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2024/02/03 Saturday: Medical Drone?

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Richard Silk

Feb 3, 2024, 2:30:36 PMFeb 3
I came to the laptop first thing (after breakfast, etc.) so as to post these few dreams *before* they evaporated. Come to find, I *thought* I had at *least* one dream posted here from this month (February) only to find the (visible) field of posts (from me) were last in January.

OK, so something feels disconcerting about this, but "on with the show" so to speak:

Man snatches drone:
In one dream snippet, *rather short,* the view is of the "narrative mind" or possibly "dreamer's perspective" viewing a small, white, 4-prop drone hovering in the air, perhaps 4'–6' distant from the "camera's perspective." For discussion purposes, let's say the camera is facing "north," although there's really no reason to "pick" that direction other than to set the "other" directions / facings.

Roughly 3'–4' away is a guy facing "east" (towards the camera's right) and it's almost as if the drone *may* be viewing the guy, although drones are *typically* used for drone-to-ground views, except for perhaps those that hover through a house for sale, and thus have the camera pointed forwards.

There's a sentence spoken towards the guy, although sorry, the words were unclear even in the dream, but seemed to be *of the nature* that the drone was far enough away from the guy that he was unable to grab it (or possibly that the drone couldn't reach *him*.)

The guy responded by an *immediate* twitch that amounted to a brief lean to the right along with a nearly instantaneous reach towards the drone, and he *pinched* a rotor of the drone, resumed his standing position, and remarking something along the lines of "you forgot my reach: I can lean just far enough to pinch a rotor blade."

Now this *may* sound a bit "far fetched," but I have the *distinct* impression that the dream is "analogous to" a concurrent event that is ongoing in my life / my living relationship with my elderly mother (who's 94, and on the borderline between level 2 assisted living and level 3.)

*Just yesterday,* IRL, I took an unidentified call (which is unusual due to all the spam bombardment of the past year, but it's been *greatly* curtailed due to Tennessee legislation) that turned out to be from the "Welcome Wagon" lady who calls to reach out to folk who have their names on waiting lists regarding retirement homes. (You've got to get your name on a list *early* because the wait lines are *years* just to get through roughly ~40 names!)

As it turns out, you can't just "sign up and walk in" to an assisted care facility— it *requires* a doctor's order!

Well, in another unusual turn of events, Mom's PCP (who's treated her for *years*) had to close his office last December (2023) because the guy with whom he co-leases a single floor building (like a duplex office facility) chose to retire, and this brought Mom's doctor to the realization that he, too, would thus need to retire (because most docs these days belong to some type of "team" (or "corporate") practice, rather than "private practice," so he couldn't find anyone to co-lease the other half of the building.)

Thus, Mom (who's starting to *approach* level 3 assisted living) is going to see her "new doctor" on Monday (provided she's still alive.) Thus, the "tour" of the "nursing home" will be on Sunday, her doctor on Monday, and (depending on stuff) her move-out/move-in date will be Tuesday.

The guy *perfectly* snatching one of the drone's rotors without barely moving a muscle *reminds* me (analogously) of a doctor taking on a new patient. I've actually already got some respect for the guy, and haven't even met him yet!

At any rate, the clarity of the dream seems 7 (symbolic) but otherwise is around an 8+ / 9-.

Dogs chase critters:
This being Saturday, *after* the dog gets me up for an early dawn relief break, *including* helping mom through her break, I *like* to go back to bed (for as long as possible) and hopefully get everyone *else* back to napping as well (because it's Saturday.)

This put "breakfast" off until around "lunch" (noonish) but in the meantime, I had a few curious dreams, the more interesting one being that of a dog rushing out of the back of the house to help another critter chase two other critters. I had the *sense* that my mother was in/as/analogous to/with the character of one of the dogs, and I have no clue as to the character of the other (it did not remind me of myself nor of my dog, Ginger.) There appeared to be basically no clue as to the other 2 critters being chased, as the action went by so quickly I had little time to identify them or anything else, but after the two critters (the larger of the two chase-dogs, seeming to be "like" my mother) chased the smaller two critters (that could've been from dog/cat level down to skunk/possum, except that they *all* went by *fast*) out beyond the back yard fence, the two being chased came back through the yard and out via the driveway (that runs backyard west, along the southern edge of the property, toward the front yard, east, towards the street) while I (the dreamer) held the back porch screen door open for the "momma-like" dog to return into the house. This was all, say, clarity 7+ to 9-. It *feels* analogous to:→ although my mom's mental faculties may be waning, I'm still her personal "power of attorney" so if some of my siblings, say, were trying to foment an argument against Mom's going to a nursing home, at least *one* of them took Mom's side of the argument and helped chase the other two away.

I'm just a pencil:
One of the major methods used (developed) by me for my mother to get my attention to help her (with *anything*) is for *her* to ring a bell. When she sleeps, I have a *unique* slip-knot-like attachment using a robe sash and a bell attached to one of her arms: as long as she *avoids* removing the sash while she sleeps, and as long as she has the presence of mind to seek the bell via the sash, she can ring it to call me, and this works even when I'm sleeping (although if it were to work *or not* while I might be *deeply* asleep is unknown.)

At any rate, in the dream, a character is looking for a pencil, and it's *nearly* like {I'm the character} yet somehow distant at the same time (which is why I think it was analogous to my elderly mother.)

The pencil (which *should* have been simply gripped within the character's right hand, like how one would curl one's fingers over a roll of dimes or nickles in order to "hide" them from view) is somehow *not* in the character's hand, so the character looks on the floor, sees it lying there, retrieves it, and grasps it within the curled right hand's fingers (like a roll of coins.)

Right then, IRL, I heard Mom ringing the bell, and I awoke (to go help her.) I'm *fairly certain* the analogy of the dream speaks for itself here, *definitely* in the 7-symbolic category, although action-wise in the 8+/9- range.
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