applied somewhat stronger force to the feet / pedals, the energy flow was to the back wheel, yet it was the *front* tire that was slipping on the soggy ground.

Here's a somewhat interesting thing: even though the bike was barely moving forward (if any) the "narrative mind" of the dreamer was thinking *something* like: "No problem— as long as the gyroscopic motion is being maintained, the bicycle will remain upright." (Like, if the pedals were turning, all was OK? Seemed odd, but the dreamer kept peddling.)

So as the bike seemed to come to a stopping point (even with the pedals peddling) there seemed to be a whole new scenario:

The dreamer was in some place *similar* to a jungle, but more like an area where some level of human habitation had cleared some of the area, similar as to how a hobo camp in the woods will create a small clearing of its own.

The dreamer went upward into a home, similar to what it would be like if a home had been built up within trees, yet of walls and flooring, even a hallway, etc. (in other words, just like a modern home with walls, etc.)

The dreamer also noted a number of ("smaller") snakes, about 4'–6' in length (or thereabouts) and with maybe an inch to 1½" body diameter. The snakes all appeared greenish in appearance (there were around 3 to 6 or more of them) and they were hanging down, as if from branches *near* the entrance to the home, as if the entrance were a catwalk-type bridge that led into the home. (Also, this was a mostly "dark" scene as there was basically no sunlight getting in through the overhead canopy of the surrounding flora— jungle or everglades, it was *not* a wide-open prairie!)

Rather than be frightened or intimidated by the snakes, the dreamer simply started grabbing them (one at a time) just behind the "head," then pulling them downward and tossing them outward (so they'd fall to the ground.)

The dreamer then went *into* the house (abode, tree house, whatever) and was noting how cluttered everything was. Sure, there was a clear walk/pathway towards / into the hallway, but the main entrance way / living area (was there even a kitchen?) was *cluttered* with "stuff," not unlike the rubble seen after a tornado rips apart a community, yet without the lumber— mainly just clothes and "items," like what someone addicted to the home shopping network might buy every day just to do something, then clutter the home with the junk. (And yet, I knew someone who was like that once. Rest in peace, Granny Thomson.)

As the dreamer was heading towards the hallway, at least two people came towards the dreamer, being youthful folk, perhaps a married (or possibly "mated") couple, male and female (Caucasian) and the dreamer was remarking to them something along the lines of an apology regarding the mess that the place was in, bordering on the feeling of embarrassment, *similar to*: [I know it's a mess, and needs to be cleaned up / straightened / organized, but it's home.]

This, however, was abruptly interrupted by the realization that the dreamer felt barely clothed, as if wearing shorts that had fallen down and were in need of pulling up. The shorts were of *thin* material, similar to what a tennis player might wear so as to allow for freedom of motion yet also allow in all the coolness of the atmosphere / vent the heat of the body. So yes, the dreamer pulled up (his/her) shorts.

As the couple had been coming *from* the hallway area, they all proceeded out towards the "front landing" (outside the entrance area that had all the snakes) and the dreamer invited them to dispatch a few snakes for themselves, just like, "Help yourself to some finger foods," only like, [this is what we / I do here: dispatch snakes.] Whatever *may* have been said (precisely / verbatim) has been lost to evaporation.

At this point, there was *also* observed a *VERY* large snake, the body, at least, of what was *similar to* / could well have been a "giant anaconda" (like, maybe 6'–9' of the body was seen) moving / gliding along the "jungle floor" (or whatever type of ecosystem it may have been) below.

The dreamer has some type of "memory" of that snake having swallowed the mummified Pharaoh (described earlier) and *SOMEHOW* extracts the mummy *from* the body of the snake!

The narrative mind even added some explanation, *similar* to this:
"The snake swallowed the mummy whole, so slicing open the belly of the snake allowed for the extraction of the mummy, then the snake was sewn back up and sent on its way."

The thing here is, the mummy is now *relatively smaller* than "real life size," like, maybe 4" tall rather than 4'–6', and proportionately thinner as well, as if the process of the snake's digestion had shrunk the mummy. If, say, the mummy had been left untouched, the snake would theoretically have digested it down to a molecule or something. Clarity *all over the board,* from 6-ish (due to darkness) to 10- (riding the bike) to 7 (symbolic) to 11 (possibly astral / past-life / quantum existence-related.)

The only observation / analysis I can make of this is that time is like a serpent that devours all along its path, especially people such as the "high" or "mighty" or "distinguished/of historical significance."

(Time makes excrement of us all, in the physical sense. Only the soul may be "saved" / is eternal, which one really begins to focus on / understand following Baptism and a commitment to understanding Jesus.) ( )

Richard Silk

Dec 23, 2023, 2:46:55 PM12/23/23
On Saturday, December 23, 2023 at 1:41:35 PM UTC-6, Richard Silk wrote:
> Sorry, but I had a bunch of stuff backed up from 2 days ago, 12/21, Thursday:
> 2023/12/21 (Thursday) Happy Solstice (between 9 & 10 PM CDT.)
> Got up this morning, just to watch the sun rise this Winter Solstice morning. Will try to catch it again tomorrow morning, just to see if there's any clearly obvious northward migration of the point of sunrise.
> (Time makes excrement of us all, in the physical sense. Only the soul may be "saved" / is eternal, which one really begins to focus on / understand following Baptism and a commitment to understanding Jesus.) ( )

Sorry, but I *think* I just double-posted the same dream. Really sorry 'bout that.
I never really did like how Google Groups handles USENET content.
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