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2023/12/31 Sunday: Happy New Year! (Psalm 119:105)

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Richard Silk

Dec 31, 2023, 4:50:31 PM12/31/23
Last night (starting Saturday evening, 12/30 going into 12/31) was *rather peculiar* for a number of reasons:

I heard/found my elderly mother (IRL) as if in a type of "distress" yet not "urgent" distress, more like heartbroken sorrow.

She'd gone to bed *early* (like around 4 PM!) due to feeling (increasingly) tired. Turns out her occasional "Oxygen!" calls were actually minor "panic attacks" that I found out (thanks to an oximeter) had *possibly nothing* to do with her O2 saturation levels, but (due to increasing age / decreasing motivation / mobility) may simply be indicative of the body keeping the heart pumping.... (more of a mental / spiritual issue, rather than an arterial blockage, etc. But hey, I'm no cardiologist. For all I know, her left (or right!) ventricle may be collecting sediment-like particles from the blood stream)— at any rate, she was calling for me to tell me that she had "more bad news" and while I was concerned she may have simply had an accident with her OLPs (Old Lady Pants, adult/geriatric diapers / underwear) she continued to tell me that she'd just had news that Marilyn had died.

OK, first, Mom had been resting / napping / sleeping in her bedroom, and she has no phones in that room, no TV or computers, so I knew right away she'd been talking about a dream. I tried discussing it with her, but she continued to behave as if under the belief that her 2nd (middle) daughter had died.

To help out with what would inevitably follow the next day, I called Marilyn last night, and spent over 3½ hours talking with her (which is *unique* in this lifetime!) eventually impressing upon her the need to call or visit Mom the following day (today, Sunday.)

Now for the interesting part:

I was awakened *at least twice* last night (at odd hours, like 2 AM-ish, 4 AM-ish) and *each time* I'd been awakened, I was aware that I'd been having a rather continuous dream experience involving discussion of some sort, even though upon waking, I could remember *nothing whatsoever* about the dream(s) other than the disturbing thought that the dream had been disturbed and that there was *zero* recall of what had *just* been interrupted. Like, possibly, a *stream* of "dark consciousness" had been flowing through, interrupted twice, and with no recollection of the darkness itself. I'd like to classify those two (possibly one, yet possibly "interrupted") dream segment as "clarity 0." That is, I was aware that I'd been dreaming, yet had *ZERO* recollection of the content. No specific words, no images, no narratives, nada.

Now we get to the time period *between* 4 AM and sometime around / after dawn / daybreak:
There had been an *amazing* dream with some *interesting* elements, even though it started out as a typical "clarity 7" (symbolic) wherein the dreamer was in some way moving / traveling / gliding *underground* as if underneath some building/structure. (Imagine a series of dwellings, perhaps like a linear motel with serial/contiguous rooms, and this view was *as if* through the *crawlspace* or possibly basements of such a linear structure. Another similar structure is the ballast area of a sea-going vessel, where there are "baffles" that help prevent flooding from any penetration of the hull beneath the water line: Water that flows into one area is unable to flow into any other area due to water-tight hatches, or possibly fully intact bulkheads.)

So using the "basement / crawlspace" analogy, the dreamer is observing a *person* (seemingly of 20-ish age level) of *dark* appearance, as in "not very bright" or "not well lit," possibly even wearing "dark clothing," yet regardless, of a darker appearance (as contrasted with a "lighter" appearance. NOTE: This *could* be a reference to my own, personal "personality/character" from that age.)

The person was moving in a line from right-to-left, so I'm gonna lay this out without using compass points, but "stage directions"— from "stage left" to "stage right" as the dreamer's perspective was akin to that of a person *in* the audience seating area, yet *on the exact, same level* as the character.

For instance, a member in the audience is likely looking *upward* to the stage, or possibly *downward* towards the stage, yet there *may* be a row in the seating area where the viewer is *at* stage level. This was the dreamer's "level perspective."

Now consider that a person *seated* in the audience sees things going "right to left" but *stays* in the *same point,* without moving. In this case, the dreamer's perspective *is moving* perfectly perpendicular to the character being viewed. As the person travels right to left, so does the dreamer's perspective, as if the dreamer's perspective *is* the person's astral body, maintaining exact relative position with the person/character.

On to the dream action itself:

The character approaches what could be called the "outer curtain wall" of the above-ground structure and actually just goes right through it, as if there'd been some kind of crawl-space access hatch that had been open.

The character (and the dreamer's viewing perspective as well!) continues (through the under-space) to the next (leftward) area (as if through a supporting wall structure that went from ground-to-through-floor-to-ceiling) only this time, there were slight delays, as if the character had been "punching through" some type of access points between the units of the motel rooms above.

The dreamer comes to a type of "stopping point" at which there was some type of "element" / "artifice" / "rig" that was present within the sub-floor area through which the character (and dreamer) had been moving / traveling (from right to left.)

The structure that "caught" the character's (thus the dreamer's) attention was *like* a stick that had been stuck through into the under-zone through which the character (and dreamer) had been traveling. Somewhere along that stick had been something *like* a spool of thread (or fishing line, possibly string) and at the *end* of the stick there appeared to be some kind of *element* (again, this is mostly the "symbolic" part of the dream, clarity "7") which reminded the dreamer a *bit* of a fishing rod with line and bait, although such clear items were *not* "seen," but simply "similar to" what was being viewed.

<Interrupting note: While I was just typing this up, my elderly mother started (somewhat weakly) saying something from the living room, which required my stopping to see to whatever it was she was up to. Turns out, she was trying to get up out of her chair (it is my general policy to assist her when moving from point A to point B to reduce any chance of falls/broken bones) because *she* thought I was calling *her*. This seems *oddly* relevant to this point in the dream, as my biological / Earthly father had always had a love of fishing.>

At any rate, whatever the object was that had been protruding into the under-space *from outside* the equivalent of the "back wall" of the "crawlspace" (as if from behind the backstage curtains / backdrop scenery) somehow *led* to the "dreamer's perspective," the "narrative mind" of the dream, to become *as one* with the character, so from this point, it's from the "first person perspective" of the dreamer, much as a OOB / astral projection perspective is like following a "return to body" sequence. In other words, the character/person *is now* the dreamer.

The dreamer emerges from the "underside / crawlspace" into the light of day, out in the open as it were, and the view *reverses* as if the dreamer had turned 180°​ to face the zone from which s/he'd just emerged.

Only rather than seeing the outside of the building / structure, instead, the dreamer sees what appears to be a traditional kerosene barn lamp, similar to the classic Dietz model (reference pic: only it was a *light* tan rather than red) with a *perfectly clear* glass globe.

Here's where the clarity zooms up past level 10 to 11, as what comes next is *UNIQUE* in my dream experiences:

The dreamer begins *reading aloud* the words that were *formed into the glass* of the globe.

Now normally (IRL) such imprinting in glass usually involved things like the plant at which an antique Coca Cola bottle was bottled, or perhaps the size-dimensions-capacity of a baking dish, etc.

In this case, the glass globe writing was like a "dedication" / "message to" whomever finds the lamp— What was written, while *perfectly* clear *and* legible *and* logical / meaningful / understandable (in English) however, *somewhat* evaporated beyond the point of being recalled perfectly "verbatim" (word-for-word) however, the *general gist* of the writing has remained as long as the point of this writeup (after 3 PM CDT) so here's what I recall / what it was *like*:

The writing was a message of pleasant greeting to the person reading it, and it had something of a "blessing"-like quality to it, that whomever used the lamp may use it to guide the user's way, to give light unto thy path, as it were.

There were *over* 3 lines of text upon the facing surface of the globe, possibly down to as many as 5 or 6 lines of text! Some of it appeared to be referencing the person who made / crafted the lamp / globe itself, although *that* part was gone through so directly that the name went "in one word and out the other" (incidentally, my own "dain bramage" has a very similar issue with names these days.)

The dreamer had *some* type of thought at the end of reading the lamp's globe, something *similar* to: "I'd like to see about..." (and here the dream faded out into waking, something *along the lines* of: [... discussing the message content of the globe with whomever owns it / seeking to see if anyone else "owns" the lamp itself / whether it's claimed property (or not!) the dreamer had/has every conviction of following through with the message conveyed through the words molded / cast into the glass of the globe.

Regardless, this is what *immediately* came to mind upon waking: — Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.

(What followed this morning involved my reading that passage to my elderly mother from her paternal grandparents' family Bible, that was printed *before* the age of the copyright (©) but did have listed its entrance into the Library of Congress as of 1892, and a "TRADE MARK" image with the text "LIGHT OF THE WORLD".) (Investigating "" as it applied for the same trademark this year.)
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