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War And Peace

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Dec 11, 2023, 12:15:12 PM12/11/23
This is just outrageous! It looks like we have at least two, maybe
three, Hamas sympathizers in the group. It looks like nobody
wants to make any comments about the Islamic terrorists
murdering all those people at the kibbutz and the music festival
who were shot and killed or kidnapped and used as human shields.

So, here's my comment:

All the terrorists and their enablers should be arrested and put on
public trial at The Hague; if found guilty and convicted of crimes
against humanity they should be sent to prison for the rest of their
life. Those found guilty of torture should receive the death penalty.

There is absolutely, unequivocally, and simply zero excuse good
enough to justify any of the following crimes:

Dragging women from their homes, stripping them naked in the
street, and gang raping them.
Stringing babies together to burn them alive.
Roasting babies alive in ovens.
Beheading babies.
Parading mangled corpses around like some kind of disgusting
Filming it all to share with the world like its something worthy
of bragging about.

"To equivocate or deny the atrocities that were perpetrated on
girls and women in Israel on Oct. 7 politicizes their pain and
emboldens their perpetrators.”

The Hill:

Democratic divisions deepen over Hamas sexual violence response
gozan's profile photo

Venus as a Boy

Dec 15, 2023, 3:34:32 AM12/15/23
Am 11.12.2023 um 18:15 schrieb marfa9:
> This is just outrageous! It looks like we have at least two, maybe

> Democratic divisions deepen over Hamas sexual violence response
> gozan's profile photo

I'm neither a hamas sympathisizer nor an idf, if you would read my posts
and not just the heading or the url you would know but in the israeli
palestinian conflict the israelis never had mercy on the palstinians
settling in their land and then claiming it as israeli and attacking the
palestinians who defended their country!

My Book:

My Homepage:


Dec 15, 2023, 8:51:10 AM12/15/23
On Friday, December 15, 2023 at 2:34:32 AM UTC-6, Venus as a Boy wrote:
> I'm neither a hamas sympathisizer nor an idf, if you would read my posts
> and not just the heading or the url you would know but in the israeli
> palestinian conflict the israelis never had mercy on the palstinians
> settling in their land and then claiming it as israeli and attacking the
> palestinians who defended their country!
There is no "Palestinian" State and there were no "Palestinians" living
there. The people living in the West Bank were Jordanians and the
people living in the Gaza strip were Egyptians.

He Who Sees All

Dec 15, 2023, 10:24:06 PM12/15/23
Racist bullshit.

The only thing missing on the Israeli flag in the present day is the
swastika...killing chldren, now killing their own hostages?

The entire world is beginning to despise them. Netanyahu has his own
agenda & is leading Israel into the abyss.

chris rodgers

Dec 16, 2023, 10:32:51 AM12/16/23
the only worthwhile question to ask is
"how does it feel" ?
feels good to be a complete unknown don't it?

napolean in rags and he wasn't where it was at huh?
son of a bitch watch those parkin' meters


Dec 16, 2023, 5:11:53 PM12/16/23
On Friday, December 15, 2023 at 9:24:06 PM UTC-6, He Who Sees All wrote:
> Racist bullshit.
> The only thing missing on the Israeli flag in the present day is the
> swastika...killing chldren, now killing their own hostages?
The recent Hamas attack on Israel was a trick to get Israel to move
into Gaza. It was a conspiracy between Hezbollah and Iran.

The plan is to try and deplete Israel and develop sympathy world-wide -
to exhaust Israel's economy and will to fight. Same tactic used by
the Russian attack on Ukraine - to try and drain the West's resolve.

And, it seems to be working - young people today have no desire to fight
wars except culture wars on social media, even if it is to save themselves.
There are just a few MEN and Women willing to fight anymore.

It's the West against the East and Middle East - they want to take over
and put us under total control of the government or sharia law.

It's not like my Dad, who was a career military and willing to fight for our
freedom - back then Americans would fight to the death to save America.


Dec 16, 2023, 5:17:22 PM12/16/23
On Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 9:32:51 AM UTC-6, chris rodgers wrote:
> son of a bitch watch those parkin' meters
"They took the pro-Hamas cause and they slipped it right into
the BLM costume,” contended Gutfeld. “Never mind the
radicalism, the violence, the sexual atrocity; they took the
costume of the oppressed and they switched it. Now the
Jews are the oppressor.”

“They should worry about Jews finally seeing the handwriting
on the wall. You are the new oppressor. You are the new cops.
You are the new Derek Chauvin. And Hamas is the new George
Floyd, you know?” he continued."

American Wire:

Gutfeld breaks down why the left isn’t supporting Israel

He Who Sees All

Dec 17, 2023, 6:07:05 AM12/17/23
On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 14:11:51 -0800 (PST), marfa9
<> wrote:

>On Friday, December 15, 2023 at 9:24:06 PM UTC-6, He Who Sees All wrote:
>> Racist bullshit.
>> The only thing missing on the Israeli flag in the present day is the
>> swastika...killing chldren, now killing their own hostages?
>The recent Hamas attack on Israel was a trick to get Israel to move
>into Gaza. It was a conspiracy between Hezbollah and Iran.

But was it a trick to provoke Israel to kill almost 20K civilians,
mainly women & children? Snipers firing into mosques, killing
ambulance drivers, killing journalists, now killing their own
hostages, who were shirtless, waving a white flag and clearly

Israel had sympathy at one point. No longer.

>The plan is to try and deplete Israel and develop sympathy world-wide -
>to exhaust Israel's economy and will to fight. Same tactic used by
>the Russian attack on Ukraine - to try and drain the West's resolve.

Israel has around 400 nuclear weapons. How the hell did that happen
in a world where Iran would be bombed in a minute if it were to
approach uranium purity sufficient to make even one nuclear weapon?
Remember the Jew Pollard?

That's what Israel thinks of its patsy, America...

HAMAS is the equivalent of Mossad, a hunter killer organisation which
will kill, kill, kill to further its nation's aims. Not as well armed
but definitely as well indoctrinated.

And this has nothing at all to do with Ukraine.

>And, it seems to be working - young people today have no desire to fight
>wars except culture wars on social media, even if it is to save themselves.
>There are just a few MEN and Women willing to fight anymore.

Disagree. If the US is invaded the citizens will turn out just as
they turned out in the Revolution to fight a common bastard enemy (the
Brits). They just haven't been put to the test yet.

>It's the West against the East and Middle East - they want to take over
>and put us under total control of the government or sharia law.
>It's not like my Dad, who was a career military and willing to fight for our
>freedom - back then Americans would fight to the death to save America.

Unfortunately, it's everyone against everyone. Same as always.



Dec 17, 2023, 1:30:42 PM12/17/23
### -

"When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep...

Lights will guide you home"


You’ll love learning to lucid dream The WILD Way.
It’s very easy to do and it will change your life forever!

This literally IS the stuff that ‘Dreams Are Made Of’

Venus as a Boy

Dec 18, 2023, 11:48:54 AM12/18/23
Just because the land belonged to the egypt and jordan doesn't make them
palestinians you bumfuck do you think they are all crazy in calling
themselves palestinians but being something else how yu say, it's the
same shit with the kurds that was all arbitrary linedrawing on the maps
by the imperialists!


Dec 18, 2023, 6:33:57 PM12/18/23

> > On Friday, December 15, 2023 at 2:34:32 AM UTC-6, Venus as a Boy wrote:
> you bumfuck do you think they are all crazy in calling
> themselves palestinians but being something else
There is no "Palestinian" state, there never was and never will be.
The Jews who live in Palestine are the "Palestinians". Read some


Dec 19, 2023, 7:09:59 AM12/19/23
### - history? ok...

in which a 'Palastinian state' is mentioned several times:

Palestine[i] is a geographical region in West Asia. Situated in the
Southern Levant, it is usually considered to include Israel and the State
of Palestine, though some definitions also include parts of northwestern
Jordan. Other historical names for the region include Canaan, the Promised
Land, the Land of Israel, or the Holy Land.

The first written records referring to Palestine emerged in the
12th-century BCE Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt, which used the term Peleset
for a neighboring people or land. In the 8th century BCE, the Assyrians
referred to a region as Palashtu or Pilistu. In the Hellenistic period,
these names were carried over into Greek, appearing in the Histories of
Herodotus as Palaistine. The Roman Empire conquered the region and in 6 CE
established the province known as Judaea, then in 132 CE in the period of
the Bar Kokhba revolt the province was expanded and renamed Syria
Palaestina.[1] In 390, during the Byzantine period, the region was split
into the provinces of Palaestina Prima, Palaestina Secunda, and Palaestina
Tertia. Following the Muslim conquest of the Levant in the 630s, the
military district of Jund Filastin was established. While Palestine's
boundaries have changed throughout history, it has generally comprised the
southern portion of regions such as Syria or the Levant. It also
conceptually overlaps with several terms of Judeo-Christian tradition,
including Canaan, the Promised Land, the Land of Israel, and the Holy Land.

As the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, the region has a tumultuous
history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics. In
the Bronze Age, it was inhabited by the Canaanites; the Iron Age saw the
emergence of Israel and Judah, two related kingdoms inhabited by the
Israelites. It has since come under the sway of various empires, including
the Neo-Assyrian Empire, the Neo-Babylonian Empire, and the Achaemenid
Empire. Revolts by the region's Jews against Hellenistic rule brought a
brief period of regional independence under the Hasmonean dynasty, which
ended with its gradual incorporation into the Roman Empire (later the
Byzantine Empire).

In the 7th century, Palestine was conquered by the Rashidun Caliphate,
ending Byzantine rule in the region; Rashidun rule was succeeded by the
Umayyad Caliphate, the Abbasid Caliphate, and the Fatimid Caliphate.
Following the collapse of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which had been
established through the Crusades, the population of Palestine became
predominantly Muslim. In the 13th century, it became part of the Mamluk
Sultanate, and after 1516, part of the Ottoman Empire. During World War I,
it was captured by the United Kingdom as part of the Sinai and Palestine
campaign. Between 1919 and 1922, the League of Nations created the Mandate
for Palestine, which directed the region to be under British
administration as Mandatory Palestine. Tensions between Jews and Arabs
escalated into the 1947–1949 Palestine war, which ended with the remaining
territory of the former British Mandate post the creation of Transjordan
in 1946 divided between Israel vis-à-vis Jordan (in the West Bank) and
Egypt (in the Gaza Strip); later developments in the Arab–Israeli conflict
culminated in Israel's occupation of both territories, which has been
among the core issues of the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict.[2][3][4]

(lots more details, and then...)

The British began their Sinai and Palestine Campaign in 1915.[103] The war
reached southern Palestine in 1917, progressing to Gaza and around
Jerusalem by the end of the year.[103] The British secured Jerusalem in
December 1917.[104] They moved into the Jordan valley in 1918 and a
campaign by the Entente into northern Palestine led to victory at Megiddo
in September.[104]

The British were formally awarded the mandate to govern the region in
1922.[105] The Arab Palestinians rioted in 1920, 1921, 1929, and revolted
in 1936.[106] In 1947, following World War II and The Holocaust, the
British Government announced its desire to terminate the Mandate, and the
United Nations General Assembly adopted in November 1947 a Resolution
181(II) recommending partition into an Arab state, a Jewish state and the
Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem.[107] A civil war
began immediately after the Resolution's adoption. The State of Israel was
declared in May 1948.[108]

Further information: History of Israel and History of the State of

In the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, Israel captured and incorporated a further
26% of the Mandate territory, Jordan captured the regions of Judea and
Samaria,[109][xix][110] renaming it the "West Bank", while the Gaza Strip
was captured by Egypt.[111][112] Following the 1948 Palestinian expulsion
and flight, also known as al-Nakba, the 700,000 Palestinians who fled or
were driven from their homes were not allowed to return following the
Lausanne Conference of 1949.[113]

In the course of the Six-Day War in June 1967, Israel captured the rest of
Mandate Palestine from Jordan and Egypt, and began a policy of
establishing Jewish settlements in those territories. From 1987 to 1993,
the First Palestinian Intifada against Israel took place, which included
the Declaration of the State of Palestine in 1988 and ended with the 1993
Oslo Peace Accords and the creation of the Palestinian National Authority.

In 2000, the Second Intifada (also called al-Aqsa Intifada) began, and
Israel built a separation barrier. In the 2005 Israeli disengagement from
Gaza, Israel withdrew all settlers and military presence from the Gaza
Strip, but maintained military control of numerous aspects of the
territory including its borders, air space and coast. Israel's ongoing
military occupation of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem
continues to be the world's longest military occupation in modern

In 2008 Palestinian hikaye was inscribed to UNESCO's list of intangible
cultural heritage; the first of four listings reflecting the significance
of Palestinian culture globally.[124][125]

In November 2012, the status of Palestinian delegation in the United
Nations was upgraded to non-member observer state as the State of


so there is indeed a state of palistine...


Dec 19, 2023, 6:18:10 PM12/19/23
On Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 6:09:59 AM UTC-6, slider wrote:
> so there is indeed a state of palistine...
Apparently the Arabs rejected the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan
which was accepted by the Jews. During the Six-Day War in June
1967, Israel captured the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from
Egypt, the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the
Golan Heights from Syria. It's all State of Israel land now.

This the realty.


Dec 19, 2023, 9:06:42 PM12/19/23
### - well if it isn't the reality now, it soon will be as that's the way
it's going, regardless...

legal or not is another matter
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