Google Groups no longer supports new Usenet posts or subscriptions. Historical content remains viewable.

usenet is on it's way out?

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Dec 17, 2023, 7:16:51 PM12/17/23
this notice from google:

Effective February 15, 2024, Google Groups will no longer support new
Usenet content. Posting and subscribing will be disallowed, and new
content from Usenet peers will not appear. Viewing and searching of
historical data will still be supported as it is done today.

more info:

### - first they acquired them & now they're gonna be denying access to

what comes after that is anyone's guess?

they're saying it's still gonna be accessible via 'other' clients etc, but
didn't google actually acquire dejaNews thus keeping it all going?

or maybe i gots that all wrong, i dunno...

chances are tho' it's all being gradually phased out as being

or maybe it'll be preserved like the dinosaurs or summat heh...

for google anyway it's the end of newsgroups, and the end of an era

(well at least it'll make old thang happy huh...)

He Who Sees All

Dec 21, 2023, 7:56:23 AM12/21/23
On Mon, 18 Dec 2023 00:16:38 -0000, slider <>
In this day and age, happiness is overstated.

Your clickbait is nonsense and you know it. i'M glad (not happy) that
all those morons using google groups to post either won't post in
future, will need to use a classy setup for text like eternal
september or will actually have to pay a premium outfit to post to
both text and binaries and DL from both.

They said usenet was finished in the late '90's. Said it again in
2002. And again in 2015. It's still here and thriving you just need
to know where to look :)


Dec 21, 2023, 12:49:44 PM12/21/23
### - smile, oh it's prolly still gonna be there somewhere in the
background, but google are entirely profit/loss based and apparently it's
becoming no longer viable to continue with...

eternal september being just about the only free one left for text-only
access with people having to fork-out monthly for anything more useful,
everyone feeling the pinch of lower/overly taxed incomes there's now
plenty other all-singing/dancing options for similar groups online:
reddit, instagram, facebook, telegram and all the rest of 'em, all pushing
usenet farther & farther into the background, and obscurity eventually
except for maybe an increasingly select few who "know where to look"

the earlier, rather optimistic/hopeful vision, of a free + totally
unrestricted internet slowly fading as anything 'free' gradually
disappears under the predictable lock & chargeable key

you personally appearing to be recently very happy indeed that this
particular group was dying, even though at one time, not that long ago,
you were asserting the very opposite and how you personally were gonna do
"whatever it takes" to keep it alive? (which was what i meant by its
demise maybe making 'you' happy)

or perhaps you were ultimately just saying all that for effect then huh,
click bait as you say

either way, the future doesn't actually look too bright for usenet going
forward, 'especially' if it eventually ends up in the hands of
secret/hidden societies; the very opposite then of what all those
freedom-loving anarchists at one time rather naively believed in?

"have been through the desert on a horse with no name
it felt good to be out from the rain..."

He Who Sees All

Dec 23, 2023, 11:01:38 PM12/23/23
On Thu, 21 Dec 2023 17:49:27 -0000, slider <>
Google has nothing to do with usenet. Usenet is a distributed network
promulgated throughout global spools/servers which are increasing even
binary retention day by day - the best backbone has binaries back to
2008, that's petabytes of binaries (ebooks, mags, pics, movies, you
name it) for the last 15 years. As hard drives increase in capacity
(soon to be up to 50tb) so too does retention of binairies.

Google bought the old text archive Deja News (text back to 1995) which
won't disappear. September and others, and the good paid backbones,
have all text back to 2003. The text groups I keep, such as the
present group, I retain all posts on my PC triple backups back to
2003. I have for instance very single post in this group back to 2003
on my PC. It will never be lost. I have precisely 140tb of storage
on my system comprising 11 internal drives plus 2 external detachable
drives. Am I saying too much? Probably. However, I just want to
demonstrate that you don't know the first thing about what you are
posting. People such as you should remain silent, as the old saying
goes, otherwise you risk proving to your audience what they thought
all along...

>eternal september being just about the only free one left for text-only
>access with people having to fork-out monthly for anything more useful,
>everyone feeling the pinch of lower/overly taxed incomes there's now
>plenty other all-singing/dancing options for similar groups online:
>reddit, instagram, facebook, telegram and all the rest of 'em, all pushing
>usenet farther & farther into the background, and obscurity eventually
>except for maybe an increasingly select few who "know where to look"

What do you want free for? Pay for a block or two, that's all you
need, say use Paypal to buy a couple of Black Friday deals, 2tb block
for around $12USD. That's not much fella. Not much at all. It will
do you until they lower you into the hole.

As for "social media", well that's for the morons who don't understand
the net at all. TG is not too bad, it's unmoderated, run by a couple
of expat Russians in Dubai, even steven between all proponents (for
instance, Russia -v- Ukraine) and totally uncensored. I used it for
the two years I had a pro-Ukraine Twitter account until I got fucking
bored as shit with the mud war and left my account to fester (probably
still got a few thousand die hard followers there, it was a popular
account, I lost count of the times I was suspended :).

Jewbook? Zuckerberg evidently boycotting pro-Palestine posts there
and got caught out. Like I said earlier, the only thing missing on
the Israeli flag, after killing >20k Palestinians, is the swastika.
You put your trust in Facebook? Or in Instagram (just as bad)? The
marching morons would be proud of you.

Reddit is not too bad. Parts are too heaviliy censored for me. I
have an account there. I rarerly use it.

None of these push Usenet into the background, it has always BEEN in
the background. It is possible on some accounts to post only in PGP
protected and use remailers/pseudonyms to post using also TOR (the
onion router) to strip headers such that even NSA couldn't parse the
contents. That appeals to some. For me, too much energy, but it is
only one of the ways that Usenet will exist forever.

>the earlier, rather optimistic/hopeful vision, of a free + totally
>unrestricted internet slowly fading as anything 'free' gradually
>disappears under the predictable lock & chargeable key

That's the present era not just usenet. Usenet access is damn cheap
believe me. Even free if you want to abstain from binaries. If you
know where and how to look, the very latest movies, series and books
are all available just as soon as they are collated. It's far safer
for those who live in oppressive regimes such as the USA and the UK
(but not Australia, here pirating is completely safe) - for instance,
you can use free search services such as to find
practically anything posted on Usenet over the last 10 years, or
NZBKing or other free services. I do it all the time.

You, on the other hand, were scared shitless to even pirate a simple
movie using uTorrent. Scaredy cat who clearly makes your way through
life as a cowering coward, scared of authority and the dreaded knock
on the door. Probably as timid as hell too if someone bumps into you
in the street, or throws some insult at you, soft hands, big talk on
the net. I showed you the way, using Opera and its inbuilt VPN, to
get around obstacles such as DNS blocking, you thanked me. But Usenet
was always available to you, except you would have had to pay a
pittance for a block or god forbid, a monthly sub.

In a nutshell, you are again misinformed, ill informed or just
ignorant, yet you post showing you ignorance to the world (or to the
one or two aging people who still look in here from time to time).
>you personally appearing to be recently very happy indeed that this
>particular group was dying, even though at one time, not that long ago,
>you were asserting the very opposite and how you personally were gonna do
>"whatever it takes" to keep it alive? (which was what i meant by its
>demise maybe making 'you' happy)

Brian, you never changed your mind? You been inflexible since birth?
I wasn't happy it had died, I was probing trying to elicit some sort
of response, which I got (from you). The other guy, the one in
California, may as well be dead. His posts from 15 years or so ago
were literate, some even eloquent - those days are long gone, he is
hard pressed to even post a simple one line of coherent words in a
semi-grammatical way now, the effects of age, probably poor nutrition,
lack of complexity in a stale life etc etc. Off to the nursing home
ye go, me hearty...

>or perhaps you were ultimately just saying all that for effect then huh,
>click bait as you say

I was, you're right. Read above.

>either way, the future doesn't actually look too bright for usenet going
>forward, 'especially' if it eventually ends up in the hands of
>secret/hidden societies; the very opposite then of what all those
>freedom-loving anarchists at one time rather naively believed in?

Look on reddit /usenet. It's evolving as we speak. It will never die.
New groups all the time. Old ones being re-inhabited. Completely
uncensored. Just the way I like it, wild west.... :)

>"have been through the desert on a horse with no name
>it felt good to be out from the rain..."

Yeah, yeah, yeah...


Dec 26, 2023, 2:28:54 PM12/26/23
On Sun, 24 Dec 2023 04:01:31 -0000, He Who Sees All
### - yawn, nada to discuss there, all of the above being common knowledge
apart from your hording/boasting of tb's of basically useless data that no
one in their right mind would even bother collecting?

i mean, i too used to dl music and films when napster first came out, just
for the novelty of it all, and then utorrent for many years also albeit
with less and less avid interest in doing so, until just the occasional
film/book was really all it was about anymore, the uk eventually banning
all access to torrent sites putting an end to it, at least for moi...

>> eternal september being just about the only free one left for text-only
>> access with people having to fork-out monthly for anything more useful,
>> everyone feeling the pinch of lower/overly taxed incomes there's now
>> plenty other all-singing/dancing options for similar groups online:
>> reddit, instagram, facebook, telegram and all the rest of 'em, all
>> pushing
>> usenet farther & farther into the background, and obscurity eventually
>> except for maybe an increasingly select few who "know where to look"
> What do you want free for?

### - because for me that was the original novelty of the whole thing to
begin with: free music, free films woo-hoo...

> Pay for a block or two, that's all you
> need, say use Paypal to buy a couple of Black Friday deals, 2tb block
> for around $12USD. That's not much fella. Not much at all. It will
> do you until they lower you into the hole.

### - would you pay a monthly sub of £10 for which you only ever used £1
per month of?

of course not... and neither will i

> As for "social media", well that's for the morons who don't understand
> the net at all. TG is not too bad, it's unmoderated, run by a couple
> of expat Russians in Dubai, even steven between all proponents (for
> instance, Russia -v- Ukraine) and totally uncensored. I used it for
> the two years I had a pro-Ukraine Twitter account until I got fucking
> bored as shit with the mud war and left my account to fester (probably
> still got a few thousand die hard followers there, it was a popular
> account, I lost count of the times I was suspended :).
> Jewbook? Zuckerberg evidently boycotting pro-Palestine posts there
> and got caught out. Like I said earlier, the only thing missing on
> the Israeli flag, after killing >20k Palestinians, is the swastika.
> You put your trust in Facebook? Or in Instagram (just as bad)? The
> marching morons would be proud of you.
> Reddit is not too bad. Parts are too heaviliy censored for me. I
> have an account there. I rarerly use it.
> None of these push Usenet into the background, it has always BEEN in
> the background. It is possible on some accounts to post only in PGP
> protected and use remailers/pseudonyms to post using also TOR (the
> onion router) to strip headers such that even NSA couldn't parse the
> contents. That appeals to some. For me, too much energy, but it is
> only one of the ways that Usenet will exist forever.

### - ah yes, all that secrecy-stuff hehe... like pgp for instance, which,
if am not mistaken, turned out to be 'invented' (perforce with a hidden
backdoor) by some government agency expressly interested in spying on
people who like to do shit in secret and then feel safe doing it openly
while hiding behind the likes of pgp? lol :D

there IS no privacy.

>> the earlier, rather optimistic/hopeful vision, of a free + totally
>> unrestricted internet slowly fading as anything 'free' gradually
>> disappears under the predictable lock & chargeable key
> That's the present era not just usenet.

### - but that's been exactly my point all along from 20+ years ago, that
that's precisely the way the world is going (being made/forced to go
actually) regardless of the overly optimistic overtures of a tiny
shrinking minority who indulged (and still do) in imagining there's still
something 'special' about the internet?

that they 'allowed' it to look that way merely for the purposes of
popularising it, and now that everyone's hooked to it in one way or
another for just about everything they do; the screws are being slowly
tightened and locked-down as everyone gets systematically milked by it,
and there's fuck all anyone can do about it!

that it was 'inevitable' things would eventually go that way and no other,
because THAT's the world we live in, even 20+ years ago!

> Usenet access is damn cheap
> believe me. Even free if you want to abstain from binaries. If you
> know where and how to look, the very latest movies, series and books
> are all available just as soon as they are collated. It's far safer
> for those who live in oppressive regimes such as the USA and the UK
> (but not Australia, here pirating is completely safe) - for instance,
> you can use free search services such as to find
> practically anything posted on Usenet over the last 10 years, or
> NZBKing or other free services. I do it all the time.

### - and you STILL haven't gotten bored with it all yet huh?

> You, on the other hand, were scared shitless to even pirate a simple
> movie using uTorrent. Scaredy cat who clearly makes your way through
> life as a cowering coward, scared of authority and the dreaded knock
> on the door. Probably as timid as hell too if someone bumps into you
> in the street, or throws some insult at you, soft hands, big talk on
> the net. I showed you the way, using Opera and its inbuilt VPN, to
> get around obstacles such as DNS blocking, you thanked me. But Usenet
> was always available to you, except you would have had to pay a
> pittance for a block or god forbid, a monthly sub.

### - nope haha, i merely noted/lamented the passing of general access to
torrent sites when the uk blocked them all, the very infrequent use i made
of it dl-ing the occasional movie not being worth the convoluted means
then required to continue with it, the opera browser extending that same
simple access was cool...

> In a nutshell, you are again misinformed, ill informed or just
> ignorant, yet you post showing you ignorance to the world (or to the
> one or two aging people who still look in here from time to time).
>> you personally appearing to be recently very happy indeed that this
>> particular group was dying, even though at one time, not that long ago,
>> you were asserting the very opposite and how you personally were gonna
>> do
>> "whatever it takes" to keep it alive? (which was what i meant by its
>> demise maybe making 'you' happy)
> Brian, you never changed your mind? You been inflexible since birth?
> I wasn't happy it had died, I was probing trying to elicit some sort
> of response, which I got (from you). The other guy, the one in
> California, may as well be dead. His posts from 15 years or so ago
> were literate, some even eloquent - those days are long gone, he is
> hard pressed to even post a simple one line of coherent words in a
> semi-grammatical way now, the effects of age, probably poor nutrition,
> lack of complexity in a stale life etc etc. Off to the nursing home
> ye go, me hearty...
>> or perhaps you were ultimately just saying all that for effect then huh,
>> click bait as you say
> I was, you're right. Read above.

### - i knew all that though and again indulged you, coz no one else here
could be bothered to even give you the time of day mate... lol am the only
'friend' you gots left here (which is kinda ironic considering how you
shat on me that time huh)

>> either way, the future doesn't actually look too bright for usenet going
>> forward, 'especially' if it eventually ends up in the hands of
>> secret/hidden societies; the very opposite then of what all those
>> freedom-loving anarchists at one time rather naively believed in?
> Look on reddit /usenet. It's evolving as we speak. It will never die.
> New groups all the time. Old ones being re-inhabited. Completely
> uncensored. Just the way I like it, wild west.... :)

### - it's not evolving, it's dying, just like everything else on this

this new generation doesn't even know what usenet is anymore! and have
even less interest in it!

that it's not going anywhere, don't you understand?

e.g., you started that pro-ukraine group only to then realise, 2 years
later, that it was a totally useless + time wasting enterprise that only
attracted like-minded flag-waving die-hard morons like yourself! failing
to realise that it was YOU and your behaviour they were following??

to your credit though, you eventually realised the utter futility of it
all and dropped it, and imho that was real learning!

unfortunately, you also failed to then learn your real lesson, else the
dropping of that totally mundane & boring activity would have been
immediately followed by the dropping of maybe a dozen or more 'equally'
futile pursuits exactly like it: such as the divisive, trump-like 'act'
you STILL persist in putting on here for instance??

that you're not yet 'bored' with THAT when it's EXACTLY the same shit!?

if you had, however, you would have in the process 'also' realised that
said 'real learning' only ever takes place when bs/empty-pursuits are
dropped and room is thus made that allows more of it to occur!

that there's TWO worlds out there see? a world of utter time wasting,
flag-waving bs that no one in their right mind would ever even bother with
(have called that wallyworld heh) and a completely 'different' world where
people NEVER do that or EVER get involved in such nonsense because they've
already identified all that crap and moved on...

look, i know where you're coming from and it's not gonna be easy for you,
but you've GOT to try or else 'remain' where you are in bs-world! plus you
even know now HOW to do it!

and you can't bring all your old bs with you either because the dropping
of bs is precisely what opens that door to more real learning!

so choose/make a choice!

>> "have been through the desert on a horse with no name
>> it felt good to be out from the rain..."
> Yeah, yeah, yeah...

### - yeah yeah yeah??

nah, methinks that was the beatles haha ;)

He Who Sees All

Dec 26, 2023, 9:39:46 PM12/26/23
On Tue, 26 Dec 2023 19:28:34 -0000, slider <>
Have you developed frontal lobe amnesia or even worse, some form of
age related dementia?

You were shit scared about being busted in that 2 bob country of yours
where GCHQ spies on y'all and you'll be placed in a black underground
prison for merely thinking of downloading pirated movies, cracked
games, pdfs ebooks mobi's etc etc. I then showed you the way because
what you in your ignorance call "banning all access to torrent sites
putting an end to it" was simply preventing a range of addresses from
being reached by the ISP supplied domain name servers.

I thought you understood because I suggested Opera browser with its
inbuilt VPN which allows you to bypass the regional DNS ban or just
use public DNS such as:

Provider Primary DNS Secondary DNS
Control D
OpenDNS Home
Alternate DNS
AdGuard DNS

I use Google by the way but I also use Opera (Chrome) and also use a
commercial VPN on top of all that. I haven't paid for a movie,
software including operating systems, AV etc, books, or anything
digital except my VPN, ISP and NSP since at least last century.

I really, really thought you understood. I could dig up your post
where you thanked me for the insight and then professed to use the
insight to DL some torrents.

Slider, you are, as usual, bloated with bullshit and self importance -
narcissistic much?

>>> eternal september being just about the only free one left for text-only
>>> access with people having to fork-out monthly for anything more useful,
>>> everyone feeling the pinch of lower/overly taxed incomes there's now
>>> plenty other all-singing/dancing options for similar groups online:
>>> reddit, instagram, facebook, telegram and all the rest of 'em, all
>>> pushing
>>> usenet farther & farther into the background, and obscurity eventually
>>> except for maybe an increasingly select few who "know where to look"
>> What do you want free for?
>### - because for me that was the original novelty of the whole thing to
>begin with: free music, free films woo-hoo...

No, you misunderstand. What do you want with free access (not free
content). Jesus wept, can't you keep focus even for one stinking
second? (metaphorically, of course)

Just pay, like you pay for your internet/broadband access. Pay for a
VPN (~$70USD for three years, cheap as dog balls) and buy a terabyte
block from someone (~$11USD on special, there are always specials)
which will last you until you whistle out your last breath...

Don't be a fucking cheapskate.

>> Pay for a block or two, that's all you
>> need, say use Paypal to buy a couple of Black Friday deals, 2tb block
>> for around $12USD. That's not much fella. Not much at all. It will
>> do you until they lower you into the hole.
>### - would you pay a monthly sub of £10 for which you only ever used £1
>per month of?
>of course not... and neither will i

Not thinking too well are you. Buy a block. Check Reddit (/usenet)
and go from there...
You are mistaken, you are correct. PGP has never been cracked. Nor
has AES256, which is still used by the US military and is considered
"military grade". I just use AES256. It is unbreakable, even with
the advent of QC, it would take more than trillions of times the age
of the universe to break AES256.

There *is* privacy. Takes a bit of study, a bit of nous, a bit of
ingenuity, but surely if I can achieve it, you can too? I mean, you
are a superior being and all with an IQ of 160+...

>>> the earlier, rather optimistic/hopeful vision, of a free + totally
>>> unrestricted internet slowly fading as anything 'free' gradually
>>> disappears under the predictable lock & chargeable key
>> That's the present era not just usenet.
>### - but that's been exactly my point all along from 20+ years ago, that
>that's precisely the way the world is going (being made/forced to go
>actually) regardless of the overly optimistic overtures of a tiny
>shrinking minority who indulged (and still do) in imagining there's still
>something 'special' about the internet?
>that they 'allowed' it to look that way merely for the purposes of
>popularising it, and now that everyone's hooked to it in one way or
>another for just about everything they do; the screws are being slowly
>tightened and locked-down as everyone gets systematically milked by it,
>and there's fuck all anyone can do about it!
>that it was 'inevitable' things would eventually go that way and no other,
>because THAT's the world we live in, even 20+ years ago!

What utter and complete balderdash. Tripe, of the first water. Let
me lapse into the third person vernacular so popular amongst your
jaded, erstwhile ruling class of dumkopfs...

"People who have no idea of that of which they speak, should endeavour
to firmly keep their mouths shut, their lips pressed thinly together"
>> Usenet access is damn cheap
>> believe me. Even free if you want to abstain from binaries. If you
>> know where and how to look, the very latest movies, series and books
>> are all available just as soon as they are collated. It's far safer
>> for those who live in oppressive regimes such as the USA and the UK
>> (but not Australia, here pirating is completely safe) - for instance,
>> you can use free search services such as to find
>> practically anything posted on Usenet over the last 10 years, or
>> NZBKing or other free services. I do it all the time.
>### - and you STILL haven't gotten bored with it all yet huh?

Don't be a child. There's a world out there. Do something about it
before you die. You may not realise it, but you're a hell of a lot
closer to your death than you are to your birth. Stop wasting time,
it's running out.

>> You, on the other hand, were scared shitless to even pirate a simple
>> movie using uTorrent. Scaredy cat who clearly makes your way through
>> life as a cowering coward, scared of authority and the dreaded knock
>> on the door. Probably as timid as hell too if someone bumps into you
>> in the street, or throws some insult at you, soft hands, big talk on
>> the net. I showed you the way, using Opera and its inbuilt VPN, to
>> get around obstacles such as DNS blocking, you thanked me. But Usenet
>> was always available to you, except you would have had to pay a
>> pittance for a block or god forbid, a monthly sub.
>### - nope haha, i merely noted/lamented the passing of general access to
>torrent sites when the uk blocked them all, the very infrequent use i made
>of it dl-ing the occasional movie not being worth the convoluted means
>then required to continue with it, the opera browser extending that same
>simple access was cool...

Now you're contradicting what you typed above. You said "the uk
eventually banning all access to torrent sites putting an end to it,
at least for moi..."

Now you're saying "the opera browser extending that same simple access
was cool..."

So which is it? Has it put an end to it for you, or has Opera opened
your eyes to dodging the DNS bans in your country and therefore not
put an end to it for you? You can't have it both ways.
No one else could be bothered? There *IS* no one else. That guy in
the US, Chris, has lost the power of speech and is in his eighth
decade, which means the boneyard beckons. He's not here. The others
who waft in from other realms/froups sometimes crossposting aren't
really here. Hell, *I'm* not really here, I just look in once every
week or even less sometimes. You're not really here, too busy
collating your fortune from that missive you self-published. It's
really just a ghost group, but you do provide me with some form of low
level entertainment, you always have, your conceit and narcissism is
almost textbook in its lurid, even florid, display here.

>>> either way, the future doesn't actually look too bright for usenet going
>>> forward, 'especially' if it eventually ends up in the hands of
>>> secret/hidden societies; the very opposite then of what all those
>>> freedom-loving anarchists at one time rather naively believed in?
>> Look on reddit /usenet. It's evolving as we speak. It will never die.
>> New groups all the time. Old ones being re-inhabited. Completely
>> uncensored. Just the way I like it, wild west.... :)
>### - it's not evolving, it's dying, just like everything else on this

Lol, try "like everything else in the universe". Have a gander at
this, fella, if your brain can take the rude notions explored therein:

>this new generation doesn't even know what usenet is anymore! and have
>even less interest in it!
>that it's not going anywhere, don't you understand?
>e.g., you started that pro-ukraine group only to then realise, 2 years
>later, that it was a totally useless + time wasting enterprise that only
>attracted like-minded flag-waving die-hard morons like yourself! failing
>to realise that it was YOU and your behaviour they were following??

I didn't start a pro-Ukraine group? What the hell are you talking
about? I've never created a single group in Usenet, although it can
be done easily with a paid sub.

I created a Twitter account when the war started, just for a bit of
fun. It grew into a monster, consuming too much, far too much, of my
time. My eloquence and research skills were overly appreciated and I
found myself with too many followers and less of my time for myself
than desirable. The war didn't end and it won't anytime soon. I
walked away from the account although it's still more than like
breathing and I still probably have at least several thousand die hard
followers who are either too lazy to strike me or wait for more
brillian eloquence, loquacity and obscure research nuggets (mainly
from Telegram and Reddit).

You are definitely suffering from some sort of age related demential.
I made it quite clear that I had started a Twitter account. Not a
usenet group.

You live alone. Do you eat properly? Two thirds vegetable & whole
grain:one third protein based animal products. Do you exercise
regularly? Do you still read & otherwise exercise your grey matter?
Do you engage in any real, person to person, social intercourse? Can
you engage (iin an engaging manner) with real people on the street, in
restaurants, etc etc?

You need all that to retain what faculties you have, or in your case,
had. You are definitely declining. I say this as a friend :)

>to your credit though, you eventually realised the utter futility of it
>all and dropped it, and imho that was real learning!
>unfortunately, you also failed to then learn your real lesson, else the
>dropping of that totally mundane & boring activity would have been
>immediately followed by the dropping of maybe a dozen or more 'equally'
>futile pursuits exactly like it: such as the divisive, trump-like 'act'
>you STILL persist in putting on here for instance??

The problem with simplistic thinking is that people who think in that
manner always have several clear simple categories into which they
slot people. Alas, life, people, things, all of creation, is not that
simple and that style of "thinking" will lead you to ultimate

For instance: Trump is a conservative, that's all. He appeals to
those who have had a gutful of foreign wars, foreign alliances (such
as with the filthy scum in Israel who are murdering women and children
by the tens of thousands in Gaza), overly bureaucratic governing,
massive fraud on collossal scales perpetrated by the (insert racial
typology here) masters who use places of worship to do dollar deals
(you know who I'm talking about, think shekels and money lenders
thrown out of those places of worship) and so on.

Some of that appeals to me, and due to age, I'm probably now what you
would call a conservative as well. I don't like TV shows with token
lesbian and homosexual acts (men kissing for fucks sake) on prime time
where kids are being influenced, I don't like the lack of situational
awareness of younger people who wander around in a daze with ipods in
their ears, there is a whole boarload of stuff I don't like, but
that's because I'm old and most, if not all, old people don't like the
increasingly rapid pace of change in our society.

However, I am also a libertarian. I have the long and deep view of
the universe, spatially and temporally. I collect fossils, I have
pieces of a meteorite, I have multitudinous collections from books to
militaria, torches to blowtorches, you name it, I probably collect it.
I am also a liberal, I smoke dope and have done so since I was
mid-teens. We still buy a deal every month or two. If I could, but I
can't because I'm too old, I would still have the occasional X for a
blast, but I'm simply too old and my body, not to mention my mind,
probably would not be able to take it any more.

Most people you just can't simply slot into some category which is
what you time and time again seem to want to do. Surely, with your
superior intellect, you can see the logical fallacy in attempting to
do so?


>that you're not yet 'bored' with THAT when it's EXACTLY the same shit!?
>if you had, however, you would have in the process 'also' realised that
>said 'real learning' only ever takes place when bs/empty-pursuits are
>dropped and room is thus made that allows more of it to occur!
>that there's TWO worlds out there see? a world of utter time wasting,
>flag-waving bs that no one in their right mind would ever even bother with
>(have called that wallyworld heh) and a completely 'different' world where
>people NEVER do that or EVER get involved in such nonsense because they've
>already identified all that crap and moved on...

You simpleton.

>look, i know where you're coming from and it's not gonna be easy for you,
>but you've GOT to try or else 'remain' where you are in bs-world! plus you
>even know now HOW to do it!

Ha, trying to be condescending just doesn't wash Brian when you're on
the backfoot and you know it.
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