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Lucid dreams - the facts

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Gareth Nutt

Mar 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/19/96
I have been having lucid dreams now for about ten years. I
didn't really understand them until I read an article in the now
defunct 'Omni' magazine. I started to use the techniques in the
article and found I could have lucid dreams at will.
The best technique I know is this one:
Everyone knows that dreams always contain a small element of
what has happened to you during the day. The way I achieve lucid
dreams is to use a standard 'reality check' method, but always
the same one. Throughout the day, I will look down at my watch
and try and make the hands go backwards. When I can't do it, I
say to myself (and it is important to repeat this out loud,
however quietly) " I know now that I am not dreaming, the next
time I look at my watch, if the hands go backwards, I will know
that I am dreaming and I will wake up in my dream."
Nine time out of ten, you will get to a point in your dream (all
my dreams are what is termed 'vivid dreams' anyway - I always
dream in full technicolour and with most (albeit dulled) senses,
and I have some control over my dream self) where you will look
at your watch and the hands will go backwards. You will realise
that you are dreaming and 'wake up' in your dream.
A good way to stay lucid is to concentrate on one particular
place you want to be (a place you know really well) and then (in
your dream) put your arms out straight at shoulder height and
spin round and round repeating the name of the place and
concentrating the image in your mind.
I have had some great lucid dreams (flying is the best) but I
have also had lucid dreams where although awake, I have not had
full control (being chased by weirwolves in a shopping mall is
one I can recall). Incidentally, talkig of recalling, I would be
interested to know how well people remember their lucid dreams.
I can remember every one, as if it had been real, whereas normal
dreams, however vivid, always fade from the memory.
What I can't understand from this newsgroup is the paranormal
mumbo jumbo shit which is being talked - 'out of body'
experiences' 'astral bodies' etc. etc. Surely, if you are aware
that you are a lucid dreamer, you realise that lucid dreaming is
the explanation of these phenomena, not the cause.
People who claim to have out of body experiences are clearly
people who have lucid dreams yet fail to recognise them for what
they are. They believe that the lucid dream IS reality (as I did
the first time I had a lucid dream. I really bleieve that I had
woken up and got out of bed. it was not until the school of
dolphins swum through the kitchen door that I realised there was
something wrong!)
I also believe that near death experiences also can be accounted
for by lucid dreams. However, you should not underestimate the
power of lucid dreams. I certainly have worked out a few
problems from within lucid dreams ( not least of which my
technique in steep mogul fields whilst skiing).
BUT they are just dreams. They are produced by the human mind,
not some mythical astral force. The power of the human brain has
only been touched upon by science, we should not underestimate
it ( and that includes the possible explanation of some
paranormal phenomena - telepathy between twins, knowing the
phone is going to ring before it does, sensing someone is
watching you without seeing them etc. etc.) but neither should
we attribute phenomena produced by it as being the work of some
bullshit mumbo jumbo astral force which transcends you to some
alternative astral plane crap.
It's a dream. You have control. The very fact that you do have
control should tell you that is a product of your own brain.
Stay lucid,

Jason Kaehler

Mar 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/21/96
Gareth, I too appreciate your contributions to this dialogue,
but some of your OPINIONS seem to be presented as 'facts' (see subject
header). I have some problems with this.

As you stated, our god Science, knows VERY LITTLE about the human
mind. Less about how it interacts with the universe through the
sense organs and even LESS about how this interaction is
affected by the sleep state.

From an ancient (read eastern) perspective, we are not seperate from the

It penetrates and informs us. Our seperatness is only an illusion.
Your emphatic insistance that 'it's ONLY a dream' albiet a
'realistic' lucid dream is misguided. This mental state is a
highly evolved and complex dilema spiritually speaking.
Since we are part of the Universe and not seperate, the lucid
state offers insight into this fact. It hammers home this
truth. The level of control one has over what one perceives
does not prove anything. We have a great degree of control over our
environments while awake and look how screwed up we are.

This is new territory. Language has difficulty encapsulating
the depth of feeling these experiences evoke. Your eagerness to
dismiss anyone who uses metaphysical terminology shows your
own close-mindedness and limited understanding of this miraculous


Mar 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/22/96
Gareth Nutt <> wrote:

> :::snip::: The power of the human brain has

>only been touched upon by science, we should not underestimate
>it ( and that includes the possible explanation of some
>paranormal phenomena - telepathy between twins, knowing the
>phone is going to ring before it does, sensing someone is
>watching you without seeing them etc. etc.) but neither should
>we attribute phenomena produced by it as being the work of some
>bullshit mumbo jumbo astral force which transcends you to some
>alternative astral plane crap.
>It's a dream. You have control. The very fact that you do have
>control should tell you that is a product of your own brain.
>Stay lucid,

While some may choose to flame your choice of words, I think your
point is one that can't be emphasized strongly enough. Lucid dreaming
is a wonderful--and useful--facility of the human mind. Surely the
facts of LD are amazing enough; do we really need to drag in all the
New Age (God, that term makes me cringe) stuff? It's nice to hear from
a lucid dreamer who's...lucid. Good post. I enjoyed reading it. =^)

___ _______ _ __ ___
/ __|_ / _ \ '__/ _ \ | "Connections were broken | czero
| (__ / / __/ | | (_) | | as a child might snap | @
\___/___\___|_| \___/ | the wings from flies." |

Simon Farrand

Mar 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/22/96
Its easy to dismiss O.B.Es as being lucid dreams on an intellectual
basis but having had many of both categories, my intuition tells me that
O.B.Es aren`t simply lucid dreams. Yes, there isn`t much ground to
believe an actual separation takes place during an O.B.E, but as
phenomena, they do feel very distinct on an intuitive level. For
example, I have had many vivd lucid dreams of leaving my body -
experiences of which I would classify as definitely being lucid dreams,
and then I have had what I would call O.B.Es although to a much less
degree. Both experiences are very similar on a sensory level, perhaps
psychic phenomenon more frequent in O.B.Es, but it is hard to ignore a
distinction between the two when intuition tells me strongly otherwise.
It could be argued for instance that real life is just a lucid dream, but
none of us would really believe that as our intuition tells us otherwise.
I would therefore agree with you on an analytical level that both types
of experience are just dreams, but intuitively I find it hard to agree.
It is also unwise to mock the hocus pocus theories used by occultists to
explain parapsychological phenomena as although again on an intellectual
level there are no grounds for believing such thing as a real physical
astral force, the methods and theories used form very coherent systems
which are very valuable for self exploration. For instance using the
chakra system of the east is an extremely useful "map" to explore the
psyche and is very workable although there aren`t scientific grounds to
believe there are real physical energy centres. I would therefore
recommend that regardless the beliefs and ideas an individual holds, meta
physical theories serve as useful "Visual Mathematics" to aid the


Mar 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/23/96
Simon Farrand ( wrote:
: Its easy to dismiss O.B.Es as being lucid dreams on an intellectual

I agree with both your post, and the orginal one--well
said, on your part, a most balanced reply. We needed both the
injection of healthy, optimistic skepticism, and the more moderate
and delicately crafted reply--good points from the orginal poster
and you.

Terry Porter

Mar 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/23/96
Gareth Nutt <> wrote:

>not some mythical astral force. The power of the human brain has

>only been touched upon by science, we should not underestimate
>it ( and that includes the possible explanation of some
>paranormal phenomena - telepathy between twins, knowing the
>phone is going to ring before it does, sensing someone is
>watching you without seeing them etc. etc.) but neither should
>we attribute phenomena produced by it as being the work of some
>bullshit mumbo jumbo astral force which transcends you to some
>alternative astral plane crap.
>It's a dream. You have control. The very fact that you do have
>control should tell you that is a product of your own brain.
>Stay lucid,

Hi Gareth,
My experiences with lucid dreams have had much in common with some of
the points you raise, (total recall as is the dream were a waking
experience). My dreams (non lucid) also have many points in common
with you ( very real , technicolour, most senses and some control).
However I have to disagree with your OBE theories.
I think your argument is really sound , and my MIND tends to agree
with your logic, I could go along with you except for the following:-
I had a obe once after being hit by a car and I feel it is unlike any
lucid dream I have ever had. You havent (yet) addressed the things one
sees whilst OBE (such as hospital equipment connected to you while
unconscious etc), I find it difficult to come up with a purely "lucid"
explanation for this.
Now I can't prove anything, this is all just mho but I think you
should keep an open mind on the subject, cause unless one has a
complete blueprint to the human being on hand,......we cant really be
sure what is and what is not ?
You also seem quite emotive about it ? (astral crap etc), I wonder
why. Do you believe that the mind is the soul participant in our lives
(pun intended :-) ?

Just my humble thoughts on the matter
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Bop Tista

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Sep 25, 2023, 3:16:43 PM9/25/23
On Sun, 8 Jan 2023 18:38:57 -0800 (PST), Bop Tista <> wrote:

>On Saturday, March 23, 1996 at 9:00:00 AM UTC+1, Terry Porter wrote:
>> Gareth Nutt <> wrote:
>> >I have been having lucid dreams now for about ten years. I
>> >didn't really understand them until I read an article in the now
>> >defunct 'Omni' magazine. I started to use the techniques in the
>> >article and found I could have lucid dreams at will.
>> >The best technique I know is this one:
>> >Everyone knows that dreams always contain a small element of
>> >what has happened to you during the day. The way I achieve lucid
>> >dreams is to use a standard 'reality check' method, but always
>> >the same one. Throughout the day, I will look down at my watch
>> >and try and make the hands go backwards. When I can't do it, I
>> >say to myself (and it is important to repeat this out loud,
>> >however quietly) " I know now that I am not dreaming, the next
>> >time I look at my watch, if the hands go backwards, I will know
>> >that I am dreaming and I will wake up in my dream."
>> >Nine time out of ten, you will get to a point in your dream (all


THANK YOU for a VERY INTERESTING rendition of your
Lucid dreams experience.

It has been some time since I had the last one, but it was a TERRIFIC
experience. It just happened by chance.

I will follow the trigger training procedure you described.

Regards, John


Sep 30, 2023, 1:52:25 PM9/30/23
### - this is an even better/more modern technique:

you'll be lucid dreaming in no time :)
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