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2024/02/10 Saturday: Genesis 1:3? / The Astral Cat / The Girl and the Dragon

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Richard Silk

Feb 10, 2024, 3:19:56 PMFeb 10
Yesterday, 2/9, Friday, was "an arduous day," starting with the day before, Thursday the 8th, which had "started" as "moving day for Mom," to help her *out* of the house and *in* to her "new" retirement home. I was in the process of getting the LA-Z-BOY recliner moved, and thought to call ahead to the home, to see what time they were serving dinner, because I wanted to see if I could get Mom in there by then. Turns out, I was calling at 2:15 PM, and the "administrative cutoff" was 3 PM for move-ins, and there was *no* way I was gonna get her there by then, so I spent that afternoon moving in just her recliner (and a few items) so that I could bring her in Friday *before* 3 PM, and tackle the bed during the evening hours.

OK, Friday, rough start to the day, but it was helpful to ensure that Mom *wanted* to move rather than stay with me, even if only for a moment, so that "weakened" her resolve to stay in this home she'd lived in for 60 years!

Got her into her room, into her chair (with O₂ concentrator) w/blanky & cushions, then (with brother-in-law's help) got her Tempur-Pedic mattress (and those things are *heavy!*) along with box springs & headboard / footboard / rails, etc., all moved over.

Fun fact: It was rainy / light drizzle Friday afternoon, and sister Marilyn provided the umbrella service as I wheeled Mom from house to vehicle, vehicle to building. It was still rainy when I started to prepare (breakdown) the bed, and managed to Saran-wrap the two ends, due to expectations in preparation of the rainy transit atop the roof of the vehicle.

Well, thanks be to God, bro-in-law arrived in a "Pilot" vehicle with roof rack, so that made *all* the "on top" functions *much* better, *and* he also had an inside area capable of carrying the headboard, footboard, rails, etc., *and* to top all *that* off, the rain held off long enough for us to get the whole shebang transported from house to building.

OK, so that may *sound* easy just reading about it, but *doing* it *WORE ME OUT*! (Steve is only like a year younger, and was recovering from a broken rib, so it was *less than fun* for him as well.)

All this leads us to last night / this morning, Saturday, the traditional "Sabbath, day of rest."

This was my first morning at home with no routine duties other than letting the dog out before dawn, and as it was a tad rainy, she came back inside sooner rather than later. I also noted that I'd had no dreams to mention, that I could even recall, and thought to myself *perhaps* they may come during the pre-dawn / post-dawn time frame, and sure enough, *POW!*

The dreaming mind was *just* beginning to focus on what looked like it *may* have been a field, possibly with a tree or two, but it was like a *split* second of view before *LIGHT!* a light similar in brightness and intensity to that of a magnesium flare (like the kind some folk light on the 4ᵗʰ of July / home-level fireworks celebration) and the dreamer's mind went, "What was that?" and saw something of a replay, only it was slightly less focused in intensity (the single point of intense light) than originally viewed.

Whatever was seen was only that light, as the light was in absolute contrast with the darkness surrounding it. Whatever "scenic" view may have been forming the split second before the first Light was simply *gone* as the Light appeared sovereign in the darkness. The *repeated* light (like in answer to "What was that??") was *similar* to someone saying, "I *said* {'X'}" although the repeated word lacks the moment of definition of the original, just as the repeated light lacked the central focus of the original Light.)

Just because the *semi-waking* me thought that might be a dream vision of interest, I noted the time on the flip phone on my window sill, beside my bed, which showed 6:20 A.M. (approximately, as it took me a moment or two to mentally process what had just been "witnessed") then allowed my head to slump back to sleep.

You'd *think* that would be the end of it, "but NO!—" A few moments later, I had *another* view of light within darkness, only this time, the single point of Light "shot out" to the left, and there were perhaps 7 to 12 or more *points* of Light (just like smaller, yet focused points like the Original) as if "showering" / spraying to the left of the omniscient dreamer's perspective. (Again, this was a purely contrasted dream of *focused* points of Light with a field of absolute darkness.) I again checked the time, which showed 6:24 A.M., and again slumped back to sleep.

I'm gonna give this "pair" of vision-like dreams a unique clarity rating of "Perfect Binary."

OK, so now that I was simply going back to sleep, *then* came a *number* of dreams, starting with one that was a bit awkward, yet similar to a few others in my past, in which the dreamer is navigating through the hallways and rooms of a building *similar* to a cross between an office complex, a medical facility, and a university-type classroom-type building. In other words, rather than simple, straight hallways and doors into square, identical rooms, the rooms had different functions, and the hallways had right angles to them, leading to other areas of other hallways. There may have been other functions / activities within that dream segment, but if so, they've already evaporated. Clarity 8-.

The black cat/kitten: The dreamer was trying to keep a cat inside a room, but somehow the cat got out (typical as how cats do that.) The dreamer went to scoop up / gather the cat, and was taking care to keep the cat contained without squeezing too hard (which would make the cat uncomfortable / want to jump, etc.) Here's where it gets *really* interesting: the cat seemed to be as if astrally projecting different versions of the cat, such as even including a kitten stage. There were at least 3 views of Cat position 1, Cat position 2, and Kitten position 1, all while the dreamer was thinking that the adult cat was being held firmly / safely / comfortably in the dreamer's arms.

Note: I have a *very strong hunch* that the above dream is *analogous to* my mother's position (as the cat) in the care of her new "Happy Home." The management and staff of the home are "keeping her safe" (thanks to Dad's planning!) and the versions being seen are *likely* stages of Mom's life's memories, likely being shared with those around her, or even possibly a simple "viewing" of past events that led to where she is now (as in "now" being the present time of this writing.) Other than Clarity 7, I'd go with 9+ to possibly "astral" in nature.

The girl / woman, the egg / jewel, the house and the dragon:

Starting character was/is a female, possibly elementary-aged, yet possibly late teens / early 20s? (She may have *started* young, then aged by the time the dream was over.)

There was something like an egg, the size of an ostrich egg, yet prismatic with earth tones, clear areas, and possibly some yellows, whites, think of a multi-faceted cut gemstone in the shape of a *smooth,* egg-shaped object.

There was a house, and somehow (sorry, evaporation, as this was early morning, and the time is now after 2 PM!) there was some activity involving keeping the dragon contained *within* the house, while getting the egg/jewel *outside* of the house. The dragon (similar in colors to the gemstone) seemed highly jealous (strongly attracted to / protective of) the gemstone, such that keeping it *in* the house was a real trick, yet if the dragon were to *get out,* it would *very* likely be a fraught situation for whomever had the gemstone.

Well, the girl/woman who had the gemstone somehow managed to return it *to* the dragon. And although the observer-dreamer / narrative mind was greatly concerned that something tragic might occur, it turned out that the gemstone was actually an eye of the dragon, and it *matched* an eye that could now be seen *as* the dragon's right eye. That is, the last thing I can recall of the dream is seeing the dragon smiling at me (the dreamer's perspective) with that gemstone in its ("her?") right eye. Clarity 8+-ish.

At any rate, today is a day of *TOTAL REST* as far as I'm concerned. The only thing that's kept me out of bed this long was / is the desire to get this all written down / journaled before it totally evaporated / became perceived as "irrelevant" which might lead to it being possibly forgotten.

Richard Silk

Feb 14, 2024, 12:31:09 PMFeb 14
I've got a few dreams "backed up" that need to be journaled, however, this is Mom's first week (from last Friday) at her new retirement home / assisted living facility, and my keyboard time has been greatly reduced this week.

"The Apology:"

But there was one dream involving Gina (from yesterday morning) that needs to be entered, but the one that really "got" to me was this morning, likely between 8 AM and 10 AM, lying upon the couch, where the dreamer was looking face-to-face with someone just as close as one might look into a bathroom mirror (but not *that* closely!) and the view was *preceded* as if by an overheard or expressed sentence, *similar* to: "Are you Gina?" and the following scene was based upon the idea that yes, the person being spoken to *was* Gina, although the face was a bit different, which I'll get into in a moment:

The dreamer (like, the narrative, omniscient mind of the dreamer) spoke a heartfelt, sincere apology to the person looking at the dreamer / the dreamer's perspective. It was *as if* "I" (person A) perfectly had "your" (person B's) attention, and (person B) was looking directly into the gaze of (person A.)

While the clarity of the words were "perfectly audible / understood" during the dream, there's been *some* slight "evaporation" since then (as it's now after 11:15 AM) along the lines of:
"I love you. I know I hurt you (in the past) and I'm *truly* sorry" (the rest is presumed yet whether it was part of the words before or after the end of the view / vision is questionable as well) "and it will *never* happen again. Please forgive me."

Some observations about the face that was being spoken *to*: It was youthful, and for whatever reasons, the age was unclear, as it could've been anywhere from 6 to 16 to 36. The hair must've been {changing} in the sense that it was neither "seen" *nor* unseen! Like, an "edge" of the hairline was visible, but beyond the first quarter-inch or so, the face was simply the foreground of a background of light.

The other thing of interest is that "gender" / "sex" was unclear, as if it *may* have been the face of a prepubescent child, such as the offspring of Gina and myself, as the face was *different yet similar* to hers, but above all, the eyes were a light green. (The hazel/green color of Gina's eyes are *unique,* and while these eyes were *similar* they were still "different.")

All in all, I had / have the distinct impression of apologizing "in the spirit" to my future son/child with Gina, even *if* that child is the one that she and I *would've / should've* had in the early 1980s. Clairity 11, as everything about it seemed "astral / spiritual" in nature.

Richard Silk

Feb 14, 2024, 6:16:03 PMFeb 14
The following is a rough transcript of some dreams I recorded on my phone, realizing I had little time to write these up that day.

"So yesterday was Monday, February 12ᵗʰ (2024) (with Mom at her new assisted living facility) and I woke up with having had dreams of visiting various *very* large estate manor houses with *very* large lawns, and that dream transitioned / *moved* into a view of something *like* a bed with several blankets, and the blankets were removed layer-by-layer, revealing a "turtle out of her shell," with the two little nose holes being "above water level" (the shell-less turtle was on its back, in a small body of *clear* water) and the dreamer could "see" / sense that the creature was breathing "just above" water level.
(And that dream was exceedingly analogous with my elderly mother's condition, thus, clarity 7.)

Mostly between perhaps 5:30 AM and 8 AM, there were so many dreams— the dreamer was as if at MTSU, contemplating how to obtain Gina's phone number from the operator, wanting to actually see / be with / talk to her, etc., and a female (with short brown hair) walks by, and the dreamer embraces her from behind and asks, "Are you Gina?" and she replies "Yes," and the dreamer professes his love to her, tells her he loves her and wants to marry her, and at some point she's walking away, and the dreamer says something like, "You've already failed at two marriages— why not try for success with me?" (Clarity 8+)

There were also dreams about strange people in a strange place, and this one person to the right of the dreamer was a bit of a quiet guy, and the person to that person's right was being a bit obnoxious and overbearing, and the dreamer asks the obnoxious person point blank: "Are you a Jew?" — which led to a repeat of the question: "Are you a Jew?" — which brings up the question of "Why is that question being asked?" to which the dreamer replies, "Once we began serving the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) you began acting up / agitated / possessive of this person here (the quiet guy) and I'm wondering why you became that way?" (Clarity 8.)

There was also a dream involving a girl *similar to* Tammy Vaughn (from elementary school, possibly high school as well) and there was a little bit of communication there, then there was this other *very* submissive female, bent *completely* over, ready for a "rear entry / doggy style" encounter, then there was this room, which led to a stairwell, which led to a top floor with no other features / no roof exit *except* for a *small* tunnel off to the side, and the dreamer crawled into it for a moment, as like a McDonald's hamster-trail type playground, as how a little kid will "explore" various nooks and crannies. Clarity 9-ish, ±.

*This morning* (Wednesday) around the 2 AM–4 AM time period(?) there was a scene wherein the dreamer (in 1ˢᵗ person) was flying around, as if through a school gymnasium, and there was another (female?) beside him, as if flying as well, only with peculiar (grayish-blackish) head-wear, *similar* to those old fashioned leather-head helmets from (U.S.) football's early days, and there was *some type* of communication between the dreamer and the other person, *as if* the dreamer were giving her pointers on flying lessons, presumably something about that hat / helmet / headgear being something of an encumbrance to her flying ability. Clarity 9-.
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